Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

Habitica is accessible on several different clients. The table below compares the features offered on the main Habitica web client and on the current iOS and Android mobile clients.

Feature Website
Promo habitica
Promo android
Adding, editing and completing tasks Yes Yes Yes
Reordering tasks Yes Yes Yes
Filtering by, adding, editing, and deleting tags Yes Yes Yes
Tag filter method AND AND OR
Filtering tasks by Due/Dated/Weak/Strong Yes Yes Yes
Viewing completed To Do's Yes Yes Yes
Task reminders No Yes Yes
Once-a-day reminders No Yes Yes
Pinning/Unpinning rewards from shop Yes Yes Yes
Enchanted Armoire Yes Yes Yes
Creating & Deleting custom rewards Yes Yes Yes
Viewing the Group Plans shared task board Yes No No
Viewing Group Plan assigned/claimed tasks Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing/equipping equipment Yes Yes Yes
Changing Battle Gear & Costume Yes Yes Yes
Hatching, Feeding and equipping pets and mounts Yes Yes Yes
Viewing Number of Transformation Items Owned Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing eggs/potions/food Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing quests Yes Yes Yes
Selling items Yes Yes Yes
Seasonal Shop Yes Yes Yes
Using Key to the Kennels Yes No No
Using Orb of Rebirth Yes No No
Purchasing gems Yes Yes Yes
Gifting gems to other players Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing a subscription Yes Yes Yes
Gifting a subscription to other players Yes Yes Yes
Quickly tagging users in chat Yes Yes Yes
Viewing player tiers & profiles in chat Yes Yes Yes
Accessing party Yes Yes Yes
Creating a party Yes Yes Yes
Editing party (leader only) Yes Yes Yes
Sending party invites Yes Yes Yes
Removing party members (leader only) Yes Yes Yes
Accepting/rejecting party invite Yes Yes Yes
Inviting party to a quest Yes Yes Yes
Accepting/rejecting quest invite Yes Yes Yes
Viewing quest progress Yes Yes Yes
Using emojis in chat Yes Yes Yes
Accessing links from chat Yes Yes Yes
+1 posts in chat Yes Yes Yes
Accessing/sending inbox/private messages Yes Yes Yes
Sending cards to party members (there is a workaround to use cards on mobile) Yes No No
Browsing and joining challenges Yes Yes Yes
Creating a challenge Yes No Yes
Customizing avatar Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing avatar customizations Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing backgrounds Yes Yes Yes
Choosing / changing classes Yes Yes Yes
Using skills Yes Yes Yes
Using Transformation Items Yes Yes Yes
Viewing stats including breakdown by equipment, equipment bonus, level, buffs and allocated Yes Yes Yes
Changing stats allocation Yes Yes Yes
Assigning Stats to Tasks No Yes Yes
Viewing Other User's User ID Yes Yes Yes
Modifying profile information Yes Yes Yes
Fix Character Values Yes Yes Yes
Viewing Achievements Yes Yes Yes
Viewing Quests Completed Yes Yes Yes
Viewing Challenges Won Yes Yes Yes
Deleting or Resetting Account Yes Yes Yes
Accessing news updates Yes Yes Yes
Changing Custom Day Start Yes Yes Yes
Customizing week start No No Yes
Choosing email notifications Yes Yes Yes
Choosing push notifications Yes Yes Yes
Tips/Tutorial with Justin the Guide Yes Yes Yes
Reporting a bug Yes Yes Yes
Seasonal NPCs Yes Yes Yes
Audio themes Yes Yes Yes
Widget No Yes Yes