Re: I cannot see how bombing the Houthis helps
"It helps Musk ship Teslas from China to Europe via Suez."
Excellent! Just in time for those foreign manufactured car tariffs!
1880 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2007
There's a key word here being used that underpins everything.
The assumption that the platform is public is only reinforced by the fact that members of the public can use it. This does not mean that the platform itself is public.
Twitter X is a company, not a public platform. His Muskiness can do whatever he likes with it. And this is what everyone has woken up to.
I have to say as a Pratchett fan, reading your post footnotes was extremely gratifying!
Maybe try adding a little something1 for a bit of sizzle2?
1 - A well placed superscript does wonders for the soul
2 - As any street-based hot snack purveyor understands, in order to sell the sausage, you have to sell the sizzle first3
3 - Sausage-in-a-bun, sir? Finest pig, I can assure you
"Aliens come who knows how many light years, at an unimaginable cost of energy. On arrival, the only Government that notices is the US.gov, and said aliens don't make themselves known to any others. Somehow, everybody concerned has managed to keep quiet about it since the 1940s. Today, the only people who seem to believe it are known wackjobs in Congress... and even Donald "loosest lips of the Century" Trump hasn't babbled about the news in the eightish years since he became Idiot In Chief..."
Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them, meaning that they find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises.
All rather silly, really
"Those things could do far more damage than a pair of scissors."
Me and the wife went to the Tate to see a Van Gogh exhibit a few years back. At the security check during the bag inspection, the lady behind the table asked me if there was anything that could be considered a weapon in my backpack. I replied, "My bookmark?". The look of confusion on her face was a delight as I produced my brushed metal bookmark that I purchased from Waterstones about 15 years before.
In fairness, you could do some damage with it if you were so inclined.