Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki


Promo ios login

The Habitica app login screen

Habitica's official iOS app can be obtained for free from the App Store.

It contains all the major features of the Habitica website (managing tasks, chatting in the Tavern and Guilds, accessing your Party and Inventory, etc.). It is under active development.


Install the app. Log in using the same details you use at the Habitica website. Report bugs at Menu > About > Report a Bug.


IOS Header

The iOS app header

The Habitica for iOS header is at the top of the screen in several of the app screens. If it is missing, swipe down to scroll up. The header contains the title of the current screen, the player's avatar, health bar, experience bar, mana bar (for level 10 and up), display name and Username, current level, class, buff status (if active), Mystic Hourglasses, gems, and gold. An alternate name, level, and class colors signify the Contributor Tier of the player.

Task Tabs[]

Mobile icon bar

The Add Habit screen on the iOS app

You can create, check off, and edit Habits, Dailies, and To Do's via the app. You can navigate between each type of task by tapping on their respective icons at the bottom of the screen. This takes you to the different pages for each type of task. By default the "Habits" page is automatically opened when the app is started, but this can be changed in the Menu tab.

Creating and Managing Tasks[]

IOS Adding a Habit

The Add Habit screen on the iOS app

To create a new Habit, Daily, To Do, or Reward from the mobile app, go to the desired type of task by tapping on its respective icon on the bottom of the screen, then tap the plus (+) icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This will cause an additional page to pop up. Depending on the type of task to be created, the page has different fields and options available. The task name, description, difficulty, and tags fields/options are available for all tasks. Additionally:

Daily Reminder

Setting a Reminder on a Daily.

  • For Habits, you can set whether the habit has positive or negative actions or both, and the frequency at which the streak counter resets.
  • For Dailies, you can add a checklist and set the frequency and Repeat Options of the Daily. You also can set Reminders, which alert you on the days when the Daily is active, and specify at what time these appear.
  • For To Do's, you can add a checklist and due date. You can also set Reminders for To Do's.

When the desired information is inserted, press Create in the upper right corner to create the task.

When you tap a Habit, Daily, To Do, or Reward, you are brought to an edit page where you can view the details for or edit that item. You can also delete the task by selecting the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

You can reorder tasks by pressing and holding on a task, then dragging it to the new location.

Filtering Tasks[]

IOS Filtering

A sample Filter screen on the Habits tab

Using the filter option allow players to only view Habits, Dailies, and To Do's that include a certain tag (or tags) as well as specific attributes of a task, whether it is due, etc. This function can be helpful for players who are sifting through a significant number of tasks or players that wish to focus only on a certain type of task at a time.

To Filter tasks on any of the task screens, click the Filter button in the top left corner to display all current tags. Tags are automatically generated for challenges that the player has participated in. Additionally, players can create custom tags by selecting the + sign in the top right corner.

Adding a check mark next to a tag will apply that filter across all types of tasks (Habits, Dailies, and To Do's) until unchecked. Checking multiple tags at once will make the filter more specific, rather than including tasks from each different type of tag. All tags can be cleared at once using the "Clear" button, located at the bottom right of the screen. Tags can also be deleted by using the Edit button at the bottom left of the screen, selecting the red - button next to tag, and choosing the "Delete" button.

In addition to filtering tasks by tags, players are also able to filter tasks by other mechanisms that are unique to each type of task. Using these filters will only apply to that particular type of task, rather than apply across all types of tasks:

  • Habits: Players can filter Habits by their Task Values. Selecting the "Weak" filter will only display habits with a Yellow value or worse. Selecting the "Strong" filter will only display habits with a Green value or better.
  • Dailies: Players can filter Dailies by whether or not they are currently due. Selecting the "Due" filter will only display dailies that are due today and that have not yet been checked off. Selecting the "Grey" filter will only display dailies that are not due today or that have already been checked off.
  • To Do's: Players can filter To Do's by whether or not they have a due date or whether or not they have already been completed. Selecting the "Dated" filter will only display To Do's which have a due date assigned. Selecting the "Done" filter will only display To Do's which have been completed in the current session (once the app is refreshed or restarted, completed To Do's are not visible with this tag). Unchecking a completed To Do using this filter will restore it as an active To Do, causing you to lose the previously earned experience and gold from completing it.

Habits Tab[]

Your Habits are listed under the Habits menu. You can tap the + or - as you normally would on the website to score a good or bad habit. Habits can be edited by tapping on them, and you can search for a specific Habit by using the search bar.

Dailies Tab[]

Checklist iOS

An expanded Daily with a checklist.

Your Dailies are listed under the Dailies menu. You can check off your Dailies by tapping the respective checkboxes. Each of the Dailies will also have information on streaks, if any. You can also add Dailies by pressing the plus button on the upper right side of the screen.

Checklists can be accessed by tapping the colored box on the right side of the Daily; once the Daily is expanded, checklist items can be ticked off normally. To add checklist items, tap the white portion of the main Daily box, tap the green plus button, and type in the contents of the checklist item. Checklist items can be rearranged by holding down the three lines to the right of each checklist item and moving to the item to its appropriate place in the checklist.

The search bar can be used to navigate your Dailies, which are all shown by default, even the grey/completed ones. A purple number in the corner of the Dailies icon displays how many Dailies you still have due before your next Cron.

To Do's Tab[]

Your To Do's menu contains all active To Do's by default. You can check off your To Do's by tapping the checkboxes, and the checklists can be accessed by tapping the checklist progress button on the right side of the To Do. To Do's can be edited by tapping on them, and a search bar can be accessed at the top of the list.

Rewards Tab[]

IOS rewards (v. 1

A sample view of the Rewards tab

Under Rewards, You can create, edit, and redeem Rewards, including equipment, health potions, Enchanted Armoire items, and custom rewards. Clicking on the reward reveals any description, the option to unpin the item from your Rewards screen, and the Buy button. A reward cost will be dimmed if you do not have enough gold to purchase it.

Please Note

  • The Enchanted Armoire and Health Potion rewards cannot be unpinned from the Rewards tab.
  • You can pin additional items to the Rewards tab by selecting the "Pin to Rewards" button on items in the Shops section of the Menu.
  • Emoji in text-based custom rewards will display as normal. However, using Markdown to change font qualities such as bold, italic or heading level will just display the Markdown codes.
  • To delete a custom reward, tap on the reward to open the Edit Reward screen, then scroll to the bottom of that screen and choose "Delete."

Menu Tab[]

Menu iOS

The complete menu of non-task functions, accessible by clicking the three horizontal bars in the lower right of the screen

The Menu tab serves as a hub for all other social, character, and administrative functions of Habitica. The header at the top allows players to access notifications, messages, and settings. The menu below that has several uncategorized options at the top, followed by four categorized sections: Shops, Inventory, Social, and About. When you select a menu item you'll be taken to a new screen, but you can navigate back to the previous page using the back arrow () in the upper left of the screen.

Header Section[]

App iOS menu header

Menu header in the iOS app

The header is the purple bar at the top of the screen, visible only when you are in the non-tasks menu. On the left it shows a portion of your avatar, your display name, and your username. Towards the right it has three icons: a speech bubble for "notifications", an envelope for "messages", and a gear for "settings".

Tapping any of those three items will take you to their submenu. To exit the any of the header submenus, click "Done" in the upper right.


Notifications location: Menu Tab → Header Section

The speech bubble icon is for activity notifications. If you have one or more notifications waiting for you, there will be circled number in the upper right corner of the speech bubble.

Notifications can include unread Bailey news updates, activity in your party, and new mystery items among other things. Clicking on this icon will show a list of all the pending notifications, and clicking on any notification will take you to the source of that activity.


Messages location: Menu Tab → Header Section

The envelope icon is for messages, and will allow you to view and send private messages with other players. If you have unread messages, there will be a circled number overlapping the upper right corner of the envelope.

  • To send a new private message, click the pencil icon in the upper left and type in the username of the person you want to write. If that person is in your party, you can initiate a private message without going through this menu - the Party subheading in this section explains how.
  • To view/respond an existing message, just tap on it. It will switch to a screen with your entire message history for that person. Once in this screen you can tap "Profile" in the upper right to see the user's profile. To respond, tap on the "Write message" box at the bottom of the screen. To exit back to the list of private messages, click the "< Messages" link in the upper left.

Settings Menu[]

Settings Menu location: Menu Tab → Header Section

The gear icon is for the settings menu. This is where you can find most account-related settings including login options and interface preferences. Some are part of larger categories, and others are on their own.

  • My Account: This opens another long menu, detailed below.
    • Account Info (Username · Email): You can change your username here, as well as the email address associated with your account.
    • Login Methods (Password · Google · Apple): Set up or change your login password, or 3rd party authentication via Google or Apple.
    • Public Profile (Display name · About · Photo URL): You can change the Display Name, Photo, and "About" text displayed on your Profile.
    • API (User ID · API Token · Fix Character Values): Allows you to view and copy your actual User ID and API Token - these are system keys, so they cannot be changed. You can also change your HP, MP, EXP, Gold, and Level via Fix Character Values.
    • Danger Zone (Reset Account · Delete Account): Be careful with these! They can't be undone.
  • Enable Class System: This option only appears if you are level 10+, and have not selected a class. It activates the class system, and lets you select the class you want to switch to. There is no charge for this, and you will retain all experience and gold.
  • Change Class: This option only appears if you are level 10+, and have selected a class. It lets you pick a different class at any time, with no level or timing limits. There is a three-gem charge for this, but you will retain all experience and gold.
  • Log Out: Logs you out of the app, requiring you to log in to use it again.
  • Reminder: Set whether the app provides a Daily Reminder and at what time. Note: Notifications from the Habitica app have to be allowed on your device for these reminders to function properly. Activate this option under your device's Notification settings.
  • Notification Badge: Allow the app icon to display the number of incomplete Dailies remaining.
  • Day Start Adjustment: Set when your Habitica day "starts" (the default is midnight in your time zone).
  • Social: Completely disable push notifications, email, and/or private messages. Alternatively, set which push notifications and/or emails you do want to receive.
  • Preferences: Set your interface language, sound theme, theme color, theme mode, and icon appearance.
  • Maintenance: Clear your cache, or reload content.

Top/Uncategorized Section[]

Top/Uncategorized Section location: Menu Tab

App iOS sections uncategorized

Top/Uncategorized options in the menu tab, in dark mode

Immediately below the header there are three options: Skills, Stats, and Achievements. Although this set of options is clearly grouped, there is no category listed as a section header, so it is referred to here as the "Top/Uncategorized Section".


Skills location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section

Rogue Skills iOS

Rogue skills in the iOS app

The "Skills" option is the first one in the uncategorized section just below the header, and it opens a screen which allows you to do two things: use your skills, and use Transformation Items on yourself and/or party members.

To use either, simply tap on the "Skills" option in the menu, then on the skill or item you want to use. The skills are located at the top, and the transformation items are below them.

If the mana cost of a skill is greyed out, that means you do not have enough mana to cast that skill, and will not be able to use it until you get enough. In the example to the right, the Rogue has enough mana to use Pickpocket, but not Backstab, Tools of the Trade, or Stealth.

Note: If you have been transformed and wish to un-transform, you can purchase the necessary potion at the bottom of the Rewards tab.


Character Stats location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section

App iOS stats

Character stats on the iOS app

The "Stats" option is the second one in the uncategorized section just below the header, and it opens a screen which allows you to view your current stats, with a detailed breakdown of whether the points are coming from your level, your equipment, your buffs, or points you've allocated to that stat. It also allows you assign un-allocated points manually, or choose to enable/disable auto-allocation.

If you choose to enable auto-allocation, a list of method options will appear. Each option will have a little (i) next to it, and tapping on that will give you a brief explanation of how that method works.

Below the breakdown of stats is a detailed stats guide explaining the effect of each stat.


Achievements location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section
The "Achievements" option is the third one in the uncategorized section just below the header, and it opens a screen which allows you to see your collection three types of Habitica accomplishments: Achievements, Completed Quests, and Challenges Won. To return to the menu tab just tap the Back button in the upper left.

Achievements List or Grid location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section → Achievements Option

App iOS Achievements detail

Detailed list view with one earned non-stacking achievement (top), one unearned achievement (middle), and one twice-earned stacking achievement (bottom).

App iOS Achievements grid

Grid view with one earned non-stacking achievement (top left), two unearned achievements (top right & bottom left), and one twice-earned stacking achievement (bottom right).

The list of achievements can be viewed either as a grid or as a list with the details for each achievement. The default view is the detailed list. To switch to the grid from the list view, simply tap the grid button in the upper right. To switch back to the detail view, tap the list button in the upper right.

In either view, Achievements are divided into four sections: Onboarding, Basic, Seasonal, Special. If you are looking for a specific one, note that this order is different from the website's.

Each Achievement has a unique icon. If you have earned that achievement, the icon will appear. If it's an achievement you can earn multiple times, a number will either be overlapping it or nearby, depending on the view. Available Achievements you have not yet earned have a grey question mark instead of their icon.

Completed Quests List location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section → Achievements Option

App iOS Achievements Quests

Quests completed in iOS app

Below the achievements list, there's a list of all the quests you've completed. The number at the top right of this section is the total number of different quests you've completed, and the number to the left of each quest name is how many times you've completed that particular quest.

Challenges Won List location: Menu Tab → Top/Uncategorized Section → Achievements Option

App iOS Achievements Challenges

Challenges won in iOS app

At the very bottom of the screen there's a list of all the challenges you've won. At the top it says the total number won, and below that it lists the title of the each challenge. (This is not where you would look up challenges you're currently participating in—that's under the Social section.)

Shops Section[]

Shops Section location: Menu tab, 2nd section from top

App iOS sections shops

"Shops" options in the menu tab, in dark mode

The "Shops" category in the menu tab contains nearly all the options for buying stuff using in-game currency. If there are new things in the shop since the last time you visited, the shop will be marked with a purple oval that says "New". There may also be a note about limited-availability items.

Not included in this section are:

  • The Enchanted Armoire (available under Rewards)
    • Special: When Subscribers open the Armoire, they can choose to open it an additional time for free.
  • Backgrounds and skin/hair options for your avatar (available under Customize Avatar)
  • Current subscriber gear/mystery items (available under Items).


Market location: Menu Tab → Shops Section → 1st Option

App iOS shops Market

The Market in iOS app

The Market sells general items sorted into the following categories.

  • Class Equipment: class (and classless) equipment. During Grand galas, the current event's class gear appears in this section.
  • Eggs: Buy eggs for 3 gems each. Standard eggs are available as well as Quest pet eggs from any pet Quests that have been completed previously.
  • Hatching Potions: Buy standard hatching potions for 2-5 gems each.
  • Magic Hatching Potions: Buy seasonal magic hatching potions as well as magic hatching potions from any magic hatching potion Quests that have been completed previously.
  • Food and Saddles: Buy food items for 1 gem each or saddles for 5 gems each.
  • Special: If you are a subscriber, you can also purchase gems with gold under the "Special" header at the bottom of the page. (Note: Mystery items appear under Inventory > Items > Special.)

Quest Shop[]

Quest Shop location: Menu Tab → Shops Section → 2nd option

App iOS shops Quest

The Quest Shop in the iOS app

The Quest Shop sell Quest scrolls sorted into the following categories.

  • Discounted Quest Bundles: If any discounted gem-purchasable Quest bundles are available, they are displayed at the top of the page. These bundles give three quests for 7 gems.
  • Unlockable Quests: If you have already used all the Quest scrolls for the Quests that unlock throughout the game, you can purchase more copies here for 4 gems each. (Note that rebirthing allows you to unlock and earn the quests again if you do not want to use gems.)
  • Masterclasser Quest Lines: The gold-purchasable Masterclasser Quest scrolls, with prices ranging from 200 to 700 Gold, are listed here.
  • Magic Hatching Potion Quests: Magic hatching potion Quests, which award magic hatching potions that can be used on standard eggs, are listed at 4 gems each.
  • Pet and Mount Quests: Pet and Mount Quests, which award eggs for Quest pets, are listed at 4 gems each.

Seasonal Shop[]

Seasonal Shop location: Menu Tab → Shops Section → 3rd option when it exists

App iOS shops Seasonal

The Seasonal Shop in the iOS app

The Seasonal Shop option only appears during Grand Galas, and it opens a page which displays seasonal equipment and, once released for the current year, seasonal transformation items. The current year's gold-purchasable Grand Gala equipment can be purchased in several different screens (Seasonal Shop, Market, and your Rewards column). Older equipment can only be seen and purchased in the Seasonal Shop, is listed by set, and is sorted in descending chronological order. Most older sets cost a total of 4 gems (1 per piece, or 2 for two-handed weapons), but a few sets have five pieces, and therefore cost 5 gems. There is no discount for buying the whole set at once.

Owned equipment does not appear in the Seasonal Shop, and transformation items appear without a number to indicate how many transformation items are already owned. The number of transformation items owned can be viewed under Menu > Use Skills.

Time Travelers Shop[]

Time Travelers Shop location: Menu Tab → Shops Section → Last Option

App iOS shops TimeTravelers

Time Travelers Shop in the iOS app

The Time Travelers page displays the Time Travelers shop, which offers subscriber items from the past and future for 1 Mystic Hourglass per set as well as a few previous world boss pets and mounts.

Pets and equipment that are already owned do not appear in the Time Travelers shop. Quests do continue to appear, even if they have been purchased once and the connected egg or potion has been unlocked.

Inventory Section[]

Inventory location: Menu Tab → 3rd Section

App iOS sections inventory

"Inventory" section in the menu tab, in dark mode

The "Inventory" section of the menu tab contains everything you currently have to change the appearance of your avatar, plus a number of related options.

Avatar-changing options include all avatar customizations whether you own them yet or not (hair & skin, a variety of accessory types, and backgrounds), all your currently-owned equipment, and all possible pets and mounts.

Related options include eggs & potions to make new pets, and food to feed pets & evolve them into mounts, and two ways to get in-game currency & restricted items (subscription management and one-time gem purchases).

Customize Avatar[]

Customize Avatar location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → 1st Option

App iOS customize avatar

"Avatar" screen in the iOS app

The Avatar screen displays options to customize your avatar's appearance.

  • Size: Select either a "slim" or "broad" body.
  • Shirt: Choose a shirt that will appear on the avatar if no armor is equipped. Solid-colored shirts are free. The Special Shirts section offers patterned shirts which can be unlocked with gems.
  • Skin: Select a skin color. Animal skins, rainbow skins, and seasonal skins (if available) can be unlocked with gems.
  • Hair Color: Choose a hair color. Rainbow colors and seasonal colors (if available) can be unlocked with gems.
  • Bangs: Choose bangs or no bangs, and either curly or straight hair.
  • Hair Style: Choose a ponytail, or no ponytail. Other hairstyles can be unlocked with gems.
  • Mustache: Mustaches can be unlocked with gems. (There are no free options.)
  • Beard: Beards can be unlocked with gems. (There are no free options.)
  • Flower: Choose a flower, or no flower. Earrings are also available here.
  • Glasses: Choose glasses, or no glasses. (These, plus other things, can also be chosen in the "Eyewear" section of the Equipment screen.)
  • Wheelchair: Select a color and style of wheelchair, or no wheelchair.
  • Head: Choose a headband. (To remove a headband, tap it again.) Pet ears can be unlocked with gems. (These, plus other things, can also be chosen in the "Head Accessory" section of the Equipment screen.)
  • Background: Choose a background. The free unlockable backgrounds are available at the top of the screen under "Plain Backgrounds". Other backgrounds can be unlocked for 7 gems each or 15 gems for each set of three backgrounds from a given month. Locked backgrounds are displayed with a gem price; unlocked backgrounds are displayed without a price. Backgrounds are sorted by date, with the newest at the top of the page. You cannot hide locked backgrounds in the app.


Equipment location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → 2nd option

App iOS equipment

"Equipment" screen in the iOS app

The Equipment screen houses options for battle gear (equipment that affects stats) and costume (equipment that shows up on the avatar but does not affect stats). Costumes are optional and can be enabled by toggling "Use Costume" under the Costume section; otherwise, battle gear will appear on the avatar. Tapping on each category (weapon, off-hand, head gear, armor, head accessory, body accessory, back accessory, eyewear) under the Battle Gear or Costume section will show an alphabetized list of available equipment of that category, along with its image, stats, and description. In this list, equipped items are highlighted in purple; to unequip an item, tap it again and the purple highlight will disappear. Besides the given categories, equipment cannot be sorted by stats or name as it can be on the website.

You can also toggle "Auto-Equip New" on and off, as that is most useful to players who are just starting out and working their way up through their class equipment.


Items location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → 3rd Option

Items iOS

"Items" section in the iOS app

The Items screen displays the eggs, hatching potions, food, and quests that you own.

That's a lot of sections, but there are certain things that are true of all of them:

  • Each section is in alphabetical order, and only has entries for items you currently have.
  • Each entry consists of a single row with an image of the item on the left, then the name, then how many of that item you own on the right.
  • Each entry can be tapped to bring up additional options.
  • All "additional options" screens can be exited by tapping elsewhere on the screen or on the "Cancel" button at the bottom.
  • If one of the options is to sell, this option will always be in red text because it is irreversible. When selling an item only one will be sold—it is not possible to sell in batches in the app.
All your pet eggs are listed here. Like the other lists in the Items menu, this is in strict alphabetical order so standard, quest, and wacky pet eggs are interspersed with each other. In addition to the "Sell for 3 Gold" option, tapping an egg entry will also let you "Hatch with Potion". Choosing "Hatch with Potion" will take you to another screen listing all the potions you own, though the ones that can't be used with the egg you selected will appear faded, with grey text and washed out colors.
Tapping a food entry will give you only one option:"Sell for 1 Gold". If you are trying to feed your pets, you can do so via the Pets & Mounts screen.
All your pet-related potions are listed here. Like the other lists in the Items menu, this is in strict alphabetical order so standard, magic, and wacky potions are interspersed with each other. In addition to the "Sell for 2 Gold" option, tapping an egg entry will also let you "Use on Egg". Choosing "Use on Egg" will take you to another screen listing all the pet eggs you own, though the ones that can't be used with the potion you selected will appear faded, with grey text and washed out colors.
Two types of things appear here - the monthly subscriber gift box you have received but not yet opened, and seasonal transformation items you have bought but not used. In either case, tapping the item will give you exactly one option: the gift box will let you "open" it to receive one piece of subscriber-only equipment, and a transformation item will let you "use" it on one of your party members to transform them for the rest of the day. You cannot sell your gift box or transformation items.
All of your unused quest scrolls are listed here. Like the other lists in the Items menu this one is in strict alphabetical order, which not only means that hatching potion quests are mixed in with unlockable and masterclasser quests—it also means that "A Startling Starry Idea" is near the top of the list, and "The Golden Knight" can be found between "Recidivate" and "Vice", not between "Dilatory Distress" and "King of the Dinosaurs". The options for quests are "Show Details" and "Invite Party". Attempting to invite your party to a quest when you already have one going will give you an error message inviting you to try again once your party finishes the current quest.

Pets & Mounts[]

Pets & Mounts location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → 4th Option

App iOS pets

The top of the Pets & Mounts screen, showing the "< Back" button, the "Organize By" button, and the Pets/Mounts toggle, plus one row of pets.

The "Pets & Mounts" option displays a condensed inventory of either all pets or all mounts, grouped first by category (Standard, Quest, Wacky, & Special), then by either by the default of type (e.g. bear, dragon, monkey, whale), or by color (e.g. red, white, amber, holly). Wacky and special pets are listed individually, though the sorting changes when you pick a different "Organize by" option. The "Organize By" button is in the top right corner of the screen, lets you sort by type or color. The toggle to switch between pets and mounts is immediately below that.

Each type or color entry shows an image of the egg/potion, how many you have of, and the total number available. The appearance varies depending on whether you have none of that type, some-but-not-all of that type, or all of that type.

Pets can be hatched, fed, and equipped/un-equipped. Upon sufficient feeding they will automatically turn into mounts. Mounts can only be equipped/unequipped.

Category Detail Screen
Category Detail Screen location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → Pets & Mounts → Tap on a category
To do anything with a pet or mount, including feeding, evolving, equipping, or un-equipping, you must first tap on the egg (if organized by type) or potion (if organized by color) that you want to view in detail. This will take you to a screen showing the status of each pet/mount of that type/color. Although it's not explained in text, the image type indicates whether an unhatched pet is hatchable, how many times a pet has been hatched, and whether it can be fed.

To hatch a pet in the category detail screen: (Menu Tab → Inventory Section → Pets & Mounts → Tap on a category)

1) Tap the image of the egg & potion color you want.. Only pets which show the egg & potion image can be hatched—any other image means either that it has already been hatched, or that you lack the necessary egg or potion.
2) A confirmation screen will appear, showing which egg and potion you'll be using and how many of each you have. Between the egg and the potion is either a silhouette of the pet, or the normal pet image, depending on whether this is the first or second hatching. Above the images it either says "Hatch Pet", or "Hatch Pet Again", and below the images it details which egg and potion you'll use, then gives the options to "Hatch" or "Close" without hatching. Tap the "Hatch" button.
3) A results screen will appear showing your new pet, with the options to "equip" your new pet, "share" the news via social media, or "close" without doing either.

To feed a pet in the category detail screen: (Menu Tab → Inventory Section → Pets & Mounts → Tap on a category)

1) Tap on the pet you want to feed. Any pet that has a partially-green bar underneath it can be fed.

2) Three options will appear: "Feed" and "Equip" and "Cancel". Tap "Feed".

3) A list of possible foods will appear. Tap the one you want to feed to that pet, or hit "Cancel" in the top left corner. (Note: You can check the wiki's list of food preferences if you're not sure what your pet will especially like.)

To equip or unequip a pet or mount in the category detail screen: (Menu Tab → Inventory Section → Pets & Mounts → Tap on a category)

1) In the category detail screen, tap on the pet or mount you want to equip or unequip. Any pet or mount that is shown in full color (not washed out silhouetted) can be equipped. You can only have one pet and one mount equipped at the same time, so if you equip a new one it will automatically unequip the one you had.

2) Two (or three if your pet is feedable) options will appear. If your pet or mount is not currently equipped, one of those options will be "Equip". If it is currently equipped, that option will be "Unequip". Tap "Equip" or "Unequip".

Note: The pets and mounts in the "Special" group have only one per category. You still need to open the category detail screen and then tap on that one in order to equip or unequip the lone creature in it.

To evolve a pet/create a mount in the category detail screen: (Menu Tab → Inventory Section → Pets & Mounts → Tap on a category)

Feed the pet as detailed above. Once you have fed a pet enough food, it will automatically evolve. A temporary message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying, "You have tamed the (pet type), let's go for a ride!", but it's easy to miss because it can take a second to appear. A more obvious indicator is that the image of the pet you were feeding will either appear washed out/faded, or it will be replaced by the same egg and potion image that it had before you hatched it. If you get the egg and potion image, that means you have what you need to re-hatch it. You can only have one pet and one mount of each type.

Troubleshooting note: If a recently hatched pet or recently tamed mount does not appear in the stable, refresh the app or close and reopen the it to force the app to sync. For more troubleshooting tips, see "Help! My App is Misbehaving!".

Purchase Gems[]

Purchase Gems location: Menu Tab → Inventory Section → 5th Option

App iOS gems

"Purchase Gems" screen in the iOS app

The gems screen allows you to purchase gems through your Apple account. The more you buy at one time, the lower the cost per gem. It also allows you to gift gems to another player, either through your Apple account or from your existing supply of gems.

Monthly subscriber gems can not be picked up through this screen - they're in the Market.

Gems can be used to buy a variety of optional in-game items, including older seasonal equipment, monthly backgrounds, and quests. They can also allow you change your class before level 100. They're also necessary to create a Challenge.

Your gem balance can be viewed in the bottom line of the header at the top of every tab except the menu tab.


Subscription location: Menu tab → Inventory Section → 6th/Last Option

App iOS subscription

"Subscription" screen in the iOS app

This screen allows you to view your subscription status, as well as how many months you've been subscribed, how many free gems you get per month, and how many mystic hourglasses you currently have.

It also lists all the benefits you get for subscribing, including up to 50 gold-purchasable gems per month, mystic hourglasses every three months, free equipment, a special pet, and double the amount of drops from doing tasks.

If you are not a subscriber, you can join on this screen. If you are a subscriber and wish to cancel, it will either let you do so or give you instructions on how to do so depending on whether you paid via Apple or not.

You can also gift a subscription to someone else.

Social Section[]

Social Section location: Menu tab → 4th Section

App iOS sections social

"Social" section in the menu tab, in dark mode

The Social section has two options, the Party and Challenges.

The first option, Party, includes a real-time chat for the members of your party.

App iOS chat

The keyboard & entry field for chatting.

To chat simply select the chat tab, then tap on "Write Message" at the bottom of the screen. A standard keyboard will appear, and when you're done typing just hit "Send". You can close the keyboard without sending by tapping anywhere else in the chat, and re-open it by tapping on your incomplete message. The chat window retains the most recent 200 messages, sorted with the newest at the bottom.

In addition to posting a message of your own to the chat, there are a number of ways to interact with a message within the chat. One option is is always visible, and three are also three options that only become visible if you tap the message.

  • Like: The visible option is a little gray smiley in the upper right corner of the message. It may or may not have a plus with a number next to it, like "+1". That's the number of likes the message has received, and if you tap it you'll be adding one of your own. Tapping it again will remove the like.
  • Reply: This option appears immediately below the message if you tap anywhere on the message other than the smiley face. Choosing it will take you to the "Write Message" field, but with the username of the person you're replying to already filled in.
  • Copy: This option also only appears when you tap on a message. It will copy the entirety of that message to your clipboard, so you can save it as a task or just to remind yourself of later, or whatever.
  • Report: This option only appears when you tap on a message and you're not the one who wrote it. It will open a screen asking you to confirm that you want to report this post as violating the community guidelines.
  • Delete: This option only appears when you tap on a message and you are the one who wrote it. It will remove the post from the chat history.


Party location: Menu Tab → Social Section → 2nd Option

App iOS party Header

Top part of the party screen

The Party option has two distinct screens, and you can toggle between them either by using the tabs at the top, or by swiping left to get to the "Chat" screen, or right to get to the "Details" screen. Note: On some devices with larger screens, such as an iPad, the Details and Chat pages are shown side by side; tapping to the Details page shows both the details and chat information, and tapping to the Chat page displays nothing.

The leader of the party is the only one who has the little "Edit" button in the upper right corner of this screen. This allows them to edit the party's description and name at any point, as well as toggling whether or not party members can create party challenges.

Party Details tab[]

Party Details location: Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Left Option
The Details screen has multiple sub-sections, and most of the sub-sections can be tapped to go to another screen with more info. The sections are "Quest", "Party Description", "Party Challenges", "Members", and "Leave Party". All of the sections that take more than one line can be collapsed or expanded by tapping the up or down arrow to the right of the header.

Quest (Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Details Tab)

The contents of this section depend on the current quest status. For pending and active quests, tapping on the quest name will give you the full quest description and list of participants. The quest scroll owner or the party leader can force a pending quest to start without everyone in the party joining, or abort a quest at any time by tapping the red "Abort" button at the bottom of the participant list. Aborting a quest will send the quest scroll back to the inventory of the original owner.

Possible quest statuses:

  • No Quest: If there is not currently a quest, then it will invite you to select and start one.
  • Pending Quest: If a quest has been initiated but not everyone has joined, then it will say that you have been invited & how many have joined.
  • Active Quest: If a quest has begun then it will list the quest name and number of participants, then show the boss image and completion progress.

Party Description (Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Details Tab)
Whatever description the party leader has given the party can be viewed here.

Party Challenges (Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Details Tab)
This is just a link that will take you to the My Challenges screen. If you have joined a Party Challenge then it will be under "My Challenges", and if there is a Party Challenge you have not joined it will be listed under "Discover".

Members (Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Details Tab)

Within the Members section of the Details tab, there's a lot of options and information available but not everything is obvious. The two things you get without tapping anything are a link to "Invite a Member", and a list of the current members with brief details about each one. You can also send messages to other party members, and access each person's complete profile. If you are the party leader you can also transfer leadership to any member, or remove any member of the party.

The visible-without-tapping options:

  • Invite a Member link: Directly under the section header is the "Invite a Member" link, which allows any party member to invite someone to join the party. Existing Habitica players can be invited with their Habitica username, new ones can be invited via email. Note: You will only get automatic credit towards the achievement if they join using the email address you used for the invite.
  • List of current members: Below the invite link is a list of all the party members, showing each one's avatar, display name, level, and current HP, experience, and mana levels. If they have a little upward-pointing purple arrow icon at the right edge, they have an active buff. A Party member who is in the Inn will have a sleeping avatar with "Zzz" and closed eyes. There are two screens you can access by tapping on the a member's entry.

The available-with-tapping options:

  • Leader-only options: There are three horizontal purple dots in the upper right corner of each member entry. Tapping on them will give you the "Write Message" option, which lets you send that person a private message, but depending on your screen size it may be much, much easier to do this through the player's profile (see below). However, if you are the party leader this is the only way to get the options to "Transfer Leadership" or "Remove from Party".
  • Member profiles: Tapping anywhere other than the three horizontal purple dots (including just a hair's breadth off from them) will take you to their complete profile, including their class, User ID, "Member Since" and "Last logged in" dates, their battle gear & costume lists, and a breakdown of what's contributing how many points to their stats. In addition, if you tap on the "pencil & paper" icon in the upper right () you can access your private message history with that person, and write them a new message as well. If you tap the three black horizontal dots which are also at the top right of the complete profile next to the "pencil & paper" icon, you can access the options to "Block", "Gift Gems" (either freshly purchased or from your balance) or "Gift a Subscription" to that party member. If you hit block for someone it will ask for a confirmation, after explaining what blocking does & doesn't do. You can not block yourself, though you can gift yourself a subscription or freshly purchased gems. (Note: If you try to gift yourself gems from your balance, you will just get an error message saying it can't be done & encourage you to try again later.)

Leave Party button: Tap this button to leave the Party.

Party Chat tab[]

Party Chat location: Menu Tab → Social Section → Party → Right Option

The Chat in the Party screen is restricted in access, but not in topic. Only party members can read and post to the chat, and discussions can cover anything the party deems acceptable.

Unlike other chat screens, the party chat also receives a number of automated messages. Any time a party member uses a skill that buffs the party, or a quest is begun or ended, or damage is dealt by a party member or the quest boss, that information is also posted to the chat.


Challenges location: Menu Tab → Social Section → 4th/Last Option

App iOS Challenges

Top part of the challenges screen

The Challenges option takes you to a screen that lets you view all of Habitica's challenges. The "Discover" tab will list all the challenges, and the "My Challenges" tab will limit the list to just the ones you've joined. You can also limit the list by using either searching (using the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen), or limiting (using the sliders icon at the top of the screen) based on ownership.

The plus symbol at the top of the screen just tells you that you can't create a challenge in the app, and offers to take you to the website.

Each challenge listing shows the challenge title (which usually includes an indication of the challenge's duration), summary, number of gems awarded (in green under the gem icon), and the number of participants. If the player has joined the challenge, a green "Joined" icon will appear next to the participant count.

Tapping on a challenge will do one of two things. Either it will take you to the challenge detail page, or it will tell you "Challenge not found or you don't have access" and return you to the list. The latter option generally means that it's an expired challenge, and the winners have already been chosen.

The challenge detail page has all the same information as the listing, plus the challenge owner (and a message icon to the right to send them a private message), challenge categories, full description, and list of tasks. Tapping the arrow beside "Challenge Categories" or "Challenge Description" collapses the section, and pressing it again expands the section. To join a challenge, tap the green "Join" icon under the header with the Challenge's name, participants, and gem prize. To leave a challenge, tap the red "Leave" button on the bottom of the page under the list of tasks, or the word "Leave" at the top right corner of the screen. When you leave a Challenge, you will be given the option to keep the tasks (which you will then be able to edit later) or remove them.

About Section[]

About Section location: Menu tab → 5th/Bottom Section

App iOS sections about

"About" section in the menu tab, in dark mode

The About section contains information about Habitica in general, and the app in specific.

It has three options: News, Support, and About. Each of the options leads to a page with multiple sub-options.


News option location: Menu tab → About Section → 1st Option

App iOS News

The News header, showing Bailey

The latest News, as reported by Bailey, can be found here. Older news articles can be accessed in the Whats New pages on the wiki.


Support option location: Menu tab → About Section → 2nd Option

App iOS Support

"Support" screen on the iOS app

The support option takes you to a screen with four options:

  • Habitica Questions / Read More: The "Habitica Questions" option addresses the most common questions new Habitica users might have. Tapping the big purple "Read More" button takes you to a screen that first lists all the common game mechanics, each of which can be tapped to reveal more information about it. Below that is a list of a dozen or so "Common Questions" about things you might encounter in Habitica.
  • Bugs & Fixes / Get Help : The "Bugs & Fixes" option addresses common issues that new or experienced Habitica users might have. Tapping the big purple "Get Help" button takes you to a screen with a list of known issues, some common fixes, and finally the option to "Report a Bug". Note: The "Report a Bug" option only works if you have email configured on your phone. If you don't, it will tell you the email address to use instead.
  • Suggestions & Feedback / Submit Feedback: If you have input on how features could work better, or an idea for something new, Habitica wants to know! Tapping the big purple "Submit Feedback" button will take you to a Google doc that will let you share your thoughts with Habitica administrators.
  • Reset Tutorials: Although it's relatively easy to miss, the grey button at the bottom of the screen will erase your tutorial completion flag, so every time you visit a new screen you'll see a little pop-up explaining what it's for. Note: This affects your account, not just the app. So if you visit the website before visiting all the pages, you'll see tutorials there too.


About option location: Menu tab → About Section → 3rd/Last Option

"About" screen on the iOS app
"About" screen on the iOS app

The "About" option takes you to a screen with a lot of information about the app, as well as useful links. It's divided into five unlabeled but conceptually related sections. Note: Depending on your screen size you may not see all the options, so if you see something listed here that isn't visible on your screen, be sure to scroll down!

  • Version: The first thing below the logo is the version number that you're running. If you're not sure if you have the current version you can check the number here, then tap "Leave Review" (below) and look to see what it says the current version is.
  • Send Feedback / Report a Bug / Leave Review: Feedback and bug reporting work the same as those options in the Support screen. The "Leave Review" option will take you to the App Store listing.
  • Hall of Contributors / Hall of Patrons: The Hall of Contributors is a list of all the Habitica users who have earned at least one Tier for contributing art, programming, writing, wiki editing, or forum assistance to Habitica. This is an ever-growing list, but all the admins are at the top (in purple text), followed by all the moderators (in blue text). The Hall of Patrons is a list of everyone who contributed to the original Kickstarter that began Habitica. This list does not change over time - only the original Kickstarter supporters are included. Both lists allow you to tap anywhere on a user's line to pull up their profile. Both Halls show the display name and a little bit of further information: for Patrons it's their Backer Tier, and for Contributors it's either their title or a list of the categories they have contributor tiers in.
  • Website / Twitter / Instagram: These options all list their respective addresses/social media handles, and tapping on them will take you to the appropriate site.
  • View Source Code: This takes you to the GitHub repository for the iOS App, in case you want to view the source code & help with future development.

Help! My App is Misbehaving![]

If information is not displaying correctly in your app, or you are unable to perform a function as expected, please try the following steps.

  1. Check that you have the latest version of the app at the Apple Store.
  2. Ensure that the app has the latest item data by going to Menu > Settings > Maintenance > Reload Content.
  3. Clear your cache by going to Menu > Settings > Maintenance > Clear Cache.
  4. Uninstall the app, power cycle your device (i.e., turn it off then back on), and reinstall the app. This will force all Habitica data to be removed from the device and cleared.
  5. If all the steps above fail, report the bug in the iOS app under Menu > About > Report a Bug or by emailing [email protected]. The first option is preferred as it automatically captures your device information and the report is sent directly to the developer to analyze. It is sent in the form of an email, with your app version and User ID, and a space for you to write your report to the app developers. The second option will not include the useful debugging information about your account. Only use this method if the app will not allow you to send the iOS bug report directly through the Menu > About > Report a Bug. Be sure to describe the problem you are experiencing before sending a Bug Report email.