The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.
For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.
For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology. For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius. For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.
Chronology Overview Internal Chronology | ||||||||||||||
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One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.
(!) Sparking (!!) God-sparking (*) Heterodyning < Flashback > Flashforward = Flash-concurrent ~ Imagined \ Hidden ? Uncertain % Recorded image @ Transmitted image # Controlled body
For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.
---First Page of Act 2: BOOK TWO---[]
Talking to the Beast[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-01-19 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (001)[1] Forum:2015-01-19 (Monday) |
Agatha, The Beast | ||
Agatha confronts the Beast. She tells it that it should be talking to her, not Squashy/Tweedle/Martellus. She then tells it who she is and asks what it wants. | |||
The Beast: "Oooh, another one—but I was talking to dear Squashy, there, not to you!" Agatha: "Ignore him. I'm the one you should talk to." The Beast: "Oh? So bold! At least you're not one of those lying monks—but what could you have to say?" Agatha: "I'm Agatha Heterodyne. They tell me you were built by my family. Please don't squash me." The Beast: "Really? So intriguing—and what do you want of me, 'Heterodyne?'" Agatha: "I want you to talk to me. Tell me what you want." | |||
Dear Squashy, Lying Monks, Heterodyne | |||
2015-01-21 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (002) Forum:2015-01-21 (Wednesday) |
The Beast, Zeetha, Agatha, Squashy, Wooster, Violetta, Krosp, Brother Ulm, Other Corbettite monks, Storm King's Knights[2] | ||
The Beast responds to Agatha's request ("Tell me what you want"), while Zeetha, Violetta, and Wooster look on and Martellus and Krosp give orders to the Corbettite monks and Martellus' knights, who carry the Manual Magnetic Field Shapers, to be used against the Beast. | |||
Beast: "You ask me what I want? What a colossally foolish question! I am a locomotive! Mine is the power of iron and steam!" | |||
This is the first page of a double-page spread. | ||
2015-01-23 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (003) Forum:2015-01-23 (Friday) |
The Beast, Agatha | ||
The Beast continues to respond to Agatha. At one point Agatha briefly has hope that the Beast might be reasoned with; but, almost immediately, that hope is dashed. | |||
The Beast: "What do I want? I want to travel the world and see the rich diversity of wonders which fill it—" Agatha: "Oh, now that sounds—" The Beast: "and consume them! Hahahahahaha!" | |||
This is the second page of a double-page spread. Only the characters, quotes, actions, etc. that occur in second half of the image will be described in this entry. There is no "elegant and finely crafted link" to the full image included with this double-page spread, alas. | |||
2015-01-26 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (004) Forum:2015-01-26 (Monday) |
Agatha, Krosp, The Beast, Brother Ulm, Corbettite monk | ||
Agatha continues talking to the Beast, trying to convince it to be a good train. But the Beast is incorrigible and Agatha recognizes the family touch. But she has also been buying time for the monks to activate the Manual Magnetic Field Shapers, which they do on Brother Ulm's command. | |||
Agatha: "Uh—that is what a train does—" The Beast: "That is what a stupid train does! All that back and forth—without even tasting the local fare—fah! Ridiculous!" Agatha: "It hates schedules and it's a glutton—and they gave it to the monks. Yes, this has the subtle touch of my family all over it." | |||
Paris, My Family |
2015-01-28 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (005) Forum:2015-01-28 (Wednesday) |
Corbettite Monks, Storm King's Knights, The Beast, Agatha | ||
The monks and knights wield Manual Magnetic Field Shapers, apparently against significant resistance. Lines of magnetic force swirl everywhere. Caught in the middle of a vortex of force, the Beast bellows and rears up in shock. It criticizes the bad manners of its attackers and offers to show Agatha why gluttony is good. | |||
The Beast: "Whargh! What? What is this?! Caught? Trapped?! I?! Tch. We were talking. Don't these people have any kind of nice manners?" Agatha: "What do you expect? You can't just run amok and eat all their trains!" The Beast: "Oh, can't I? Would you like to see why it is useful? What you term my 'gluttony'?" | |||
Not in Fact a Transformer[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-01-30 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (006) Forum:2015-01-30 (Friday) |
The Beast, Agatha, Corbettite monk, Tweedle | ||
The Beast reconfigures its own structure by absorbing its rearmost segment and using the material to change and enlarge its head and jaws. This apparently also changes its susceptibility to magnetic attack and allows it to escape its magnetic shackles. It captures Tweedle again, this time lifting him completely off the ground. | |||
Monk: "Ah! All the magnetic fields have shifted! The containment field won't hold!" Martellus: "Focus! Analyze the new patterns and adjust your—whoop!" The Beast: "Ohho! Squashy! Such a Sparky little pest you are! Heh heh heh!" | |||
2015-02-02 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (007) Forum:2015-02-02 (Monday) |
The Beast, Tweedle, Agatha, Brother Ulm, Corbettite monk, Krosp | ||
The Beast gloats about escaping the magnetic field trap, stating that any attempt to stop it will only make it consume more resources, resulting in more destruction. It demonstrates its power, and contempt for its erstwhile captors, by dropping Tweedle on his face. Agatha "gets" it, but Krosp wants another demonstration. | |||
The Beast: "Other stupid little Sparks should stand aside—or I will drop them on their swollen heads, like so! Do you understand?" Agatha: "All right, all right. I get it…" Krosp: "I don't. Could you demonstrate on 'Squashy,' here, again?" | |||
Supposed "Heterodyne" |
2015-02-04 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (008) Forum:2015-02-04 (Wednesday) |
Agatha, Krosp, Tweedle, The Beast, Brother Ulm | ||
Agatha realizes that the Beast stores the extra material it takes in as additional body segments. The Beast continues to consume Corbettite railway engines and Brother Ulm begins to despair, but Agatha says she knows how to stop it. | |||
Agatha: "Hm. That was interesting…" Krosp: "Yeah! I could watch this guy get dropped on his head all day!" Tweedle: "…bad kitty…" | |||
2015-02-06 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (009) Forum:2015-02-06 (Friday) |
Agatha, Brother Ulm, The Beast | ||
Agatha charges towards the Beast, telling Brother Ulm to attack and keep it off balance. He protests, but Agatha has a plan! Is it to put the Beast on a diet? She snatches away the Beast's meal, enraging it. Then Agatha calls on Martellus to try his idea.[4] | |||
Agatha: "We'll start by taking away its dinner." The Beast: "But…but…I was eating that!" Agatha: "Martellus? Now would be a great time for you to try your idea…" | |||
Martellus |
2015-02-09 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (010) Forum:2015-02-09 (Monday) |
The Beast, Agatha, Martellus, Krosp | ||
The Beast looms over Agatha Heterodyne, so close she is almost within its jaws. She flinches away from its imminent attack. Suddenly, the Beast is distracted by a magnetic field manipulated by Martellus. Chasing the field, it crashes into a wall. Martellus compares the Beast's behavior to a that of a cat, angering Krosp. Is he insulted or does he just want his turn? (Martellus is trying the idea that he described on page 117 ✣ of the previous volume (Monday, December 22, 2014).) | |||
Martellus: "Yes! With the proper tuning—it's just like waving one of those fuzzy little toys in front of a cat!" Krosp: "Hmf! Well, I—" The Beast: "Yaaaaaaaa—" [It chases after Martellus' magnetic field.] Martellus: "Hurry! It's getting away!" [The Beast slams into a wall.] Martellus: "Heh. Seem familiar?" Krosp: "Why, you filthy, smug, patronizing ape. … Let me try it." | |||
Monk Tech[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-02-11 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (011) Forum:2015-02-11 (Wednesday) |
Corbettite Monks, Brother Vadaxxus, The Beast, Zeetha, Violetta, König | ||
The monks look on as Martellus leads the Beast on a merry chase, sending it crashing about. Taking advantage of the Beast's distraction, Brother Vadaxxus rallies his troops and orders them to fire, making a direct hit! The Beast crashes to the ground! Is it done for? Zeetha thinks not. Violetta disagrees. But the König, standing unnoticed behind both of them, agrees with Zeetha. | |||
Corbettite monk: "…What are they doing?" Brother Vadaxxus: "They're distracting it! Giving us a chance to get back on our feet! So make it count! All units in place and ready— Fire!" | |||
printable valentine | ||
2015-02-13 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (012) Forum:2015-02-13 (Friday) |
Brother Vadaxxus, Brother Matthias, The Beast, Martellus, Agatha | ||
Brother Matthias raves about the how the Beast might serve as a model for future Corbettite engines. Brother Vadaxxus orders that it be destroyed. The Beast brags that they can't hurt it, while gulping down munitions. Martellus groans that they are only helping it. Agatha schemes to remove its cars. | |||
Vadaxxus: "Brother Matthias—as a Spark—what is your opinion of the situation?" Matthias: "This—this is a tragedy! An intelligent device—capable of self-improvement! One that can change its own design on the fly to thwart real-time attacks! A glorious work! A masterpiece! We've got to study it! Why—with this, I can make all our engines—" Vadaxxus: "Shh…all right Brother, that's enough. That's what I needed to know. Hit it between the eyes—hard! I want continuous fire!" | |||
2015-02-16 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (013) Forum:2015-02-16 (Monday) |
The Beast, Corbettite monks, Agatha, Krosp, König, Violetta | ||
The Beast rears up over a scene of chaos: train cars and Corbettite monks are being flung through the air. The Beast's engine section has changed once again, now sporting at least three eyes, larger side pieces to the jaws, and a clawed arm at the rear. While they flee, Krosp asks Agatha about her plan. Violetta finally notices a very large bear is behind her, talking. | |||
Krosp: "You had a plan?" Agatha: "Yeah! Eventually we need to lure it to the elevator shaft!" Krosp: "…There had better be more to it than that!" | |||
2015-02-18 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (014) Forum:2015-02-18 (Wednesday) |
Agatha, Brother Vadaxxus, Krosp, Brother Matthias, The Beast, Martellus, Violetta, König | ||
The fleeing Agatha and Krosp encounter Brothers Vadaxxus and Matthias. Vadaxxus introduces himself, and Agatha tells him she wants to take away the Beast's cars, cutting off its reserves. Agatha moves on to give instructions to Martellus: Get it to the lift. She also has a special job for Violetta, who seems distracted, however. Then Agatha notices the very large bear behind her. | |||
Agatha: "—And Violetta! I have a special job for you—" Violetta: "Buh—" Agatha: "Say—are you all right?" Violetta: "Buh—" [Agatha finally notices the gigantic bear behind Violetta.] Violetta: "Bear." Bear: "This bear must talk with you." | |||
Hail to the King[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-02-20 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (015) Forum:2015-02-20 (Friday) |
König, Agatha, Krosp, Violetta, <Dimitri Vapnoople | ||
The bear identifies himself as König and greets his Master. Agatha thinks he means her, but Krosp is revealed to be Master. The bears turn out to have been created by Dimitri Vapnoople (also Krosp's creator), who wasn't quite as dim as he appeared and wasn't talking about his toy bears. The König is damn glad that Krosp has finally shown up.[6] | |||
Bear: "Greetings, Master. This bear is König." Agatha: "Uh—It’s good to meet you?" König: "…Is also good to meet you, Sparky Lady—but forgive this bear’s rude manner—this bear must speak with Master now." [Points at Krosp.] König: "Master—this bear, and the bears this bear commands, are now under your command…as promised." Krosp: "What? Me?!" | |||
Poppa, aka Doctor Vapnoople, Castle Wulfenbach, Creator's Number One Apprentice | |||
2015-02-23 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (016) Forum:2015-02-23 (Monday) |
Krosp, Martellus, König | ||
Martellus thinks he is still in charge of the bears and starts ordering the König around. The König refuses to obey and, much to his dismay, Martellus finds out that Krosp is in charge of the bears now. | |||
Martellus: "Doctor Vapnoople's masterpiece?! No! Impossible! The Baron captured him before he could finish—" [He turns to Krosp.] Martellus: "You!" Krosp: "Me?" Martellus: "You're an animal! Talk to them!" Krosp: "What?" Martellus: "They're making a mistake! If this is true, it could be a disaster! For us and them! The very idea of these bears being led by anything the doctor made—let alone his masterpiece—" König: "Say—is this human bothering you, Master?" Krosp: "Oh, no. I'm quite enjoying this." | |||
Volkerstorfer[7], The Shiny Thing, Doctor Vapnoople, The Baron | |||
2015-02-25 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (017) Forum:2015-02-25 (Wednesday) |
Martellus, Krosp, König, Violetta, Agatha, \Count Wolkerstorfer | ||
Martellus reluctantly accepts Krosp's new authority. Violetta wants to watch Martellus being thwarted, but Agatha tell her to get going—the plan depends on her! Martellus has done his part in the plan to separate the Beast from its cars, but more help is needed to hold the Beast in place. Agatha has an idea, but a better one comes along—Count Wolkerstorfer arrives. | |||
Martellus: "If we want to hold it still for any time at all, we'll need to strengthen the magnetic net considerably—and I don't know how we're—" Agatha: "I did have an idea about that—but a better one just showed up." Count Wolkerstorfer: "Why, hello! Is this a party? Was I invited?" | |||
The Shiny Thing, This Train | |||
2015-02-27 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (018) Forum:2015-02-27 (Friday) |
Count Wolkerstorfer, Martellus, Agatha, Krosp, König, The Beast | ||
Count Wolkerstorfer rambles on and on. Martellus pitches a fit. Agatha finally makes the Count understand that they are fighting the Beast. As usual, anything to do with magnets makes Count Wolkerstorfer happy. | |||
Wolkerstorfer: "I see. Ooh, and it's using magnets! How exciting! Why, that looks so dangerous—I'm sure I'll learn something wonderful!" | |||
Munich, Tarvek | |||
2015-03-02 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (019) Forum:2015-03-02 (Monday) |
Agatha, Wolkerstorfer, Martellus, General Vadaxxus, Corbettite monk, Brother Matthias, Zeetha | ||
Everyone works together to defeat the Beast in a surprising display of cooperation: Agatha and Wolkerstorfer, Martellus and Vadaxxus, Matthias and Zeetha. The Beast is not pleased. | |||
Matthias: "All right—we've recalibrated the magnetic net again—" Zeetha: "Agatha! It's adapting faster each time— This might be the last time we can do this!" Agatha: "Fine! I hope everybody's ready— Let's move it to the elevator shaft!" The Beast: "What is this?! Again with this…this taunting?! No! I am tired of this!" | |||
As of Wednesday, 4-March-2015, the page has been colored. | ||
2015-03-04 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (020) Forum:2015-03-04 (Wednesday) |
The Beast. Agatha, Corbettite Monks | ||
The Beast is led to the top of the elevator shaft. It tries to leave, but is held there by the newly recalibrated magnetic net, probably with the aid of Count Wolkerstorfer. The Beast complains vociferously about being repeatedly tricked and trapped. | |||
The Beast: "There is nothing here! You Sparks think you are so clever— Leading me around with your—your shiny…intriguing…phantom… Augh! But I am done playing with you now! I am leaving!" Agatha: "Now! It's in place! Hold it!" Monk: "Ex fide fortis[8], Brothers!" | |||
As of 16-October-2015, this page has been posted in color. |
Fun With Magnetics[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-03-06 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (021) Forum:2015-03-06 (Friday) |
The Beast, One of Martellus' Knights, Agatha, Martellus, A Corbettite Monk, Count Wolkerstorfer | ||
The Beast has reconfigured itself once again. Its appearance has changed quite a bit; it has a bigger mouth, fan-like "ears" and two much sturdier, multi-toed limbs. It slams its limbs into the ground. It is emitting a very loud howling sound and concentric circles of magnetic force. It has immobilized everyone around it. Its victims react in dismay as it gloats and threatens. | |||
Beast: "You fools should be grateful that I am leaving you alive! I don't have to, you know!" | |||
2015-03-09 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (022) Forum:2015-03-09 (Monday) |
Krosp, The Beast, König, König's Bears | ||
Krosp orders his bears to attack the Beast. The Beast responds condescendingly—until the attack hits! | |||
The Beast: "Oh! It's the tiny fuzzy one! Dear me, they're making you fight, too? Shoo! Run away, little fellow! This is no place for charming woodland—Whargh!" | |||
2015-03-11 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (023) Forum:2015-03-11 (Wednesday) |
The Beast, König's Bears, Krosp, Agatha, Count Wolkerstorfer | ||
As the bears swarm over and cling to the Beast, it reacts in disgust and horror, especially when it discovers that it cannot shake them off! As the Beast tries to escape the bears, it looses its magnetic grip on Agatha and the others. Agatha calls on Wolkerstorfer to carry out her plan and he is happy to oblige. | |||
The Beast: "What—I can't—?! How is this possible? You are mere flesh! You cannot be this strong! How dare you?!" Krosp: "Maybe you're not trying hard enough!" The Beast: "Oh, really? Then how about this?!" Agatha: "There! It's distracted! We're free! Okay—now! Right where I showed you!" Wolkerstorfer: "Yes, yes! I wrote it down and everything!" | |||
2015-03-13 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (024) Forum:2015-03-13 (Friday) |
Count Wolkerstorfer, The Beast, Krosp's Bears, Krosp | ||
After making some adjustments to his suit, Wolkerstorfer fires a magnetic beam at the Beast that neatly cleaves off all of its cars. As the cars plunge noisily down the elevator shaft, Krosp orders the bears to fall back and the Beast mourns the loss of its energy supply. | |||
The Beast: "No! My cars! My tasty energy! Give that back!" | |||
As of 16-October-2015, this page has been posted in color. |
Humongulus Is Impressed[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-03-16 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (025) Forum:2015-03-16 (Monday) |
Agatha Heterodyne, The Beast, König[9], Humongulus, Violetta | ||
Agatha orders the Beast to surrender, given that it no longer has an energy supply. The Beast refuses, saying that it still has enough strength left to reclaim its cars. It attempts to raise them from the bottom of the shaft, but Humongulus (and Violetta) rise instead. Humongulus grabs the Beast with crunching force, while congratulating it on its lifting prowess. | |||
The Beast: "'Surrender?' Never! You have no concept of my power! I can still—RRR—generate a strong enough field to lift—" Humongulus: "Yes! Excellent lifting!" The Beast: "Aaaah!" Humongulus: "Humongulus is impressed!" | |||
As of the morning of Wednesday, March 18, 2015, this comic had been reposted in color. | ||
2015-03-18 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (026) Forum:2015-03-18 (Wednesday) |
Agatha Heterodyne, The Beast, Humongulus | ||
Humongulus cracks open the Beast's cab, to find its core mind unit, so it can be disconnected from the magnetic field generators. This reveals an interior space filled with equipment, a central component of which is a box with lighted panels that seems to house the Beast's mind. The extremely unhappy Beast summons up the strength to magnetically freeze everyone again, threatening to burn them all. | |||
The Beast: "I will not be held! You will be held! Thus!" Humongulus: "What is this? Humongulus cannot move! Non est frigidus![10]" Agatha: "—But it can't hold us long! It has no energy reserves!" The Beast: "I can hold on long enough—and if I use all I have, I have enough to burn you all! I will be free!" | |||
2015-03-20 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (027) Forum:2015-03-20 (Friday) |
Brother Ulm, Other Corbettite Monks, König | ||
Brother Ulm decides it's up to the Corbettite Monks to finish off the Beast; the other monks aren't so sure. Ulm urges action, specifically, a long climb, up Humongulus, right to the Beast; the other monks say that's outside their comfort zone. Suddenly a bear shows up. When he hears that Ulm can stop the Beast from going "boom," the bear give him a lift. | |||
Monk #1: "But how do we get up there? We've got no tools—no nothing!" Ulm: "We climb! Shimmy up Humongulus while he's still holdin' the devilish thing! Let's go!" Monk #2: "Uh…we're not really that kind of monk, Brother Ulm…" Monk #1: "Sure, and you're thinking of those crazy Eastern guys who can run up buildings!" Monk # 3: "Oh, aye—and they can kill a man, just by rippin' his head off!" Ulm: "Well, we'd best learn t' be, 'cause if that thing goes 'boom,' we're all dead!" | |||
Humongulus, The Devilish Thing, Those Crazy Eastern Guys[12] |
2015-03-23 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (028) Forum:2015-03-23 (Monday) |
König, The Beast (or what's left of it), Brother Ulm | ||
The bear and Brother Ulm make it to the cab, where they see complex mechanisms. A large sealed box seem likely to hold the Beast's brain. Ulm asks the bear to open it and the bear does so. During their actions, the Beast continues to threaten them, but seems unable to actually do anything to defend itself. Inside the box is a large complex sphere, which Ulm rips out. Suddenly, an explosion occurs. | |||
Ulm: "True. We mustn't be underestimating things of the Spark—" The Beast: "I am crushing your head!" Ulm: "And I'll not feel safe until we disconnect the blasted thing." The Beast: "No!" | |||
A Very Well Drawn Panoramic Shot[]
Location: High above, then in, the Depot Fortress of St. Szpak.
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2015-03-25 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (029) Forum:2015-03-25 (Wednesday) |
\Gil, \Bang[13] | ||
We see an aerial view of St. Szpak and its train yards. A great commotion has obviously taken place recently. We can see the wreckage of some cars and engines and other debris near the fortress. Several plumes of smoke rise from it or the area just around it. Martellus's fleet hovers above it. | |||
Gil: "What is going on down there? " Bang: "Tch. You have to ask? It's obviously that Heterodyne girl of yours." | |||
That Heterodyne Girl of Yours | |||
2015-03-27 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (030) Forum:2015-03-27 (Friday) |
Gil, Bang, Wulfenbach Minions, Bohrlaikha, Father Gerät, Corbettite Monks | ||
Gil and Bang argue over who or what caused the damage to St. Szpac. Bang is sure it was Agatha, but Gil is not. Gil's forces land at the fortress and are welcomed by Father Gerät and some monks. Gil presses him for an explanation of the damage. | |||
Gil: "You don't know it's her—there could be any number of explanations for—uh—all that—um…wreckage…" Bang: "I think it's very nice that you're supportive—but…really?" | |||
Her |
2015-03-30 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (031) Forum:2015-03-30 (Monday) |
Father Gerät, Gil, Bang, Bohrlaikha, Corbettite monks | ||
Father Gerät explains. The damage was indirectly caused by Lady Selinkov (Gil thinks he was right) because she released the Beast, a Heterodyne creation (Bang thinks she was right). The Beast has been defeated. Martellus is now King, by decree of His Holiness of Belfast. Agatha and Martellus are still at St. Szpac, under Church protection, having claimed sanctuary. | |||
Father Gerät: "You can see for yourself the damage it caused—but the danger is past. We have defeated it, with the aid of the Lady Heterodyne and…King Martellus." Gil and Bang: "King?!" Father Gerät: "Yes. His Holiness of Belfast has recognized his claim by direct decree. Not only that, he's formed an alliance. Never mind what this does to our neutrality…ugh…" | |||
Knights of Jove, King Martellus, The Throne of the Storm King, The Lady in Question, A Monster, Old Heterodynes, His Holiness of Belfast | |||
2015-04-01 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (032) Forum:2015-04-01 (Wednesday) |
Gil, Father Gerät, Bohrlaikha, Bang, Corbettite Monk | ||
Gil realizes that the rule of sanctuary will hinder his plans to see Agatha and Martellus. Bang explains "sanctuary" to Bohrlaikha and complains about Gil's father, which prompts Gil to ask, "What would Dad do?" He decides to contain his targets in St. Szpac, to the Abbot's dismay, and demands to be taken to see them. Since they are under the Church's protection, what harm can it do? | |||
Bohrlaikha: "Sanctuary?" Bangladesh DuPree: "Oh, yeah. get this—you're chasing somebody, and he gets to one of these guys' churches—and as long as he stays there, you can't grab him—even though you've got guns and bombs and that thing that makes people go 'Nyaaaarrrgh!'" Corbettite monk: "Ah—what happens to them after that?" Bang: "Dunno. None of 'em have ever stopped going 'Nyaaaarrrgh!'" | |||
Your Father, Von Blitzengaard, The Heterodyne |
The New Train[]
Location: In the yards of the Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-04-03 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (033) Forum:2015-04-03 (Friday) |
Father Gerät, Gil, Bang, Corbettite Monks | ||
The Abbot starts to lead Gil and Bang to Agatha and Martellus, while expressing his regret over the lives lost due to the struggle with the Beast, naming Lady Selnikov and Brother Ulm. Gil asks after Agatha, and Father Gerät says she feels responsible, although she isn't. However, she is trying to make amends, which seem to consist of an enormous, shiny, streamlined, exciting engine. | |||
Father Gerät: "This miserable affair has brought too much death here already. The Lady Selnikov, and poor Brother Ulm…" | |||
Lady Selnikov, Brother Ulm, Lady Heterodyne |
2015-04-06 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (034) Forum:2015-04-06 (Monday) |
Gil, Bang, Father Gerät, Unnamed Sparky Corbettite Monk(!) | ||
Gil and Bang are bewildered by the new engine. (Aerodynamic design is unheard of.) Gil objects that even Agatha couldn't have built something like that in less than a day. The Abbot agrees; it was built by the monks, as an experimental design, but Agatha thinks she can make it work. Gil wants to see it in action, and then see it destroyed! The Abbot sheepishly agrees. | |||
Sparky monk: "Isn't it wonderful?! Hundreds of our greatest inventions all in one beautiful engine! Now, everybody tries to outdo each other with their designs, but my auto-cranked storm generator will show them all!" Gil: "I see. So it's a multi-spark concept train full of experimental technology." Monk: "Yeah!" Gil: "Amazing! I have got to see this thing in action!" Gil (whispered): "—And then, I want it destroyed!" Father Gerät (whispered): "Well, yes—me too…" | |||
Agatha | |||
2015-04-08 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (035) Forum:2015-04-08 (Wednesday) |
Gil, Agatha, Bang, Zeetha | ||
Agatha spots Gil and seems to be glad to see him. Gil is glad to see her at first, but then his "inner Klaus" begins to exert control; however, Agatha creates an (probably) unintentional distraction by showing him her plans. Bang and Zeetha have a chat. (Agatha is wearing a new outfit! With a Heterodyne trilobite emblem! ✣ Where did she get that? Oh, she had luggage, ✣ didn't she? But, wait, didn't she have to leave all her luggage behind ✣ when escaping the Bears? Hmmmm.) | |||
Gil: "This looks like a heavily-modified 'Si vales valeo' transfer." Agatha: "Sort of, but nobody here has any experience with the technique!" Gil: "Ooh…and organic to mechanical—that's a difficult operation! Intriguing!" Agatha: "Right! But with the two of us on the controls, it could work!" Bangladesh DuPree: "Oh, yeah, that's not going to get awkward." Zeetha: "Knowing those two, it'll be a mess. That's why you should have some cake now!" Bang: "…Did you say 'cake?'" | |||
The Fighting Girls Tea and Cake Society[]
Location: Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-04-10 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (036) Forum:2015-04-10 (Friday) |
Bang, Zeetha, Violetta, Dingbots | ||
Bang and Zeetha sit down to High Tea, with Dingbots serving cake. They compare notes and gossip a bit, about mutual acquaintances and others. A seemingly empty chair at the table turns out to hold a very stealthy Violetta, but not stealthy enough to completely escape Bang's notice. (While Bang and Zeetha have been in the same place[14] at the same time before[15], it seems likely that this is the first time they've actually met, or at least spoken to each other. It also seem likely that Zeetha is the one who destroyed Bang's pirate fleet and base, ✣ making her an exile, but it also seems likely that neither of them knows this yet, or at least that Bang doesn't know about Zeetha's probable role in the destruction of her base.) | |||
Bang: "Uh…do you know who I am?" Zeetha: "Captain Bangladesh DuPree—exiled Pirate Queen. You kill stuff for the Empire. —And you're pretty good at it, too." Violetta: "Whoa. You could see me?" Bang: "No, and it was giving me a headache." | |||
This Heterodyne Girl, Higgs, This Amazing Guy, Wulfenbach, My Brother | |||
2015-04-13 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (037) Forum:2015-04-13 (Monday) |
Bang, Violetta, Zeetha, Tybalt (in Sparkhound form), Corbettite Monks, Martellus, Agatha's Wasp eater, Agatha, Gil, Brother Matthias, Goggles Monk, Dingbots | ||
Martellus, Agatha, Gil, and Matthias are all working together on a complex mechanism, on a raised platform in a large room full of machinery and equipment; other monks can be seen hard at work throughout the room. On a lower level, Bang, Violetta, and Zeetha continue to have tea, cake, and conversation. (Agatha's wasp eater is snarling at Martellus, not Gil, even though Gil is the one who is supposed to be wasped. ✣ The weasel's reaction doesn't seem to rise to the level of a full-blown wasp alert, ✣ however. Certainly, this particular weasel doesn't have any reason to be fond of Martellus, since he caged it ✣ and threatened to kill it. ✣ ) | |||
Bang: "Wulfenbach takes this 'sanctuary' stuff seriously—and anyway, he's a sucker for all that 'science' stuff she's been dangling in front of him." Violetta: "Aren't they all?" | |||
2015-04-15 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (038) Forum:2015-04-15 (Wednesday) |
Violetta, Bang, Zeetha, Dingbots, Tybalt (in Sparkhound form), Agatha, Martellus[16], Gil[16], Brother Matthias[16] | ||
Zeetha guesses what's wrong with Gil and that Bang hopes Agatha can fix it. Bang is surprised by her cleverness. The Sparks finish their procedure and the dingbot on the tea table collapses. | |||
Bang: "…You know, you're not as big a muscle-brain as you pretend to be." Zeetha: "Well, I'm not as good as acting dumb as you—" Bang: "I'm not acting…Hey!" Zeetha: "See? You're really good!" | |||
The Empire |
Lucrezia Comes to Visit[]
Location: Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-04-17 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (039) Forum:2015-04-17 (Friday) |
Violetta, Dingbots (out of commission), Zeetha, Tybalt, Corbettite Monk, Martellus, Brother Matthias, Gil, Lucrezia#Agatha | ||
It turns out all of the dingbots are down for the count; in fact, all secondary system are down. The charge from a massive aetheric shockwave has temporarily overwhelmed them. Violetta freaks out; she realizes Agatha's Locket is KOed as well. Yes, Lucrezia is back, baby! | |||
Tybalt: "Huh. Little clanks went 'clunk.'" | |||
2015-04-20 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (040) Forum:2015-04-20 (Monday) |
Lucrezia#Agatha, Brother Matthias, Martellus, Klaus#Gil | ||
Agatha gloats and Martellus notices she's acting all weird. Gil explains that she's the Other now. Lucrezia-in-Agatha recognizes Klaus-in-Gil and they chat about their kids. | |||
Lucrezia-in-Agatha: "My goodness! How Mister High-and-Holy has fallen! Using your own son!" Klaus-in-Gil: "This is not the same as what you do! This is a mere overlay—a behavior modification! I have not supplanted the primary personality!" | |||
The Other | |||
2015-04-22 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (041) Forum:2015-04-22 (Wednesday) |
Lucrezia#Agatha, Goggles Monk, Klaus#Gil, Zeetha, Brother Vadaxxus, Another Corbettite Monk, Martellus | ||
Lucrezia-in-Agatha tries to remove the locket and finds it's locked on. Gil/Klaus-in-Gil freaks out. Brother Vadaxxus shows up with more cake. Everyone decides to have a slice (or two), although some need more cajoling than others. Lucrezia-in-Agatha and Klaus-in-Gil continue chatting. | |||
Lucrezia-in-Agatha: "We both want peace. Is that so wrong?" Klaus-in-Gil: "You would enslave the minds of all of Europa in pursuit of 'peace?'" Lucrezia-in-Agatha: "Well, dear, that does seem to be the only way we're likely to get it—but I suppose I could try it your way." | |||
Europa | |||
2015-04-24 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (042) Forum:2015-04-24 (Friday) |
Lucrezia#Agatha, Klaus#Gil, Corbettite Monk, Violetta, Martellus, Brother Vadaxxus, Zeetha | ||
Everyone sits down to their tea and cake, then Lucrezia-in-Agatha leaps up, sending dishes flying. She goes into a full-blown rant about how it all went wrong and how everyone failed her. She then proposes to Klaus-in-Gil that they permanently take over their children's bodies. | |||
Lucrezia-in-Agatha: "I was supposed to win! I was supposed to have it all! It was supposed to be so easy— And then it all went wrong! And no one ever came to rescue me! Not my wretched husband, not Daddy, not you—and I waited for so long! Where were you all? I hate you! Hate all of you!" | |||
My Wretched Husband, Daddy, The "Peace" of Your Empire | |||
2015-04-27 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (043) Forum:2015-04-27 (Monday) |
Lucrezia#Agatha, Klaus#Gil, Corbettite Monk | ||
Klaus doesn't like Lucrezia's suggestion or the fact that she has just embraced him. He thrusts her away and down onto the table with great force, and starts to throttle her, while explaining why he wants no part of her plans. But he suddenly passes out and Lucrezia gets up. She gloats briefly over Klaus-in-Gil's prostrate form, but says she didn't cause it, then passes out on top of him. | |||
Klaus-in-Gil: "Listen well, Lucrezia—sanctuary or no—I will burn this fortress and every soul in it—before I allow you or anyone else to harm my son." | |||
The Peace of the Empire, This Fortress |
2015-04-29 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (044) Forum:2015-04-29 (Wednesday) |
Violetta, Brother Vadaxxus, Zeetha, Bang, Agatha, Gil [18], Martellus[19], Father Gerät, Goggles Monk, Agatha's Wasp eater | ||
The monks drugged the cake to calm things down and everyone at the table passes out. Everyone but Violetta, because of her Smoke Knight training. Oh, and Martellus; he had the training, too! Violetta wants to take Agatha to Paris; Martellus says no. Violetta knocks him out and the monks see nothing. Problems solved! | |||
Brother Vadaxxus: "Oh! My goodness, Father Abbot, he just fell over!" Father Gerät: "Why, it was as if an invisible hand struck him down, Brother!" Vadaxxus: "Perhaps it was one of those legendary Smoke Knights!" Gerät: "Ah! How mysterious!" | |||
Smoke Knights, The Heterodyne, The Empire, Paris |
Beast of the Rails patch concept art |
On the Train to Paris[]
Location: On the super-train en route to Paris.
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2015-05-01 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (045) Forum:2015-05-01 (Friday) |
Agatha, Violetta, Goggles Monk[20] | ||
Agatha wakes up on the new super-train she helped create, heading towards Paris. Violetta and Wooster, who turns out to have been in disguise as the goggles-wearing monk, fill her in on what happened while her mother was possessing her and she was unconscious. She learns that her experiment was a success and that Gil is not in command of himself. | |||
Agatha: "Is Gil OK?" Violetta: "Well…" Wooster: "You were right, My Lady. He is not his own master." Agatha: "I knew it. Tarvek said the Baron would do something to him." | |||
Gil, Empire, She, Tarvek, Paris |
2015-05-04 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (046) Forum:2015-05-04 (Monday) |
Agatha, Violetta, Wooster, Dimo, Doc Bear, Zeetha | ||
Agatha is elated that her plan worked so well and didn't end with a murderous rampage. Dimo is on the train, in bed, being cared for by a bear doctor. Zeetha is asleep nearby, still down for the count from the cake. Agatha is delighted that everyone is OK and asks about Krosp. | |||
Dimo: "Dis guy iz bear doc. He dun know anyting about pipple vot iz not bears, 'cept how dey taste—zo he von't let me out ov bed." Doc Bear: "Eating patients is against solemn Hippocratic Oath this bear swear." Dimo: "Hyu kin say say dot again! Dis guy svears at me all de time!" Doc Bear: "—But this bear is considering it." | |||
He[21], Krosp | |||
2015-05-06 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (047) Forum:2015-05-06 (Wednesday) |
<Dimo, <Krosp, Agatha, Dimo, Violetta, Doc Bear, Wooster | ||
Krosp told Dimo he had some stuff to do and left for parts unknown with his bears; even the remaining bears don't know where. Agatha is surprised and tries to look on the bright side, but Wooster is worried and thinks she should be, too. | |||
Wooster: "Smart cats are the ones who cause trouble, Lady Heterodyne—and this one has just acquired an army." | |||
The Bears | |||
2015-05-08 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (048) Forum:2015-05-08 (Friday) |
Brother Matthias, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Violetta, Wooster, König | ||
Matthias shows up with Agatha's weasel and tells her it's time to separate the systems. Violetta expresses puzzlement; Agatha explains that the old train is training the new train (and she's not being funny). The engineer of the new train is revealed to be the König; he survived the boom! ✣ | |||
König: "Ho! Hello Lady Heterodyne! This bear is driving a train!" | |||
A Person[21] | |||
2015-05-11 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (049) Forum:2015-05-11 (Monday) |
Corbettite Monk, König, Agatha, Brother Ulm, Wooster, Violetta, The Beast | ||
Not only has the König survived, but so has Brother Ulm…sort of. His consciousness has been transferred into the new train. Ulm's mind is integrated with and controlling the entire engine, and he seems to be settling into his new life very well—with one exception. His trainer is the Beast, vastly reduced in size and power, but just as arrogant and unpleasant as ever. (A hogger (panel 1) is railroad slang for an engineer.) | |||
Agatha: "And…Brother Ulm? How are you?" Brother Ulm: "Not as dead as I could be, My Lady, and it's appreciative I am of that." | |||
Paris | |||
2015-05-13 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (050) Forum:2015-05-13 (Wednesday) |
Violetta, Agatha, The Beast, König | ||
Agatha unhooks the Beast from the train's systems; Ulm is very relieved. Violetta marvels at the Beast's changed, now harmless, appearance and tiny size, while it continues to bluster. Agatha muffles it while asking the König how they escaped from the Empire and is told that the train literally dropped out of sight. | |||
König: "Empire airships did not expect train to go underground." | |||
The Fortress, The Empire |
Dreen Time[]
Location: Depot Fortress of St. Szpac.
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2015-05-15 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (051) Forum:2015-05-15 (Friday) |
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Bangladesh DuPree, Father Gerät, Dreen | ||
The scene has shifted back to St. Szpac. Gil is shocked that Agatha has escaped. Then a Dreen[22] shows up. This scares everyone, even Bang; especially since it isn't a Wulfenbach Dreen. The Dreen tells Gil that Agatha is going to Paris and that he will have a revelation, which Gil then does: The Dreen have hats![23] | |||
Gil (whispered): "They're not omniscient. My father says they're simply tangential to time as we know it, and… 'and…they had hats…'" | |||
Paris, She, My Father |
Closer to Paris[]
Location: On the super-train en route to Paris.
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2015-05-18 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (052) Forum:2015-05-18 (Monday) |
Dining Car Monk, Agatha, The Beast, Violetta, Wooster, Dimo, Agatha's Wasp eater, Squashy | ||
Agatha and the others make their way to the dining car[24], where they are offered a hearty lunch. There, they encounter Martellus, much to Agatha's annoyance. As Martellus explains his presence, he is attacked by the Beast. It is too small to harm him now, but causes him much irritation (and Agatha much amusement).
(Martellus is contradicting what he said earlier, when he and Agatha were still in St. Szpac (see panels 6 and 7), ✣ after she had passed out from the drugged cake.) | |||
Martellus: "Now then. Did I not say that I would help you get to Paris? I also have business there. Besides—Wulfenbach did have the whole fortress surrounded." | |||
Paris, Wulfenbach, The Whole Fortress, Your Little Army |
2015-05-20 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (053) Forum:2015-05-20 (Wednesday) |
Wooster, Violetta, Agatha, Dimo, Agatha's Wasp eater, Dining Car Monk, The Beast, Gift Shop Monk | ||
Just as Agatha and company finish their lunch, which was delicious, the train connects with Paris's underground rail system. Agatha offers gratitude to the Corbettite Order and is told none is needed; although they do have a gift shop… | |||
Agatha: "Well—if the Corbettite Order ever needs anything from the House of Heterodyne—" Dining Car Monk: "Oh, dear me, My Lady! Your aid your aid in relieving us the Beast is more than enough!" Gift Shop Monk (loud whisper): "Ahem!" Dining Car Monk: "(Sigh…) Although I am reminded that we have a gift shop…" | |||
Paris, Corbettite Order, House of Heterodyne |
2015-05-22 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (054) Forum:2015-05-22 (Friday) |
Corbettite Station Announcer, Brother Matthias, König, Agatha, Dimo, Violetta, Zeetha, Wooster, Martellus, ?Tybalt, Corbettite Monks | ||
The super-train arrives in Paris, at the underground Blind Eos Gate station. Brother Matthias and the König call farewell as everyone disembarks. | |||
Brother Matthias (shouted): "Au revoir!" König (growled): "Arr rawr!" | |||
Free City of Paris, Blind Eos Gate Station[25] |
As of Friday, May 22, 2015, the page is now in color.[27] |
Welcome To Paris Already[]
Location: Paris.
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2015-05-25 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (055) Forum:2015-05-25 (Monday) |
Agatha, Wooster, Martellus, Tybalt?, Orientation Guide (marionette), Zeetha, The Beast, Violetta, Dimo, ~Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (portrayed by a marionette), ~Master of Paris (portrayed by a marionette) | ||
Having arrived in Paris, Agatha and the others must attend an orientation session, which is presented in the form of a marionette performance. The first lesson is that Paris is a peaceful city, with the peace strictly enforced by the Master of Paris. Even Baron Klaus Wulfenbach isn't allowed to interfere. Master's HQ in | |||
"Welcome, travelers, to Paris—gem of Europa, and loveliest of all the glories in this beautiful world!" | |||
Paris |
2015-05-27 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (056) Forum:2015-05-27 (Wednesday) |
Orientation Guide (marionette), ~Master of Paris (portrayed by a marionette), Artist (marionette), Agatha, Zeetha, Martellus, Agatha's Wasp eater | ||
The "Welcome to Paris" orientation/marionette show concludes and Agatha and the others head towards customs. One thing has been made very clear; the Master loves Art and hates troublemakers. | |||
Guide: "The Master of Paris is the oldest, wisest, most deviously brilliant Spark in Europa. If you cause trouble here, the Master and his court will find you—and, my goodness, one thing a City of Art and Science can always use is…raw material." | |||
Parnassus, Europa, Baron (Puppet) |
2015-05-29 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (057) Forum:2015-05-29 (Friday) |
Agatha, Wooster, Zeetha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Parisian Customs Agent, Dimo, Violetta | ||
Agatha and company go through customs, where the agent doesn't blink at Dimo, a Jägermonster, but squeals with excitement to meet Agatha. This puzzles Agatha, especially since it seems to involve hats. Although she doesn't know it yet, Agatha has already made an impact on the Parisian fashion scene. | |||
Wooster: "The Master doesn't care who you are, but he does insist on knowing." | |||
2015-06-01 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (058) Forum:2015-06-01 (Monday) |
Agatha, Wooster, Zeetha, Violetta, Martellus, Agatha's Wasp eater, Dimo | ||
After leaving the customs office Agatha and company enter a large cavern illuminated by many lights. It is full of shops and signs, most of them advertisements, and most of them featuring Agatha. Zeetha expresses surprise. | |||
"Wow." | |||
2015-06-03 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (059) Forum:2015-06-03 (Wednesday) |
Agatha, Wooster, Martellus, Zeetha, Violetta, ?Tybalt, Agatha's Wasp eater, \Seffie (voice only) | ||
Zeetha vows to overcome her weakness vis-à-vis cake. Agatha spots more and more ads, featuring herself, for racier and racier products and needs to sit down. Martellus offers to get a table. Someone tells him not to be absurd.[30] | |||
Violetta: "…You have fears? Cake fears?" Zeetha: "Of course! Now I know that any cake—any cake at all—could be stuffed full of duplicitous evil! I shall overcome this fear by eating every cake I see!" | |||
Wulfenbach, The Lightning Loves of Lady Heterodyne, Volume Twelve |
2015-06-05 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (060) Forum:2015-06-05 (Friday) |
Martellus, Seffie, Gorgo, Agatha, Zeetha, Wooster, Violetta | ||
Seffie arrives in a lizard-driven limo. She tells Martellus that Grandma wants to see him; he's guest of honor at a "welcome back" party. She welcomes Agatha to Paris, invites her to the party, and to go clothes shopping. Martellus unwillingly leaves with Seffie; he wanted cake. | |||
Seffie: "Tsk. Martellus—the ladies want to have their cake in peace." | |||
Grandma, The "Clever Robespierrette" Coffee House |
Gil And His Spymaster[]
Location: Aboard Castle Wulfenbach, probably.
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2015-06-08 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (061) Forum:2015-06-08 (Monday) |
Lackya, Gil, Bang, Bohrlaikha, Higgs, Mistress Spüdna | ||
Gil and Bang are engaging in sword play (in Bang's case, sword and axe play) with Bohrlaikha and Higgs looking on. A Lackya servant announces Mistress Spüdna, a spy working for Gil. She reports on the intrigue among the royal families of Europa, including Holfung-Borzoi, where Zulenna was (is?) from. Gil senses Lucrezia's influence behind the Queen of the Dawn ✣ . | |||
Gil:"Yes, Lucrezia has plenty of nerve, I'll give her that." | |||
Duchy of Orcznik, Holfung-Borzoi, Grand Duchess Thermoline, Lake Orphne, Queen of the Dawn, Lucrezia | |||
2015-06-10 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (062) Forum:2015-06-10 (Wednesday) |
Mistress Spüdna, Gil, Bang, Higgs | ||
Gil explains that he thinks the "Queen of the Dawn" is Lucrezia and that there is no way to know who is under Lucrezia's control or entirely "possessed" by her. He wants a way to detect, and better yet, cure, revenants. He plans to extract Tarvek from Mechanicsburg to get his help, since Tarvek knows Lucrezia's work best. | |||
Bang: "Yeah, but then, why aren't we up to our ears in Lucrezias?[32]" Gil: "Maybe we are. How would we know?" Higgs: "…Not a comforting thought, sir." Gil: "None of this is comforting." | |||
My Father, Mechanicsburg, Queen of the Dawn, Lucrezia, Zola, Vespiary Squad, Revenants, Sturmvoraus |
2015-06-12 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (063) Forum:2015-06-12 (Friday) |
Mistress Spüdna, Gil, Higgs, Bang, Bohrlaikha, Gritha Pantagruel | ||
Gil thinks he can get Tarvek out of Mechanicsburg safely. Spudna wants to steal Agatha's wasp eater, but Gil forbids it. He says Agatha and her wasp eater are under the protection of the Master of Paris, to whom he's sent a message, but he's interrupted before he can say why. | |||
Gil: "The tunnel teams have now extracted sixteen rats, a rabbit, and an itinerant storyteller—with only minimal harm." | |||
Prince Sturmvoraus, Red Cathedral, My Father, Captain Vole, Tunnel Team, An Itinerant Storyteller[33], Lady Heterodyne's Wasp eater, Von Blitzengaard, Lady Heterodyne, Paris, The Master | |||
2015-06-15 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (064) Forum:2015-06-15 (Monday) |
Susa, Gritha Pantagruel, Higgs, Woger, Bang, Gil, Medical Orderly | ||
Gil's agents report. One of them, miniature Susa, knows gigantic Gritha Pantagruel, who also works for Gil, from way back.[34] The other, a normal-sized man named Woger, is injured. While being treated by Gil, he reports that the entire town of Hraggel's Point was wasped. | |||
Woger: "Right. So—Hraggel's Point. The whole town's been wasped—and we were there." | |||
Shamblers, Doctor Quintus Varangius, Hraggel's Point |
2015-06-17 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (065) Forum:2015-06-17 (Wednesday) |
Gil, Mistress Spüdna, Susa, Woger, Medical Orderly, Bang, <Herr Drumblebekk, <Shamblers, <Shamblers' Master, Higgs | ||
Susa and Woger track notorious black marketeer Herr Drumblebekk to a basement in Hraggel's Point. As Drumblebekk tries to escape through a trap door, it opens from below and Shambling Revenants, with Masters, emerge. They wasp the whole town with a new kind of slaver engine, then leave. | |||
Susa[35]: "I don't think he was expecting Revenants." Woger: "Yes, and these weren't just nice people mind-controlled by the Other…These were old-style Shamblers." | |||
Hraggel's Point, Mechanicsburg, The Other, Revenants, Slaver Engine |
2015-06-19 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (066) Forum:2015-06-19 (Friday) |
Gil, Woger, Mistress Spüdna, Bang, Susa, Higgs, <Lucrezia Mongfish, <Gottmurg Snarlantz[36] | ||
The new slaver engines are much smaller than one we first saw ✣ , small enough for one man to carry, and Woger has brought one with him. This model contains a miniature queen and spits out mosquito-sized wasps. The reappearance of slaver engines is strong evidence the Other is back…or is it? | |||
Mistress Spüdna: "New slaver wasp infections. It would seem your suspicions were correct, Herr Baron. The Other has returned after all." Gil: "So it would seem…but now I'm wondering… My father always said Lucrezia Mongfish was an incredible Spark. Strong. Brilliant. But if she's really back—if it's really her—why haven't we seen anything new from her?" | |||
The Other, My Father, Count Harken Maganox | |||
2015-06-22 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (067) Forum:2015-06-22 (Monday) |
Gil, Susa, ~?Harken Maganox[37], ?Maganox's Minion[37], Mistress Spüdna, Higgs, Bang | ||
There is a discussion about whether the appearance of new Hive Engines means that Other/Lucrezia is really back. Spüdna thinks one of the Other's servants may be responsible. Gil thinks this is unlikely, but that something unknown and unsettling is going on since the Other has produced nothing new for years. (Gil uses the word Essentia (plural Essentiae), which is Latin for "essence," to refer to whatever it is of Lucrezia's (mind, spirit, soul?) that has invaded the brains of Agatha and potentially many other women, replacing their driving intelligence with hers, at least temporarily. Gil apparently coins this term as he is speaking in the first panel on this page.) | |||
Gil: "She's got her servants conquering Europa for her, but something is keeping her from acting directly—and that makes me wonder… What if the Lucrezia Essentia in Agatha isn't as well contained as we thought she was? What did she do—what did she set in motion—when Agatha wasn't in control?" | |||
Queen of the Dawn, Lucrezia, The Other, Agatha |
An Interlude--Bereft Of Story--But Nice To Look At[]
Jägers Playing Poker Wallpaper (non-canon)[]
Filler Pages[38]
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2015-06-24 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-06-24 (Wednesday) |
Mamma Gkika, Ognian, Jenka, Maxim, General Khrizhan, Dimo | ||
This page is a low-resolution preview of new wallpaper available to download at various resolutions. (This image may be inspired by one of the "dogs playing poker" paintings of C. M. Coolidge. Another possible antecedent, Wallace Wood's classic cover for Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, April 1959, was provided by a fan on LiveJournal.) | |||
This page is titled: "Jägers Playing Poker! 01" |
Advertising Posters (non-canon)[]
Filler Pages[38]
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2015-06-26 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-06-26 (Friday) |
Agatha | ||
This page is an image of Agatha drinking cocoa in a rather skimpy outfit. It represents an "in-universe" Parisian advertisement[39] featuring an unauthorized representation of Agatha. (A fan on this wiki suggested that this painting is influenced by Art Nouveau, particularly the work of Alphonse Mucha ) | |||
2015-06-29 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-06-29 (Monday) |
Anonymous Englishwoman | ||
A formally dressed woman enjoys a very proper British tea in a tearoom with a glass wall that looks out at a subaqueous scene of a large tentacled thing seemingly about to engulf a much smaller submarine vessel with its arms. This image is part of a poster advertising tea. (Given that this poster is about tea and the room shown appears to be underwater, it seems to be a good bet that it is set is England, in the submerged "Glass City" of Londinium.) | |||
Tea IT KEEPS THINGS CIVILIZED | Kaja posted a message at the bottom of today's web page explaining what has been going on. The Foglios and Carol Monahan are getting ready for San Diego Comic-con and Kaja has hurt her back. Because of the pain and the mind-fogging effects of her pain medication, Kaja says she has been no help in planning the Girl Genius storyline, so Phil has seized the opportunity to work on drawings for some poster designs he has been intending to do for some time. We will see the results of his work, with colors provided by Cheyenne, over the next week or so and the images will be available as printed posters, and in other forms, soon. |
The Four Seasons of Gaslamp Fantasy (non-canon)[]
Filler Pages[38]
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2015-07-01 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-07-01 (Wednesday) |
?Agatha | ||
A young woman, sweating and dressed in blacksmith gear, one hand on her forehead and the other holding the handle of a very large mallet with its head resting on the floor, is striking a sexy pose in front of a stream of molten metal. She seems to be in some sort of smelting works or foundry. | |||
This poster is titled "Summer/Heat"[40] | |||
2015-07-03 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-07-03 (Friday) |
Agatha | ||
Agatha, dressed in cold weather gear, wearing a crown-like device, and carrying an enormous wrench, walks down a wintry corridor, which is lined with giant, transparent cylinders. The cylinders are each more than large enough to hold a human being but contain a wide variety of indistinct, monstrous forms, all seemingly frozen. There is tubing along the pathway and a collar at the base of each cylinder, making it seem as if the frigid nature of the hall and cylinders is being maintained by technology. | |||
This poster is titled "Winter/Chill"[40] | |||
2015-07-06 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-07-06 (Monday) |
Agatha, Out of Commission Clanks | ||
Agatha is in what seems to be a junkyard, surrounded by ruined clanks, in various stages of disrepair and decay. She holds a tub full of gears and cogs. Behind her is a container, possible made from part of a clank's head, full of vacuum tubes. Small gears and tubes decorate her hair. Many other clank parts surround her feet, most sorted into groups or in containers. Of special interest is a collection of what seem to be very high-capacity power cells. | |||
This poster is titled "Autumn/Rust"[40] | ||
2015-07-08 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-07-08 (Wednesday) |
Agatha | ||
Agatha, looking very happy, is standing in a laboratory surrounded by electrical and other equipment. She is holding up what appears to be Gil's lightning staff, sending out electrical discharges that are being absorbed/re-emitted by the rest of the visible equipment. The arcs emit a greenish yellow glow, illuminating and framing Agatha. | |||
This poster is titled "Spring/Lightning"[40] |
Jägermonster Poker Deck (non-canon)[]
Filler Pages[38]
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2015-07-10 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 01 Forum:2015-07-10 (Friday) |
Jorgi, Mamma Gkika | ||
Art from the Jägermonster Poker Deck and a photo of the Foglios and minions at Comic-Con. | |||
The Jägermonster Poker Deck! | |||
2015-07-13 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 02 Forum:2015-07-13 (Monday) |
Ognian, Koppelslav | ||
More art from the Jägermonster Poker Deck and a photo of a preview version of the box for the upcoming Steampunk Munchkin game, illustrated by Phil, from Steve Jackson games. | |||
The Jägermonster Poker Deck! | This page was posted quite late. | ||
2015-07-15 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 03 Forum:2015-07-15 (Wednesday) |
Dimo, General Zog | ||
More art from the Jägermonster Poker Deck and a photo from Comic-Con, with caption: "The Javandel Family, their Tea Rays, and the Professors Foglio." | |||
Kathryn and Farid Javandel | The Jägermonster Poker Deck! | ||
2015-07-17 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 04 Forum:2015-07-17 (Friday) |
General Goomblast, Jenka | ||
More art from the Jägermonster Poker Deck and a photo from Comic-Con of a banana transformed into a phone by the magic of cartooning, with caption: "This is what happens when I leave my breakfast unattended in the presence of cartoonists.—Kaja" | |||
The Jägermonster Poker Deck! | |||
2015-07-20 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 05 Forum:2015-07-20 (Monday) |
General Khrizhan, Maxim | ||
More art from the Jägermonster Poker Deck and a photo of a poster for the play, "The Tumbleweed Zephyr," with art by Phil Foglio, with caption: "Look! We found one some of Phil's art out in the wild! Hooray!" [sic] | |||
Norbzok, Phil | The Jägermonster Poker Deck! | ||
2015-07-22 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. Jager Poker art 05[42] Forum:2015-07-22 (Wednesday) |
Kaja Foglio, Phil Foglio | ||
Kaja and Phil as the jokers in the Jägermonster Poker Deck | |||
Dese Two Eediots | The Jägermonster Poker Deck! |
Fun In Paris[]
Location: Pâtisserie/Café in Paris.
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2015-07-24 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (068) Forum:2015-07-24 (Friday) |
Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta, Artist[43], Wooster, Dimo, Members of Staff of Pâtisserie/Café, Man in Fish-like Mechanical Armored Suit[44], Other Men in Fish Armor[45] | ||
Agatha and friends finally get to have some (non-drugged) cake—all they have to do is let Agatha be sketched. Violetta questions the artist's skill—he's not drawing all of Agatha's clothes! Is it too much artistic license? But before Agatha can take a bite, some gate crashers arrive. | |||
Agatha: "Oh, well. I suppose, if people want to make a fuss—" Man in fish armor: "Lady Heterodyne! Come with us, and no one will die!" Agatha: "Or whatever it is we're calling stuff like this…" | |||
Lady Heterodyne Magnifique (cake) |
Back to the main story after over a month of filler art! | |
2015-07-27 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (069)[46] Forum:2015-07-27 (Monday) |
Agatha, Van Stron[47], Other Men in Fish Armor[45], Zeetha, Wooster, Dimo, Violetta, The Beast, Agatha's Wasp eater, Hoffmann[47], | ||
Agatha asks the interlopers what they want. The leader, Van Stron, declares that the Mole Men are at war with the Master, and he wants Agatha as a hostage, so the truth will come out. He thinks she has no choice—all she has is a cake against his army. As Agatha and her allies prepare to reveal what they've really got, a mallet-bearing man leaps into the fray! Hoffmann to the rescue? | |||
Van Stron: "With you in our power, the entire facade that hides the Master's secret war with the Mole Men of the Thirteenth Stack Level will crumble!" | |||
Wulfenbach, Master | |||
2015-07-29 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (070) Forum:2015-07-29 (Wednesday) |
Hoffmann[47], Van Stron[47] | ||
Hoffmann smacks Van Stron with his mallet, a kinetic energy accumulator. The resulting blast is extremely impressive; even Hoffmann thinks he might have overdone it. | |||
Van Stron: "What are you planning to do, Hoffman—hit me with your little hammer?" Hoffmann: "That's right! What do you think? It's a kinetic energy accumulator I've been working on! I've been smacking things with it all week! Let's see what happens when I set it to 'discharge!'" | |||
Kinetic Energy Accumulator |
2015-07-31 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (071) Forum:2015-07-31 (Friday) |
Jiminez Hoffmann, Wooster, Agatha, Jenna, Count Drusus Beausoleil | ||
After recovering from the blast from his hammer, Hoffmann runs off with a young woman and Count Beausoleil arrives with explanations. Hoffmann and Van Stron are students. They cause no real harm and amuse the Master, so they are allowed their hijinks. The Count is a professor. He explains he brought about the recent conflict, the better to sneak off with Agatha in the confusion. | |||
Beausoleil: "Say what you will about the Great and Terrible Master of Paris—he has a devilish sense of humor." | |||
Master Gil, Professor Goodwin, Pierre van Stron, The Great and Terrible Master of Paris | |||
2015-08-03 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (072) Forum:2015-08-03 (Monday) |
Agatha, Drusus Beausoleil, Dimo, Zeetha, Violetta, Wooster | ||
Beausoleil turns out to be a clank, bringing his previous story into question. Beausoleil says he will capture Agatha easily, and his clank body seems powerful. But it doesn't prove easy; Agatha fights back and is defended by her retinue, who dispose of Beausoleil quickly. But, by the time he's defeated, Agatha is gone! Not that old trick again! | |||
Beausoleil: "Tch. Perhaps it will not be so easy as I had assumed—but hardly difficult, nonethele— "Hmf. All right, have it your way. Perhaps it will indeed be difficult—but not, I think, impossible! Ha ha! "…Fine. You know what? Forget it." | |||
A Villain's Lair[]
Location: Den of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Master, in Paris.
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2015-08-05 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (073) Forum:2015-08-05 (Wednesday) |
Drusus Beausoleil, Du Quay[48], Agatha | ||
Another identical Beausoleil is dragging Agatha, bound and gagged, into a large room, full of large, Sparky mechanisms, which is apparently the secret headquarters of a conspiracy to usurp the position of Master of Paris. He presents Agatha to a young man he addresses as "Your Excellency" as a lever to use against Gil, once he assumes power[49]. | |||
Du Quay: "You know, Drusus, I am given to understand that one of the perks of becoming the new Master of Paris—is no longer having to kidnap young ladies for an evening's company." | |||
Master of Paris, Wulfenbach |
2015-08-07 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (074) Forum:2015-08-07 (Friday) |
Drusus Beausoleil, Du Quay, Agatha | ||
Du Quay turns down Beausoleil's offer to prepare Agatha for "dalliance." Beausoleil doesn't seem to have much respect for Du Quay, but says he is probably unstoppable, without explaining why. Agatha asks Beausoleil how many clank bodies he has and the answer is "considerably fewer now than when I got up this morning."[50] He also says that he can't visit conspiracy HQ in the flesh, again without an explanation. | |||
Du Quay: "Shall I dally when my brilliant machinations are on the verge of yielding the sweet fruits of victory? No! I must act quickly—while I am unstoppable! Hmm—but you can lock the lady in the velvet dungeon for later…" | |||
Othar Tryggvassen Adventure Novels, Velvet Dungeon, Electrothermic Fintaculator | |||
2015-08-10 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (075) Forum:2015-08-10 (Monday) |
Drusus Beausoleil, Agatha, Castle Heterodyne Fragment | ||
Beausoleil quizzes Agatha on the equipment in the den of conspiracy and seems impressed by her answers. She recognizes a thinking engine from Castle Heterodyne and that the purpose of the whole assemblage is to take over every mechanical thinking engine in Paris. Her hands suddenly free, she makes some connections and restores the Heterodyne thinking engine to its full autonomy and power. | |||
"Young lady, your ancestors left dangerous machinery lying around over half of Europa—but I believe this device was actually looted from Castle Heterodyne not long after the destruction." | |||
Telluric Wave Conductor, Castle Heterodyne, Your Ancestors/The Heterodynes, Europa |
2015-08-12 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (076) Forum:2015-08-12 (Wednesday) |
Castle Heterodyne Fragment, Agatha, Drusus Beausoleil, Du Quay | ||
The Heterodyne thinking engine possesses a piece of the Castle's personality and it recognizes Agatha as the Heterodyne. The Castle has taken over all of Paris, except for the organic subsystems, and says it is Agatha's to command. Du Quay tries to kill her and the Castle uses Beausoleil as a clank shield to protect her. The Castle announces visitors. | |||
Castle: "Wait! Those delightfully commanding vocal harmonics! Could… could it be that you—" Agatha: "Yes! I am Agatha Heterodyne—by proven right, ruler of Mechanicsburg!" Castle: "Oooh! What fun! I am Castle Heterodyne, you know—" Agatha: "—And I see you've taken over Paris?" Castle: "Heh…well, the mechanical parts… so much still relies on these messy organic subsystems…" Beausoleil: "…Those are the people." Castle: "Ugh…and don't I know it. Still, one does what one can." | |||
Vocal Harmonics, Mechanicsburg, Paris |
2015-08-14 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (077) Forum:2015-08-14 (Friday) |
Du Quay, Castle Heterodyne Fragment, Agatha, Zeetha, Jiminez Hoffmann, Pierre van Stron, Dimo, Drusus Beausoleil | ||
Du Quay tries to command the Castle, but it just mocks him. In a rage, Du Quay activates the destruct mechanism. A klaxon goes off, red lights start to flash, Du Quay laughs maniacally—then Agatha conks him with a big wrench. At Agatha's request, the Castle deactivates the destruct mechanism just as Agatha's companions and others arrive. | |||
"MUHAHAHA! Glorious destruction!" | |||
2015-08-17 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (078) Forum:2015-08-17 (Monday) |
Agatha, Jiminez Hoffmann, Pierre van Stron, Zeetha, Wooster, Dimo, Violetta, Castle Heterodyne Fragment, Jenna, Another Student, Master of Paris, Drusus Beausoleil | ||
Hoffman and Van Stron try to subdue Agatha with the help of other students. Agatha fends them off but fails to deliver a KO, to Dimo's disappointment. The Castle threatens to destroy Paris, but the Master steps in. Having defanged the Castle, he berates Beausoleil, who turns out to be his agent, for failing to resolve things on his own, forcing the Master to take a hand. | |||
Master: "Drusus—the whole purpose of the free hand that you and your fellow agents enjoy in this city—is to keep me from having to leave my work every time some puffed up idiot invents a better Leyden Jar!" Beausoleil: "I…I had most of it under control, Sir." Master: "Of course—of course—except for the small matter of the recent Heterodyne conquest!" | |||
2015-08-19 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (079) Forum:2015-08-19 (Wednesday) |
Master of Paris, Agatha, Castle Heterodyne Fragment, Colette Voltaire, Drusus Beausoleil, Du Quay | ||
The Master places Agatha under arrest and commands her to reverse the Castle's takeover of Paris. The Castle cannot fight back and Agatha tells it to comply. The Master then orders that Agatha be imprisoned and she strenuously objects, saying none of this was her doing—she just arrived. The Master's daughter and Beausoleil support Agatha's contention. (Du Quay's dialog in the final panel, "—And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for—", echoes the usual final villain speech from episodes of the American animated series Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?.) | |||
Master: "You will carefully extract your controller from my city's systems—now." Agatha: "Castle, do as he says!" Castle: "Ah! Of course, Mistress." Agatha: "—And don't damage anything as you do it." Castle: "Oh, very well. That will take a good deal longer though." | |||
East Tower Prison, Blind Eos Gate |
The Awful Tower[]
Location: The Awful Tower in Paris.
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2015-08-21 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (080) Forum:2015-08-21 (Friday) |
Master of Paris (voice) | ||
We are looking up at the Awful tower from at or near ground level. The base is an open meshwork of girders, but the upper section is covered by what look like multicolored pastel tanks, connected by pipes. There is a large spherical structure within the bottom of the tower and the top is surmounted by a large funnel-like structure and some antennae, which are seemingly emitting or absorbing an energy stream. We hear a voice (presumably) from somewhere in the Tower. (The Awful Tower is obviously the Girl Genius universe analog of the Eiffel Tower in the Paris of our universe. It seems plain that the voice in this full-page panel belongs to the Master of Paris, and this is confirmed on the next page.) | |||
The Master: "I do not like Heterodynes in my city." | |||
Heterodynes |
The Awful Office (non-canon)[]
Location: The Awful Office in the Awful Tower[38]
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2015-08-24 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (081) Forum:2015-08-24 (Monday) |
The Master, Agatha, =Baron Klaus Wulfenbach | ||
The Master asks Agatha what she wants. She replies she want to save Mechanicsburg. But she finds that the Master doesn't think much of her her city or her family…or the fact that she is traveling with Martellus, the poisoner of Tarvek. | |||
The Master: "At the moment, your precious town is safe, along with its people. Could you keep it so, in these uncertain times? Not to mention that—as a bonus—the world is safe from them. It is only a pity that their Heterodyne is not sealed away with them. … I fought by the side of the Storm King at Sturmhalten, girl. We barely turned the Heterodyne's hordes—and only with great loss. Your people are a plague upon this land." | |||
Young Hugo Glassvitch, Mechanicsburg, The Storm King, Sturmhalten, Young Klaus, Prince Tarvek, His Own Family, Martellus |
2015-08-26 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (082) Forum:2015-08-26 (Wednesday) |
The Master, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Colette Voltaire | ||
The Master contemplates the folly of humanity for some time, then tells Agatha that she has a mere three days in Paris, and that's only because her father and uncle (and perhaps Agatha herself) are "good" Heterodynes. Agatha leaves his office stunned and Colette tries to cheer her up with a joke that falls flat.[51] | |||
The Master: "I have an old rule that I have applied on rare occasions. For those few of your family with more to offer than strife and death—I grant the opportunity to earn some small time in Paris. You currently have seventy-two hours to your account." Agatha: "But—didn't I just help stop that Du Quay person? He was about to take over the city! Surely that's worth more than three days!" The Master: "That was worth six hours! —But your father and uncle had time left on their accounts. You are their heir—and I pay my debts. …The extent to which you are their heir remains to be seen." | |||
Albia, Your Family/My Family, Du Quay, Your Father, Your Uncle |
Student Advisor[]
Location: The Awful Tower
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2015-08-28 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (083) Forum:2015-08-28 (Friday) |
Colette, Violetta, Wooster, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Zeetha, Beausoleil | ||
Agatha is reunited with her comrades and tells them of her three-day time limit, to their mutual consternation. Colette offers help enthusiastically and Beausoleil reluctantly. It is not clear how much help they will actually be. | |||
Beausoleil: "You will still be held to the University code of standards and procedures—and expected to complete your work in a timely fashion. I warn you, no one here will fall for the old 'My homework ate my dog' excuse." | |||
In the Erstwhile Lair (non-canon)[]
Location: To and In Du Quay's Erstwhile Lair.[38]
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2015-08-31 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (084) Forum:2015-08-31 (Monday) |
Beausoleil, Agatha, Wooster, Jiminez Hoffmann, Castle Heterodyne#Portable Castle[52], The Beast | ||
Beausoleil gives Agatha her marching orders from the Master: Dismantle the wave conductor and remove the Castle from all city systems! After Agatha complies, confining the Castle to a new, tiny dingbot-like body, rather then destroying it (to Beausoleil's displeasure), Beausoleil states that no one in the University can help her. | |||
Agatha: "Who is a clever little thing? Hmm?" Castle: "Why, I believe it is I!" Agatha: "Oooh, yes you are!" | |||
The Master, Du Quay, The University |
2015-09-02 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (085) Forum:2015-09-02 (Wednesday) |
Jiminez Hoffmann, Beausoleil, Agatha, Very Clever Little Thing | ||
Hoffman pleads the case for helping Agatha, but Beausoleil reacts dismissively. Until, that is, Beausoleil confesses to embezzling the Master's cheese. It turns out the Castle can control Beausoleil's clank body at will; it is not a city system, so the Master's command has been obeyed to the letter. Beausoleil tells Agatha she should see Doctor Dio Zardeliv[54], but that he's been missing for a year and a half. | |||
Agatha: "Who's a very very clever little thing who's learned so much?!" Castle: "Would you like to hear him quack like a duck?" Agatha: "Oh, my, could you?" Beausoleil: "Miss Heterodyne! How QUACK dare you—I will AWK personally see to it QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!" | |||
The Master, Doctor Dio Zardeliv[54], Doctor Beetle |
2015-09-04 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (086) Forum:2015-09-04 (Friday) |
<Dio Zardeliv[55][54], Beausoleil, Agatha, Hoffmann, Violetta, Jenna | ||
Beausoleil relates how, after the Mechanicsburg time freeze, Zardeliv became a target of adulation and then assassination. He disappeared shortly thereafter, telling no one where he was going, not even the Master. He did leave a note for Beausoleil, however.[56] Students are looking for Zardeliv and his office key. Violetta tells Agatha that Zardeliv is her great-uncle. | |||
Beausoleil: "'After Mechanicsburg was frozen, the mechanics of time became the hot field of study. And Zardeliv certainly knew how to capitalize on the public's fascination—he was absolutely lionized.'" | |||
Mechanicsburg, The Mechanics of Time, Francisca Palovika, Brand-New Analytical Enginette, The Master |
Uncle Tick-Tick (non-canon)[]
Location: Du Quay's Erstwhile Lair.[38]
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2015-09-07 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (087) Forum:2015-09-07 (Monday) |
Agatha, Violetta, <Dio Zardeliv, <Young Tarvek, <Young Violetta, Beausoleil, Hoffmann, Agatha's Wasp eater, Colette, Wooster | ||
Violetta reminiscences about Zardeliv, whom she knew as Uncle Tick-Tock. But why is someone trying to kill him? Beausoleil believes it's to keep him from helping to end the Mechanicsburg time freeze; a great many powerful people want to keep it frozen. When Agatha hears that Zardeliv was looking for "some notebook one of his idiot nephews had lost," she suddenly has to lie down. (Apparently, Paris is rather open about having a Black Market. There is a sign visible when Agatha first arrives there, ✣ indicating where to find it.) | |||
Violetta: "Yeah. Everyone says that he's this big theoretical genius—but when we were little, he was just Uncle Tick-Tock. He was never interested in all the family infighting, he really only likes clocks, you know?" Agatha: "Understandable—but someone still tried to kill him… You say his lectures were popular… Didn't he have any promising students?" Beausoleil: "They've all gone to work for Gilgamesh Wulfenbach. I believe that someone was afraid Zardilev would join them." | |||
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Mechanicsburg, The Master, The Old Baron, The Black Market, Some Notebook |
Colette's House[]
Location: The Voltaire Family Château in Paris.
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2015-09-09 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (088) Forum:2015-09-09 (Wednesday) |
Agatha, Colette, Guard Clanks, Shepherd, Groundskeeper | ||
Colette drives a limousine with Agatha as a passenger up to a palatial mansion, which turns out to be the Voltaire family château. She says her father wants Agatha there to keep her secure, then apologizes for the location, to Agatha's surprise. | |||
Colette: "Thus, I am sorry to say, you will be staying at our château." Agatha: "Ah…you're apologizing for this?" Colette: "Well…it is the family château…" | |||
The Family Château | |||
2015-09-11 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (089) Forum:2015-09-11 (Friday) |
Zeetha, Violetta, Colette, One of Colette's Sisters, Agatha's Wasp eater, Wooster, Agatha, More of Colette's Numerous Siblings | ||
Colette, Agatha, and company get out of the limousine and enter Château Voltaire. They are greeted by a barrage of questions and remarks (some quite personal and pointed) from Colette's many brothers and sisters. Once they get to Agatha's room, Colette slams the door behind them and apologizes. (The rest of Agatha's companions turn out to have accompanied her in Colette's limousine, except Dimo; he hasn't been seen since Agatha was in ✣ Du Quay's lair, just before the the Master shows up. Is Dimo hiding from the Master?) | |||
Colette: "Aargh! I am so sorry!" Violetta: "'Brothers and sisters?' Some of them are ancient!" Agatha: "Well, the Master is very old…" Violetta: "Whoof—and I thought my family was bad." Colette: "Your family is bad. Mine is noisy and embarrassing." | |||
Baxter, Albia, The Clams, The Master, Her Mother (Lucrezia) |
The Notebook[]
Location: The Voltaire Family Château in Paris.
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2015-09-14 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (090) Forum:2015-09-14 (Monday) |
Colette, Wooster, Violetta, Agatha, Zeetha | ||
Agatha and her companions are finally given some privacy in Château Voltaire. As Violetta hands the notebook she has been carrying to Agatha, she and Zeetha recall its history. When she opens it, Agatha is surprised to see a clank she recognizes from long ago. (The notebook is full of drawings and diagrams, heavily labeled and annotated with words and phrases in English (presumably translated to allow us to read it) as well as blocks of cryptic symbols that may be in a unknown language or be a private code or cipher used by Van Rijn. Of special interest, near the center of the bottom of the right page, there is a drawing, labeled important, that has been identified as a Samophlange, from the video game franchise Warcraft. Kaja Foglio is known to play World of Warcraft.) | |||
Violetta: "Here's the notebook. Do you really think it's the same one?" Agatha: "Well… I haven't had much of a chance to look at it." Zeetha: "Agatha—isn't that the book you got from Moxana? Back in the circus?" Violetta: "Auntie Margarella had it! …And they were saying she'd stolen a book—" | |||
The Notebook, Moxana, Circus, Auntie Margarella, This Clank aka The Muse of Time |
2015-09-16 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (091) Forum:2015-09-16 (Wednesday) |
Violetta, Agatha, Zeetha, <Enigma, <Moloch von Zinzer, <Omar von Zinzer | ||
Agatha explains that a drawing in the notebook, labeled "The Muse of Time," looks like something she saw back when she was a student in Beetleburg: an apparition of a strange, hooded figure. She recalls that she fled, encountering the Von Zinzer bothers, who took her locket. This led to her Spark being revealed. She notes that the Muse of Time may be even older than the Storm King. (This page has panels that refer back to volume 1. Panel 2 refers back to page 004 in volume 1, ✣ panel 3 to page 005, ✣ panel 4 to page 008. ✣ ) | |||
Violetta: "'The Muse of Time?' I've never even heard of that one." Agatha: "I don't think Van Rijn built this one." | |||
The Muse of Time, Van Rijn, Beetleburg, Something Like a Window in the Air, My Locket, Van Rijn's Notes, The Storm King |
2015-09-18 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (092) Forum:2015-09-18 (Friday) |
<Moxana, Agatha, Ardsley Wooster, Zeetha, Violetta | ||
Agatha details the changes in the the notebook. The original notes were about Van Rijn's Muses. Most of the current pages have been added since she first saw it. Notes from Tarvek, Dr. Beetle, and Agatha herself have been added; as well as a collection of snippets describing incidents across many historical periods, including Ancient Greece, all of which appear to deal with the Muse of Time. Wooster cuts to the chase and asks an important question. | |||
Wooster: "More importantly—someone collected all this information—and Lady Selnikov stole it—and Von Blitzengaard was willing to interfere with the Corbettites to catch her. So, what's in there that everyone wants so badly?" | |||
The Notes, The Muses, Van Rijn, The Storm King, The Muse of Time, Tarvek, Doctor Beetle, Meton of Athens[57], Ancient Greece, Beetleburg, Lady Selnikov, Von Blitzengaard, Corbettites |
2015-09-21 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (093) Forum:2015-09-21 (Monday) |
Agatha, Wooster, Zeetha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Violetta, Wee Beastie, Portable Castle | ||
Agatha reads through the collected notes to figure out what Margarella Selnikov was looking for in the Corbettite Vaults. A passage in Doctor Beetle's section states that the Corbettites had Prende's Chronometric Lantern (the Muse's Lantern), which, according to legend, seems to be able to restart stopped time. Agatha is even more eager to find Zardilev and decides to start looking in the Black Market.
(Zeetha and the wasp eater seems to be getting along very well in panel 1.) | |||
Violetta: "Tarvek was really into anything related to the Storm King, you know? All kinds of things, even fairy stories… There's this one where Van Rijn creates a magical lantern to free the Storm King from a castle where the sun never set." Agatha: "Interesting. That kind of sounds like someone was tampering with time, doesn't it? —And now Mechanicsburg is sealed, and Lady Margarella was looking for this lantern… And a professor who studies time goes missing, while looking for this notebook…" | |||
The Monk Lady Margarella Kidnapped, Lady Margarella, Corbettite Crypts, Doctor Beetle, The Storm King, Prende's Chronometric Lantern, The Muse's Lantern, The Corbettites, Tarvek, Van Rijn, A Castle Where the Sun Never Set, Mechanicsburg, Black Market |
Cheyenne's Airship Regatta Poster[]
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2015-09-22 (Tuesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. n/a Forum:2015-09-22 (Tuesday) |
Poster by Cheyenne Wright for an event at Steamposium Seattle | |||
The Lady Heterodyne Airship Regatta IV and Fancy Hat Party |
The Notebook (Again) (non-canon)[]
Location: The Voltaire Family Château in Paris.[38]
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2015-09-23 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (094) Forum:2015-09-23 (Wednesday) |
Wooster, Agatha, <Giant Cyclops, <Master Gilgamesh, Jiminez Hoffmann, Servant | ||
The visit to the Black Market is discussed. Wooster remembers his adventures with Gil and they first met. Hoffman hangs out outside the window. Agatha isn't pleased and drags him inside, but he just wants to help… for extra credit. Anyway, they won't let him in through the front door any more. (When Hoffman says to Agatha, "I really need that extra credit!" (in panel 5), he is referring to the assignment mentioned by his fellow student on web comic page 086, panel 6. ✣ ) | |||
Wooster: "The Black Market never closes—but the real action doesn't get going until the theaters let out." Agatha: "Oh. Right. You met Gil here, didn't you? I suppose you know the area well?" Wooster: "Better than I would like, I assure you. Master Gilgamesh's activities took him all over the city." | |||
Black Market, Professor Zardeliv[54]
2015-09-25 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (095) Forum:2015-09-25 (Friday) |
Colette, Agatha, Jiminez Hoffmann, Baxter, Zeetha | ||
Agatha and company leave her room and find Colette, who is surprised to see them so soon. Agatha explains that Hoffman has offered to help; he says they are off to the Black Market. Colette is surprised and a bit annoyed to see Hoffman; he seems quite pleased to see her. Agatha shows Colette the notebook. Colette finds this a very surprising and intriguing development and offers to drive them to their destination. (It seems Hoffman has a extreme crush on Colette, to the point where he acts like a complete idiot in front of her; not unlike Moloch von Zinzer and Sanaa, way back in the day. ✣ ) | |||
Colette: "And…the Black Market? Are you going shopping?" Agatha: "I need some things…and I want to find out more about Professor Zardilev. I think this is the notebook he was looking for." Colette: "What?! Tarvek's notes?! You have them? Does Martellus know?" Agatha: "I don't think so." Colette: "Oh, this will be interesting." | |||
Black Market, Professor Zardeliv, notebook, Tarvek, Martellus, Seffie |
Another poster for the Steamposium Seattle Airship Regatta. |
Couple's Time[]
Location: The Voltaire Family Château in Paris/Castle Wulfenbach (probably).
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2015-09-28 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (096) Forum:2015-09-28 (Monday) |
Agatha, Hoffmann, Zeetha, Higgs, Gil | ||
Agatha, Zeetha, and Hoffman are discussing his obvious attraction to Colette when Zeetha's watch chimes. The others give her some privacy and Zeetha sends a "love note" to Higgs, using the ornament that used to be on her headband but that Higgs now carries. Gil is curious and wants to examine it, but Higgs thinks this is a bad idea. (On this page, between panels 6 and 7, the scene suddenly changes from Colette's house to, apparently, Castle Wulfenbach. Higgs is now in possession of the ornament from Zeetha's headband, first seen while she was still with the circus. (It initially appears in the comic when Zeetha and Agatha speak for the first time.) ✣ It is mounted on a watch fob, and Higgs presumably has it with him at all times.) | |||
Gil: "Huh. Is that the thing off Princess Zeetha's circlet? I always wanted to examine that…" Higgs: "Nope. Some things, you examine 'em too close and they break, sir." Gil: "…I probably wouldn't break it much…" Higgs: "Sigh… Even so, sir." | |||
Colette, The Thing Off Princess Zeetha's Circlet |
2015-09-30 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (097) Forum:2015-09-30 (Wednesday) |
Gil, Higgs | ||
Gil seems a bit jealous of Higgs and Zeetha and then complains that he can't be with Agatha. Higgs suggests that Gil write her a letter. Gil is doubtful at first and comes up with alternatives, but Higgs convinces him in the end. | |||
Gil: "I can't even get in the same room with Agatha without—" Higgs: "So write her a letter." Gil: "Whut?" Higgs: "I've seen this over and over! Damfool Sparks who think they've got to send a full-scale army of giant, singing rosebushes or it isn't romantic enough! Don't make everything so complicated! Here. Paper." Gil: "Oof!" Higgs: "Pen." Gil: "Ack!" Higgs: "Sit. Now. Write. Use the pen. On the paper. Tell her what you want to say." Gil: "I could build a machine that would project a simulacrum of myself that could explain—" Higgs: "Why I smacked you?" Gil: "Or…I could just…write…" | |||
A Rather Inefficient Scientific Miracle, Her/She, Agatha |
Colette Changes the Party Plan[]
Location: Grandmother's House in Paris.
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2015-10-02 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (098) Forum:2015-10-02 (Friday) |
Grandma, Seffie | ||
Seffie is talking to her Grandmother, while reading a note from Colette. Simon Voltaire has requested that the upcoming party be changed to a masked ball. Grandma says they'll have to agree, but doubts Voltaire really cares what kind of party it is, and suspects ulterior motives. She explains her suspicions to her granddaughter, sowing suspicions in Seffie's mind as well. (This is the first time Grandmother/Grandma appears in the comic, but she has been referred to several ✣ times ✣ before. It is also the first time Simon Voltaire's first name is used in the comic, confirming the full name used for him on his card in The Works.) | |||
Grandma: "But everyone knows this party will be the apex of the Winter Season. They'll all be frantic to get an impressive costume together. That will keep them busy, and out of trouble—and don't forget—when people feel safely anonymous, they let their guard down. Yes…a very clever girl, that Colette." Seffie: "True…ah…I wonder if I can get Gil to show up… Argh!—But Grandma! It will be so much work to get ready! I have a thousand things to see to!" Grandma: "Well, dear, perhaps she wants to keep you busy, as well." Seffie: "Now, why would she do that? What is that girl up to?" | |||
Colette, "Papa", Martellus, Heterodyne Girl, Gil |
2015-10-05 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (099) Forum:2015-10-05 (Monday) |
Seffie, Grandma, Martellus, Martellus's Staff, Varpa | ||
Seffie frets about why Colette, whom she considers a friend, would be trying to distract her. Grandma reassures her that Colette must have many reasons for throwing the masked ball. Martellus appears, full of plans to use the ball to show off his splendor as the new Storm King, and Seffie realizes that he is probably one of the main targets of Colette's plan. She sends her Smoke Knight, Varpa, to trip up her brother's Knight, who is watching Agatha. | |||
Seffie: "Tch. It's not like I won't find out eventually…and I refuse to believe she's sending all of Paris society scrambling just to keep me away from the Lady Heterodyne." Grandma: "Of course not. She'll have lots of reasons. The best strategists always do. …But she is your friend—as much as anyone from a rival house can be. Maybe she's afraid of what the Heterodyne girl will do when she finds out about you and young Wulfenbach. If the young lady is anything like her mother…" | |||
She, The Lady Heterodyne/The Heterodyne Girl, Young Wulfenbach, Her Mother, The New Storm King, Spark, Smoke Knight (Malek) |
Shopping in the Underground[]
Location: The Black Market beneath Paris.
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2015-10-07 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (100) Forum:2015-10-07 (Wednesday) |
Colette, Hoffmann, Wooster, Violetta, Zeetha, Agatha | ||
Colette and Hoffman, along with Agatha and company, enter the Black Market, below Paris. Colette and Hoffman describe the way the Black Market works. Wooster marvels that Madame Desmana is still around. Violetta and Zeetha smell food and want to eat, but Agatha says, "Later." | |||
Colette: "After salvage hunters go out into the Wastelands after Spark artefacts, this is where they bring them. They're not supposed to sell actual stolen goods, but… well…" Hoffman: "It's kind of grey area, really. There's always stuff salvaged from ruined castles, battlefields, abandoned lairs— You'll see when we get to Madame Desmana's shop. That's the last place anyone saw Professor Zardeliv." | |||
Wastelands, Madame Desmana, Professor Zardeliv[54] |
2015-10-09 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (101) Forum:2015-10-09 (Friday) |
Agatha, Colette, Portable Castle, Shopkeeper | ||
Agatha is using the Portable Castle's knowledge from when it was hooked into all of the Paris systems to find things in the Black Market. It leads her to a very interesting looking shop. | |||
Castle: "Mistress! This way!" Colette: "Oh?—And what is that?" Agatha: "This is a scrap of Castle Heterodyne. The one that was hooked into the city. It remembers where things are." Castle: "Over there!" Agatha: "Excuse me— Do you have a Henlein displacer frame?" Shopkeeper: "I do! The last one in stock! It's a lady of taste, you are!" Agatha: "Its knowledge will get more and more out of date, but for now—" Colette: "Then, why not ask it where to find Professor Zardeliv?" Castle: "Does he have a product number?" Colette: "Ah. Probably not." | |||
Henlein displacer frame, Professor Zardeliv[54] |
In Desmana's Shop (non-canon)[]
Location: Madame Desmana's shop in the Parisian Black Market.[38]
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2015-10-12 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (102) Forum:2015-10-12 (Monday) |
Agatha, Young Wooster, Ardsley, Madame Desmana, Colette, Hoffmann | ||
The Portable Castle has led Agatha and company to Madame Desmana's shop. Desmana herself is now dead, but the shop is run by a clank "sculpted" with her personality. She welcomes the group, while exhibiting evidence of "post-vital personality drift". It turns out Desmana already knows who Agatha is and has predicted her search for Professor Zardeliv with the "vastly superior brainpower" available to her as a clank. | |||
Desmana: "Ah— welcome, noble seekers! Why, it is young <Wooster, Ardsley>![60] It has been <over 1000 days: see long term memory>. You are looking <well>." Wooster: "Madame Desmana?!" Colette: "Sort of. Before she died, she had her personality sculpted onto a blank clank core." | |||
Hurwood Brothers, The Master, Gil, Professor Zardeliv[54] | |||
2015-10-14 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (103) Forum:2015-10-14 (Wednesday) |
Madame Desmana, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Weaponized Dingbots | ||
Desmana says she hasn't seen Zardilev in quite some time, and asks if Agatha has any shopping to do. Agatha has a list, and Desmana offers to buy, sell, or trade. Desmana becomes very excited when she sees Agatha's wasp eater and wants to trade for it, but Agatha deploys a small squadron of armed flying dingbots to protect it. Desmana is also fascinated by the dingbots, but Agatha insists that nothing she has is for sale. Desmana states that even news of a wasp eater is worth a great deal. | |||
Desmana: "Ah, but I am afraid that you have found nothing but a dead end—as young Hoffman here must have told you—I have not seen the dear professor in <412>[60] days." | |||
Young Hoffmann, Dear Professor, The Baron, The Young Baron |
2015-10-16 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (104) Forum:2015-10-16 (Friday) |
Agatha, Madame Desmana, Agatha's Wasp eater, Zeetha, Violetta, Colette, Wooster | ||
Agatha discovers that her wasp eater may be the last one, explaining its high value, and that Colette knows Gil from his student days in Paris. Desmana says Agatha's shopping list is "delightfully expensive"; Agatha asks how much wasp eater information is worth. | |||
Agatha: "—But…surely Gil has his own by this time…?" Desmana: "On, no! The old Baron had them all destroyed my dear! One can only speculate why…" Zeetha: "Gil's hoping to find some trapped in Mechanicsburg. …Or so I've heard." Agatha: "—But Tarvek sent teams[61] out of Mechanicsburg— What happened to them? Why hasn't Gil—" Violetta: "They probably don't trust him. I wouldn't. First the Empire hunts them down, then it's sorry? That sounds like a ruse to draw the rest out of hiding." Colette: "Gil would never do that!" Agatha: "Ah—You know him?" Colette: "But of course! Well, I did— Back when he was a student here. We were all companions in adventure, were we not, Mister Wooster?" Wooster: "Indeed we were. Happier times, Mademoiselle." | |||
Gil, The Old Baron, Mechanicsburg, Tarvek, The Empire, The Heterodynes |
2015-10-19 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (105) Forum:2015-10-19 (Monday) |
Agatha, Madame Desmana | ||
Agatha offers to provide "a wasp eater recipe" (and "ingredients") so that anyone can make one… well, almost anyone. She wants Desmana to sell it to everybody who wants it, especially Gil. Desmana is delighted—she will be making a fortune from Agatha's information— and dismayed—she has to give her so much credit for it. | |||
Agatha: "I've studied it…so I'll write down everything I know. I think I can give you enough that anyone should be able to make one." Desmana: "'Anyone?'" Agatha: "Well…anyone with a competent grasp of mustelid biology, organic chemistry, and insect related allergic reactions—and a working knowledge of artificially enhancing biological systems and mutagenic animal husbandry wouldn't hurt." Desmana: "That's 'anybody,' is it?" Agatha: "I'll throw in some samples. That should help. It needs its claws clipped anyway." | |||
It, Gil, The Master, The University, Martellus von Blitzengaard |
Secrets at the Opera[]
Location: Near and in the Opera of Paris
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2015-10-21 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (106) Forum:2015-10-21 (Wednesday) |
Marco, Miss Sofie, Sevin, Madame Velix | ||
A woman, Sofie, hurries into the Paris Opera House. She is much earlier than usual. She insists on seeing Madame Velix, who is busy in her office: It is important! She tells Velix she has seen a wasp eater in Paris. This news seems to greatly displease Velix. (When Madame Velix is finally shown, in the last panel, she is revealed to be a Geisterdame, one of the Other's servants. This seems certain based on her appearance and the fact that she speaks in an unknown language that seems very similar to the few words we have have heard the Geisterdamen use earlier in the comic.) | |||
Sofie: "Madam. Forgive my intrusion—" Velix: "Ah—and what is so important, Sofie?" Sofie: "The old Baron's weasel creatures. I have seen one! Here! In Paris! In the market! I could not get close enough to kill it— It belongs to the Lady Heterodyne! She flaunts it on her shoulder like…like an exotic bird! By tonight, all of Paris will be wanting one!" Velix: "Smagga du bokk!" | |||
Old Baron, Weasel Creature, The Lady Heterodyne |
2015-10-23 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (107) Forum:2015-10-23 (Friday) |
Madame Velix | ||
The "office" behind Madame Velix is shown. It is a long, narrow room jammed, from floor to ceiling, with complicated scientific (probably Sparky) equipment, instrument panels, and shelves. The shelves hold row after row of miniature Hive Engines. Velix decides that the weasel sighting means they must begin immediately. But begin what, exactly? | |||
"It is only one creature—but no more delays. We begin at once!" | |||
It |
Back in the Shop[]
Location: Madame Desmana's shop in the Parisian Black Market.
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2015-10-26 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (108) Forum:2015-10-26 (Monday) |
Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta, Agatha's Wasp eater, Madame Desmana, Dicta-clank | ||
Agatha has just finished dictating everything she knows about wasp eaters to a transcribing clank, who wrote it as a treatise, and is worn out. She has barely recovered when she is shocked to discover that she is the heroine of a series of racy romance novels, The Lusty Loves of Lady Heterodyne. | |||
Desmana: "Ah—Are you finally finished? Very good! You have made my poor dicta-clank earn its anthracite today! It hasn't had such a workout since dear Countess Von Pelling rented it out for one of her spicy romance novels! That time, parts of it melted!" | |||
Wasp eaters, Countess Von Pelling, The Lusty Loves of Lady Heterodyne, Volume 14: The Conquest of the Heir |
2015-10-28 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (109) Forum:2015-10-28 (Wednesday) |
Agatha, Zeetha, Madame Desmana, Castle Heterodyne#Portable Castle | ||
Desmana praises Agatha's wasp eater treatise; it's so good she doesn't understand a word! She accepts it as payment in full, and then some; the items Agatha requested will be delivered to Château Voltaire. Desmana has also been busy, compiling a list of nearly all of Zardilev's Black Market purchases for the past year. Agatha looks it over and realizes she can use it to find him, with the Portable Castle's help. | |||
Desmana: "Voilà! The most complete list possible of the last year's worth of purchases by our missing professor Zardilev. (The ones here in the Black Market, of course—his grocery bills remain a mystery.) In any case, it was not cheap. Getting information out of those miserable organic—SCREEK—my esteemed colleagues—was embarrassingly difficult. Had I been allowed more time—" Agatha: "I'm sorry, but…time is the one thing I don't have." Desmana: "Well…I hope it was worth it." Agatha: "So do I. Let me have a look…" Caption: "Soon—" Agatha: "Yes! There it is! See? This—and this—combined with that?!" Desmana: "Yes…I sold him the phase orbiter myself…and—?" Agatha: "Well, as anyone can see—" Desmana: "Ah… This 'anyone' person again." Agatha: "Running all those components together can't help but produce unusual—identifiable—traces. Assuming he's working somewhere in Paris, and I think he is—we have someone here who can find his lab." (She hold up the Portable Castle.) | |||
Lady Voltaire, Professor Zardilev[54], Phase Orbiter |
Seffie is Cranky[]
Location: Grandmother's House in Paris.
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2015-10-30 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (110) Forum:2015-10-30 (Friday) |
Crispin, Cat-girl Maid, Seffie | ||
Crispin, apparently a servant, has intercepted Gil's mail for Seffie and summarizes it for her. She has a tantrum at the news that Gil has written a long letter about Agatha, then cheers up at getting a message from Gil herself. He's coming to Paris! Will he be there for the ball? What fun!
(Seffie's statement that she has been intercepting Gil's mail since she was a child is puzzling. It may mean that she is responsible for Gil not getting mail from his fellow "students" ✣ on Castle Wulfenbach. But it is difficult to fathom why she would have or how she could have been interfering with his mail at that time. | |||
Crispin: "You know, My Lady, perhaps this isn't the wisest hobby—" Seffie: "Nonsense, Crispin. I've been intercepting Gil's mail since I was a child." | |||
Gil, The Master, The Lady Heterodyne, British Embassy, Golden Hive Mercenary Guild, His (Gil's) Father, Grandmama |
Waffle Break (non-canon)[]
Location: Somewhere in Paris.[38]
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2015-11-02 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (111) Forum:2015-11-02 (Monday) |
Agatha, Zeetha, Hoffmann, Castle Heterodyne#Portable Castle, Violetta, Colette, Wooster, Agatha's Wasp eater | ||
Agatha wonders what it would be like to have a boring life. Hoffman gets waffles. Colette and Wooster explain why getting to Zardilev is a such big problem; he's in the Incorruptible Library and no one can get in there! But Hoffman says he knows a way in, from underneath. | |||
Colette: "These 'unusual identifiable traces' Zardeliv's work is supposed to have left? They're all over the place. Most recently—" Hoffman: "Oh! The Incorruptible Library! Well, that's a challenge, but…" Colette: "It's underneath it, actually. I didn't know our systems even went that deep." Violetta: "What's the problem?" Wooster: "The Incorruptible Republic of the Immortal Library of the Grand Architect is an autonomous government which claims a large section of underground Paris off the Black Market. They lend out any book to anybody. Many people find this irresponsible. Because of several incidents, no outsiders are allowed into their stacks. After they won the Secret War of the North Catacombs—" Colette: "Hey!" Wooster: "The Master had to deal with them diplomatically, through the Shadow Court." Colette: "They did not win—" | |||
Zardeliv[54][55], The Incorruptible Republic of the Immortal Library of the Grand Architect (The Incorruptible Library, for short), The Secret War of the North Catacombs, The Master, The Shadow Court |
It would be interesting to know if the "the Secret War of the North Catacombs," mentioned by Wooster, is the same thing as the "the Master's secret war with the Mole Men of the Thirteenth Stack Level," mentioned by Pierre van Stron back on web comic page 059. ✣ |
Farther Underground[]
Location: Somewhere in Underground Paris.
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2015-11-04 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (112) Forum:2015-11-04 (Wednesday) |
Hoffmann, Wooster, Agatha, Colette, Violetta, Zeetha | ||
Agatha and her retinue, along with Colette and Hoffman, arrive at a huge circular opening, blocked by decorative bars. Hoffman holds open a man-sized gate in the bars as he explains why he is persona non grata with the librarians. Colette identifies their location as the decommissioned left bank storm drain. | |||
Hoffman: "—And after that, they had to re-catalog the whole section. —But they're librarians! I thought they liked cataloging things!" Wooster: "Context is everything, my dear fellow." Hoffman: "Yeah, so they revoked my library card 'with extreme prejudice.' That means—" Wooster: "Oh, I remember what it means. Master Gil tended to collect such things." | |||
Master Gil, Librarians/The Library |
Full page panel. | |
2015-11-06 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (113) Forum:2015-11-06 (Friday) |
Hoffmann, Wooster, Zeetha, Colette, Agatha, Violetta, Agatha's Wasp eater, Talpini | ||
The party continues to descend as Hoffman explains that, even though he had been barred, he still needed to get into the Library. (It was worth one-third of his grade.) Fortunately, he came across some people who helped him sneak in. Colette is suspicious; her family knows about Hoffman's helpers and knows they don't help people. When Hoffman is greeted as a hero, she is certain he hasn't told them everything. | |||
Hoffman: "Well, anyway, the rest is kind of boring, really. I found this undiscovered subterranean civilization, and they helped sneak me in!" Agatha: "…That's not boring." Colette: "It's nonsensical, is what it is! They weren't undiscovered, my family has known about them forever! —But they're suspicious and xenophobic! They don't help strangers who intrude on their runs—they turn them into gloves! I'm convinced that there's more to this!" Agatha: "Um—Maybe you're just letting your annoyance with him affect your thinking?" Colette: "Maybe—" Hoffman: "Hi, guys!" Talpini: "Hoffman the Hero has returned! Hurrah!" Colette: "But I don't think so." | |||
String Theory Macrame Projects, The (Incorruptible) Library, Europa, My Family | On the the LiveJournal page for this comic, Kaja made the following comment, "Moooole People! I love Mole People!... <3 --Kaja" The "mole people" are identified as the Talpini on the next page. | ||
2015-11-09 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (114) Forum:2015-11-09 (Monday) |
Colette, Hoffmann, Wooster, <Underground Monster, <Talpini Negotiator?, <Arguron Negotiator? | ||
Hoffman modestly explains why the Talpini consider him a hero: He killed the monster, saved the King, and ended the war. Colette is horrified and angered to hear this story; the war between the Talpini and the Agurons was keeping them from attacking the surface. Hoffman explains that it was worth one-third of his grade (again). | |||
Hoffman: "Geez… They make such a big deal about that… I was just in the right place at the right time. Okay, see— the Talpini were in a big war with the Argurons— (that's another secret bunch of underground guys.) In the middle of a big battle, the King's digger machine went haywire and busted down into some hidden crypts— (this was completely not my fault—) and some kind of monster came out. The King was out cold, and things were looking bad, so I used the digger machine to kill the monster, and that was that. Of course, there was still the whole problem of the war… but I came up with an idea that made everyone happy, so it all worked out! Now they're good friends!" Colette: "The Talpini and the Argurons… They've been at war for generations. It's the only thing that's kept them too busy to attack the surface… And you unified them?!"' Hoffman: "Well…yeah. I'm… writing it up for my Extemporary Polysci elective! It's worth one-third of my grade!" | |||
King (of the Talpini) | |||
2015-11-11 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (115) Forum:2015-11-11 (Wednesday) |
Violetta, Hoffmann, Colette, Goliver, Other Talpini, Agatha, Wooster, Molybdenum (Talpini High Priest), Agatha's Wasp eater, Zeetha | ||
Hoffman explains his idea to end the war—a political marriage. Colette seems to object. The Talpini object to allowing in anyone other than Hoffman, but he talks them into it. The High Priest recognizes Agatha, then he and Zeetha have a slight misunderstanding. Colette elaborates on her objections to Hoffmann's plan. They are announced to His Majesty. (This subterranean realm seems to have both luminescent crystals and phosphorescent fungi. On the glove oil bottle in panel 5, there is a drawing of Agatha on the label, holding up a gloved hand, while regarding it and saying "Nice!") | |||
Molybdenum: "Wait! There! The Golden Furred One! We know you! Amazing! Never did I think I would see this day!" Hoffman: "This is Molybdenum—their High Priest!" Agatha: "Er… Hello—" Zeetha: "Ooh! Ooh! She's your prophesied Holy One, right? Like, your Goddess Incarnated, destined to rule you and stuff?" Molybdenum: "Ah, no… We are just very big fans of her glove oil. It is minty!" Agatha: "Well, that was awkward." Zeetha: "Hey, it happened to my cousin!" | |||
Zeetha's cousin, Majesty |
The Mole King's Palace (non-canon)[]
Location: In the Kingdom of the Talpini, beneath Paris.[38]
Identifier Page |
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2015-11-13 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (116) Forum:2015-11-13 (Friday) |
Mole King, Agatha, Hoffmann, Talpini Courtiers, Talpini Royal Guards in Armor | ||
The Mole King greets Hoffman as his son, to Agatha's surprise. Hoffman explains that he has been adopted as an honorary member of the Talpini Royal Family. The throne room of the Mole King is absolutely heaping with treasure of all kinds, especially gold. The King's throne is surmounted by the enormous skull of a horned dinosaur- or dragon-like creature. | |||
King: "Hoffman! My dear son! It is good to have you back!" Agatha: "'Son?'" Hoffman: "Oh, yeah, the King adopted me and made me an honorary Prince of the Moligarchy. Neat, huh?" | |||
2015-11-16 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (117) Forum:2015-11-16 (Monday) |
Mole King, Hoffmann, Wooster, Agatha, Colette, Violetta | ||
Hoffman is dumbfounded to learn that he will be a party to the peace-making political marriage. He protests and the King chides him, saying the marriage will be the perfect solution. Except for one thing: the Talpini can't invade the surface world because they would be warring against Hoffman the Peacemaker's burrow-mates, and that just wouldn't do. (There is a shape resembling some sort of creature in the background of panel 7. It is unclear if it is a natural formation, a carving, or an actual creature. The latter seems unlikely, as no one in the scene is paying any attention to it, unless that is because it is camouflaged by its rock-like shape and color.) | |||
King: "Oh, yes! A Prince of the Moligarchy must have his trusty companions about him when he is married. Why, when I married my first queen, I had—" Hoffman: "Wait— What? Me? You're talking about me? But…I haven't even met—" Colette: "Do you even understand how a political marriage works? It was your idea! What were you thinking?" Hoffman: "Well I wasn't thinking it was going to be me!" King: "Come, come, my boy. It's the perfect solution! The Arugurons[66] are so tall and strange, with so little fur— You will suit the young lady perfectly!" | |||
Hoomhoffer, Moligarchy, First Queen, Argurons | |||
2015-11-18 (Wednesday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (118) Forum:2015-11-18 (Wednesday) |
Mole King, Agatha | ||
The Mole King greets Agatha by her title. He asks if she will be able to free Mechanicsburg from the time freeze. She tells him she is searching for Professor Zardilev toward that end and she hopes to find him in the Library. The Mole King recommends asking the Arguron King for help. (The Mole King knows Agatha from Parisian merchandizing. She is portrayed on the label of his favorite crown polish, although without glasses and wearing a crown, large earrings, and a frilled collar. She is shown speaking words that are partly obscured, but seem to be, "I approve." Blue-Whorled Grunters are the Mole King's favorite cave snail. They come from Mechanicsburg.) | |||
Agatha: "I'm looking for Professor Zardeliv[54]. His specialty is time mechanics. We think he might be somewhere in the Library." King: "Ah…the Library…yes… Tricky…those Librarians are touchy, suspicious, and xenophobic. Still, young Hoffman sneaks in all the time, of course. I can't say I've heard of this Professor Zardeliv, though. You should ask the Arguron King. His people have treaties with the Library— And thanks to your association with my son, you will have an excellent chance to secure an audience." | |||
Mechanicsburg, Old Wulfenbach, The Empire, Blue-Whorled Grunters, Professor Zardeliv, The Library, Those Librarians, Young Hoffman, Arguron King |
Gil in Mechanicsburg[]
Location: Beneath time-stopped Mechanicsburg.
Identifier Page |
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2015-11-20 (Friday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (119) Forum:2015-11-20 (Friday) |
Subterrene[68] Crewmembers, Temporal Researchers, Other Wulfenbach Minions, Talpini, Gil, Bang, Higgs, Doctor Rothfuss, The Subject | ||
Gil, Bang, and Higgs arrives in a large chamber of "real time" beneath time-stopped Mechanicsburg, burrowing up from below in a "mole machine." As Gil is being welcomed to the site, Dr. Rothfuss runs up shouting that they have finally succeeded in safely extracting a subject from frozen time. At first Gil is delighted by the news, then he sees who it is. (The person recovered isn't happy to see Gil, either.) | |||
Rothfuss (shouted): "Herr Baron! We've done it!" Gil: "Doctor Rothfuss?" Rothfuss: "We have finally extracted a subject—in perfect condition—and I am confident that we can do it again!" Gil: "Why that's wonderful news, Doctor! I had hardly dared hope for such good—" The Subject (shouted): "Wulfenbach! I might have known!" Gil: "…Oh. Of course." | |||
Mechanicsburg |
2015-11-23 (Monday) ✣ Vol.2-2 p. (120) Forum:2015-11-23 (Monday) |
Othar, Intern(?)[69] from the Great Hospital | ||
The person extracted from from frozen time is shown to be Othar. He is hooked up to an IV drip and a variety of Sparky medical monitoring instruments or stimulation devices. As a star-struck young man behind reacts with delight at meeting him in person, Othar declaims to Gil that he will put and end to his evil plans, whatever they are. | |||
Othar: "Fiend! I don't know what you have done with the Lady Heterodyne— but I, Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, will thwart you without fail!" | |||
Fiend, Lady Heterodyne |
Last page of Act 2, Volume 2. This is a full panel page. |
- ↑ This page was originally erroneously numbered 002, but has been corrected.
- ↑ Tybalt made his last definite appearance on page 119 (Friday, December 26, 2014) ✣ , still in sparkhound form. He may have shifted back to his human form and put on a new set of armor, but he will not be listed in the cast again until he is explicitly identified in the comic.
- ↑ The sound effect transcribed here spans the first five panels, which are all inset into the large panel that fills the top of this page.
- ↑ The idea Agatha is referring to seems to be the one described by Martellus on page 117 ✣ of the previous volume (Monday, December 22, 2014).
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 This phrase is in Latin. It can be translated as "Go Courageously"—or, alternatively, "Boldly Go". Phil Foglio is a known Star Trek fan.
- ↑ Agatha remembers meeting Dimitri Vapnoople on Castle Wulfenbach. ✣ The matter of the bears' master and their creator ✣ was brought up initially in the previous volume.
- ↑ "Volkerstorfer" is an apparent typo. This character was called Wolkerstorfer earlier in the comic.
- ↑ A Latin phrase meaning, "Strength through Faith".
- ↑ Later comments about König surviving the blast ✣ indicate This Bear is König.
- ↑ This is a phrase in Latin that literally means something like, "It's not cold." Readers have offered various explanations of what this phrase means in the context of this page of the comic and the best explanation seems to be that it should be read as, "That's not cool," or "It's not cool!" The idea that this is a questionably translated Latin phrase intended as a joke seems more like something Phil Foglio would do than inserting an obscure, if more accurate, phrase meant to be taken seriously.
- ↑ Although only part of the phrase can be seen in this panel, the whole phrase is shown during Humongulus's first appearance ✣ in the story.
- ↑ Judging by the description, the timid monks could be referring to the Girl Genius analog of our Shaolin monks.
- ↑ The two speakers in this scene are not shown on this page, but are revealed to be Gil and Bang on the next one. ✣
- ↑ The hunt for Agatha's body, see the last panel. ✣
- ↑ The Battle of the Circus, see panel 4. ✣
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 These characters are not seen, only their voices are heard, but their identities can be confidently inferred from the previous page's action and their dialog here.
- ↑ The text for this sound effect is written in very distorted "electrical discharge" lettering and is placed behind the characters, so parts of it are obscured and hard to read.
- ↑ Gil is partly hidden because Agatha has collapsed on top of him, but you can see part of his face in panel 6.
- ↑ Martellus is pretending to be unconscious at first. You can see the top of his head on the table on the far right side of panel 2. Since he reveals himself to be awake very quickly, his reasons for pretending are unclear; apparently, it's just to annoy Violetta. Maybe he first thinks it will be a strategic advantage, then quickly realizes he need to countermand Violetta's continuing Agatha's plan.
- ↑ As the goggles-wearing monk, Wooster played a key role (demonstrating diplomacy) in helping to distribute the drugged cake. ✣ ... not that it was effective.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 The identity of the person Agatha is referring to is revealed on page 049, panel 2. ✣
- ↑ This Dreen is presumably the same one that shows up in the vaults of St. Szpac ✣ and seems to be following Agatha and her group, without anyone (except possibly Agatha's Wasp eater) being aware of it.
- ↑ Gil's revelation comes when he recalls a remark, ✣ made by Castle Heterodyne in time-frozen Mechanicsburg, describing beings that appeared during an earlier time stoppage caused by Robur Heterodyne, and seems to confirm fan speculation that the beings referred to were the Dreen.
- ↑ Wooster reveals that thirst for tea makes strange bedfellows:
Wooster: "Thank goodness. I would kill for a cup of tea."
Dimo: "Ho, yez! Dot alvays improves de taste!"
Wooster: "Indeed it does."
Martellus: "We're all in agreement there." - ↑ On the LiveJournal message that originally included the black and white version of this page, Kaja Foglio added a comment that included this text, "Blind Eos seemed like a good name for the Eastern Underground gate." From a fan on LiveJournal, "Eos refers to the Greek goddess of the dawn, which is appropriate for the eastern gate. But it's underground, hence 'blind.'"
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 "Douane" is French for "customs house."
- ↑ This page was posted early and uncolored on the Girl Genius LiveJournal site with the following message: "Phil and I will be on an airplane right around the time Cheyenne will be finishing the colors for this page…so I'll grab those and post them as soon as I can. Until then, here's the colorless page, and we'll see some of you in San Jose!--Kaja". Because of this, it is harder to identify the characters than usual, and the character list will be revised as necessary when the colored version of the page goes up.
- ↑ If the marionette show/orientation can be relied on as a guide to the actual state of affairs in the Paris of the Girl Genius universe, the Master of Paris has his headquarters in the Eiffel Tower. A fan pointed out that in Othar's Twitter, the Master is mentioned as living in the "Great Tower," and that, in the real world Eiffel Tower, the third level has "laboratories for various experiments and a small apartment reserved for Gustave Eiffel." (
- ↑ The Blonde Swan is a shout out. A fan discovered that the Blonde Swan is the name used by a real world hat shop "specializing in handcrafted fashionable leather hats, goggles and accessories," and its proprietor. Apparently, the Swan and the Professors often attend the same conventions.
- ↑ The unidentified speaker in the last panel is revealed to be Xerxsephnia von Blitzengaard (Martellus's sister) on the next page.
- ↑ This could to be a reference to a Dolly Parton song, "Jolene" (Phil's spelling is notoriously bad), which has lyrics that include lines such as: "Jolene…/ …please don't take my man/ Your beauty is beyond compare/ With flaming locks of auburn hair/ With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green." (Except that Seffie's eyes seem to be blue. ✣ ) Or, it could be a reference to "Joleen" as defined in the Urban Dictionary. Or, it could be none of the above.
- ↑ There is a typo in this dialog balloon, the "we" and "aren't" are transposed: "Yeah, but then, why we aren't up to our ears in Lucrezias?"
- ↑ The "itinerant storyteller" referred to on this page must be Phil the Storyteller, who was spotted by fans in the Mechanicsburg time freeze here ✣ (see panel 4).
- ↑ From the same page:
Susa: "We're lab sisters!"
Gritha: "Heh. Can't you tell?"
Susa: "Yeah—Doctor Quintus Varangius. Totally obsessed with size."
Bang: "Aren't they all?"
Susa: "I know. So embarrassing…" - ↑ The identity of the speaker here is not certain, since these words are narrated in a caption over a flashback panel, not in a dialog balloon, but based on the scene being described and Woger's next line, it seems almost certain the speaker of this line is Susa.
- ↑ Gil does not refer to him by name; perhaps he doesn't know the identity of the creator of the "spark wasp", but it was revealed to be Snarlantz in the comic back in volume 6 (web page 058, panel 1). ✣
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 This image of a spark and his minion may represent the actual Count Harken Maganox, but it is more likely to represent a scene imagined by Spüdna. As far as we know, Spüdna and Gil have never seen Maganox, and don't know what he looks like.
- ↑ 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 This title for this section is not from the Canon; that is, it is not from the Girl Genius website navigation menu. It was added for easier navigation within the chronology.
- ↑ On the LiveJournal post for this page, Kaja commented, "One of the many Parisian advertisements currently troubling Agatha's peace of mind.<3 --Kaja"
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 This poster is undoubtedly part of a series that Kaja referred to in a post on the Foglio's Girl Genius Adventures blog,, in which she said, "Phil has grabbed the opportunity to draw up several of the poster designs he’s been wanting to do. He’s trying to get them done in time to have some nice new posters for the San Diego Comic-Con. Cheyenne is doing an amazing job with the colors, as you can see if you have a look at the main site, where we’re posting the results as our updates. It’s really nice to be getting some of these done–especially the series he’s working on right now. (You’ll see…)"
- ↑ The complete text cannot be read on any single cylinder. This is a reconstruction based on the assumption that the text is the same on all of them.
- ↑ This is exactly the same as the previous page number. Apparently Kaja forgot to increment the number when laying out this page.
- ↑ This character may be a reference to real-world French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
- ↑ Unidentified here, but identified by last name on Monday, July 27, 2015 ✣ and by full name on Friday, July 31, 2015 ✣ .
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 Unnamed here, but identified as students at a Parisian university and members of the campus organization, "The Musketeers of Truth" on the page for Friday, July 31, 2015. ✣
- ↑ This page is actually numbered 059, but this is clearly an error, as the last page was numbered 68 and there already has been a page 59 ✣ a while ago (Wednesday, June 3, 2015).
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Identified by full name on Friday, July 31, 2015 ✣ .
- ↑ We learn later that the young man's name is Du Quay. See page later ✣
- ↑ The young man doesn't seem to be all that bright, since he has to have the advantage of having Agatha as a hostage pointed out to him.
- ↑ Beausoleil's statements in panel six of this page imply that Agatha has single-handedly destroyed several of his clank bodies before being overcome.
- ↑ Colette: "Ah! Still alive and free! Well done, ma chérie!"
Agatha: "Your father doesn't like my family very much…"
Colette: "It is true—and thus, our love can never be."
Agatha: "Yeah…that's too bad…"
Colette: "Tsk. He has upset you." - ↑ I am going to standardize on the name "Portable Castle" for the dingbotized Castle Heterodyne fragment because it is a reasonable one and it was coined by Kaja Foglio herself! She wrote, "I love the portable Castle. <3 --Kaja," on the girlgeniuscomic LiveJournal blog entry for October 27, 2015.
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 This translation comes from Google translate and seems likely to be what the Foglios intended, but I would welcome any corrections or comments on it from people more knowledgeable than I am about French; namely pretty much anybody.
- ↑ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 54.6 54.7 54.8 54.9 This character's last name has been spelled as both Zardeliv and Zardilev in the comic. Both spellings have been used several times, but the Foglios seems to have settled on the "Zardeliv" spelling, so that was chosen as the title for this character's page. The name will be spelled in the Chronology as it is spelled on the page being summarized. If both spellings are used on the same page, this will be noted.
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 Spelled both as "Zardeliv" and "Zardilev" on this page of the comic.
- ↑ Beausoleil: "But he left me a message—telling me to wind his clocks and to not take his office—of all the nerve!"
Hoffman: "—But you did take his office, professor…"
Beausoleil: "If I hadn't, someone else would have. At least I keep his clocks wound!" - ↑ Meton of Athens is an historical figure in the real world.
- ↑ This is a reference to R.U.R., a play by Czech writer Karel Capek that introduced the word "robot" into English. The initials in the title stand for Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum’s Universal Robots), but the "robots" in the play are made from synthetic organic tissue, so they are closer to what would be called androids today. Perhaps Phil's alteration of the play's title is an acknowledgement of this.
- ↑ A Hindenberg joke
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 The angle brackets shown in the quote from Madame Desmana on this page and the following ones are also in the the comic. The text of words within them is in a different typeface. This is apparently to indicate a different sound to these words, like the dynamically-generated segments inserted into the pre-recorded parts of an interactive telephone voice menu.
- ↑ The teams Tarvek sent out of Mechanicsburg, ✣ referred to by Agatha in panel 2, were teams of Vespiary Squad members. Tarvek was attempting to preserve what remained of the wasp eaters and their minders and protectors in the Vespiary Squad by dispersing them throughout Europa. This happened back in volume 12.
- ↑ At first glance, it looks as if the banners say "LA REINE de L'AUPORE." However, if you zoom in on the banner, you can see a faint line where the tail of the 'R' should be. This seems to be a case of Cheyenne having a hard time with Phil's pencil work. You can see the same thing happened with the right side of the 'A' in the same word, as well as, to a lesser extent, the word "LA" at the top of the banner.
- ↑ A possible English translation for this phrase, presumably the title of the current operatic production, is "The Queen of the Dawn." This name has been mentioned before in Act 2 volume 2 web comic page 061, panel 4. ✣
- ↑ There is a typo here; the R and O are transposed (ÆORSTATIC).
- ↑ Shoutout to web comic Prague Race
- ↑ Inconsistent spelling, previously "Argurons."
- ↑ The first four letters, which are all that are visible, actually read "APRO." This is probably supposed to be "I approve," but, if so, there is a 'P' missing.
- ↑ A subterrene is a vehicle that travels beneath and through the earth, just as a submarine travels beneath and through water.
- ↑ The young man shown on this page is labeled an intern because he seems to have a stethoscope hanging from his pocket, but he could be a doctor, nurse, or even a hospital orderly. His role will be updated if more information is forthcoming. His affiliation with the Great Hospital at Mechanicsburg seems certain based on the emblem on his cap.
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