Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

Fletchers (mobile app programmers) are vital to the success of Habitica. Your contributions are needed and appreciated!

The Android Habitica app has its own open source code base in its own GitHub repository at github.com/HabitRPG/habitica-android. The app uses the same API that the website uses, so as a Fletcher you may need to have some understanding of the code in Habitica's main repository at github.com/HabitRPG/habitica.

To learn how to contribute to the app:

  • Find a bug to fix or feature to create in the app's issue list. The label system is similar to the one described in Guidance for Blacksmiths for the website. Please follow the process there for finding appropriately-labelled issues and for asking to work on an issue before starting so that your efforts are not wasted.

Contributor Tier Process[]

The contributor tier process is the same as for Blacksmiths, so please refer to Guidance for Blacksmiths.
