* Posts by tiggity

3351 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2015

Hulk smash Musk and Zuck! Actor Mark Ruffalo and non-billionaire pals back network tech underpinning Bluesky

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Nah

Indeed, I know quite a few women who tried BlueSky & their accounts got banned for saying things opposed* to the general group think on that platform.

There are massive biases on all the platforms, at least if things were truly decentralised and you could have one account & use multiple social media platforms** then would stop a particular site acting as a gatekeeper as you would only be banned from that one site.

* Feminists generally making comments revolving around basic biological facts such as a man in a dress is still a man & should not be in female only spaces.

** if you must, or maybe don't bother. El Reg comments generally the nearest I get to social media.

It's not just Big Tech: The UK's Online Safety Act applies across the board

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Just another example...


Do you realise how difficult & time consuming it can be to make sure anything defamatory is removed by analysing things manually?

If you automate it then you get lots of false positives & irritate your users (& still probably miss some banned stuff) .. e.g. context analysis is key, use of the "N" word in a friendly manner between 2 black users is totally different from it being used by a non black user in an insulting manner toward a black user.

.. Try automating content analysis on e.g. a rape survivors group forum, would be masses of "red flag" content using automated analysis.

Then we have the challenge of Foreign language comments (not sure how admin of a small group is supposed to deal with that) - automated translation is not perfect and the "translated" English version may not seem a problem but possible the "Foreign" original did actually have a problem but poor translation meant the English output seemed hassle free. Have to say, not looked at the ruling in detail but I hope you could have a reasonable argument at not coping with non English content.

By many real world stories big companies don't care much about false positives as I hear lots of complaints from people about posts unfairly removed / suppressed - but most users of big sites seem to put up with it - but users are more likely to leave a small niche site if their posts are auto banned than one of the "big social media sites"

Tongue-zapping spoons, tea-cooling catbots, lazy vacuums and more from CES

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Fire, retrain, redeploy


"An "ideal" job is forever and without much effort, because "experience"."

Experience is very useful- often the reason why initially at a company an employee is really struggling to do their job, but with time they gain the experience of what the job entails and become far more productive. In many roles where the work is complex its factored in that employees will initially not be very productive.

"AI" will not improve things for tasks that are really complex (& likely make things worse by "confidently" spouting something that is totally incorrect)

But hey AC, feel free to volunteer for an OP by an "AI" robotic surgeon... personally I will trust the human surgeon* with years at medical school followed by many more years "learning on the job" from more experienced surgeons.

* Not perfect - a lot of medics are not as good / clever as they like to think they are ** but better than "AI"

** My first degree (second one was computing related) was biology related & shared quite a few classes with medics.

The channel stands corrected: Hardware is a refresh cycle business now

tiggity Silver badge


"It's been obvious since the start of the computing industry, that eventually everyone who wanted a computer would have one, and we have definitely reached that point (probably 5-10 years ago tbh)."

Plenty of low income families would still like one (or more) but cannot afford them in the UK - as many schools discovered the hard way during lockdown when they found lots of kids did not have suitable kit for online work.

But, in reasonably well off countries, demand probably met for the more affluent sectors of society.

MS are trying their best to force unwanted hardware refresh cycle with the W11 debacle though.

... Plus there would be all sorts of demand in less wealthy countries where a computer is still aspirational for a large chunk of the population.

Elon Musk's galactic ego sows chaos in European politics

tiggity Silver badge

Re: "the seventh-largest political party in terms of seats in the House of Commons"

Might not be a protest vote - may be genuine Reform fans.

I'm a socialist, so in UK, not going to vote Tory, Reform etc. However, with Labour being Tory-Lite they are not an attractive option for me. If there had been a socialist party in my constituency they would have got my vote* & it would be a genuine vote, not a protest vote, as party most reflecting my views.

I would not be surprised if plenty of former conservative voters saw Reform as better representing their views than the Tories - never underestimate how much racism is (often barely) hidden under the surface in the UK

* There were no decent options in my constituency so I had to do the least bad option from the parties that were standing

3Blue1Brown copyright takedown blunder by AI biz blamed on human error

tiggity Silver badge

Re: There are more and more of shit like this

@Dan 55

Indeed, would be really good if there were (very large!) financial penalties for incorrect / malicious copyright takedown requests, it does often get used as a way to silence people and / or monetize other peoples content (i.e. not a genuine mistake, but malicious use), especially because your average YT user has no way to contact a "real" person at YT and get malicious takedowns removed.

Microsoft declares 2025 'the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh'

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Really?

Have W11 on work machine.

Slower (work laptop was originally on W10 & "upgraded" to W11 - so all the performance sapping / resource hogging stuff such as telemetry, AV & other security stuff, VPN etc was already there). Post upgrade performance was noticeably worse - this was noticeable immediately post "upgrade", so not down to applications getting updated & slowing things..

Teams even worse on W11 than W10 - though that could of course just be down to updates to Teams and unrelated to OS change, as with it being a work machine no control over updates to software as centrally controlled. so cannot hold off updates that have a bad rep

Dumbing down of configuration, trying to hide all the most useful stuff and instead only exposing config "apps" with limited functionality

Most "useful" (to me, YMMV) options on W10 right click menu options are not present on W11 right click, you have to drill down an extra layer to get to them.

This may seem trivial but PITA when you have "muscle memory" of how to do stuff, over course of a day lots of extra time wasted.

I hacked reg settings to get around this - the small stuff like that is the most annoying in daily use.

Even at $200/mo, Altman admits ChatGPT Pro struggles to turn a profit

tiggity Silver badge

Re: People use it more than we expected?

Maybe they consulted AI before implementing it and the AI reassured them there would be low usage?

Pornhub pulls out of Florida, VPN demand 'surges 1150%'

tiggity Silver badge

There's multiple issues with age verification.

Biggest of which is that we all know that data breaches are happening essentially all the time, the type of ID these sites would require e.g. passport including photo, is very juicy data for ID fraud merchants so privacy conscious people may not want to risk giving that data to a third party*

As the article states, ID is also fairly useless for porn, as there will always be sites in different countries that people can use so local laws irrelevant, torrents of erotic content etc. It is not a vital service that people need access to so all ID demand will do is stop people using providers that want ID.

* In my dealings with banks, I have made the (often irritatingly long) trip to a branch with my ID, which got photocopied to be checked, but not stored electronically, rather than submit it online - but I'm a bit extreme on security issues (having had attempted ID fraud performed after address change house when bank were tardy in updating my address details & sent out a statement to old address & new tenant or a mate of theirs then used that to take out a loan in my name & it was a real PITA to sort it all out, even though things like signature used by fraudsters was totally unlike my signature, bank refused to tell me what other ID was used, if any!, (as any ID beyond the statement would have needed to be forged) - only figured out the statement must have been used when I contacted bank to ask why I had not received statement at my new address )

Eight things that should not have happened last year, but did

tiggity Silver badge

Re: We all know that 'AI' is not really artificial intelligence.

I like the classic Bertrand Russell quote about confidence.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts"

Sadly too may people equate confidence with competence.

How a good business deal made us underestimate BASIC

tiggity Silver badge


Mention of AtomBASIC sent me down memory lane.

Though TBF, I did not use that BASIC much.. I started out using it but soon hit the limitations of memory and performance and so started using more and more assembler to get more bang for my memory buck (AtomBASIC was great for really easily letting you call assembler code from the "high level language", probably easiest to use "assembler & high level language mix & match" capability of any language I have used). It wasn't long before I ended up jut doing pretty much everything in assembler, but AtomBASIC was a good introduction to programming (never understood GOTO hate BTW, you could argue GOTO helped you get to grips with concepts of jump / branch calls common in most assemblers)

Naïve Reg hack thinks he can beat Christmas food comas once and for all

tiggity Silver badge

Walking in wet weather

... So most UK walking then.

Know your routes - in the wet some footpaths can get extremely muddy (especially sections across farmland where cattle churn it up) & you may need wellies rather than walking boots due to mud depth... also route knowledge useful as some "stiles" can be awkward depending on a persons mobility, as some farmers seem to take delight in making them as user unfriendly as possible.

Breathable waterproof trousers (or leggings) if rainy

Breathable waterproof coat if rainy.

Gaiters for really muddy conditions.

Note, in UK, mist / mizzle / drizzle type weather common this time of year, so relatively high humidity in those scenarios, a lot of "breathable" gear does not work that well under those conditions, so you may find you get far warmer / sweatier than you expect so don't overdo the clothing layers you start off with (you can always walk faster to stay warm - always best to not be "over dressed" as you want to assume you will often go at a fair pace and generate some heat from the exercise)

Related to the above, if it is not windy then an umbrella can be surprisingly useful in wet weather walks (& a sturdy metal tipped golfing umbrella can double as a support stick on many awkward slopes, which means you can bin the walking poles on all except really dodgy routes & use brolly instead)

Treat cattle with caution (females with young calves can be surprisingly aggressive, & keep well clear f you have a dog with you as some cattle really respond badly to dogs)

If an unfamiliar area, always take extra water, compass & map(s): If you insist on using a phone app for location in an unfamiliar area, ensure you have downloaded maps in advance in case of no reception.

.. Most of my walking is on farmland (as I live in the middle of nowhere, no pavements on minor roads near me, so little in the way of "user friendly" paths) which can be a PITA in the wet, but most areas will have a few easier walking routes for the wet e.g. may have some tarmac or similar paths, or paths with gravel / chippings to make them less of a mud bath, so consider those if your footwear* is not suitable for proper mud.

* If Santa did get you walking boots for Xmas, they may need a bit of "breaking in" depending on what they are made of - maybe dont go off on a 15 mile walk in brand new boots (& good thick socks always key with walking boots)

Apple Intelligence summary botches a headline, causing jitters in BBC newsroom

tiggity Silver badge

Re: apathy to AI services

@Like a badger

The guardian is happy to call a man in a dress a woman, so not too factual there. *

* As one of my degrees is biology related & I have spent more hours than I can remember in anatomy labs as a student (you begin with an intact preserved cadaver, by the end of the course just a skeleton remains as a group of you dissect it gradually over the course) & so can "sex" a body just from a skeleton (never mind a more complete body, which is even easier).

Thus I get irritated by gender identity presented as "real" as, like it or not, we are all stuck with our genetic sex & all the dressing up, (non ethical, IMHO) surgery & (again non ethical, IMHO ) use of hormones is not going to change someone's anatomy & physiology in anything beyond the most superficial ways.

US airspace closures, lack of answers deepen East Coast drone mystery

tiggity Silver badge

Re: It's not very small, it's just very far away...


I do a lot of walking and enjoy wildlife watching.

If I see a bird flying, unless it is conveniently near a tree or other geographical feature (so unlikely if it is "overhead") it can be very difficult to get an accurate idea of range (& thus bird size)

Only way for distant birds is to get bins on it (assuming its too distant for naked eye ID), can then (unless its something very unusually rare & unexpected!) ID the bird species*, & from that work out the size**.

So generally, for "overhead" birds its ID first & only then do I know the size

* Assuming scenario of bird(s) not calling as obviously sound can help in ID.

** Does not always work, as beyond a certain distance can sometimes be a struggle to be 100% certain on ID (e.g. the classic "commic tern" dilemma - observer could not be sure if an arctic or a common tern)

Phishers cast wide net with spoofed Google Calendar invites

tiggity Silver badge

Re: I always wondered...

I have an Android phone

I use the calendar

.. Though in the most unexciting way possible ... *

I use it to give me a reminder on what evening to put out the various rubbish collections.

,,We have "refuse", "green waste" and "recycling" collections, however these are not all collected each week and not all collections are on the same day, plus the fun of collection days all changing when bank holidays anywhere near a given week, so there is a valid reason for this calendar usage** (especially as its one of my household chores so I get grief if a collection is missed & if it happens to be a collection where multiple weeks to the next one can end up with overflowing bins).

* Unless some other commentard has an even duller use

** Due to this level of planning I have ended up as de facto "binfluencer" on our cul de sac, with neighbours spotting what bins I have put out & then doing the same. So far I have resisted the urge to deliberately put out the "wrong" bins and then swap to correct ones at 2 AM

Guide for the perplexed – Google is no longer the best search engine

tiggity Silver badge

Re: What's the alternative?

Federated / metasearch tools are worth a try (though cannot easily craft precise search queries with a metasearch engine as just fires same query at different search engines & they don't all follow same rules on use of - " site: etc.)

British Army zaps drones out of the sky with laser trucks

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Sadly not a item of bad englishes

Though the author of the piece you linked to is from the US ... They take quite a different approach to English usage* than many of us based in the UK do.

* No noun that can't be verbed and all that!

Doctor Who theme added to national sound archive to honor innovation, longevity

tiggity Silver badge


"the first piece of electronic music used as a TV theme – and remains in use to this day, albeit modernized"

I must say I do prefer the original version (find it quite ironic they keep tweaking the music when its a series where main protagonist can travel through time so no need for the music to be modernized)

Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for

tiggity Silver badge

Some use cases

As someone who had to install Linux on relatives systems back in the day (one of those Win forced upgrades to new version of the OS that just continually failed) having a distro with look & feel familiar to a Windows User could be a plus point in overcoming the learning curve of a different OS.

Though not including FireFox seems odd (that was the browser I set up for my dad to use as it was more user friendly than Chrome & easier to block ads etc . (old, low spec PC so ad block was a good performance improvement))

Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next

tiggity Silver badge

In Excel

In my fantasy world it could suggest things like:

"It looks like you are trying to use Excel as a database substitute.

Don't do that you colossal bell end, use a database rather than abusing a spreadsheet."

.. and taking the fantasy further, users would actually pay attention & stop spreadsheet misuse.

Apologies if Excel already has CoPilot - my work PC instance does not, but I have anything remotely CoPilot looking in application settings or registry disabled on my work PC, so I could possibly be missing out on some AI "pleasure"

Abstract, theoretical computing qualifications are turning teens off

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Doing the impossible

@Pete 2

Plenty of opportunity to make some of those interesting e.g.

Unit 1 - Fundamentals of algorithms

No avoiding some maths, but could let the kids know the (often bad effects of algorithms) from influencing what they see on social media, to the ads they

Unit 2 - Programming

Creating something interesting is limited mainly by the programming skills and creativity of a pupil

Unit 6 - Cyber security

Create some honeypots, let them attack them. Turn the tables, they have to defend a system from attacks. Get them to look up some of the great content on real world red teaming

Unit 7 - Relational databases and structured query language (SQL)

Bobby Tables (unless you did it in 6!)

Unit 8 - Ethical, legal and environmental impact of digital technology on society

All sorts of interesting avenues to explore, from cyber stalking, surveillance society, lack of privacy, dubious practices (ranging from child labour, unsafe conditions etc, through to environmental damage) involved in some raw materials used in electronics, could add in the latest tulip boom (AI) & potential environmental damage from extra power generation for all the extra processing (never mind initial training being processing (power) intensive)

So a good teacher, could add lots of interesting stuff, though may well be the usual problem of timetabling where amount of course content to be delivered in time available does not give much time leeway to expand beyond the dry facts.

Although the exams changed over time, the continual issue of timetable restrictions making it a struggle to teach bare bones of curriculum tends to lead to dull teaching (it was the same in my day, same when my daughter went to school, I doubt it will change any time soon)

Bing Wallpaper app, now in Windows Store, accused of cookie shenanigans

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Alternative

I use a wallpaper app on my work PC as that (compulsorily) runs Windows - one I wrote myself. It sets APOD as my background daily by default on start-up, but if I don't like that image, I can give it a "kick" and depending on settings I choose it will grab content of mine from Flickr, UnSplash or other image stores, or if I really fancy a bit of variety it will grab content from ANOther from one of those.

No spyware / security issues & works flawlessly (it also does other bits & bobs such as optional image resize or tile if image smaller than screen, adding descriptive text to the image etc.)

One day I should get around to publishing it in a public repo, but that will be a long time from now*.

* Code was thrown together quickly as a test of using various image APIs** & though it works with no issues, the code needs a tidy up before it goes in a public repo with me as the author (as its essentially still original created at high speed proof of concept code)

** POC of a flexible way of calling multiple image stores from same frontend (common API, various arguments, including the image store to use and behind the scenes translates that to appropriate API calls for that image store, injecting creds as necessary as POC was for a "generic" image grabber ) but using same selection criteria as much as possible (e.g. my content, other content, keyword searches, date searches, popularity etc) - APOD did not really fit into that, but I just like my daily astro images!

Microsoft pulls text recognition from Photos app preview

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Yeah I don't get it

OCR has always needed a manual check, lots of misidentification can occur (classics would be letter O and zero, lower case letter l (& sometimes i depending on image quality) and a one etc.)

A long time ago I did some handling of OCR output (back in the day when OCR lacked any "smarts", so some of the things I did then that are now done by some OCR implementations) and usually did basic error handling afterwards* (e.g. if a letter appeared amongst a series of numbers, then convert that letter to the likely number e.g. l to 0, similarly a number amongst a series of letters, then convert number to likely corresponding letter. Followed by running final output against a spell checker.)

So, could see the point of an "AI" trying to do similar post processing work.

* Not appropriate in some cases, e.g. if pulling in a series of serial numbers (or similar) which often had mix of numbers and letters then no point with a lot of the logic.

Europe glances Russia's way after Baltic Sea data cables severed

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Why would they bother?


.. and as for NordStream, plenty of (credible) voices arguing that was a false flag operation, but the instant accusations against Russia are what stuck in most peoples minds.

Who knows what the truth is behind this incident, but again with initial accusations against Russia, that is what average person will remember (as if it turns out to be usual anchor drag style issue you can bet there will not be big headlines).

I'm not saying Russia are wonderful, innocent, honest & trustworthy (the opposite would be more accurate), but sadly "Western" governments are not really any better - it's lies & misdirection from all directions, but anything that happens that is unusual tends to instantly produce a politically useful "blame the bad guys" response rather than a more honest "we don't know, we may find out after further investigations".

Pirate programmer walks the plank for role in massive TV streaming operation

tiggity Silver badge

Maybe I missed it

But was the punishment received by the actual "controlling mind" behind that site considerably more?

You would hope so, compared to random devs doing a job (it said the guy was only there a few months, interesting to know if he jumped ship for ethical reasons / was he there when the site was shut down, were the devs lied to about what they were doing being OK?* Was it scenario of people taking a job just to pay the bills & bailing as soon as they realised what was going on**)

* Someone may be great at programming but that does not make them immune to being convinced by the smooth talking BS merchant in charge of them that there were no major legal issues in what they were doing.

** Where do you draw the line? I handed in my notice in one post for ethical reasons (before I had a replacement role lined up) because it was beyond what I could morally do even for a short while (& with big financial hit), but I am sure many of us have been in roles we had qualms about, but keeping an income stream meant getting another role lined up before leaving, as instant quit would have been financially damaging so it was a matter of doing some time in a dubious role just to keep the bills paid.

Google Gemini tells grad student to 'please die' while helping with his homework

tiggity Silver badge

"received the response while seeking homework help from the Google AI."

I remember when seeking such homework help was just simply called cheating.

Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software

tiggity Silver badge

Bobbing along

A reminder to those who may be unaware of the role played by "Captain Bob" (AKA Robert Maxwell) in terms of changing academic publishing (I'll leave whether change was positive or negative as an exercise for the reader) - quite a good old article


tiggity Silver badge

Re: The connection is copyright


Peer Review in journals - don't necessarily get too excited by it.

Typically reviewers unpaid, so no monetary motivation to do a thorough / diligent review. There is a potential advantage in being a reviewer as journal more likely to initially accept your submissions because you are on their review team. Can also get reviewers treating submission by a fellow reviewer more favourably. Reviewers are not necessarily 100% fair and objective*, they typically come with their own prejudices, be that being more favourable to friends, less favourable to competitors, less (or more, tends to vary on reviewers approach to the general consensus) favourable to articles that go against current "received wisdom" in that area.

*You'll find a few stereotypical super honest & objective (often autistic) scientists around, but because much of academia is "publish or perish" then gaming the system from all sides**

** Some of which is bad, often journals are not keen on publishing research that does not show "positive" results (which is an issue, as if someone independently fails to reproduce something published then that is definitely something that merits publication*** )

*** Wheher that means initial paper did not fully explain procedures used (& so reproduction would fail), the results seen were a statistical fluke****, original researchers had made an error somewhere, replication team made an error etc..

**** or fraud

Kids' shoemaker Start-Rite trips over security again, spilling customer card info

tiggity Silver badge

Liked this line

"These tools largely inject malicious JavaScript into online payment systems to then steal and forward the entered card details to the attackers."

A huge issue is that most payment systems require lots of JavaScript (& often third party). As someone who surfs with JS disabled by default on "new" sites I visit, and then configure JS allow lists on a per site basis (or in many cases, just give up as there is so much needless JS!) I can say that online payment is a PITA*.

* You go to make a payment & that fires off a whole new lot of scripts and domains that you need to assess for safety (or lack of)**

** Which is why I like companies with an online presence but that still also have a telesales option (a virtual beer to Richer Sounds*** & similar companies)

*** Though their site is also, unfortunately, a fine example of too many different sources of JS

Congress ponders underwater alien civilizations, human hybrids, and other unexplained stuff

tiggity Silver badge

Re: So let me get this straight ...

@Doctor Syntax

I think supporting evidence for alien life is obviously going to be a problem (certainly with current technology).

However, given life has occurred here*, & the huge number of possible planetary systems out there, we have to assume a high likelihood of alien life elsewhere (but the same maths of huge size / numbers of planetary systems & likely extreme difficulty of a civilization surviving and developing interstellar travel also makes visits unlikely as, if such a thing has occurred may be a huge distance away).

.. Though if there are alien races capable of traversing those huge distances, I wonder if "disaster tourism" is an alien thing, if it is they will be flocking here in their droves to watch a species do its best to trash its planet /environment.

*albeit our planet has advantages such as plate tectonics, temperature allowing liquid water, magnetic field to ward off lots of nasty radiation, etc. that have made conditions (relatively) stable for many hundreds of millions of years (so helpful to complex life development) but that may be relatively rare (but big numbers so will still be lots of earth like planets**)

** We only have life on earth to work on, but cannot ignore possibility that very different (not necessarily "carbon based") forms of life may develop on non earth like worlds***

*** Boltzmann brains enter the mix .... not even going to dream of opening that can of worms

Mozilla's Firefox browser turns 20. Does it still matter?

tiggity Silver badge

Some of it self inflicted

With the FF death spiral of trying to imitate Chrome, so instead of lots of useful functionality / config via menus, they went for a dumbed down browser so people had to do a lot of stuff via about:config - & it's "here be dragons" warning to put off the average user.

IMO, FF should have celebrated the differences - it should have promoted that it made it easy and user friendly for a user to configure their browser in a lot of ways, instead now its far harder unless you dive into about:config (or install an addon to do it, & if you need an addon then user wonders why FF instead of Chrome?)

To kill memory safety bugs in C code, try the TrapC fork

tiggity Silver badge


"Where you see a big difference is TrapC doesn't have malloc. TrapC has new, like C++ does. And so you need to change all your malloc calls."

A bit of a stumbling block, as would certainly mean porting old code would likely need work as calloc / malloc usage can be very common, especially in quite old codebases.

Though (in my experience) calloc far more often used than malloc ( unless speed was absolutely critical, & the miniscule overhead of clearing the data was just too much then do not use malloc) , in C would use typically calloc as always safer having "cleared" data than retaining preexisting value that happened to be in that area of memory e.g. there's a small but non zero chance* that if you are testing your pointer data to see if it matches a value, that might just be a match with the "junk" that was present in the memory to begin with.

*Yes, I have seen that erroneous match on value X**. It should not be a surprise, especially if your software that creates value X one or more times in its normal usage is frequently run on that machine, quite likely to be getting memory via malloc that your code has populated on a previous run..

** and where X is a non trivial value, i.e. not just a few bytes

Australia tells tots: No TikTok till you're 16... or X, Instagram and Facebook

tiggity Silver badge

Re: And other social media?


Though it has changed a lot in what you can get away with.

I remember when at school, decades ago, lots of us around at a party (kids parents away), a female & I had got "intimate" in one of the "out of the way" rooms.. However, part way through one of my friends opened the door & saw us, slapped me on the arse as a laugh & to try and put me off (& called to lots of others to see too).

Although lots of people knew about what had happened, & gossip around school the next day in true wild fire style, with no mobile phones at least there was no video / photos of such an event, I would imagine kids these days have to be a lot less restrained in their partying to avoid the risk of problematic phone footage (maybe that's partially why drink & drug use is relatively low in recent generation compared to years gone by to keep self control* in such situations).

* Though given my excessive libido & hedonistic tendencies as a sixth former, doubt my party hard approach would have changed much if mobiles were around back then!

Schneider Electric ransomware crew demands $125k paid in baguettes

tiggity Silver badge

Re: $125k in baguettes

The original article already slipped in a dough pun.

Your air fryer might be snitching on you to China

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Dumb

I recently purchased a "dumb" TV from Cello (UK company)

Though not sure if they do big "dumb" TVs (this was a small TV)

A new city springs from the rainforest to become Indonesia's tech hub

tiggity Silver badge


"be a nice place to live"

If you don't like much in the way of free speech perhaps.

UK has some draconian laws in place making e.g. expressing the idea that various "proscribed terrorist organisations" might be freedom fighters rather than terrorists can lead to a criminal record, but they are nothing compared to Indonesia & its many restrictions on free speech.

Uncle Sam outs a Russian accused of developing Redline infostealing malware

tiggity Silver badge

Russian safety net

Given Russia is not overly bothered about cybercriminals attacking non Russians (totally different if they attack anything of Russian value) and zero chance of extradition to the US then the alleged perp probably not that bothered if they left a digital footprint as they are safe in Russia (assuming perp has no plans to travel to EU or similar which would likely lead to detention at US request)

UK’s new Minister for Science and Technology comes to US touting Britain's AI benefits

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Done some things, not done others

@AC - excessive fuel prices in UK are less due to "green altar sacrifices" than to letting big business gouge the UK public.

None of the "essential utilities" should have been privatized, the UK public have paid the price in monetary terms (and in other ways e.g. rivers / coastlines awash with sewage)

Polish radio station ditches DJs, journalists for AI-generated college kids

tiggity Silver badge


TBF, the "that was ... This is..." type of DJ is often* a lot less irritating than those DJs who chat excessively .

* A rare few talkative DJs are entertaining / informative, but far too many are just wasting time that would have been far better spent just going straight to the next track.

The horror that is VHS revived for horror movie release

tiggity Silver badge

My vinyl gets played (coincidentally, currently deciding whether to upgrade cartridge on my old Pro-Ject* or go all in and get a high end turntable rather than a budget one.

Ironically I gave one of my picture disks away to a friend recently (who is captain of a team I play for & usually drives us to matches with no payment required, so it was a thank you gift).

.. as they do not have a record player, so it won't get played any longer (though I think it will be displayed on the wall - picture disk being used as a picture)

TBF, they are a big fan of that particular band and and have all their music on CD, but like many people these days don't have anything to play vinyl with.

* The old, no frills P1 model

Fake reviewers face the wrath of Khan

tiggity Silver badge

What about joke reviews?

e.g. this AMazon book has a lot of silly reviews


Shame, if such shitposting reviews are also banned

Millions of Android and iOS users at risk from hardcoded creds in popular apps

tiggity Silver badge

Re: I can do that without an app!


"Let's see, I have an app to:

Keep lists of what I need at the store (food, hardware, auto parts). No more managing bits of paper"

Is it that difficult to have a piece of paper in your pocket?

My shopping list manages fine on paper (a bit of IT involved as have a typical "weekly big shop" document* & print that out, crossing out with a pen stuff not needed that week)

That way when I go to the shop I have zero need to look at a phone (& no phone visible means no way for local low level crims to clock my phone & try and nab it as a change from shoplifting)

* Yes, the lists is as geeky as you would expect based on the several shops I typically visit for a weekly shop, products ordered on list based on visiting shops in a most efficient order, and for each shop ordered so that it is an optimal route in the shop, no doubling back to revisit aisles**

** No issues with the small shops such as greengrocers, deli etc, but stuff I get from supermarkets is a pain as they keep changing layout far too frequently for my liking so I periodically have to edit the product order for those items that are supermarket only as old route becomes sub optimal with layout changes.

Huawei makes divorce from Android official with HarmonyOS NEXT launch

tiggity Silver badge

I switched bank precisely because old one had closed nearby branches, a local(ish) branch is important to me as I don't want to use an app or website for financial transactions.

Lots of people CBA doing that and so are forced the digital, low customer service route.

SuperHTML is here to rescue you from syntax errors, and it's FOSS

tiggity Silver badge

Vanilla web site

I run one that's basically HTML and CSS (with a few server side includes of various .txt files so lots of stuff can just be uploaded as plain .txt files, though as all content in the .txt files is rendered as HTML any HTML markup will get processed. *)

This is for a club I am on the committee of and I update all the league & cup results and tables & so site can be nice and simple.

I have some simple code thats allow automated markup creation and upload of results / tables to the website based on results that are sent in to me (obviously, as the time spent automating saves hours and hours of hand crafting markup in the long term, relies on correct format used by people sending in results )

So, no JS anywhere, all works fine, only attack service is FTP access to the web server (plus chance of zero days / config issues on the hosting server - its not my server that hosts it, so no control over that)

Unfortunately have to use such stuff as react, angular etc. in day job, so club website makes a nice change to deal with a simple, streamlined site that loads & renders "instantly" & pulls in nothing from CDNs or similar & works for people with JS disabled & will work on any browser (within reason, e.g. if you unearthed a fossil such as original pre CSS being a thing Mosaic browser then layout might look a bit odd as CSS would not work, but nothing would actually break & all content visible ).

* If other committee members want to update content on the general information pages they can just upload appropriate .txt files via FTP (I have a little front end that makes it easy) - and as they aware that HTML is supported some use their own HTML editors to format the text (sadly, one person uses word and its ability to export / save as HTML, which creates awful markup)

Big browsers are about to throw a wrench in your ad-free paradise

tiggity Silver badge

..trusted web proxy

@Lee D

If I want to install an addon that can alter all sorts of things then that is done at my risk - the browser is welcome to give me hideously dire warnings about possible security risks, but should not prevent me installing what I want, at my own risk.

If I install backend software to do "blocking" I still have to put some trust in at that stage instead, e.g. if I run Privoxy I could look at all the source code (just like I could for browser addons such as UBO etc) but probably won't, I will just "trust" it (albeit with safety of knowing plenty of technically skilled people will have inspected it, but we all know code inspections do not always spot every issue))

So, risk no matter what stage I have some "adblocking" functionality, and for non technical users I would guess a browser addon is far more likely to be used than e.g. proxying software (& setting it all up), also if we think about "easy" options such as Pi-Hole, for those using ISP low functionality / locked down routers, then adding a basic "1st level" protection such as linking up a Pi-Hole may not be easy for them.

Browser addons are a (IMO) a good way for your non tech savvy relatives to have a safer browsing experience (& I know from bitter experience if you do something more complex for them, if anything ever goes wrong on their system (even though totally unrelated, e.g. a classic "break lots of things" dubious MS update) they always blame you ... so I long since stopped being IT tech support for relatives! ).

Given that websites are flinging all sorts of nastiness at me, then I would sooner use a browser addon I trust (to some degree of trust) rather than just let a website fling all sorts at me & be unable to do nothing about it (we assume I have no backend protection for sake of this argument, i.e. bog standard user).

Disclosure: I use UBO, NoScript & other defensive addons, plus some backend IP/DNS filtering too, but backend stuff not much help when some ads / nasty content served from DNS I may want to allow (tempting as it is (as lots of malware makes use of Cloudflare & similar CDNs to appear innocuous - a Cloudflare URI serving content looks more trustworthy than e.g. evilmalware.com URI) So I cannot ban all Cloudflare IPs as some sites I want to visit use it, hence NoScript is useful for fine grained control as I can see what is served from where and choose to allow (or not) script from a cloudflare URI).

NoScript is, for me, the most important browser addon for security reasons (with heavy use of JS in ad serving it also indirectly blocks a majority of ads)

For me ad blocking via UBO is secondary but mainly for

1. Performance - no / few ads makes a big difference to navigating around the web.

2. Stops pages jiggling around - with async loading, many web pages "move" as yet another bit of ad related content is loaded, this jiggling around increases likelihood of clicking on the wrong content (as page rearranges itself just as you click, so you click on something you did not want to). By having an "immobile" web page without async ad loads, it reduces chance of an accidental nasty click.

3. A long and indefensible history of ads being used to serve malware, so basic sensible browsing to try and protect yourself (if ads had remained, few in number per page & as a small bit of text (or image) with a link then there would be no need for all this, most of us only began to block ads when it became a JS frenzy with large amounts of large space consuming ads per page)

The Astronaut wore Prada – and a blast from Michael Bloomberg

tiggity Silver badge

@graeme leggett

Maybe someone is a fan of Jamaican lager

Richard Branson to take balloon ride to edge of space

tiggity Silver badge

100000 feet

So, about 2.5X as high as a commercial flight tops out at. *

.. Quite a big price point when its just over another 3X in height to hit (generally agreed definition) of space itself

*Yes, I know with the far greater height & the large viewing area (thats hopefully cleaner and less abraded than a commercial plane window) it will be a significantly better view than from a standard flight, but if I had a spare $125K I don't think I would be blowing it on this Branson balloon trip - not even a weightlessness experience** thrown in..

** If someone wanted that weightlessness experience then the cheapest (the cattle class equivalent booked well in advance) vomit comet booking is around $10K

Oh, what a feeling: Toyota building robots that get better with practice

tiggity Silver badge

Not sure about the robots of the night learning thing - the improving with practice is all well and good, but could be a bit unpleasant for the first few people it trains on!

UK ponders USB-C as common charging standard

tiggity Silver badge

Re: Public opinion?

@Dom 3

"I buy bottled water for my coffee machine (else it dies in six months)."

You could try descaling your coffee machine.

I live in a very hard water area (the nearby peak district is scenic, but limestone rich)

I just give the coffee machine periodic empty runs with citric acid dissolved in water (way cheaper to buy that in bulk than to get proprietary descaler products, & you can get it in food standard quality, but do need to ensure machine thoroughly rinsed through a few times after as, food standard or not, you don't want a high acid content drink!)

Descaling periodically can be a PITA, but it avoids the plastics issue of using lots of bottled water...and occasional descaling always useful to keep the machine internals healthy even if your water is not super hard as buildup just takes longer to kill your machine in areas where water hardness is not really obvious.

tiggity Silver badge

Re: What next?

Yes, standard door sizes are a pain.

Discovered the hard way: Had to alter a lot of our house for a disabled relative to be able to use (wheelchair user) - a lot of doors were too narrow and doorways needed enlarging and new doors adding (we now have a bathroom downstairs (inc wet room style shower i.e. no barriers to wheelchair) that's fully disabled friendly)