Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Volume summary: Volume 12 of Act 2

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology. For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius. For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

Week Starting 2024-10-28 (Monday)[]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-10-28 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (001)
Forum:2024-10-28 (Monday)
Agatha, Bang, Tarvek, Zeetha, Klaus
Agatha and the others continue to marvel at the shocking sight of a great crowd of time-frozen Klauses, each apparently with their own Time stopper, at the center of the Time-stop field, where they expected to see only one.
Agatha: "It's the Baron—? It's…all the Baron?"
Bang: "Yeah…I mean, it's nice to see him again— but that's waaay too[1] many Klaus-es.Yikes."
The Baron (Klaus)
Written on building, top left, single full-page panel.
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. (002)
Forum:2024-10-30 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Zog, Klaus[3] (frozen in time)
While focusing on a single Klaus, Tarvek wonders out loud how the crowd of Klauses came to be. Agatha responds that she doesn't know, but says she wants to try finding out by getting a better look at the device the closest Klaus is holding.
Tarvek: "What could have caused this?"
Agatha: "I…I don't know! But it must be something to do with the time freeze! That device he's holding—I want a better look at it."
Time Freeze (Time stop), That Device (Time stopper)
Written on building, upper-right, single full-page panel
2024-11-01 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. (003)
Forum:2024-11-01 (Friday)
Agatha, Khrizhan, Zog, Tarvek, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Bang, Zeetha, Klaus, Kjarl
Agatha makes plans with her companions for an attempt to unfreeze just one Klaus so she can get a look at the device in his hand. Generals Khrizhan and Zog will be ready to grab the Baron, Bang and Zeetha will be ready to assist in subduing Klaus while watching for outside interference, and Prince Squealy… that is, Tarvek… will watch their backs. (Agatha wants everyone with her in the bubble of unfrozen time.) The party moves closer, bringing the nearest Klaus inside the field of Lady Heterodyne's Star, and he disappears in a flash of blue light and a burst of bubbles. Agatha is shocked, afraid that she has killed the Baron, but Kjarl has an epiphany.
Agatha: "Oh no! I killed him! I killed the Baron!"
Kjarl: "Ohhhhh! Now I see!"
Number shown on device held by Klaus, panel 5.

Week Starting 2024-11-04 (Monday)[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-04 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (004)
Forum:2024-11-04 (Monday)
Kjarl, Agatha, Goomblast, Gil, Tarvek, Zeetha, Dal Maghiar
While Kjarl ponders how to artistically explain his epiphany about the crowd of Klauses, Gil arrives with Dal. Introductions are made. As Dal approaches Agatha to welcome her home, his appearance shifts alarmingly.
Dal: "What? What? Are my trouser buttons undone? What?"
Agatha: "Don't worry. The Black Squad appears to be somewhat dimensionally unstable. The Lantern field has this effect on them.[4] It's fascinating, really-"
Dal: "What? I flossed!"
The Disturbance, The Baron (Klaus[5]), Black Squad, Home (Mechanicsburg), The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern)
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. (005)
Forum:2024-11-06 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Dal Maghiar, ~<Saturnus Heterodyne, Gil, Tarvek, Portable Castle
Dal and the group chat - he's a local boy, but much older than he appears. Agatha thanks him for saving Gil from the Revenant members of Black Squad. Tarvek is intrigued by Dal's apparent wasp immunity.
Agatha: "Are you a Mechanicsburg boy?"
Dal: "Sure am! Grew up in the reign of Lord Saturnus! Huh… He was your Grandpa, I guess…"
Agatha: "Oh? You don't look that old? Is the Black Squad related to the Jägers somehow?"
Dal: "Huh. I dunno. I don't think so…we're in and out of time so much—it's probably something to do with that."
Mechanicsburg, Black Squad, Jagers, My Father (Klaus), Revenants, Herr Thotep (Kjarl), The Heterodynes
2024-11-08 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. (006)
Forum:2024-11-08 (Friday)
Tarvek, Klauses (frozen in time), Gil, <Gil, <Dal Maghiar, Zeetha, Zog, Kjarl, Agatha
The group turns their attention back to the MultiKlauses, and how both the Lantern and Black Squad time powers cause them to dissipate. Before the sparks can really get distracted, Kjarl begins his explanation of the phenomenon, and is disappointed to discover that it's not as mind-blowing as he thought it would be.
Tarvek: "Hm. I wonder how similar the Lantern's powers are to the Black Squad's abilities? Do you think they're related?"
Gil: "We could run tests!"
Zeetha: "Guys, pay attention!"
Kjarl: "Now then! Prepare to have your minds blown! Are you simple, four-D adjacent beings ready for the concept of—Infinitely Echoing Realities?"
Tarvek: "Well, sure."
Agatha: "Yes?"
Gil: "Oh, like parallel worlds. Yeah."
Kjarl: "What?!"
Black Squad, (Tarvek's) Family (House Sturmvoraus), The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Infinitely Echoing Realities Studio News:' (from Kaja): Finally! The BackerKit pledge manager email invites have all gone out! Watch for yours (If you backed) at the email address you backed the Kickstarter at. The Backerkit store for people who missed the original campaign is now open, you can find it here!

Week Starting 2024-11-11 (Monday)[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg, near the Klaus cluster

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-11 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (007)
Forum:2024-11-11 (Monday)
Agatha, Kjarl, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie
Kjarl is irritated that Agatha has preempted his poetic explanation of the MultiKlaus phenomenon. As she attempts to get him back on track, the Star begins to fade, and the bubble of real time around them changes color. Kjarl attaches the power source[6] and the Star returns to full brilliance and color, giving Agatha an idea.
Agatha: "So, what we're seeing is everything the Baron could do when time restarts?"
Kjarl: "No!"
Agatha: "'No?'"
Kjarl: "What you are seeing is the shattered fragments of high possibility surrounding an epicenter being—suspended in the crystalline matrix produced by the—Ugh! You know what? Fine! Sort of!"
Agatha: "'Sort of?'"
Kjarl: "Well, it was going to rhyme when I said it."
Agatha (thinking): "Vozzler."
The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), Vozzler
SFX, panel 5
2024-11-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. (008)
Forum:2024-11-13 (Wednesday)
Kjarl, Agatha, Klauses (dissipating, forground), Tarvek, Khrizhan, Zeetha, Goomblast, Bang, Gil, Wee Beastie[7], Portable Castle[7], Zog, Dal Maghiar, Koppelslav, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time?, background)
Agatha makes some adjustments to the Star, and a large flash of light emanates from the staff, erasing MultiKlauses within the area of illumination.
Kjarl: "Do what?"
Agatha: "Just a quick, wide burst, and—"
[Musical notes]
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 2
Signs on storefront to left, panel 2
SA[LE] 2¢
Easel sign in front of building to left, panel 2
Sign on storefront to right, panel 2
2024-11-15 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. (009)
Forum:2024-11-15 (Friday)
Klauses (dissipating), General Gkika
We see a dozen or more Klauses, in profile, from the shoulders up. They are all in a similar posture, staring straight to the left with stern, angry expressions, and all holding a time-stop device in front of and slightly above their faces. The sphere of light from Lady Heterodyne's Star quickly expands into the scene from left to right, washing across and dissipating the Klauses one after another. In a moment they are all gone and we see that the last few Klauses to vanish were obscuring General Gkika and a single time-stop device, apparently the original one, hanging suspended in mid air.[8] Gkika comes out of the time freeze and reacts in surprise to the disappearance of Klaus—the last Gkika knew, she was in a no-holds-barred fight with the Baron. Almost immediately, the illumination from Agatha's Star retracts, leaving Gkika back in the time freeze.
Gkika: "Vot de hey? Klaus?"
ZZZT (×2)
SFX, Panel 4

Partial Week Starting 2024-11-18 (Monday)[]

Location: Near the center of the time stop

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-18 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (010)
Forum:2024-11-18 (Monday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Kjarl, General Gkika, Gil, Bang, Dal Maghiar, Zeetha
The sparks are fascinated by the interaction between the Lantern and the time-stop device, but Bang brings their focus back to more immediate concerns - if the Baron isn't here, where would he be? The group briefly ponders the matter, before pausing, and looking upwards towards Castle Wulfenbach looming ominously over the city.
Tarvek: "Did you see that? That sphere—"
Agatha: "Yes. An interesting reaction."
Kjarl: "The effect does appear to be especially thick in that area."
Gil: "It didn't fall when the field surrounded it."
Tarvek: "If whatever it's putting out is stronger than the lantern—do you think we'll be able to get close enough to turn it off?"
Agatha: "We'll just have to try. We can—"
Bang: "Yeah, yeah—another round of delicious science for the house! The Baron, geniuses! Where is Klaus?"
Time stop, That Sphere/It (Time-stop device), Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), The Baron/Klaus (Klaus Wulfenbach), Officer (Black Squad)

Partial Week Starting 2024-11-20 (Wednesday)[]

Location: On Castle Wulfenbach

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. (011)
Forum:2024-11-20 (Wednesday)
Hangar Officer, Oana Grosu, Boris Dolokhov, Trelawney Thorpe, Beard Braid Jäger
Grosu's airship, the Goblin, enters a mostly empty hangar aboard Castle Wulfenbach, docking at a ramp to allow the disguised boarding party to disembark. Grosu claims she's here to pick up evacuees, confusing the hangar officer, who informs them that everyone else has already left. One of the Jägers is very pleased to hear that.
Hangar Officer: "Confound it—can't anyone read hangar numbers today?"
Castle Wulfenbach (in caption)
High overhead, on the great airship Castle Wulfenbach
Caption, upper left, panel 1
On barrels, lower left, panel 1
Hangar number, near center, panel 1
On back of clipboard, lower right, panel 3
2024-11-22 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. (012)
Forum:2024-11-22 (Friday)
Vespiary Squad Member with Cheekbones[9], Beard Braid Jäger, Wasp Eater, Hangar Officer, Boris, Martellus, Trelawney, Little Chin Beard Guy, The Empress, More Vespiary Squad Members[9], Knights of the Hunt, Another Wasp Eater, Othar, Ruxala[9], Yet Another Wasp Eater, Oana Grosu, Pinhead Jäger, Spike Chin Jäger, Shaggy Bangs Jäger
The hangar officer is quickly checked and found to be clean. He recognizes Boris and asks what is happening, apparently being as much in the dark about the situation on Castle Wulfenbach as the boarding party. Boris orders him held under guard, despite his non-revenant status. After confirming the area is secure, Boris goes over the plan to take control of the mighty airship. Boris, Martellus and his Knights, and some members of the Vespiary Squad will find the captain and try to take control. Trelawney, Othar, Oana, Ruxala, and the Jägers will go to engineering, disabling the airship, if necessary, although Boris hopes it won't be. (Othar is a little too enthusiastic at the prospect.) Boris ends by warning them all to be as stealthy as possible and improvise if necessary, though he doesn't seem pleased at the thought of what that might lead to.
Hangar Officer: "Sir! You're back, sir!"
Boris: "Indeed I am."
Hangar Officer: "Sir, what's happening? The evacuation—"
Boris: "That's what I'm here to find out."
Clean (not a revenant), Bogs/Wasping (Slaver wasps), The Other, Captain Patel (Amit Patel), The Castle (Castle Wulfenbach)

Partial Week Starting 2024-11-25 (Monday)[]

Location: On Castle Wulfenbach heading towards Engineering

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-25 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (013)
Forum:2024-11-25 (Monday)
Bat-eared Jäger, Trelawney, Spike Chin Jäger, Othar, Oana Grosu, Lackya[10], Beard Braid Jäger, Shaggy Bangs Jäger, Pinhead Jäger, Wasp eater, Vespiary Squad Member, Ruxala
One of the Jägers offers to lead the group dispatched to Engineering to their objective, explaining that he and his fellow Jägers were detailed to the mission because they had served aboard the airship and are familiar with its layout. As they head along the corridor, a shadowy figure watches from the rafters high above them while killing and eating a nearby pigeon. The group realizes they are under observation.
Othar: "We are being watched."
Pinhead Jäger: "Und Hy ken schmell blood."
De Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), De General/Dimo
SFX, panel 5
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. (014)
Forum:2024-11-27 (Wednesday)
Lackya, Spike Chin Jäger, Bat-eared Jäger, Trelawney, Oana Grosu, Beard Braid Jäger, Othar
In the scaffolding above the corridor, the stealthy Lackya wonders to himself what the Jägers are doing here. One of the Jägers confronts him, the battle ending with the combatants plummeting to the floor, the Jäger victorious.
Lackya: "What are Jäger doing here?"
Spike Chin Jäger: "Vy dun hyu asks, fancy guy?"
Lackya: "Hisssss!"
Spike Chin Jäger: "Lackya. Heard hyu guys vos fast."
[A struggle takes place out of sight and cries are heard that cannot be assigned specifically to either combatant.]
Spike Chin Jäger: "-Also heard hyu kent takes a hit."
SFX, panel 7

Partial Week Starting 2024-11-29 (Friday)[]

Location: On Castle Wulfenbach in Security

Names Used Text Extras
2024-11-29 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. (015)
Forum:2024-11-29 (Friday)
Security Officer, Colonel Chakraborty[12], Boris
Boris makes his way to Castle Wulfenbach Security and is announced to Colonel Chakraborty, the Head of Security, who is very surprised to see him. Boris immediately makes it clear that he is highly displeased at being told nothing about all the unusual activity on the Castle. Chakraborty vehemently declares he has been sending reports every two hours, while Boris insists he gotten no information, not even about the evacuation order. The Colonel responds that no one has the authority to interfere with his dispatches except Boris, the Baron, and Captain Patel, and that he is very concerned about the Captain's recent orders. Boris decides that they will speak to Patel. Chakraborty is eager to confront the Captain, as long as it's under Boris's authority.
Chakraborty: "Sir—there are a number of Patel's recent command decisions I find questionable. Usually he does me the courtesy of explaining his actions—but today he's been strangely silent—and I don't like it!"
Boris: "I see your point, Colonel. I believe we shall go speak with him."
Chakraborty: "—And is that under your authority, sir?"
Boris: "Yes."
Chakraborty: "Perfect! Let's go!"
Mechanicsburg, The Baron (Gil), Captain Patel (Amit Patel)
Caption, upper left, panel 1

Week Starting 2024-12-02 (Monday)[]

Location: On Castle Wulfenbach in Security

Names Used Text Extras
2024-12-02 (Monday)
Vol.2-12 p. (016)
Forum:2024-12-02 (Monday)
Boris, Chakraborty, Prrriti M'Reau, Martellus, Knights of the Hunt, Jaquard Olembach, Friedrich Galston, Wasp eater
Lycanthropic Knights of the Hunt, Supposedly "Mutinous" Vespiary Squad, Your Empire (House Wulfenbach)
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-12 p. 
Forum:2024-12-04 (Wednesday)
2024-12-06 (Friday)
Vol.2-12 p. 
Forum:2024-12-06 (Friday)


  1. In the text on the page of the web comic for Monday, October 28, 2024 , the word "too" is misprinted as "to". It will be fixed on the comic web page at some point, so it is being fixed in this transcription now.
  2. The sign on the building is easier to read in the pencil sketch for the page for Monday, October 28, 2024, shown on the corresponding Patreon page, behind a paywall.
  3. Only a single Klaus is shown on this page, out of the crowd of dozens of duplicates that have been generated by some mysterious means.
  4. Agatha learned about the effect when interrogating a Black Squad soldier.
  5. Dal Maghiar may be referring to Gil as "the Baron", but Klaus was the one who set up the Black Squad (as far as we know). Gil had only heard of them when he ran into Dal and the others, so it seems likely Dal means Klaus.
  6. Kjarl and Othar made the power source previously .
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Rude Mechanicals are both present in front of Gil in the group with Agatha in the center of the large main panel of the comic for Wednesday, November 13, 2024, on top of their strange vehicle, but they are so "far away" they are hard to distinguish.
  8. Somehow, the time-stop device doesn't fall at all during the time it is unfrozen. It is not clear whether it is actively levitating or just being held up by the power of artistic license.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 While the disguised members of the Vespiary Squad have shed their distinctive uniforms (which include a warrior slaver wasp skull worn as a helmet), they have retained their green goggles.
  10. This figure is in deep shadow on today's page (Monday, November 25, 2024) and cannot be made out easily, but is clearly revealed as a Lackya on the next page .
  11. This sound effect, in the lower right corner of the panel, is in dark red text against a dark background and cannot easily be discerned.
  12. Chakraborty's full name is revealed on the next page.


Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
