This forum Sums up the current state of things...
The reason the authorities took action here is that saying "masks bad Mkay" wrong is because the law says wearing a mask prevents those already infected from spreading it to others.
Wearing a mask does not significantly act to prevent you getting infected merely it acts to reduce the chances of you infecting others, assuming you are wearing the right ones correctly.
Those who did not believe organised science also include the current UK government at the start of the UK infection and it must be said there has indeed been evidence that some scientists have publicly lied to support political agendas.
So whilst everyone jumps on the bandwagon about how stupid these people are for dismissing top scientists it is my opinion that those that are allowed to continue being scientists after using their position's authority to tell lies are to blaim and should have been struck off as scientists at a minimum.
The integrity of scientic like math has been abused by liars for years to support political agendas and once it became tarnished by the misuse of liars then it become understandable for people not to take it at face value.
Add in biased statistics and media promotion of panic and what you end up with is a clear campaign of intentional confusion, doubt and a crisis of faith that has allow all sorts of political abuse that took advantage of the removal of the right to protest.
So before you all point fingers at the stupid hippies ask yourself exactly how you know your position is correct, if it because of your faith in somoene else's opinion or your own research. If the later then you are just as guilty as those that believe someone else.
As always if there is no punishment for authority lying then those without integrity will ofc take advantage for their own betterment.
In my opinion the current situation in the UK is intentionally setup to remove integrity across the board and specifically to remove the constrains on politians represented by those pesky people with morals and integrity who insist upon access to the facts and imparitial opinion.