back to article Trump threatens to send Meta's Mark ‘Zuckerbucks’ to prison if reelected president

Florida Man Donald Trump has said that if elected President of the United States again, he will jail "election fraudsters" – with a direct warning to Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg. Or Zuckerbucks as Trump put it. The highly stable genius made this declaration on Truth Social, Trump's digital fiefdom and his alternative to Twitter/ …

  1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    Can we please have a revised cage fight before the election?

    Whoever gets beaten does not really matter...

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      You mean Zuck vs Trump? I'd pay $1000 PPV to watch fat boy Trump get his teeth knocked out!

      1. Like a badger

        I'd settle for either or both getting their teeth kicked out. And that gobshite Musk. Maybe put all three in a spherical cage, and when the bell rings start it churning, perhaps with a few bricks in it as well.

        1. Bump in the night

          If you put them all in a spherical cage, tell them there's a nickel in the corner to watch them grovel even more.

        2. Winkypop Silver badge

          You had me at spherical cage, but the addition of some bricks was a master stroke sir!

      2. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Be careful what you wish for, Trump has a history of violence:

        (OK, Trump supporters will downvote this without explanation, but sometimes the truth must be stated, whatever the consequences.)

      3. sedregj Bronze badge

        "You mean Zuck vs Trump? I'd pay $1000 PPV"

        A bit weird but in the end it would be murder. Trumpy is a thick end of the wedge septuagenarian (79) and Zuck ... isn't (40).

        If you put them into a cage, bare chested and empty fisted and if both wanted to give it a go, there would be one overwhelmingly likely result: the nerdy one wishing he'd learned how to make a proper fist and the other one slapped somewhat and the rest probably needs the Yakkety Sax music (Benny Hill) and then censoring.

        1. Bendacious Silver badge

          Zuck might be nerdy but he’s also a little bit of a sociopath. When Musk challenged him to a cage fight Zuck immediately hired MMA professionals to train him. The man has a wardrobe with 10 pairs of identical t-shirts and trousers. I suspect he could kill Trump without his pulse getting above 60.

          1. cyberdemon Silver badge

            OK, to make it fair, they both get a grenade each.

            You brought a grenade to a cage fight? Yes, it's called "Mutually Assured Destruction"

            Would Zuck manage to convince Donald to put down the grenade? Doubtful. Would Zuck try to use his martial arts skillz to get both grenades and then beat up trump, before dropping one and blowing them both to smithereens? Probable.

            We're out of popcorn. Anyone for pork scratchings?

        2. FIA Silver badge

          To be fair to Zuck, he is a practising martial artist.

        3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          "A bit weird but in the end it would be murder. "


          Getting body slammed by 315lb of blubber and it's Game Over.

          Like being trapped under Jabba the Hutt.

          Nasty way to go.

      4. MonkeyJuice Bronze badge

        Okay, I think I can match that. Let's have a commentard whip-round!

      5. Mostly Irrelevant

        I think I'd have Zuck in Zuck vs Bezos fight as well. He's in at least reasonable shape and younger.

        I'd also have pretty much anyone else in a fight vs Musk, except Trump or anyone else over 75 and in that case it's just not fair.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Can we add EM as the referee?

  2. NoneSuch Silver badge

    "Trump has also pledged on the first day of his hypothetical second term as America's President to break up offshore wind farms, which apparently are deadly to whales."

    I've seen him in a golf shirt. This is just for self-preservation.

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      The only environmental concerns Trump appears to have is about the birds and whales supposedly affected by wind turbines. Doesn't give a shit about the far larger and wider array of wildlife affected by Arctic drilling, which he promises to remove all regulations from.

    2. sedregj Bronze badge

      "break up offshore wind farms, which apparently are deadly to whales."

      Fuck me: flying whales. Imagine a flock of Blue whales flying past. They weigh up to 200 tonnes each. I think a flock of 200 tonne beasties is going to bide their time until the wind drops and then go in and knock them down like a huge 10 pin bowling session.

      1. Kane
        Thumb Up

        "Fuck me: flying whales."


    3. Felonmarmer

      Follow the Krill

      Whales must be major shareholders in the oil and gas industry then. Krillionaires.

    4. Rich 2 Silver badge

      “… hypothetical second term…”

      I’d be much happier if it was a bit more hypothetical than it is at the moment

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        one needs better snipers...

  3. Eclectic Man Silver badge

    Trump and elections

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Trump hire a highly respected IT security specialist to ensure the last US Presidential Election was not subverted, and when it turned out the count went for Biden, sacked him?

    "Donald Trump says he has fired a top election official who contradicted the US president's claims of voter fraud.

    President Trump said he "terminated" Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cisa) chief Chris Krebs for his "highly inaccurate" remarks on vote integrity.

    Mr Trump has refused to concede the US election, and has made unsubstantiated claims of "massive" voter fraud.

    Election officials said the vote was the "most secure" in US history."

    Other articles may be available on the Register , such as

    "President Trump is known not to have been thrilled that Krebs directed CISA to create a website called Rumor control that debunked election-related disinformation. The site contradicts some of the baseless allegations that Trump made about election practices.

    The Register will not detail those allegations as to do so would be to amplify almost-certainly fantasy assertions: readers can easily find the president’s Twitter account if they wish to go to a primary source of disputed facts."

    Maybe Mr Trump is 'getting in his retaliation first' on any fact-checking of his statements in the forthcoming campaign?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trump and elections

      Didn't 'Cyber Ninjas' "True The Vote" ? LOLz

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Trump and elections

      Should I mention the op-ed piece that Ken Block published in USA Today on January 2nd of this year?

      "Who is Ken Block?" you might ask ... Ken's the owner of Simpatico Software Systems (look it up), which was hired by Donald Trump on the day after to prove widespread fraud in the 2020 elections.

      In a nutshell, Ken & Co. found the exact opposite, and communicated this fact to the Trump White House. (Must have been a fun phone call. "Despite paying my company millions of dollars to show otherwise, I'm sorry to have to report that you're a loser, Mr. Trump".)

      Trump and his sycophants and quislings have maintained the lie anyway. It's what they do. Lying is all they do.

      1. Zolko Silver badge

        Who is Ken Block ?

        Isn't Ken Block the guy who did gymkhanas with 1000+ HP 4-wheel drive monster cars ?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Who is Ken Block ?

          "Isn't Ken Block the guy who did gymkhanas with 1000+ HP 4-wheel drive monster cars ?"

          That seems a bit unfair. Everyone else would surely have only one horsepower?

          1. Mostly Irrelevant

            Re: Who is Ken Block ?

            I didn't even know there were horse gymkhanas before this week when Mighty Cars Mods rocked up to one in a RAV4 "by accident".

        2. jake Silver badge

          Re: Who is Ken Block ?

          I'm pretty certain I explained who this particular Ken Block is.

      2. Irongut Silver badge

        Re: Trump and elections

        Ken Block is dead.

      3. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Re: Trump and elections

        Whatever you think of Trump and his team, he is a genius at using social media. His ability to dismiss and bait opponents and rivals with suggestions, innuendos etc. without actually breaking the US law will doubtless be the subject of many doctoral theses and be taught in Media Studies and Politics (and PPE) degree courses for decades.

  4. PBuon

    Seems to be a reasonable excuse to vote Trump.

    1. Like a badger

      Perhaps, once the Democrats have stopped dicking around, pulled their collective heads out of the sand (or elsewhere) and found themselves a halfway electable candidate, they could offer up a promise to jail Musk. That should be roughly as popular as throwing Zuck into clink.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      That, and the fact that I'd rather have a known quantity in charge of the nukes, than Slow Joe's floozie wife, or whatever intern is in charge up there now.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "than Slow Joe's floozie wife"

        And we've found the Saturday shift worker at the Russian troll farm. Hello Comrade.

        Yes, I imagine Dobbie would like his favourite minion in charge of the launch codes.

    3. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      The American voting situation is always that you have to make a choice to vote for the least stupid candidate.

      Biden is a dickhead, but Trump is a very floppy dickhead. UK commenters live in a world with left-wing Labour and right-wing Conservatives ... but America is right-wing Democrats and right-wing Republicans, so our choice is just to vote for the least stupid party President.

      1. Gene Cash Silver badge

        > The American voting situation is always that you have to make a choice to vote for the least stupid candidate.

        And boy howdy, is that a LOW bar...

        I sure as hell don't want to vote for Trump and I sure as hell don't want to vote for Biden. What does that leave me? Do you really think the Democrats are going to put someone decent forward, or the Republicans aren't going for Trump? I vote Giant Meteor 2024.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          If you want to be able to vote in 2028 and have it count you have to vote for Biden, or his replacement if he is willing to admit to himself he's too old to serve another four years. Because if Trump runs he's going to be president for life, constitution be damned. The Supreme Court just told him he's got immunity for any "official act" so he can do what he tried and failed to do last time to send the military out to seize voting machines, have the DOJ declare there was massive fraud, etc. He'll probably claim some sort of national emergency and cancel the election in 2028 and remain in office, and the Supreme Court won't stand in his way.

          1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

            That might happen if I vote red.

            On the other hand, if I vote blue, my vote in 2028 won't matter either—I'll be paying $30/gal. of gasoline by then.

            I'm damned if I do & damned if I don't.

            The central issue in American politics **should** be building a sound currency. Unfortunately the dollar and Social Security are the third rail of our politics—step on them and die.

            1. HereIAmJH Silver badge

              Simple economics

              The central issue in American politics **should** be building a sound currency.

              If you are voting purely on economics, you should familiarize yourself on the effects of Red and Blue administrations on the deficit/debt over the last 45 years. If you are fiscally conservative, and feel governments should live within their means, then there is no way you could consider voting Red.

              I don't wish to be a member of either party. And I really wish the GOP would stop being such self obsessed cretins so that I could have the opportunity to hold Democrats accountable by voting against them when necessary.

              Personally, what I expect to see is either the end of our democracy, or the end of the GOP come November. I don't believe the two are compatible any longer.

            2. DS999 Silver badge

              Why would gas go to $30 during a second Biden term? Why is it only $3 something now, shouldn't it have it at least gone to $10 or $15 if his policies are so bad that it is going to be $30 in a few years? The US is pumping record amounts of oil - more than it ever did during the Trump administration, more than any country in HISTORY including Saudi Arabia for that matter. So one could hardly argue that curtailing issuance of NEW oil leases when the oil industry is already sitting on enough leases to keep them busy for a couple decades is a reason for this imagined skyrocketing gas price.

              What do you think the effect of Trump putting a 10% tariff on everything and 60% on China will be? That's a tax on all imports, you can't get more inflationary than that. Maybe that helps US producers on the margins, but they can't ramp up overnight and where they need more than a 10% advantage they still can't compete in the US. So those price increases become permanent. Heck he's talked about even higher tariffs and eliminating the income tax - which would basically be a massive transfer of almost the entire tax burden from the rich to the poor.

              Then consider what happens when everyone else puts tariffs on US goods to retaliate. That's gonna really hit the industries where the US is competing well with the rest of the world and exporting a lot overseas. Punish the successful, that sounds like a great economic plan lol! That hit would include farmers, those conservative rural voters are some of the most reliable republican votes so I can't see letting them twist in the wind. So I guess tens of billions more government subsidies for those "self sufficient" farmers who hate government subsidies (while conveniently ignoring that agriculture is more dependent on government subsidies than any other industry in the country) will be in order, just like he did after he put the first tariffs on China and they retaliated by placing tariffs on US farm goods which priced them out of the Chinese market.

            3. jake Silver badge

              Rhat will happen if you vote red. The republicans are promising it. Read up on Project 2025.

              Gas prices will not be as high as $30/gallon by 2028 regardless of who is in power. Frankly (with a few spikes up and down, here and there) I'd be surprised to see the national average above $5/gallon between now and then.

            4. Casca Silver badge

              Ah yes. The price of gas is what matters...

              1. jospanner Bronze badge

                Couldn't afford to fill up my Sherman-tank-sized truck so I voted to end democracy.

            5. jospanner Bronze badge

              Isn't this an interesting insight into how fascism happens.

              OK, we elected an unstable narcissistic authoritarian lunatic to be God Emperor of our country, purged several minorities, and trashed the environment... but petrol might have been expensive otherwise :(

              Give me convenience, or give me death!

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "Give me convenience, or give me death!"

                Hard to believe that unless the US gets it's collective s**t together and votes Blue in massive numbers on Nov 5th that could be the epitaph for your 250YO democratic republic.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: "Give me convenience, or give me death!"

                  where did you see written that the USA is a democratic republic?

                  it is a republic, not a democracy...

                  1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                    "where did you see written that the USA is a democratic republic?"

                    Well Comrade it's the usual refrain of every trumpet comment when people say the FOCF is attacking democracy.

                    Shift change at the troll farm?

            6. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "I'll be paying $30/gal. of gasoline by then."

              This is bu***hit


              The Energy Information Administration is a little known part of the USG that tracks stuff like this.

              For the price by state try.


              If you're so concerned about "Sound money," how about avoiding parties that increase the US budget deficit by $6T by giving tax cuts to the richest people.

          2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            The Supreme Court just told him he's got immunity for any "official act"

            If I understood the ruling correctly, they confirmed an existing rule that official acts by the President can't normally result in prosecution in a US court. That means it applies to Biden now, not just a possibly future Trump presidency. It also doesn't apply to international courts, so A US President can't just go do whatever they like on a world stage, only inside the US borders.

            Of course, what Trump is now trying do is convince the courts that *everything* he did while President was "official business" and so get all the other cases thrown out too.

            1. DS999 Silver badge

              I have a feeling that the Supreme Court's grant of immunity is conditional - it applies to Trump but would not apply to Biden. They would find a way to turn around their argument and claim Biden is not immune due to some technicality.

              There are pro insurrection justices who should have recused from anything involving Jan 6th, plus the three Trump appointed. They aren't even pretending not to be political any longer.

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "it applies to Trump but would not apply to Biden."

                Then he could do to them what the FOCF would do if they opposed him.

                First time. Ignore them.

                Second time. Kill a few of them and appoint new ones who see things the right way.

                SCOTS believes it holds the right to arbitrate what is and is not an "Official" Presidential act.

                But dictators don't share power. Ever. With anyone.

                The question that should have been asked of the FOCF's mouthpieces was "Are you saying under your proposal a President could order the assassination of one or more Supreme Court Justices and that would be legal?"

                In hindsight it's obvious some of those "Justices" have spent their careers being able to charge higher and higher bribes as the cases they oversee become more and more important to the point they believe they are indispensable. You can't get the "right" result (or in their cases the very right wing result) without their "help."

                But this ruling means that to the FOCF they are now completely disposable. This ruling makes them obsolete.

            2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

              You didn't.

              The President has always had immunity from civil cases, not criminal. If he was immune why did Nixon need a pardon from Ford?

              No President, before or since has felt the need for this immunity, and remember this includes Presidents who dropped nukes on Japan (which the US was at war with) and carpet bombed Laos and Cambodia (who they were not at war with). Who invaded Grenada (because ????) Who overthrew democratically elected governments (Chile) and attempted to overthrow Castro.

              1. DS999 Silver badge

                Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                Nixon needed a pardon because the Supreme Court had ruled 9-0 that Nixon had to hand over the tapes. No "executive privilege", no "presidential immunity". Back when federal judges were appointed 100-0 or maybe 98-2, because presidents put forward reasonable ones that no one could take issue with. It is only when the republicans made overturning Roe the litmus test for their nominees and put forth extremists like Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas that the whole collegial system fell apart.

                Now even if there was a similar situation and the Supreme Court said 9-0 that Trump must turn over some tapes he'd just refuse. Because the Supreme Court has no way of enforcing their rulings. That's the purview of the Department of Justice, and one reason that there has been a wall of separation between the DOJ and presidents and a president can't just order the AG to do stuff - and if he tries he knows the career guys will not allow it to happen by threatening to resign. Like they did for Nixon's Saturday Night massacre and again in the runup to Jan 6th when Trump tried to appoint a stooge who would claim "there is evidence of widespread fraud" to give some official colors to their stolen election lies.

                But if Trump gets back into the White House Project 2025 lays out exactly what he's going to do - strip civil service protection from tens of thousands of federal employees, allowing to him to fire anyone in the DOJ who isn't loyal to him. Then he could refuse to comply with a 9-0 Supreme Court ruling, and the DOJ would do nothing to him. The "presidential immunity" thing is just icing on the cake he needs to dodge accountability now. It won't matter if he gets back into office because he's not leaving after four years. He's going to die in that chair, and then no matter how bad the country is under him it'll get worse after he dies because there's no way all the powerful republicans who have been kissing his ass for years will let his moron son Don Jr take over.

                1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                  "a wall of separation..DOJ and presidents..president can't just order the AG"

                  That's something I didn't realise about the US system.

                  Although William "Cartman"* Barr seemed pretty flexible (to the point of invertebracy) on the subject. His "summary" of the Muller investigation (Spoiler alert. Not an actual summary) being as fine a piece of toadying as I've ever seen.

                  And you're right the FOCF couldn't think up what they are planning on his own but the Heritage Foundation has done (including a lot of his henchmen from the administration) have done all the hard thinking for him.

                  *Barr might look like the fat kid that got bullied at school. Turns out him and his three brothers were the bullies.

                2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                  Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                  Nixon needed a pardon because the Supreme Court had ruled 9-0 that Nixon had to hand over the tapes. No "executive privilege", no "presidential immunity".

                  That's because Nixon committed a crime, and presidential immunity was, and still is qualified. The MSM don't seem to get that bit so said it could allow Biden to order Trump's assassination.. no, wait..

                  Now even if there was a similar situation and the Supreme Court said 9-0 that Trump must turn over some tapes he'd just refuse.

                  You mean like the way Biden's been refusing to hand over the interview tapes with Wu recorded during the investigation of Biden's mishandling of classified documents. Y'know, the one where it was decided Biden wasn't fit to stand trial due to his rambling and incoherent responses and memory lapses..

                  But if Trump gets back into the White House Project 2025 lays out exactly what he's going to do - strip civil service protection from tens of thousands of federal employees, allowing to him to fire anyone in the DOJ who isn't loyal to him.

                  Ohnoes! You mean firing federal employees that have violated their oath of office and maybe jailing those who've demonstrably violated the Hatch Act?


                  Widespread allegations that local Democratic Party politicians used employees of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the congressional elections of 1938 provided the immediate impetus for the passage of the Hatch Act.

                  Once a Democrat, always a Democrat I guess. But also one of those curious things. Trump was criticised for firing staffers, Biden's fired.. nobody. If staff are incompetent or corrupt, they should be fired. But then Biden would have no staff I guess..

                  1. DS999 Silver badge

                    Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                    Trump committed far worse crimes than Nixon. I guess you're trying to excuse Jan 6th as a bunch of tourists or his stealing and withholding of classified documents (many of which are also designed as national defense documents, something which declassification doesn't undo and is just as much of a crime to steal/withhold)

                    Biden provided the transcript of his interview. The only reason republicans want the audio is so they can cherry pick any cases where his speech was halting or stuttering and say "look how old he is" (though the debate probably made that moot)

                    Project 2025 isn't about "firing employees who have violated their oath of office", it is about firing employees who won't pledge absolute loyalty to Trump the man, rather than to the Constitution of the United States. They are explicit in the plan, they want to replace federal employees who are loyal to the country with political partisans. Which would mean if there was ever another election (which there wouldn't be under Trump) and democrats went into office, instead of having to replace a few thousand political appointees in a new administration they'd have to replace the entire civilian staff at the Pentagon, the DOJ, the CIA, the NSA, the IRS and so forth. Even ignoring how poorly and unfairly they'd operate because of their partisanship ("sorry no Veteran's benefits for you, says here you donated money to Biden") it would be massively disruptive with no continuity of operations.

                    But idiots on the right don't care. They want to tell people the government is incompetent, so they want to prove their point by making it maximally incompetent.

                    1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                      Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                      Project 2025 isn't about "firing employees who have violated their oath of office", it is about firing employees who won't pledge absolute loyalty to Trump the man, rather than to the Constitution of the United States. They are explicit in the plan,

                      Citation needed. I'm sure if such a plan exists, you could share it. Or is this more TDS?

                      1. Anonymous Coward
                        Anonymous Coward

                        Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "


                        A TLA used by people who want to bring down democracy (because they don't get their way at every vote "WaaaWaaaWAAAAA!") and install a self-confessed wanabee dictator.

                        Actual fascist fascisting.

                        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                          Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                          because they don't get their way at every vote "WaaaWaaaWAAAAA!"...

                          They'll start burning down US cities in those "fiery, but mostly peaceful protests"? But if you want the Waas, TikTok has plenty of those. Those multi-colored, multi-cultured 'liberals' complaining that Crooks missed. Meanwhile, Biden's been telling American that elections should be fought at the "battlebox".

                          1. Anonymous Coward
                            Anonymous Coward

                            Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                            You keep telling yourself whatever you need to justify amping-up a nascent dictatorship. Time will tell. In a few years the question people will ask will be, "How did we get here?!" And the answer will be, "Oh yeah, we voted for this!" Once they've suppressed those "multi-colored" liberals they may just come for you and yours. Sleep tight.

                            1. DS999 Silver badge

                              Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                              Assuming he's some middle aged white guy that makes up Trump's core constituency, Trump won't come for him but he sure as heck won't serve him or his interests! Because once he gets in office and destroys the mechanisms of democracy he will only care about billionaires - the people who can make him richer via graft and kleptocracy. He will set his sights on being the world's richest man, if he gets there then on being the world's first trillionaire.

                              Little people like Jellied Eel will find they have no voice in what the government does, despite their decade long unwavering loyalty to the orange fascist. He won't be able to vote him out because he'll have voted to install him as dictator this fall, and once he's in he's not leaving except in a pine box. Well for him probably a solid gold coffin, though Don Jr will replace the solid gold coffin with a pine box before he's put into the ground, because his son is every bit the useless disgusting con artist criminal that his daddy is.

                              1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                                Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                                He will set his sights on being the world's richest man, if he gets there then on being the world's first trillionaire.

                                Well, graft seems to have worked very well for the Clintons and their global 'foundation'. Then again, Ol'Billy boy did save a lot of money on holidays by getting lots of free flights to Epstein's island..

                                1. DS999 Silver badge

                                  Re: "f I understood the ruling correctly, "

                                  I'm sure he said hi to Trump who is now exposed as having taken 7 flights there himself.

        2. Joe 59

          Joe Jorgensen was a perfectly viable candidate in the 2020 election. You should have voted for her.

          I don't recommend voting for the current Libertarian party candidate. He's a fucking idiot.

        3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          "Do you really think the Democrats are going to put someone decent forward,"


          6 incumbent parties have tried to change to new candidates before the 2nd term election.

          All failed. 100% of sample.

          So, no. History says that's guaranteed fail. And I don't trust Speaker Johnson to do the right thing if the EC is a tie. He's a f**king weasel.*

          BTW I've seen parents in their 50s' transpose their children's names. Not dementia, just an acute focus on a subject. :-( Consider the nature of those transpositions, Both effectively friend-wtih-foe, not random. And Biden noticed he'd done it.

          I wish the Democratic party would get their s**t together and realise this is what they have to work with this. And "this" is actually quite good most of the time. Stop f**king about.

          BTW No one ever mentions that Mick Jagger is 80. No he's not bidding to run a major nation, but is anyone saying "Mick you should slow down, take it easy blah blah." ?

          *who wrote the template for the anti-abortion law many states enacted after the FOCF packed SCOTUS overturned Roe V Wade and who, despite an income in the top 12% of Americans has claimed on his reporting form (as all Congress persons are required to report) to have no bank accounts with a balance over $1000 (or total bank accounts with a balance over $5000). Which must make paying monthly bills quite interesting. Wonder what would happen if someone doxxed his (non-existent) bank account details?

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: "Do you really think the Democrats are going to put someone decent forward,"

            BTW I've seen parents in their 50s' transpose their children's names. Not dementia, just an acute focus on a subject. :-( Consider the nature of those transpositions, Both effectively friend-wtih-foe, not random. And Biden noticed he'd done it.

            Uhhuh. And he's jetlagged. And been over prepared. And his staff keep giving him stuff to do and interfering with his nap time. And his VP is Trump, which he didn't seem to notice. But these gaffes seem to be happening more frequently, along with just generally appearing dazed and confused. Other Democrats have started to notice. Even the MSM has started to notice. You'll notice that unlike the Dems, the Republicans haven't bothered trying to invoke the 25th Amendment as the Dems tried (and failed) with Trump. But why would the Republicans do that when Biden's doing their campaigning for them? Or they're just not evil enough to invoke it and put Harris in charge for shits & giggles.

            We live in interesting times. TDS means people are still obsessed with Trump. Absent any miraculous advances in medical science, Biden is going to get worse, not better and his cognitive ability and physical impairments have got noticeably worse since taking office. But "Four more years! Pause."

            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: "Do you really think the Democrats are going to put someone decent forward,"

              If anyone has TDS its you.

              But then again you are just a poor little russian troll

        4. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          What does that leave me?

          That's easy

          C'thulu for the win every time

          Why vote for the lesser evil?

        5. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Too bad France can't send Macron to participate in the US elections...

      2. jake Silver badge

        Here in the USofA, the meaning behind "left" and "right" is where they sit in relation to each other. It has nothing to do with traditional political theory.

        1. Zolko Silver badge

          "left" and "right" is where they sit in relation to each other

          The original left –vs– right came from the French house of representatives after their revolution, where a group of people were sitting at the left-side of the hall as viewed by the speaker, and the other group on the right-side of the speaker. Meaning that a leftist was sitting to the right of a rightist.

          Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round (well, oval) with the speakers in the middle. A heritage from King Arthur's knights of the round table may-be ?

          1. Roj Blake Silver badge

            Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round

            Nope. Both chambers of the UK Parliament are rectangular with rows of benches facing each other in an adversarial arrangement, with Speakers and clerks down one end.

            1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

              Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round

              I'm not sure why he thinks Parliament is an oval - but the thing about Left and Right coming from the Assembly in Revolutionary France is correct. That was literally all the labels originally meant.

              Coming up with political labels is an odd process.

              1. Helcat Silver badge

                Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round

                You're missing one point: What it represented.

                Left meant you supported a proposition. Right meant you opposed it. Middle meant you were undecided: It was how you voted. It didn't work as the issues being voted on were bundled together for speed, meaning a representative might support one part, oppose another and be unfamiliar with the rest: SO into the middle they would go.

                It's not got any better since.

                1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

                  Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round


                  I'm not sure what you mean? Are you referring to the lobbies in the House of Commons? Where the right lobby is where you go to register a vote in favour of the motion - and the left lobby is the No lobby? So you might hear the Speaker say, "the Ayes to my right have it!"

                  Or are you referring to an earlier system of dividing when Parliament tended to meet in the old Whitehall Palace?

                  I'm pretty sure the left/right thing is from France. The Left were where the more republican parties sat - the right for the constitutional monarchists - and the non-constitutional monarchists too I think. Those on the left tended to be more radical in terms of their economic politics too - hence we ended up with left wing and right wing. Even at the time that didn't work, as you had so many issues swirling around. From whether to have a republic or a constitutional monarchy, whether to have free trade, low taxes and minimal government intervention in the economy (classical liberalism) or redistribution of land and property and help for the poor - and even whether to have a ten day week and change the names of all the months as part of a revolutionary calendar and then replace religion by starting a cult of the Supreme Being. Revolutionary politics got weird, and nasty.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round

              With two red lines on the floor in front of the benches, two swords lengths apart so they can't fight. No, really.

              1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

                Re: Which doesn't exist in the British parliament as that is round

                Those lines don't actually stop them fighting. They just suggest it would be impolite.

          2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            in the British parliament as that is round (well, oval)

            You're right and wrong.

            The origins of "Right" and "Left" is correct.

            But you've obviously never seen the British HoC.

            Which I understand is quite often shown on newsreels from the BBC.

            They are available on the interwebs I am told.

        2. DS999 Silver badge

          Left and right is not the only political measure

          You can be liberal (traditionally associated with the left in the US) or conservative (traditionally associated with the right) but there used to be liberal republicans up north and conservative democrats down south. When the racists got mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act and left the Democratic party either immediately (like Strom Thurmond) or after first trying to form their own party around George Wallace they became Republicans. It took a few decades for the last vestiges of liberal republicans (like Mitt Romney's father) and conservative democrats (like Robert Byrd) to disappear.

          That doesn't even get into a separate measure of libertarian (the real definition, not how it has been corrupted in the US to mean "extra right wing republican") vs authoritarian. One can govern as an autocrat from the left or the right.

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            "One can govern as an autocrat from the left or the right."


            The line from "V for Vendetta is most accurate"

            "What do you do when you're real enemy is not the Opposition but Democracy itself?"

            Autocrats (and wannabe autocrats like the FOCF) both hate and fear democracy.

            And they should. Because most normal people don't like their behaviour and given a chance would invite them to leave the party. The smart ones wouldn't invite them to the party to begin with.

            AFAIK no autocrat has ever been re-elected in what have been judged free-and-fair elections in states that they have ruled.

            I could be wrong about this as it's not a subject I'm deeply familiar with. I do recall Pinochet in Chile making it almost impossible for "the people" not to elect his anointed successor (the not-at-all-sounding-like-a-Nazi Eric Strosser).

            Except they did. Because by that time they really fu**ing hated the Junta with a passion.

            1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: "One can govern as an autocrat from the left or the right."

              Autocrats (and wannabe autocrats like the FOCF) both hate and fear democracy.

              Indeed. This must be why the Democrats are so desperate to put their main political rival in jail, or just keep him off the campaign trail. Oh, and locking up 1,500 or so political protestors, who you probably think were 'insurrectionists', despite no such charges being laid.

              But Biden's on a mission from God, so it's all good. Well, except from one of the Democrat's largest PACs witholding $90m until they get their stuff together. Which is also an interesting comment regarding 'democracy'' in the US. Hollywood wants to re-cast the role of President. Should they really have that kind of power? Which is also true of the techbros like Zuckerberg. Should he have the power to install his own staff in the electoral process, and replace staff appointed by states, counties or towns? He certainly seems to have the means, motive and opportunity to intefere in the election process. Whether that's legal remains to be seen.

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "who you probably think were 'insurrectionists', "

                The projection is strong in this one.

                In fact I think they were gullible fools who fell for the deliberate lies of a person who couldn't stomach the prospect of being a 2 time loser (he lost the popular vote to Clinton) and the EC wouldn't save him this time.

                As it happens I'm aware that FB staff were embedded in both campaigns. And in fact the Republicans need them more to figure out what lies the FOCF needs to tell people to have a chance with the non SEL members of the electorate.

                And the decision wheather President Joe Biden continues to run for a 2nd term as President remains with President Joe Biden, who (I'm pretty sure) knows that the stats for 1st term parties that (for whatever reason) change candidate and then winning a 2nd term are zero. out of six.

                Here's the thing. I've know and worked with a number of people who could be described as a)Career criminals and b)having Antisocial Personality Disorder.

                So it amazes me how anyone could be so gullible, ignorant or stupid enough to fall for the word vomit that comes out of the mouth of the FOCF. Of course as Upton Sinclair observed "No man's ignorance is so great as a man whose livelyhood depends on his ignorance"

                The complete suspension of all critical thinking skills (if any of them ever had them). My personal favourite being how the FOCF was only the 2nd President to leave office with fewer people employed than he started with (Hoover in the early 1920's being the other). Such a very special result. No one make unemployment like the FOCF does.

                1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                  Re: "who you probably think were 'insurrectionists', "

                  And the decision wheather President Joe Biden continues to run for a 2nd term as President remains with President Joe Biden, who (I'm pretty sure) knows that the stats for 1st term parties that (for whatever reason) change candidate and then winning a 2nd term are zero. out of six.

                  So what you're saying is Biden's a bit of a dictator? The party nomination and vote has nothing to do with the decision? The donors get no say who their campaign funds go to either? But at least he has something in common with his BFF, Putin. I mean Zelensky. Easy mistake to make when the guy's standing right next to you and you'd been talking about him, his campaign and his campaign finances. Then again, Zelensky doesn't really need to campaign. He's also locked up political opponents, controlled the media, and isn't really President any more.

                  Here's the thing. I've know and worked with a number of people who could be described as a)Career criminals and b)having Antisocial Personality Disorder.

                  Perhaps you should stay out of politics then.

                  So it amazes me how anyone could be so gullible, ignorant or stupid enough to fall for the word vomit that comes out of the mouth of the FOCF. Of course as Upton Sinclair observed "No man's ignorance is so great as a man whose livelyhood depends on his ignorance"

                  I guess Sinclar could have been describing Biden. But then Biden also has a campaign team who's livelihood depends on ignorance. And a media who feigns ignorance that he's stil fit to be President. Especially as the word vomit is often incoherent and incomplete. But Biden was back on the money trail yesterday telling the gullible, ignorant and stupid that he doesn't lie. His uncle really did get eaten by cannibals!

                  1. Casca Silver badge

                    Re: "who you probably think were 'insurrectionists', "

                    And there it is. The putin bootlicker is here...

      3. Irongut Silver badge

        >UK commenters live in a world with left-wing Labour and right-wing Conservatives

        LOL only a Yank could think Labour have been left wing post 1997.

        We have exactly the same political problems you do, just without the faux religious gun-toting nut jobs.

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          LOL only a Yank could think Labour have been left wing post 1997.

          Allow me to introduce you to one Jeremy Corbyn. Leader of the Labour Party from 2015 to 2020.

          1. jospanner Bronze badge

            Also got more votes than Starmer.

          2. martinusher Silver badge

            >you to one Jeremy Corbyn. Leader of the Labour Party from 2015 to 2020.

            "Mostly Harmless".

            The last real Labour government was Harold Wilson's administration. This plus the Callaghan follow on was the last time that the UK government attempted to implement policies that directly benefited working people in the UK. The purpose of the "Thatcher Revolution" (it was called that) was to permanently re-orient UK government so that any semblance of socialism would be impossible in the future. Mr. Corbyn is really a throwback to that era, a younger version of Tony Benn, and his abilities as PM would have been severely constrained in the same way that Wilson's choices were constrained because in the UK the real power lies in the City, not Westminster.

        2. JWLong Silver badge

          UK commenters

          Or UK nutjobs with crossbows and/or knivies

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            Or UK nutjobs with crossbows and/or knivies

            Remind me. How many mass shootings has the US had this year.

            Or you could just restrict it to the ones in schools.

            Or in the words of my namesake in the film "Shoot em up," "Aren't guns fun?"

        3. SundogUK Silver badge

          LOL only a Yank could think Conservatives have been right wing post 1997.

      4. jospanner Bronze badge

        Left-wing Labour?

  5. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Fact checking

    Nice to see El Reg fact-checking Florida Man, since the far-right corporate media have largely thrown in the towel on their responsibility to do so.

  6. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

    All accusation is confession.

    For those who don't want to vote Blue just ask yourself one question about the candidate you want.

    Are they on the ballot in enough states to get at least 270 votes in the Electoral College?

    Because if not they have zero chance of winning. Ever.

    *His last official weight is overweight (in an interview Schwarzenegger reckoned he was more like 315lb than 215), he's 77 and he's been found guilty of running a business that was engaged in fraud and tax evasion. So yes calling him a FOC is note a slur but a statement of fact.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

      That's FOCF (Convicted Felon).

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge
        Thumb Up

        That's FOCF (Convicted Felon).

        I stand corrected.

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

      he's 77 and

      78 now. He's only three years younger than Biden. Anyone who says Biden is too old today can hardly justify voting for Trump who will be a year older than Biden in his last year in office. Trump makes at least as many verbal gaffes, but he's so incoherent normally that people excuse it when he confuses names or starts randomly rambling about sharks, electric boats, windmills or water pressure.

      We should pass a constitutional amendment that you must be under the age of 70 to be sworn in as president or vice president, which would guarantee the oldest person to hold the office would reach 73 in their final year. I think that's more than reasonable, given how the office ages people (just look at photos of Obama, Bush Jr, or Clinton when they took office and when they left)

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

        Trump makes at least as many verbal gaffes

        I dunno. Biden's praising Putin's courage & determination when introducing him at the NATO 75th Anniversary bash was pretty special. Putin's the one who normally wears a tie. Also managed to talk about how Trump was his Vice President and misgendered him at the same time. Oh, and how Biden regularly consults with his Commander in Chief.

        ..given how the office ages people (just look at photos of Obama, Bush Jr, or Clinton when they took office and when they left)

        I dunno, Biden was in black & white when he took office and despite spray tan, still is today. Or perhaps his team decided to give him a sepia tint between the debate and his next public appearence.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

          I think you're confusing the "spray tan" with your orange mobster, who somehow doesn't realize he's one step away from Bozo the Clown most days. I can't imagine how he can look at himself in a mirror and think "yep, this is exactly the look I'm going for!" He must be pale as a ghost or have a bunch of skin cancer scars he's trying to cover up.

          1. Bebu

            Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

            he's one step away from Bozo the Clown

            I would gone more in the Krusty the Clown direction with a dollop of Sideshow Bob.

            1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              I would gone more in the Krusty the Clown direction

              An American clown?


              John Wayne Gacy?

    3. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

      > Because if not they have zero chance of winning. Ever.

      Unless you live in a swing state your vote makes zero difference to the outcome, so you might as well vote for someone you want. They then have a better chance of reaching the 5% level to qualify for federal funds next time:

      "Minor party candidates and new party candidates may become eligible for partial public funding of their general election campaigns. A minor party candidate is the nominee of a party whose candidate received between five and 25 percent of the total popular vote in the preceding presidential election. The amount of public funding to which a minor party candidate is entitled is based on the ratio of the party's popular vote in the preceding presidential election to the average popular vote of the two major party candidates in that election. A new party candidate receives partial public funding after the election if he or she receives five percent or more of the vote."

      1. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: Where the Fat Old Crook* is concerned...

        Well in normal elections that's true. But Trump voters are not going to vote for someone else whether they live in a state where he's going to win easily or has no chance. If Biden voters thought "well I definitely don't want Trump but there's nothing I can do about it in the state where I live so I'm going to cast a vote for some third party so that we have better choices next time" Trump's lawyers will try to use those election returns to "prove" their false claims of fraud if he loses.

        They'll argue "look in the state of Kansas Trump got 60%, Biden got 25% and third parties got 15%, but in Wisconsin somehow Trump got 48%, Biden got 51%, and third parties only got 1%, that's clear evidence of fraud because obviously a bunch of third party votes got switched to Biden"

      2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Unless you live in a swing state your vote makes zero difference

        Just a reminder this is entirely due to the Electoral College. The only way that happens is a Republican defeat on a scale that would see Large Marje's seat turn blue.

        A place that hosted it's last KKK rally in the mid 80's.

        But if that happened then it might be possible to scrap the EC entirely and go with the popular vote.

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: Unless you live in a swing state your vote makes zero difference

          John Smith 19,

          The Electoral College is there for a reason. I can't see the smaller states voting to get rid of it, or the fact that they get 2 Senators each. Whoever wins any election, with any size mandate.

          It means the big states can't completely outvote the small states. And there is good sense in that sometimes, even if it means you also get results you don't like. The alternative might see a candidate who could win big in California, New York and say Texas or Florida being able to virtually ignore a lot of the states.

          Of course one downside of taking notice of all the states is that government work gets inefficiently spread around in order to share out the Pork. And you can lose space shuttles doing that. But then one alternative to that might be all the work being hoovered up by a few populous states, because only their support mattered. California already does pretty well in terms of influence (aind lobbying) in the halls of government.

          It's always important to consider the alternatives when you look at changing a system - because they're often just as bad as what you've got - just in different ways. If not worse.

          The US is supposed to be a federal system, after all. Even if the federal government has got steadily more powerful over the years.

  7. nautica Silver badge
    Big Brother

    Now THIS is entertainment.

    The Register has now been added to my daily list.

    I used to get my serious entertainment from the usual places--TV, movies, streaming...

    Now I get it from all the different news outlets who daily--or, sometimes, much more frequently--report on the Bozo (or is that 'Shit-Head')-In-Chief's latest antics.

    Thank you. MISTER have provided the entire world with an unexpected source of amusement and downright hilarity.

    And, MISTER are in seriously deep shit if the Democratic Party decides to run, as their presidential and vice-presidential candidates, two very accomplished women prosecutors against you. Talk about entertaining...

    Look on the bright side, tRUMP--the orange prison jumpsuit matches your hair-do...

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

      "two very accomplished women prosecutors against you"

      There is one, and only one, woman (and possibly the only person, period) who can totally thrash Trump according to polls dating back several years.

      No, it's not Harris. She is unelectable in that context. Note that I'm speaking as a Californian living in the Bay Area who has watched her political career since the year dot.

      The woman in question doesn't want the job, and will (probably) not be throwing her hat into the ring, alas. Even though I suspect she'd be very, very good at it.

      Her name is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

        Her name is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama.

        Obama's already had 3 terms. But could be worse, could be Clinton.

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

          Yea, thats not how that works...

        2. jake Silver badge

          Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

          Are you really this fucking stupid? Or do you just play the roll here on ElReg?

          It's one or the other ... and frankly, I'm not certain which is more pathetic.

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

            Are you really this fucking stupid? Or do you just play the roll here on ElReg?

            You're the one proposing Mrs Obama for President. You're the one who's allowed their TDS to spiral out of control. Only a few weeks left for the Democrats to get a name on the primary, and Joe's currently on a mission from God. And doesn't even recognise the names of the little green man standing next to him, or the name of his Vice President.

            The stupid is that it's taken this long for you and your fellow travellers to realise the problems with Biden. The stupid is that you and your fellow travellers have spent the last 4 years so fixated on Trump that there's now a very real chance, if not certainty that he'll win. The insane is that if you and your fellow travellers had a strong and credible candidate, then they'd probably easily defeat your nemesis. Instead the best you can come up with is Mrs Obama despite it being widely known that Obama is the power behind the throne. If the Democrats can prise control of the DNC away from Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and that axis of evil, maybe you'll have another chance at power sometime in the next decade or two. Otherwise it's collapsing in much the same way the Conservatives had here.

            1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              despite it being widely known that Obama is the power behind the throne.

              Widely known to Fox "News" or "News"*max viewers ?

              *Quoted because these are (as they explained in their defence of the ongoing libels about hacked voting machines) entertainment channels and the comments of their presenters are not journalism, and should not be taken seriously. IOW most of them are just paid to talk s**t.

              1. Citizen of Nowhere

                Re: despite it being widely known that Obama is the power behind the throne.

                >IOW most of them are just paid to talk s**t.

                Jellied Eel talks shite for free. He tried to sign up as a shill but was considered too dumb. Fancy failing at both trollery and cogent thought.

                1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                  Re: despite it being widely known that Obama is the power behind the throne.

                  Jellied Eel talks shite for free. He tried to sign up as a shill but was considered too dumb. Fancy failing at both trollery and cogent thought.

                  If you want paid shills, look no futher than here-


                  I was about to go on air, with radio colleagues from the BBC World Service waiting on the end of a line. Instead all three of us in my team - me, producer Iona Hampson and cameraman Sam Beattie - went to the ground, using our car as some kind of shelter, the only shelter we had...

                  ...As we lay on the ground, Sam turned on his camera and I tried to give my first impressions of what was happening.

                  Complete with picture of the beached whale. But as the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words. Or just gives us the ability to do a bit of geolocation-


                  So "went to the ground" seems to have been waddling as fast as he could straight to the nearest pizza joint and ice cream parlour..

                  As I listened I could hear screams from the crowd but I could no longer hear the former president speaking. Was he hit, was he dead? All these thoughts flash through your mind.

                  So 'senior' correspondent at the scene of one of the biggest political events could do no more than 'listen' and not actually report it because he'd legged it like a coward. Other journalists didn't, and we could here the crowd shouting 'USA, USA!' and not much in the way of screaming. Hence the Bbc had to rely on footage from other news channels that had actual journalists reporting the event. But that's sadly how the 'news' from the £5bn+ a year state broadcaster works.

            2. Casca Silver badge

              Re: Now THIS is entertainment.

              You really are living in your own little world of bullshit...

              You lick up every kreml talking point you see on twitter.

  8. Muscleguy

    UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

    There’s an array of tidal turbines in the Pentland Firth generating electrickery. An environmental study showed that cetaceans avoided the area during construction but have returned able to avoid the turbines just fine. If they can avoid turbines in the water they can avoid the static footings of wind turbines with the blades way up in the fricking air.

    Trump is an absolute idiot listening to absolute idiots.

    Mind you Biden is clearly in the first throes of dementia.

    What a Hobson’s choice for Americans.

    1. Jan 0 Silver badge

      Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

      > What a Hobson’s choice for Americans.

      Are there really no other parties and candidates in the USA anymore?

      I remember when the Communist Party of the USA used to field candidates, perhaps they still do? Are there other parties?

      1. Gene Cash Silver badge

        Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

        Sure, but they get 10%-15% of the vote on a good day, then everyone gabbles about how that threw the election to whichever Democrat/Republican actually won.

        Edit: Wikipedia says about H. Ross Perot:

        On Election Day, Perot finished in third place behind Clinton (the winner) and Bush. Perot received 19,743,821 votes, the most ever received by a non-major-party candidate, which accounted for 18.91% of the popular vote. He failed to win any states in the Electoral College because of the relatively even distribution of his support, but did win over 30% of the vote in Maine and 27% in Utah, finishing second in both states. Perot was the first non-major-party candidate since George Wallace in 1968 to finish first in a county. Notably, Perot managed to win counties in states won by Clinton (specifically California, Nevada, Colorado and Maine) as well as in states carried by Bush (these being Alaska (divided into boroughs), Kansas and Texas). He won his largest percentage in Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska and Loving County, Texas with over 40%. He finished second ahead of either Bush or Clinton in a further 345 counties.


        Exit polls revealed that 35% of voters would have voted for Perot if they believed he could win. Contemporary analysis reveals that Perot could have won the election if the polls prior to the election had shown the candidate with a larger share, preventing the wasted vote mindset. Notably, had Perot won that potential 35% of the popular vote, he would have carried 32 states with 319 electoral votes, more than enough to win the presidency.


        In the ensuing months after the election, various Republicans asserted that Perot had acted as a spoiler, enough to the detriment of Bush to lose him the election.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          Voting for third party candidates for president is pointless unless we change our "first past the post" system and winner take all electoral college (a couple small states are exceptions to the winner takes all) There are enough people who will vote straight ticket one party or another that a third party candidate would probably need to win over at least 80% of the persuadable voters who don't go straight ticket to have a shot. And that's simply not realistic.

          If we used ranked choice voting then it is a different ballgame. Without it, third parties will never be anything but a spoiler.

        2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          Gene Cash,

          Ross Perot won the US election! I saw it live - but it was covered up!

          BBC Newsnight were covering the elction - and something went wrong with their computers. Instead of states turning blue on their screen for Clinton wins - they started turning white for Perot. The first result came through and their prediction system then started colouring in all the other states - and it was showing a Perot landslide. The pundits were all in shock, and trying to explain it - when suddenly they realised the first state had gone to Clinton and it was just a software error. Oops!

          Or is that what they want you to think...

          I should imagine there were people at the Beeb who run the election coverage who had nightmares about that program.

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

        > Are there other parties?

        The 4th July was a Mistake - reinstate the British Monarchy Party ?

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          There's the "Official Monster Raving Looney Party" in the UK.

          Is there an equivalent in the USA?

          1. nautica Silver badge

            Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales


            If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would be a Democrat.


            "I am not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat."--Will Rogers

            1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

              Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

              >If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would be a Democrat.

              I thought he would be a vampire hunter ?

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

              If Abraham Lincoln were alive today

              He'd be 215 - and only 56 years older than the combined ages of Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

              1. Roj Blake Silver badge

                Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

                If Abraham Lincoln were alive today

                He'd be banging on the lid, shouting "let me out of this coffin!"

          2. jake Silver badge

            Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

            "Is there an equivalent in the USA?"

            Sure! Except we call the "Republicans".

            The difference is that over there it's (mostly) political satire. Over here, they really are insane.

          3. Bebu

            Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

            "There's the "Official Monster Raving Looney Party" in the UK.

            Is there an equivalent in the USA?"

            Seems there is - except for Bernie and a few fellow travellers, their members occupy all the pews in the reps and senate.

        2. Like a badger

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          > Are there other parties?

          The 4th July was a Mistake - reinstate the British Monarchy Party ?

          They don't need such a party, they've got Harry.

          And they can keep the narcissistic, sponging twerp and his even more unpleasant wife, we don't want either of them back.

        3. Bebu

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          The 4th July was a Mistake - reinstate the British Monarchy Party ?

          Benedict Arnold was a very farsighted Patriot then? :)

          George III was on a good day a bit more compos than these two candidates.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

        There are other parties, but they are usually either unpopular or crazy. Even if they weren't, there are structural blocks making it hard for them to win anything. There are a few parties that do the logical thing of starting local and trying to make a small difference, which could theoretically eventually grow into big parties, but a lot of them exist so that a nutcase can say they're running for president every election.

        Specifically for this presidential election, there are two other parties that are on sufficient ballots that their candidates could theoretically be elected: the Libertarian party (candidate Chase Oliver, 35 states) and the Green party (candidate Jill Stein, 22 states). Few people have heard of Stein, but a few might as she ran in the 2016 election, receiving 1% of the vote. Even fewer have heard of Oliver.

        The Communist party doesn't seem to be using that name anymore, but you have the Party for Socialism and Liberation (not enough states to win, but maybe they're still working on it), and you would also have your choice of the "Socialist Party USA", "Socialist Equality Party", or "Socialist Workers Party" if any of those three get on any ballots. There is also an independent, Robert Kennedy Jr, who does not currently have enough ballots to win but has applied for access to more of them. He is getting more media attention and could theoretically get to a position where he would threaten the more established third parties (so still little to no chance of winning anything). However, if you're looking for something markedly different from the two candidates that have a chance at winning, he is not what you're looking for.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

          The biggest obstacle isn't ballot access, it is first past the post voting. That's the law that would need to be changed, but given republicans losing their mind and thinking every election is rigged, the chances of getting a voting law change as major as ranked choice passed in enough states to matter is roughly 0% for at least a generation given how they've been spoon fed that bullshit for nearly four years straight by the entire right wing media sphere. They would claim it is a democratic plot, even though democrats would probably fight just as hard against it simply because anything that helps third parties by definition hurts the only two that currently matter.

        2. John Smith 19 Gold badge
          Thumb Up

          "two other parties..on sufficient ballots that..candidates elected:"

          Interesting. Neither of these is mentioned very often.

          And I note that RFK isn't on enough ballots to even have a sniff. Neither is Cornell West. a vote for either is just gesture politic, IOW increasing the chances of a win for the FOC.

          A requirement to list only candidates that could get enough EC votes on a poster outside all polling stations might encourage more sensible voting. Maybe.

          The real enemy of the democratic process in the US is the Electoral College :-( . I'd thought it was thought up when "High speed communications" meant a man on horseback and it would take weeks to send the state results to Washington. IRL It seems to have been thought up around 1815 to pacify Southern IE Slave owning states that they would always have a strong voice despite their relatively small franchised voter pool (IE White men) AIUI slaves counted as 3/5 of a man for purposes of sizing the state, and hence number of EC votes. And those states have a lot of slaves.

          This should have ended with the Civil War and it means that IRL < 80 000 votes in the swing states decide the whole of the outcome.* The Republicans can (and have) gamed this system in the past when Shrub got "elected" when the (Republican stuffed) SCOTUS stopped the Florida recount.

          The EC is obsolete (it was obsolete no later than 1904, when the first telegraph line reached Hawaii, although it was not a state yet. Alaska was already wired). But it's a motherf**ker of a process to change (or flat out scrap) without a big majority or consensus, however there is a hack to the system.

          States can agree to force all their EC votes to whatever the outcome of the popular vote is. States that support this currently give 204 votes, but that will rise if more people push for it Search for "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact."

          Just a reminder the FOC has never won the popular vote. He lost that to Clinton in 2016. Again the EC saved the fat old Ahole, so he never talks about that.

          *Since this is a tech publication I think of it like semiconductor conductivity, where something like 1 doping atom in 1000 Si atoms sets the conductivity of the whole wafer.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

      "Mind you Biden is clearly in the first throes of dementia."

      All I can say about that is covfefe.

    3. Helcat Silver badge

      Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

      Why can't both sides ditch this pair and find better candidates?

      Saying that, I wish the UK political parties would do the same and find decent candidates. In the last election, I had a choice of: Out of area, out of area, out of area, incompetent, WTF, You're kidding me, no way in hell, and... okay, perhaps this one as she's an independent candidate who actually lives locally...

      Or... Labour, Greens, Reform, LibDems, Some weird version of Labour, the British Communist party, Conservatives, and finally that independent candidate. Why Labour couldn't find a local candidate I've no idea, and the LibDems were so incompetent they didn't even proof read their own literature.

      Anyway: Dear Americans: You have my sympathy.

    4. AJ MacLeod

      Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

      On the other hand...

  9. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


    Make non US born citizens eligible to run for the office of POTUS, then, Arnie will beat Trump

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: Schwarzenegger

      Hopefully in both senses of the word!

      Heirs of the Moderatrix: Please can we have a popcorn icon?

      Until then I'll have to do with a breakfast pint...

    2. Roj Blake Silver badge

      Re: Schwarzenegger

      It would also give Count Binface a route to the presidency.

  10. Kernel

    Non-resident voting rights

    It seems to me that if the US are going to continue to refer to their President as "Leader of the Free World", then all of us who live in that "Free World" should get to vote on who exactly gets to fill that role, US resident or not.

    1. nautica Silver badge

      Re: Non-resident voting rights

      Yes, we refer to our president as the leader of the free world, just as millions of others do when we have a real president.

      MISTER Trump was never referred to by any sane, rational, law-abiding US citizen as either 'president', nor as leader of the free world. Ever.

      The terms "President" and "respect" are very tightly linked: they must be earned. If you don't earn them, you don't get them.

      1. SundogUK Silver badge

        Re: Non-resident voting rights

        "The terms "President" and "respect" are very tightly linked: they must be earned. If you don't earn them, you don't get them."

        They are really not. President is a technical term for the head of the executive branch of the US federal government, which Trump most assuredly was; and he is still referred to as Mister President as a matter of traditional courtesy.

    2. s. pam

      Re: Non-resident voting rights

      Can't disagree with you logic and by rights, everyone in England/Wales/NI should be given a vote if we want Scotland to remain part of the UK!

    3. amajadedcynicaloldfart

      Re: Non-resident voting rights


      According to this article Biden actually RUNS the world...

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    An easy choice

    An old guy who occasionally gets minor things wrong.


    An old guy with a criminal record who gets almost everything wrong (often deliberately) and who threatens real violence, plus wants to control women’s bodies/lives.


    1. ghp

      Re: An easy choice

      That's "common sense". You must have missed this is the US of A we're talking about. They're more into "non sense". Herited from the Brits? Their last elections a glimmer of hope.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: An easy choice

      "An old guy with a criminal record who gets almost everything wrong, lies constantly, threatens real violence against people who are not willing to kiss his ring[0], wants to control women’s bodies/lives, and cheats at Golf."


      It boggles my mind that anyone looking at facts could vote red.

      [0] The one he sits on, not one on his tiny little hands.

  12. Bebu

    "How Embarrasment"*

    Warren Buffet checked out early before a pair of old gits, one extremely disreputably, gave old age a really bad name.

    Personally I think ordering a few hundred miniskips (dumpsters) filled with half bricks and excavating a pit about 4m deep and as wide as needed to accommodate Trump, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc etc (consult your little list for inspiration), then inviting all and sundry who give a toss to make their pitch with a brick or two. (Sinners are included in this invitation.)

    * older aussie readers might recognise the reference :)

  13. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Given what the SCOTUS has granted to the role of POTUS Biden could...

    Issues a Presidential Finding that <insert list of people the world would be better off without> constitute a clear and present danger to the Constitution and people of the US.

    Order their deaths by members of the armed forces without any need for a Judge, a Jury or a Trial.

    This is not a Tom Clancy novel, or a Harrison Ford movie.

    The President would not have to resign if exposed (IIRC that's what happens in the book). In fact he could call a press conference and announce it to the American people.

    This is what 20+years of diligent grooming by Leonard Leo and the "Federalist Society"* has given the US legal system. :-(

    This is what you get when you try to found a system based on the ideals of (near) perfect human beings who always do the right thing, may disagree but will will always accept compromise and never act in the blatant self interest of a single group. IOW that ignores the historical record of how actual human groups have governed and been governed.

    *Is it just me who wants to call them the "Feral Society," as they seem to be a bunch of treacherous rats to me who've repeatedly put their personal politics (anti-divorce, anti-abortion, anti-human rights IE the hard line fundamentalist Catholic agenda) over and above any expected "objectivity" they are meant to show. Treasonous in the case of Justice Alito and his missus.

  14. s. pam

    Probably the only reason...

    I've heard as justification why one should waste their vote on Trumplestiltskin..

    PS> The NYTimes editorial today against Trumplstiltskin is Earthshatteringly worth a read!

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trump's clearly name-checking the Meta CEO as a threat.

    Well Zuck did sit down with the FBI to censor the Hunter Biden Laptop story and therefore facilitated the election of the “Big Guy”.

    Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

  16. martinusher Silver badge

    Don't think he wouldn't try

    One of the key changes is "Schedule F". This was implemented in the waning days of the Trump administration and immediately reversed by the incoming Biden administration. Its purpose is to convert the Federal civil service from an apolitical organization into an 'at will' (UK -- "grace and favour") organization. This would allow the administration to weed out any potential dissenters and install appropriate functionaries in key positions in organizations such as the Department of Justice (which oversees the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies). (This isn't hypothetical -- the blacklists have been prepared along with a list of about 8000 potential replacements.)

    This could be argued as illegal but thanks to the recent SCOTUS ruling nothing the President does is illegal (and their ruling goes much further than covering specific events which is why it has generated such consternation). The overall effect is to dissolve the checks and balances at the heart of the system and effectively enable a dictatorship. The situation isn't unlike Germany in 1933 -- no exaggeration, back then a Federal system similar to the US's was subverted with the Legislature being rendered impotent, the Judiciary taken over by party stalwarts and the civil service politicized leaving the administration with absolute power. Zuckerberg might not end up in jail on Day One but its a very real possibility something nasty could happen to him -- unless he plays ball, of course.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "The situation isn't unlike Germany in 1933 "


      Right down to the failed insurrection of Jan 6th with the near non-existent punishment of the key ring-leaders and incitor-in-chief, who (and let's just remember this fact) knew he'd lost before he went with the 4 years of BS excuses that only a world-class whiny ass little b**ch would continue with.

      Exactly as the "Beer cellar Putsch of 1923" "punished" Hitler with some easy time in jail to pen Mein Kampf. And the FOC didn't even get that.

      This pattern has been seen before (and will no doubt be seen again) :-(

      Want your country to be the victim of a successful coup? Have an unsuccessful coup first and fail to deal with the leaders firmly.

      IIRC at least one previous President had at least one such person shot on the Whitehouse lawn. I can't recall if he capped the guy himself or just gave the order, but that certainly chilled out a fair number of his more aggressive opponents.

      But remember the FOC had millions of cultists within 90min drive of the NYC courtroom. None of them showed up on any day of the trial. The bunch of SEL fanatics is a small group of these cultists. They are however super gullible. So if your looking for a bit of easy money, put on your MAGA gear, pick up a collecting box and tell them "It's for his trials, Joe Biden is persecuting him."

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: "The situation isn't unlike Germany in 1933 "

        "IIRC at least one previous President had at least one such person shot on the Whitehouse lawn."

        No. That was made up for a movie. See:

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge
          Thumb Up

          No. That was made up for a movie.

          I stand corrected.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Don't think he wouldn't try

      @martinusher: ‘"Schedule F" .. purpose is to convert the Federal civil service from an apolitical organization into an 'at will' (UK -- "grace and favour") organization.’

      When did Trump send the FBI out to drag Christians out of their homes at 04:00am for praying outside abortion clinics?

  17. boris9k3

    USA is a mess

    Sadly any pin head that thinks he is smarter than everyone else (Zuckerberg, Gates.....) and has billions feels the need to lead the world on the path their giant intellect has deemed correct.

    Thinking like this has lead the western world on an absolutely crazy path.

    If it can be proven Zuck was breaking the law he should spend time in jail, Trump cant and will not simple wave a wand and put him in jail. Only Zuck is in control of his legal fate.

    Legal war fare is the left's tool

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "Trump cant and will not simple wave a wand and put him in jail. "

      Do you understand what the phrase "Absolute Presidential immunity" means?

      And do you recall the number of times the FOC has called for people to be "Jailed" or indeed "executed"?

      You're either very ignorant, very gullible or very stupid if you don't think the FOC won't ask for exactly that, or given those powers do exactly that.

      That little story the FOC tells about "the snake" always give him a quite chuckle.

      He's the snake. His cult is too dumb to see it.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: "Trump cant and will not simple wave a wand and put him in jail. "

        And do you recall the number of times the FOC has called for people to be "Jailed" or indeed "executed"?

        How many US citizens were jailed for 'insurrection'? How many have been successfully charged with 'insurrection'? How many peaceful (but not fiery) and unarmed political protestors were a) shot b) beaten to death?

        Democracy just ain't what it used to be.

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          "How many US citizens were jailed for 'insurrection'?"

          IMHO the correct answer is "Not nearly enough"

          Starting with the FOCF and including Mrs Allito, who was in the room planning it.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: USA is a mess

      "If it can be proven Zuck was breaking the law he should spend time in jail"

      During the meanwhile, it has been determined that Convicted Felon Donald Trump has broken the law. Surely he should be spending time in jail RIGHT NOW, as virtually every other convicted felon in the US does pending appeal?

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        as virtually every other convicted felon in the US does pending appeal?

        Actually about 70% of the convicted felons for the FOC crimes don't do jail time.

        However that leaves the 30% who do serve time.

        And the behaviour of the FOC during the trial definitely put him in the 30% bracket with the 10 counts of contempt, repeated attacks on the Judge, Jury and witnesses.

        Judges need to realise that as far as the FOC is concerned no sentence will ever be lenient enough. He will whine about it ad nauseam and continue to play the victim.

        They need to stop thinking "Oh nooooes what have I done. I'm having to sentence the poor (former) President."

        F**k that. Follow the law. His campaign is none of your f**king business. Give him what you would give any other felon who behaved in the way he has in your courtroom.

        Nothing more. Nothing less.

        If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: as virtually every other convicted felon in the US does pending appeal?

          F**k that. Follow the law. His campaign is none of your f**king business. Give him what you would give any other felon who behaved in the way he has in your courtroom.

          Wow. The TDS is strong in this one!

          But "Follow the law" you say. Would that be say, Californian law, that practices catch & release for thieves and other violent criminals? Or NY law that does the same thing? Both have crime rates that have gone through the roof thanks to "Following the law". Or would it be the NY law that has decided that it has the sole right to value property*, and fine Trump the best part of $500m for a crime that had no victim? Or the NY law that managed to turn a non-crime and misdemeanor into a felony, and convinced a jury to find Trump guilty, even though the felony was never specified or tried?

          Or would "Following the law" include the usual sentencing, which then formalises the conviction. But then "Following the law" also includes a right to appeal. And campaigning is the business, namely tieing Trump up in court so he can't do that. Of course TDS and a succession of show trials have helped Trump's campaign because voters can see the election interference. TDS has given Trump millions in free publicity and kept him firmly in the news. If the Democrats had just ignored him, his campaign would be in a far worse position.

          If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

          Indeed. There is of course another convicted felon, Hunter Biden. Already convicted of firearms charges, despite a very novel plea deal and offer of immunity from prosecution from the DoJ. The judge in that case did follow the law and threw out the plea deal. Sentencing to follow, as are a trial for tax evasion. That will of course take a close look at Hunter's finances, and maybe the "10% for the Big Guy". And did the Big Guy pay his taxes, I wonder?

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            Wow. The TDS is strong in this one

            And when you say that you show me you're one of the FOCF's cult followers.

            I know you trumpets aren't very bright so I mean the standard sentencing for the 34 counts he was found guilty of.

            Not by "Joe Biden's DoJ" as the FOCF likes to put it but by 12 citizens of NYC, based on the

            What any felon would get who'd committed 10 counts of contempt for the Judge. Who'd shown no remorse for his crimes and was a flight risk.

            I agree giving the FOCF free publicity was very stupid of the networks.

            Instead they should have just summarised along the line of "Trump said the usual s**t which we're not going to both reporting as it's nothing new."

            If he did actually say something substantially different then show the clip, but only that bit.

            AFAIK the FOCF major assets are a) Nice speaking voice b)Makes the cult members feel "loved" c)Looks (to cult members) "Strong" WTF

            IRL he's a cunning, cruel, humourless 24/7 s**t talking whiny ass manchild.

            But I like the description of him as "A poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man and a stupid man's idea of a smart man."

            Real rich, strong, smart people think he is none of those things.

            They are right.

            1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: Wow. The TDS is strong in this one

              And when you say that you show me you're one of the FOCF's cult followers.

              Nope. I have no skin in this game and can't vote in the US elections. Well, given the way Democrats oppose any form of verifying voter's entitlement to vote, I probably could. As for cults, I think that would more accurately describe your behaviour, along with many other TDS sufferers.

              I know you trumpets aren't very bright so I mean the standard sentencing for the 34 counts he was found guilty of.

              More TDS. The sentencing hasn't taken place yet, so according to the law, Trump isn't yet a convicted felon. According to the law, Trump wouldn't normally be a felon, but fined for a misdemeanor for the false accounting charge. Which will probably happen on appeal given the judge's actions, and the very novel interpretation of the law by the prosecution.

              Not by "Joe Biden's DoJ" as the FOCF likes to put it but by 12 citizens of NYC, based on the

              Incomplete sentence, a bit like Biden. But one of the Democrat's top lawyers left a top position in the DoJ to join the NYC prosecution team. An odd career move, don't you think?

              What any felon would get who'd committed 10 counts of contempt for the Judge. Who'd shown no remorse for his crimes and was a flight risk.

              I'm not sure the Judge is a flight risk, but you're right about him showing no remorse. I think Trump was right to hold the Democrat's judge in contempt though, and hopefully the appeals will see that that Judge is disbarred. But NYC has a bit of a crime problem at the moment with many previously convicted felons being caught stealing, or committing violent crimes and aren't even prosecuted. Yet NYC's DAs have spent a lot of time and money on show trials for Trump.

              I agree giving the FOCF free publicity was very stupid of the networks.

              And yet they did. Which is why TDS spread and infected so many people. You, Thomas Matthew Crooks who decided to try and give Trump his own form of 'justice' and has now almost certainly given Trump the election. But such is politics. After years of anti-Trump propaganda, TDS has turned lethal. Trump almost assassinated, an innocent bystander killed and two more critically injured. And when the story broke, TDS sufferers were quick to comment that it was "staged" or a "false flag".

              Or just sadly inevitable give the incredibly dirty campaigning, propaganda and vitriol that's become the new normal for US politics. When Biden was elected, he promised to heal the political divide. Another one of those things Biden's failed to achieve.

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                I have no skin in this game and can't vote in the US elections.

                You're half right.

                Everyone who's in a country that wants any claim to being a democracy has skin in this game. The FOCF wants to end effective democracy in the US. Trumps sucking up to dictators and autocrats may make him look "Strong" to the members of his cult but to the rest of us it looks like a lot of trouble for the whole world.

                So what are you?

                Someone who's in a democratic country but not the US, or someone where they don't have free and fair elections?

                Like Russia, or China, or Belarus, Gaza?

              2. Casca Silver badge

                Re: Wow. The TDS is strong in this one

                TDS, JE favorite word. And for someone who has no skin in the game you sure do talk a lot about it. Almost like a pathetic little twitter troll...

  18. Joe 59

    The entire thing, election, posturing and whatnot is irrelevant. It's show. I say this because there are issues far larger than a President that are looming over the US, and only one political party is interested in solving them, the rest are only interested in making them worse.

    Neither major party candidate is going to address the federal deficit and debt which is now rapidly approaching $35,000,000,000,000.

    The current largest budget items are:

    $1.8T for medicare/medicaid

    $1.5T for Social Security

    $900B for defense

    $891B for INTEREST on the debt

    We're about to spend more on interest to that debt than on defense, and soon after that, it will swell so we're paying more on interest on that debt that any other area.

    But sure, elect demented old guy or bombastic old guy who tweets rude messages, while the unelected federal reserve prints more money and manipulates interest rates, then we have the money to pay off that debt, right? Better fight for $15, LOL. Better protest Wall Street. I'm sure this inflation is all caused by corporations cashing in.

    Zuck did manipulate the election, he's doing it now, as did/is google, Reddit and a hundred other big media companies, including the big media outlets. Anyone who changed search or feed results order or preferences in response to political positioning should be jailed. Anyone who votes for increased spending without corresponding cuts should have even worse done to them.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      Anyone..votes for increased spending without corresponding cuts..worse done to them.

      Would that include anyone who signs into law unfunded tax cuts for billionaires?

      Because when he was the FOC-in-chief he bumped up the US Federal Deficit by about $6 Trillion.

      $6 x 10^12

      4x SS.

      3 1/3x medicare/medicaid

      So a bunch of rich people (himself included, naturally) could get even richer.

      Now, what was it you were saying about bumping up the Federal Deficit again?

  19. steviebuk Silver badge


    I may dislike him but I really hope he now sues Trump for defamation. He's def got more money than Trump. And as Trump likes to sue everyone and only wins by tying them up in court until they run out of money, it would be fun watching Zuck do the same to Trump instead.

    1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Re: ZuckerIceBerg

      I may dislike him but I really hope he now sues Trump for defamation.

      Same. Discovery might answer some of the questions wrt 'Zuckerbucks' and election interference and campaign violations. Don't hold your breath though.

  20. goblinski

    Isn't it wrong when someone so wrong wants to do something so wrong to someone so wrong...

  21. Groo The Wanderer

    Drumpf has been spending an awful lot of his campaign time on making promises to take revenge on people.

    That's not the kind of promises that are supposed to get someone eleccted!

    1. steviebuk Silver badge

      He's an idiot and so are his supporters. What gets me is the Russia thing, or "The REDS" we "hate the REDS" they used to say. There has been some entertaining movies over the years over those "Reds" and "'merica" types. Red Dawn, Hunt for Red October, Air Force One (not technically Russia but still "Commies") to name but a few. All the red neck, 'merica types loved these. Would shout how great 'merica is and how bad Russia is. Yet oddly now, because of the Orange Tango Twat, they appear to love Russia and would like a dictactorship. Very odd bunch of people.

  22. Jellied Eel Silver badge

    Well, that happened

    Biden a few days ago..

    "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

    The TDS just got sadly real.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

      And right on queue up pops an inept would be assassin (and registered Republican) who's shot dead before he can be questioned.

      I wonder what Regan's numbers where like before and after someone took a pot shot at him?

      Do you think the FOCF is disappointed none of his cultists has shown their "love" to him by taking a potshot at Biden?

      The FOCF has spent years stoking division and hatred without considering the consequences. From some angles what goes around....

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

        And right on queue up pops an inept would be assassin (and registered Republican) who's shot dead before he can be questioned.

        Pennsylvania 'Democrats' encouraged people to join the Republicans so they could vote in their primaries. The media is, of course focusing on Crooks being a registered Republican, not that he was a donor to ActBlue. That's a Democrat fundraising organisation. And yes, he was shot dead because he was an active shooter firing on Trump and the crowd.

        But a lot of questions need answering, like why Crooks was allowed to get on the roof in shorts, t-shirt and carrying a long gun. And why that roof didn't already have LEO counter-snipers on it. And why one of those snipers appeared to be aiming at Crooks, but came off-target when the shooting started rather than engaging. Apparently the policy was not to fire first, which seems like a policy that needs changing. But the most curious part of this was this bit-

        Thomas Crooks had not been carrying ID, so investigators used DNA and facial recognition technology to identify him, the FBI said.

        Initial reports naming Crooks just mentioned he'd been identified by DNA. So LEAs took a blood sample, rushed it to a lab, sequenced it, matched it, and this happened in <2hrs. This was rather fast, and why was their a DNA profile of the 20yr old Crooks in an LEA database to match against? Same for facial recognition, which could be faster, but again needs a facial record to match against. This could be the US driving licence database. Crowd sourcing appeared to show Crooks had no previous convictions, but was he already known to the authorities, hence the DNA profile on record?

        Do you think the FOCF is disappointed none of his cultists has shown their "love" to him by taking a potshot at Biden? The FOCF has spent years stoking division and hatred without considering the consequences. From some angles what goes around....

        I doubt it, and I hope not. I think he may be more disturbed by people like you using terms like 'FOCF' and extreme TDS sufferers making comments like this. Or Biden repeatedly telling his cultists that Trump is the greatest threat to him. I mean 'Democracy'. The MSM of course amplified this, and eventually that blind hatred for Trump led to a situation like this. Just as it did in those 'fiery, but mostly peaceful protests' after Trump won the Presidency in 2016..

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          I doubt it, and I hope not.


          Then you have a very selective memory for the comments the Fat Old Convicted Felon has made over the last decade or so

          How about "If I don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath." He's later presumed to be talking about the effect of foreign car imports, but like a lot of the FOCF's word vomit it's quite hard to tell if he's making a real point or if he's threatening, like a gangster does.

          And as for my "Extreme TDS" I don't love Biden. I don't feel "loved" by Biden the way trumpets do about their cult leader. I think the FOCF is a serious threat to the US political system which it has never faced before. Biden is not the ideal US President, but he's done pretty well in real issues, not bu***hit culture wars.

          Now we never did get to your homeland, Mr (or Ms) Eel.

          A functioning democracy, or a dictatorship already? If the latter then I can understand you wondering "What's all the fuss about? I can't change who governs me, why shouldn't everybody else not have that right either?"

          Well Mr (or Ms) Eel?

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: I doubt it, and I hope not.

            How about "If I don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath." He's later presumed to be talking about the effect of foreign car imports, but like a lot of the FOCF's word vomit it's quite hard to tell if he's making a real point or if he's threatening, like a gangster does.

            Again with the TDS. Of course being an IT site, this is just an example of the way you've been programmed. You now spew out your own bile, vomit, and hatred of anything Trump, exactly as intended. I could come up with very similar quotes. Like "Nobody messes with the Bidens!". Or just the last decade of Biden and other (literally) senior Democrats constantly banging on about how Trump and 'extreme MAGA Republicans' being the greatest threat to Democratcy, and must be stopped.

            Crooks heard the clarion call, obeyed, missed and created the extraordinary image of Trump, bloodied and unbowed, fist in the air and the American flag flying proud.

            I don't love Biden. I don't feel "loved" by Biden the way trumpets do about their cult leader. I think the FOCF is a serious threat to the US political system which it has never faced before. Biden is not the ideal US President, but he's done pretty well in real issues, not bu***hit culture wars.

            Yet you echo his and the Democrat's messaging. You may not love him, but he loves you and all the other useful idiots that blindly follow the narrative that's been created. You even use terms like 'FOCF'. But Biden has been an abysmal President. Inflation has rocketed, so has crime, real unemployment, illegal immigration and of course spending. Plenty of pork handed out under the comically named 'Inflation Reduction Act'. The Democrat's witch hunts against Trump have made the US a laughing stock as have his culture wars where DEI trumps competence. Jailing 1,500 political protestors and desperately trying to jail Biden's political opponent is just fine in your mind, not the actions that might be expected of a tin-pot dictatorship.

            Plus of course it's the usual deflection trick. Look at what Trump might do, don't look at what the Democrats have been doing..

            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: I doubt it, and I hope not.

              LMAO, its you who are programmed you troll. You are acting like the cult member you are.

            2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "real unemployment,"

              We still haven't had an answer Mr (or Ms) Eel about where you're from. Or at least what sort of political system you live under.

              Or is it too dangerous for you to say? Might upset the "Glorious all-seeing Leader who never makes a mistake" perhaps?

              But in the meantime let look at some "real" unemployment

              But hey maybe that's too selective. Maybe we should look at the FOCF's full scorecard and look at the wins.

              The S&P 500 hit new heights (which have been broken even higher since he left office).

              Handgun production rose 12.5%. No doubt coincidentally the 2020 murder rate to the highest level since 1997, IE 23 years earlier.

              Everything's on the up. Yeay. Including lost jobs (first time since Hoover in the early 1920's), the number of people falling out of healthcare and the deficit with the rest of the world.

              It's interesting what happens when you stop listening to the BS from media types and start looking at the numbers, is it not?

              Turns out if things were as rosy as the FOCF makes out about his term in office, why would he have to tell so many lies about them?

              What do you think Mr (or Ms) Eel?

              1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                Re: "real unemployment,"

                We still haven't had an answer Mr (or Ms) Eel about where you're from. Or at least what sort of political system you live under.

                I'm from the Internet, and I'm here to help! But not sure why location or gender would be at all relevant, plus both should have been pretty obvious from prior posts..

                But hey maybe that's too selective. Maybe we should look at the FOCF's full scorecard and look at the wins.

                Oh! A 'factcheck' website. Bringing all new meanings to the word 'fact'. But here's an alternative 'fact check'-


                “Trump’s numbers look as bad as they do in that chart simply because the pandemic occurred in the last year of his presidency. The lockdown caused a massive and sudden fall in employment around April 2020, but job numbers immediately started to revert back to trend,” Kedia said.

                “This would have occurred regardless of political incumbency. It so happened that we had a presidential change during this reversion. Employment numbers look better under Biden simply because the economy was returning to its pre-pandemic growth rate through his term in office.

                And it also links to the official sources for payroll data. Which also shows a fall in full-time employment and an increase in part-time jobs. But wait, there's more!


                Fast food outlets in California, US [quick service restaurants, or QSRs] have slashed almost 10,000 jobs in response to the state’s newly implemented $20 minimum wage.

                Which is a macroeconomic effect of dear'ol Gruesome Newsom's economic policy. But a situation being repeated across the US as employers struggle to deal with policies like these, along with high energy costs etc etc. And it's not just fast food that's being affected, ie the number of articles here about job cuts in the tech sector. But one of those little challenges for politicians. Minimum wage seems like a good idea, but has consequences. If businesses can't afford to pay that wage, jobs are cut or prices have to be increased, which pushes up inflation. If places like California or NYC are hostile to business, businesses leave, reducing the tax take and pushing those places ever closer to bankruptcy. An obvious solution is to reduce costs, but politicians are generally incapable of reducing spending.

          2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: I doubt it, and I hope not.

            Then you have a very selective memory for the comments the Fat Old Convicted Felon has made over the last decade or so

            Oh and speaking of fat old farts-


            As we lay on the ground, Sam turned on his camera and I tried to give my first impressions of what was happening. In that moment, we had no more concrete information than that about six minutes into Donald Trump’s speech, the shooting had begun.

            And was over in seconds. It's amusing contrasting the Bbc's 'man on the ground' cowering in fear with people in the background calmly walking past. At least one aspect of this story was almost certainly staged at least. Someone at the Bbc should probably tell O'Donoghue how cover works, and why he'd have been better rolling down the bank he's on rather that lying out in the open like a beached whale. But it's not the first time the Bbc's reporters have staged footage like this. There was a great one from one another of their 'senior' correspondents in Ukraine also trying to take cover. With a very bemused Ukrainian woman standing in the background, wondering what they were doing.

            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: I doubt it, and I hope not.

              And more projecting from JE. Whataboutismen is strong in this one...

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                Whataboutismen is strong in this one...


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