Editor's Log
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Mar 29th, 2021
Super stoked for the release of Book Four: Duet.
I'm not bored either, I'm having a blast chatting away in the IT Discord.
May 2nd, 2021
Going to start treating my edit count number like it's my passenger number.
It's at 314 right now and my number will only keep getting higher!
December 24th, 2021
Became an admin for the wiki a few days ago.
I'm slowly learning how my new powers work. >:D
August 18th, 2022
Breaking News!
HBO Max and Discovery denies people access to their favourite therapy session. The well known Infinite Caboose is coming to a stop tomorrow. The train will no longer go anywhere.
August 19th, 2022
I am going to have the worst headache ever known to man. They didn't just remove the series off HBO Max.
August 24th…
Infinity Train Timeline
- 1870
- The last time Samantha the cat has taken a vacation. [Based on math 2020 - 150 years]
Ref: "The first vacation I've taken in 150 years and I have to deal with tourists." - The Cat (B3E4; "Le Chat Chalet Car")
- March 25, 1963
- Alrick Timmens writes a really good essay on the themes of Alice and the Wonderland for is elementary school English class
Ref: Amelia's tape. (B1E9; "The Past Car")
- 1966
- Ryan and Min-Gi are born on the same day.
Ref: Confirmed on the book 4 Reddit AMA by Owen.
- 1972
- Ryan and Min play the toque song for their live performance. (B4E6; "The Party Car")
Ref: Min states they made it up when they we're six years old.
- 1976
- Amelia and Alrick graduate from University (B1E9; "The Past Car")
Ref: The dean can be heard congratulating the clas…
an introduction! :) *BOOK 3 SPOILERS*
this was originally going to go on my message wall but it didn’t send for some reason, so um here’s this?
“hello, i’m mel and i just joined this wiki! i watched book one of it when it first came out and i absolutely LOVED it. i was thrilled when i saw there was a second season (or second book, rather) in the works and also really enjoyed it. like lake is amazing?? i want more lake?? LAKE?? okay anyway i just discovered book three and binged it today and just- anybody else wanna just scream about how adorable hazel is? and how iconic grace is? actually i have mixed feelings about grace now, since... the episode. yeah, just gonna call it that. the amelia episode. the “hazel’s actually a failed recreation of my dead husband” episode. the episo…
Book 3 plotlines/protagonist theory
So, I've been wracking my brain for weeks trying to figure out the deal with that man who Lake stole the pod from. I'm in the corner that doesn't see him as a potential protagonist, but i couldn't see any real roles for him besides a companion to the protagonist (and even then, I couldn't figure out how he'd fit in to the plot line as a whole). And then, while browsing YouTube, it hit me.
What does the man not have? A number.
Which characters can safely be assumed to show up again in book 3? The Apex.
And what's the Apex's stance on people with no numbers?
/drops mic/
If Grace, Simon, or a raiding party got wind of a passenger with no number, you can bet your Atticus they'd be shocked and confused. And given their misguided belief that One-One…
Infinity Train Book 3 idea (REALLY GOOD)
This is my official plot idea for "Book 4 - Technical Difficulties".
In Book 4, the inventor of the Infinity Train finds himself revisiting his past when he is sent onto the train. He is assisted by a young mechanic named Ryan, a shapeshifter null named Maximus, and a robot named ROB-0T. Together, they must put their minds together and fight against the train as it decends into chaos all at the hands of the conductor being hacked. They must face train cars and other challenges to make it to the front of the train, confront the hacker, and destroy The Steward.
- Train Inventor, Jack
- Ryan
- ROB-0T
- Maximus
- The Steward
- One-One
- Amelia Hughes
- Various train car passengers and other characters on/out of the train
- "The Mechanics Car" - The inventor of …
A question
anyone know how to add something to the locations navigation bar at the top of the page?
Wikia Adoption
Hello there, fellow Infinity Train enthusiasts! As you may know, this wiki has been with no admin for quite some time, so I have decided to go through the whole adoption process to do so. Please comment down below stating whether you agree or disagree with the idea. Thank you everyone in advance, and happy editing!
Remember infinity trains pilot will be aired tomorrow (depending on when you see this) on 6AM if you want to support the show then please watch the pilot when it comes on! Ok bye let's hope it gets greenlighted
Hello! I have been considering adopting this wiki. I plan to add additional admins based on who is active.
Please feel free to discuss this with me on my message wall!
1-1 and his place on the train
Glad-1: what does that number mean miss Tulip Tulip: I've been trapped on this train for a week, you've been here your whole life I should be asking you. Sad-1: In that case it will remain a endless search devoid of all meaning. Hello, it's Lexam again, I've just thrown out all my previous work on 1-1 because I think I may have figured out who he is. Now it is important to note as per the quote there would be no way for me to make any theories without a meaning behind “that number” so as a disclaimer for the rest of this theory, I am crafting this theory under the assumption that my Route Number theory is in fact accurate. As such it is on shaky ground, but without that assumption I can't make anything comprehensive. If you haven't read th…
Was Infinity Train Inspired By Adventure Time Dungeon Train
Every adventure time fan will remember dungeon train. The episode where Finn and jake travel through a train that never stops, fighting monsters. But when looking back at the episode, I realized it was a lot like infinity train. Knowing that the creator has worked with other Cartoon Network show, maybe he was influenced by AT to create his minisode.Below I will put some photo to help show you.
Please comment your thoughts on this. do you think he was inspired by AT?
Infinity Train: The Light Cartoon Network Needs
Infinity Train is: the light Cartoon Network needs.Hi! It's TulipUniverseX53, I believe this because it is a unique, one of a kind show with so much potential. Some of Cartoon Networks only good shows are coming to an end sadly.This showing beyond our time. We need a new creative, mysterious, brilliant show like this to keep Cartoon Network from falling into its Dark Age. Sign petitions, write online, post to social media, whatever you need to prove to Cartoon Network we have a voice.
-Just one last thing, if you don't agree with me please don't start a fight in the comments, we all have our own freedom of speech.
What's the deal with the hand number?
Hi I'm Lexam, and even though I'm not super good at this, I want to try my hand at theorizeing. I figure most theories are wrong so my awfulness won't stand out too much.
So what's the deal with the hand number? It must have some meaning after all numbers are quantatative they represent things. From what I've seen online the current theories are A) it's a ranking system, B) It's the amount of people left alive on the train, C) Seat number, D) Infractions.
Addressing these things in order
A) There hasn't been any cause for Tulip to jump four places. The idea would be that her interaction with the Steward caused the shift. However I would question how this ranking proceedure works. She didn't defeat the Stewart, it ran away on it's own after …
PNG Voting
A few PNGs ahve been made for the Wiki! Here you can vote for which you like to be used in the infoboxes!
Version 1 > < Version 2
I think we should give people time the vote, so how long should we keep it up? A week?
Infinity Train Theory
The Infiniy Train may be a representation of Tulip´s mind, thats why she cant escape.
Think of it, One-One may represent two of her main emotions. She is depressed/sad becuase she cant leave the train, or bad thoughts in her mind, if we think of the train as her mind, and she is sometimes happy becuase she gets news about the train or the number.
The dogs, and Atticus, may represent, that maybe, Tulip has a love for animals. Specially dogs.
The spider may represent that she first thought of spiders as monsters, but then she learnt more about them and didnt care.
The Steward may be one of her inner demons.