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Genshin Impact Wiki

Land of Upper Setekh is an area located in Great Red Sand, Sumeru.

It is named as such because this land is in the direction of the sun at noon.[1]


There is 1 subarea in Land of Upper Setekh:

Name Description
Valley of Dahri

Valley of Dahri is the location of a giant Ruin Golem. There are remnants of the Akademiya's investigation and medical reports on the Majuj (hilichurls) and remnants of the abyssal swarms. Moreover, there are notes on Zandik's research into the Khaenri'ah machines and elemental flows.

Points of Interest[]

There are 2 points of interest in Land of Upper Setekh:

Name Description
Lamb-Devourer Rock

Lamb-Devourer Rock serves as the secret base of the Thutmose and is accessed during the World Quest Hidden Mercenaries in Series Old Notes and New Friends.

Ruin Golem (Valley of Dahri)

Valley of Dahri's Ruin Golem is one of three Ruin Golems located in the Sumeru region, alongside the Ruin Golems at Devantaka Mountain and Desert of Hadramaveth.

This Ruin Golem is still operative and will shoot projectiles at the player, dealing AoE Physical DMG and causing massive knockback. Its projectiles can also destroy loose rocks. After a certain point in the Afratu's Dilemma World Quest, the Ruin Golem will cease firing upon the player and the player will be able to operate the Ruin Golem themselves.


World Quests

Notable Features[]


No Domains match the category selection.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
61Faith in the PerceptForest of Jnana and VidyaRuin Golem (Devantaka Mountain), Ruin Golem (Valley of Dahri), Ruin Golem (Desert of Hadramaveth)
58Smoldering GlowThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
59Ruins of Scorching MightThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
60Now and ThenThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
61Distant RetrospectionThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
62Reminiscences of RemnantsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins), Temple of Silence (Instance)
Domains, Event Gameplay
63Land of Hidden DepthsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
64Shade of Reticent ConundrumsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
65Past RepastThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins), Temple of Silence (Instance)
Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
66Crumbled PledgeThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
67Stairway of NeterikhetThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins), Temple of Silence (Instance)
Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
68Millennial SailsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (ruins), Abdju Pit (ruins), Lamb-Devourer Rock (ruins)
Domains, Event Gameplay
79Dust-Swept PerplexityThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh
80Following the Sands' TrailThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh
81To the Land of DesperationThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh
82Arid CanyonThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh
Serenitea Pot
83Deserted Path to DesertThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh (day)
84Through PredicamentsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh (day)
85To the Crescent Moon's ShimmerThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh (night)
86Echoes of AgesThe Unfathomable Sand DunesLand of Upper Setekh (night)
96Hushed GleamThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (night and caves), Land of Lower Setekh (night and caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves)
97Lingering ThoughtsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)
98Profound RavinesThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)
99Perilous ExplorationThe Unfathomable Sand DunesHypostyle Desert (caves), Land of Lower Setekh (caves), Land of Upper Setekh (caves), Girdle of the Sands (underground)



  • Setekh (Egyptian: 𓋴𓏏𓄡𓀭 stẖ setekh), more commonly Set, is a god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLand of Upper Setekh
Shàng Fēngshí-dì
Upper Wind-Eroded Land
Shàng Fēngshí-dì
Kami Fuushoku-chi[2]
Upper Wind-Eroded Land
Korean 바람 침식지
Sang Baram Chimsikji
Upper Wind Erosive Land
SpanishAlto SutejUpper Setekh
FrenchHaut-SetekhUpper Setekh
RussianЗемля верхнего Сетеха
Zemlya verkhnego Setekha
Land of Upper Setekh
ThaiLand of Upper Setekh
VietnameseKhu Xói Mòn Gió Nổi
GermanObere Setekh-RegionUpper Setekh-Region
IndonesianLand of Upper Setekh
PortugueseAlto SetekhUpper Setekh
TurkishYukarı Setekh TopraklarıUpper Setekh Lands
ItalianTerra del Setekh SuperioreLand of Upper Setekh

Change History[]


  1. Loading Screen Tip: Great Red Sand
  2. Map, Label: Land of Upper Setekh (Japanese)

