Victor Foglio is the first child of Kaja Foglio and Phil Foglio. For years Victor was referred to as Experiment #1 (with a sibling Experiment #2).
Victor in a 2006 sketch:
Victor appreciating Randall Munroe: 2014-08-27 (Wednesday) ✣ [1]
In notes on the Facebook posting of 2017-06-19 (Monday) ✣ Kaja said: Also, today I have achieved a victory condition and got Experiment #1 age 18 without killing him. Happy Birthday, Victor!
Victor participated in the development of the Girl Genius GURPS book.[2]
On 20 September 2020 the Girl Genius subreddit reported that Victor joined as a moderator (u/drzootsuit) to enable him to post official news and updates.
- ↑ His shirt says Dr. Zoot Suit, which matches the name he uses on Reddit, u/drzootsuit.
- ↑ Mentioned in the 29 August 2020 AMA on the Girl Genius Discord.