Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Yae Miko[Note 1] (Japanese: 八重神子 Yae Miko), also known as Guuji Yae (Japanese: 宮司 Guuji) or the Guuji, is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact.

A kitsune of many facets, Yae Miko oversees the Grand Narukami Shrine, owns the Yae Publishing House, and is Eternity's servant and friend.

Gameplay Info

Ascensions and Stats

Toggle Ascension Materials

Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver 1
Sea Ganoderma 3
Old Handguard 3
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Dragonheir's False Fin 2
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 3
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Dragonheir's False Fin 4
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 6
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Dragonheir's False Fin 8
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk 3
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk 6
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone 6

Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)

Mora 420,000 Mora


Talent Spiritfox Sin-EaterSpiritfox Sin-Eater
Normal Attack
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Normal Attack
Summons forth kitsune spirits, initiating a maximum of 3 attacks that deal Electro DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal Electro DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path with thunderous might. Deals AoE Electro DMG upon impact with the ground.

  • Yae Miko's Charged Attack can only deal DMG to the same enemy once per 0.5 seconds, as limited by the Damage Sequence mechanic.
    • Against enemies with large enough hitboxes, a single Charged Attack can deal up to 2 instances of DMG.
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Normal Attack 1-Hit1UNormal Attack2.5s/3 Hits7.44Shake00
Normal Attack 2-Hit1U7.22Shake00
Normal Attack 3-Hit1U10.67Shake00
Charged Attack1UCharged Attack0.5s80Light2000
Plunging Attack Collision0UNo ICD5Light2000
Low Plunge1UNo ICD50Heavy2000
High Plunge1UNo ICD100Heavy8000
Talent Levels past 10 require Normal Attack Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Passives.
1-Hit DMG (%)39.6642.6345.6149.5752.5555.5259.4963.4567.4271.3975.35
2-Hit DMG (%)38.5241.4144.348.1551.0453.9357.7861.6365.4869.3373.19
3-Hit DMG (%)56.8961.1665.4271.1175.3879.6485.3391.0296.71102.4108.09
Charged Attack
Charged Attack DMG (%)142.89153.61164.33178.62189.34200.05214.34228.63242.92257.21271.5
Charged Attack Stamina Cost50
Plunging Attack
Plunge DMG (%)56.8361.4566.0872.6977.3182.689.8797.14104.41112.34120.27
Low Plunge DMG (%)113.63122.88132.13145.35154.59165.17179.7194.23208.77224.62240.48
High Plunge DMG (%)141.93153.49165.04181.54193.1206.3224.45242.61260.76280.57300.37
Talent Yakan Evocation: Sesshou SakuraYakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura
Elemental Skill
  • Description
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To Yae, such dull tasks as can be accomplished by driving spirits out need not be done personally.
Moves swiftly, leaving a Sesshou Sakura behind.

Sesshou Sakura
Has the following properties:
  • Periodically strikes one nearby opponent with lightning, dealing Electro DMG
  • When there are other Sesshou Sakura nearby, their level will increase, boosting the DMG dealt by these lightning strikes.

This skill has three charges.
A maximum of 3 Sesshou Sakura can exist simultaneously. The initial level of each Sesshou Sakura is 1, and the initial highest level each sakura can reach is 3. If a new Sesshou Sakura is created too close to an existing one, the existing one will be destroyed.
  • When this skill hits at least one enemy, it generates 1 Elemental Particle.
    • This particle generation has a cooldown of 2.5s.
  • The Sesshou Sakura can strike 5 times over their 14 seconds duration.
  • The maximum Sesshou Sakura limit of 3 is shared between all players in Co-Op Mode. Successive uses of this talent will override previous uses.
  • The Sesshou Sakura has two targeting groups: Living Beings (Enemies, Wildlife) and miscellaneous objects (torches, campfires, Cuihua trees, Anemograna, Parametric Transformer, Berries, Jueyun Chili, etc.). When both groups of targets are present within a Sesshou Sakura's range, it will always prioritize living beings over miscellaneous objects. The targeting of different targets within the same group will prioritize the nearest target.
  • Sesshou Sakura DMG does not snapshot and will be affected by changes in Yae Miko's stats after the ability is cast.
Passive Effects
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 2, Fox's Mooncall Fox's Mooncall: "Sesshou Sakura start at Level 2 when created, their max level is increased to 4, and their attack range is increased by 60%."
  • Constellation Level 3, The Seven Glamours The Seven Glamours: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 4, Sakura Channeling Sakura Channeling: "When Sesshou Sakura lightning hits opponents, the Electro DMG Bonus of all nearby party members is increased by 20% for 5s."
  • Constellation Level 6, Forbidden Art: Daisesshou Forbidden Art: Daisesshou: "The Sesshou Sakura's attacks will ignore 60% of the opponent's DEF."
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Sesshou Sakura DMG1UElemental Skill2.5s/3 Hits100Heavy2000
Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Skill Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.
Sesshou Sakura DMG: Level 1 (%)60.6765.2269.7775.8480.3984.9491.0197.08103.14109.21115.28121.34128.93
Sesshou Sakura DMG: Level 2 (%)75.8481.5387.2294.8100.49106.18113.76121.34128.93136.51144.1151.68161.16
Sesshou Sakura DMG: Level 3 (%)94.8101.91109.02118.5125.61132.72142.2151.68161.16170.64180.12189.6201.45
Sesshou Sakura DMG: Level 4 (%)118.5127.39136.27148.13157.01165.9177.75189.6201.45213.3225.15237251.81
Talent Great Secret Art: Tenko KenshinGreat Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin
Elemental Burst
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Legends of "kitsunetsuki," or the manifestations of a kitsune's might, are common in Inazuma's folktales. One that particularly captures the imagination is that of the Sky Kitsune, said to cause lightning to fall down upon the foes of the Grand Narukami Shrine. Summons a lightning strike, dealing AoE Electro DMG.
When she uses this skill, Yae Miko will unseal nearby Sesshou Sakura, destroying their outer forms and transforming them into Tenko Thunderbolts that descend from the skies, dealing AoE Electro DMG. Each Sesshou Sakura destroyed in this way will create one Tenko Thunderbolt.

  • Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin does not snapshot and will be affected by changes in Yae Miko's stats after the ability is cast.
Passive Effects
Constellation Effects
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Skill DMG1UNo ICD75Heavy2000
Tenko Thunderbolt DMG1UNo ICD75Light2000
Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Burst Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.
Skill DMG (%)260279.5299325344.5364390416442468494520552.5
Tenko Thunderbolt DMG (%)333.82358.85383.89417.27442.31467.34500.72534.11567.49600.87634.25667.63709.36
Energy Cost90
Talent The Shrine's Sacred ShadeThe Shrine's Sacred Shade
1st Ascension Passive
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When casting Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin, each Sesshou Sakura destroyed resets the cooldown for 1 charge of Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura.

Talent Enlightened BlessingEnlightened Blessing
4th Ascension Passive
Every point of Elemental Mastery Yae Miko possesses will increase Sesshou Sakura DMG by 0.15%.
Talent Meditations of a YakoMeditations of a Yako
Utility Passive
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Has a 25% chance to get 1 regional Character Talent Material (base material excluded) when crafting. The rarity is that of the base material.

Talent Upgrade

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Old Handguard 6[6]
Teachings of Light 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 3[3]
Guide to Light 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 4[7]
Guide to Light 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 6[13]
Guide to Light 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Kageuchi Handguard 9[22]
Guide to Light 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Famed Handguard 4[4]
Philosophies of Light 4[4]
The Meaning of Aeons 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Famed Handguard 6[10]
Philosophies of Light 6[10]
The Meaning of Aeons 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Famed Handguard 9[19]
Philosophies of Light 12[22]
The Meaning of Aeons 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Famed Handguard 12[31]
Philosophies of Light 16[38]
The Meaning of Aeons 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]


Constellation Yakan OfferingYakan Offering
Each time Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin activates a Tenko Thunderbolt, Yae Miko will restore 8 Elemental Energy for herself.
Constellation Fox's MooncallFox's Mooncall
  • Description
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Sesshou Sakura start at Level 2 when created, their max level is increased to 4, and their attack range is increased by 60%.

Constellation The Seven GlamoursThe Seven Glamours
Increases the Level of Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation Sakura ChannelingSakura Channeling
When Sesshou Sakura lightning hits opponents, the Electro DMG Bonus of all nearby party members is increased by 20% for 5s.
Constellation Mischievous TeasingMischievous Teasing
Increases the Level of Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation Forbidden Art: DaisesshouForbidden Art: Daisesshou
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes

The Sesshou Sakura's attacks will ignore 60% of the opponent's DEF.

  • The defense ignored is multiplicative with other forms of defense reduction and decrease. See Defense.
Each Constellation activation requires one Yae Miko's Stella Fortuna Yae Miko's Stella Fortuna.


Character Event Wishes

Yae Miko has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 4 Event Wishes:

Wish Featured Duration Version
Everbloom Violet 2022-02-16
Everbloom Violet 2022-02-16
Yae MikoElectro Yae Mi­ko Yae Mi­ko
February 16, 2022 – March 8, 2022 2.5
Everbloom Violet 2022-11-18
Everbloom Violet 2022-11-18
Yae MikoElectro Yae Mi­ko Yae Mi­ko
November 18, 2022 – December 6, 2022 3.2
Everbloom Violet 2023-05-24
Everbloom Violet 2023-05-24
Yae MikoElectro Yae Mi­ko Yae Mi­ko
May 24, 2023 – June 13, 2023 3.7
Everbloom Violet 2024-02-20
Everbloom Violet 2024-02-20
Yae MikoElectro Yae Mi­ko Yae Mi­ko
February 20, 2024 – March 12, 2024 4.4

Chronicled Wishes

Yae Miko has not been included in any Chronicled Wishes.


  1. Follows Japanese name order.

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishYae Miko
Bāchóng Shénzǐ
Bāchóng Shénzǐ
Yae Miko
Korean야에 미코
Yae Miko
SpanishYae Miko
FrenchYae Miko
RussianЯэ Мико
Yae Miko
ThaiYae Miko
VietnameseYae Miko
GermanYae Miko
IndonesianYae Miko
PortugueseYae Miko
TurkishYae Miko
ItalianYae Miko

Change History

Introduced in Version 2.0 • Released in Version 2.5
Version 5.4
  • Updates to character voice-overs:
    • New Story Voice-Over for all languages:
      • "About Yumemizuki Mizuki - Business Rivalry"
      • "About Yumemizuki Mizuki - Reunion"

Version 3.7

  • Updates to character voice-overs:
    • New for All Languages:
      • "About Kirara"

Version 2.7

  • Updates to character voice-overs:
    • Removed from All Languages:
      • "Disengaging Wind Glider"

Version 2.6

  • Updates to character voice-overs:
    • Updated audio for All Languages:
      • "More About Yae Miko 04" (previously this line did not have audio)
    • Updated text for English:
      • "Chat: Creative Writing":
        • Old: Traveling to other worlds is all that anyone seems be writing about these days. Haha, goodness knows what they find so disappointing about their own world.
        • New: Traveling to other worlds is all that anyone seems be writing about these days. Huh, goodness knows what they find so disappointing about their own world.
    • Updated text for Chinese (Traditional):
      • "Feelings About Ascension: Intro":
        • Old: 所謂巫女修行階位,在修習畢業之後,能準確開口念誦祭言即可稱為「直階」。對於人類來說很方便,不過對狐族來說倒是最困難的一步…畢竟是狐狸嘛。
        • New: 所謂巫女修行階位,在修習畢業之後,能準確開口唸誦祭言即可稱為「直階」。對於人類來說很方便,不過對狐族來說倒是最困難的一步…畢竟是狐狸嘛。

Version 2.5

  • Yae Miko was released as a playable character.

Version 2.0

  • Yae Miko was introduced as an NPC.


  1. Twitter: EN VA Self Announcement
  2. Official Genshin Impact Chinese Website: Yae Miko
  3. Twitter: JP VA Announcement
  4. Twitter: KR VA Announcement

