Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology. For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius. For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

First Page of Volume TEN[]

Location: Heliotrope Scribe and Book Works.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-14 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (001)
Forum:2009-12-14 (Monday)
Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Arella von Mekkhan, Carson von Mekkhan
Van arrives to find out his grandfather collapsed when the Castle shut down. (Fireplace grill with Dreen crest on its forehead. Clock says 7pm.)
The Castle (on souvenir pillow):Mechanicsburg

2009-12-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (002)
Forum:2009-12-16 (Wednesday)
Van, Carson
Van explains that the town clocks, fountains, drawbridges and streetlights have all stopped. They wonder why the Baron has not attacked the castle yet.
Agatha, The Baron (Klaus) "[Inkalill _0 proof" "Avernum Cigars - Vogel Company"

What Klaus is Up To[]

Location: Inner courtyard of the The Great Hospital in Mechanicsburg.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-18 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (003)
Forum:2009-12-18 (Friday)
Sun Daiyu, Great Hospital at Mechanicsburg orderlies, Baron Klaus Wulfenbach
Klaus's Medibot is under attack in the inner courtyard and going down.

2009-12-21 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (004)
Forum:2009-12-21 (Monday)
Klaus, Wulfenbach soldier, orderlies, Bangladesh DuPree
The medibot falls.
Wham! DOOOM!

2009-12-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (005)
Forum:2009-12-23 (Wednesday)
senior hospital staffer and/or Grandmother, Daiyu, Klaus, Sun Jen-djieh, orderlies
Dr. Sun administers a knock-out blow and sedative at the same time.
senior hospital staffer and/or Grandmother: I can't believe it! Is he really down!

Dr Sun: "I said strict bed rest... And I meant it!"

2009-12-25 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (006)
Forum:2009-12-25 (Friday)
various Castle Wulfenbach staff, Boris Dolokhov, Jägermonster
Boris is informed the Baron has been placed in an armored high-pressure healing chamber. Boris decides to hold off the attack on Castle Heterodyne while Gil is still inside. A Jäger messenger arrives.
Jäger:"Ve gots a message for hyu, sveethot!"
Doctor Sun, Master Gil

What Agatha is Up To[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-28 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (007)
Forum:2009-12-28 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne(!), Violetta
Agatha, finishing her work, asks about the state of the resplendent duo, Gil and Tarvek. Violetta reports their poor condition.
Gil, Tarvek
The Great Movement Chamber- the heart of Castle Heterodyne- and the source of its power-
Narration, panel 1

2009-12-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (008)
Forum:2009-12-30 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Fräulein Snaug, Agatha(!), Moloch von Zinzer, Professor Mezzasalma
The pieces are in place. Agatha gets ready to join in the SVV.
Mezzasalma: "I have just finished splicing the power connectors! I predict that hardly any will explode!"

2010-01-01 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (009)
Forum:2010-01-01 (Friday)
Agatha, Snaug, Mezzasalma
After being connected, Agatha finds the duo are even sicker than she thought.
Gil/Master Wulfenbach, Prince Sturmvoraus

2010-01-04 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (010)
Forum:2010-01-04 (Monday)
Agatha(!), Snaug, Tarvek, Gil
Gil and Tarvek are too drained, so Agatha starts the process with herself as the first donor.
Agatha: "Okay, here we go. …Good luck, you two. First Switch!"

2010-01-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (011)
Forum:2010-01-06 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Agatha, Mezzasalma, Snaug
Violetta straps Agatha in securely. The countdown begins. She checks that all metal has been stripped from the boys, even Gil's ring. Prepared, Agatha plans to deal with the pain.
Tarvek/Sturmvoraus, Gil

Lucrezia Visits[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-01-08 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (012)
Forum:2010-01-08 (Friday)
Tarvek (dead), Snaug, Agatha, Violetta, Lucrezia Mongfish#Agatha
Snaug announces Tarvek is ready to proceed. Violetta removes Agatha's locket. Lucrezia returns, tries to talk her way out of her bonds. Violetta throws the second switch.
Snaug:"Prince Sturmvoraus is prepped for revivification!"

2010-01-11 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (013)
Forum:2010-01-11 (Monday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Violetta, Mezzasalma, Snaug, /Castle Heterodyne#Otilia (out of panel), von Zinzer
Mezzasalma struggles with failing electric parts. Lucrezia demands to be released. Violetta stops Snaug from obeying. The thing climbing up the pit recognizes Lucrezia's voice.
Mezzasalma: "Useless inferior coprolitic components! I wouldn't electrocute my Mother with these!"
Mezzasalma's mother, the Order, Smoke Knights Clak! Clak! Clak! Zt! Crakle. Pow!

2010-01-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (014)
Forum:2010-01-13 (Wednesday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Violetta, \Castle Heterodyne#Otilia (still out-of-panel), von Zinzer, Mezzasalma
Lu finds out where she is, and really wants to be released. Mezzasalma restores the power. The thing in the pit gets closer. Violetta hits the second switch again.
Violetta: "Tarvek is not my master ... and the Lady Heterodyne was planning on dying today, anyway."
Tarvek, Lady Heterodyne Thoomb! Thoomb! Thoomb! Clak!

2010-01-15 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (015)
Forum:2010-01-15 (Friday)
Lucrezia, Violetta, Mezzasalma, von Zinzer, \Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
This time the SVV connection is engaged. Mezzasalma fights to keep the electircity alive. The thing in the pit is close enought to snap Moloch's broom, encouraging him to heed Violetta's call to monitor Tarvek's readings.
Tarvek, Miss Snaug, Moloch Fzit! Fzit!. poke poke ... chop!

2010-01-18 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (016)
Forum:2010-01-18 (Monday)
von Zinzer, Violetta, Tarvek (revivified)
When Agatha's contribution reaches its limit, Gil's is added to finish Tarvek's revivification. To deal with the aftermath, Moloch distracts Tarvek by pointing out what crawled out of the pit.
Tarvek: "I… LIVE! And now…
Moloch: "Uh, hey. Check it out."
Tarvek: "Good heavens."
Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Wulfenbach (Gil) Kzackt! Boom! Snap! Snap!

The Thing from the Pit[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-01-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (017)
Forum:2010-01-20 (Wednesday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia in body of Otilia
The body of Otilia arises from the pit.

2010-01-22 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (018)
Forum:2010-01-22 (Friday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Tarvek tries to use his position as heir to the Lightning Throne to control Otilia (even though he knows that never works ). He is tossed into machinery.
Tarvek: "No! That should have worked! Something's not right…"
Lucrezia, Agatha, Andronicus Valois
Gizmo, panel 6

2010-01-25 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (019)
Forum:2010-01-25 (Monday)
Violetta, Tarvek, von Zinzer, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Lucrezia#Agatha (dying)
Violetta calls for help. Things are reaching a critical stage with Agatha. Tarvek barks orders, then tries to explain the situation to the entity in Otilia's body. It thinks he is lying. Still, he vows to protect Agatha.
Lord Heterodyne, the Valois, Lucrezia

2010-01-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (020)
Forum:2010-01-27 (Wednesday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Tarvek, Lucrezia, von Zinzer, \Professor Mezzasalma (off screen)
Tarvek is still trying to explain. Moloch works to shut Lu in Agatha up. The entity denies that Agatha has been accepted by the Castle. Moloch calls for the switch to be thrown. Now.
Lucrezia in Agatha:"…Miserable lackeys! (huff) (huff) I'll feed your flesh to the spiders - (huff) and grind your bones to powder to sweeten my tea!"
The Old Lord (Bill), The Heterodyne Family (House Heterodyne), His Brother (Barry), Violetta, The Castle (Castle Heterodyne#Chapel)

2010-01-29 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (021)
Forum:2010-01-29 (Friday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Violetta, Mezzasalma, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Tarvek, von Zinzer
Lu in Agatha gets zapped and her readings flatten. Moloch mentions this within the Castle/Otilia's hearing. Tarvek tries to explain.
Tarvek: "Ix-nay on the ead-day!"

2010-02-01 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (022)
Forum:2010-02-01 (Monday)
Tarvek, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Mezzasalma, Violetta
Tarvek's explanations cause CH/Otilia to snap and start smashing things. Tarvek tries to hold her off even as he is needed to provide vitality for Agatha's revival.
Moloch, Lady Heterodyne ...*snap* SMASH!

2010-02-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (023)
Forum:2010-02-03 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, \Violetta (oop), \von Zinzer (oop), Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
CH/Otilia decides to kill everyone and let the masters sort out the bodies. Tarvek is forced to damage her, hoping for a quick knockout.
Castle: "Situational dissidence has exceeded operating parameters- -go to fall back interaction sequence: Kill Everyone. Masters will sort out remains."
van Rijn Krak! Crunch! CRANG!

2010-02-05 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (024)
Forum:2010-02-05 (Friday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Tarvek, Mezzasalma, Violetta. von Zinzer
Tarvek holds off CH/Otilia. When he calls her a muse she denies it.

Agatha is ready. Three... Two... One...

Violetta:"If I had a Belgian chocholate mimmoth for every hour I've had to listen to Tarvek blather on about those stupid muses.... I'd weigh a thousand kilos."
Mezzasalma: "Really?"
Violetta: "Oh yeah. I worked it out once."

2010-02-08 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (025)
Forum:2010-02-08 (Monday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Mezzasalma, Violetta, Tarvek
The switch is ready to be thrown, but Tarvek is still fighting. Violetta hesitates. CH/Otilia with a broad smile, announces she is Castle Heterodyne. Mezzasalma forces Violetta's hand. The switch closes. Tarvek turns resplendent as CH/Otilia moves to attack him.
The Lady CLAK!


Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-02-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (026)
Forum:2010-02-10 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Tarvek, Mezzasalma, Violetta, von Zinzer
Zeetha swings down and boots CH/Otilia, saving Tarvek.
Von Zinzer:"Hey you! it says it's the castle! Give it a kick for me!"

2010-02-12 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (027)
Forum:2010-02-12 (Friday)
von Zinzer, Gil, Mezzasalma, Violetta, Theopholous duMedd(!), Sleipnir O'Hara, \Lucrezia#Agatha, Krosp
Gil's readings show the strains of his double use. The rest of Gil's troop arrive and pitch in.
Violetta: "Oh, well then, I guess everything's going to be OK."
Lucrezia: "GRAAAAA!"
Krosp: "Hi. You're new to this, aren't you?"

2010-02-15 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (028)
Forum:2010-02-15 (Monday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Violetta, Theo, Zeetha, the Unstoppable Higgs, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
DuMedd monitors "Agatha's" readings, and "helpfully" removes her restraints. Oops. Zeetha rushes to deal with Agatha, her possessed zumil, leaving Higgs to deal with an angry Castle Heterodyne.
Snap! Snap! Snap!

2010-02-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (029)
Forum:2010-02-17 (Wednesday)
Higgs, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Higgs tries to talk Otilia out of fighting, explaining to her why she is feeling so out of joint. She remains confused and angry. After several tries, she lands the first blow, but this doesn't stop Higgs.
Crunch! Swoosh! Crak

2010-02-19 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (030)
Forum:2010-02-19 (Friday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Theo
DuMedd and Aunt Lucrezia have a small family reunion. Aunt Lucrezia goes down memory lane, which turns out to have a couple of dark alleys.
Serpentina Mongfish, Mr. Hissyfit, Your father

2010-02-22 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (031)
Forum:2010-02-22 (Monday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Higgs, Tarvek
Otilia is about to spill her guts about Higgs. He stops her by landing a spanner blow to the aforementioned guts.

Zeetha and Violetta Bond[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-02-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (032)
Forum:2010-02-24 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Lucrezia#Agatha, Theo, Violetta
Zeetha's rescue is rebuffed by a revivification boosted Lu-Agatha swinging a blunt Theo "Greasetrap" DuMeed.
WHAK Cheyenne Wright under observation at hospital, grayscale of page

2010-02-26 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (033)
Forum:2010-02-26 (Friday)
Zeetha, Violetta, Lucrezia#Agatha, Theo
Humbled, Zeetha shares her full introduction with a doubting Violetta. Violetta once again shows she has come into her own; outsmarting Lu-Agatha to save Theo's tuchas.
Skifander, The Order, Smoke Knights Cheyenne fundraiser, pencil of page

2010-03-01 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (034)
Forum:2010-03-01 (Monday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zeetha, Gil, Snaug
Zeetha and Lu-Agatha face off. Lu-Agatha pitches her helm in Gil's direction, disrupting the SVV procedure. The equipment sparks and the controls fuse. Snaug attempts to do Lu's bidding.
Fling! Crash. Zzzik! ZzaKk!Pow! Pow! Cheyenne fundraiser, pencil of page

2010-03-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (035)
Forum:2010-03-03 (Wednesday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta
Zeetha continues to wear Lucrezia down. Violetta gets a feeling for how good Zeetha is.
Snop! Boot! PAF!

2010-03-05 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (036)
Forum:2010-03-05 (Friday)
Gil, Mezzasalma, von Zinzer, Tarvek, Higgs
A quick thinking Von Zinzer pulls the plug before Gil fries. They move Gil off the slab. It may be too late to help Gil.
KzZzzAZTZT...Chnk. Baf!

2010-03-08 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (037)
Forum:2010-03-08 (Monday)
Violetta, Lucrezia#Agatha, Zeetha, von Zinzer
While Zeetha keeps Lu-Agatha busy, she discusses with Violetta how to reapply Agatha's Locket. Von Zinzer mentions young Wulfenbach is dying.
Agatha, Sturmvoraus, Wulfenbach

Agatha Wins[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-03-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (038)
Forum:2010-03-10 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Lucrezia#Agatha, Zeetha, Agatha, von Zinzer
Agatha regains control of her body.
Klaus, his boy

2010-03-12 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (039)
Forum:2010-03-12 (Friday)
Violetta, Agatha, Zeetha, von Zinzer, Gil, Tarvek, Sleipnir
Violetta takes the opportunity to replace Agatha's Locket. The mistress of the Castle is back! She admonishes Gil that he is not allowed to die. Oddly, that helps.
clik! SLam!


Location: Somewhere else in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-03-15 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (040)
Forum:2010-03-15 (Monday)
Sanaa, Snapper Boikov, R-79, Wrenchman, Squinaldo, Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer
The castle inmates are trapped in a pit. Sanaa is calling for help. Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer responds by removing the trapdoor and introducing himself. Uh-oh.

2010-03-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (041)
Forum:2010-03-17 (Wednesday)
Othar, Squinaldo, R-79, Snapper, Wrenchman, Sanaa
The inmates list the things Othar has broken. Sanaa adds he has broken his word. Othar start to protest but then recognizes his sister.
things broken:
  • Squinaldo's slaver ring
  • R-78 and R-76
  • Wrenchman's master's Doom Ships

2010-03-19 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (042)
Forum:2010-03-19 (Friday)
Othar, Wrenchman, Sanaa, R-79, Snapper, Squinaldo
Sanaa explains how she came to use the name of "Wilhelm" and demonstrates to Snapper (RIP) the family resemblance.
Wrenchman:"Requiescat in pace and all that rot. Dibs on the boots."
"The old guy who brought me here" (Wilhelm Diamant) Crak Snap

2010-03-22 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (043)
Forum:2010-03-22 (Monday)
Othar, Sanaa, <revolutionaries, <cyclopes, <unnamed Spark, <Wulfenbach soldier, semi-invisible hand.
To Othar's objections Sanaa counters with an account of her adventures (involving a Ulysses Engine).

She wins the argument.

Mechanical Narwhal, Venice, Chancellor of Ca' Foscari, Ægean, Ulysses Soon...

2010-03-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (044)
Forum:2010-03-24 (Wednesday)
Othar, Sanaa, Squinaldo, Wrenchman, R-79
Othar explains his mission to Sanaa.
Old Klaus, Grimstad, Helga Gootergund Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, frosted cave bear "Warning - pit trap - please reset", "secondary pit trap activated", "need a laugh? - yes - hell yes!"

2010-03-26 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (045)
Forum:2010-03-26 (Friday)
Othar, Sanaa
Sanaa talks Othar into allowing her to accompany him on his mission. Just this once.
Sanaa:"Eeeee! I finally get to rescue a prince!"
the Baron (Klaus), Mother, Young Wulfenbach dangers:
  • danger(up)
  • danger(down)
  • danger (sideways left)
  • danger (sideways right)

What Secondary Process?[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-03-29 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (046)
Forum:2010-03-29 (Monday)
Agatha(!), von Zinzer, Gil, Sleipnir, Tarvek
Agatha explains some of the process to the minions, but it seems there is a step missing.
von Zinzer: "What - you're going to dip him in molten zinc?"

2010-03-31 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (047)
Forum:2010-03-31 (Wednesday)
Gil, Tarvek, Agatha, Violetta, Theo, Mezzasalma, von Zinzer
Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek determine their odds of not dying today, and they are not looking good.
Agatha: "Don't Explain it - Do it!"

2010-04-02 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (048)
Forum:2010-04-02 (Friday)
von Zinzer, Agatha, Tarvek, Theo
Agatha hatches a plan that doesn't seem to convince von Zinzer.
von Zinzer: "But you'll die. Like, for real."
The Professor (Mezzasalma), Sleipnir, Wulfenbach/Gil gamesh, Tarvek; 99-101-7, 98-100-5, etc.; P-Q-R-S-T

Have a Drink...[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-04-05 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (049)
Forum:2010-04-05 (Monday)
Agatha, von Zinzer, Higgs, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Higgs brings Agatha some water, and the battered body of Otilia. The Castle Heterodyne fragment occupying the Muse has some questions.
Agatha: "Mother just... visits."
Master Wulfenbach (Gil), The Heterodyne, Lucrezia, Bill Rozen Maiden

2010-04-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (050)
Forum:2010-04-07 (Wednesday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Agatha, <Lucrezia, <lab subject#squirrel, <squirrel#subject, <Otilia
The Castle details Lucrezia's experiments in consciousness transferral, and mentions that the result of her first experiment in transferring artificial consciousness to a biological body is at the bottom of the pit.
Doctor Beetle (Tarsus Beetle)

2010-04-09 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (051)
Forum:2010-04-09 (Friday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Higgs
The Castle reveals that the water Agatha drank earlier was from The Dyne, but Agatha was planning on using it anyway. The Castle administers a shock to Agatha.

Nova Albion Comic[]

Location: Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-04-12 (Monday)
Vol. p. 
Forum:2010-04-12 (Monday)
Kaja Foglio, Agatha, convention attendees, giant clank
World of Radio, Subme[rsible] Under the explanation

Get Him![]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-04-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (052)
Forum:2010-04-14 (Wednesday)
Theo, Tarvek, Sleipnir, Snaug, Violetta, Mezzasalma, \Agatha(!) (oop)
With Agatha's instructions nearly complete, Gil is grabbed and manhandled into position.
Agatha: "Nonsense. 'Testing' is for when you're still guessing."

2010-04-16 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (053)
Forum:2010-04-16 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne(!!)
Agatha, floating, surrounded by and connected to machines. The scene is somewhat similar to the Tarot card The World.
Agatha: "And, now, I have no need to guess."
notes concerning the online store.

2010-04-19 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (054)
Forum:2010-04-19 (Monday)
Tarvek, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Higgs, Agatha(!!), Gil
Agatha is levitating in an euphoric hyper-spark state, with only the possibility of Gil and Tarvek dying to spoil things.
Higgs: "Remember old Igneous? Just before he exploded?"

2010-04-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (055)
Forum:2010-04-21 (Wednesday)
Agatha(!!), Mezzasalma, Tarvek, Gil
Agatha sends a surge of energy into Tarvek and Gil.
Agatha: "if you die- then... all the rest... the rest is... pointless."

2010-04-23 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (056)
Forum:2010-04-23 (Friday)
Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Higgs, Sleipnir, Mezzasalma, Gil, Tarvek, Agatha
After a massive expenditure of energy, Agatha falls to the ground, surrounded by melted machinery.

2010-04-26 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (057)
Forum:2010-04-26 (Monday)
Violetta, Sleipnir, Tarvek(!), Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Agatha(!)
Violetta and Sleipnir feel rotten, but Tarvek feels great. Agatha gloats to the Castle about how much fun she had not quite exploding. The Castle considers this typical Heterodyne behaviour.
Castle: "Under the circumstances, I am forced to admit that you are most likely one of the family."

I Know, Let's Fight![]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-04-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (058)
Forum:2010-04-28 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Gil, Tarvek
Gil and Tarvek escalate from passive-aggressive rivalry to regular aggression. Zeetha calls Agatha.
Zeetha: "You're missing the show!"

2010-04-30 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (059)
Forum:2010-04-30 (Friday)
Zeetha, Agatha, Queenbot, Gil, Tarvek, Moloch
Agatha is building Queenbot. Agatha gets upset at the boys fighting, but then joins in. Moloch calms all three down with a bucket of water.
Agatha: "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves! You fight like ducks!"

Blowing a Gasket[]

Location: The Great Movement Chamber of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-05-03 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (060)
Forum:2010-05-03 (Monday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Gil, Zeetha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Still riding the rush of successfully completing a three party Si Vales Valeo procedure, the sparks begin to make grandiose plans. Moloch non-metaphorically pours cold water on the idea. Agatha refocuses on more important goals - repairing the Castle and defending the town. The Castle's damaged Muse body malfunctions.

2010-05-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (061)
Forum:2010-05-05 (Wednesday)
Gil, Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Zeetha, Higgs, Snaug, Tarvek
Higgs blames "sprocket weevils" for the damage to the Muse body housing Castle Heterodyne. Agatha has a plan to use the entity in the pit to help transfer the last fragment of Castle Heterodyne back to the Castle proper.
Sprocket weevils, Van Rijn

Lucrezia's Secret Lab[]

Location: Lucrezia's secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-05-07 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (062)
Forum:2010-05-07 (Friday)
Zeetha, Moloch, Agatha, Tarvek, Gil
The group descends into Lucrezia's secret laboratory below the Great Movement Chamber. Visible is lab equipment, including a washer full of skulls, a comfortable chair on a rug, and a tea cart (also seen later ).
My mother (Lucrezia)

2010-05-10 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (063)
Forum:2010-05-10 (Monday)
Mezzasalma, Agatha, Violetta, Gil, Von Pinn, Tarvek, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
The other entity in the pit is Von Pinn, who is dying, but still annoyed to see what has happened to her muse body.
Von Pinn: "What have you done to my body?!"

2010-05-12 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (064)
Forum:2010-05-12 (Wednesday)
Gil, Von Pinn, Tarvek, Violetta, Mezzasalma, Agatha
Gil and Tarvek vow vengeance upon whoever harmed Von Pinn. Agatha reluctantly admits it was her.
Agatha: "For what it's worth, she did kill my parents."

2010-05-14 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (065)
Forum:2010-05-14 (Friday)
Gil, Tarvek, Agatha
Agatha offers to help Von Pinn. Gil reveals that he had reanimated Punch and Judy after Von Pinn dismembered them . Agatha is overjoyed, Tarvek is irritated at Gil employing such underhanded tactics.
Tarvek: "Seriously? The old 'bring her family back from the grave' gambit? Have you no shame?"
Punch and Judy

2010-05-17 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (066)
Forum:2010-05-17 (Monday)
Tarvek, Violetta, Gil, Agatha, Zeetha, Von Pinn, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Castle Heterodyne asks Agatha to restore both it and Otilia/Von Pinn back to their original "bodies".
Tarvek: "The last time I saw it was in Feydau's "The Clockwork Pantalettes," and the reviews for that were terrible!"
Feydeau, Castle Wulfenbach, The Great Hospital

Elsewhere: Maxim Buys a Hat[]

Location: Outside a hat store, then in and near a sandwich ship.

Katrina Hao served as guest colorist for this short story to allow Cheyenne Wright to finish coloring the re-release of Agatha Heterodyne and the Beetleburg Clank without being "killed by overwork."

Publication Note: This story is published at the end of Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse, the print edition of Volume X.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-05-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (A)
Forum:2010-05-19 (Wednesday)
Maxim stares into a hat store.
Meanwhile— in a nearby village Fundraising for Cheyenne's heart attack, guest colorist Katrina Hao.

2010-05-21 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (B)
Forum:2010-05-21 (Friday)
Ognian, Maxim, villager, children
Bemoaning the lack of worthy enemies, Maxim vows to challenge Ol' Man Death for his hat.
Ol' Man Death Hats - est. 1799; A lecture by noted rocketeer Melissa Rogers

2010-05-24 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (C)
Forum:2010-05-24 (Monday)
Zeuxippe, Ol' Man Death, tourist, \Maxim
Ol' Man Death is at work in his shop, displaying his encyclopedic knowledge of sandwiches, when a new challenger appears!
"One Botched Construct,"
Sandwi[ches], [made] to order / Catering

2010-05-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (D)
Forum:2010-05-26 (Wednesday)
Ol' Man Death, Maxim, waitress, Oggie
Maxim attacks. After a little banter, Ol' Man Death throws him through the restaurant window.
Oggie: "Dot's vun."
Chew your food, Beer here, Menu, San[dwiches]

2010-05-28 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (E)
Forum:2010-05-28 (Friday)
Zeuxippe, Ol' Man Death, <young Death, <young bloods
Ol' Man Death explains to Zeuxippe his history with the Jägers, and the rules for trying to win his hat.
Schlognwurst, Grandma, Old Heterodynes, the Boys (Bill, Barry) Shl, דש

2010-05-31 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (F)
Forum:2010-05-31 (Monday)
Ol' Man Death, Zeuxippe, Maxim, Oggie
Maxim attacks again, and is once more trounced and thrown back out the same window.
Oggie: "Dot's two!"
st, Wham!! Smash! Bash! Bonk!

2010-06-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (G)
Forum:2010-06-02 (Wednesday)
Ol' Man Death, <young Death, <wild princess Grandma, Zeuxippe
OMD expounds on family history, and why his hat is so prized.

2010-06-04 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (H)
Forum:2010-06-04 (Friday)
Ol' Man Death, Maxim, Zeuxippe
Maxim leaps out of a barrel of pickled herring, and back into the fray.
Pickled herring, Slam! Whump!

2010-06-07 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (I)
Forum:2010-06-07 (Monday)
Maxim, Ol' Man Death
After knocking down Ol' Man Death in pitched battle, Maxim is about to claim his prize, only to be hit by a large jar.
case, Punch! Crunch! Paf! Wak! Crash! Smak!

2010-06-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (J)
Forum:2010-06-09 (Wednesday)
Zeuxippe, Ol' Man Death, Maxim
Zeuxippe intervenes to save her grandfather. Ol' Man Death offers to forfeit due to interference, but Maxim dismisses it as merely a "course hazard." Ol' Man Death is briefly appreciative of Maxim's fair play, until Maxim enquires as to Zeuxippe's plans for the evening. Maxim barely avoids being thrown out for a third and final time.
Ol Man' Death: "And that's your three!"
Fancy Olives, Let's Fight

2010-06-11 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (K)
Forum:2010-06-11 (Friday)
Zeuxippe, Ol' Man Death, Maxim
Maxim employs his final gambit - ordering a sandwich. A hat sandwich… to go.
Prince of Sturmhalten's Big Bet, Prince Vadim, Goot Heterodyne, Cathedral, Mechanicsburg, The Boys (Bill, Barry)

2010-06-14 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (L)
Forum:2010-06-14 (Monday)
Oggie, waitress, Maxim, Zeuxippe, Ol' Man Death, villagers
Oggie is astonished to see Maxim with Ol' Man Death's hat, and curious as to why it has cheese on it.
Your grandmother Eat!, Call Me ♥ Z

Flirting Minions[]

Location: Lucrezia's secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-06-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (067)
Forum:2010-06-16 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Snaug, Agatha, Violetta
Moloch works on repairing the elevator. Snaug brings him a snack, and he attends to her bruised eye , although he doesn't seem to appreciate her compliments about how great a minion he is. Violetta defensively declares she has no interest in anything going on between the two.
Dr. Mittelmind On lift control dial: Up fast / Up / STOP / Down / Drop.

2010-06-18 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (068)
Forum:2010-06-18 (Friday)
Gil, Mezzasalma, Zeetha, Snaug, Moloch, Tarvek, Higgs
Gil explains the plan to use the FunMADD at the top of the shaft as a temporary body for the Castle. Tarvek argues that Zeetha, Mezzasalma, Snaug and Higgs should retrieve the clank, since he and Gil have something to discuss. In private.
the Castle mind, the clank body, Big Watchdog Clank

Knocked Out[]

Location: Lucrezia'a secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-06-21 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (069)
Forum:2010-06-21 (Monday)
Agatha, Queenie, Zeetha, Violetta, Gil, Tarvek, Zola
As the platform rises, Agatha tosses Queenbot to Zeetha. Tarvek makes his case to Gil about Tarvek's claim to the Lightning Crown, and Zola knocks everyone out with a gas bomb.
Agatha: "Nonsense. They're probably not "doomed" per se."

2010-06-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (070)
Forum:2010-06-23 (Wednesday)
Zola, Gil, Tarvek, Violetta, Agatha
Zola monologues over the unconscious group.

2010-06-25 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (071)
Forum:2010-06-25 (Friday)
Violetta, Zola, Agatha, Lucrezia#Agatha
Zola has plans to turn the current situation to her family's advantage, and removes Agatha's Locket.
your order, your family Bonk! Snap!

2010-06-28 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (072)
Forum:2010-06-28 (Monday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola
Zola introduces herself to Lucrezia, who promptly knocks her out and straps her into a Summoning Engine. Lucrezia has plans for Zola.
Demonica, Father/Grandfather (Lucifer Mongfish)

2010-06-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (073)
Forum:2010-06-30 (Wednesday)
Zola, Lucrezia#Agatha
Lucrezia explains to Zola that Agatha has become too strong, capable of seizing control of her body and learning things from Lucrezia, and therefore must die.
The Order, Barry, her father (Bill)

2010-07-02 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (074)
Forum:2010-07-02 (Friday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola, Lucrezia (proper, in spirit)
While Lucrezia would prefer to destroy Agatha's body and have her Geisterdamen priestesses summon her into a new body, this would cause her to lose her recent memories. She instead plans to transfer her consciousness to Zola, but Zola tells her this will result in mutual destruction.
"Rezzok tig-zaffa" ... Mutual brain death
Priestesses, Sturmhalten hive

Deal With the Devil[]

Location: Lucrezia'a secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-07-05 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (075)
Forum:2010-07-05 (Monday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola
Zola explains how she can't be overwritten by Lucrezia, then offers Lucrezia the possibility of riding along.
Agatha: "Working with family is so infuriating."
your daughter, your priestesses (Geisterdamen), Loremistress Milvistle
SFX, Panel 1.

2010-07-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (076)
Forum:2010-07-07 (Wednesday)
Zola, Lucrezia#Agatha
Considering Zola's plan, Lucrezia interogates her. Finding out Klaus now controls Europa, Lucrezia accepts Zola's bargain.
The Heterodyne Girl, the family, The Order, Klaus Wulfenbach

2010-07-09 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (077)
Forum:2010-07-09 (Friday)
Lucrezia, Zola
Lucrezia transfers a copy of herself into Zola. Zola gloats and regains control, blurting out Lucrezia's successful wasping of the Baron .
The Baron (Klaus), Slaver wasp
You will show them all ♥
Mirror, Panel 1.

Zola Takes Over[]

Location: Lucrezia'a secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-07-12 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (078)
Forum:2010-07-12 (Monday)
Zola, Lucrezia#Agatha
With the copy of Lucrezia ensnared in her neural net, Zola intends to go ahead with Lucrezia's plans… only with Zola in charge. Agatha still needs to die, however.
Zola: "Ooooh. And that's why no one's been able to find the Citadel of Silver Light. Amazing! it explains so much!"
Citadel of Silver Light, Milvistle Wump!

2010-07-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (079)
Forum:2010-07-14 (Wednesday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola, Tarvek
Zola realizes Lucrezia only found Violetta and Gil. With his presence discovered, Tarvek clubs Zola, and kicks Lucrezia.
Thwak! Whunch

2010-07-16 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (080)
Forum:2010-07-16 (Friday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Tarvek, Zola
The three reach for the death ray in turn, each knocked away by a thrown object (including a tea cart ).
Agatha, Queen of Skral, The Other

2010-07-19 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (081)
Forum:2010-07-19 (Monday)
Tarvek, Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola
The standoff ends: Tarvek gets the death ray, Aola gets a cannon, and Lucrezia activates the lab's self-destruct mechanism.
Label, panel 5
I had hoped it wouldn't come to this
Sign, panel 5
SFX, panel 5
SFX, panel 6
Slam! Slam!
SFX, panel 7, 8

Nice "Death Trap"[]

Location: Lucrezia'a secret laboratory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-07-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (082)
Forum:2010-07-21 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Lucrezia#Agatha, Zola
With Lucrezia's self destruct mechanism counting down, Zola decides to not stick around.
SFX, panel 3.
SFX, panel 4.

2010-07-23 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (083)
Forum:2010-07-23 (Friday)
Tarvek, Lucrezia#Agatha
Tarvek briefly contemplates an escape via the same route as Zola. Very briefly.
SFX, panel 2.
SFX, panel 3.

2010-07-26 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (084)
Forum:2010-07-26 (Monday)
Tarvek, Lucrezia#Agatha
Having escaped the collapsing lab ceiling, Tarvek and Lucrezia cling together. Lucrezia promptly shoves Tarvek into an ominous transparent booth. The self destruct countdown continues.
Tarvek: "You-!"
Lucrezia: "Me!"

2010-07-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (085)
Forum:2010-07-28 (Wednesday)
Lucrezia#Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Violetta, \Von Pinn (oop)
Lucrezia decides to deactivate the countdown, and activate the mind control booths that Tarvek, Gil and Violetta are trapped in.
Lucrezia's Lab: "Self-destruct cancelled, darlings! Maybe next time!"
Self destruct mechanism, panel 2.

2010-07-30 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (086)
Forum:2010-07-30 (Friday)
Lucrezia, Von Pinn, Agatha, Gil, Violetta
Von Pinn forces Lucrezia to back down.
Lucrezia: "Well, release me this instant! That's an order!
Von Pinn: "Sssss- that will no longer work, you filthy thief of souls. It was not easy, but I have found ways to break your hold."

Frustrated Sparks[]

Location: Near the top of the shaft.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-08-02 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (087)
Forum:2010-08-02 (Monday)
Theo, dingbot, Mittelmind, FunMADD, Moloch, Mezzasalma, Professor Diaz, Zeetha, Higgs, Queenie
Dingbots are stealing parts and tools, and the sparks are not dealing with the problem constructively. Zeetha pulls out and winds up Queenbot.
The spooky girl (?Agatha), Wulfenbach (Gil), Agatha
"…And what has been going on at the top of the shaft?"
Narration, panel 1

2010-08-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (088)
Forum:2010-08-04 (Wednesday)
Deuce Dingbot, dingbots, Dingbot Prime, Queenie(*), FunMADD
The rival dingbot factions are working at cross purposes until Queenbot dramatically appears.

2010-08-06 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (089)
Forum:2010-08-06 (Friday)
Prime, Queenie, Deuce, dingbots
Queenbot asserts authority over the other two dingbot leaders, uniting the factions and setting them to work on the FunMADD.


Location: Near the top of the shaft.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-08-09 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (090)
Forum:2010-08-09 (Monday)
Theo, Mittelmind, Diaz, Mezzasalma, Moloch
The sparks and Moloch are fretting about the dingbots taking their jobs, and/or building something that will kill them all, when they hear the explosion from Zola destroying the shaft .

2010-08-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (091)
Forum:2010-08-11 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Diaz, Zeetha, Higgs, Sleipnir, Theo
Higgs plans to check on Gil (and Agatha), accompanied by Zeetha.
Sleipnir: "A map? Of this place? That doesn't even-"
Theo: "Ssh! I know. But he says he can get there. If he needs a map to do it? Then fine. He found a map."
Agatha, Gil

2010-08-13 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (092)
Forum:2010-08-13 (Friday)
Zeetha, Mezzasalma, Queenie, Prime, Deuce, dingbots, Mittelmind, Snaug, Moloch
Zeetha plans to bring Theo and Sleipnir. Moloch is going, so Snaug is definitely going.
Mittelmind: "But no permanent damage- he belongs to the lady."
Snaug: "'Kay!"
Theo, Sleipnir, Agatha, dog monster

Time to Get Moving[]

Location: Lucrezia's lab.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-08-16 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (093)
Forum:2010-08-16 (Monday)
Violetta, Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Von Pinn
Violetta replaces Agatha's Locket. Von Pinn is temporarily stable, but Agatha doesn't want to wait.
Violetta: "Sheesh. Whose adolescent slave-girl fantasies are we indulging here, anyway?"
The Castle (Castle Heterodyne#Otilia), muse body, watchdog clank

2010-08-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (094)
Forum:2010-08-18 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Agatha plans to leave Von Pinn for the other sparks, and get back to repairing the Castle. She decides to travel light.
Zola, My mother (Lucrezia), Your father (Klaus), Von Pinn
SFX, Panel 4.
SFX, Panel 5.

General Teatime with Boris[]

Location: Aboard a small airship near Castle Wulfenbach.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-08-20 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (095)
Forum:2010-08-20 (Friday)
Boris Dolokhov, General Khrizhan, General Goomblast, General Zog, Jägermonster messenger
Dolokhov drops in on the Jägergenerals, presenting an incapacitated messenger .
Zog: "Oho! Hyu haz earned the right to a tok!"
Alexi (probably Goomblast ) "Mechanicsburg" (title of map being examined by the generals)

2010-08-23 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (096)
Forum:2010-08-23 (Monday)
Boris, Zog
Zog and Boris discuss the prospect of the Jägers returning to the service of the Heterodynes, and the possible consequences.
The Baron (Klaus), A Heterodyne (Agatha), Her father (Bill)

2010-08-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (097)
Forum:2010-08-25 (Wednesday)
Zog, Khrizhan, Goomblast, Boris, ~Klaus Wulfenbach, ~Agatha, \Ardsley Wooster (oop)
Boris suggests the Jägers wait for the Baron to formally release them. Wooster has other ideas.
Khrizhan: "Dis way, Mees Agatha ken choose her own var!"
Zog: "Ooh, dot's true. A gurl gots to be picky for her first var."
Her oncle (Barry), Agatha

2010-08-27 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (098)
Forum:2010-08-27 (Friday)
Wooster, Goomblast, Boris, Khrizhan
Wooster reveals the Baron's plan to destroy Mechanicsburg.
her Majesty (Queen Albia of England), The Baron (Klaus), Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), The Other

2010-08-30 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (099)
Forum:2010-08-30 (Monday)
Boris, Wooster, Zog
Wooster escapes by hand-copter. Zog asks Boris to tell them more about Agatha and The Other.
Meez Agatha, de Other

Higgs Knows Secret Passages[]

Location: Near bedrooms in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-09-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (100)
Forum:2010-09-01 (Wednesday)
Theo, Zeetha, Higgs, Sleipnir, Krosp, Moloch
Higgs guides the group to Lucrezia's chambers, and the secret entrance to Lucrezia's hidden lab.
Castle Heterodyne, the Heterodyne Boys (Bill, Barry), Lucrezia, Balloon Bees
And, back in the halls of Castle Heterodyne-
Narration, panel 1

2010-09-03 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (101)
Forum:2010-09-03 (Friday)
Krosp, Moloch, Snaug, Zeetha, Higgs, Sleipnir, Theo, Von Pinn
The group finds Von Pinn, and instructions to help her.
Gil, Agatha

2010-09-06 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (102)
Forum:2010-09-06 (Monday)
Sleipnir, Von Pinn, Theo(!), Moloch, Snaug, Zeetha, Higgs, Krosp
Theo is excited to get to work on preparing Von Pinn, and Sleipnir is excited to assist. The rest of the group decides to give them some privacy.
Agatha, Gil, Sturmvoraus (Tarvek), Watchdog clank

2010-09-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (103)
Forum:2010-09-08 (Wednesday)
Krosp, Zeetha, Higgs, Moloch, Snaug, Mimmoth
Leaving Theo and Sleipnir in the lab, the rest of the group heads upstairs. Snaug is displeased to find that Moloch is interested in Sanaa.
Sanaa Wilhelm Wait!

Have you remembered to:

  • Turn off all Experimen(ts?)
  • Feed the Beastie(s?)
  • Taunt the Prisone(rs?)
  • Appease the Dark (Ones?)
  • Lock the Gates?
  • Slay the Hero?
  • (Put) out the "Trash"?

(Now you) may Gloat!

Aaaah! It's Zola![]

Location: Near the top of the shaft.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-09-10 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (104)
Forum:2010-09-10 (Friday)
Moloch, Snaug, Higgs, Zeetha, Zola
Zola sets off a trap, Higgs and Zeetha rush in to confront her.
Mittelmind Poison / Illiteracy Reduction

2010-09-13 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (105)
Forum:2010-09-13 (Monday)
Zola, Higgs, Zeetha
Zola escapes down the shaft via Grappling gun, with Higgs and Zeetha in hot pursuit.
choff, crash!

2010-09-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (106)
Forum:2010-09-15 (Wednesday)
Zola, Zeetha, Higgs
Zola eludes her pursuers. Zeetha and Higgs decide to hunt Zola down together.
Agatha, Young Wulfenbach (Gil)

2010-09-17 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (107)
Forum:2010-09-17 (Friday)
Moloch, Snaug, Mezzasalma, Mittelmind (dead)
Moloch and Snaug find the aftermath of Zola's attack on the group working on the FunMADD . Diaz is dead, Mittelmind is… living impaired.
Blasted adventuress (Zola), Diaz

2010-09-20 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (108)
Forum:2010-09-20 (Monday)
Moloch, Mezzasalma(!), Snaug, Mittelmind(!)
Snaug revivifies Mittelmind, but Diaz is dead as a doornail. Mezzasalma and Mittelmind have grandiose plans for him anyway.
Diaz "Junior Scientist Lightning Kit"

2010-09-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (109)
Forum:2010-09-22 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Mezzasalma(!), FunMADD
Thanks to assistance from the Dingbots, the FunMADD is repaired.
Mezzasalma: "We made improvements!"
The Lady (Agatha), little clanks (Dingbots)

The Castle Seraglio[]

Location: Seraglio of Satyricus Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-09-24 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (110)
Forum:2010-09-24 (Friday)
Agatha, Gil, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia, Tarvek
Gil displays extensive knowledge of the Seraglio of Satyricus Heterodyne. Tarvek lays claim to a room in the seraglio, which he and Agatha find very amusing.
Tarvek: "I'll have that room over there. It has a nice view."
Satyricus Heterodyne, François Mansart, Alphonse Ennui, Storm King "Les Abominations dangereuses de l'architecture", "The temptation of Saint Vulcania"

2010-09-27 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (111)
Forum:2010-09-27 (Monday)
Gil, Agatha, Tarvek, Violetta, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Tarvek offers to share his room with Gil, but Agatha assures Gil he'll have a room of his own. Gil jokes about having somewhere to stay after Zola topples the Wulfenbach Empire. Everyone except the Castle seems to be in a very good mood.

2010-09-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (112)
Forum:2010-09-29 (Wednesday)
Gil, Agatha, Tarvek, Violetta, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Everyone is in such a good mood that Tarvek gets suspicious. Consulting Agatha's Map of the Castle, he asks Gil to inspect a smashed wall. Gil is immediately seized by green tendrils.
Tarvek: "Violetta - I'm… I'm never this happy. I'm not… allowed to be this happy."

It's A Big Awesome Plant! Neat![]

Location: Greenhouse.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-01 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (113)
Forum:2010-10-01 (Friday)
Gil, Agatha, Tarvek, Violetta, Nepenthes Dulcis
The group's good mood is the result of Nepenthes Dulcis, a carnivorous plant in the Heterodyne conservatory that induces feelings of extreme happiness. Gil is in the process of being eaten by the plant.
Gil: "Sturmvoraus! I'm still happy... but not with you!"
Smoke Knights, Zola

2010-10-04 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (114)
Forum:2010-10-04 (Monday)
Violetta, Tarvek Agatha, Zola, Gil, Nepenthes Dulcis, Heterodyne Pruning Clank
The group attempts to extract Gil from the plants, which Tarvek identifies as a variant cultivar. Zola arrives, happy that she gets the chance to rescue Gil for once.

2010-10-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (115)
Forum:2010-10-06 (Wednesday)
Zola, Gil, Nepenthes Dulcis, Agatha
Zola offers to let the plant swallow Gil, and cut him out afterwards, but leaves Gil to his own devices and attacks Agatha instead.
Auntie Lucrezia


Location: Conservatory.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-08 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (116)
Forum:2010-10-08 (Friday)
Nepenthes Dulcis, Agatha, Zola, Zeetha, Higgs
Zola's attack on an ensnared Agatha is interrupted by a thrown sword - Zeetha and Higgs have arrived. Agatha is cut free, and arms herself with Zola's sword.

2010-10-11 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (117)
Forum:2010-10-11 (Monday)
Agatha, Zola, Heterodyne Pruning Clank
Zola and Agatha fight. Agatha has a sword, Zola has a gun. Agatha also has a pruning clank, which cuts the rope supporting Zola.

2010-10-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (118)
Forum:2010-10-13 (Wednesday)
Zola, Agatha, Violetta, Tarvek
As Zola crashes to the ground, Agatha closes in for the kill. The battered Zola takes some Movit #11 that she stole from Violetta.

2008 Hugo Award Photograph[]

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-14 (Thursday)
Vol. p. Hugo
Forum:2010-10-14 (Thursday)
Hey! I never got around to showing the web readers our Best Graphic Story of 2008 Hugo Award trophy!


Location: Greenhouse.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-15 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (119)
Forum:2010-10-15 (Friday)
Tarvek, Zeetha, Zola
A Movit-enhanced Zola steals Zeetha's sword and stabs her with it.

2010-10-18 (Monday)
Vol.X p. (120)
Forum:2010-10-18 (Monday)
Agatha, Violetta, Tarvek, Higgs, Zeetha, Zola
Agatha attempts to rescue Zeetha, but Violetta stuns her. Tarvek carries Agatha away. Zola taunts Higgs, who is cradling the injured Zeetha. Higgs' usual reserved demeanour slips.
Zola: "She just wasn't as good as she thought she was."
Higgs: "Yes… but I vas starting to like her."

2010-10-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.X p. (121)
Forum:2010-10-20 (Wednesday)
Zola, Higgs
Higgs attacks Zola.
"Heterodyne cow" (Agatha) SMASH! CRUNCH! BOOT! SLICE! WHAK

Final Page of Volume 10[]

Location: Hallway in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-22 (Friday)
Vol.X p. (122)
Forum:2010-10-22 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Castle Heterodyne#Otilia
Tarvek carries Agatha away from the fray and towards the library. Their only chance is to fix the castle before Zola can carry out her evil plan.
Zeetha, Zola, Gil, Violetta

Zola Goes up to Eleven[]

Location: Greenhouse of Castle Heterodyne.

Note: The four pages in this section are labeled as part of Volume XI, but they are included in Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse, the print edition of volume X.

Names Used Text Extras

2010-10-25 (Monday)
Vol.XI p. (001)
Forum:2010-10-25 (Monday)
Violetta, Zola, Higgs, Nepenthes Dulcis, \Gil
Higgs fights Zola. Violetta fights the plant. The plant noms Gil.
Nom Nom

2010-10-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.XI p. (002)
Forum:2010-10-27 (Wednesday)
Zola, Higgs
Zola impales Higgs. Higgs whacks and smacks Zola, then remembers to says ouch.
Higgs: "...ouch?"
Gil, my inconvenient cousin (Agatha), my Storm King (Tarvek) WAK! SMAK!

2010-10-29 (Friday)
Vol.XI p. (003)
Forum:2010-10-29 (Friday)
Higgs, Violetta, Zola
Violetta thoks Zola with a dart, doubling the dose of Movit#11. As Zola tries to burn off the extra dose, Higgs grabs Zola's boot.
Thok! YANK!

2010-11-01 (Monday)
Vol.XI p. (004)
Forum:2010-11-01 (Monday)
Higgs, Violetta, Zola
Zola uses the other boot to whack Higgs repeatedly. Free, Zola brings the sword down on his head, but Violetta has been able to swap the sword for one of the smaller plants. Zola leaves the room. Higgs tasks Violetta with keeping Zeetha alive, claiming the impostor for himself.
Zola: "Chophead Tinybits!"
Zeetha Wak (5 times) SPAK!
Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
