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Genshin Impact Wiki

Legend has it that in the depths of the boundless desert lies a forbidden realm where few have ever set foot. Beneath the barren wasteland, along with the ruins of an ancient civilization and the legacy of the divine, only a hidden lost Darshan and mythical creatures safeguard the long-sealed memories...

Girdle of the Sands: New Area Unlocked

Girdle of the Sands is a subregion located in Sumeru.



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
85Descending Into the DarkForest of Jnana and VidyaDev's Cavern, Madinat al-Nuhas, Hangeh Afrasiyab (factory)
01Sorush's PurityThe Unfathomable Sand DunesVourukasha Oasis (after sealing Sign of Apaosha)
Serenitea Pot
02Resonance of KhvarenaThe Unfathomable Sand DunesVourukasha Oasis (before sealing Sign of Apaosha)
03Maidens of SanctityThe Unfathomable Sand DunesVourukasha Oasis (after sealing Sign of Apaosha)
Serenitea Pot
04The Caress of Three MothersThe Unfathomable Sand DunesVourukasha Oasis (before sealing Sign of Apaosha)
05Where Simurgh RestsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHills of Barsom (day)
Serenitea Pot
06Fantasy of Ten Thousand BlossomsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHills of Barsom (night)
Event Gameplay
07Dirge of Newborn LifeThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHills of Barsom (day)
08Undisturbed TranquilityThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHills of Barsom (night)
09Mirage of the OasisThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day)
10Lonesome RoadThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day)
11Grief of the LostThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day), Veluriyam Mirage (desert, day)
12Dividing PathsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day)
13Dawnlight Over DunesThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day)
14Dance of ScorpionsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (day)
15Golden CrescentThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night)
16A Pearl Amongst LegendsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night)
Serenitea Pot
17Hymn of CicadasThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night)
18Simurgh's DreamThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night), Veluriyam Mirage (desert, night)
Serenitea Pot
19Taabak LaylatakThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night), Veluriyam Mirage (desert, night)
20Resting RoguesThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (night)
21Perilous HollowThe Unfathomable Sand DunesTunigi Hollow (before completing Rite of Chinvat)
22Omen of DesolationThe Unfathomable Sand DunesTunigi Hollow (before completing Rite of Chinvat)
23Solitary BreachThe Unfathomable Sand DunesTunigi Hollow (after completing Rite of Chinvat)
24Ghastly BadlandsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAsipattravana Swamp
25Shadow in RuinsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesMadinat al-Nuhas, Hangeh Afrasiyab (factory)
26Abominable BogThe Unfathomable Sand DunesMadinat al-Nuhas, Hangeh Afrasiyab (factory)
27Where Vermin CrawlThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (underground)
28Where Dreams PutrifyThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGirdle of the Sands (underground)
97Lingering ThoughtsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)
98Profound RavinesThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)
99Perilous ExplorationThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)
101Wrathful Streaming GoldThe Unfathomable Sand DunesCombat in Great Red Sand (ruins), Madinat al-Nuhas, Wenut Tunnels (Scorpion's lair and Flying Serpent's cave)
Domains, Event Gameplay
102Across Dimming AsterismsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesCombat in Great Red Sand (ruins), Madinat al-Nuhas, Wenut Tunnels (Setekh Wenut; Scorpion's lair and Flying Serpent's cave), Harvisptokhm (Gaokerena)
Domains, Event Gameplay
103Swirls of ShamshirThe Unfathomable Sand DunesCombat in Great Red Sand, Girdle of the Sands
Event Gameplay
104Swirls of SachmisThe Unfathomable Sand DunesCombat in Great Red Sand, Girdle of the Sands
Domains, Event Gameplay
 N/AUnnamed Madinat al-Nuhas Soundtrack 1N/AMadinat al-Nuhas, Hangeh Afrasiyab (factory)




  • The word girdle refers to a belt or cord worn around the waist, but can also refer to a thing that surrounds something like a belt or girdle.
    • This may be in reference to the Shahnameh, in which Hōm captures Afrasiyab in a snare, also translated as girdle, and takes him away from the cavern in which he dwelt, which is directly referenced in the name of the Point of Interest Hangeh Afrasiyab, located within Girdle of the Sands.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGirdle of the Sands
Cāngmò Yòutǔ
Cāngmò Yòutǔ
Soubaku no Yuudo‍[!][!]
Korean모래가 에워싼 황야
Moraega Ewossan Hwang'ya
Wilderness Surrounded By Sand
SpanishDesierto de arenas cenizasDesert of Ashen Sands
FrenchCeinture des sablesGirdle of the Sands
RussianСреди песков
Sredi peskov
Among the Sands
VietnameseỐc Đảo Hoang Mạc
GermanVerlassenes Land im SandAbandoned Land in the Sand
IndonesianPenjara Pasir KelabuGray Sand Prison
PortuguesePrisão das Areias CinzasThe Gray Sand's Prison
TurkishKum KuşatmasıSand Siege
ItalianEnclave delle sabbieSand Enclave

Change History[]

