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Basin of Unnumbered Flames is an area located in Natlan.


There are 2 subareas in Basin of Unnumbered Flames:

Name Description
Huitztli Hill

Huitztli Hill is a mountain to the north of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

The area around the base of the southern cliff face is littered with the bones of a giant unknown creature.

Stadium of the Sacred Flame

The Stadium of the Sacred Flame is considered the core landmark of Natlan, and houses a continually burning fire called the Sacred Flame.

Points of Interest[]

Basin of Unnumbered Flames[]

Stadium of the Sacred Flame[]


Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests


Hidden Exploration Objectives

Notable Features[]


Local Specialties[]


Where the Stadium of the Sacred Flame is situated.
Members of the Saurian Relics Association once surveyed the terrain and concluded that this basin was not a natural formation, but rather the result of a colossal object crashing down here many years ago.
However, what exactly that colossal object was remains a mystery for which no one has been able to provide a definite answer. Perhaps if the ancient Sacred Flames could speak, they might just hear the answer they seek. Alas, the flames on the Stele of the Sacred Flame burn on, and have yet to answer anyone’s questions.

Expedition description


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
02Jubilation of CalcineLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (day)
03Scarlet SongLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (day)
04Thanks for the FireLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (day)
05After So Many WordsLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (night)
06Undanced DanceLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (night)
07A Night of Their OwnLand of TleyaoyotlStadium of the Sacred Flame (night)
08Campa timoyetzticah, Cempaxochitl?Land of TleyaoyotlWeary Inn
09Halls of HueyteotlLand of TleyaoyotlSpeaker's Chamber
10Bequeathed to the BelovedLand of TleyaoyotlSpeaker's Chamber (display room)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBasin of Unnumbered Flames
Wànhuǒ zhī Ōu
Basin of Myriad Fires
Wànhuǒ zhī Ōu
Banka no Hotogi
Basin of Myriad Flames
Buldeurui Jan
SpanishCuenca MultiflamaMultiflame Basin
FrenchBassin des flammes innombrablesBasin of Unnumbered Flames
RussianБассейн бесчисленных огней
Basseyn beschislennykh ogney
Basin of Innumerable Fires
ThaiBasin of Unnumbered Flames
VietnameseLòng Chảo Vạn Hỏa
GermanBecken der Unzähligen FlammenBasin of Countless Flames
IndonesianBasin of Unnumbered Flames
PortugueseBacia das Chamas Incontáveis
TurkishSonsuz Alev Havzası
ItalianDolina delle Fiamme InfiniteSinkhole of the Infinite Flames

Change History[]

Version 5.2

Version 5.0

  • Basin of Unnumbered Flames was released.

