Only a fire extinguisher? I was expecting the safety catch on the window.
I'm wondering if it's a halon system. No mess to clean up in the parking lot.
12912 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012
Given the way AI hallucinates, has anyone considered asking Alexa whether they should vote for Marvin the Martian, Skeletor or the Face-Eating-Leopards party
Maybe it's just me but why would anyone ask an AI bot about who to vote for? Have humans lost their ability to think for themselves? If so, I grieve for the human race.
I have several machines ranging from Win 7 to Linux and the latest from MS. I'm running Trend Micro on all of them that will run it. I guess it's force of habit but also a bit of peace of mind. OS's seem to take forever to catch up to the latest viruses.
Free copies of McAfee all round. Good old USA software you can trust...
Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning especially since I recieved 6 emails this a.m. from spammers offering it (among bits of malware). Note that didn't even open the emails... just deleted them from my spam folder.
A place I worked at a long time ago in the dark ages of early desktops had a very devious IT department. This was before I changed my career path from tech writer to IT. Turbo came out on PC's and naturally the bosses had to have one. The IT lads hooked up an LED that blinked on and off every time the HDD spun up. Manglement went into ecstasy mode and soon they all had the blinking light along with bragging rights at meetings.
As for the use of the "colorful metaphors" as Spock would call them... It's a time-honored tradition that goes back in time to the beginning of militaries. Even amongst the
"officers and gentlemen". I never did understand the outrage by some of the more gentle souls who complained except they didn't serve and as former Marine, I guess I never will grasp the outrage. It's a part of the human condition when in anger, danger, and high stress situations, IMO.
So exactly how do wind farms kill whales...? I'm confused on this. Trump didn't like them being visible from one of his golf resorts and then started complaining about them. But, I've seen/heard no reports on them killing whales. It's not like the blades are going into the water.
As for the electric car issue.... Much confusion and many issues. Some zoning rules say the chargers have to be in a garage or other building with the charging done in them, other say the equipment and charging has to be outside of structures. And then there's the Tesla degradation in quality creating issues (fires, mechanical and electrical failures) in the newer models. Where I am, you need your own charger as there are no "charging stations". And if you live in an apartment, you're up a creek as none have charging stations.
"It’s a shit show here," we're told.
I think this comment pretty much sums it all up. Their rules on this seem more about "control" than about actually getting something done. I've worked in a few places over time that had this attitude as the management didn't seem to understand how to manage so they took the easy way and because micromanaging idiots. Best thing to do is get the hell out of there as quickly as you can if you value your peace of mind and abilities as the stress this causes health (mental and physical) issues.
In most companies, fancy conferencing equipment is just a waste of money.
Essentially it is a waste. However, board members go for status over reality. I knew a CEO once that had two private planes. He never used them but they gave him bragging rights when he met with other CEOs. For bragging rights.... some have airplanes, some have Ferraris, and others have multiple mansions they never use.
And so it begins – the absolute dumbing down and worsening of everything from media to film to advertising to politics to the written word at the dead hands of AI, stoked by venture capitalists' rabid faith that it will be some sort of productivity silver bullet.
I think "it" began some time ago. Everything.... politics, education, products... all have been dumbed down for some time. So what is "beginning"?? Enquiring minds and all thaqt.
'd guess the dealer got paid off to return it. It would very likely have been at the director's personal expense, given how you wouldn't want that pay-off showing up on the books. After all the dealer probably wasn't even VAT registered.
Probably the easiest way to take care of this. Give the director a nice "bonus" and he uses that to pay off the dealer.
These things prove that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. Mose of those up high think they're smarter than the rest of the staff and end up making more problems thqn they solve. I'm of the belief that board members shoiuld only have something like a fake laptop that doesn't do much except read news and play games.
A bit heavy handed of the BOFH - redolent more of a Lubyanka Square basement than his trademark gently assisted flight from the nearest window down to the carpark.
A bit heavy handed? I don't think so. Inviting them to look out the window from the top floor might be heavy but also works.