* Posts by AJ MacLeod

640 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2006


Hm, why are so many DrayTek routers stuck in a bootloop?

AJ MacLeod

Re: Inscrutably bad router

Have you seen how many flaws have been found in Netgear devices? DrayTek are clearly not perfect but there's a reason the vast majority of SMEs I've dealt with use their routers and it's not price. "Vibes" are really not a good way of choosing IT equipment where the important stuff is invisible... I've nothing in particular against Netgear, if I only have the budget for bargain basement stuff I will use it but there's no way I'd use one of their routers over a DrayTek.

AJ MacLeod

Re: What a balls-up!!!!

Seems a bit of an over-reaction in my view. Every manufacturer has vulnerabilities show up now and then but DrayTek release plenty of firmware upgrades even for pretty old routers and which in my long experience have rarely introduced new problems. I did recently switch to a router running OpenWRT at home (it's Mikrotik hardware but RouterOS is diabolically irritating in places and they seem particularly bad at introducing new problems with firmware upgrades.)

I love OpenWRT, the flexibility is incredible and "unattended sysupgrades" bring the upgrade procedure more in line with what I'm used to, but even there I was left with no PoE output after the last firmware upgrade. I don't see myself boycotting DrayTek any time soon, their upgrade processes are as good and as reliable as I've seen - which really matters when you might be several hours away from the physical device.

Eight days later, Microsoft Outlook users still struggle on iOS devices

AJ MacLeod

Re: Dump Outlook and replace it

While I agree completely with the sentiment, this appears not to be about the "outlook" iOS app but the "outlook" mail service itself even using the default iOS mail app. Why anyone continues to use Microsoft for anything email related I have no idea - of all the major providers they seem to be easily the worst for reliability.

101 fun things to do with a locked Kindle e-reader

AJ MacLeod

Re: Why do these things still exist?

They exist for the same reason that nobody really prints books as small as a normal phone screen. Also, they exist because most people who read books don't like their batteries running out every second chapter. Also they exist because staring at a bright backlit screen is very uncomfortable after a while.

AJ MacLeod

Until last year I did the same - Nook Simple Touch, bought ridiculously cheap when they were dumping their stock here. It started to literally fall apart last year though, the rubberised plastic over the "buttons" has started to crack and fall out so I bought a Pocketbook Era to replace it. The Era is lovely, but the Nook is still entertaining my daughter who reads books faster than I can download them!

Amazon have lost my e-book business for good - I fairly often bought books on Amazon to download and read on my Nook / Era, but no chance now. I never trusted them enough to buy a Kindle and I suppose they've just proved me right.

How Google tracks Android device users before they've even opened an app

AJ MacLeod

Re: Banking apps, Use a browser

This was the bank I changed to! In every other way they are vastly superior to my previous bank (who actually paid me to leave them)...

AJ MacLeod

Re: Banking apps

Doesn't help here, each session has to be authenticated within their app.

AJ MacLeod

Re: Banking apps

You can't open an account without a smartphone... in their defence their app works well and their banking service has been light years ahead of that I received from the traditional bank I used previously (until they closed all their branches within an hour's drive from me.)

AJ MacLeod

Re: Banking apps

I'd love to use a browser, only in order to do so I have to use my bank's app on a phone to confirm the login every time (take a picture of the QR code on screen.)

Microsoft trims more CPUs from Windows 11 compatibility list

AJ MacLeod

Re: Goodbye Windows 11

To be fair, LibreOffice is just a recent descendent of StarOffice. I don't often use an office suite but have had to use LO quite frequently over the past week and it's impressed me with how well it has rendered Excel, Word and even WordPerfect documents other people have been sending me. I have used it fairly infrequently since the Star Office days and it's one of the few pieces of software which has genuinely improved over that timeframe.

HP deliberately adds 15 minutes waiting time for telephone support calls

AJ MacLeod

I stopped bothering with HP servers when they decided that firmware updates would only be available to people with a current warranty... that might or might not be the case now but I'm never going to bother to check.

Mind you, even back then it wasn't worth the stress of messing with HP's website, I just emailed my requirements to a reseller who came up with the goods.

Avaya hangs up on users with fewer than 200 SaaSy contact center seats

AJ MacLeod

Re: 200 Seats

I know they do, I can go and see them at their desks if I so desire...

Hyperoptic customers left in dark as power outage takes down systems

AJ MacLeod

Re: UPSes are a common feature of...

Funnily enough one of my more dramatic (OK, terrifying) UPS failures was also with a big Dell branded APC rackmount UPS... those have some very large capacitors in them which make very loud noises when they are unhappy. When you're the only one in the building (and it's not your building and you can't get to the main power switch without leaning over the exploding UPS) it's even more exciting!

I do have some experience of bigger Riello UPS - not sure on capacity off-hand but they're the big floor standing units on castors (with a train of big batteries on castors too). Had a couple of them fail too (in a non-exciting manner) but to be fair they're working in a pretty warm and not particularly dry environment.

For all that, the most scary for me was the much smaller 1500VA APC I previously had looking after my PC... I noticed a weird acid kind of smell when I came through the door one morning, eventually traced it to the UPS which was too hot to touch for more than a split second. Somehow I managed to rip the cables out and literally threw it out the door before it set fire to anything; the batteries had been boiled to death and were swollen enough to have become one with the case of the UPS.

I haven't a lot of confidence in these devices for some reason!

AJ MacLeod

Re: UPSes are a common feature of...

I realise the scale is slightly different but I got sick of UPS self-destructing a couple of years ago and switched to my own cobbled together setups.

My office is powered through a Victron inverter with szeable LifePo4 batteries and a couple of decent solar panels; it runs everything in the office off the solar if enough sun, failing which it uses the grid or seamlessly switches to battery power if there's a power cut (I have the heaters on smart switches which turn them off when the grid drops out).

The internet feed is from a different building so it has its own even more cobbled-together (but reliable) arrangement; another 12v LifePo4 battery which feeds the ONT via a buck converter and also the router (and from there a WAP) through a 12v to 48v PoE injector. The battery is permanently connected to a Victron smart charger which is set to keep the battery at "float", when the power goes off everything just carries on running from the battery and when the power comes back the charger automatically brings the battery back to the correct charge.

I'm very happy to be rid of very expensive and yet unreliable UPS with hopeless run times and prone-to-cooking lead acid batteries...

UK tax collector's phone service 'deliberately' bad to push users online, say MPs

AJ MacLeod

If the online systems worked properly I wouldn't have had to phone them at all. Completing my tax return a few weeks ago I realised their calculation was wrong - it didn't take into account marriage allowance and so was claiming I owed them ~£250. After trying the utterly useless chatbot service I resorted to the phone; after being on hold for an interminable period (more than an hour anyway) I did get through to someone who was helpful, ran the calculations and agreed with me that their figures were wrong.

The solution? Submit the tax return with correct figures but wrong calculation and wait. "The system" should detect that it's wrong, recalculate and send a letter with the correctly calculated value!

By a strange coincidence said letter just arrived an hour ago. Imagine how much time and money would have been saved if the online system simply did the calculation correctly in the first place - over an hour of my time on the phone and researching online; the whole conversation with the HMRC guy, the printing and postage of the letter - all completely avoidable.

Adélie Linux 1.0 – small, fast, but not quite grown up

AJ MacLeod

Re: It's one of the *only*

Glad it's not just me... this is perhaps the very most stupid phrase currently doing the rounds and it irritates me like nothing else. Either it's "THE ONLY" or it's "one of the FEW". It's really not that complicated.

Raspberry Pi 500 and monitor arrive in time for Christmas

AJ MacLeod

Re: re: A keyboard and mouse not only work better and faster

Yeah - loads more effort required to hold your hand up in an awkward position to smear your greasy fingerprint onto the screen. If only someone could invent some sort of pointing device that just sits conveniently on the desk, on which your hand could rest...

D-Link tells users to trash old VPN routers over bug too dangerous to identify

AJ MacLeod

Re: Is there no product liability at all?

It's the SNP way... do exactly the same as what Westminster does but at least slightly worse or more inefficiently

Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software

AJ MacLeod

Re: So if they licence the software they can resubmit the paper?

It's CFD, they can't be sure the data it outputs is completely correct anyway...

UK sleep experts say it's time to kill daylight saving for good

AJ MacLeod

Re: I disagree

As someone who lives in what most people would consider the far North of Scotland I completely disagree. By this time of the year it's dark at getting up time anyway, changing the clocks makes virtually no difference. On the other hand, now that the clocks have gone back it's practically dark by the time lunch is over - it's plain stupid. I'm all for going GMT+1 all year round or even +2.

Also, as someone who never wears a watch but can mostly tell what time it is anyway through long practice, the changing of the official clocks mucks up my body clock for days at both ends of the summer.

Western Digital releases firmware fix for SSDs blighted by Windows 11 24H2 BSODs

AJ MacLeod

Re: Western Dataloss

Hard to tell whether Seagate or WD were worse for HDD failures, but to be fair I've used quite a lot of WD's SSDs without any issues so far.

Microsoft veteran ditches Team Tabs, blaming storage trauma of yesteryear

AJ MacLeod

Re: What I don't understand

Come on, think about this for a minute. NOBODY needs to agree on how big a <tab> is - that's the beauty of them! All that matters is that one tab is one level of indentation, two tabs are two levels of indentation. If you like your indents to be the size of one space, that's fine; configure your editor to display that and use tabs. When I have to look at your file it'll look as perfect to me as it does to you, as my editor is set to display tabs the way I like them. Everyone wins. I genuinely don't understand why people find this so hard to grasp...

AJ MacLeod

It's exceedingly trivial to get the desired size of tabs, any usable editor can be configured to display them any size you like. The whole purpose of tabs is to aid with aligning things consistently - spaces should be mere separators between words and if they were sufficient tabs would never have been invented...

That doomsday critical Linux bug: It's CUPS. May lead to remote hijacking of devices

AJ MacLeod

Re: CUPS seems to be turned off on Macs

I don't trust Apple or their judgement...

Lebanon now hit with deadly walkie-talkie blasts as Israel declares ‘new phase’ of war

AJ MacLeod

Re: What I’ve learned about this from the French media

It's the French... they couldn't possibly just call them what everyone else does, could they?

250 million-plus unused IPv4 addresses should be left alone, argues network boffin

AJ MacLeod

Ionos do a basic unlimited bandwidth VPS for £1/month (plus VAT). All you need to do is choose a bare bones Debian image and install Wireguard. There are scripts available if you don't want to do it manually, eg wireguard-install. I did that myself a few weeks ago as I'm (still!) waiting for my new ISP to allocate a static IP address to me and it works fine - the client setup couldn't really be easier, particularly if your device has a camera to scan the QR code...

Openreach pitches its tent as Ofcom preps review of broadband market rules

AJ MacLeod

I can only go on what I was told by the manager on the ground overseeing the altnet's rollout - and given the physical evidence that they've had their equipment in place ready to go for nearly a year I don't see why he would be lying. He also told me that OR were being so obstructive about connecting up the next nearest village that they dug in five miles of their own fibre in order to get that village online in a sane timeframe.

These are not small towns, they're small (some would say tiny) villages - Openreach simply aren't interested. Frankly they should have had all the cities and big towns done years ago, but instead they've just sat on their heels enjoying their privileged position for as long as possible. Of course they have their legal obligations but we all know there are always ways and means of ensuring that they break these whilst maintaining plausible deniability.

AJ MacLeod

If it were up to Openreach, I doubt we'd have FTTP any time in the next decade. Thankfully an altnet got our (small, very rural) village ducted up about year ago and we finally got connected a week or two back. The 3/4 year delay was due to Openreach being obstructive and not permitting the altnet access to the exchange in a timeous manner.)

Now we have over 300Mbs both directions and could pay more for up to 2 gig both ways if we wanted it - no thanks to Openreach!

Zuckerberg admits Biden administration pressured Meta to police COVID posts

AJ MacLeod

Re: Aim that blame thrower

The article specifically states that the government pressure was in 2021 and from the Biden administration - how much clearer would you like it?

AJ MacLeod

Re: the next one

Look at the downvotes... and the total lack of facts to refute your points. It seems from many centuries of evidence that the majority of people are fine with being lied to by the relevant authorities of the day, happy to avoid any kind of critical thinking of their own - and then crowd round and batter down anyone who dares to posit something that conflicts with the official "truth".

AJ MacLeod

The Government was entirely wrong to pressure them - as we now know, the majority of Government "facts" which were ruthlessly pushed were completely false and much of the so-called "misinformation" that was being censored was in fact true.

LibreOffice 24.8: Handy even if you're happy with Microsoft

AJ MacLeod

Re: If only there was a replacement for outlook...

Outlook is also very far from free - probably a fair bit more than whatever the Thunderbird add-on costs. There is also the slight issue that Microsoft have a stated aim of killing off Outlook in the near future (the "replacement" New Outlook, a completely different animal - is already being foisted on people.)

WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free

AJ MacLeod

Re: Interesting, but ...

WordStar 2000 had a component called PC-Outline which I think did what you are talking about... it also allowed you to display all the control codes in the document in a very usable manner.

AJ MacLeod

Re: high class trolling

Where did anybody suggest that vim and LaTeX would be good for everybody? I just said what I now use, having left WordStar 2000 behind in the 90s...

AJ MacLeod

Re: Interesting, but ...

WordPerfect for DOS had both spelling and grammar correction available - I'm sure WordStar 2000 had at least a spell checker. What more do you need?

AJ MacLeod

I would challenge the assertion that Wordstar 2000 abandoned the keyboard-centric UI - it no doubt had a different UI to previous versions but it was all still keyboard-centric and pretty logical as far as I remember. We still have a big (really big!) box copy - those were the days when you actually got proper documentation for your money. I used it on Dad's by then cast-off PC1512 for all my schoolwork throughout secondary school... by then he'd migrated to WordPerfect which is what I used through university. I have to say I found WordPerfect far superior, and though I did try NewWord briefly I didn't find it as good as WS2K - muscle memory probably as much as anything else.

These days the muscle memory is vi(m) - I dare say permanently embedded now after all these decades! I use LaTeX for the occasional letter I need to write, Zim for most documentation and libreoffice to open abominations deposited on me by others.

Car makers sold people's driving habits, location data for pennies, say US senators

AJ MacLeod

Re: Number 4

While I'm quite sure that a few women can drive better than most men, I'm also quite certain that it's definitely not true of any of the women I know. In general they are far more prone to harsh braking, unnecessary acceleration and reacting too late - very poor at considering the conditions well ahead.

I know a few men that drive like that too, but whilst there are always exceptions there's often a good deal of truth in stereotypes.

Apple Maps escapes orchard into web browser wilds

AJ MacLeod

Re: Very risky move for Apple.

It might be fine for your particular area but it's certainly not even barely adequate here. We had the police at the door one night (technically morning since it was about 2am!) asking for a particular house which they couldn't locate. Apple maps had directed them to us, approximately a quarter of a mile from the actual address which didn't even sound remotely similar and has a totally different postcode.

My own limited experience has been pretty similar...

OpenBSD enthusiast cooks up guide for the technically timid

AJ MacLeod

Re: Thank you Carnat

I won't use it on servers due to the ridiculously short life cycle of each version (6 months IIRC) - I also seem to recall reading that upgrading between versions was discouraged at one time.

Either way, the thought of performing upgrades to a new OS version every six months on a server does not appeal at all. It's a shame really as otherwise I like the OpenBSD ethos - though last time I gave it a go I did find it dog slow in comparison to several different Linux distros I tried on the same machine which surprised me a little.

FBI gains access to Trump rally shooter's phone

AJ MacLeod

Re: Fingerprint ?

Apple devices seem incapable of recognising any of my fingerprints more than about 5% of the time and I'm currently still alive... probably would be the simplest way though I'm not sure how many attempts you get before it demands a PIN instead?

Trump threatens to send Meta's Mark ‘Zuckerbucks’ to prison if reelected president

AJ MacLeod

Re: UnDeadly to Whales or Wales

On the other hand... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7240nex4ljo

Apple's Macintosh 128K on a Pi Pico gets thumbs-up from Upton

AJ MacLeod

I've a massively long VGA cable here - unfortunately the picture goes in sharp at one end and comes out all vague and blurry at the other so it's only ever been used in occasional odd cases of desperation...

FreeDOS and FreeBSD prove old code never dies, just gets nifty updates

AJ MacLeod

Re: Why?

Here's an example from this very morning... customer with a 60ft catamaran workboat, one of its large diesel engines refusing to go to working revs. Diagnostic software for said engines uses serial comms and is only available for DOS... in this case I used DOSBox but the point is, DOS software (and the knowledge to use it) is still very relevant in the real commercial world in 2024. I've come across it in such varied fields as solicitors to chicken farms, not to mention what must be vast quantities of large and very costly engineering machinery...

Microsoft makes it harder to avoid OneDrive during new Windows 11 installs

AJ MacLeod

I'm afraid late last year's experience is already out of date... I had a batch of Lenovo desktops to deal with the other week and none of the tricks I've seen (and previously used) worked. The "launch a shell and run msoobe" method now seems to result in a machine that sits there asking you to wait for ever more (certainly nothing happened even after several hours), forcing you to reboot and leaving you unable to log in. (The temporary user created for the install process has a randomly generated password I believe, and I didn't have ntpasswd on hand.)

The only option left to me was to restore to the factory image, which wasted an awful lot of time I didn't really have to spare.

NASA ought to pay up after space debris punched a hole in my roof, homeowner says

AJ MacLeod

Re: Sounds fair

She lied, sorry. Insurance companies never pay out immediately and in fact very rarely pay out fully, if at all - they are perhaps the most scummy of all legal entities. Certainly easily the most scummy of those I've ever had to deal with...

systemd 256.1: Now slightly less likely to delete /home

AJ MacLeod

Re: WD FileCard

Still got one of those that functions (though sometimes needs the little wheel spun manually to get the heads to start moving.) Fortunately Dad kept the box so I can send it back to WD if it stops working!

Screwdrivers: is there anything they can't do badly? Maybe not

AJ MacLeod

Re: Not screwdrivers but...

Well I AM offering a testimonial - paper comes in to my office, gets scanned, shredded and binned. Only REALLY important things like birth certificates / driving licences go to the safe after being scanned.

Funnily enough it was my experience of dealing with my father's lifetime accumulation of paper documents (of which he retained basically everything) after his death which pushed me into doing things differently. Somewhat ironically, mid way through sorting out his affairs his office went on fire (lithium battery on a charger we weren't aware of due to the mounds of paper on the desks) and most of the actually important paperwork was destroyed - just mounds of illegible rubbish left. His electronic data was fine, despite the blackened exterior of HDDs and SSD...

AJ MacLeod

Re: Not screwdrivers but...

I used that filing method for decades but a couple of years ago I discovered the incredible worth of a decent fast scanner (in my case Brother ADS-2400N) coupled with a simple document management system (Paperless-ng / ngx)

Now almost every bit of potentially useful paper gets dropped through the scanner, automatically OCR'd and tagged (with an amazing degree of sanity) and now and then I have a quick check of the most recent documents on the web interface to make sure it's all going to plan.

Now, when I want that obscure bit of information / invoice / government letter I just switch to the pinned "paperless" tab in my browser, type the first few letters of a relevant word and it's immediately there. Working in IT one gets pretty cynical about the actual benefits of technology vs the claims, but this is one thing that has revolutionised my life...

Fancy climbing the peaks of Alpine Linux? 3.20 is out

AJ MacLeod

My favourite distro for servers, bare metal and VMs. I really appreciate the minimalism - the stuff that's installed and running is basically all essential and there because I've installed it, not layer upon layer of impenetrable automagic sitting there just in case I suddenly want the server to do something completely different one day.

Microsoft confesses April Windows update breaks some VPN connections

AJ MacLeod

Not again

It seems to me that MS break VPNs more than almost anything else with their updates... even with groups of identical laptops set up in exactly the same way at the same time I've been seeing VPN issues develop apparently at random after Windows updates - some machines will be fine and others suddenly refuse to connect. This has been going on for a few years at least.
