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Genshin Impact Wiki

The Serpent's Bowels is a subarea located in Enkanomiya, Inazuma.

This area, like Stormterror's Lair, does not have a battle theme.

Points of Interest[]

Name Description
Dragonbone Flower
Dragonbone Flower
A giant flower in The Serpent's Bowels. In the World Quest Lotus Eater, the Traveler waters this flower using the Waters of Lethe to obtain the Dragonbone Orb.




Common Enemies[]

Elite Enemies[]

Local Specialties[]


  • Scribbled Notes
Scribbled Notes: (A piece of paper that has become crinkled due to the damp environment in the cavern. There are words on it, which you can read.)
Scribbled Notes: "I traveled together with Watatsumi's chosen hero this time. We discovered that the Bathysmal Vishaps had suddenly become active."
Scribbled Notes: "However, the clerk from the Sangonomiya Shrine convinced us to spare them. As it turns out, the people of Watatsumi were feeding these creatures when they threw food offerings into the Moon-Bathed Deep."
Scribbled Notes: "He even said that they could no longer pose any threat to humanity, so it was best that Enkanomiya be returned to them."


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
31Pathway to the Hidden IslesIslands of the Lost and ForgottenThe Serpent's Bowels
32Sink Into OblivionIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya, The Serpent's Bowels, Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)


  • Battle music does not play in this area.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Serpent's Bowels
Shécháng zhī Lù
Road of the Serpent's Bowels
Shécháng zhī Lù
Jachou no Michi[1]
Path of the Serpent's Bowels
Korean뱀의 창자
Baem-ui Changja
The Serpent's Bowels
SpanishEntrañas de la SerpienteThe Serpent's Entrails
FrenchEntrailles du serpentSerpent's Entrails
RussianУтроба змея
Utroba zmeya
The Serpent's Bowels
ThaiThe Serpent's Bowels
VietnameseRuột Mãng XàPython's Bowels
GermanEingeweide der SchlangeEntrails of the Serpent
IndonesianThe Serpent's Bowels
PortugueseEntranhas da Serpente
TurkishYılan BağırsağıSerpent Bowels
ItalianLe Viscere del SerpenteThe Serpent's Bowels

Change History[]


  1. Map, Label: The Serpent's Bowels (Japanese)

