This essay is the second installment of my interview with Mike Whitney published on Unz Review. This is quite lengthy as I was trying to cover many grounds in Mike’s expansive question about the underlying forces for China’s resurgence.
Here’s the question:
Western pundits seem perversely fixated on the size of China’s economy, but what interests me is the China Phenomenon, that is, how the Chinese government managed to transform a poor, agrarian country into a technologically advanced, state-of-the-art civilization in which poverty has nearly been eradicated, standards of living continue to rise, and the masses of people seem to support the government’s vision of the future. How did China become the expression of 21st Century modernity it is today? (Or am I overstating the case?)
China’s Revival in the Context of its History
The west likes to talk about the rise of China. For the Chinese, it is not a rise. It is a return to normalcy – the place China occupied in the world for most of its existence.
Most educated people are aware China is the oldest continuous civilization in the world with a history extending back 5 millennia. For most of the 5000 years, China was one of the wealthiest and most advanced civilizations on earth.
There were 24 imperial dynasties during this time and China was one of the most powerful states in the world at least during 6 dynasties – Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BCE), Han Dynasty (202 BCE- 220 CE ), Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 CE), Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 CE), Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644 CE), and first half of Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1912 CE).
In comparison, ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Ottoman, and more recently Spain, the Netherlands, France, Britain, Germany and Japan all experienced one great historical period as a powerful empire. But they are unlikely to rise to that position ever again.
Most westerners get their impression of China being poor and backward from its humiliating history in the last 150 years since the Opium War in 1839 and the early rules of PRC under Mao. China had a terrible 150 years – the very nadir of the civilization since its inception. But China is now back on its feet and is rising to the top of the world for the 7th time.
The US, with its unique deficit of history and historical awareness, happened to go through its peak years during the time when China had its worst. It is no wonder the US perennially underestimates China. Now we are at a point where things normalize, and China will return to the position it has long been used to. And the US and the others will need to find their equilibrium, whether they like it or not.
The famous investor Ray Dalio published his book The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail in 2021, in which he explored the cyclical patterns of history to understand the rise and decline of empires, economies, and global powers. He studied the recurring patterns and life cycles of multiple Chinese dynasties and global empires. It is very instructive to use the cyclical patterns he presented to understand the world we live in.
In his analysis, the world events we are experiencing today are just another historical cycle of the rise and fall of empires. It so happens China is on the up trajectory and the US the down trajectory now, while the reverse was true 150 years ago.
Most Chinese are not surprised as westerners about the revival of China since we have been through such cycles many times for millenniums.
The secret to the remarkable resilience of China is that China is not a nation state, it is a civilization state. China has had uninterrupted unitary central government since 221 BCE and its identity is civilizational rather than Westphalian.
Chinese-ness is an embedded innate quality that doesn’t change over time. This stands in sharp contrast with the west whose identity is diluted and changed through colonial expansion and subsequent immigration from former colonies (talking about a historical boomerang).
China’s return has much to do with the Chinese political system which in turn is based on its own historical and cultural traditions. China derives its confidence in its path not from validation by others but through its own long history and culture, which is unequalled in the world. China views its destiny through its own lens.
The naivety of the US neoliberals, from Bill Clinton onwards, who believe they can somehow influence the political evolution of a civilizational state that has 4 times the population and 20 times the history is nothing short of ludicrous.
Someone wise once said “anyone can become an American but only a Chinese can be a Chinese”. That’s probably the most astute observation about the Chinese by a westerner.
If you use the framework of historical Chinese dynastic rise and fall, it is easy to understand China’s current situation and what the future holds.
The first stage of a dynasty is revolution and birth of a new order (dynasty). Modern China went through that between 1912 and 1949 when the communist party won the wars against the Japanese and the Kuomintang. The second stage is consolidation of power and institutionalizing governance. This happened during Mao’s watch between 1949 and 1976. It was a turbulent and chaotic time as the revolutionaries grappled with actual ruling. The guiding ideologies were faulty and many bad mistakes were made.
The third stage is a period of prosperity as course corrections are made, right policies implemented, and meritocracy installed. This is where we are in the dynastic cycle. President Xi’s specific target is to reach the rejuvenation of the country by 2049, which should mark the end of this stage.
The fourth stage is the peak of national economic, political, technological and military power. The peak typically breeds seeds of its own demise. If not managed properly, the second half of this stage could see ossification of institutions, arrogant power elite, entrenched interests, too much debt, wealth disparity, polarization, and economic and political decay. This is the stage the US empire is in right now.
The last stage is the fall when the house of cards crumble and a new revolution must happen to dismantle the old order and begin a new one.
The burst of innovation and creativity you are witnessing now in China are features of the third stage in the big cycle. This forms a self-reinforcing flywheel. We can expect to see more breakthroughs in technologies, economic progress, and improvements in standards of living in the coming years.
Chinese record of technological and scientific innovations before industrial age
China accounted for half of the ancient world’s scientific breakthroughs. Such inventions began with the agrarian revolution, urbanization and organized warfare that accompanied it. For most of recorded history, China was one of the wealthiest and most technologically advanced civilizations on earth.
China invented paper, printing, the magnetic compass and gunpowder – the four inventions described by Francis Bacon as marking the modern world from antiquity. All these inventions didn’t arrive in Europe until centuries later and were the foundation of the industrial revolution. Even so, they only represent a small portion of the scientific inventions and engineering feats produced by China in the pre-industrial era.
Others include complex irrigation systems, cast and wrought iron, bridge building, large scale public works (such as the Great Wall), and advanced ship building. Admiral Zheng He in the Ming Dynasty sailed to Africa and Middle East with much larger ships than the European ones in the Age of Exploration.
And his seven such trips happened a full century before the dawn of Age of Exploration by the Portuguese.
China was also the world leader in astronomy, seismology, medicine, cartography, hierology, and mathematics. Inventor Zhang Heng developed an advanced seismograph in late Han dynasty (2nd century CE). China began immunology around the 10th century CE with vaccination against smallpox, centuries earlier than Europe.
Foreign visitors to China before the industrial age such as Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Niccolo de’Conti, and Matteo Ricci talked about the splendors and wonders they saw in China and described in detail how much more advanced China was compared with medieval Europe.
Now that China has caught up with the rest of the world in science and technology, it will return to its historical normalcy to lead in future scientific and technological developments.
China’s foundational philosophies and religion
China’s historical resilience and success is owed, to a large extent, to its foundational philosophies and religion. This is seldomly discussed when westerners analyze China’s phenomenal success in the last 40+ years. However, I believe this is the core of the country’s revival as the foundation for the China belief system and governance system today.
Some confused westerners continue to argue that China is governed by Marxist and Leninist ideologies, which cannot be farther from the truth (I’ll get to the part played by Marxism later on).
The guiding philosophies in China are Confucianism and Daoism (a.k.a Taoism). The main religion for the Chinese is Buddhism, a religion that worships many gods. Sometimes people treat Daoism also as a religion but Daoism involves no worship of god (Daoism is about self perfection so one can become a god oneself).
The common theme of the Chinese philosophies and religions is the emphasis on personal development and enlightenment and achieving virtue.
The fundamental difference between Chinese and western religions is the absence of a monolithic religion in Chinese belief systems. Therefore, the country has no missionary zeal to spread its religion (or values) and has high tolerance of other religions unlike the monolithic Abrahamic religions originating between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.
Confucius was born in 551 BCE, about 80 years before Socrates. He lived during the Warring States Period. Confucius’ core belief is virtue, very similar to Socrates’ own belief. He believed achieving virtue is the highest aspiration in private and public lives, especially for leaders (i.e. emperors in his day).
Confucius believed that the welfare of a country depended on the moral cultivation of its people, beginning from the nation’s leadership. He believed that individuals could begin to cultivate an all-encompassing sense of virtue through ren (mercy), and that the most basic step to cultivating ren was filial piety – primarily the devotion to one’s parents and ancestors.
He taught that one’s individual desires do not need to be suppressed, but that people should be educated to reconcile their desires via li, rituals and forms of propriety, through which people could demonstrate their respect for others and their responsible roles in society. Confucius also believed that a ruler’s sense of de, or ‘virtue’, was his primary prerequisite for leadership.
Confucius’ primary goal in educating his students was to produce ethically well-cultivated men who would carry themselves with gravity, speak correctly, and demonstrate consummate integrity in all things. Virtue, hierarchy and harmony are the ideals.
After his death, Confucius’ disciples compiled his sayings and ideas into a book called The Analects (or the Saying of Confucius). Confucianism became state philosophy during Han Dynasty (202 BCE – 220 CE). In the meritocratic imperial exam system (Ke Jue), the Analects was the central text for the tests and the results were used in official selection.
The Analects has been one of the most widely read and studied books in China for more than two millennia; its ideas continue to have a substantial influence on East Asian thought and values, especially around China’s peripherals such as Korea, Vietnam and Japan.
Daoism or Taoism was created by Laozi around the same time as Confucius. It is a very laid-back way of life, to use a modern term. Its central theme is called wu wei – roughly translated as “the act of not doing”.
Daoism emphasizes “the way” (Dao literally means the way), which is the timeless flow of the universe, its essence, and how the world stays balanced and ordered.
For Daoists, the primary goal of life is to align one’s self with the Dao. They strive to be in harmony with the natural order of the universe. By being in tune with the Dao, they believe they can avoid violence, suffering, and struggle.
Daoists cultivate a sense of naturalness, called ziran (nature). They believe that all living creatures ought to live in a state of harmony with the universe and the energy found in it. They believe that the only human actions which ultimately make sense are those which are in accord with the flow of Nature.
They emphasize simplicity, spontaneity, and humility.
Daoism is essentially pagan and the ultimate philosophy/religion of peace. It distains human endeavor to change the flow of nature and advocates a live and let live spiritual awareness. When the movie Big Lebowski first came out, I remember thinking the Dude is a Daoist
Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha, who lived at around the same time as Laozi and Confucius. Buddhism was introduced to China during the Han Dynasty. It spread through trade routes along the Silk Road, carried by traveling monks from India and Central Asia.
Similar to Confucianism and Daoism, Buddhism emphasizes ethical living and a deep understanding of suffering. While Daoism focuses on harmony with nature and Confucianism focuses on proper order among men, Buddhism focuses on personal development and enlightenment.
Buddhists focus on personal development, achieving enlightenment, and reincarnation. They believe mindful actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions perpetuate suffering. Buddhists believe that everything is transient and interconnected. One should focus on achieving rebirth through prayers and merit-making.
Chinese philosophies and religions play a crucial role in forming the values of the society and shaping personal behavior. This is the underlying reason why the Chinese prioritize order, respect hierarchy and virtue, promote personal development and harmony with the nature.
I would call out the following as the most salient elements and built-in assumptions from the Chinese historical political culture that have shaped the Chinese state today:
- Leaders should inherently be benevolent (wang dao) and look out for the best interests of the people. Rulers should set a moral example through their behaviors. Legitimacy is based on benevolent and benign morality (dao de).
- While benevolent is preferred, coercion against usurpers is justified to maintain stability and the sanctity of the state; excessive coercion, however, is considered hegemonic (ba dao) and thus illegitimate.
- China is a global great power with a long history and highly accomplished civilization. Restoring China to its historical position (fu xing) is the primary mission of all Chinese leaders.
- A strong national identify and patriotic nationalism must be inculcated in all Chinese.
- A strong state is the best defense against both internal and external threats. Disorder (luan) must be avoided at all costs. Premium is placed on maintaining stability (wen ding) and order (ci xu).
- Play the long game and keep a clear eye on end goals. Time is an asset. Don’t be impatient.
The centrality of Meritocracy
In my opinion, the most critical element of Chinese traditions in the governance of the country today is the practice of meritocracy, especially in government.
Unlike European kingdoms, the Chinese dynasties never had an entrenched landed aristocracy class. Starting from the Han Dynasty and codified in the Tang Dynasty, selection of high government officials was entirely based on the imperial exams (Ke Ju), an elaborate exam system on multiple subjects and conducted at county, provincial and national levels. Many scholars took decades to try to pass the exams and reach officialdom.
In the Chinese imperial court system, there were no hereditary titles that could be passed down from father to son. Officials were strictly selected and promoted on their performance in Ke Ju and later in their official roles.
This system of talent selection has not changed in 2000 years and has evolved into the Gao Kao (college entrance exam) system today. The Gao Kao is sacrosanct in the Chinese life and even Xi Jinping’s own daughter had no guarantee to enter the prestigious Tsinghua University where he himself graduated from. In the end, she didn’t get into Tsinghua but did manage to get a spot at Harvard – a happy ending.
Impact of Marxism on Chinese economics and politics
The first mistake westerners make about the Communist Party of China (CPC or CCP) is to focus on the word “communist” when the correct focus should be on the word “Chinese”.
Rather than understanding CCP as the Chinese Communist Party, people would do much better to understand it as the Chinese Civilization Party.
This is why the US won’t defeat CCP and China as they defeated the Soviet communists and USSR. If the US makes the same assumptions about “communists” in its rivalry with China, it has already lost the first battle according to Sun Tzu, whose first rule of war is “Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy”.
Marxism came to China in 1921 when a small group of urban intellectuals, inspired by the October Revolution in Russia and European socialist ideas, founded the Communist Party of China. It was a time of extreme social upheaval and chaos as China just went through the fall of the Qing Dynasty and decades of colonial aggression by foreign powers.
Marxism was one of political factions that was trying to modernize China. The CPC won victory over the Nationalists (Kuomintang) in 1949 after decades of civil wars and the war against Japanese invasion. It established the new order as the People’s Republic of China.
Marxism is viewed first and foremost as a classical economic theory in China. Karl Marx and his Das Kapital were extension of the 19th classical economic thinkings from Adam Smith, David Richardo, John Stuart Mill and Benjamin Franklin as well as philosopher G.W. Hegel.
The use of his analytical theory “dialectic historical materialism” is still very influential for the Chinese to understand the economic law of motion of modern capitalist societies.
Volume One of the Dap Kapital focused on the relationship between the industrialists and the worker and the concept of surplus value. Volume Two and Three focused on the money owner, money lender, merchant and trade, interest-bearing capital, landed-capital, and economic rent.
Though discredited by generations of free market capitalist economists, Marx’s views on surplus value, economic cycles, financialization, rentier income, and class struggles are highly relevant. They explain the economic polarization and social tension in the west today much better than the superficial analysis proposed by contemporary mainstream economists.
In fact, the 2013 phenomenal bestseller, Capital in Twenty First Century by Thomas Piketty fully validated the predictions by Karl Marx over 100 years ago. Piketty studied 200-years’ worth of data in Europe and the US and proved Marx’s thesis about wealth and income inequality that is innate in the capitalist system.
Piketty proved definitively that the rate of return on capital is greater than the rate of economic growth over the long term, thus leading to concentration of wealth, and this unequal distribution of wealth causes social and economic instability.
Back to China, Marxism provides the Chinese leadership with an analytical tool to understand the nature of capitalist systems, both the good and the bad, how it will evolve, and what pitfalls to avoid as China embraces the market.
Also many of the ideals in Marxism appeal to the Chinese and are compatible with traditional Chinese aspirations – equality, public good, and classless societies.
CPC in the first 30 years of its rule was a revolutionary party led by people who didn’t understand modern economics, science and technology. So it imported a rigid economic and political system from USSR – we can call it Marxism with Russian characteristics. Obviously the result was disastrous.
After three decades of experimentation and repeated frustrations, Deng led the economic reform to transition to a mixed state and private economy in 1978 – socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since then, China has embraced the market and the Chinese economy has become one of the most competitive globally.
Politics in China has been nationalist, not Marxist or communist. While many of its ideals such as equality appeal to the Chinese, Marxism has never been a governance theory for China. For that, China taps into its own historical traditions and wisdom.
Chinese governance is centered around centralization of political power, economic pragmatism, cultural conservatism embodied in Confucian teachings, socialist ideals, and most importantly, meritocracy.
China has explicitly rejected the USSR’ missionary zeal with worldwide communist revolutions and its sponsorship of organizations such as Comintern.
Meritocracy, one party state, democracy, and China’s choice
In this part, I will make some controversial arguments in favor of meritocracy-based one party rule and against multi-party electoral democracy practiced in the west.
I make this argument not to justify China’s one party rule or disparage the western system. I base my argument on the merits and results each system has delivered.
I categorically reject the universalist arguments about the inherent superiority of democracy often made by westerners.
I subscribe to Deng Xiaoping’s cat theory. He argued “it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice”. According to this theory, planned economy or market economy is only a tool for distributing resources and has nothing to do with political institution, in other words socialism can have market and capitalism can have planning. This has been the underlying ideology guiding the reform and opening of China.
Similarly, I believe one should be indifferent to one party rule or multi-party electoral democracy as long as the governance system delivers the results of improving the standard of living and overall well-being of its population. As the old saying goes, “there are nine different ways to skin a cat”.
Even Plato argued that the best government is not rule by democracy (mob rule) rather by an enlightened philosopher king.
The Chinese are perfectly happy to live under one party rule as long as its rule is based on meritocracy and accountability, corruption is punished, and results are delivered. Like in ancient times, so long as the emperor had the mandate of heaven (i.e. he delivered), his rule was accepted.
Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore was the closest modern equivalent of a philosopher king or an emperor with mandate from heaven. He transformed tiny Singapore from an impoverished colony in 1965 (comparable to Haiti) to a highly developed country with $85,000 GDP per capita by 2023, higher than the US. He did it with one party rule.
In comparison, most of the west seem to live very unhappily under their multi-party electoral democracies, where there is no accountability, wages are stagnant, and ruling party repeatedly fail to deliver on empty campaign promises.
The Chinese and the Singaporean political systems are meritocracy based. Both select the best college graduates into government positions. Both promote officials based on performance. In China, civil service exams are exceptionally competitive with lower admission rates than Ivy League colleges.
As a result, compared with its peers around the world, the Chinese governing class has generated far better governance than any other government if you define good governance as improvement of the well-being of its citizens.
The Chinese government enjoys the highest trust level of its citizen at ~90% as shown by the annual Edelman Trust Barometer and repeatedly confirmed by surveys and studies done by Harvard Belfer Center and Pew Survey. China also shows the highest percentage of citizens who think their country is on the right path (83%). In contrast, citizens in major western democracies consistently rate trust of governments and approval of the direction of their countries at lower than 50%.
The Communist Party of China is the largest political party in the world with 95 million members, which represent the top of the cream of society. Its members are from all walks of life, including peasants, workers, teachers, business owners, venture capitalists, and many billionaires. The goal of the party is to represent the entirety of the society rather than just some special interest groups or demographics. This full spectrum representation is called the “three represents” by former president Jiang Zemin.
Few westerners are aware of a unique feature of the CPC which cannot be found in other political parties in the world – there exist two party departments within the CPC that hold enormous powers. One is called zu zhi bu (the Organization Department) and the other called ji wei (the Discipline Inspection Commission).
The Organization Department is a giant human resources department, responsible for party members’ appointments, job evaluation, training, and promotions. The Discipline Commission is the internal anti-corruption department which is independent of regular party hierarchy and responsible for investigating and prosecuting misconduct and corruption.
The heads of the two departments sit in the Politburo Standing Committee, the highest decision-making body of the party and the state. They are some of the most capable administrators in the system. For example, Wang Qishan, former Vice President and Beijing mayor, headed the Discipline Commission in Xi’s first term between 2013 and 2018.
These two departments constitute the core to institutionalize meritocracy.
The one party system is compatible to the realities of the Chinese society. When the Chinese are given a choice between strong central control and the chaos of political competition, they have a reflexive tendency to choose the former as part of their millennia old political tradition.
Many people will list numerous shortcomings of the one party system. But let me present the much less discussed superiorities of one party system:
– It makes the government less vulnerable to sabotage. Multi-party system lends itself to the “divide and rule” by special interest minorities. With elections come manipulations. A small but determined interest group, well financed and well connected, can hijack national agenda and push policies detrimental to the broader public. The Jewish influence in the US is a good example where true US national interests are sacrificed for the benefit of Israel and the Zionists. The many NGOs in eastern Europe, funded by NED and USAID, are similarly such agents of chaos implanted to subvert the host countries by the hegemon. Che Guvera advised Fidel Castro to stick to one party rule rather than having multi-party elections as the US could easily use the opposition to sabotage Castro’s nationalist revolution.
To many Chinese, the reason why the west promotes democracy to China is because democracy, in practice, has the opposite effect of what the theory suggests. It destabilizes and weakens societies rather than strengthening them. When the US promotes democracy in China, it is not trying to strengthen China. It is trying to bring about a more disunited and divided China, beset by chaos. How can it be otherwise from an adversary? This is a basic human self-defense mechanism that a three-year old understands intuitively.
– Meritocratic selection in a one party system is superior to multi-party democratic election. As long as the ruling party has the best interest of the population in mind and is responsive to the changing needs of the society, meritocratic selection is more efficient and produces better results.
How many corporations use elections to appoint CEOs? Would you invest in a company whose CEO is democratically elected by employees? Does the general population have the information, intelligence, time and energy to consider every aspect of a candidate’s qualifications and experiences in general elections? Why waste so much money and time on performative campaigns? Why open the door for corruptions by the donor class? An average US congressman spends 50% of his time dealing with donors. Does anyone seriously believe he will act in the best interests of his voters rather than his donors?
– One party rule is superior for long term planning and when whole-of-nation efforts are needed. Important policies and commitments have better continuity in a one party system, especially when long term planning is required. Can you imagine electoral parties who have a 4 or 5 year mandate will commit to long term projects that will have payout decades down the road? Electoral parties think in election cycles, much like professional managers focusing on quarterly results. One party rule affords the ruling party to think long term like business owners. One party state can mobilize whole-of-nation efforts to tackle difficult challenges without opposition. No second guessing or Monday morning quarterbacking in a one party system.
During WW2, FDR was elected President for a third and a fourth terms. You don’t switch commander-in-chief in the middle of a war. Similarly, why limit a leader’s terms as long as he is delivering results and remain capable? Would the US be in a better place today if JFK were not assassinated, but instead served a second, third and fourth terms?
– Multi-party democracy produces paralysis and stalemate by default. How many times have we seen the same movie again and again – budget deadlock, government shutdown, filibuster, blame trading, and other “democratic” dysfunctions? The built-in feature of democracy is division, not unity.
– Multi-party democracy has a spotty track of record of electing good leader. It produced not only Trump’s first term, but his second term when anyone with eyes can see he is a fraud and bully, has low intelligence and thin skin, and behaves like a mafia don. It produced George W Bush, who stole his first term through legal maneuvering in the Florida recount against Gore and cheated his way into the second term by launching a war against Iraq based on lies. Don’t forget Adolf Hitler came to power also through elections. Joseph Stalin said “you don’t have to control the voters, only the candidates”. The donor class deciding elections in the west have kept this firmly in mind.
– Lastly, how many people can honestly call the form of government in the US today as real democracy? Under the disguise of electoral procedures with the rituals of campaigning and voting, the US has become a plutocracy run by moneyed aristocrats who use their wealth to make major economic and political decisions that benefit them. As a result, much of the wealth accumulated by the 1% is in effect the wealth transfer from the 99%. Citizen United decision made sure in the US it is one dollar one vote, instead of one person one vote. Can anyone say with confidence whether Trump is the president or Musk is? As the oldest and the leading “democracy” of the world, where the US is today will be where other democracies are tomorrow. It is prescient that Karl Marx predicted all this with his dialectic historical materialism analysis.
At the end of the day, a country’s political system should be driven by its own historical traditions and based on the realities of the society itself. There are pros and cons to each system of government.
If a government can continuously reform and adapt its policies to meet the demands of the time, that is a good government. One party rule vs multi-party electoral democracy is the outside form or procedure of governance. The essence is the integrity and quality of the government. The final arbiter of a system’s superiority should be the empirical results it produces, not some theoretical benefits.
Some will ask what about the corruptions inherent in one party system? I wrote an essay comparing corruption in China vs. the US before. See the text in italics.
China’s corruption problem is well known and widely acknowledged by the government. In the last year, China arrested multiple senior military officials including 2 defence ministers and 9 generals in the PLA Rocket Force. Just this week, a senior political officer with a general’s rank in the PLA was arrested for corruption.
Also in the past week came news of corrupt behavior by the sitting US president Joe Biden, who gave an unconditional and blanket pardon to his son Hunter Biden for illegal gun ownership and drug possession. The language used in the pardon is so broadly that it is laughable – Hunter Biden was “pardoned for all crimes he committed or may have committed or may have taken part in between 2014 and 2024”.
Interestingly, Hunter Biden wasn’t even charged with his real crimes including using his father’s position for gains in Ukraine (Burisma board seat for a cool $1 million a year) and even acting as bagman for outright bribes on behalf of his father, the “big man”.
Another news from the US this week came from the president-elect Donald Trump who just named his in-law Charles Kushner to be the next US ambassador to France. Very interestingly, Trump pardoned Kushner when leaving office in 2020 for his crimes which carried a 14-year prison sentence. This real estate felon and convicted criminal will have to be addressed as “your excellency” by the French starting next January.
More on Trump, it is widely reported in the US media that Trump took a $100 million donation from Jewish gambling kingpin Sheldon Edelson, now dead, in his first presidential campaign in 2016. As a quid pro quo, Trump moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem against international law. In this election cycle, it is reported Miriam Edelson, the widow, gave Trump another $100 million for backing Israel to annex Gaza and West Bank.
Another outright corruption involves the octogenarian former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who has the dubious distinction of an EFT fund named after her (Nancy Pelosi Portfolio with ticker BK20883) for her prowess as an insider trader of US securities in the stock market. The Pelosi portfolio returned 65% in 2023, vastly outperforming the S&P500. According to Quiver Quantitative, Pelosi’s stock picks returned 775% vs. market index of 221% between 2014 and 2024. The “democracy” touting old witch is a super star stock picker, handily beating the most high-powered hedge fund managers on Wall Street.
So how should we understand and make sense of corruption in the world’s two major powers? Here is my take –
– Chinese corruption is retail, individual, punishable. Xi made the issue his No. 1 domestic policy priority when he took power in 2013 and hasn’t taken his foot off the brake to date. Xi’s corruption drive took down hundreds of thousands of officials at national and local government level, including members of Politburo, defence ministers, foreign minister, railroad minister, provincial governors, mayors of major cities, bank CEOs, state owned company executives, military procurement officials, hospital administrators and countless others. – Chinese corruption is about corrupt individuals. Corruption is illegal and heavily punishable. It may never go away as human defects won’t go away but it is risky for the corrupt individuals. Corrupt officials can steal lots of money, but they run a very real risk of being shamed and losing everything including literally their lives (the railroad minister was executed). –
On the other hand, US corruption is wholesale and institutionalized. Such corruption is legalized and therefore protected. Such corruption is not even recognized as prima facie corruption. This is done through legislations like Citizen United which legalizes money in politics by treating political donations as freedom of speech.
This is done through institutionalized evolving doors between Pentagon and military industrial complexes (e.g. Lloyd Austin and Raytheon, David Petraeus and KKR), between government offices and lobby firms (Tony Blinken and WestExec Advisors), between regulators and those they are supposed to regulate (e.g. Tim Geithner working as CEO of Warburg Pincus after his stint as Treasury Secretary to bail out Wall Street at the expense of the main street).
This is done through codified patronage systems like the presidential right to nominate campaign donors to posts like ambassadors.
As a result, American corruption is systemic, wholesale, and unreformable. It is large scale, open, risk free, and unaccountable. There is no shame involved. In the US, corruption carries very high rewards and a strange sort of “honor” (like having an EFT fund named after your insider trading prowess).
China’s relationship with outside world
Unlike the west, China concept of itself is centrality, not universality. The name of China (zhong guo) literally means the Middle Kingdom.
China’s first, second and third priorities have always been China, China and China. In its entire history, the sun rose and set in China for the emperors and their subjects.
China is indifferent what kind of politics, religions, and governments others practice. They don’t feel a moral obligation to “make others see the light” or preach its version of universal truth.
As China doesn’t have a monolithic religion, it has never felt an urge to spread its belief system. The Confucian way is to practice virtue and others will emulate, not to forcefully assimilate.
This lack of interest in others came with a heavy cost. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Chinese were so insulated from world affairs that they didn’t even realize the country had fallen behind in technology and industrialization until they became victims of those who mastered them.
China’s encounter with the outside world was painful and humiliating for over a century. While the country will not make the same mistake again, its default position is still inward looking. If the west is liberal interventionist, then China is illiberal non-interventionist.
China doesn’t want to become an honorary member of the west like Japan. China engages with the world on its own terms. Ironically, the illiberal Chinese way may be the more democratic approach to conduct international relations as China embraces divergence when the liberal-interventionists force convergence, often down the barrel of the gun.
The world would be a safer place if everyone practices the teaching of Daoism – live and let live.
What China’s resurgence means
In my opinion, the most important lesson from China’s resurgence is that modernization doesn’t equal westernization. Governance and politics are not physical laws with universal application. Social structure must fit with history and tradition.
In fact, the western neoliberal cocktail of economic capitalism plus electoral democracy hasn’t worked out for most non-western countries.
Chinese experience cannot be replicated since it is specific to the Chinese history and culture. That said, elements of it can be applied elsewhere in economic policies, governance approach, etc.
…… (Note) I hope this discussion is helpful to understand the transformation in China and dispel some of the myths propagated by misleading western media and opinion leaders.
People are too often tied down by rigid beliefs, biases and outdated facts. John Maynard Keynes wisely observed “when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?”
Suggested Reading–
– China A History by John Keay (comprehensive Chinese history starting 5 millenniums ago, chronologically organized and detailed)
– The Great Chinese Revolution 1800 – 1985 by John King Fairbanks (China’s two-hundred-year encounter with the west and its long and turbulent quest for modernity)
– Encountering China by Michael Sandel (a series of essays featuring Michael Sandel, the Harvard scholar, and other Chinese and western scholars who debate Chinese philosophy. Akin to a conversation between Confucius and Socrates)
– China’s Economy by Arthur Kroeber (a primer on modern Chinese economic and political system by a scholar/businessman/journalist)
– China’s Dream and China’s World by Kerry Brown (the books examined China’s governance system, China’s national aspirations and foreign relations)
– China’s Leaders From Mao to Now by David Shambaugh (detailed study of the 5 Chinese leaders from Mao to Xi, with a heavy western ideological bent)
– China’s Great Road – Lessons for Marxist Theory and Socialist Practices by John Ross (a study of the socialist economic system and policies with Chinese characteristics by a China-based scholar with 30+ year experience in the country)
– On China by Henry Kissinger (a study of Chinese diplomacy through historical lens and personal experience)
– Has China Won by Kishore Mahbubani (about US China rivalry and comparison of the two nations by a Singaporean diplomat and scholar)
– When China Rules the World by Martin Jacques (about China’s resurgence and its historical foundations; written in 2009, the book outlasted most other China-themed books from that era with its accurate predictions about China’s rise and the implications on its relations with the rest of the world)
I have not lived in Japan, so I don’t know first-hand what many Japanese think, or what they truly want. However my second-hand impression is that Americanization has certainly suppressed whatever might be left of Japan’s ‘indigenous’ drives toward Empire that were present prior to 1945. Does this mean they want to become ‘westerners’? Not sure about that.
My guess is that the Japanese government puts up with the ignominy of American occupation in large part due to a fear of Chinese retribution. Accepting the humiliation of American supplication as a better choice than facing whatever China might possibly have in store for them, should the US leave.
I understand historical conflicts are different, however China has demonstrated an ability to get along well with both Russia and Vietnam (and almost India), countries with past disagreements. So from that, I suspect China would be willing (if not totally happy) to forget the past, and work out win-win diplomatic arrangements with Japan.
As far as the China’s ‘one party’ system? Better than the illusion of two-parties, or multiparty confusion, where a minority enforced plurality coalition can often stifle the will of the majority.
Finally, after years of watching the scene, I’ve long come to the conclusion that US politicians could never become members of the Communist Party. Why? Because American politicians are just too corrupt. Living off bribes they call campaign contributions (et al.), with each and every one having sworn allegiance to a foreign country (Israel). The CPC would never tolerate such behavior.
Unless I overlooked it – which is possible, since I did not read the essay word-for-word – neither Mr. Hua Bin nor Mr. Whitney mentioned the foundational factor of race. The Chinese state is, if I am not mistaken, on the order of 85% Han, with a mingling of other ethnic groups. The US has a White plurality plus a witches’ brew of competing races and ethnicities. Perhaps Mr. Hua Bin does not believe the racial factor to be important; if that is the case, I can only say that he has been – like most everyone else – expertly propagandized during his lifetime with the absurdity that “all men are created equal”, an aphorism Jefferson would have stricken had he known how it would be abused.
Everything the chinks have whether a microchip, skyscraper building, automobile, radio, tele-vision, railroad system, suspension bridge, airplane, refrigeration, tele-scope, microscope, etc, etc the list is almost endless is because of the Great Western men of the past 600 years since the time of the Renaissance and Industrial revolution and their discoveries, inventions, creations, Etc.
It’s about time to get back the land stolen by Russia, India (South Tibet), Japan (Diaoyutai islands), and the various islands by the Southeast Asian countries.
It sounds like you’re saying China is an ethnostate based on the Han Chinese all being related by ancestry. Why not just say that? There’s nothing wrong with an ethnostate based on genetics. I’d like to have one for my race.
Whitney supported Russia against Ukraine. Whitney supported Hamas against Israel. Whitney now supports China against the USA.
Whitney has been on the wrong side of every event!
Everybody wants one.
The Chinese actor known as Jet Li made a few movies in Hollywood and they asked him his plans. This was years ago. They assumed he wanted what all stars want — the big house with a pool, cars, airplanes, that stuff. Li told them he wants to help make China a great nation.
We need to hose non-Chinese actors off the map and start over. China is great because it has all sorts of people who want to make it great.
We got perverts.
sez the annoying troll, that is always on the wrong side of every event.
I always find this kind of litany amusing. China invented paper and printing, but did nothing with them until Europeans spread books, literacy, and knowledge around the world. China invented the compass, but it was Europeans who explored the globe and mapped every nook and cranny of every continent. China invented gunpowder, but used it for fireworks, not to fight off their enemies, and then they spent hundreds of years complaining about their enemies conquering them. China may be great at inventing things, but doing nothing with your inventions is not the own of the West you think it is. Why did China have to wait for Europe to give it the Industrial Revolution?
Again, China invented stuff. The West invented stuff and then used it to change the world.
And then Europe made 1000 times as much progress in those sciences as China did.
Chinese culture has little but contempt for manual labour. The Maoist revolution was a land revolution that occasionally happens in Chinese history. The Maoist version uniquely won and after several decades China reverted to its natural elitist self. The disdain for manual labour caused China not to flourish in the industrial revolution. They might literally dirty their hands. But high tech is clean that is if it has a physical presence at all. So armed with Chinese philosophy, high tech wizards and a docile slavish labour force, China now surges ahead of the West. As afr as I know, no Chinese invented anything in a garage with the possible exception of vape which is the contemporary opium.
Let’s summarize. China’s advance into Western Civilization, which is the subject, is it not? was entirely due to the Jews on Wall Street transferring America’s factories and technology to China with the total connivance of the Jew-owned groveling stooges who make up the US Congress.
Nobody that I can see is taking anything from the Chinese people and their amazing culture we all stand in amazement before. One of the most spectacular meals I’ve ever had was at a very Chinese restaurant decorated with elephant tusks in the jungles of Nigeria, or on another occasion coming upon an amazing tea shop in the jungle forests of Australia just south of Brisbane.
All wonderful, but the intent of the transfer of everything was to enable China—instead of Russia as originally planned by the Bolsheviks now in control—to destroy the Jews’ chief enemy, America. There is no hope so long as this enemy is seen as just like us or, in Israel, our greatest ally—you know, the only democracy and our greatest ally who did 9/11 and tried to sink the USS Liberty with all hands on board, the people Congress intends to make it a crime to mention. How sick does it have to get before we recognize Congress as a collection of enemy agents?
Just going by memory, but weren’t those Greek inventions introduced to China by explorers like Marco Polo? Yet, let’s give all humans the credit for advancing civilization and set those looking to destroy human civilization and prosperity in the cross hairs for elimination, because, if we don’t, they, whatever their complexion, will exterminate us as human history makes clear enough.
Hey Huan Unz, cut down on the number of words.
Communist leaders don’t take bribes?
Understood, but don’t we usually criticize China for taking our technologies and at times, improving on them? In the past it was OK, even commendable according to you (I don’t disagree) for us to utilize and expand on someone else’s truly ground breaking discoveries, but now it’s to be criticized?
I’m truly curious about this seemingly hypocritical thinking I read about all the time.
The Chinese public ie those of technical bent are mad keen on hobby electronics and computers.
I see the same enthusiasm that happened in the West in decades of yore.
Ditto with a lot of the rest of the developing world,
there could not be a better metric by which to judge, a one party political system against a multi party system, than china compared the united states, from 1949 to the present . talk about divergent paths, as china rose from abject poverty, being one of the poorest nations on earth, to an economic powerhouse, the united states descended slowly, from it’s glorious zenith in the 50’s, to an economic ponzi scheme, on the verge of bankruptcy.
of course we don’t really have a multi party system, we have the illusion of a multi party system, which can be said of all western “democracy”, which is more of a dumb mockery, than an actual form of government. from this sample we can see that voting, is actually used as a means of control, for the oligarchs, who subvert the will of the people, through their financial control of the system, as well as their control of the media. this system seems to invariably lead to kakistocracy, rule by the absolute worst element of society.
and china doesn’t have a traditional communist government but it does have a one party system, that is run as a meritocracy and run to benefit the greatest number of its citizens. it is an actual working government, of and for the people, no greater example of this than xi himself.
all of our tired propaganda about, we the people, and being the greatest example of democracy on earth, the shining city hill, blah, blah, blah, has been laid threadbare, as the emperor’s new clothes. it’s been made plain to see, that the u.s. is running on fumes, while the magnificent phoenix that is china, rises in the east.
the u.s. will canabalize the e.u. and anything else they can get their hands on, including their own people but they will only kick the can down the road, as their uber corrupt political system can never change. until our government is totally dismantled, it incapable of affecting real change, as it is owned lock stock and barrel by the oligarch overlords, that have destroyed the country and robbed its citizens of their future.
the only thing that gives me any hope, is seeing what the russian federation has been able to do in a mere 25 years under the direction of vvp. russia faced a similar situation to our own and managed to totally rebuild their economy, while all the time , the west attempted sabotage their efforts at every turn. for this putin is called a tyrant and a dictator, even though he has beaten them at their own game and by their own rules.
he has proven that all of these failed states of the west, could have succeeded from within their own systems, by their own rules (as stupid as they are), if they weren’t run by do nothing, know nothing cleptocrats, that have all destroyed their people’s future. putin and xi are rules based order and fortunately for man kind, they will be the ones making the rules now. unfortunately for us, we ain’t got no vvp and no, trump is not putin, by any stretch of the imagination.
Aren’t the Han Chinese a mix of this and that? I assume they have to a significant degree mixed with Mongols, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, and the minorities in China and Taiwan.
The idea of ‘ethno state based on genetics’ is unattainable for almost all countries. I surmise that the English, French, Germans are each a mix of this and that. More than genetics which is difficult and crazy to test, language is the best feature of a nation that creates cohesion. Other factors such as culture and geography can be of some help.
Multiethnic countries can also accommodate diversity under federal systems. Not always an easy system but some like Switzerland are the envy of the world.
China’s gunpowder invention has always been iffy.
Roman candles and Greek fire were big items even if those who used them did not share all the details.
Greek fire was perhaps a kind of napalm, possibly more explosive; Roman candles sound a lot like some weird cluster-bullet system, with some sort of propellant pushing the projectiles.
There were researchers at Stonehenge, as another example, who looked close and said evidence of blasting exists. Not just for cutting the stone at the site. When a recent researcher proved at least one of the big rocks came from Scotland, it became clear there are a lot of lost science in just that one monument.
The “firsts” from all over the world carried a deadly myth — the both the official stories and dates of European monuments are right. There’s evidence both old and recent that this is untrue
Our ancestors were brighter than the Victorians researching them wanted to believe. We need the truth of our own past before we compare it with others.
If the Communist Party is good for China and does try to harm other countries, I do not see why the USA or other coutries should desire regime change or democracy or anything of that. It is best to leave China alone with it’s unique governance.
For one thing, they decided to do it. “Want t;” is a big part of it. That’s what an NBA player said about playing defense once. A lot of it is “want to.” True of many things.
I disagree somewhat. Maintaining an “ethnostate based on genetics” as I put it used to be very easy. It was enforced by simply having a state based on common ancestry. Basically, if you and your neighbors lived in the same place as your ancestors had for the past 1000 years, then you were living in an ethnostate based on genetics. And virtually every country on earth 100 years ago was like that. But this is much harder to do today when people move around a lot and few people live where their ancestors used to live.
As far as language creating cohesion, that doesn’t work at all. When a Nigerian moves to England, he and his children may speak perfect English, but that doesn’t make them even slightly English.
Successful multiethnic countries like Switzerland are extremely rare. Successful multiracial countries are non-existent. There isn’t even one without racial conflict.
With luck, the Judeonazis will make the same mistake they made with Rome, and attack China. The race hatred of the Judeonazis for the Yellow Goyim, is, of course, a given.
Good grief-the chooks have stopped laying! Those damn Jews!
Of course the Chinese are aware of the race factor. They just don’t boast openly that they are a superior race because there is what the Chinese think and there is what they say for public consumption. Until they feel confident enough to state their true mind. Like believing that they are a superior race that has been prevented from achieving its potential for too long by mean whites. Did I mention that they have an immoderate love of money, that they hold grudges forever, that… list all the obnoxious traits of the chosenite tribe then take a good look at the Chinese and the resemblance in character will strike you. There are a few differences though, until a few centuries ago, the Chinese were indeed centuries ahead of everybody else because they did actually invent technologically advanced things. However, that was centuries ago. Anyway, the most notable difference is that there are a billion and half of them while there are only twenty odd million chosenites. When you think WEF, think also China. As a matter of fact, the only insane policy in the West that can’t – yet – be pinned on China is the LGBT lunacy. For everything else, the WEF and China are in it together, for different reasons, with different agendas, but together nonetheless.
This is part of an excellent analysis from the Karlorf website, available at: https://karlof1.substack.com/p/trump-continuing-bidens-cold-war.
“…The root problem that will continue to fuel division is the differing philosophies regarding the aims and goals of their political economies. Russia and China seek the betterment of society, while the Empire prioritizes rents and profits for the top 10%, disregarding the well-being of the rest. Rubio’s ongoing demonization of China serves the very Deep State that Team Trump claims it wants to dismantle. If Trump believes fighting Russia over Ukraine is foolish, he must recognize that confronting China over Taiwan or its commercial superiority is equally misguided and a further drain on scarce resources.”
For meaningful change to occur, U.S. citizens from all walks of life must unite and demand the expulsion of the private banking cabal—the largest shareholders of the U.S. Federal Reserve who – by the way – happen to be mostly Jews, which controls the nation’s money supply—from the system entirely. Only then can anything positive be achieved. This would require the U.S., like other nations, to adhere to international rules. It would also mean ending military and financial support for Israel, removing most (if not all) of its military bases worldwide—particularly in the Middle East—and potentially even applying to join BRICS in the future. If Trump is the strong leader he claims to be, this is the path he ought to take. Only once the Federal Reserve is fully returned to public control can the United States hope to truly become great again. Not before.
Blah! Blah! Blah! and of course lies! LOL!!!!
Without Western investment, Chinese would still be collecting shit to fertilize their rice paddies … and the way things are going, they will go back to collecting shit. LOL!!!!!!!
These books are the best in the study of rise and fall of civilisations:
The Evolution of Civilizations
Tragedy and Hope
Weapons Systems and Political Stability
China has a meritocracy. The West have kakistocracies. China has one party of power that any can join and rise according to their merits, and luck. The West have multiple parties, all of which MUST serve the true power in those states-the money power of the rich capitalists. And thus Western societies are intractably divided into mutually hateful Mafias, riven by meaningless partisan hatreds, in an obvious ‘Divide and Rule’ strategy of the ruling oligarchs.
China has numerous ancient philosophies that still exert influence. The West is descended from Sumer and Egypt via Greece and Rome, but, tragically, as well from Judaism and its genocidal xenophobia, supremacism and contempt for other cultures. Corruption in the West is open and unabashed, ‘disguised’ as political contributions, so that the Jewintern, a tiny fraction of a tiny tribe, controls politics and the MSM to totalitarian extent and depth.
China seeks harmony within and between societies, whereas the West, following Yahweh, relentlessly seeks ‘domination’, ‘Full Spectrum’ preferably. It’s ‘God’s Will’, after all. Thus China has attacked NO-ONE, save for Deng’s odious war on Vietnam, for nearly eighty years, while the West has attacked scores of countries, murdering tens of millions, and subverting, sanctioning and slandering scores of others. Fortunately China is now so far advanced that the West has NO chance of successfully undermining it, so they must stick to psychopathic pipe-dreams of China’s ‘collapse’.
lol. No one from Singapore would say this. Only foreigners.
Mean Joo Joo writes:
How has he been wrong?
All of the above three examples were cases of Good (Russia/Hamas/China) vs Evil (ZOG controlled Ukraine/Apartheid Israel/U.S).
Any objective observer would say that he got it exactly right.
Let’s face it, the U.S and Apartheid Israel (esp. the latter), have long been the epicentres of depravity and murderous foreign interventions.
Surely, even a malignant Jew like yourself would have to concede on that point?
Make sense of this: The United States of the United States of the InterNational Money Matrix on the 89th floor of the One Wotld Trade Center. It shall prevail in Time & Scrypt! Wait. What?
i have dalio’s work and have read the analectics so i would second their recommendation (for what that’s worth). i would also suggest some of spence’s work as that was my gateway to china analysis. he’s a lot like turnbull on japan; a gaijin who kinda gets it.
(a big file but there are sites that shrink pdfs as well as smaller versions if you know where to look.)
as for the cycles, this all dovetails nicely into spengler, guenon and evola. all cultures are organisms and china has done well in the ontological version of evolution.
The following reflects what most American pundits believe to be the crux of Trump’s latest pivot toward Russia. You can read the full analysis here: https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/keir-stamers-coalition-of-the-wimpering.
“Donald Trump appears to be attempting to realign global powers by drawing Russia away from China and into the U.S. orbit. If he succeeds, it would be a monumental achievement—one that could make the world a much safer place.
Russia never viewed China as a natural ally. It was pushed into exploring that relationship due to relentless provocations and pressure from NATO, which has encircled Russia’s western flank over the past two decades. By admitting countries like Romania, Poland, Finland, the Baltic states, and Sweden into its anti-Russia military alliance—and by courting Ukraine for membership—NATO effectively declared a form of war against Russia. However, the Europeans did not anticipate Donald Trump disrupting their plans to destabilize Russia, foment regime change, and exploit its resources. This agenda was evident in a June 23, 2022, congressional hearing titled ‘Decolonizing Russia: A Moral and Strategic Imperative.”
What these observers seem to overlook is that Trump is not acting entirely on his own. Instead, he appears to be following a carefully orchestrated script written by globalist factions linked to International Jewry and banking cabal whose immediate priority is securing Israel’s dominance in the Middle East. Europe and Ukraine are secondary concerns. To achieve this goal, they require—at least temporarily—Russia’s cooperation, which would help maintain American (and Israeli) influence as the world’s chief financial power through the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in global trade. Without full control over Middle Eastern energy resources, this project cannot succeed. Once Israel’s dominance is secured, the West could then dictate terms to China on a long-term basis. Eventually, they aim to bring about their envisioned regime change in Russia through non-military means, fully reintegrating Russia into the Western so-called ‘rules-based order.’
Seems like that from the apex of civilization that China pretends to be ; it still didn’t evade the nationalistic hubris planted by whatever forces has aimed to shape the modern world. Daoism being pagan and about becoming God oneself is a caricatural exemples of Chinese bragging about their metaphysics while showing their profoud lack of understanding of it.
By the way, the online psy-ops of youtube channels putting 20 minutes videos of humiliating moralistic discourse to shame your woman into marriage is very entertaining.
Depleted Ukraine, Murderous “israel”, and Corrupt USUK! Noamjojo always backs the baddoes.
If the new BRICS multipolar world order becomes a reality, Japan could likely be the first to move away from the Western lifestyle rooted in the American Dream, followed by India. After Japan’s defeat in WWII, the country seemingly had no choice but to adopt Western cultural norms and lifestyles, which many argue have contributed to various social issues faced by Japanese society today.
The Romans invented a ton of cool shit too, didn’t exactly stop history from wiping them off the map.
Never forget. History and Race operates off of the exact same principle, “What have you lot done lately?”
Blame tricky dick and oligarch bidness owners chasing a bigger profit…
China? The photo is the usual “from a distance view”.
Up close, it’s a filthy chaotic third world mess. The construction of the last 40 years already falling apart.
The real estate bubble has burst, the price of labor far less attractive…and attitudes towards foreigners (and their investments) have soured.
The CCP is a non-imaginative gang of criminals holding onto power because they tricked 99% of Chinese into using their surveilled media and feeling compelled to say they believe the Party line even if they don’t (sort of like PC in the west, but worse). Cameras are EVERYWHERE. Church, freeways, etc.
China was propped up by the usual suspects; Harvard, London, etc., Wealthy morons who think they’re so smart because they worship the Dark.
God help us.
“Buddhism, a religion that worships many gods.”
per AI Overview
“Buddhism does not believe in a god in the traditional sense of a creator deity; the central focus of Buddhism is on achieving enlightenment through personal practice, not worshipping a supreme being, so it is often considered non-theistic or even atheistic in relation to the concept of a personal God. ”
Thus, Buddhism isn’t polytheistic (worship of many gods), but in the West would be more akin to a-theistic (without a specific god(s) to worship).
“Chinese-ness is an embedded innate quality that doesn’t change over time.”
Exactly. Chinese-ness is DNA & Race based.
“Admiral Zheng He in the Ming Dynasty sailed to Africa and Middle East with much larger ships than the European ones in the Age of Exploration.”
China’s sailing to Africa and the Middle East left no visible footprint that they were there, unlike the European Age of Exploration, which conquered North and South America (even half a millennium later, the European presence is still felt on these two continents). China’s sailing to Africa and Middle East were akin to the Vikings’ voyages to the New World ca. 1000AD. They sailed and reached new worlds, but did nothing to cultivate a lasting footprint in the new lands, and thus their presence pretty much died out a few decades later.
Also, it would appear that the one noticeable thing that China has lacked for millennia, unlike in the West, is formidable warriors, those individuals who conquered vast amounts of land. But perhaps fighting and war making, which is inherent in the West’s history and countless examples of great Western warriors down throughout its history, is simply non-existent for most of China’s history. Funny how that works. Most of the world knows who the great warriors/soldiers are, but this is clearly one aspect that China has never taken the lead in. Perhaps because when it comes down to it, at its core, China isn’t much of a warrior fighting civilization.
For example, the great warrior Genghis Kahn was Mongolian, not Chinese, and the Mongolian empire conquered and ruled China for most of the 13th century.
Almost every high-tech product today are manufactured in East Asia, including electronics, semiconductors, optoelectronics, electric motors, robots, drones, EVs, smartphones, high-speed rail, maglevs, etc. The original products invented by White Men in the 20th century have been made obsolete by technological advances in the 21st century. And the only reason why China missed those 20th century inventions was due to its tumultous history during the second half of the 19th to the first first half of the 20th centuries.
By contrast, Japan had managed to catch up with and had even surpassed the West in high-technology industries by the 1980s which prompted the Yanks to financially and politically strangle Japan’s industrial economy and high-tech industries by imposing the Plaza Accord and the US-Japanese Semiconductor Agreement, respectively. Even Japan’s TRON project which had threatened the US computer industry was aborted by the US government on behalf of Silicon Valley.
The Chinese natives are using technology to read I Ching fortunes! [lol]
The Swiss were still glorified brigands until after the Napoleonic Wars;
if you want to make the Chinese snigger that´s the right spot 🙄
Russia building the Sakhalin-Hokkaido Gas Pipeline,
Japanese firms registering their bits of proprietorship in Singapore for fear of meddlings in occupied Japan,
China blowing up the pipeline after having instigated a new Japanese military operation in Korea, Japan & Korea suffering horrendous damage,
Xi Jinping sending towards the bloody end a special envoy to Singapore to coerce („negotiate“) a Jewish takeover and reset of the pipeline under „Chinese“ conditions and interests…
By the way (besides The Long March): Chinese resurrection is owed to millions & millions of sacrificed, dead & done; tremendous blood toll to get out Jews & European mercenaries, Japanese and what not – not to mention Moses Dung’s Cultural Revolution.
If todays Chinese meritocracy manages to recognize the dead bits of cadaver in its dishes for what they really are, the new dynasty might turn into the most enlightened one.
Vegetarianism defeats Judaism.
Buddhism is supposed to get one (soul) out of the cycle of death & rebirth; the sheer unending hamster wheel on earth, where everything dies anyway.
Come to TUR for your daily dose of revisionist history and propaganda.
Thanks for another interesting insider view of China.
About Marxism in China, I like Goldman’s analogy: Marxism is to China like Catholicism is to the Italian Mafia, very important but shall not interfere with business.
Also you should note the meaning of the Chinese flag and explain it to Westerners, what the big star and those four little stars represent. This meaning was explained to me in China by government officers when I was on business in Shanghai. This explanation is very revealing about the true ideology of the CPC.
The Chinese I met liked me personally because I am unable to hide my emotions. What you see is what you get. One young Chinese officer aspiring to be a diplomat told me this is very much appreciated by the Chinese. So I was asking many questions with absolute sincerity and curiosity and they respected that very much.
Regarding intellectual underpinnings of the Chinese culture, a very good reading, not in your list of suggested readings, is:
The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought, by Wang Hui
In this book Hui speaks of three basic concepts of Chinese thinking:
When I contemplated those concepts from my Western perspective, and most importantly my very specific Western education, I made parallels as in
Without Li, Wu and Shi would follow a linear path of growth or decay.
With Li, Shi changes both in speed and direction because Li represents a Will, a desire, an intention. Then Li is in turn changed by Wu and Shi in a feedback loop. These interactions destroy linearity in history, replacing it with dynamics, causing equlibria to be destabilized and the appearance of new equilibria which may be more or less stable than the previous one.
Essentially, Chinese philosophy as described by Wang Hui looked to me like a parallel discovery of dynamical systems as applied to history and society.
There are like 500 billionaires in China. Communist countries don’t have billionaires but we still like referring to China as ‘Communist China.’ The West will never admit it but China is now an example of ‘National Socialism’ as oposed to ‘Communist Socialism.’
It is time Guantanamo area is given back to Cuban people.
Hey meamjojo! It is not over yet. We will see who in the end will be on the right side or the wrong side.
All correct! But now China understood finally the rules of the game and now is game over for US and EU.
An intelligent people working in their own interests with a related elite that isn’t hell-bent on degrading, destroying, impoverishing, and replacing the traditional population. I’m sure that there is more to the situation, but that’s a good start.
When I have time, I’ll read the article.
While the ruling party is named communist, the society is working on a national socialist line. Hence the success.
I usually call 李家坡.
But I think Lee Kuan Yew was more of a good port company manager.
Singapore is not large enough to be considered a large country.
There is the the aspect of the deal. What does an Italian speaking Swiss or a French speaking Swiss get in return for loyalty to Switzerland?
They get a lot. Local autonomy, local taxation/spending, the right to propose and participate in national referendums, minimal central government, one of the best passports in the world and excellent infrastructure with a stable financial system.
Same as the multicultural Ancient Roman Empire. In general the Provinces were much better off (even after paying taxes) subsequent to their incorporation into the Empire.
In contrast, the “deal” that the Zio-Globalist Empire offers to it’s citizens (sorry “consumers”) is rubbish: wars, debt, rip off health and education costs, exporting jobs and destruction of families and communities. Basically just repression and looting.
Nowhere in this essay does Hua Bin mention Taiwan. Starting from an equally impoverished status in 1949, the Chinese in Taiwan elevated their standard of living to a level several times higher than the mainland.
‘Chinese governance is centered around centralization of political power,’ Hua Bin admits.
‘When the Chinese are given a choice between strong central control and the chaos of political competition, they have a reflexive tendency to choose the former as part of their millennia old political tradition,’ he continues.
Thus, China just can’t leave alone Taiwan, which it hasn’t exercised sovereignty over since 1895. It menaces the island with military sorties and threatens invasion. This is the same sort of supremacist behavior we see from apartheid Israel, as it steals land from its neighbors by force [cf. comment 25 by Passing by].
Formosa libre.
However, the paternal origin of Han Chinese genes is very single. On the contrary, the maternal origin is very complicated, especially the main difference between the northern Han and the southern Han is the maternal origin.
With attention to sun protection, some of our southern faces are actually whiter than white ones. Like me.
This means that in ancient times we basically killed all the males of other races. In the end, other groups become minorities because they are endangered.
Even the Manchus and Mongols who ruled China were no exception, and almost all the Manchus and Mongols in the south were slaughtered during the destruction of the dynasty.
Most importantly, most of the ethnic minorities are actually the product of our mixed blood, even the Genghis Khan Golden family is the product of mixed Chinese and Mongolian.
The Manchu people of today are actually no different from the Han people in terms of appearance.
Modern molecular biology also shows that our ancient people were one of the ancestors of the Japanese people, and you can prove this by examining the three lines of origin of Japan, which are the products of the marriage of two kinds of short black people in Japan to Chinese people.
The Vietnamese are in a similar situation, basically the closer to our place, the greater the Han trend.
As for Koreans, they were called Baekje and Silla in ancient times…
It was the land of slaves. Silla maidservants are their specialty.
If you want to understand better, think of them as the Chinese version of black slaves.
So there’s a reason they call us the Rome that will never be destroyed.
You’re in tw, right?
If the CPC hadn’t shown you mercy, you would all have been killed.
The only debate we have with you trash is how many Taiwanese people to kill to reduce the cost of governance.
Sounds like you need to read the twenty-volume ‘Science and Civilisation in China’ by Joseph Needham.
It’s more like ‘National Capitalism’ as opposed to ‘National Socialism’ as opposed to ‘Communist Socialism’.
What China has that the rest of the world doesn’t besides its magnificent history is…Dialectical Materialism
Exactly, China can keep coming back because they won’t let their country get niggered up by the kikes.
“Fellow Chinaman, let me sell you on the wonders of diversity.”
“Your name Wang? Funny, you no look Chinese. You have big nose. You keep nigaru. So Solly.”
Looking at Iraq, Libya and Syria, three countries that were military subjugated by the West into a multiparty system, I can say with a lot of confidence that things went way south as compared with when they were a one party state.
While hardly a fan of any of the three toppled leaders of those countries, what I can assert is that in all three countries, bribing officials was much harder under the one party state than otherwise. All three leaders were devoted to real developmental economics making strides in the agricultural and industrial sectors as well as infrastructure building; all three countries became dens of thieves under the multiparty system where get rich quick through FIRE extractions and unrestrained corruption became the norm.
This is what empirical evidence proves. I would not consider any of three leaders in charge of these three countries to be models of virtue. Had they had virtue as their guiding principle, chances are they could have had fared much better.
But then let us not underestimate the contribution of the free market and decentralization to the economic rise of China. Without them, it is doubtful that China could have achieved such spectacular results, notwithstanding the advantages of the one party state as compared to the Western multiparty system.
It is imperative to enshrine the idea that there is never a one model fits all when it comes to governance. The French Jacobins, or the proto-Bolsheviks, had sought to merge the world under the principles of the French Revolution. Their drive led to turbo charge French colonialism that brought so much hardship to the colonized people.
I acknowledge that I don’t understand the true motives of the author. But, what I think I understand is that China has 100% lost the evolutionary war against the Israelites. Both Taiwan and South China Sea now belong to West. And, China is fast approaching ethnic extinction with a birthrate of just one offspring per female. All Gentiles are defacto extinct.
What revolutionary inventions have the Chinese done? Nothing. Ethnic Europeans brought the entire human race from Stone Age to Space Age. Ethnic Chinese then just copied. Ethnic Chinese are a “garbage” race. All their nuclear technology was transferred to them from the Bolshevik Russian Israelites. China/Korea/Japan are on the “fast track” to demographic extinction. All their lands will be annexed by Israel once they all die off. The Israelites officially no longer have any evolutionary competition. The entire Gentile population is genetically/evolutionarily finished.
Maybe someday aliens will come down to Earth and challenge the Israelites. But not today.
Congratulations UR. I have awarded this article the “Hogwash” Medal for utter bullshit ! What happens when you eat at a sleazy Chinatown restaurant ? You shit out a Hua Hua yellow fortune cookie !
Wah Wa Dust Bin has not received the memo because it was sent by rickshaw. Dearest Wah Wa, we yawn at your boring redundant philosophical waxing ! China’s rise was due to 5 things:
1. White money
2. White technology
3. Chinese slave labour
4. Access to western Markets
5. Profits turned over to buy resources China does not have
Never mind the long drawn out “anal isis” which is mostly shite. Take away any of these and China reverts back to sedan chairs, horses and paper lanterns and famine.
However, there is a piquant paradox here. Wah Wa Dust Bin wants us to swallow the fiction that HE (and his poodle Mikey) are avant garde thinkers and therefore what HE writes is the real thing !
I would like to know where Wah Wa lives. I will bet it ain’t China ! Wah Wa is what happens when you promote a Chinaman from catching cockroaches to swabbing the toilet in some dismal Asian Speakeasy! This sad little guy started his writing career scribbling on the walls of men’s urinals. Now he has to suck up to Ron’s patronage and white readership for some coin to buy his noodles
The Chinese are an inferior race physically and intellectually. The whole country was late to technological advancements. The train, cars, lightbulbs etc were old hat even in Africa by the time they were introduced to Gooklandia.
Where did Unzzzzzzzz find this fellow ? At the Dollar Store ?
Video Link
The understatement of the century, as far as the Chinese are concerned. I just like to bask in the bizarro world, because in university, my “country” was shit on. Is there anything Zhongguo can’t do?
You’d be wise to see how those (((advisors))) most likely knew how to weaponize pride.
“ Thus China has attacked NO-ONE, save for Deng’s odious war on Vietnam, for nearly eighty years,”
I remember during late seventies a botched Chinese incursion into Vietnam that lasted for a few weeks after which the Chinese withdrew. Did the war continue at some low intensity for eight years under Deng’s governance?
A master piece on China. An eye opener. Yes, Lee Kuan Yew, the benevolent dictator of Singapore took a crime ridden city and turned it into a glorious city state. Before Kuan Yew, Malasia wanted no part of Singapore. The reverse became true after Kuan Yew’s rule.
The trick for the East today is to keep Jewish and Western values contained and away.
LOL Sounds like a Chicago Cubs fan: “Any team can have a bad century.”
Chiang took over Taiwan after winning the Second Sino-Japanese War which ended on September 1945. But Chiang lost to Mao in the Chinese Civil War which forced the Chinese Nationalists to move to Taiwan in 1949. The Chinese Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-Shek and his son Chiang Ching-Kuo then ruled Taiwan as the seat of government of the Republic of China for some 39 years. From its founding in 1945 until 1971, the UN recognized the Republic of China (based in Taiwan since 1949) as the official government of China.
Your claim that “China just can’t leave alone Taiwan, which it hasn’t exercised sovereignty over since 1895” is nonsense because the Republic of China was recognized by the UN as the official government of China which has exercized sovereignty over Taiwan since 1945.
Yawn. Yet another stupid gringo who can’t write proper English.
An oversimplification. Gunpowder had been used there for warfare since the 10th Century A.D. on their riverine fleets to hold back the initial Mongol conquests. Fast fwd a few hundred years, it was the use of primitive firearms by the Chinese to break the charges of the Mongol cavalry and finally ended the threat from the Steppes.
During Japan’s invasion of Korea in the 16th Century, both the Chinese, Koreans and their Japanese foes saw wide use of arquebuses by their ground troops and cannons aboard their warships.
Hua Bin’s writing is beginning to sound like a Communist struggle session. We’re lectured to and supposed to confess our sins, acknowledging that China’s way is the best way and that we shall forever be inferior.
Having an appetite to listen to this sort of degrading lecture is characteristic of Christians. Always sinful, always in need of redemption.
This guy is full of hot air. Always pumping himself fuller and fuller like a balloon.
One little pin prick and he pops. Ultimately, fragile. Built not on real achievement but upon inflated, grandiose claims. Seems to be characteristic of Asian men. Prickly.
The Chinese have learned who their enemy is – it’s not the West….we are ruled by DaSynagogue of Satan! …..why? We ALLOWED IT! – DaSynagogue of Satan? Read all about it – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=DaSynagogue+Satan&updated-max=2022-10-19T09:51:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 – headnotes to a collection of articles in DaLimbraw Library from a word search ‘DaSynagogue of Satan’ – it was an education for me as I gradually compiled it over the years – should be for anyone reading it.
Just this ….sooner or later…..we have to……individually, within our families, churches, communities….we have to learn WhoTF our enemy is!
China is ackstually a “Socialist State” but with the 5,000-year-old Chinese Civilization as its cultural identity. So the label “Communist China” is completely misleading because it ignores the culture and history of China. The proper label is “Confucianist China” because China practices a mild version of State Socialism no different from the Nordic Socialism found in Norway which allows a State-sanctioned form of private Capitalism in its “Socialist market economy”. In other words, private Capital is allowed to invest, own and operate for-profit enterprises but subject to State oversight.
Actually, our old allies, the Kuomintang, are now in favor of the old “One China, Two Systems” status quo which recognizes that there is only one China. This has been the official American foreign policy in the South China Sea going back to the days of the Nixon Administration.
True. The KMT and CCP were once sworn enemies. After losing the Chinese Civil War the KMT fled to Taiwan to become a government in exile where it was known as the Republic Of China. But both Mao and Chiang died back in the 1970s and the civil war is long over.
What they want above all is continued trade.
To the extent that China opposes Taiwanese independence, during the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan as used as an unsinkable aircraft carrier to stage attacks on Southern China which is why they are wiling to go to war to prevent Taiwan from ever being used as a launching point for hostilities against them.
Another tidbit. Kinmen Island where that fucking Biden sent some Green Berets to serve as a tripwire is located only 6 miles from China. Even though Kinmen is administered by Taiwan, it gets all it’s freshwater and infrastructure maintenance from China.
As for the likelihood of war……….over 200,000 Chinese tourists visit Taiwan each year. If Taipei was truly fearful of an invasion, they would ban all travelers from China to prevent the dangers of espionage and sabotage.
This ontological duality is nothing new as Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism synthesized the concepts of Principle (Li, 理) and Spirit (Qi, 氣) which may be discovered through the “Investigation of Things” (Gewu, 格物) or the empirical study of the natural world.
Use proper Chinese you fucking traitor. The CCP is fundamentally illegitimate because of its dubious foreign origin and the fact that it colluded with the Japs during WWII. Anyone who supports the traitorous CCP should be killed. Chongqing was aerial bombed over 200 times while Yanan was aerial bombed just once during the early phase of the war because the CCP colluded with the Japs.
The CCP conceded vast tracts of territories to its patron the Soviet Union, conceded South Tibet to India in 1951, and made no noise when Japan occupied Diaoyutai in 1972.
中共國源自於1930年成立的中華蘇唯埃共和國,受蘇聯資助,是個勾結外來勢力向中國輸出馬列主義的傀儡組織。毛臘肉時代每年天安門廣場都會高掛著列寧,馬克思,恩格斯和史達林的畫像,伴著這些畫像的就是五星旗。史達林見馬克思時,部分北京市民是要被迫在他的畫像前下跪的。毛臘肉說了,史達林是中國人的慈父。另據解密後的日本檔案及日本人出的書,抗戰時共產黨又瞞著俄爹勾結了日本向日本出賣國軍情報, 這就是為什麼重慶被日本空襲長達六年超過200次,專門針對老蔣的斬首式空襲不下20次,而延安抗戰初期被日本空襲總計1次。勾結日本後是0次。
兩份條約, 一目了然。
簽名人:毛澤東, 史達林
簽名人:王世傑(外長), 史達林
2.中華民國政府聲明對外蒙古有不可質辯的主權,中國政府1950年10月10日恢復對外蒙古駐軍,用於保護領土完整,不用於反對蘇聯,在同一時間實行蒙古高度自治。中華民國政府同意 100年內讓外蒙古人民舉行公民表決,由聯合國監督表決的公平性。公民表決的先決條件是1911年被蘇聯用武力驅逐出去的原外蒙各族居民遷回原地,參與投票。中國政府認為,公民表決是決定自治,不是決定獨立。
在一九二四年(民國十三年),蒙古已宣告了獨立,建立了蒙古人民共和國。當時,中國的國共合作的廣東革命政府,對蒙古的獨立是承認的,因為孫中山先生在「國民黨第一次全國代表大會宣言」中,已承認了「民族自決」的原則。 「那末,正式承認蒙古獨立問題為何拖到一九四五年呢?承認經過如何呢?」由於在一九二七年叛賣革命的中國國民黨反動政府,一直堅持大漢族主義,所以不肯承認蒙古獨立。而蒙古從革命以來,在蘇聯的友誼幫助下,內部已建設的很強盛;對牽制打擊日寇保衛遠東和平,有也很大的貢獻,如一九三五年和三六年,蒙古革命軍曾兩次擊退了日寇在蒙古國境內東部的挑釁行為;一九三九年在諾門坎,蘇軍蒙軍並肩考科以給他的戰役九年以嚴重的打擊。在中國八年抗戰中,蘇聯遠東軍和蒙古革命軍對百多萬日本精銳關東軍的牽制,對中國抗戰是極大的幫助。而在一九四五年的八月十日,蒙古人民共和國有對日宣戰,配合蘇軍,聯合東北抗日聯軍,出兵夾擊日寇,在世界反法西斯戰爭中間,建立了卓著功勳。因此,世界各國,尤其是中國,應該正式承認蒙古的獨立,這是義不容辭的。
[註:胡華為我國著名中共黨史專家,曾任中國人民大學中共黨史教研室主任,中共黨史系名譽系主任。 ]
1950年10月16日,中共宣布與蒙古建立大使級的外交關係。當時只有蘇聯、中共和蒙古建交。 1949年到1950年,中共和蘇聯簽署新的友好協議。之後在莫斯科發表了「中蘇蒙三國關於蒙古獨立的聯合公告」,在此公告中宣稱中華人民共和國無條件承認蒙古獨立。
1950年10月中共派周恩來去蒙古主持主權移交儀式。同年中共與蒙古交換地圖,勘定邊界。從1949年10月1日開始,中共就把外蒙古從中國的版圖中去除。 1950年中共也多次公開發行郵票慶賀「蒙古人民共和國成立」(即獨立)。
作者 顏昌海在部落格發文,1949年底,在中共政權成立伊始,為了取得蘇俄的支持,毛澤東不顧冰天雪地,千里迢迢奔向莫斯科。在史達林的咄咄逼人逼迫下,毛澤東向史達林舉手全面投降,乖乖地承認史達林的所有侵華要求。在這種情況下,毛澤東於1950年1月2日急電周恩來迅速赴蘇。周恩來於1950年1月20日,匆匆趕到莫斯科。自1950年1月22日至2月14日,在莫斯科僅只二十幾天的時間裡,由周恩來親手簽訂了66項出賣中國領土和主權的條約、協定、議定書和補充協定,全面接受了蘇聯的侵華要求。在這二十幾天裡,簽訂的條約、協定等文書目錄如下:
除了蘇聯及其前加盟共和國外,民國之後,中國被出賣和丟失還有:1、緬甸:為了討好緬甸,出賣了邊界3千平方公里土地,劃走十八萬平方公里的江心坡、南坎。江心破,相當於安徽省的面積。 1956年中緬邊界條約,做到了英國沒能做到的事情:沿著麥克馬洪線和1941年英軍聲稱「抗日」而越界的佔據線,把在清代屬於雲南省的18萬平方公里的土地讓給了緬甸,佔緬甸現有國土面積67萬平方公里的四分之一強。
2、越南:部分西沙群島,28島礁,老山。 1965年,為了支援越南的抗美戰爭,周恩來和越南總理範文同簽署協議,將北部灣裡的白龍尾島出借給越南政府,讓其在上面修建雷達基地,作為預警轟炸河內的美國飛機。這個島嶼,至今越南沒有歸還。北部灣為圓形,是世界少有的遼闊的大海灣;白龍尾島就是這個圓心,有了它,簡直可以輕易控制整個北部灣,它自古就是中國領土。而中國大陸的北部灣劃界,白龍尾島已經劃到了越南海域內。而1999年12月30日的《中國和越南陸地邊界條約》,雲南老山和廣西法卡山劃歸越南。中國大陸曾援越抗美,與美國打仗,節衣縮食支持同志加兄弟越南,最後卻與兄弟反目,打了一場中越戰爭;但中國軍人捱的越南人槍籽,竟然還是中國造的。
3.蒙古及周圍:1945年6月,抗戰勝利在即,美、英首腦羅斯福、邱吉爾為爭取史達林支持中國抗戰,竟背著中國簽署了《雅爾塔協定》條約,以宋子文為團長的代表團即赴莫斯科與史達林面談六次,由於蘇聯實力強大,中國貧弱,史達林達陣地。宋子文被迫辭去外交部長的兼職,8月王世傑正式接任此職。 1945年8月14日,王世傑與蘇聯外交人民委員莫洛托夫在莫斯科簽署了《中蘇友好同盟條約》,聲明在日本戰敗後,如外蒙古公投證實蒙古人民獨立之願望,中國政府承認外蒙獨立。 1945年10月,外蒙古在蘇聯的操縱下舉行公投;國民黨政府因蘇聯違約而終止《中蘇友好同盟條約》,而堅持「外蒙古是中國不可分割的一部分」。但1949年10月,大陸政府與蒙古人民共和國建立外交關係,其「中蒙友好協議」承認蒙古獨立,部分週邊土地被蘇俄吞併。
6.印度:1960年代中印邊界戰爭雖然中方取得勝利,但中共為討好印度,自動放棄9萬平方公里的領土,拱手讓給印度。由於麥克馬洪線,印度大概佔領中國10萬多平方公里的領土。 7.巴基斯坦和克什米爾:1955年,周恩來訪問克什米爾,主動提出把新疆的坎巨提地區(2千平方公里)給巴基斯坦。後來,中國和巴基斯坦談判邊界問題時,巴基斯坦引用珠穆朗瑪峰的先例,把喀喇崑崙山的主峰喬戈里峰(世界第二高峰)割走了一半。 8.圖瓦共和國:唐努烏梁海原來是外蒙古的一部分,於外蒙古獨立之時,被蘇聯侵吞。唐努烏梁海地處外蒙古西北部、西伯利亞以南,北靠薩彥嶺,南抵唐努山,是位於兩山之間的狹長地帶,總面積約17萬平方公里。唐努烏梁海被前蘇聯侵吞之後個瓜分為三個部分:俄羅斯聯邦的圖瓦共和國,圖瓦共和國以西屬於阿爾泰共和國的部分,以及蒙古的庫蘇古爾省。此外,目前佔據中國的領土的國家還有:菲律賓,佔據9個島礁。印度尼西亞;佔據2個島嶼。馬來西亞,佔據9個島礁。汶萊:佔據1個島礁。 ……
That was in response to Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia which was China’s ally.
Yes. Actually, many of the sporadic border skirmishes were mid level intensity.
Of course they do. Under the table. But if caught there are penalties. Generally, expulsion from the Party, along with a loss of political rights–often for life. And a requirement for paying back the bribe by way of a fine. With significant jail time.
For particularly serious offences, the death penalty is given. For example, Li Jianping’s case.
Lots of human capital that isn’t retarded.
Jews looking to gift western tech so they can exploit financialization.
Willing leadership looking to modernize.
What is there to understand?
Depends. There is what I call ‘sentimental’ Buddhism, and with that you find the plethora of deities or spirits, living in temples for worship. Then you have what we can call a ‘philosophical’ Buddhism, that, for the West, was highlighted by Evola’s ‘atheistic’ Doctrine of Awakening.
I recall lunchtime at a crowded mom and pop eatery, in Shenzhen. Not a tourist place. Everyone paying attention to the food, and talking about whatever they were talking about. The place was both loud and bustling.
Quietly a Buddhist monk walked in, unnoticed, and rang his bell. The entire place went silent for a couple of seconds, as everyone was ‘shocked’ by the sound. Then it was back to normal. So for a moment, I guess we were all ‘awakened’.
Terry Pratchett wrote a brilliant satire about the barbarian Ghingis Cohn conquering the Agathean Empire (China) titled “Interesting Times”. Read it instead of Kissinger’s obsequious “On China”.
“China doesn’t want to become an honorary member of the west like Japan.”
When Japan became a superpower, Western power was unreached. So, this claim seems anachronic…
Modern China is more or less what Rome was for Greece culturally. The cultural authentic China doesnt exist anymore.
China is rising while Western world is decadent… Think about it.
Joseph Nye wrote about hard power and soft power. Actually, civilizational power is the only soft power. Other form soft power is often extrapolation of hard power over time and/or space.
And China is the superpower in the department of civilizational power. Why?
Don’t get me wrong. I am not going to say Chinese are better people.
Rather I would point out the obvious. Chinese as a civilizational state HAD FAILED multiple times. It had been broken and built back, broken and built back multiple times. But every time the Chinese people rebuilt China following same plan with many improvements. The new Chinese state builders examined all failed Chinese states before their time, found out the mistakes and disadvantages. They then corrected the mistakes. In addition, they incorporated the strength of non-Han people into the Chinese system.
Chinese civilization is therefore the result of thousands of years of self improvement. In terms of governance, Chinese governments including the the PRC at present is the results of thousands of years of experimentation. And I totally agree with the author that one might as well considered the CCP as the Chinese Civilization Party.
I don’t agree with people who say that the Chinese cannot innovate. The facts say otherwise. Sometimes I wonder if White people have a certain creativity that others lack, but it’s only one factor and, it is probably the type of trait that requires an environment in which it can express itself. That environment is mostly gone.
IIRC, the big star represents the Han ethnic group while the four little stars represent the major. ethnic minorities: Mongolian, Manchus, Tibetans and Uighurs.
Technically, China has 56 different ethnic groups.
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Just so. Probably less than 1% of Boobus Americanus know about the long climb out of the extreme dark regions of the netherland that Russia achieved. All in the face of hostile actions non-stop from the West, NATO, and the Jewnighted States. This was the result of virtue, hard work, a superior culture and people.
Ah, if only I were dictator with absolute power for 10 years. There would be multiple guillotines on flat bed trucks all over the country. And large work farms that produce surpluses, not deficits. The herd definitely need to be culled.
Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast was built by prison labor. The prisoners-who were quite happy to work outside instead of living in cells-were divided into groups of 10. If one prisoner ran off, then the entire group would be sent back to San Quentin. There were little or no escapes, and behavior was enforced by the prisoners peer group.
I would bring back the chain gangs. And use the same system as mentioned.
China will ALWAYS outperform America in efficiency and productivity.
Video Link
Good point. Hua Bin heaps praise on the current Chinese government for how they raised people out of poverty. Yet just a few miles away, in both pre-1997 Hong Kong and current-day Taiwan, are examples of what the Chinese people are capable of if they didn’t have the blessings of that great Chinese government. These are IMF figures for GDP per capita measured at Purchasing Power Parity:
China $28K
Hong Kong $79K
Taiwan $83K
No niggers or jews.
Buddhism is a scientific discipline. Buddha observed the world and from there he deduced beliefs, ideas, ideals, and The Nature of All Things. All other religions are external and originate from external authority and arbitrariness. Buddha identified the Nature of Timelessness. The perceptual world is an illusion. Who can say it exists, and what is the proof of it? That we perceive it?
To begin to understand Buddhism, you must understand the nature, meaning and difference of induction versus deduction.
That’s not what the Chinese government officers told me. Large single star: CPC; 3 small stars: peasants, petit bourgeoisie, and bourgeoisie.
They planned for a capitalist society ruled by the Communist Party of China from the very beginning. Mao’s wife and her band of fanatics delayed the project until the death of Mao. She barely survived the takeover by the pragmatists led by Deng after Mao’s death.
Meteoric rise, relative to what?
Socialism vs capitalism.
One controls the economy and labour to achieve specific goals and objectives.
The other encourages the maximization of profit for private individuals without any oversight.
Look how rich Musk is. That’s some meteoric rise.
“Nobody that I can see is taking anything from the Chinese people and their amazing culture we all stand in amazement before. ”
How about democracy, freedom of speech and religious freedom?
Don’t you think one party democracy is better than US two party system?
Let me elaborate:
The US duopoly system functions like two guys running from a bear in an election. To out-run the bear means solving the people’s problems, inflation, joblessness, inequality, and etc. But to win the election, the guy does not need to out-run the bear, he or she just need to out-run the other candidate.
If the winner does nothing, he or she would just need to blame the other party. And he could still win in the next election cycle. Again, he does not need to outrun the bear. He only needs to outrun the other candidate.
US Results: 95% of incumbents nationwide who ran for re-election won. And 3 out of 4 likely voters said the government did not govern with the consent of the people.
In a one party system, the party would take all the praises and all the blames if things turn out not good. In Chinese parlance, it is called “The monk can run away, the temple cannot.”
When you grow up and shave off your mustache, you’ll look back at these yammerings, and roll your eyes. You are obviously young, and just as obviously stewpid. One of these you can do something about in the short term.
However, I would not bet on it. You resemble a circular treadmill for rodents and squirrels. Find a jerk circle online with some Tutsi pygmies.
“When a recent researcher proved at least one of the big rocks came from Scotland, it became clear there are a lot of lost science in just that one monument.
This isn’t surprising as the Scottish isle of Lewis has some pretty impressive standing stones itself.
Not much can change that. It’s also interesting that the Empire idea only arrives late in the cycle.
For example 19th century Britain was an industrial power with long standing trading outposts around the world but the idea of “Empire” only arrived late in the cycle along with all the other Imperial baggage – racial superiority etc. Queen Victoria was only declared “Empress of India” in 1876.
If the Chinese follow the same cycle, then their trading/development outposts around the world will also eventually morph into an “Empire” supposedly illustrating the ethnic superiority of the Chinese.
If they do so they will get their morbidly obese asses kicked and hard.
This is the natural state of things. Create incentives for hard working people, nurture talent and put it to good use, ensure basic fairness in your society and this is what always happens. It’s not arcane economics or political theory.
I had a very close Chinese friend when I lived in New York. She was born in China but immigrated to the US to pursue her career and later became a US citizen. She had a very politically incorrect view on US immigration policy. She would say “China is smart. We only let you become Chinese if you look Chinese. The US is dumb. You let anyone become American no matter what they look like. You let in a lot of garbage that way.”
In my limited personal experience, Chinese people are smart and will be honest with you if they think you won’t be offended by impoliteness.
Innovate is a shy version of create or discover. The pool of greatest minds have being overwhelmingly White European in all known fields. It’s an undeniable fact. It’s also an undeniable fact, creative ability is mostly intrinsic and yes a bad environment makes things harder for creative geniuses. But cultural European environments were rarely good for creativity. Centuries of religious cultural hegemony, constant wars and other social made creative explosion more like a specific and sparse social phenomenon throughout European/Western history.
Anyways it’s very simple to understand. If Chinese had similar gene pool of highly creative people as Europeans, at least historically, they had made way more discoveries, inventions, and creations, but Chinese civilization experienced a very long time of stagnation. It may reflected their own lack of highly creative people rather than just an “environmental” thing.
To make sense of China’s meteoric rise can be explained by one word: geopolitics. Not race, culture, history nor ideology but geopolitics. A timely confluence of geopolitical events made China what it is today. The same reason why the USSR no longer exists and why the USA is in decline today.
China was in the right place — East Asia — at the right time — end of WWII which saw the USA and the USSR battle each other during the Cold War. As China became divided into the PRC ruled by the Chinese Communists and the ROC ruled by the Chinese Nationalists, both the USSR and the USA had to befriend one or the other. So both the Chinese Communists and the Chinese Nationalists received backing from the Soviets and the Americans, respectively. In contrast, the Qing Dynasty was destined to fail as the Manchus made the foolish mistake of isolating China from the world unlike Imperial Japan which went through its modernization rapidly by copying Western Technology after the Meiji Restoration. Having isolated itself from the rest of the world, Trump’s USA is now behaving like the Qing Manchus who thought they were on top of the world while the world had changed around them. Not wanting to repeat the past mistakes of the Qing Manchus, China has done the opposite by befriending almost every country on this planet, including its rivals such as the USA.
This gentleman who hosts an Orthodox Christian podcast channel actually went to school in China and speaks Mandarin.
In these videos, he compare Christianity with Daoism and Confucianism from a Theologian’s POV.
Video Link
Video Link
CIA, MI6 etc. are already salivating at the prospect of getting China entangled in silly territorial disputes with its neighbors, and in particular to create territorial conflicts to divide China and Russia. China would do well to remember – and study in detail and from multiple perspectives – how continental Europe succumbed to similar blandishments leading to the catastrophe of World War I and its sequel.
The reality is that in the 21st century, control of even more territory is essentially irrelevant to China’s future. This goes treble for barely accessible territories such as South Tibet that would require massive military commitments to hold, with no real benefit to China.
China already controls all the territory that it needs FOR ANY PURPOSE – military security, settlement, agriculture, mining, etc.
Decades of smart economic policy fostering international economic development in SE Asia, Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand) and Africa have greatly strengthened China’s economic, political and even military position.
Domestically, the great and DANGEROUS temptation for both China and the “West” is once again resorting to military adventurism to cover up and even try to “resolve” serious economic difficulties. The temptation doubles where – as in China – there remains a serious overhang of marriage-age men over women.
The type of demographics is important in a civilization, Race, IQ, China IQ es 105, Behavior, social characteristics, in China 92% are Han ethnicity, and the rest are also Chinese other ethnicities. The West is a Tower of Babel.

China already has a one party democracy. Chinese leadership already said so!
It’s the kind of democracy where you either vote for the “selected” leader … or lose your job at best, or get shot at worst … and still lose your job! LOL!!!!!!!
So when are the Commies going to get all the blame??? LOL!!!!!!!!
excellent suggestions, may i add alcatraz to the list and no fixing it up, as is. make it kind of like devil’s island, for the worst of the treasonist political parasites, that have caused so much misery and suffering around the world, as well as in their own country.
install security cameras everywhere and allow people to subscribe, to receive access to the cameras, so we can all enjoy their suffering and humiliation, call it schadenfreude camera. let the proceeds be the only revenue spent on their care, no more living on the government dole.
the tao that can be named, is not the true and eternal tao, the names that can be named, are not the true and eternal name, it was from the nameless that heaven and earth sprang, the named is but the mother, that rears the myriad of creatures, each after their own kind.
“Modern China is more or less what Rome was for Greece culturally. The cultural authentic China doesn’t exist anymore. ”
All living cultures are changing cultures.
Don’t worry. Chinese culture is living and kicking.
It is China, at least, Han China’s seconding rising. Cultural dynamism after Qin-Han, to a large extent, was spearheaded by minorities. Tang by the Turkics. Yuan by the Mongols, and Qing by the Manchus.
After all the years of suffering, modern china has all large groups COALESCE into one . Actually, a lot of Han Chinese could still tell their non-Han ancestors.This coming together of originally different people coming together (E pluribus unum) explains a lot of China’s rapid rise.
Concerning the Western world, Europe is still exists as separate peoples. In addition, rimland UK and USA may not want to see a United Europe to compete with them and decrease their world influence. For the US, E pluribus unum is still far off. Russia has great potential. But it needs a lot more people to realize the great potential provided by the land and associated natural resources.
China’s inventions were basically by the State for the State.
Ants had slaves, cattle, armies, and towering ‘cities’ of perhaps two million ants.
Makes me think of the Chinese.
Bolshevism vs Menshevism?
They both try to control the economy and labour to achieve specific goals and objectives, such as mass-producing goods and services to be consumed by the masses?
Japs are already westerners.
Almost every important Western invention of the last 100 years has been created by the state. State investment is the biggest factor driving development, usually for military purposes (“by the state for the state”). And the biggest factor in western stagnation has been the privatization of these developmental processes.
Let me add Wealthy Westerners.
Geopolitically speaking, Japan got most benefits from the West because of the Korean War andVietnam War during which Japan was the staging area of Western military operation. And Jiang’s China benefited from the West’s anti-communist effort. For about 20+ years, PRC naval ships could not use the Taiwan Strait because they could be attacked.
The PRC did get some dual use technological help from US after it took over ROC’s seat in the UN, but not comparable to Japan or South Korea. (Actually, South Korea had to bribe American officials to get some of the more advanced technology.) Its manufacturing also benefited from Hong Kong manufacturing sector. Many Hong Kong factories had moved to Shenzeng. They contributed a lot in training mainland workers. And first way of investment came from oversea Chinese, including Taiwaners. But the consumption end depended a lot on more wealthy Westerners.
The rest is mostly China’s story.
I worked with a guy from Taiwan who I got to be friends with. After I got to know him he divulged his low opinion of blacks, but praised European women for their beauty and variety, complaining about how all Chinese women looked the same. He ended up marrying a nice Chinese girl and had two sons with her. I saw him again years later and he had grand kids but was disappointed that one of the sons had married an American girl. I think it is the natural tendency of people everywhere and throughout history to prefer their own kind. Racism only became a dirty word in 1922 when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks saw it as a threat to their one world utopia.
Maybe they understand on a deeper level that just because you could doesn’t mean you should?
But whatever, I can take a break from the latest innovations in wordsmithing and digital distribution of jewish degeneracy, considering these are about the latest western creativity since decades.
And now the table turns again. Funny how history works.
It is like you can’t really correlate civilization with techonological innovations.
I don’t like Chinese people; they are too serious and one time my things dissapeared from a chinatown hotel because I was late a couple of hours and acting all arrogant they wouldn’t answer 😭 about my stuff, my photo album with my mom’s pictures, my certificates etc etc.
Their treatment at their restaurants is shit.
When you compare the above to Americans and their PR, America is the best, better even than Europe, Americans treat you really respectful and nice.
But lately I have been so upset at the US involvement in the Gaza genocide that I just wish China kicks the US ass.
I.e. Western socialism excelled thanks to a less centralized/strict form of socialism? Now failing thanks to the focus on equal outcomes/equity etc.
It is the nigged/kiked “thinking” of sore losers, the kind of mental process that helps the anglos and the yids instead of saving one’s people from certain doom.
It is also the same train of thought that allows the EUkrats to sink even deeper into the Ukraine’s catastrophe.
Anytime anyone talks Wakanda, disregard and ridicule.
I have a lot of questions to ask Mr Hua Bin about China:
1/ What do you make of what happened from spring 2020 on and started (allegedly) in China?
2/ Are all the stories about the way Chinese authorities treated their citizens during the covid operation true? The mass isolation, the disappearance of journalists, scientists exposing the truth, the concentration camps (quarantine camps), the massive repression and oppression that we saw on TikTok and other platforms. How true was it?
3/ Do Chinese people (not the government) still believe that the ‘thing’ came from bats or is that ridiculous theory also be abandoned in China?
4/ What do Chinese authorities know about what really happened with the covid operation and what do they tell people?
5/ Are there alternative movements in China that want another type of government than the current system? If so, who are they and what do the say and do? Are Chinese people talking about other types of governments?
6/ What is the situation in term of free speech? Is the Chinese citizen allowed to criticize, joke about or do memes about the current regime?
7/ According to you, how many Chinese people have the same level of wealth and development than their western counterparts? Typically, how big is the middle class compared to China’s total population?
8/ And do you see this middle class growing or shrinking like it is the case in the west thanks to our rotten politicians and their corporate masters?
Thank you to read it and for your answers if you wish.
“ Bolshevism vs Menshevism?”
You mean the people who worked together to implement the Soviet Union, the KGB and gulags.
Sounds like Trumpism. He is working with genocidal Jews to threaten the entire world.
The social complexities aren’t so reducible. We’re not arguing the political system, but whether China on its own would still be a third-world agricultural society without “Wall Street” with the connivance of the one-hundred-percent Jewish-owned Congress transferring Western technology, engineering, and science to China as an act of war against white Christian people—which is the essential, irreducible fact of the matter.
I don’t think I would be accepted in Chinese society, as much as I tried, yet the Chinese are accepted here. Why is that? And why are we even talking about catastrophically destructive war and not our common enemy you will discover pulling the strings in Beijing soon enough.
Take the words an exhibit of Jewish (ie, deconstructivist) architecture at the MMA used to describe the intent of such structures as a metaphor for their destructive influence on society, such as infect, contaminate, and transgress the host society. Are you so sure China can avoid this blight when it cannot build this hideous architectural shit fast enough?
I apologize for going on like this, however, can you answer why China isn’t emulating its fantastic architectural heritage, to include those mystical temples and bridges, and pouring this brilliance and genius of the human spirit into everything that gets built in China today? Architectural slickness, like a Jewish Hollywood movie, is shit, death, and rot of the human spirit and society. China today embraces this deconstruction of its heritage and will, without remainder, suffer the same fate as the US and Europe because of it.
The Hong Kong conglomerate that owns the Panama Canal ports has agreed to sell its interest to a consortium headed by BlackRock.
I winder what BlackRock plans to do with the ports.
The impetus for the USA to help develop East Asia started with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan after the Chinese Communists won the Chinese Civil War and fought the Korean War against the USA. That scared the pants off the Yanks who created the “domino theory” of Cold War geopolitics which prompted the Yanks to intervene militarily in the Vietnam War. As part of containing the spread of communism in East Asia, the Yanks agreed to transfer their industrial technologies to East Asia and open up their US market to exports from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Then after the defeat of South Vietnam in 1975, the USA began outsourcing their manufacturing industries to Southeast Asia in the hopes of preventing the spread of communism there. That explains why the Overseas Chinese were the first foreign investors to establish their factories in the four SEZs established by Deng in China during the 1980s. Then after the USA had imposed sanctions against China in the aftermath of Tiananmen in 1989, Deng made the monumental decision to open up China’s economy to foreign investors including Singapore which had established diplomatic relations with China only in 1990. That was followed by the export of Singapore’s technocratic system of corporate governance to China after tens of thousands of Chinese officials were sent to study, work and learn in Singapore.
Without the Cold War, the USA would have remained politically isolationist and economically protectionist. Trump’s “America First” populist movement is a return to the historical norm for the USA prior to WWII when it had the biggest manufacturing industries in the world.
What white people have or “had” is the goldilocks zone of intra-societal competition.
Enough competition to make the economy dynamic enough to sustain high and well paying jobs. Not low enough that entrenched interests can screw over new entrants to the market, but also not high enough that it crushes employees under an increasing threat of lower wages and destitution due to competition with other firms. While rare enough to be maybe considered “pseudo-racial” – i.e. generally irreplicable except under specific circumstances of material affluence. But like you said, this environment is mostly gone now.
What WN’s don’t understand or don’t want to understand is that creativity is not some divine manna only bestowed upon some special race. It is simply the result of being given the space and time to be allowed to play and fail. What the East fails at is providing exactly this sort of environment due to their massive internal population. Grind and drudgery kills the soul and creates the kind of dog eat dog environment and high stakes living that makes aversion to failure almost universal and makes experimentation and play almost impossible. This is precisely the reason why China needs to overtake the high end western firms that rely on their technical moat for their fat margins in order to enable this sort of living for its citizens.
Or perhaps they do understand this, but their need to feel special results in them wanting to mystify the whole process. Regardless of their motivations, to think that this is somehow an unbridgeable moat in abilities is what causes them to underestimate the chinese again and again.
It’s the same reason for when rich white people when given the choice between living in a picturesque 18th century french villa or a modernist concrete box with swimming pool, they go with the concrete box. Living in one and watching others living in one are two completely different subjective experiences. Your pleasure gained from living vicariously through them is not shared by the other party.
For the Chinese, it’s somewhat different but a similar story. These symbols of the past are not idealizations of a better age, they’re a painful reminder of what had to be sacrificed to get where we are today. Architectural slickness lets people forget all that, and gives the impression that we have “made it”.
Too contrived. It is just the nigged and kiked mentality of a loser civilization running out of their own to cannibalize, while the imported foreigners have proven to be a much tougher meal.
Giving any respect to this gynocracy is insane.
Chinese men are importing wives and other women from Cambodia Laos Vietnam even Thailand. And there a new generation of more or less equal numbers of boys and girls coming up.
Surplus of unmarried men or not. Never in human history has there ever been a Revolution or major change from the bottom Always one elite against another elite. Often second level elite against first level elite. Middle class people like Mao US presidents Carter and Truman are always backed by far more powerful people.
Not Hua, but im gonna answer it anyway.
2/ 4/ The chinese authorities treated it as an act of biological warfare and reacted accordingly by going to DEFCON1. Of course, they can never explicitly say this is what they’re doing as this would obligate them to answer accordingly as no country would or should tolerate being targeted with biological weaponry. The sheer scale and audacity of the attack would mean the only proper recourse would be a nuclear device over DC but that would trigger WW3 and death of humanity so wisely both the Chinese government and the United States government awkwardly pretend nothing ever happened during those 2 years and have never brought up COVID again since. Trump knows this, Xi knows this.
3/ They believe it came from America.
5/ Yes, the model is Singapore.
7-8/ 10% and stable.
Deng got the USA to allow China to acquire industrial technologies from the West and Japan for both civilian and military use during the 1980s when he agreed to arm the Mujahideen against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The USA also entered into joint ventures with China in aerospace (McDonnell Douglas), telecommunications (AT&T), automobiles (American Motors), etc. during the same period. But those JVs were shut down after the USA had imposed sanctions against China in the aftermath of Tiananmen in 1989.
At the beginning of the Korean War the US military transferred the manufacture of jeeps ambulances mobile kitchens trucks from Detroit to Japan. To build up our brand new ally Japan. From military war to economic war between China and Japan.
China invented paper, printing, the magnetic compass and gunpowder – the four inventions described by Francis Bacon as marking the modern world from antiquity.
Having invented printing they did not use it — as far as I know– to disseminate knowledge, with the vast majority of the population remaining illiterate for centuries.
The compass did not spur explorations, nor was the gunpowder used to make more advanced weaponry.
There is a quality of overwhelming inertia to the Chinese civilization for most of its history, which makes the current surge forward all the more amazing.
‘during the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan was used as an unsinkable aircraft carrier to stage attacks on Southern China which is why they [the PRC] are willing to go to war to prevent Taiwan from ever being used as a launching point for hostilities against them.’ — FTB
You raise an interesting parallel to Russia and Ukraine, which both were republics within the Soviet Union until 1991.
Russia’s non-negotiable stance is that Ukraine must not have third-party (i.e., NATO or European) forces and armaments on its territory. Can the Ukrainians trust Russia’s guarantee?
Likewise, if the US were to back off from its arming of Taiwan, would the PRC agree to stop threatening Taiwan? And could that guarantee be trusted?
As Dr Jeffrey Sachs would say, maybe start talking and negotiating rather than taking unilateral actions, as both the US and the PRC habitually do.
Good point. Hua Bin is holding the racial card close to his chest — he knows damn well that RACE is the main reason for China’s rise — because he doesn’t want us mere Unz readers to be privy to this esoteric knowledge: only the initiated within the innermost Chinese cabalistic circle will exchange the racial card among themselves. That’s the real Trump card: the biological inevitability of China’s rise.
The Chinese are racial nationalists: any analysis of China’s rise that doesn’t take RACE into consideration is either flawed, misguided, or worse — downright deceitful. Maybe the Chinese want to give the Jews a run for their money in the deceit game and it will be a close match: human consciousness itself was born of deceit (Jaynes) and the first to learn it were the Jews and the Chinese, the two most ancient consciousnesses on earth. They’ve both had a lot of time to practice and perfect it.
I, for one, welcome our future Chinese overlords, for if the Chinese don’t come out on top we all know damn well what the Jews will do to you when they get unbridled power: they will Gaza you. In contrast, what will the Chinese do? The Chinese don’t necessarily want to wipe out all the whites, like the Jews do: what the Chinese will do is keep Europe as an open-air museum so they can meander down its ancient corridors and be bemused at the tragic downfall of a once great civilization. Here. I’ll leave you guys with Richard Lynn’s closing lines in Eugenics:
They weren’t always nigged and they weren’t always kiked. You need to provide a satisfying explanation for their Golden Era if you are to fully divest them of their racial supremacy narrative.
Respect for the gynocracy? No. Respect for those who came before us? Yes. They deserve that at the very least.
‘Your claim that “China just can’t leave alone Taiwan, which it hasn’t exercised sovereignty over since 1895” is nonsense because the Republic of China was recognized by the UN as the official government of China which has exercised sovereignty over Taiwan since 1945.’ — antibeast
You are correct: Taiwan was recognized as the government of China until October 25, 1971, when the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 2758 expelling the ROC representatives and seating the PRC representatives in the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
To state the history more clearly, the Chinese government in Beijing has not exercised actual sovereignty over Taiwan since 1895. Japan occupied Taiwan from 1895 to 1945. Since then, the ROC government (whether internationally recognized or not) has exerted de facto control over the island.
That’s 130 years to date. Quite a bit of cultural divergence occurs over five generations. Should these two diverging Chinese cultures be forcibly reunited? Here’s one reason to say no:
Should free Chinese people be frogmarched back under the repressive yoke of the unrepentant one-party regime lionized by the eminent personage Hua Bin? I say HELL NO. Here’s some Taipei freedom radio for our mainland cadres:
Oh wait — it’s blocked on the mainland! Try petitioning your Beijing government with grievances, and see what happens. 🙁
You fail to realize the Israelites are undergoing their own demographic schism. The highly educated and competent secular Israeli which form the backbone of the state are being outbred and outvoted by their Ultra-Orthodox brethren, people who do nothing but study a man-made book all day. Once they overtake the rest demographically Israel will revert to a backwater that relies on others for everything just like the Saudis and the Gulf States.
The Jew is being out-jewed from within.
Slight quibble Chinawas never a third world agricultural country. It’s always been a great power. Not like Ancient Rome Turkey Spain Portugal or British. But good enough. Huge population and extremely cheap labor enabled a huge manufacturing sector. Always always for thousands of years. Like America big enough t grow a wide variety of food. From rice and pigs in the south to wheat and sheep in the north.
This whole communist schtick lately on Unz that China was nothing until the communist conquest and economic rise from nothing is wrong. The idea that either country could or would want to. assemble a huge invasion force and sail across the pacific and successfully invade is impossible. I don’t know much about the Pacific coast of China.
I do know about the Pacific coast of America. Few harbors in three thousand miles. Mostly no beaches or harbors Just high cliffs above wild pounding surf. I can see those huge container ships from China heading for the Golden Gate channel to Oakland Harbor. Wisely they stay way far out to avoid those dangerous mild hurricane waves smashing into the cliffs. They line up exactly in line with the channel miles to the east. Then head to the channel Avoiding the dangerous conditions on either side.
I suppose the Chinese could invade and conquer California as we have big ports. But not San Francisco Oakland through the channel They would be trapped between the Marin headlands and San Francisco if they entered the channel.
The nearest big harbor to San Francisco Oakland is LA San Pedro Long Beach 400 miles south. Then north to Seattle Harbor. Unless there’s a big ocean harbor in Oregon or southern Washington State.
The purpose of this and other Hua Bin articles is China great America horrible and declining. Not to discuss a Sino US war. And who are we ordinary people to discuss such a war? Is there even a city council critter or serving military officer here discussing a possible war??
Anyone planning to send these articles to your Senator or congress critter? Anyone you know in state department military joint chiefs of staff CIA USAID????
Average IQ in Israel is 92.
It’s no use telling lies to me.
In the end, it only strengthens the resolve of the rest of us to slaughter you bitches.
True as far as it goes, but massive unemployment/popular discontent provides the kindling and feeds the fires that those second-level elite arsonists will try to set for their own purposes. Various events in Chinese history, e.g. the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Taiping Rebellion etc. reflect this mechanism.
Without the Whites, all those lands wouldn’t have been lost. Wrecking the Whites is the first step to recovering those lands.
However, the purchasing power is different, the actual situation is that when we travel to Taipei, we will find that Taipei is not as good as our second-tier cities.
This jim H appears to be from Taiwan. I think he’ll die later.
And my history books claimed the Arab Muslims invented the compass. And ocean going ships. And modern medicine and the architecture and engineering that enabled the European Christian’s to build those huge cathedrals including Hagia Sophia . Built about 100 years before Mohammad had hallucinations. And preserved all the ancient Sumerian Egyptian Roman learning While the evil European Catholics were burning every ancient scroll they could find. And gave Muslim women equal rights while European women had no rights and were slaves of father or husband. And had the world’s biggest and most advanced textile industry.
Times have changed But the sane people who scorn and denigrate the White goys are the same.
China didn’t really invent printing with individual pieces of type for each character. How could they why would they with 3,000 instead of 26 letters.,Much faster to just write by hand.
Chinese had wood block letters for some common words So did the Europeans. Before movable type using 26 individual letters the European monks developed wood bloc printing. Write pages by hand . Then carve the page in a block of wood. Then dip the block in ink and stamp the page. Stamp stamp stamp all day and you’ve got a short book or leaflet.
Chinese didn’t do woodblock printing for lengthy scrolls. Just signs directions etc.
China’s a great country always has been. It’s possible to praise China without heaping scorn and hatred in America and the White race. Hua Bin reminds me of 1890s William Hearst the newspaper owner. Constantly demanding war with Cuba. Hua Bin and America hating Whitney remind me of Hearst And that Roman who kept making speeches “ Carthage must be destroyed “
I’d tend to disagree with that. Here’s a relevant comment of mine from a few years ago:
Great point!!!
The free Chinese want to kill your whole family.
Would you like to?
How about “the immovable object of Jewish ethnic exceptionalism made more exceptional by the combined sycophancy of America, Canada, Western Europe and Australia?”
The figures I provided about China vs. Taiwan already take their differing purchasing power into account. That’s what comparing GDP at Purchasing Power Parity means. If I had simply reported the numbers in dollars, not PPP, the relative poverty of China would be even more stark.
Necessity is the mother of all inventions, not skin color. If there were no necessity for paper, printing, etc., then paper and printing wouldn’t be invented.
Saying that the Chinese invented printing and did not use it shows you are not only illiterate about Chinese history but also have no logical sense.
Judaic exceptionalism goes FAR beyond the ‘ethnic’. It’s UNIVERSAL, all-encompassing, eternal and unchanging. The goy stooges are lucky to be lackeys to what is, in fact, God. Mere human morality is alien to them. Where the moaning ‘Christians’ may feign opposition to child murder, the Judaics make it sacramental., and a means, by identifying opponents to it as practised in Gaza, to unearth ‘Jew-haters’.
The Gao Kao is sacrosanct in the Chinese life and even Xi Jinping’s own daughter had no guarantee to enter the prestigious Tsinghua University where he himself graduated from. In the end, she didn’t get into Tsinghua but did manage to get a spot at Harvard – a happy ending.
And she is a spy like all the 300,000 chinese citizens in our colleges. China is our enemy and all of them should be kicked out.
The West and the USA, as they are now, are contemptible, and, judging from brainwashed robopaths like you, still highly dangerous. Over the last five hundred years the West did immeasurably more harm to humanity and Life on Earth than good.
The Whites do not have history books, they have fairy tales and lies. The Whites did not spend time on writing down meaningful human activities, they spent time on developing cult dogmas. Your history book is just fairy tales and lies.
Another outright corruption involves the octogenarian former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who has the dubious distinction of an EFT fund named after her
I thought that was a joke or a lie, but it’s true . Symbol NANC net assets $227M.
‘Freedom House’???!! You poltroon!! You have a one party system, too, bozo, but you’re too effing stupid to realise it. Brought up in the highly partisan, but fraudulent, bunraku puppet theatre of US politics, you’ve been brainwashed to hate the ‘other side’, although BOTH ‘sides’ serve the capitalist Boss. In China society is NOT divided against itself like that, hence the high rates of social satisfaction and happiness, while a million or more Yanks die ‘deaths of despair’ every year.
And all you can do, in your robopathic stupour, is gibber about ‘freedom’. The ‘freedom’ to work a couple of low-paid, shit jobs, and still be poor. The ‘freedom’ to envy the rich parasites who rule the country, as they suck more and more life-blood from society. The ‘freedom’ to be made bankrupt by ‘health’ bills, or not receive medical attention AT ALL. The ‘freedom’ to join the greatest prison population on Earth. The ‘freedom’ to lose your job and be slandered if you dare criticise the genocidal Gaza Holocaust.
In any case, you brainwashed thug, the PRC will do nothing unless the compradore scum on Taiwan, controlled by the USA, declare ‘independence’, then they’ll end that treachery. Already two million Taiwanese live in China, millions from both countries visit as tourists and to see relatives, and slowly the countries will, defacto, be re-united. And there is NOTHING, thug, that you or any other psychopathic Yanks can do about it.
On the other hand, US corruption is wholesale and institutionalized. Such corruption is legalized and therefore protected. Such corruption is not even recognized as prima facie corruption.
Bribing officials is legal in america!! Corporations pay a congressman to go on the lecture circuit for $30,000 a speech. Or give him a million dollar book writing deal that is entirely ghost-written. Or they offer a $400,000 do-nothing job to the congressman’s wife .
It’s all legal and it’s everywhere.
You could certainly be right about Jews assimilating into China. I know nothing about Jews in China. But I did ask an AI about Chinese Jews and it reported:
“There were ethnic Chinese who practiced Judaism, most notably the Kaifeng Jews. The Kaifeng Jews are a small community of descendants of Jewish settlers in Kaifeng, a city in the Henan province of China. Their ancestors likely arrived in China during the Song dynasty (960–1279) or even earlier.”
So, the Kaifeng Jews seemed to have retained their Jewish identity, including their dominance of Chinese banking, for almost 1000 years. This happened even after intermarrying with the Han Chinese so completely that they now appear to be ethnic Chinese.
And then, of course, there was David Sassoon, famous for running the opium trade in China. The AI describes him as:
“David Sassoon was an Orthodox Jew who observed Jewish religious practices throughout his life. In 1845, after fleeing Baghdad due to persecution, he expanded his financial business to Shanghai. He co-founded the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank (now HSBC) in 1864. David Sassoon established a trading empire that included the lucrative opium trade. The Sassoon family became one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Asia, often referred to as the “Rothschilds of the East”. The opium trade was a major factor in the economic success of the Sassoon family, and their involvement in the trade contributed to the tensions that led to the Opium Wars between Britain and China.”
A particularly destructive example of Jewish non-assimilation.
But maybe these were exceptions to the general rule that Jews assimilated into China.
No, you’re wrong in stating “CHINA just can’t leave alone Taiwan, which it hasn’t exercised sovereignty over since 1895” because the Republic of CHINA did represent CHINA which had exercised sovereignty over Taiwan since the Japanese surrendered in September 1945. If you’re claiming that the People’s Republic of China in the mainland but not the Republic of China in Taiwan as the Chinese government, then you’re wrong. The Constitution of the Republic of China (ROC) founded in the mainland in 1911 states clearly that the ROC is the Chinese government of the whole of China including the province of Taiwan, the islands of Kinmen, Spratleys, Paracels, etc. The UN did recognize the ROC as the official government of China from 1945 to 1971.
The rest of your post about freedom and democracy is irrelevant to this historical fact which disproves your claim.
It was naturally occuring lodestone and took the form of the geomancer, essentially a toy used in fortune telling. From memory, its application in marine navigation was confined to its use in elementary coastal navigation.
This didn’t diffuse to Europe which had its own far higher genesis in the field of navigation.
China invented paper, printing, the magnetic compass and gunpowder
One of the greatest inventions of all is the lowly wheelbarrow. Europe invented it around 1200 AD. If history is correct, the slopes had it a thousand years earlier.
I wish to change “RACE” to “CULTURE”. Even the Han “race” is an amalgum of different minorities.
It is stoicism that allow the Chinese to overcome adversities– which inevitably befalls from time to time– and rise again and again.
I don’t think it was all that amazing (inexplicable?).
It followed the plan of Finance Capital (Wall Street/London/etc and their minions like Australia) to remove all trade barriers from western markets and in so doing, de-industrialise the West and all other nations that had ceded sovereignty, with associated relative impoverishment/destruction of the Western working class.
This process (make cheap/sell dear) started, was tried out by the ‘USA’ in the nations peripheral to China and in the guarded ‘free’ factories (maquiladora) of Latin America (with wages commensurate with a diet involving ‘a fish head and a bowl of rice’ or it’s mestizo equivalent assured as trade union free, guaranteeing a winning 1/50 wage rate as in the West). Next in line was the East Coast of China (the Grand Maquiladora). The ideological turmoil in China associated with this (‘Gang of Four’/Revisionists) led to the victory of the latter after the demonstrated failure of the murderous (because it failed) Maoist economic/social model.
Huge flows of capital extracted from the postwar success of the West as well as from the Chinese China periphery was combined with a huge supply (from the peasant hinterland) and directly transplanted western technology by means of modern computers was soon forthcoming.
Though less inventive than the cream of the West, Chinese aren’t new to business (!) nor to highly disciplined labour, nor copying and making their own brands. And once an idea is materialised, the Chinese are quite capable of making refinements on it. So where’s the problem?
Actually, Bacon only mentioned printing, gunpowder, and the compass as the key revolutionary inventions. He forgot about paper, without which printing would have been much less useful.
Could China’s imperial examinations have worked without printing? Imagine examinations held throughout a vast country, several times the size of Western Europe. The people taking the tests had to have studied many of the same textbooks; a fair and universal examination would not have been possible otherwise. Where did all those identical books come from? Obviously from printing presses.
The excellence of China’s governance over thousands of years, and the sheer wealth the country had in many ages, are probably due to the quality of the people found by the examinations. China did gain — hugely — from inventing the printing press.
Check out Zheng He’s exploration of Southeast Asia, Africa, and perhaps North America (there’s some evidence of Chinese artifacts on Canada’s Western shore, including coins with Chinese calligraphy and those distinctive square holes in the middle). China didn’t use the compass to go conquering, as Westerners did, so you might be forgiven for thinking that China wasted its invention.
China did have guns and rockets. But in general you’re correct on this point. Long periods of peace and prosperity do reduce the incentive to invent the more lethal weapons.
I think China only needed to avoid harassment from the West. There was some luck involved: Mao founded the PRC when the West was exhausted from World War II and could not concentrate on plundering the Middle Kingdom. The West recovered eventually, but by then China was strong enough to repel invaders.
As far as I know, there were only a few thousand Kaifeng Jews, and they really weren’t at all important in any way, just local traders or that sort of thing. I don’t think they were bankers, let alone dominated Chinese finance.
From everything I’ve read, Chinese finance was already so sophisticated that Jews didn’t really have the same sort of edge they had in most other host societies. As a result, they were unable to accrue any unusual wealth or influence, and just remained a tiny, unimportant foreign element.
Since China also had millions of Muslims and some of the Jewish customs were similar, I think they may have vaguely been regarded as some sort of eccentric Muslim sect.
Given their small numbers and lack of importance, my guess is that the only reason anyone has ever heard of them is the huge attention they received from the far more influential Western Jews, which is likely why they have a 10,000 word Wikipedia article. China is probably filled with dozens or hundreds of other tiny ethnic groups that have remained totally obscure.
As for the Sassoons, they were from Baghdad, and I think they only very briefly lived or temporarily worked in China, perhaps when some of them were setting up or managing their local business offices.
Did those history books also assure you that Christopher Columbus never took slaves, as you asserted (link)? When in fact Columbus did indeed take many slaves — and what’s worse, he started doing so on his very first day in the Americas (see the same link)? Your “history books” are toxic.
Any analysis that leaves out race is ultimately worthless. The US is forever ruined by a combination of black envy, jewish envy, and white leftist self-hatred. And all of China’s characteristics would result in a very different nation if the average Han IQ were 85 instead of 105 or whatever it is.
Taiwan’s constitution says that the island is a part of China. That is why Taiwan’s official name is Republic of China. (The mainland is the People’s Republic of China.)
You are wrong about the 130 years. As @antibeast has noted, Taiwan’s constitution is saying that it has been a part of China for a while. In fact, when the constitution was proclaimed in 1947, the capital of the Republic of China was Nanking, a city on the mainland. Even if you were right, a mere 130 years is nothing in China’s history.
“Did those history books also assure you that Christopher Columbus never took slaves, as you asserted (link)? When in fact Columbus did indeed take many slaves — and what’s worse, he started doing so on his very first day in the Americas (see the same link)? Your “history books” are toxic.”
The Far East: A Primer.
• frightening monolid slits for eyes, can’t read expression on such faces; deformed nose bridge; female are bow-legged lacking proper breasts midriff hips; flat faced; strange glabrous hairless body same as afronegro with strange straight hard coarse hair of misshapen follicle; proper dimorphism lacking: gender nonbinary is far east pathology projected in desperation (thru vehicle of malicious well funded “wokei$m) onto the rest of the world (east asian rely upon a lot of makeup as compensation for unisex form that is fraudulently described as neoteny)
• china govt dare exploit objectify fetishize remnant indoPersian ppl trapped within fraud communist borders❓
• a menace to the canine bovine avian populations-
verily, “Milk is Liquid Religion”, His Divine Grace Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.
In the summer season, Dogs, canines, really enjoy ice-cream a lot. Also, in archaic English, the word “dog” refer to cheerful happy young man, not just to the canine kingdom. Dog holds privilege of being man’s best friend.
• daily, dirty mao marxist dare murder little Sparrow bird❓(why nobody discuss chinese govt encouraged maximum overpopulation at one point during 20th century; one child policy was later development)
•at plastic surgeon’s office monolid$ all beez wanna approximate as best as possible the appearance of typical Hallstatt Nordic, along with fabled Gandhara, the acknowledged standard of physical Aryanity; but u cannot digest delicious milk sugar. Milk fed body reared on sheaf of life Wheat is a breed apart. (rice and soy cannot sustain Aryanity. ) chinaLands mock the divine fragrance of butter. bread butter milk honey berries– staple foodstuffs of Hallstatt and all the related kin-groups dotting the Earth from Seattle to Scandinavia to Sindh to Siberia to Singh-a-Pur , ‘singapore’ and beyond physical astral causal etc
•australoidalMonolid pharmacist drug dealer quack$ best keep their nasty tranquilizers to themselves. Sweet warm milk is best for restful sleep full of enchanting dreams and best for attaining enlightenment .
•physical impersonations from flat faced unisex form to uncanny valley pseudoScandi at surgeon’s office or calculated miscegenation with caucasoid (transhuman test tube trash hatcheries etc) are most treacherous form of cultural physical extinctionism; chilling that yr progeny might not remotely resemble u.
• far east languages hold no appeal. English and all Aryan languages are name-form languages which is why profanity and utterance of death threats are both illegal by international law and why mantr works– Names Matter!!! (torture is also illegal by world law: nobody is exempt!)
•far east has NO cultural capital, no soft power and this is why all yr weapons must be confiscated forthwith because u r mostly all walking chengiz level criminality: control yourself. u ppl think non-chinese are stupid– this sort of mass demonization of the enemy leads to horrific atrocities. Peking should not be in the uno. (beijing is not harmless ‘boring’ beige: china is blacker than sin.)
Osho explain that through annals of earth planet history, it was nothing – not a crime- for chinaman to murder his wife: woman was considered to be an inanimate object such as a chair or wooden spoon. (similar to australoid dalit throwing widowed women into the fire except devious dalit Knew.
•sati actually is word for absolute chastity.)
I don’t mean to keep beating a dead horse, but the Sassoons did more than just live briefly in China and set up some local offices. There were Sassoon family members living in Shanghai from the 1840s (David’s son Elias David Sassoon) through the 1940s (David’s great-grandson Sir Victor Sassoon). Again quoting the Microsoft AI: “The Sassoon family played a pivotal role in transforming Shanghai into the financial capital of China. The Sassoons dominated the city’s business circles for four generations, engaging in the opium trade, textiles, and other commodities.”
Just after the 1:00 mark, the narrator in that video says:
Well, they had better not invite the Dutch football fans (otherwise known as the Oranje), over for a visit to the factory:

The narrator of that video obviously has an Anglo-Zionist empire axe to grind, as he smears China at every opportunity.
As if someone wearing orange would be shot immediately (evidently implying that it’s an escaped convict/Guantanamo inmate if found wearing an orange jumpsuit).
If an escaped prisoner was found on the premises and surrendered themselves, no one would shoot them – least of all the Chinese.
On the other hand, if we’re talking about the typical U.S police officer trained in the Apartheid Israeli state, that would be a different matter.
These steroid infused thugs would likely shoot first and ask questions later, seeing as steroid users have a temperament that’s on a hair trigger.
That’s certainly not the sort of individual that should be entrusted with possession of a firearm.
The stated position of the KMT was to take back the mainland. Nowadays there’s scant support for the KMT, reactionaries, pensioners, old people.
Young people I know want an end to the meddling and to move forward independently- hence green party
You’re one quarter right – you got HALF of the Socialism part correct.
Yes, they control the economy. But they never achieve goals that lift society as a whole (although they’ll always be quick to make a song and dance and boast about that minority of society that may benefit, at the expense of the majority)
They invariably flush the precious wealth of society down a rat hole, on grandiose projects that should never have passed the Cost/Benefit analysis stage.
Take China for example. It was Socialist under Mao and its people eked an existence in GRINDING POVERTY.
Then it adopted Capitalism, unleashing a pent up entrepreneurial tidal wave.
The radical leftists will counter that China is still ruled by the CPC (Communist Party of China).
But, as even Blind Freddie can see, China is ‘Communist’ in name only.
China is the bastion of Capitalism among he major economies of the world.
To the extent that some portion of the economy is still run by SOE’s (State Owned Enterprises), these haemorrhaging-red-ink dinosaurs are RAPIDLY BEING PHASED OUT and eliminated.
Because they are a DRAG ON THE ECONOMY – as are all Gubmint run entities the world over.
Capitalism ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE* ensures the maximisation of wealth for society as a whole, as ALL socio-economic demographics benefit.
(*As long as there is no substantial Gubmint interference to distort a level playing field).
The more profit a business makes (assuming you’re operating in an unfettered Free Market), the greater the likelihood that you’re satisfying the needs of your customers.
It is THAT EFF’N SIMPLE. But you can’t explain that to a Socialist.
They’ve read the Communist Manifesto, they’ll tell you. They know everything there is to know.
As for ‘lack of oversight’, I ask you this:
Let’s take the U.S today as an example. Bloated Big Gubmint has never been bigger. There are more regulatory agencies than you can shake a stick at.
Yet, these layers upon layers of ‘oversight’ did jack shit during the GFC in 2008.
Lead author of Ron Paul’s Home School Curriculum (Tom Woods PhD) explains how ‘Gubmint Oversight’ invariably fails in this piece below titled ‘The myth of the all-seeing regulator’:
Also this from the sage Bill Bonner, on why Capitalism is self regulating, as consumers themselves decide which businesses to patronise:
But many of those with great wealth (and certainly those Talmudic misfits that control the entirety of the western financial and political systems), they have GAMED the financialised system.
They have employed all manner of chicanery and outright fraud to accumulate obscene levels of wealth.
In the 130 or so years from the beginning of the republic until the creation of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve in 1913, the U.S came as close to pure and unfettered Free Market Capitalism as any country has in all of recorded history – hence the stellar economic outcomes for the vast majority of the citizenry.
Since then, and especially in the wake of FDR’s New Deal and the first Jewish President’s (LBJ’s) massive expansion of Big Gubmint during the few years he was in office, the U.S has been on a constant downward trajectory.
Today the U.S is reaping what it has sowed over decades of Socialist intervention and mismanagement, as the hordes of homeless Americans:
1) Living in tent cities
2) Sleeping under freeway overpasses and bridges
3) Defecating in the streets
4) Walking the streets in an opioid induced stupor …
… expands at a rapid clip. Once the USD loses its world reserve currency status (which will be soon enough), this shit show ends.
Thereafter the vast bulk of Americans will be living in diminished circumstances.
Oops!! The CPC was founded in 1921, by several figures principally Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. Mao was there, but only took control of the party at Zunyi, in January 1935, during the Long March.
The usual lunatic Judaic omnipotence, either from rabid Judeophobic paranoia, or from some sort of naughty Jewish leg pull. ‘Dominance of Chinese banking’??!! Insanity!
Funny that Ron diminishes the importance of Jewish influence on the China and the Chinese.
Read these articles:
Because there were “unlimited” resources and even squandering and wasting them caused little to no conflict.
We don’t live in that world anymore.
Today we see that earth is a closed system, like a mars colony would be. How do you think the resources and labour on a mars colony would be allocated, emulating capitalism or socialism?
The fact is that no society was ever successful long term anywhere because of human corruption which is enabled by the coercion of lying.
I think people need to stop underestimating the effect of Jewish parasitism in the very rapid decline of the West. Asians are relatively immune to this because Jews cannot infiltrate and take over Asian institutions. Their only method is through military control, such as what happens when US military bases are put in Asian lands.
We see the Jews controlling everything of any relevance in the West and yet we chose to ignore it or accept it as normal. Just 30 years ago it would be shocking to witness what we are witnessing today – overt Jewish control and threats to everything. Everything that has been said about them is true.
Thanks for this article. The Chinese governance system is rarely explained in simple terms. Seems that the single party model with officials selected by examination is a good way to go but it requires a social matrix supporting it, especially in the family and school systems – not to mention a good underlying value system, something the West is on the verge of losing these days. I have forever felt that Western democracy is a facade hiding a venal oligarchy run by profit-seekers whose motivations and character have been steadily degrading what little civilizational character we may have had before the disastrous ‘Enlightenment’ which replaced some sort of transcendence principle with literal materialistic scientism/objectivism (the superstition that only the physical is real such that principles don’t matter).
I read a while back that 80% of the Princeling Class (descendants of the original Communist revolutionaries) are millionaires and billionaires. This suggests that perhaps there is not only a meritocratic, classless system in place. I hope the author can address this at some point – or even answer this comment! Is that statement accurate, for one thing. And if so, how? And what does it imply about the Chinese system in actuality versus how it is described officially?
Further, when the author says that Xi purged corruption, did he? Or did he purge threats to the regime? I have never read any objective reports about who was purged and why, only impressive looking statistics asserting that corruption was cleansed but not really what it was. The author says corruption in China is not systemic but individual; but how do the Tongs operate. I read these criminal gangs are still extremely powerful and some of them are a millennium old. How do they fit into the picture?
The real test for China will come once the easy boom years are over from adapting modern engineering, aka ‘modernization’. Looking at the many recently developed cities that look like huge computer chips, I wonder how happy their people will be. Although there are many other pictures out there showing many clean, spacious urban areas with trees and lively shops. I visited China ten years ago and was impressed by how relaxed, open and spacious it felt, something I didn’t expect to experience in such a highly populated nation. Most Western cities have bad traffic problems, are chaotic and crowded etc.
I come away from this article feeling that I didn’t get a full picture. But what article can do that realistically? Thanks again.
Somewhere in his long but readable article Hua writes that the US defeated the USSR – could anyone help me findig the name of the final battle of the US vivtory?
You wrote,
Yet you insist China’s rise is completely reducible to Jews setting up factories in China.
Can’t you see your own inconsistency?
Are you saying political system has nothing to do with economic success?
And the only deciding factors are some Jews?
Are you sure you are not a secret admirer of the Jewish people?
Hmmm… You’re correct. I’ve never really studied that aspect of pre-revolutionary Chinese society, and since the Sassoons were importing most of their opium from India, I’d vaguely assumed that had remained their main base of local operations until they relocated to Britain with their vast new wealth, and intermarried and assimilated into elite British society, like the family of the famous WWI poet Siegfried Sassoon:
But I think their Chinese role wasn’t too different from the various British and other European traders living there in the century after the First Opium War, such as the Jardines, the Mathesons, and their epigones. They were really just foreign businessmen who became very wealthy from that trade, so they never would have assimilated with the local Chinese. I don’t think most of the British ex-pats did either.
Sure, those articles are correct, and I think I’d probably read both of them years ago. I’d certainly been aware that the Sassoons and other Jewish traders had been very heavily involved in China in the aftermath of the Opium Wars. But my impression is that the actual number of Jews living in Shanghai and the rest of China during that era was pretty small, maybe just a few hundred individuals or even fewer. So I’d hardly call Shanghai “a Jewish city” any more than I’d call it an “Anglo-Saxon city.”
It’s also true that many Jewish refugees from Germany and the rest of Europe moved to Shanghai during the 1930s, and the article claimed that swelled the local Jewish population to 30,000. But I think that nearly all of them left after the end of WWII or at least after Mao’s revolution, so they were probably only living there about a dozen years.
Meanwhile, considerable numbers of Russians had earlier fled to Shanghai and the rest of China after the Bolshevik Revolution, and they were apparently by far the largest European group during most of that era, also being there much longer than the Jews. But I doubt anyone has ever called Shanghai “a Russian city.”
My remarks were really more about China’s tiny traditional Jewish population of the previous thousand years, mostly based in Kaifeng. I claimed that they never amassed any significant influence or power, were totally unimportant, and gradually assimilated into Chinese society until Westerners of the 19th century would scarcely have scarcely guessed that they were anything but Chinese.
Government system of large countries are all complex. They could be explained in simple terms. For the PRC government, it democratic centralism.
So? What’s wrong with Xi purged threats to the Chinese government?
I agree. Best to check in with young couples and others who have immigrated to China. Usually one of the couple is Chinese but not always. I have viewed several carefully, and especially those in series. A different overall picture emerges, than the Western CIA Corporate media.
I had never heard of Jews in China until the Israelis were looking for lost Jews around the world in the 1970s to import them to boost their population. Then, there was speculation that there were Jews in China when Israelis recognized some blacks in Ethiopia as Jews.
It seems the Whites are completely servile to the Jews, they are making a mountain from a molehill about Jews’ presence.
All I knew was Jews and Indians were the same, unscrupulous and will do anything for a penny. Doing business with them is equivalent to 飲鳩止渴。
The Mongoloid only make it to an IQ of 105 because the kids are forced to study at least twice what White kids do. In some case 5 times as much! LOL!!!!!!!!
Video Link
and even with all those hours spent studying, the Commies only include the scores of top schools in get that IQ of 105. If they had bothered to include all schools the score would be closer to 85. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the West’s common demonization tactics is to keep on talking about their target/enemy’s perfectly normal and rational behavior or activity by implying it is bad, harmful, or weird. Meanwhile, the West portrays the same behavior or activity they carry out as moral, ethical, shiny samples of the civilized, the beacon of democracy and freedom.
The hypocrisy and double standards of the West know no bounds.
If you was impressed by China’s advancement with your own eyes, why are you still doubt author’s debunk West’s demonization China propaganda? Are you blinded and misled by your racist and ideological brainwash propaganda dished out by your government and culture from cradle to grave?
Have you ever ask yourself is it the time to question what you hear from the West instead of keep on questioning what others tell you otherwise?
I’m sure you’re right about the Kaifeng Jews. I should stick with what I know, which is definitely not anything about the Kaifeng Jews which I hadn’t even read the Wikipedia page on. (Not that I trust Wikipedia now that I have read it.)
I do think for myself and expressed it in my comment and questions, none of which you addressed.
You are the one repeating propaganda tropes.
Physician: heal thyself!
No nation has ever conducted a Manned Moon Mission – because no nation possesses the technological wherewithal to do that in 2025 (let alone in 1969, when that hoax was first foisted on humanity).
How the eff then is a Mars colony ever going to come to fruition?
Seeing as you brought up the topic of a colony, are you aware that the Pilgrim’s in the Massachusetts colony tried Socialism in the early days of the settlement?
Listen to the audio only podcast below from 14:40-23:30 to see how that went:
In a controversial book about Admiral He’s (disputed) visit to Italy in the 1430’s after his (also disputed) circumnavigation, (disputed) author Menzies mentions in passing something I suspect is true, namely that at this time in Alexandria and Cairo were Jewish trading houses who had been brokering trade between China and the Indies into Alexandria and from there to the Mediterranean for over six hundred years already, i.e. from 800 AD onwards (and maybe earlier).
In other words, Jewish trading houses have been brokering world trade for a very, very long time. Indeed, I suspect these trading networks are the spine of a people who are mainly located in trading areas around the world rather than coming from common soil somewhere. They are a trading tribe, basically. If this is more or less true, then doubtless there are family lineages of Jews in China going back more than a millennium.
Yes, but ‘democratic centralism’ is so simplistic as to be meaningless. Most descriptions are so long and convoluted I cannot follow. The one in this article I found helpful. If you want a two-word simplification I think ‘State Capitalism’ might be closer.
And you completely missed the point.
Capitalism will never succeed where life depends on limited resources. A mars colony, or a military etc. resources and labour must be allocated.
You can provide examples of many failed societies. Like I said, they fail because of human corruption. Capitalism is based on it.
There is a lot of misconceptions about the Opium Trade in China which the Chinese Communists blamed on the British government for starting the Opium Wars as part of their anti-Western propaganda.
The historical facts tell a different story.
The Opium Trade was started by the British EIC in India because they had gone bankrupt as a result of losing their revenues from exporting Indian cotton textiles to England around the turn of the 19th century, decades before the First Opium War. At the time, England was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution that had succeeded in mechanizing the mass production of cotton textiles which were being exported to India. That’s how the British EIC lost their business of exporting hand-made Indian cotton textiles made in Bengal which could not compete against machine-made English cotton textiles made in Manchester. And that’s why the British EIC turned to Indian opium by growing them in Bengal to be sold to China.
Soon, other British players entered the Indian Opium trade with China such as Jardine-Matheson as well as locals such as the Parsis. Only after the First Opium War did the Iraqi Jewish Sassoons came to dominate the Indian Opium trade by using fast ships called Clippers to transport the Indian opium to HK. After the Second Opium War legalized the Opium trade in China, Chinese merchants then began cultivating Chinese opium to compete against Indian opium. Shortly thereafter, the British Jardine Matheson left the Indian Opium trade, unable to compete against the Sassoons and the Farsis. However, the Chinese merchants eventually took over the Chinese Opium trade which forced the Indian Opium trade to switch to Southeast Asia as its new markets.
By the time the British and the Chinese agreed to ban the Opium trade in 1906, the production of Chinese opium had surpassed that of Indian opium by a factor of 10x. In fact, all the foreign traders of Indian opium could not compete against the Chinese traders of Chinese opium. And that’s why the Sassoons had to relocate from Bombay to Shanghai where they changed their business model by trading in cotton textiles, textile machinery, food stuffs, etc.
Throughout the first half of the 20th century, the Chinese merchants who had made vast fortunes from the Chinese Opium trade then became the Chinese Capitalist Class. This motley group of warlords, gangsters, financiers, industrialists and merchants then managed to acquire political power by forming the backbone of the KMT. The foreign merchants who previously had monopolized the cotton textile trade eventually lost to the Chinese Capitalists who bought out their trading businesses and textile factories. This was made possible by Chiang who had nationalized the two currency-issuing banks in China — Bank of China and the Bank of Communications — while imposing tariffs on imports of cotton textiles and textile machinery. From 1927 to 1937, Chiang had managed to achieve self-sufficiency for the production of cotton textiles as well as the manufacturing of textile machinery in China right before the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. With the onset of the war, the foreign merchants including the Sassoons left Shanghai for London. During WWII, Chiang forced the British to revoke the Unequal Treaties signed during the Opium Wars granting extra-territorial rights to foreign concessions as his condition before agreeing to commit Chinese troops to fight the Japanese in Burma.
The people who worked together to fight Germany, Japan, Italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II#:~:text=Commanders%20and%20leaders
You are the one shining a negative light on China despite you saw its advancement with your own eyes, while I merely pointed out your contradiction and became repeating propaganda tropes?
If your questions exist China cannot advance to the state you have seen. Your questions reflect what a corrupted, corrosive and coercive society the America is, you cannot believe there is something different exist outside of the CIA, NED chord created toxic cult world.
Your questions are “you are guilty until proven innocent.” ploy.
On Chinese democracy, Mao mass line approach through incessant back and forth communications has proven its effectiveness in delivering democratic results. He wrote the following more than 80 years.
“In all the practical work of our Party, all correct leadership is necessarily “from the masses, to
the masses”. This means: take the ideas of the masses (scattered and unsystematic ideas) and concentrate them (through study turn them into concentrated and systematic ideas), then go to the masses and propagate and explain these ideas until the masses embrace them as their own, hold fast to them and translate them into action, and test the correctness of these ideas in such action. Then once again concentrate ideas from the masses and once again go to the masses so that the ideas are persevered in and carried through. And so on, over and over again in an endless spiral, with the ideas becoming more correct, more vital and richer each time. ”
This kind of democratic centralism was hindered by technological backwardness. In contrast, this approach shines in the current age of information.
Are you seriously using WW2 to support the actions of genocidal Jews today?
These are properly referenced quotes from Jewish leaders demonstrating that they had intended to and brag about after forcing Germany into WW2 with global boycotts.
Unless they were lying, all those lives, all that destruction and suffering brought to the world by Trumps best genocidal buddies.
“We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany”. David A Brown, national chairman, united Jewish campaign, 1934.
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany …holy war against Hitlers people”
Chaim Weismann, the Zionist leader, 8 September 1939, Jewish chronicle.
The Toronto evening telegram of 26 February 1940 quoted rabbi Maurice l. Perlzweig of the world Jewish Congress as telling a Canadian audience that” The world Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years”.
Most elites in the West can’t read Chinese and know very little about China and the Chinese people.
To be political correct about China often means he or she has to repeat what other elites think and write Result: Intellectual circles are often the blind leading the blind regarding China. And the misunderstanding spread top-down into the average Americans.
You write as if China was a prosperous utopia before Mao Zedong. That was definitely not true. When Mao took over in 1949, China was one of the poorest countries in the world, prone to frequent mass starvation.
Mao fixed the food problem. Better yet, he solved so many problems that in his later years China was growing six percent a year; link. As you will probably misunderstand that page, here’s the key graph from it:
As you can see, starting from 1969 or thereabouts, China’s growth rate reached six percent a year or higher and was clearly accelerating. Not bad for a socialist country. This occurred before the famous visit to Beijing by Richard Nixon.
You will probably remark that China’s growth increased to over 10% by the 1990s. But inflation was also high in those days, so we may never know whether the real growth rate was or was not higher than it was under Mao.
A growth rate of 6%, if sustained, would have been fast enough to make China’s economy the world’s largest. So you can see that the socialist economy was quite successful long before Deng Xiaoping’s capitalist reforms.
Ha ha ha ha. In 2000-2001, after California’s electric system was deregulated on the promise of better “efficiency”, the state’s power rates rose by up to 2000% in some counties (link). Yes, electricity became twenty times more expensive in many cases. So please explain how greed always maximizes wealth for society as a whole.
You can’t change the facts. But a fanatic like you will SHOUT and desperately hope to drown out other voices.
But necessity itself is created by the circumstances arising from the qualities of a people. Lesser peoples therefore never invent much of consequence.
I read your answer to @anon and I understand about the DEFCON1 thing. It makes sense.
However, if it was a biowarfare attack on China from the US, how come that all countries (except a few), actually all UN members did the exact same as China with the most unscientific and BS responses?
We could argue that China retaliated with its own bio-weapons to the West but it still doesn’t explain why other parts of the world followed the same playbook.
Personally I never complied to any of their demands like face diapers, distancing, stay at home, washing hands all time and avoiding health centers (on the contrary I went to investigate to realize that while media pretended hospitals were full with sick people, I saw how empty they were).
Never been sick, never got anything, not even a cold from 2020 to 2023 when they stopped the kabuki comedy.
Also why has China not closed its borders earlier if they were in a DEFCON1 scenario?
I’m not sure I should laugh or cry on your behalf.
Sinophilism is the rightist version of negro worship. Just another confused western mind seeking refuge in delusions about noble savagery. A statement like yours is an example of the most shameful genuflection to alien races. A very sad display.
Taking a look at a Chinese kitchen should be more than enough to dispel any notions about oriental superiority.
The Taiwanese are going to put their businesses in China into purchasing power parity.
Their real purchasing power parity is inflated.
However, I am generally contemptible of this kind of behavior, and if you don’t want to die with people like jim H, I suggest you don’t care about Taiwan.
If the virus WAS spread through airborne particulates then masks and social distancing were the right call and NOT an unscientific and BS response. The problem was that the virus due to its small size could only be (partially) mitigated by only the highest levels of aerosol protection and supplies of those protection quickly ran out and production could not keep pace during those early months. So, masking up became a symbol of social compliance rather than any effective preventative measure against the disease itself. The response was a method of holding society together, to show things were being done instead of allowing things to fall to chaos and anarchy.
You have to realize that during the Spring Festival period many of the foreign arrivals are actually Chinese diaspora from other lands. Citizens of other countries. China closing its border early without actual justification can be perceived as mass abduction of foreign nationals and could spark an international incident and mass outrage. So, they let them all go, it had bigger things to deal with.
Masks were shown to be utterly useless in studies from Denmark and Bangladesh, that were ignored. They caused more harm than good, cursing ‘mask mouth’ oral infections, CO2 intoxication, pulmonary infections and harms to reveal themselves from chemical, plastic and other pollution from the masks themselves. ‘Social distancing’ was invented for the occasion.
Yes, I worse a ‘mask’ of sorts in order not to invite discord and it might have worried old duffers, on the buses and indoors, they being those at most risk. I never wore them out-doors-that was just too stupid, even for me. And WHATEVER China does, the Western MSM and political psychopaths will criticise it. Race hatred and envy do that to nassty organisms.
wow! how you project.
And again, I note you don’t answer any of my questions about
a) how come the Princelings are so wealthy if it’s a meritocracy only system as described
b) what sort of detailed reporting about ‘corruption’ is out there apart from impressive statistics.
You have no idea what I read. You don’t even guess my nationality correctly. You just insult without any substance without engaging in issues raised.
Very low level contributor!
Thanks for your reply.
Using terms like “democratic centralism” to characterize Maoist Communism is misleading because you are trying to fit the Chinese People’s War of National Liberation led by Mao to the ontological framework of the West. At heart, the People’s War of National Liberation led by Mao was a peasant uprising against the Japanese Imperialists and later against the US-backed KMT government. The People’s Revolution didn’t end with the founding of the PRC but continued in various forms throughout the Revolutionary Period until the death of Mao in 1976. What differentiated Maoism from Leninism and Stalinism was that China has had a long tradition of peasant uprisings throughout its 2,000-years of history. That’s why Mao gave power to the People but not to the Party nor the State unlike Lenin and Stalin, respectively. Even the Party was not exempt from his People’s Revolution when Mao launched the Cultural Revolution against his own Party. That Maoist legacy is still alive and well today when Xi purged the Dengist Kleptocracy from the Party during his anti-corruption campaign against the “Tigers and Flies”.
Westerners tend to view China from a Western lens which gives rise to a distorted view of Chinese history. China is not, has never been and will never be a Western country for the simple reason that Chinese people are not White. Only from the cultural context of Chinese Civilization can one understand the Chinese People’s Revolution led by Mao despite the foreign origins of Marxism-Leninism.
TV’s assertion that ‘Capitalism always and everywhere ensures the maximisation of wealth for society as a whole..’, has been thoroughly disproved since the Reagan-Thatcher reaction of the 80s. It sounds like an epistle extracted direct from Milton Friedman’s kosher fundament.
Not only does capitalism ‘always and everywhere’ in the real world increase inequality, elite wealth and power and social indebtedness, but it also destroys the natural world, which capitalism, insanely and wickedly, dismisses as a mere ‘externality’ to its hideous dope dreams, fit only for dopes like TV. Capitalism is the antithesis of all that is living, diverse and ever evolving.
‘I cannot follow’. We know, dear chap-we know.
Great Article on China but the influence of Buddhism is not fully understood. China’s progress maybe linked to Confuscianism but Confuscianism was limited to China while Buddhism influenced the entire East Asian regions whose success among China’s neighors is equal to China. With few exceptions almost all Buddhist nations have excelled. That includes Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, and even Sri Lanka as far as the subcontinent is concerned
That group of Princelings is what I call the “Dengist Kleptocracy” who used their political power to amass their ill-gotten wealth during the 1990s and 2000s until Xi launched his anti-corruption against the “Tigers and Flies” shortly after assuming power in 2012. This Dengist Kleptocracy was laundering their ill-gotten wealth through the Chinese property market thus fueling the Chinese property bubble. They were even using Chinese gangsters to launder their ill-gotten wealth through Macao’s casinos and Dongguang’s sex industry.
Not only did Xi purge the Dengist Kleptocracy from political power but he also destroyed their economic base by popping the Chinese property bubble and nationalizing the Chinese property industry. Xi had to wait until the COVID-19 pandemic before making his move to destroy their economic base which is centered around the wealth-management industry in Shanghai (equivalent to the private-equity industry in Wall Street) that was fueling the property bubble in China. The Chinese property industry is now following the Singapore model of a two-tier system consisting of State-owned developers building mass-market housing for the middle-income classes and luxury housing for the upper-income classes. In Singapore, 85% of Singaporeans live in mass-market housing built by the HDB while 15% of Singaporeans plus foreign expats live in luxury condos. Xi now wants to do the same as he believes that housing is for living not investing. For the rich Chinese people who want to park their cash somewhere, they are now buying gold instead of houses. But they still have the option of buying luxury housing greater than 144 sqm but not mass-market housing less than 144 sqm which is reserved for the Chinese middle classes.
Forget all the ideological, philosophical and religious nonsense as China is a very simple system of how it is ruled. In reality the people rule, and people tolerate a ruler so they rule. When poverty or corruption are rampant people start to complain, then riot, overthrow their government as we all saw in Ukraine, despite the fact it was all paid for and run by the USA in another colour revolution. But the point is a few people can change the government, and Ukraine showed how a minority can take over. China has a huge population always has – and hunger makes people move, and try to survive, causing genuine civil war and disobedience.
So in China they have a mandate from Heaven and the people are happy to let the rulers rule if they feel it is fair, and they are comfortable well fed and comfortably housed.
So China has a choice like all countries, the leaders can fill their own pockets, like in the USA and Europe, and we can all see how the people in those countries live, the quality of life for ordinary folk, where the chasm between the rich, the corrupt and the poor the people who do all the work that make society work as well as create the wealth.
In China the wealth is obvious, the infrastructure, the wages always getting better, the quality of life, have enough to eat, and live, and not like in the civilised western world surviving from pay check to pay check having to decide if they eat or heat their home in winter. The infrastructure is deplorable, as the money is not put back into the population, where health and education get worse all the time because its always AUSTERITY, and the money in the bank accounts of the super rich does nothing, where in China – the jewels are there for all to see and enjoy.
China is autocratic so bad as the people enjoy a good life, whereas in the west its called a Democracy but really and autocracy where a few are rich and the rest struggle to feed and house themselves and their families as the parasites run the show, whereas in China the parasites have their place and are kept in their place, contributing to the greater good.
Americans and the Whites are inventing less and less nowadays while Chinese pattern registrations and R&D publications are overtaking the Whites, and the trend is continuing, as well as the gap is widening. This phenomenon proves that Whites are becoming lesser and lesser people.
How come only 1% are so wealthy in the West if it’s a democracy only system as described?
How come a hundred thousand yearly salary congressmen/women own hundreds of millions of assets?
How can hundreds of billions of dollars of public money disappear within the government in the West without being accounted for?
“We lie, we cheat and we steal” is the American national motto. The West has been manufacturing consent for centuries; other than lies and fabrications, what else can you read?
Do you believe this fabrication? Your IQ is indeed below 85.
“China is great because it has all sorts of people who want to make it great.”
That is what you say if you don’t want to be arrested and your body organs taken in China!
Also MCGA doesn’t work very well on a hat.
Sorry. But you are quite wrong.
Almost all Chinese and other people blame the British government for starting the Opium Wars after Lin burnt the Opium and forbade the opium trade. Of course, some Chinese in Hong Kong who see themself as honorary white people would try to defend, at least not seriously, the UK’s right to start the opium wars in the name of free trade.
I am not sure whether the US should attack Mexican drug cartel. But it is absolutely the right and the responsibility of the US government to forbid narcotics, including synthetics like fentanyl, confiscate any found and punish the traders inside the US.
What if the Mexican government attacks the US? Would defend such response by the Mexican government?
I won’t blame the people.
Rather big corporations in the US are spending more and more money wage legal battles defending their monopolies. In addition, US politicians have taken too much money in the form of campaign financing which degrades their ability to regulate/minimize corporate excesses.
Rob the Miser writes:
You’ve demonstrated that you know nothing about Capitalism.
What you do know about it is some cartoonish characterisation that you’ve absorbed through the ZOG owned MSM and ZOG controlled public education system.
Corruption can occur under any system – only liars assert otherwise.
Under a system of Free Market Capitalism (or as near as possible to it – seeing as we’ve never had 100% free markets anywhere), corruption is minimised to a much greater extent than in the leftist dystopias of your Big Gubmint Authoritarian ideal world.
That you don’t know this, is indicative of your economic illiteracy.
Lol, that is the best you could come up with, the kitchen? Huh-white nationalists really are cucked.
Reminder that German cuisine was the target of propaganda by fellow huh-white brothers. Pmmmf
I would work for the Chinese if it means getting back at our traitors, our whores, the kikes and you.
Eat shit and stay mad, there is nothing you can do to stop us. German engineers already set the stages for Chinese top position as THE technocracy. Who know, they might even pay us back by giving us a list of all the based huh-white bruder.
My erection is getting unbearable at the thought of exterminating your sub-human kike loving kind.
The amerikikes are the enemies of mankind. To sedate them before extermination is called moral pest control.
The so called huh-white (((identity))) has turned the West into the biggest slave pen on the planet. European throwing their ethnic roots away, eager to serve the yids and emulate the inferior and convinning anglos.
Sorry but you misread my statement. Here’s what I wrote:
The British government waged the Opium Wars for and on behalf of the British traders of Indian Opium such as Jardine Matheson. But the British government did not start the Indian Opium trade which was started by the British EIC in India several decades before the First Opium War which forced the opening of Treaty Ports to British Merchants in China. In the Second Opium War, the British government forced the Qing Dynasty to legalize the Opium trade which allowed the Chinese merchants to start cultivating Chinese Opium in China. Due to pressure from the Americans who were alarmed at the global spread of the Chinese Opium trade, the British and the Qing Dynasty finally agreed to ban the Chinese Opium trade in 1906. The Chinese Opium trade died down for awhile but was revived by the Chinese warlords, gangsters and Capitalists who eventually took over the KMT and turned the Republic of China into a Narco-State just like Mexico today. In the meantime, the foreign merchants such as Jardine-Matheson, the Sassoons, the Farsis, etc. who abandoned the Indian Opium trade due to competition from the Chinese Opium trade had transformed themselves into legitimate businessmen importing goods like cotton textiles, textile machinery, food products, etc.
The British government was just the hired guns of the British EIC and Jardine-Matheson who lobbied the British Parliament to start the Opium Wars. England was neither the source nor the origin of the Indian Opium sold to China but India under the British EIC who started the Indian Opium trade because they had gone bankrupt.
Your not the brightest fellow out there, are you Vidi?
This is evidenced by asinine assertions – like this one that you posted:
I never hinted anywhere that China was, in the pre-Mao period, an oasis of abundance.
China in the pre-Mao period had undergone a century of humiliation, as various western powers exploited and impoverished it – so hardly a functional example of Capitalism by any stretch of the imagination.
That said, as bad as food insecurity might have been before, MORE PEOPLE DIED OF STARVATION UNDER MAO (and/or he killed countless more in his purges that either would’ve starved OR, by reducing the population by tens of millions, this enabled there to be just sufficient food for those that remained), in the 27 years of his tenure than in the whole of the 50 years prior to his ascension to power.
If that’s what you call ‘fixing’ by Mao, give me broken every day of the week.
You then go on to compound your stupidity with this remark:
That is a meaningless figure when one factors in that China was coming off a pitifully low base, after being raped and pillaged by the Japanese during WWII, and having to fight a war (going back to the 1930’s) with the former entity.
This massively impoverished an already struggling nation even further.
Any nation can record ‘high’ growth rates and sustain those rates for years on end – IF they start at ridiculously low levels at the beginning. Any number of sub-Saharan African shit-holes have had similar (if not higher growth rates) that stretched for many years (until the next Anglo-Zionist empire backed coup or civil war brought them back down to earth again).
So, let me use an analogy that will shake you out of your ignorant stupor.
I don’t know what the ‘GDP’ of your family is, but for the sake of argument, let’s pick a nice round figure of $100K.
Well, let me break both your arms and legs, and likewise for you spouse (the two of you were the only breadwinners in your household before).
And we’ll assume you have no insurance and live in a country where the Gubmint provides no welfare handouts.
Well now your 10 year old kid (he has a weekend job that makes him $20/week. ie: around $1K per year), is the only income provider.
So now the ‘GDP’ of your household is down to $1K. (down 99%).
But rabid Socialist that you are, you start boasting to me that one year later your household GDP has increased to $1.5K (your boy is now making $30/week). ie: 50% growth.
And in the following year your boy maintained that 50% growth rate, and the family GDP is up to $2.25K.
You rabid leftists are an EFF’N JOKE.
Meanwhile, as stupid as you’ve been so far, you lower the bar still further with this foolish remark:
Do you recall something called ‘The Patriot Act’ that came to fruition in the immediate aftermath of the ZOG orchestrated 9/11 False Flag?
Well, some stupid rubes on par with you, supported it because it would be ‘unpatriotic’ to go against an act so named. ie: it would un-American, or so they believed.
I suspect that you were one of these masked up fully vaxxed and boostered half-wits (seeing as they’re disproportionately leftist shit-libs like yourself).
The fact is that the U.S today is a Socialist shit-hole.
And epicentre of Socialism is none other than Leftist dominated California.
So, when a shit-lib Governor like Newsom or his predecessor (even the left-of-centre Arnold Schwarzenegger 20 years ago was not much better – Arnold was a Republican in name only), announced ‘deregulation’, the reality is NO SUCH THING.
The reality of what he (and U.S politicians from both sides of the aisle have been doing under Crony Corporatist rule), is selling off public utilites to their ZOG crony pals at cents on the dollar of what they’re worth, and then enacting legislation that allows said entity to have a MONOPOLY in that jurisdiction.
THIS IS NOT CAPITALISM. Do you understand that, you dumb rube?
Think about it Mr Marxist. Let’s assume you’re paying $3/gallon now for fuel for your car at your local petrol station, who you’ve always gone to because it’s convenient.
Well, what if he increased the price of petrol by 2000% (or even 20%).
Said petrol station would NOT SELL A SINGLE GALLON OF PETROL thereafter as customers deserted in droves.
Summary: The ONLY way a business can get away with a 2000% increase (or indeed a 20% increase over the standard rate found elsewhere around the country), is when said business has a monopoly – A GUBMINT BESTOWED MONOPOLY.
If some established player (that previously had 80% of the market share in that sector), jacked up his price without a valid reason (ie: just for the sake of gouging his customers), and assuming he colluded with the other suppliers controlling the remaining 20% of the market so that they also charged the inflated price, THIS WOULD SOON ATTRACT NEW ENTRANTS TO THE MARKET.
These new entrants would undercut the established players and take a slice of the juicy profits on offer. Soon enough other competitors would join in and undercut the previous lot – until a PRICE WAR ERUPTED and profit margins eventually became wafer thin.
That’s how Capitalism works.
But you wouldn’t know this – because you’re an economic illiterate.
Mulga writes:
Now bear in mind, for those UR readers not familiar with Mulga, this is the clown that was sucked in by the easily disprovable Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax, that believes the ‘Gas of Life’ (CO2) that is Greening the Planet and is essential for life on Earth, is actually ‘pollution’.
If that wasn’t enough, he also believes that those prone-t0-combust, wildly overpriced and heavily subsidised death traps (otherwise known as EV’s), are the future – when EVERY METRIC around the world shows the EV market is rapidly imploding.
That is how stupid Mulga is.
A couple of weeks ago I posted for Mulga’s edification, an article showing that Tesla sales had fallen 63% in France.
Mulga responded that I had cherry picked a particular country, but in fact this is occurring worldwide. Further proof of that is this video titled ‘Australian Tesla sales in February PLUNGE over 70%’:
(* The reality is that Chinese Gubmint mandates are forcing people into purchasing EV’s in many of the bigger Chinese cities that have air quality problems.
Had those mandates not been in place, EV sales would be collapsing there as well).
Either way, mandates or not, the EV market even in China is heading over the precipice.
Only lobotomised morons (and those deluded Net Zero Nitwits like Mulga), believe EV’s have a future – or that Socialism delivers anything other than impoverishment and misery.
“… resources and labour must be regulated.” Really? Who will do the regulating? The regulators themselves, are corrupted as it is. These regulators, you seem so thrilled about, have stolen everything not nailed down as it is. Who will regulate the regulators? The present oligarchy owns the regulators. The oligarchy has been making the regulations since 1913.
How is that working out? War, depression, inflation, brainwashing, asset stripping, interest rate manipulation, corruption, gaslighting, outright thievery, assassinations — in a word debauchery.
The process has alienated the people from their estate and from one another. It appears to me though you are not satisfied yet! Your imagined society would be like a beehive. …One completely stratified i.e. life without the necessity of human reflexes.
Bees are regulated but of necessity they are obedient to their essence natures, which is to say they obey their programming. You need to think things through to their logical ends. You, obviously, would wield every means to realize such a state were you in charge. You offer up for our consideration an existence built on a totalitarian foundation. No thanks.
Who are you going to exterminate? Start with the lice in your hair.
Sure you would. Mutts are stupid like that. You sound like a deranged comic book villian. Talking about world domination and murder fantasies. Very sad. In reality you wouldn’t even look at your neighbor cross eyed. I’m real scared comrade.
Kike lover? You are rambling like a lunatic. Do you even know up from down?
Thank you! What a great answer.
So is it fair to say that the Princelings have had their wings clipped and are no longer a main power base within the Party? More importantly, is the meritocracy description described by Hua Bin in the above article more or less accurate? I ask because nearly all human societies end up with some sort of class system which ends up with a higher, middle and lower. What changes from society to society is how they come to be, how they transfer, or not, multi-generationally and so forth. Are there old wealthy families still or was that all truly swept away? Or are there new wealthy families now that capitalism has been embraced (albeit with Chinese characteristics!)?
My interest in China is mainly general, because she is such an important country these days, but also since I’ve studied the Yi, a bit of Daoism and Chinese Medicine (from Daoists, not the TCM system) since the 1970s, So I have some familiarity with classic Chinese thought, but not modern Chinese culture except for a brief visit to one small part of China years ago (to practice Chen-school taichi for health reasons). When I see pictures of China’s great progress and read occasional articles (though I tend to avoid mainstream press), I often wonder if China, starting with the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and establishment of communism and now state capitalism etc., has not bought overmuch into modern materialism and does this not conflict with bedrock Chinese cultural values? Is endless material modernization really the best expression of core Chinese civilizational mores? Every speech I read by Xi mentions ‘modernization’ many times.
Since you were so generous with the first questions I raised, I would be grateful if you could address this concern, or question, of mine. I hope you can tell that I am not coming from a place that has been propagandized about ‘China Bad’ etc., rather just wondering the degree to which China is over-emphasizing materialism much as the West has done the past two or more centuries.
Yes. The Western contribution to science and technology was unprecedented in the history of mankind. For that, I think the world acknowledges it and is thankful for it. BUT…………
The Western nations at the start of the scientific revolution are nations with a few elites and most are serfs. This is in fact in line with the predictions of the IQ bell curve. Assuming the West in that period had an average IQ of 100 which means 50% of the people have less than 100 in IQ. The main contributors to ground breaking science most likely had IQs in the 130s and up, which means less than 1% of people in the West contributed to the scientific revolution.
As the industrial revolution gained steam and the West started to colonialize other parts of the world, the White serfs were now elevated to a higher status. Middle class for some. Many went overseas to lord over colonial subjects.
Now we have these low IQ descendants of serfs boasting over Western creations that had nothing to do with them other than belonging in the same race.
The 21st century is when the rewards of Western colonization truly ends and unsurprisingly, the ones benefited by association, by race, with colonial bounties the Western elites so expertly cultivated over the past 200 years, are now slowly reverting back to the lowly serfs they truly are.
Is this your game?
TV likes the MOST moronic anti-EV troll going on Youtube. Like attracts like. In reality, EV sales are BOOMING, everywhere where that people have brains. The morons prefer that their children breathe benzene and particulate smogs, so they can as dumb as papa, if they don’t get cancer first. You have to wonder WHY Rightist ghouls prefer smog, noise and cancer, and hate quiet, clean air and safe children, but THAT is the Right, after all. They, of course, smell a buck in it.
Naturally, the moron acts as if Tesla is the only EV brand in existence, so Tesla sales falling, because Musk has pissed off ‘liberals’, means ALL EV sales are falling. Retarded dumb-fuckering at its fuckest, as ever.
The Gish Gallop of lies flows like diarrhoea, as ever, from the bowels of its mind. EVs are the safest type of cars for fires, hybrids the worst, ICE in between. And battery cars are getting safer. A common denialist mind-fuck is to deny technological progress where their twisted psyches hate something, thus EVs whose safety,range, speed of charging etc are all rapidly improving, will NEVER get more efficient, like ICE cars, in fact.
Then the pure Life-hating cultist emerges, with its habitual imbecile blather about CO2 being the ‘gas of life’. Moronic forty years ago, today it is positively omnicidal. Whatever it is that drives evil psychopaths like this to actively work for human extinction is mysterious to normal human souls, but this one is a ‘libertarian’ ie a very greedy, xenophobic, misanthropic cretin, perhaps the worst human type of all. And they’ve won folks-February was the nineteenth of the last twenty months above the silly 1.5 C rise in global average temperature LIMIT-better put your affairs in order.
The anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialing ghoul, is OF COURSE, a vicious racist. How these thugs HATE Mao, the greatest figure of the last two or so hundred years. Mao, whose government raised Chinese life expectancy from less than forty to nearly seventy, the greatest such leap for the most people in history (just ahead of India in its socialist phase).
His description of capitalism is SO moronic and brainwashed that you have to laugh. To say that anyone can enter the market and that competition is fierce, may be some sort of libertarian dope dream, but in the reality of really existing capitalism, entry is for those with pre-existing capital, ie the already, hereditary, rich, and rigged ‘competition’ is between a few oligopolists, with monopoly much preferred. Just as Marx predicted, and Milton Fried Man lied about. God! You’re not Judaic are you TV?
In fact China plans its economic growth, CAREFULLY. No ‘invincible hand’ wanking for them, as for Moshe bar Truthy in his fever-dreams. No ‘fierce competition’, but competition plus collaboration in nodes of production allied to research institutes and universities. In other words, intelligent, dedicated, people working for the COMMON GOOD, that condition that the insatiably greedy, atomised, xenophobic pustule of brainwashed idiocy, the ‘libertarian’, hates so very much, in its misanthropic delirium.
Capitalism is based on death. Capital is DEAD, dead, dead. It is the appropriated value stolen from workers’ production by capitalist blood-suckers and accumulated over generations. It is also stolen from the natural world that capitalism DESTROYS, utterly, anywhere that it can be converted into filthy lucre, Moshe bar Truthy’s one true God (Yahweh in disguise).
Thus capitalism operates like cancer, devouring all that is living, and leaving shit (pollution) behind, plus a pile of dead, dead, dead, ‘money’ in the place of animals, plants and human beings. And capitalists like Moshe bar Truthy are metastases of the primary capitalist tumour, and they have destroyed Life on Earth, leaving only excrement behind, that they quaintly ignore as an ‘externality’, showing the depraved depths of their Life hatred. If it recovers at all, so vast is capitalist destruction, Life will take millions of years to re-establish its pre-capitalist diversity, but, for Life-haters like Moshe bar Truthy, that is the sweetest victory of all.
So those people growing your food for a small profit are dealing death! Got it! ROTFLMAO!!!!
BTW: Can I have your share of that “filthy lucre”???? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
The oligarchy is composed of a a relatively small tribe of Jews. Of course it ought to go without saying that since 1913 they have a vice like control over the global money supply. The U.S. dollar is the medium of exchange globally and Jews control the creation of the dollar. Therefore, they control, as a matter of course, who they lend to and who they refuse. Of course they never hesitate to lend to, say, Black Rock or the industries that manufacture the means for BlackRock to impose their stranglehold over entire countries. Of course Jews control the companies which comprise the entire military industrial corporations. Jews support the Nazis in Ukraine. The war is about one thing — stealing Ukraine’s farm land. Ukraine has no rare earths!
The President of the United States is completely controlled by the Jewish mafia. Stateside the Jews control the entire economy — all of it. Jews loot the treasury, deploying the funds appropriated year over year from the American public, and so direct those appropriations towards the beneficiaries they earmark by legislation are to receive them. The beneficiaries are Jews. Gals like Victoria Newland!
Jews can be seen to have access to money any time they want. This is done easily because the means of them consolidating wealth is Wall Street, including their corollary control over the U.S. treasury! And by now most every American has seen the extent of Jewish control of the Senate. Jews run the United States. The U.S. is the Jewish homeland. Israel captures the attention of the masses while behind the scenes Jews control the policies which enable their looting. They control the Supreme Court, Wall Street, the U.S. treasury, the Senate, the Federal Reserve, most of the Media properties in the U.S. and Canada and Great Britain and Australia and New Zealand and control Silicon Valley and the entire educational system. They control what most people believe to be true — most of which is a big LIE.
They are exactly like the weevils which hollow out the cotton bolls.
But the problem is fewer and fewer people are inventing anything truly useful for all mankind. Why would they?
As previously stated: When you can fill the space between these abandoned buildings with ice and snow, and then extend that ice and snow in all directions to the horizon in the span of 80 years … then the polar ice caps are not melting! LOL!!!!!!!!
and Mao, reduced the life expectancy of Chinese to 40 years. First by starvation (40-50 million dead during the Great Famine) and then the Cultural Revolution (with another 10-20 million deaths).
The subsequent increase in Chinese life expectancy was based on the fact that people tend to live to around 70-80 years when they get enough food and …. aren’t food themselves.
One of the most horrific consequences of the Great Famine was cannibalism. Police reports detail specific cases of cannibalism. In Anhui province, 1289 cases were recorded in 1960. In Fenyang, a couple strangled and ate their eight-year-old son. Some parents did not dare to kill their own children for food, so they traded and ate other people’s children.
Well, you don’t really answer the question as to why, if it was bio-warfare attack on China, 194 countries suddenly started to do the same, including countries very far away.
It is also a fact that, if there is a virus, the best way to kill it is by people getting it and getting naturally immune to it by mixing. This is what happened with evolution, human beings adapted, some died but most not and by mixing became immune to these ‘viruses’.
If you wanted to make sure that the virus didn’t die out, you would isolate people.
As for the face diapers, any virus is so small that to stop it with the kind of masks the pandemic pushers wanted to force on us, that it would be like to stop mosquitoes with a fence.
However, the muzzle as I call it has another function: obedience, it has always been used since centuries on slaves, prisoners and other inmates. It also create a mass of uniformed anonymous people, something communists love. It also remind people of a ‘danger’ and perpetuate the fear porn broadcast by complicit media.
As the criminal Fauci admitted: “Mask were imposed to lead to the injections”.
The playbook they used for covid was created in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation which described word for word the measures taken by most governments and the events which happened in 2020.
And famously:
“David Rockefeller’s list of crises that could trigger a new world order, put together in the 1950s under the Rockefellers’ Special Brothers Fund, were war, terrorism, pandemics, financial disasters and … climate”.
And since 9/11, we have had all of them…
These days they are pushing the war playbook with Russia along with manufactured fire attacks in Hawaii or California, geo-engineering and of course their man made climate change scare.
So far i haven’t seen China being different than the US in pushing these agendas, but then I am not Chinese.
My assertion couldn’t have been asinine because it was true. If you think it was asinine, I must have really hit a nerve.
You began by saying that China’s people “eked an existence in GRINDING POVERTY [your shouting]”. This was true in the first few years of the PRC. But you blamed Mao’s socialism for the poverty, which obviously means that China must have been more prosperous before Mao’s revolution. This was definitely false.
Ah. As usual, the Western (and Dengist) propaganda comes out. You are probably referring to purported mass starvation during Mao’s Great Leap Forward. See the following chart, taken from one of Godfree Roberts’ articles here (link) :
If people were dying by the millions, as you claim, then why did China’s death rates actually go down during the GLF (1958-1962)? (Note: as the chart says, the graph was based on information from the United Nations.)
Furthermore, from Joseph Ball’s excellent 2006 article (link): “But surely if Mao’s actions had led to the deaths of millions of peasants, the peasants would have realized what was going on. However, the evidence is that they did not blame Mao for most of the problems that occurred during the Great Leap Forward …. [Professor] Han Dongping found that most of the farmers he questioned favored the first interpretation of events, rather than the second, that is to say they did not think Mao was mainly to blame for the problems they suffered during the Great Leap Forward.”
The “mass starvation during GLF” propaganda had legs probably because Deng Xiaoping, China’s leader after Mao, cooperated in the lying: in order to overcome the people’s resistance to his capitalist reforms, he needed to make Mao look bad. Again from Joseph Ball’s article: “it is claimed by many who have studied figures released by Deng Xiaoping after Mao’s death that per capita grain production did not increase at all during the Mao period …. [But] during 1949-1978 the per hectare yield of land sown with food crops increased by 145.9% and total food production rose 169.6%. During this period China’s population grew by 77.7%. On these figures, China’s per capita food production grew from 204 kilograms to 328 kilograms in the period in question.”
Mao’s socialist government was an enormous benefit to China. So the propaganda propagated by you clearly was a lie after lie after lie.
I am quite serious here.
Like it or hate it, the USA really was Number 1 in the Eisenhower years.
And right now, China occupied the same slot, even if the details differ.
In the 1980s it was a Japanese world. It might not have been precisely what they wanted either.
The problem with the USA is Trump is doing nothing about our structural problems. Cities will remain shitholes and food deserts till we discipline the gangbangers and get living wages back.
Same for our rural crack zones. Not one of Trump’s people are mentioning the problems we have here. Musk has even less of a clue than Trump, and that’s saying something
Can I have some water with these noodles?? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
No! No they are not! Even the Chinks are getting sick of them but they are forced to buy, as the Chinklander government made it almost impossible to pass vehicle inspection for ICV’s. LOL!!!!!!!
That is a Chinklander problem and not a Western one. As these guys like to point out …. “The sky don’t lie”! 15 seconds in! LOL!!!!!!
“The sky don’t lie” see above!!! LOL!!! and you don’t have to wonder why Chinklanders pollute! Such is the power of greed!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Because the problem wasn’t contained to China? You are aware a virus does not respect the sanctity of borders right? There are thousands of international flights to and from China every single day to every single corner of the planet.
The problem with this viewpoint is that it is scientifically, politically, ethically and morally indefensible. When you don’t know the lethality of a virus, allowing it to “rip through” your population is the absolute stupidest decision you can make. What if it was ebola? or some other virus with a 50+% fatality rate? No country can survive half its population dying in the span of a year or two. Supply chains and institutions, law and order would completely collapse and very soon you would have global anarchy and apocalyptic levels of misery. This is not up for discussion.
We were very lucky that the latter corona variants replaced the earlier, more deadly strains but even at a 1% morbidity rate, a large country like the USA or China you’re looking at excess mortality in the millions or tens of millions. No politician will survive the political backlash of condemning millions of citizens to an avoidable death, autocracy OR democracy. This is the calculus that the Chinese government made and it is a perfectly rational one.
I’m not saying the globalist elites didn’t use this as an opportunity to exploit the breakdown of public order to accelerate their plans and rollout their social control technologies, of course they did all of that. But they would have done all of that regardless of what China did.
I forgot to answer the rest of your remarks. You did so much ranting that I won’t bother to address all your points.
Whoa there. Mao did not make China worse. On the contrary, he improved the country enormously. See my previous comment.
Without interruption from 1983 to 1999, California had Republican governors (Deukmejian from 1983 to 1991; Wilson from 1991 to 1999). The twenty-fold jump happened in that stretch.
You think that climbing out of the previous government’s deep hole was easy for Mao? Just three years before he founded the PRC, there was a massive famine! Life was hell in China for a while. Eventually reaching six percent growth was excellent, especially when you consider that China was under nearly total US sanctions at the time. Socialism works.
China is still socialist: the country’s four largest banks, which by the way are the four largest banks in the world (link), are owned by the state. Socialism is still working well in China: last year the country grew far faster than any of the “rich” capitalist nations in the G7.
I think I know why you are so insistent that capitalism must be better: China’s great success is severely embarassing the US, thereby seriously threatening the corrupt current dynasty in Washington and the appeal of its economic model. Whether Republicans or Democrats are in power doesn’t seem to matter, as corruption continues to consume the US dynasty.
The famine was a rumor that had been dispelled long before.
I’m shocked that someone as dedicated to weird economics as you would believe that.
It feels like at least you don’t have very good independent thinking skills.
Keep barking amerimutts. Only genetic trashes support the (((West))). College educated Europeans (the actual high IQ kind) support China. The rails, the cars, the techs, all collaboration…
We will all fucking hunt you down and profit at the same time, and there is nothing you can do about it.
The reason I dislike EV’s (other than that they’re wildly overpriced, depreciate like a stone, prone-to-combust and immolate you and your family, forced on us by Gubmint mandates, that taxpayer billions are wasted to purchase Gubmint EV fleets, that they’re heavily subsidised by the taxes of the working class so that rich shit-lib twits can buy them for less, that they were introduced in the first place to combat a NON PROBLEM), is because they’re BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
But Mulga is too stupid to see this. He’s not technically proficient to analyse the real world data.
But that doesn’t stop him from peddling those outrageous untruths of his.
So, to quantify that, an EV owner needs to drive between 100,000 km and 150,000 km just to BREAK EVEN in terms of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere (not that CO2 is a problem anyway).
In other words, the CO2 ‘saving’ one gets from driving an EV over an ICE vehicle in the first 150,000 km or so, is OFFSET by the excess CO2 generated in making the eff’n EV in the first place.
But it doesn’t end there. EV’s need Lithium, Cobalt and rare earth metals to manufacture – ALL OF WHICH ARE WRECKING THE ECOSYSTEM to extract from the soil.
Watch the following 8 min video relating to cobalt mining in Congo, and the horrific conditions/fatalities that result for the poorest of the poor:
I could likewise show you dozens of videos about what Lithium mining is doing by poisoning the earth in desperately poor countries.
Mulga goes on to write this:
UR readers, can you see the irony here? I, with a hard science STEM background, and being a long standing car enthusiast (someone whose knowledge of automotive matters exceeds the COMBINED knowledge of Mulga and his millions of Net Zero Nitwit cultist pals), is being lectured by this fool about ‘technological progress’.
You really have to laugh at this mentally impaired moron.
EVERY car enthusiast/mechanic/engineer/motorsport aficionado I know (and I know a lot), are unanimous in their opinions that EV’s are lemons.
Needless to say, not a single one has ever contemplated buying one, let alone actually owning one.
That’s all you need to know about Mulga. He talks a big game, but refuses to walk the walk.
Mulga, the most tarnished of pots calling the kettle black, demonstrates his hypocrisy once more (and simultaneously demonstrates his English language shortocomings, by inventing the non-word ‘denialing’ instead of ‘denying’), when he writes:
I urge all UR readers to take the time to watch the few minutes of the following video from 1:05:00-1:12:50, which will comprehensively prove who the racists are:
Mulga always like to crow about how China under Capitalism, after the death of the Socialist Mao (whose tenure yielded nothing but death and despair), lifted hundreds of millions out of subsistence poverty and into the middle class.
This came about for ONE REASON ONLY. ie: China’s electrification brought about by widespread implementation of coal fired power plants.
But Mulga and his Net Zero Nitwit pals, REFUSE TO ALLOW THE ‘DARKIES’ (as he calls them), the opportunity to improve their lives. Instead he would much rather they all dropped dead in their 40’s (or earlier) from respiratory illnesses/lung cancer, brought about by smoke inhalation.
You know, we often hear people responding to the comments of others here in this webzine, as one person accuses another of projection. (ie: an accusation levelled at someone, when in fact the accuser is himself guilty of that crime/infraction).
This is not correct. The twenty-fold jump occurred after the 2000-2001 deregulation, which means it happened when a Democrat (Gray Davis) was governor. Sorry about that. I thought the jump occurred in 1990. Apologies.
In my defense, the twenty-fold jump occurred only a year after the end of Pete Wilson’s second term. After sixteen straight years of dominating California, Republicans probably still had heavy influence there.
In an earlier comment Mulga described Mao as ‘the greatest figure of the last two or so hundred years’. And, in fairness to Mulga and his Satanic blood lust for death and destruction, this is how he defines ‘greatness’.
Mulga and his belief system gives accolades to those who bring impoverishment, that deliver death and despair.
And on that score, it’s impossible to beat Mao.
Of course, when viewed from an objective standpoint by those endowed with a sense of morality, Adolf Hitler was far and away the greatest statesman in living memory (and arguably in all of recorded history).
Because he came closest of all to unshackling humanity from indentured servitude to ZOG.
Runner up to Hitler is of course JFK who, in his 34 months in office, gave the Talmudic misfits one hell of a fright.
And, had he been allowed to serve two full terms in office, Jack Kennedy would have likely inflicted those mortal blows to ZOG that would’ve entailed that it shrivelled on the vine.
Gvaltar is a Hasbara trollbot, and not even a very good one. Most of its (sic) comments are simply LOL or Troll canned responses, and its actual written content consists of one-liners framed in faux-rhetorical question style.
Best to ignore the gnat that it is.
TV is a deranged moron. When confronted with facts, like all hard-core Rightists, (and Zionazis too, interestingly) he just doubles down on his garbage. He’s not very bright, really.
When a hard Right, racist, psychopath like TV is confronted by facts that refute his moronic brainwashing, he just doubles-down on the lies. His type, being psychologically disturbed, believe that they ‘create reality’ inside the vacuum between his ears. Mao, in particular, enrages this type, because the greatest human figures MUST be White, male, demi-gods like TV. It’s all so reminiscent of Judaic grandiosity that I suspect TV lost his prepuce at eight days.
As well as being a vicious enemy of humanity, TV, like all his type, is a racist. He PRETENDS to be ‘concerned’ about people breathing toxic fumes, but he hates EVs and insists that we MUST go on breathing in benzene and particulates from his beloved ICE vehicles, even, or particularly, our children.
As for electrification in China, of course they used fossil fuels-they had lots of coal. This was before the utter catastrophe of anthropogenic climate destabilisation caused by greenhouse gas emissions became plain, whereupon China became the greatest producer of renewable energy and EVs, and the force that drove prices for renewable energy down until they became the cheapest form of energy, because their leaders are NOT psychopaths and can understand the science.
In Africa, building coal fired power stations is, as you’d expect, EVIL insanity. Large stations take years to be built, produce massive pollution of particulates and heavy metals like mercury, produce greenhouse gases, (and poor countries will suffer from that the most-as if TV gives a fuck) and require MASSIVE transmission networks. All cost billions, all mean DEBT.
In contrast, that solar or wind energy that TV hates with psychopathic fury, can be EASILY deployed on village, town or household levels, along with batteries, all quickly and cheaply. But psycho TV HATES that, because his Thought Controllers in the fossil fuel industry tell him to do so. This level of Evil stupidity is hideous, but, believe me, its the norm in Austfailia.
China was a CLOSED SOCIETY under Mao.
No outside entity (from the United Nations or anywhere from the west), was allowed free reign to visit China and objectively tally the true numbers of dead.
These figures of the UN are of course numbers that were FURNISHED TO THEM by Mao’s regime.
(They’re about as accurate as the claims that the Covid clot shots were ‘safe and effective’).
Vidi, how much of a dumb fuck are you to blindly swallow this propaganda?
(I suppose the same question could be asked in relation to why you took the Covid clot shots followed up by multiple boosters).
Those spike proteins from the mRNA toxins are doing damage as we speak in your cranial cavity (which I suspect, as with all rabid leftists, always was more ‘cavity’ than actual brain matter).
Meanwhile, you continue to mislead with the following assertions:
No one gives a rat’s arse about what the % increase was.
What we need to know is the grain output per acre in ABSOLUTE TERMS, and how that compares with the west.
You see, I may have an acre of land that produces ONE GRAIN of rice in Year One, and then crow about the ten grains I produce (a 900% increase) the following year.
And no doubt, the stats you’ve furnished (sourced from some radical Communist textbook), will pluck meaningless stats like that to impress budding Marxists and ne’er-do-wells like yourself.
You also produce more meaningless stats without context, when you write:
I could likewise show you stats demonstrating that Soviet Union food production increased enormously during the late 1920’s/early 1930’s – a time that coincided with the Holodomor and the death of millions by starvation.
How can that be, you ask? How can people starve when food production increases?
The fact is that you’re too dumb to look into WHERE THE EFF’N FOOD WENT.
Stalin wanted to industrialise the Soviet Union and badly needed HARD CURRENCY to import engineers, technicians from the west, accompanied by technological know-how and the machinery for his factories.
But the Soviet Union had bugger all in the way of high value manufactured goods that it could sell to the west to fund said means to rapidly industrialise.
Foreign currency was earned to some degree by exporting minerals, gold, iron ore etc, but that was nowhere near enough for what Stalin envisaged.
So Stalin exported the grain and agricultural output of the nation (leaving enough for his workforce in those industrialised megacities, and their families – but with precious little remaining for the useless eaters).
Likewise, needing foreign currency to get his military industrial capability up to scratch to defend his nation against perceived enemies, Mao sold off anything that wasn’t bolted down in the way of agricultural output to fund all that and obtain a nuclear capability in the 1960’s.
Vidi, I don’t know what country you reside in, but it’s presumably somewhere in the west.
Well, it’s not too late to put your money where your mouth is.
If the west is truly exploiting you as you claim, get yourself a one way ticket to Mozambique, or some other Marxist/Socialist shit-hole in sub-Saharan Africa.
C’mon, what are you waiting for?
If you don’t, you’ll be exposed as a HYPOCRITE – like Mulga the Mumbler.
China is a big nothing. Trump’s tariffs will suck all the wealth out of China and bring it back to the United States.
The West will continue with its inventions and innovations, and China will return to its perpetual state of stagnation.
The only thing that can change this is if the Democrats or RINO’s get back into power. But that probably won’t happen.
There are at least 100 viable MAGA candidates for the presidency after Trump leaves office. There are zero such candidates on the Democrat/RINO side.
Or maybe someone could name one? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Courtesy of the work of Prof. Ioannidis of Stanford, WE KNEW in April 202o that Covid-19 was NO MORE LETHAL THAN SEASONAL FLU.
Mr Demon, were you asleep at the wheel to not be aware of this?
Just think about it. The ZOG misfits fund the people at Ft. Detrick Maryland, Univ. of North Carolina, DARPA, the WIV (or wherever), to come up with a virus that they can scare the bejeezus out of the masses with.
Yes, it’s a little more potent than the typical mild flu we get every year and probably on par with the slightly worse flu we get every 6-7 years.
But OBVIOUSLY it can’t be that lethal so as to spread around the world and risk killing the kinfolk of the ZOG degenerates themselves.
They PURPOSELY concocted a virus that they (and their Satanic spawn) would be immune from, by taking a few thousand extra IU of Vitamin D coupled to a little Ivermectin on the side.
Mr Demon, you are clueless about what did and didn’t happen during the Covid Psyop.
I’m guessing that you’re fully vaxxed and boostered, and that you wore a face mask and practised Socialist Distancing like the slavish-to-Big-Gubmint automaton that you are.
Those that actually died from Covid, especially in the U.S, were very few indeed (the vast majority would’ve been on the precipice of death and having multiple comorbidities – a bout of hiccups would’ve likely been enough to kill them).
During 2020 the bulk of excess deaths were due to medical malpractice and deliberate processes/administration of toxins (eg: Remdesivir, Midazolam etc), that initiated a mass cull.
And, in 2021 and thereafter, the toxic clot shots killed countless millions and injured hundreds of millions more.
After telling the clueless Vidi that all the GOP Governors of California in recent decades were RINOS, this fool lists the names of yet more subordinate-to-ZOG Socialists that were pretending to be actual conservatives.
What do you not understand about the following statement?:
Post Ronald Reagan’s tenure as California Governor, there have been NO ECONOMICALLY RESPONSIBLE Governors of any political stripe.
ALL of them were bought-and-paid-for loyal minions of the ZOG oligarchs thereafter.
And again you start bleating about Mao and his ‘improvements’.
Once again, judging by the way you define an ‘improvement’ (which is similar to how Mulga the Mumbler does), perhaps the needless death of scores of millions is something you gloat about, seeing as you have a depopulation agenda.
But those of us with a conscience are dismayed by Mao’s disastrous tenure.
You go on to write more nonsense:
The overwhelming bulk of China’s wealth is generated by the fabulously productive PRIVATE SECTOR. This is an undeniable fact.
To the extent that many SOE’s (State Owned Enterprises – or Zombie Enterprises as many call them) still survive, they are almost all HAEMORRHAGING RED INK and being bailed out by the Chinese taxpayer.
To the extent that China is still doing well, it is DESPITE the SOE’s.
You obviously do not know much about what Socialism entails. It is, by definition:
The State owning the Means of Production.
Well, guess what? The overwhelming bulk of the profitability of Chinese businesses (certainly in excess of 95%) is generated by the PRIVATE SECTOR through the application of Capitalism.
Got it now Mr iddy bitty Vidi?
You need to read the following article titled ‘China and Its Zombies: Traps of State-Owned Enterprises’ to get you up to speed on what is really going on in China:
From the article:
In recent years the Chinese have been culling SOE’s at a phenomenal rate – at the rate of tens of thousands per year.
You mention the state owning the largest banks in China, and predictably said banks have misallocated depositors funds by lending to political cronies to build unoccupied ghost cities and and all manner of projects that would not pass a Cost/Benefit analysis by a competent manager.
As a result countless hundreds of billions have been squandered. Fortunately though, Capitalism in the private sector is so dynamic and productive, that it MORE THAN COMPENSATES for the disastrous flushing of wealth down a rat hole that the government sectors routinely engage in.
For China’s sake, let’s hope it culls the remaining state owned enterprises soon, before they do too much damage.
You also post the following ridiculous assertion:
I revel in seeing the demise of the USSA. As my commentary in UR over many years will testify (and UR readers have observed in copious quantities), I go out if my way to criticise the ZOG controlled U.S (aka one of the heads of the toxic hydra, along with the Apartheid Israeli state and Perfidious Albion – that together make up the Axis if Evil).
So, as the Great Satan and Socialist shit-hole (aka the USSA) slides into the abyss, I take great satisfaction in seeing the Capitalist Chinese economy advancing in leaps and bounds.
As I said before, in China we have:
1) Low personal and corporate taxes
2) Minimal Gubmint as a % of GDP
3) Far fewer layers of Local/State/Federal Bureaucracy (and far less parasitic Gubmint employees), that micromanage the private sector and impede its dynamism with a maze of regulatory hurdles and DEI/affirmative action/woke impediments.
4) A Chinese gubmint that fleeces far less money out of its productive citizenry through taxes, it has LESS CAPACITY to engage in those murderous and genocidal wars that the U.S regularly involves itself with.
That, all on its lonesome, is reason enough to MASSIVELY CULL GUBMINT.
5) A government that has, by some estimates, accumulated tens if thousands of tonnes of gold (multiples of what the U.S claims it has), in anticipation of the likely return to a Sound Money Gold Standard.
That U.S of yesteryear is NO MORE. Today is a hollowed out husk.
Today America runs on the Socialist principles that Vidi expouses.
Hence the reason it has descended into the abyss. And good riddance I say.
This is further proof that Socialism does not work – and has never worked.
I’ve put out the challenges many times before in my UR comments and still there are no takers.
Show me an example, JUST ONE (1) EFF’N EXAMPLE in all of recorded history, of a country that was predominantly Capitalist before (with no extraneous factors like it had just emerged from a disastrous war, been ravaged by looting/raping/pillaging by the Anglo Zionist empire etc), and then became more prosperous under Socialism.
In fact, I’ll go further than that, even ALLOWING for the fact a particular country may have just emerged from a disastrous war, suffered a 9.0 earthquake on the Richer scale and then had all its citizens washed out to sea by a tsunami, I would wager that after adopting Socialism said country still got even MORE impoverished after that.
There is NO SUCH EXAMPLE – not one.
But there are numerous examples of countries that were previously run on Socialist lines (ie: Bloated Big Gubmint controlling a disproportionate amount of GDP), that instead got gubmint out of the way and let the private sector call the shots (i: adopted Capitalism), and thus experienced bountiful prosperity.
You would think, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, that these Marxist nitwits like Vidi would’ve wised up by now. But they never do.
Instead they double down with more hare-brained leftist claptrap. Never forget:
Mr Wun-Long-Dong writes:
I think you have me confused with someone else.
Everything I’ve posted is rock solid sound economics. It’s likely you confused me with something that Vidi or Mulga wrote – they’ve posted some weird shit indeed.
And, it should come as no surprise that what I’ve written is unassailable economics, based on observed real world outcomes, seeing as everything I’ve written has been taken out of the playbook of Ron Paul Libertarianism.
And anyone who’s been following Dr Ron Paul over the last 50 years will be aware, he is by far the most economically literate U.S politician in the history of the republic.
He predicted the Subprime Mortgage collapse that led to the 2008 GFC years in advance, he predicted the collapse of the purchasing power of the USD in the wake of the decoupling from Gold, he called out the Covid Psyop almost from Day One (He posted a video titled ‘The Coronavirus Hoax’ in March 2020!!), and much, MUCH more.
He’s been right on everything.
You would do well Mr Wun Long Dong to learn some real economics – rather than base your beliefs on the nonsense in Mao’s Little Red Book.
China was a disaster under Mao. But Capitalism saved the Middle Kingdom.
Be thankful for that, and stop whining.
However, this kind of talk can only deceive white people.
It doesn’t mean anything to us. I don’t know why you’re a white man so eager to argue about us.
You’re not even Chinese. You’re not even qualified to discuss this.
There are a lot of electric cars in China… It is normal for sales of individual brands to decline due to intense competition.
The decline in sales in other countries can be attributed to other issues, such as infrastructure. The total volume of the Chinese market is on the rise anyway.
The reality is that most of my neighbors drive electric cars.
Because the power consumption of electric vehicles is cheap, the cost of new energy vehicles per kilometer is roughly between 0.08 and 0.1 yuan.
In many cases, driving an electric car is cheaper than taking the subway.
I live in a community of $3 million villas with an average price. I think it should be representative.
You saw the black guy in the video. You heard what he wants.
He wants coal fired power station electrification for his nation, and he wants it now.
The alternative is that tiny solar panel that Klaus Schwab has bestowed on him.
This enables him to either be able to run his little refrigerator OR use a single light bulb to illuminate his room – but NOT both at the same time.
You are one sick racist fuck Mulga. You’ve been exposed in front of the whole UR commentariat.
Mr Wun Long Dong writes:
I can see from your comments that you’re not literate in automotive matters.
I am certain also that you know sweet fuck all about ‘battery degradation’, and why EV’s will never be a viable long term proposition.
Simply put, an EV that has a claimed 400 km range for example (it never does – in real world use the range is quite a bit less), may do something approaching 400 km on a full charge when new.
But the reality is that most EV manufacturers recommend that you never charge beyond 80% capacity when using a fast charger – because this greatly increases the likelihood that your EV lemon will catch fire and burn to the ground (and with it burn down the charging station and any other EV lemons in its vicinity).
Secondly, just like the battery on your mobile phone or lap top degrades after a couple of years from constantly charging and discharging, so too will your EV lemon battery.
In other words, a car that was claimed to have a range of 400 km when new (but only really had around 330 km of range in real world driving), will only have 250 km of range after a 2-3 years.
Then a couple of years later it will be down to 150 km of range, and soon thereafter it will be down into the double digit range.
At that point the car becomes worthless, since the cost to purchase and fit a replacement battery is often $20K (or much more on some models). ie: way more than your 6-8 year old EV is worth.
So what I’m getting at is this:
Let’s assume your new EV in China, with a real world range of 330 km costs 0.1 yuan of electricity per kilometre driven.
So an EV with 330 km range when new will cost you 33 yuan in electricity to charge to full.
But in a few years, and assuming the electricity price is unchanged, it will still cost 33 yuan to charge to full, but you only have 150 km of range.
In other words, 33 yuan divided by 150 km=0.22 yuan per km of driving.
And, a couple of years later, when a full charge gets you only 80 km of range, we have:
33 yuan divided by 80 km=0.41 yuan per km of driving. (ie: a quadrupling of your cost per km to drive that monstrosity since it was new).
NOTE: It is apparent Mr Wun Long Dong, from your very low cost per km of EV driving, that you are basing that on charging your EV at home – where you get lower rates per kWh.
But, when you use a fast charger, seeing as that fast charging technology is VERY EXPENSIVE and owned by a private company, said private entity needs to recoup its huge investment and thus charges MANY MULTIPLES PER kWh of what the electricity costs you at home.
I don’t know what the rate is in China, but in western countries to charge your EV with a fast charger is already quite a bit MORE EXPENSIVE than filling an ICE car with petrol to yield the same range.
And, seeing as a lot of charging stations are getting vandalised (thieves stealing copper from the cables and recording breakdowns/fire damage from EV’s that were charging etc), those privately run EV charging stations are forecast to jack up the prices mightily in the years to come to cover their overheads – seeing as they’ve been all haemorrhaging red ink to date.
Click on he link below to learn that thieves are targeting charging stations for the copper in the cables:
What I’m getting at is that if you paid $40, 000 for your EV and after 7-8 years it is now worth ZERO, you have flushed $40K down a rat hole.
Once you factor in the DEPRECIATION of your EV, the REAL COST of owning an EV is FAR MORE than if you’d purchased an ICE vehicle.
But Mr Wun Long Dong, seeing as you’re not a car guy (like a lot foolish Chinese that bought EV’s), you don’t know this yet.
Anyway, a lot of dumb Chinese are going to be stung by their stupid decision to buy an EV lemon.
Meanwhile, I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank, as my ICE vehicle hums along nicely, and has saved me thousands in running costs* over the years.
(*Because EV’s routinely catch fire and are very expensive to repair/service when something goes wrong, insurance companies are charging an arm and a leg to insure your EV lemon. Factoring in that alone over a 10 year period – assuming your EV lasted that long – will add a five figure amount to your cost of owning that Apple i-phone gimmick on wheels).
I speak purely from the Chinese perspective and from that perspective, what traction would a random Stanford professor (who could very well possibly be a state level misinformation disseminator) have over our own esteemed luminaries? And despite what this very own website has published on the topic (https://www.unz.com/article/covid-19-un-explained/ https://www.unz.com/article/was-coronavirus-a-biowarfare-attack-against-china/) you appear to be under the impression that the exact same virus was spread around the world when in reality the Chinese were cognizant enough to realize at least THREE DIFFERENT STRAINS of the virus were circulating at the same time, one with DRASTICALLY higher mortality rate (but lower infectiousness) than the other two as evidenced during the months of elevated mortality in Italy, Iran and China. Were YOU asleep at the wheel to be aware of this?
Knowing this, why would any government in 2020 take the gamble in the event it is the deadly variant that is spreading in their communities? That there are malicious actors using the pandemic as part of their globalist agenda doesn’t change the fundamental calculus at play. Of course, by 2022 any government that was still using outdated policies were basically outing themselves as working for the globalists, but you CANT make that accusation against the actions done by governments in 2020.
Are you kidding me…
I am Chinese.
Are you trying to show me you’re a clown?
We never would have driven long distances in electric cars.
The urban environment is a short ride.
And we have almost no thieves here, even if you leave your computer in a public place, no one will take it.
And I don’t buy an iPhone.
The quality is too bad.
I am Chinese.
Of course I know there’s no famine.
Other than for the variant dropped on the Iranian parliament (which quickly mutated into something harmless), all the other Covid variants were very mild indeed and comparable to seasonal flu.
We all KNEW that in real time.
You Mr Demon, who sourced all your info from the corrupt ZOG owned western MSM, actually believed that Covid-19 (at least the variants in every country other than Iran), was dangerous.
As for this statement of yours:
I can absolutely make the accusation that pretty much all governments under the control of that cartel of Talmudic bankers that lord over the entirety of the western financial and political systems (and their Health bureaucracies), that all these governments were reading from the same script – a ZOG dictated script.
And their actions in relation to Lockdowns, Socialist distancing, curfews, medical protocols, the bogus PCR test run at high thresholds, then mandating of the deadly clot shots, all of these things needlessly killed countless millions.
Of course, n0t all western health bureaucrats were corrupt.
Some, like the Director of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health in the clip below, had the guts to honestly state that the way Covid deaths were counted was fraudulent (44 sec video):
What makes you say that? Everything I’ve written is verifiably factual.
If you weren’t so lazy, you would get off your arse and check it out yourself.
As for ‘trying to be a clown’, that is a strange thing to say. I mean, if someone wanted to portray they were clowns, they’d write clownish things like Mulga, Vidi and you yourself have been writing in your comments – as opposed to the truthful things which I’ve posted.
I suspect you live in an Orwellian fantasy land, where right is wrong, up is down and black is white.
You’re certainly not the most intelligent Chinaman that I’ve crossed paths with.
It’s best you keep a low profile – seeing as you’re embarrassing your nation with your juvenile remarks.
The West, under the leadership of the USA, was sanctioning and embargoing China for decades, as well as waging proxy wars against China during that time. They wanted to starve China to zero Chinese to fill their ‘God-fearing’ morally defunct evil ‘Xtain’ cult desire. The West is psychopathic, cold-blooded barbarians; it was the West that put up the iron curtain around China, blocking Chinese communication and interaction with rest of the world, not the other way around.
The West was the culprit of humanitarian disasters worldwide, not just in China, since Columbus stepped outside of the Mediterranean Sea.
The West did not care about the people of China then, and it does not care about them now. Your seeking truth in China shows the Whites are desperate, trying to use the Strawman fallacy to whitewash their crimes against humanity. The West’s 貓哭老鼠,假慈悲 is just sickening.
Before 1972, Taiwan was the one representing China in the UN, and the UN was virtually the USA’s rubber stamp and mouthpiece. You become like Donald Trump, talking through the head without a brain.
Here is a refresh of the fabrication by the USA and its lackeys on the Great Leap Forward in China.
In 1981 (25 years after the event) Judith Banister at the US Bureau of the Census proposed 30 millions killed in the Great Leap Forward (GLF) based on her “massive death toll” hypothesis, this figure is the mother of all subsequent numbers when the westerns write about the GLF; Frank Dikotter quoted 45 million murdered in the GLF to win the Samuel Johnson prize for non-fiction; recently Jung Chang and Jon Halliday said 70 million killed in the GLF in their book “Mao: the Unknown Story.” All of them claimed their number based on secret sources in China. The latest number is 100 million murdered in the GLF in some Western political sites.
@Truth Vigilante, which number do you fancy for the murdered in the GLF? a billion or ten?
BTW, Donald Trump is engineering a GLF in the West now.
TV is definitely a 100 million man. He hates China for falsifying ALL his ‘libertarian’ gibberish. He hates China because they understand that anthropogenic climate desabilisation is real and catastrophic, whereas TV’s brainwashed pea-sized ‘brain’declares it all a great, big, conspiracy. He hates China because they are replacing his precious ICE vehicles with his beloved benzene and particulate exhausts, with EVIL EVs, which he hates with the nut-case’s venom. Etc. And that is ‘secret sauces’, actually, as in ‘getting on the sauce’.
Almost EVERYTHING you say against EVs is false shit. Whether you are lying, or simply terminally brainwashed, who the fuck cares. As usual with Rightwing psychopaths, the paranoid style is to the fore. Apparently all the personnel involved in the rapidly growing global EV market, the multiple manufacturers, exporters, purchasers and investors, are all fools or crooks. You can see the projection, like that which this troll deploys in his moronic attacks on anthropogenic climate destabilisation science.
He plainly ingests ICE and fossil fuel interests disinformation readily, and repeatedly regurgitates it is an hysterical shower of vomitus. The lies are SO hysterical eg EVs catch fire less than hybrids and ICE vehicles, battery (which type, bozo)life is EVER improving, re-charge times ever shortening, ability to re-charge in cold climates constantly improving, that you must doubt its sanity. It delights, in particular, in asserting that EV technology is not, and can not, improve, but it does, day after day, year after year.
Wun Log Dong-a puerile racist insult, tells you what sort of shit we are dealing with. In the end, when Western cities infected with gibbering cretins like this are still infested with ICE vehicles, and remain smog-laden and noisy, the Chinese will be enjoying quiet, clean, spaces with EVs humming along everywhere. The difference between a sane society and one gripped by TERMINAL imbecility and the REFUSAL to grow up. And, believe me, Austfailia is stuffed to the gills with this type of hard Right imbecile, brainwashed by the Murdochite and other elite vermin to the point of suicidal insanity, and beyond!
One ‘black’ Uncle Tom impresses you does he? Your INSANE imbecility is beyond belief. Just because ‘Klaus Schwab'(the moronic propaganda nature of this staged shite wouldn’t impress an intelligent ten year old) has given them ONE comparatively useless solar panel, OBVIOUSLY, means that they can NEVER get better panels, say ten or a hundred for a village. Plainly that is IMPOSSIBLE in the sick cess-pool that passes for this troll’s mind.
And, miraculously, the troll thinks that coal power stations emerge OVERNIGHT, complete with transmission lines to EVERY village. Whereas EVIL, ‘Communist’, Klaus Schwab, Chinese (boo, hiss)solar panels take YEARS to be made and delivered, and transmitting their power, over a few metres, is simply IMPOSSIBLE.
This sort of indoctrinated, moronic, Rightwing thug rules Austfailia. If you want a tip for he first developed country to be destroyed by mass brain death among its populace and ‘leadership’, put your money on Austfailia. TV is TYPICAL of our citizenry, evil, moronic and brainwashed.
Can you stop being such a retard.
I feel ashamed that my fellow human beings have such a low IQ.
What you just said is wrong about my name, wrong about my nationality and wrong about the actual situation of electric vehicles in China.
You don’t even know the law and order in our country.
I don’t even know how someone with your low IQ is supposed to live in the world.
Are you a regular visitor to a lifelong care facility for children with intellectual disabilities?
Dear me-I finally watched that shite. ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, one of the most ludicrously dishonest denialist mockumentaries ever. I didn’t think that it was still circulating, but only for the dumbest fucks, like YOU, I suppose.
The salient point is that it is EIGHTEEN years old. Happily many of the denialist thugs, like Lawson, have gone to Hell since, and the effectiveness of renewables, particularly solar has soared, and the cost plummeted, making them even better bets for African states. My apologies to the African gent-no doubt, if he be honest and sane, he will be anti-coal, because anthropogenic climate destabilisation will hit poor countries the worst, and pro-renewables, because they are clean, cheap and localised.
As for the troll, this is low, even for it. Nearly two decades out of date, and utter shite when it was new. And the feigned, phony,’concern’ for Africans, coming from a hard Right ideological thug, is NAUSEATING.
You misquoted Mulga in the phrase I highlighted. It is fine to attempt to ridicule someone, but it’s very dishonest to make your words appear to be theirs.
You asserted that “Capitalism ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE* ensures the maximisation of wealth for society as a whole, as ALL socio-economic demographics benefit. [Your shouting.]” (link). I instantly disproved you with a counterexample: California’s twenty-fold jump in deregulated electricity prices. You have been floundering ever since.
I think I understand where you come from: an asylum. You’re a fanatic of capitalism — but of your peculiar definition of capitalism. You seem to believe that deregulation, normally a conservative cause, is somehow socialist. You also seem to think that ownership of the four largest banks in the world by the Communist Party makes China capitalist. With ideas as strange as yours, most people would call you a kook and walk away.
No, we did not know that in real time. Unless you had some sort of magical truth device (and dont say its your brain, because it appears to be flawed) 2020 was under the heaviest amount of information restriction and misinformation being spread we have seen in living history. And besides, each country has its own intelligence apparatus that determines what is true and what is false, completely decoupled from what random Professors or bloggers write about on the internet. What a country deems true or not is derived from them, no-one else.
Lol, i’ve already given you proof I’ve been reading this site for my source of information since at least 2020 but you seem absolutely incapable of entertaining alternative explanations.
So you DO acknowledge there was a dangerous variant floating around. Your entire specious argument hinges on the fact that you know for sure 100% that the safe(r) strain was introduced to your country and that the actions taken by governments were completely unjustified because of this knowledge. For any country other than the USA (especially US adversaries), how can you guarantee that what appeared in their country was not that variant – especially given how prominent international travel is these days, other than your ridiculous blind faith?
YES, WESTERN GOVERNMENTS. CHINA IS NOT A WESTERN GOVERNMENT. So how on earth are you leveling those accusations against a government that does not fall underneath your own listed criteria?!
The Jews are dangerous, but to attribute ALL human decision-making phenomena to their actions is a form of extreme learned helplessness. I hope you get well soon.
On a somewhat related matter, I just happened to watch some interesting YouTube videos by a white South African named Lizzy who moved to China a few years ago.
One thing that amazed her brother when he came to visit is that in China people aren’t constantly walking around being very fearful that they’re about to be robbed or pickpocketed. It was a very strange thing that street crime wasn’t a huge issue for them.
Another video had Lizzy showing the apartment of one of her friends, in large city. It has three bedrooms, seems very nice and roomy, and came with fine looking furniture. She emphasized the amazingly low price, only about $300 per month, plus about $100 per year for electricity and water.
Video Link
In another video, she provided some sensible reasons as to why she thinks that China has done so much better than India, the other giant Asian country:
Video Link
While I would also tend to call you a kook and walk away, EVs happen to be one of my favorite topics. So brace yourself.
First, fossil fuels get far FAR more subsidies than EVs. According to the IMF (link), “Fossil-fuel subsidies surged to a record $7 trillion last year”.
Second, EVs are not death traps. According to insurance companies (link) — and who would know better than them? — gasoline cars catch fire 60 times more frequently (per vehicle) than EVs. Hybrids are roughly twice as likely to burn as gas cars, but that is no surprise as hybrids have gas engines inside.
Third, EV sales are not imploding outside China. According to Rho Motion (link), EV sales in USA and Canada grew 9% in 2024 compared to 2023, -3% in Europe, 40% in China, and 27% in the world outside China, US, and Europe. How can you possibly claim that 27% growth is “imploding”?
Tesla’s sales may be falling, probably because people are waiting for the new version of the Model Y. And liberals in the US, probably Tesla’s major market, don’t like Elon Musk’s Nazi salutes. Neither reason says much about EVs as such. In any case, Tesla is not the whole EV industry, not even close.
I doubt that EV sales would be collapsing in China without government mandates, as EVs there are becoming nearly as cheap as gasoline cars. As gasoline is far more expensive than electricity, most Chinese consumers would obviously favor EVs.
Besides, what is wrong with government mandates favoring clean air? When the nutcases chant “drill, baby, drill”, what they really mean is “choke, baby, choke”.
The history taught in China is a fake as the food products on this video. LOL!!!!!!!!!
You shut up.
When being a “useful idiot” then “Be the best that you can be!” ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!
I hate to tell you this but most Westerners DO NOT want to live in China. Between internal security installing cameras in your bedroom, living room, bathroom or whatever room other you have, and even taxi drivers reporting you to the police in search of the reward for catching a foreign “spy”, to the random harassment inflicted on foreigners, that attitude is QUITE understandable.
Of course you have the option of staying at the limited number of hotels that are allowed to host foreigners because they come pre bugged. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
The vast majority of foreigners shooting videos in China are paid content promoters. Paid by the Chinese Commies! LOL!!!!!
If you want to buy a house in China,very very very very hard for a foreigner and also limited by the government to a 70 years lease, less whatever number of years the prior occupants occupied it for, then you can actually buy an abandoned house in the capital of the province of Heilongjiang for under $10,000. If it has been abandoned long enough you can pick it up for nothing …. assuming that the owner can be located so that ownership can be transferred. LOL!!!!!
Good luck finding a job to go with it. LOL!!!!!!!!!
The provincial population had dropped by around 1/3rd due to the mines in that area being mined out, and people moving to places with some actual jobs.
It is also cold as shit, as it is inland from Vladivostok, and without the ocean serving as a heat buffer and the higher altitude, it is even colder. Think of a much colder Chicago. LOL!!!!!!!
You instantly proved you were a fool.
California is a Socialist stronghold – and that also applies to all the GOP Governors who there in the last 40 years. They were RINOS (Republican In Name Only) and nothing more than sock puppets of the ruling ZOG oligarchs.
I suppose next that you’re going to tell me that GOP Senator Mitch McConnell is a Free Market Capitalism guy – just because he has an (R) next to his name?
McConnell is to the left of Leon Trotsky FFS, and just as beholden to Malignant International Jewry.
There was NO Capitalism being practised in California in the Big End of town (ie: as far as the major corporations/utility companies/high value business ventures were concerned).
This was merely Crony Corporatism (as Big Gubmint schmoozed up to Monopolists to corner the market for electricity in those regions).
I’ve repeated it ad nauseam, yet you have instant demented brain lapses.
Capitalism= Competition, whereby consumers are SPOILED FOR CHOICE.
If one utility company jacks up your energy bills, patronise another. Problem Solved.
But you are TOO STUPID to understand that no Capitalism was being practised in that sector of the economy.
Of course, I’m not claiming that EVERY sector of the economy in California is Capitalism free.
In relation to restaurants, if the Italian eatery you’ve been going to for years disappoints (through higher prices/lower quality food/poor hygiene), you THE CONSUMER move on and go to another – perhaps a Thai restaurant.
And, let’s assume that particular Thai restaurant maintains its high standards in terms of price/quality/customer service year after year. But another Thai restaurant comes along which OUTDOES the former on all benchmarks. You then start to patronise them instead.
(*Nokia Corporation was the undisputed leader in mobile telephony in the world at the turn of the century, and was responsible for a significant chunk of Finland’s GDP.
A decade or so later it was a washed up has-been. THAT is Capitalism in action).
BTW, what’s with the [Your shouting] B.S?
All of my comments are delivered in a relaxed and measured fashion.
From time to time I use CAPITALS for emphasis, as a lot of people do.
You also write:
What I am is a realist. And it burns you that REAL WORLD outcomes emphatically prove that Capitalism yields peace and prosperity for those societies that adopt it.
Meanwhile, Socialism leads to authoritarian Big Gubmint coupled to impoverishment, misery and despair.
As for your asinine comment that ‘deregulation is somehow socialist’, you’re making shit up again.
Show me where I’ve said that.
GENUINE and unfettered deregulation ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE leads to improved outcomes for the citizenry.
And, as I pointed out before in the case of the Patriot Act, just because someone calls something that, does not make it ‘patriotic’.
Similarly, if a leftist Governor in California says he’s ‘deregulated’ the energy market (just as the CDC said the Covid vaxx was safe and effective), that does not make it so.
But, you nevertheless ran out and injected multiple Covid clot shots into your eyeball – THAT’S INDICATIVE OF HOW MUCH OF AN EFF’N LEMMING YOU ARE.
You are incapable of critical analysis, and instead instantly swallow what your ‘betters’ in Big Gubmint tell you.
Now, it’s possible that a particular Governor of California did remove one particular regulation, one which was inconsequential and had no bearing on the final outcome.
But in its place he legislated a far more onerous regulation (coupled to the other burdensome regulations and impediments that already existed and prevented other players from entering the market and offering low cost energy to California consumers).
But that did NOT occur – hence PROOF that there was no deregulation.
Vidi, it’s best that you quit while you’e well behind.
The UR readership can see that you’re a Know-Nothing moron, who is unable to absorb simple explanations.
But that’s par for the course for Socialists and Marxists I guess.
Hey dumbass … the vast majority of those supposed subsidies are “implicit”. That means that they are made up. Meanwhile the subsidies on EV’s are cold hard cash and are not made up. China alone has subsidized EV’s to the tune of $200 billion … so far … and that number will only grow.
I also read that BYD is something like $70 billion in debt … and has “used their suppliers” as an additional source of cash …. by not paying them in a timely manner. Something it also does to its workers. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
A break in the “capital chain” is likely on the horizon. That means nobody in their right mind will loan them any more money! LOL!!!!!!!
China is indeed not beholden to ZOG.
That said, the Chinese know that the depraved Anglo-Zionist empire was targeting them economically/militarily/and biologically (ZOG punished the Chinese some years earlier with a Swine Flu that entailed millions of their pigs had to be culled).
So, I can understand why the Chinese leadership were somewhat paranoid and thus went for the ‘better safe than sorry’ route and undertook draconian lockdowns as a safeguard.
Meanwhile, in relation to the various WORLD CLASS medical professionals (like Prof. John Ioannidis) that were coming out demonstrating that IFR and CFR (Infection and Case Fatality rates) were FAR LOWER than the wildly exaggerated rates being reported by the corrupt western health bureaucracies, how is it that I knew and hordes of other UR contributors knew this in REAL TIME, while you didn’t?
It’s great that you’ve been reading UR for some time, but be aware that for every truth teller and individual that comes here in good faith, that there are many ADL/ZOG affiliated sayanim that disinform and act in the capacity of apologists for ZOG owned Big Pharma and the ZOG controlled western politicians.
And during the Covid Psyop, there was none more involved in these hijinx than John’s Johnson, who took every opportunity to smear the unvaxxed and advocated that we all stick those toxic mRNA clot shot syringes in our eyeballs.
I suggest you read this article from May 2020 where Prof. Ioannidis says New CDC Survival Rate of COVID is 99.8%, Similar to the Flu:
Here he is again in a 2 min video from early 2020:
Take note especially after the 1:50 mark of the video where he says:
Simply put, everyone who bothered to get up off their arse KNEW Covid-19 was mild from Day One (other than for the variant that the Apartheid Israeli state released on the Iranian Parliament).
You were obviously asleep at the wheel to not have seen the NUMEROUS interviews Prof. Ioannidis conducted in early 2020 that demonstrated this.
Meanwhile, here is a 3 min video from Dr Ron Paul MD, posted on March 16, 2020:
Dr Paul had a momentary lapse of concentration during that speech and said:
‘TB killed 1.6 million in 2017 in the U.S’.
He immediately corrected it after his speech was broadcast live and said he meant to say ‘1.6 million killed worldwide’.
Hardly anyone here uses cash.
It’s all in the phone.
The thief can’t steal anything.
When stealing became pointless, of course there was no organizing any street crime.
Great comment, but it never makes any difference to that psycho. It will be back, spewing the same shite, tomorrow. Government subsidies for EVs ended a year or so ago.
This is PURE B.S.
Mulga the Mumbler tried to use the same fraudulent figure in a response to me in the past, and I wiped the floor with him in return.
In other words, the reality is the 180 degree EXACT OPPOSITE of what the Climate Cultists are asserting.
You see, the Climate Retards are the masters in projections.
eg: Mulga calls everyone a racist – but the reality is he hates the darkies with every fibre of his being and wishes they were all dead (hence his motive for depriving them of cheap and reliable Coal Fired Electricity generation).
The Klimate Kooks are known to be CONTRARIAN INDICATORS (just like the Maoists and Marxists).
Whatever they say is always the opposite of the truth. They lie like they breathe.
The way that rabid Climate Zealots came up with the $7 trillion figure goes something along the following lines:
(The exact figures I post below are for demonstration purposes which I just conjured up for now – because I couldn’t be arsed to waste my time to track down the stupid way they came up with their obviously fraudulent extrapolations).
So, for example:
1) The Climate nutters estimated that CO2 emissions were causing Global Warming/floods/polar vortexes/cyclones/droughts/genital warts/Herpes Simplex Virus etc.
Estimated damage to the planet= $4.5 trillion
2) The Climate Nutters were claiming that emissions of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in vehicles exhaust fumes were causing damage to people’s respiratory systems, causing cancers, Gulf War Syndrome, PTSD, erectile dysfunction etc.
Estimated damage to society=$0.4 trillion.
3) The Climate Nutters were claiming that fracking was poisoning the aquifiers (or some such).
Estimated damage to the earth=$1.2 trillion etc.
And, because the Fossil Fuel Industry were not COMPENSATING those affected, therefore they were IN EFFECT being subsidised.
That said, I will touch upon your claim about ICE vehicles ‘catching fire’.
Whilst in some countries the % of EV’s sold has been anywhere from 3% to 10% of the total vehicle market (other than for China), these percentages have only been that high in recent years.
They were much lower not so many years ago and are now dropping off precipitously.
So, even in those western countries where EV uptake is higher than the world average, the VAST MAJORITY of cars on the road are still ICE vehicles – perhaps in the vicinity of 96%-97%.
And, outside of the affluent west and China, the % of ICE vehicles on the road averages something approaching 99%.
SO, if there are ONE HUNDRED TIMES MORE ICE cars on the road worldwide, then by the law of averages said ICE vehicle should be catching fire 100 times more often – all things being equal.
But all things are NOT EQUAL.
But ICE cars catch fire at a significantly lower frequency than that.
And, to the extent that some ICE vehicles genuinely caught fire on their own, one has to factor in that ICE cars last an EFF’N LONG TIME if looked after.
Other than collectable cars from the 1970’s/60’s and earlier (a ton of which you’ll see being driven around on a regular basis), there are hundreds of millions of 15-20 year old cars on the roads worldwide still used a daily drivers. And, as a car gets older, electrical connections fray, insulation around live wires wears out and short circuits occur.
End Result: Fires start.
CONTRAST that to EV’s, many of them literally days or weeks old that have been recorded to SELF COMBUST for no reason.
This RARELY occurred with ICE vehicles. The ratios for late model ICE cars combusting to late model EV lemons immolating their drivers and their passengers is a minimum of 1 to 50 (and more likely to be approaching 1 to 100).
Meanwhile, here’s a video showing BRAND NEW Ford Lightning EV pick up trucks that caught fire (1 min clip):
I can show you countless videos (or post the links to articles), of EV’s that caught fire while being driven away from the showroom soon after being purchased.
Mr Vidi, I have to give it to you. You have been consistent.
You know nothing about the perils of Socialism, nor about the boundless prosperity that unfettered Free Market Capitalism invariably delivers.
You know nothing about the reality of which industries get trillions of subsidies (Green energy boondoggles), and those that don’t get a bent nickel (Fossil Fuels).
And to cap it off, you know jack shit about those EV lemons – other than the propaganda you’ve been brainwashed with by the ZOG orchestrators of the AGW hoax.
You are a KNN (Know Nothing Nitwit) par excellence.
Take a bow.
CoViD19, the spike protein in fact, is a slow burn ‘useless eater’ removalist. People infected by CoViD19 develop micro-clots that can be seen in blood slides or even on retinal scans. In some individuals these become gigantic ‘calamari’ like clots, that were first noticed by morticians during embalming, and are being seen increasingly in live victims as during surgery. It appears that constant SARS CoV2 re-infection is increasing the coagulopathy.
Moreover SARS CoV2, uniquely for coronaviruses, infects gut flora as well as human cells, deranging the vital gut biome, has immune suppressive effects, and a number of mechanisms to thwart bodily attempts to remove it from the infected person. Then there are the effects on fertility, particularly from modified mRNA spike protein, received through gene therapy ‘vaccines’, ‘modified’ to make the spike longer-lasting in the victim. A recent study found spike protein still present in some patients 700 days after infection, and the levels still increasing.
Ralph Baric et al, and the Pentagon, worked on this beauty for years, and they created a monster, to be sure.
Let me answer some but not all of your questions:
Xi had completely destroyed Princelings like Bo Xilai who attempted a power grab in cahoots with Zhou Yongkang after launching his anti-corruption campaign against the “Tigers and Flies” since his ascent to power in 2012. But Xi could not touch the biggest tiger of them all — Jiang Zemin — who died on November 30, 2022. Just a month prior in October 2022, Xi had secured a third term as CCP General Secretary, and was re-elected state president for a third term in March 2023. With the passing of Jiang Zemin, Xi went ahead with the nationalization of the Chinese property industry by having State-owned developers take over the bankrupt assets of heavily-indebted private developers like Evergrande after the bursting of the Chinese property bubble. Today, 8 of the top 10 property developers are State-owned companies while only 2 of the top 10 are private companies whereas it used to be the other way around.
China had already liberalized its economy way back during the 1990s under Deng who allowed private enterprises to participate in the market economy alongside state-owned companies. The property sector became one of the first industries to be liberalized as private enterprises with both local and foreign investors started the real-estate industry in China. As the property industry boomed, State-owned companies then adopted the business model of private developers many of whom had financial backing from the Overseas Chinese property tycoons in HK, Taiwan and Southeast Asia and began their involvement in real-estate development as well. By the early 2000s, all kinds of State-owned companies in various industries such as oil, chemicals, telecommunications, banking and finance, agriculture, aviation, etc. had real-estate subsidiaries engaged in property development, thereby increasing the speculative nature of the property industry in China.
As the Chinese economy boomed due to the rapid growth of its massive exports, Chinese authorities became alarmed at the endemic graft and corruption that the property industry had spawned due to the illicit sales of public land owned by the State. So much so that after the GFC struck in 2008, the Chinese authorities thereafter decided to enact housing restrictions for Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities in 2010. But the real-estate developers then targeted the Tier-3 and Tier-4 cities for property speculation which were being financed by the wealth-management industry based in Shanghai. After Xi came to power in 2012, he targeted his political rivals first and then soon began attacking their business interests. But Xi had to wait until the Covid-19 pandemic before he could pop the property bubble being inflated by the wealth-management industry based in Shanghai which was under the control of the Dengist Kleptocracy led by Jiang Zemin. The property industry had become the last resort for the Dengist Kleptocracy and other corrupt Chinese officials to launder their ill-gotten wealth, as their junkets to Macau’s casinos and their ties to Dongguan’s sex industry, both of which were run by organized crime groups from HK and Taiwan, had been choked off by Xi’s anti-corruption campaign began in 2012. With the nationalization of the property sector in China, Xi has effectively destroyed the economic base of the Dengist Kleptocracy. After the property bubble burst, Xi’s China now wants to make housing affordable by having State-owned developers build affordable homes for middle income families to purchase and affordable apartments for middle income individuals to rent in both Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities, away from overcrowded and overpriced Tier-1 cities. And that’s why China is continuing to build high-speed rail lines to connect Tier-2 to Tier-3 cities based on a “hub-and-spoke” rurbanization (rural+urban) model of economic development.
China has already abandoned the principal tenets of Orthodox Marxism-Leninism since Deng’s market reforms. Instead, Xi’s China is following the model of Singapore’s technocratic system of corporate governance, by curbing the excesses of “laissez-faire market capitalism” which opened a can of worms for China such as endemic graft and corruption, labor exploitation, environmental destruction, air pollution, traffic congestion, urban overcrowding, property speculation, socio-economic inequality, energy dependency, uneven development, capital flight, etc since Deng’s market reforms.
So no one in China wears gold jewellery or has a gold wedding band on their finger?
Beast Boy speaks of:
Beast Boy, what are you talking about?
It seems you’ve been indoctrinated with the Big Gubmint Kool-aid and actually believe falsehoods like ‘FDR’s New Deal got America out of the Depression’ – when in fact it greatly exacerbated and prolonged it by a decade or more.
Has Gubmint intervention in any substantive sector of society EVER made things anything other than WORSE than it was before?
Here’s the omniscient Bill Bonner’s take on it:
Meanwhile, let’s take some of your smears against “laissez-faire market capitalism” and see what entity was really responsible for it:
1) Environmental Destruction/Air Pollution: The reality is that those countries that have used a predominantly Capitalist model have FAR BETTER ENVIRONMENTAL/POLLUTION OUTCOMES than the authoritarian Communist/Socialist regimes over the last century and more.
This is an indisputable fact:
2) Traffic congestion and socio-economic inequality: Well, obviously if your country is a Socialist shit-hole (as it was under Mao, and the citizenry were riding around on bicycles – because they were living a life of grinding poverty), obviously traffic congestion is not going to be an issue.
That said, traffic congestion is far less of a problem in those nations tending towards Capitalism than those in Centralised Socialist societies (have you seen the traffic congestion in Ho Chi Minh City lately?).
And bear in mind that most of that congestion is from Viets running around on their little 75 cc- 100 cc motor scooters.
If they could all afford to be driving cars their roads would be bedlam and in constant gridlock.
As for ‘equality of outcome’, of course some people are more conscientious, they study/work harder, are more frugal, are less likely to be profligate with their spending on frivolous items, some people are gifted with natural athletic/intellectual/creative talents etc, and will accumulate wealth as a result.
But what you forget is that a society that enables these types of individuals to succeed, will also be a wealthier society in aggregate terms. ie: a society where the ‘Pie is Larger’.
This enables the poor to have a degree of wealth in ABSOLUTE TERMS that far exceeds that of the middle class in the Socialist countries.
Example: Some guy in the Soviet Union (perhaps Stalin himself?) allowed the film ‘Grapes of Wrath’ to be shown in the USSR during the 1930’s, so as to show the harsh realities of life in America under ‘Decadent Capitalism’.
For those of you not familiar with the film, a family load up all their earthly possessions on to their broken down old car (looking something like the vehicle the Beverly Hillbillies had), as they head off to California to seek a better life after they go bankrupt in their midwestern town.
Well, the movie had the opposite effect for Soviet audiences and was soon withdrawn.
You seem the Soviet audiences said:’We’re told that these people were flat broke and were beaten down by Capitalism – BUT THEY HAD AN EFF’N CAR?’
Because no one in the 1930’s Soviet Union had a car other than a handful of high ranking Communist Party officials.
3) Property Speculation: Well, the ultimate property bubble bust, certainly in dollar terms that were flushed down the toilet, was the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown that led to the 2008 GFC.
Dr Ron Paul explains below who exactly was responsible for the property speculation (3 min video):
We all agree that corruption has never been worse in the U.S than it is today.
Well, what do we have in the U.S today? That’s right – BIG BLOATED GUBMINT coupled to Crony Corporatism – as favoured ZOG oligarchs are enabled by Gubmint to expand on their monopolies in most sectors of the economy.
No system on either side of the political aisle will ever weed out corruption.
There will always be unscrupulous politicians and bureaucrats that will game the system.
To that end, the answer is MINUSCULE GUBMINT.
Entire gubmint departments should be scrapped and those that remain need to be severely defunded – none more so than the MISSS (Military Industrial Security Surveillance State).
Importantly, those Gubmint bureaucrats and politicians that remain should have clearly defined and greatly RESTRICTED powers, to minimise the likelihood that they’ll waste it on boondoggles that squander taxpayers money. And Gubmint should be massively decentralised.
Think about it.
If you had any intelligence, you wouldn’t even ask that question.
Not all countries are as rubbish as you.
thank you.
Here’s some videos from outside the PRC on how China solved its problems with air pollution, traffic congestion, urban overcrowding, uneven development, energy security, etc:
Mr Wun Long Dong, you responded the way intellectually bankrupt individuals do when they get flustered – because they can’t counter with a measured and thoughtful response.
Why don’t you exhibit some honesty and admit you were wrong in making the previous assertion (that thieves in China are unable to steal anything), and that you’ve been out of your depth in this thread on a range of matters that you’re poorly informed about.
That still leaves trillions of dollars of explicit subsidies — every year. Fossil fuels get more subsidies than EVs by several orders of magnitude.
I will answer when you have some real evidence.
You’re right. I thought so as well.
I think so. When exactly the EV subsidies ended in China doesn’t really matter; fossil fuels get vastly more help.
Then take it up with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
You clearly did not understand what I wrote: “gasoline cars catch fire 60 times more frequently (per vehicle) than EVs [emphasis added]”. Note the emphasized words. I won’t bother teaching you why you were wrong; you won’t ever learn.
Thank you very much. That makes a lot of sense. Your sort of explanation is much better than so many which just praise China’s ancient civilization and enlightened perspective etc. There is much to be proud of there, to be sure, but there is also an immediate, pragmatic level that is rarely well explained in short presentations like yours. I am not sufficiently invested in the subject to spend days reading long books, most of which tend to be poorly written and too dense to follow easily.
I have a personal problem with rampant materialism throughout the modern world but suspect that once the first growth phase is over (which perhaps has already is about to have happened?) that some of the bedrock values in the Han civilization, which is encoded into your genes, will come to the fore. In scattered media I see more references to imperial China of old which makes me think that maybe the communist mind control elements in the governance class are receding. But I suspect there will forever be a serious tension between those who are inspired by more spiritual motivations which do not worship at the shrine of temporal success versus those who want the citizenry to work hard at being good producers of material products and services, regarding spiritual aspects of human experience as (potentially dangerous) distractions. But that is just my thinking generally, not based on any knowledge of China today in particular. I have very similar reservations and criticisms of the West which I regard as being in an almost terminal state of decadence. That said, I hope that China, which is without doubt very materialist now, doesn’t end up in the same place a few decades from now, for materialism does not provide the bedrock value systems any civilization needs for multi-generational stability gradually engendering high civilizational culture.
Also, I find some of Chinese practices belie the rhetoric of universal good will etc. they constantly promote (and talk down to all other nations in so doing), namely that I have personally witnessed both in France and in Canada how Chinese state-aided manufacturing can wipe out local industries causing significant damage. That’s life, maybe, but to describe it as something benevolent and peaceful is a tad self-serving, to say the least. I am more comfortable maintaining a skeptical attitude to all governments everywhere and tend to discount any of their nationalist self-promotions.
Again, thanks for your answer. I have a much better sense of what Xi’s anti-corruption campaign was about. Indeed, this is the first understandable description I ever read.
Editor: please click the Email replies box, I think I forgot.
Pointing out facts to TV is POINTLESS. He is ‘as thick as a brick’-a retarded brick. He’ll just come back, over and over, like a dog to its vomit, to spew up the same hard Right garbage, because his ego image as really smart and on to the evil ‘Leftist Greenies’ is at stake. Here, in Austfailia, his type is triumphant, and the Murdoch cancer and other Rightist MSM feed them all the muck that they can swallow.
China is run by smart people. They saw subsidies as useful to get the EV market rolling, and now they are unnecessary. By 2030 ICE cars will be virtually gone from Chinese streets, which will be clean and quiet. Meanwhile, TV and the other smog junkies will be chasing ICE vehicles in order to suck the exhaust pipes, to get their fix of benzene and particulates.
A raving, ranting, hard Right psychopath. Apparently, in his sewer mind, the IMF is a bunch of ‘Greentards’ (the hatred of the life-sustaining system of the Earth is a view into unfathomable EVIL) and it cannot comprehend the concept of proportion in the facts of ICE vehicle immolation. And on and on it goes, driven by some hideous demon to do its sordid worst to exterminate its own (one supposes)species and most of Life on Earth.
Alright, I did watch it and it was not bad. Quite good actually. Somewhat impressed.
While I have been critical of China, I have also given them some credit. They are obviously superior in some ways. China is very safe. That gated community where you need special passes and codes to enter, very thorough, very advanced. You feel safe there.
South Africa might not be the best example, but close enough to be representative of the West in general I think. Imagine leaving your bike outside your house in say Covington LA and it’s still there the next morning. And 300 dollar rent is generous. You’d have to go to like Turkey to get anything at that price, and forget about leaving your bike outside in that country. I don’t know the exact crime rates in China, but surely there must be a massive divergence from most places in the West.
Yes, it’s all true! The houses are made of gingerbread, and there are lollipop trees, the clouds are marsh mellow and they rain saltwater taffy! Quick Toto get in the balloon we’re off to China!
There really are quote a lot of Western podcasters who have produced large number of YouTube videos over the last few years about their personal experiences in China, whether as tourists or ex-pats, and a regular common theme has been “the Western media has been lying to us.”
That’s South African woman named Lizzy has done a long series of those:
She did one on Chinese safety at night a few months ago:
Video Link
There’s also an American young woman who moved to China a number of years ago to study and has stayed on permanently. She travels all around the country and has lots of interesting stories:
There’s also a British tourists couple, who have traveled all around the world doing videos, but with many of their more recent ones being in China:
Video Link
All of these individuals seem absolutely sincere and there are so many of them, I take their views as pretty solid personal evidence.
Chinese hero!!
Honestly, what you’re saying really insults my intelligence. Explaining it to you would make me look like I’m giving popular science to a retard.
Please think in terms of ordinary human logic.
Since the thief can’t steal cash, if he tries to get the jewelry around his neck or on his hand, they will only find that the act has evolved from theft to robbery.
Unfortunately, the grassroots governance in our country is excellent. It doesn’t even take a policeman for a few passers-by to pin the thief to the ground.
Now, let me put it this way, you’re an inferior species.
You got my name wrong once, and your speech was filled with the feeling that you seemed to be overdosing on addictive drugs.
This makes me think that your intelligence level is probably lower than that of an adult boar.
The rent is that low perhaps because of the gates, special passes, and so on: dealing with all those security mechanisms must be a royal pain. All that security may have been desirable during Deng Xiaoping’s time of high “growth”, high inflation, high corruption, and high crime. But the gates etcetera are not necessary now. As most Chinese are not paranoid, they would rather not deal with the annoyances of strong security. Hence the low rent.
This is yet further proof that you’re an automaton that blindly swallows whatever the ZOG controlled established tells them.
What don’t you understand about the following verifiably true statement?:
The Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG) controls the entirety of the western financial and political system. It also owns/controls:
1)The World Bank
2) The BIS
3) The IMF
4) The SWIFT International Payments transfer system
5) The U.S Federal Reserve and all the major western central banks …
….and was the entity that orchestrated the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax (and thus the campaign to mandate the use of these EV lemons).
All the stats of significance that you’ve been brainwashed with by these entities, are false.
Anyway, here’s some comforting news for all you EV aficionados, in this article titled ‘Ford Loses Over $5 Billion On EVs In 2024’:
And Ford Motor Company is not alone on that score. Volkswagen won’t announce just how many billions it is flushing down a rate hole in its EV division, but it is rumoured to be something equivalent.
In fact ALL* the EV manufacturers are HAEMORRHAGING RED INK at the moment – with losses projected to be far greater in 2025.
(*The EV cultists have countered by saying that Tesla has been recording profits in the last few years. And indeed superficially, they’ve eked out a minuscule profit that represents something under 1% of there total revenue).
But this is accounting sleight-of-hand. The fact is that Tesla has NEVER sold a single vehicle in their history for more than the cost to manufacture.
That’s right – they’ve made a LOSS on every car they ever made.
However, for every EV made by Tesla, they receive a TAX CREDIT worth several thousand dollars from the U.S Gubmint.
Of course, since they’re making no profit themselves, they can’t use the tax credits to offset against profits. So instead they SELL those tax credits on the open market, and said tax credit sales generate billions of dollars which then puts them infinitesimally into the black.
But, tax credits or not, the losses in 2025 will be so enormous that no amount of tax credit ‘Creative Accounting’ chicanery will be yielding them any profit.
It’s a constant slide into the abyss from here on in for Tesla.
Lastly, more good news, by way of this article titled ‘Youtuber Shocked That His Tesla Model S Plaid Lost $100,000 In Value In 2 Years’:
Apparently this guy paid $140K for this EV lemon, and two years later it’s only worth $40K.
Moral of the story: If you want to finish the year with a net worth equivalent to a small fortune, start the year with a BIG FORTUNE, buy an EV, and by year end you’ll be left with (if you’e lucky) a small fortune.
When it comes to ‘STUPID’ on a monumental scale, you won’t find better examples than the EV cultists, Maoists/Socialists/Marxists and the Net Zero Nitwits.
No, it is not
Here is a $300 apartment in Wuhan.
Thanks for the video. It claims a rent of $300 per month for 1200 square feet.
But according to another web site (link), a “cheap” 3-bedroom in Wuhan costs $314 for 80 square meters, which means a rent of $438 for 1200 square feet. This is still quite cheap by Western standards, but more expensive than the apartment in the video. Either she must have gotten an exceptional deal, or the apartment has some downsides, such as the annoying security that I decried in Lizzy’s video.
(According to the same site, a 1200 square foot apartment in Wuhan’s city center would cost $833 per month.)
The Chinklander housing crash keeps on giving … to those that are looking … and taking … from those that are owning!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Per one report, Chinkland has enough apartments to house another 1.5 billion Chinklanders …. which do not exist. Per another it has 600 million residential buildings. That number can include everything from a 40 floor apartment building to a hovel in the countryside. LOL!!!!!!!
More like a Chinese zero! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
China has seen a massive revival of its traditional and Classical Chinese Culture since Xi’s ascent to power in 2012. While elements of traditional Chinese culture had been revived by the Overseas Chinese over the several decades since they started investing in China after Deng opened up the Chinese economy to foreign investors, it was only after Xi came to power did China experience a massive revival of Classical Chinese Culture at the State level.
Xi has consistently mentioned his vision for the rejuvenation of China’s 5000-year old Civilization. To this end, China is now restoring its cultural heritage sites and applying for their UNESCO listing. In addition to cultural preservation, Xi’s China is now actively promoting cultural nationalism in the form of Chinese design and fashion, Chinese art and architecture, Chinese philosophy and religion as part of China’s 5000-year old Civilization.
This is what Westerners don’t get about “Communist China” as if Marxism-Leninism is still relevant to China which is still Chinese with or without any of the foreign ideologies such as Western-style Republican Democracy, Soviet-style Marxism-Leninism, HK-style “laissez faire” Market Capitalism and Singapore-style Technocratic Capitalism imported into China during the last century. The fact is that China’s culture has remained “Chinese” even though its political ideology is no longer based on Orthodox Marxism-Leninism as proven by the fact that China is no longer promoting “class struggle” but social harmony. The Chinese people themselves are foregoing vulgar displays of conspicuous consumption by rediscovering cultural traditions and embracing traditional lifestyles. Across all levels of Chinese society, cultural nationalism has now become the defining characteristic of modern China, not materialistic pursuits nor financial gain.
When the GFC struck in 2008, China suffered an economic crisis so severe that the Chinese technocrats who had adopted the business model of export-led manufacturing industries introduced to China by the Overseas Chinese during the 1980s did a lot of soul-searching and finally decided to abandon the Dengist mantra of “to get rich is glorious”.
Why did the Chinese technocrats abandon that business model of exporting massive volumes of cheap goods to Western markets which led to rapid growth in export earnings since China’s ascent to the WTO during the 2000s?
Because that business model of export-led growth contributed to uneven development caused by the massive influx of migrant workers from the inland regions to the coastal cities where the sweatshop factories were located. That in turn created social problems such as urban overcrowding together with labor exploitation as well as high divorce rates as married couples lived apart. In addition, China was experiencing environmental destruction and air pollution akin to a Dickensian Dystopia. To make things worse, China was piling up trillions of USD in foreign reserves which had to exchanged for Yuan resulting in excessive liquidity. That fueled real-estate speculation which in turn contributed to sky-high housing prices.
I remember watching a CCTV interview in 2008, right after the GFC, where Chinese economists were discussing the business model of export-led economic growth. Although China was able to pile up trillions of USD in foreign reserves, the Chinese economists noted that it was the Western Capitalists who benefited the most as they owned the majority shares of the Western Multinationals which created the Western brands, built the Western channels and owned the Western designs and technologies. China was relegated to being the factory doing all the grunt work while the Western Capitalists reaped most of the profits, amassing tens of trillions of USD stashed away in offshore tax havens, TEN(10) times what China made during that period of high economic growth driven by massive exports of cheap goods to Western markets.
Their prognosis: China needed to develop its own Chinese domestic market in order to allow the creation of the national value-chains across all industrial sectors. So instead of Chinese factories churning out cheap goods which are marked-up by Western Multinationals and then sold to Western markets, Chinese manufacturers would instead sell those cheap goods to Chinese consumers by using their own Chinese brands, by building their own Chinese channels, and by creating their own Chinese designs and technologies. All the profits would then accrue to Chinese manufacturers who don’t need Western multinationals to create their own Chinese products, develop their own Chinese technologies and market their own Chinese brands to Chinese consumers.
So contrary to popular opinion in the West, Westerners like yourself are completely mislead by your own Western propaganda because China’s exports to the West has been declining precisely because the Chinese technocrats proposed a radical restructuring of the Chinese economy away from export-led growth since the GFC in 2008. This economic restructuring went into overdrive after Xi’s ascent to power in 2012 which has resulted in China becoming the largest consumer market in the world, having surpassed the USA a few years ago. In a decade or less, China’s economy would have surpassed the USA to become the largest in the world. By 2050, China’s economy would have surpassed the entire West (USA+EU+UK+Canada) combined. At that point, China’s exports to the West would have declined to a minuscule part of its economy which is now oriented towards serving its domestic market.
Chinese language a living fossil.
Cultures move away from logograph to phonetic system long ago. Better system and more efficient.
But Chinese stick with dinosaur language. Trilobite language. Coelacanth language.
In other cultures, logograph go extinct. But in China it still around.
Why? Art of calligraphy make Chinese fall in love with their language as art form and let it survive?
I don’t think security has much to do with rent.
It depends on the location.
The better the location, the more expensive the rent.
If you take into account some Siheyuan in Beijing, you will feel that these areas are obviously shabby, but live a group of multimillionaires.
The rent there is, of course, extremely expensive.
That is FALSE. They did NOT abandon the export-led manufacturing industries.
And the irrefutable proof of that is, other than for a brief hiccup in the immediate aftermath of the 2008/09 slowdown, China CONTINUED DELIVERING RECORD HIGH TRADE SURPLUSES with the U.S and with all foreign nations (when viewed in aggregate).
There were of course outlier nations like Australia that ran a trade surplus with China.
ie: Australia exported more stuff to China than it imported from them.
Today, the trade surplus China runs with the America DWARFS* anything it was running PRIOR to the 2008 GFC – a time when the U.S economy was supposedly booming.
(*And I don’t just mean in nominal dollar terms – seeing as obviously a dollar in 2025 does not have the same purchasing power as a dollar in 2008).
Even factoring in the inflation the U.S experienced since 2008, the trade deficit the U.S has with China today is much higher in REAL inflation adjusted terms.
Sure, in the IMMEDIATE aftermath of the 2008 GFC, the Chinese found that their major trading partner (the U.S) was flat broke, and thus Americans bought far less stuff from the Chinese.
This was also true for western Europe and many other countries, although to a far lesser extent than with the drop-off in trade with America.
So, rather than risk social unrest as scores of millions of Chinese became unemployed in those export-focused manufacturing industries, the CPC embarked on a massive ‘Make Work’ Infrastructure programme.
And during this period they built the tens of thousands of kilometres of:
In other words, massive over capacity.
End Result: As at the time of 2008 Beijing Olympics, China was sitting pretty and had relatively low debt – seeing as the private sector was doing all the ‘heavy lifting’ up to that point and was responsible for the near entirety of the wealth generated and concomitant prosperity.
But, after all those hundreds of billions were flushed down a rat hole in those hare-brained projects, China had accumulated a lot of debt and thus was in a far more precarious financial situation than it otherwise would’ve been had it not indulged in these profligate Gubmint boondoggles.
Let’s hope for China’s sake that Gubmint gets out of the way and allows the private sector to lead from here on in. Because the private sector is far more prudent in the way it spends its money and will conduct rigorous Cost/Benefit analyses before embarking on any major project.
Not so Big Gubmint, which routinely throws money around on a whim.
Yes, the private sector will get it wrong and some projects will go bust from time to time, as revenue and sales projections don’t come to fruition.
But the proportion of dud projects the private sector involves itself with is FAR LESS than Big Gubmint. This is true the world over.
Big Gubmint almost always picks losers and squanders money on grandiose projects that invariably have shocking cost and time overruns, thus making all the citizenry poorer.
To encapsulate it in pure economic terms:
The real estate market prices are heavily influenced by location.
Wuhan is huge. Their apartment is on the outskirt of Wuhan. Maybe that’s why the rent is cheaper?
The woman is American, and her husband is Chinese from Hong Kong. They met and started dating when they were college students in the US. I’ve followed them for a while, because it is rare to see Hong Kong Chinese or Americans settle in Wuhan, a place I know very little and want to learn more.
They just moved to a bigger and better apartment which cost $500.
before their first kid was born.
Location matters greatly, of course. But the annoying security is probably a factor as well. There doesn’t have to be only one reason why Lizzy’s friend is paying so little.
To give you an idea of why China made the strategic decision to abandon Deng’s “to get rich is glorious” mantra of “laissez-faire” market capitalism after the GFC caused the Chinese Economic Crisis in 2008:
1. Here’s a video of the traffic jam nine years ago in a 50-lane highway leading to a toll station in Beijing which took three hours:
2. Here’s a video of just how bad air pollution in Beijing twelve years ago that you can barely see anything in the streets:
3. Here’s a graph of the price of crude oil from 2000 to 2008, showing how oil prices quintupled from 2003 to 2008 due to geopolitical instability in the Middle East from where 80% of China’s oil imports come from:

4. Here’s a video of the top 20 countries with the longest metro/subway networks in the world showing how China rapidly expanded its metro/subway networks after 2008, thus solving its urban problems with traffic congestion and air pollution:
5. Here’s a video of China’s high speed rail system which solved the national problem of urban overcrowding by connecting Tier-1 to Tier-2 to Tier-3 cities:
From inter-city travel using high-speed rail to intra-city travel using metro subway, light rail, electric bus and electric taxi, the Chinese State planned, designed, developed and operated the entire end-to-end all-electric transport network, leaving only the last-mile transport to the private sector such as ride-sharing and bike rental services provided by startup companies. Private transport is still available to Chinese commuters who want to drive but most cars will be EVs by 2030.
By then, China would have solved its urban problems with air pollution (with all-electric transport), traffic congestion (with public transit), urban overcrowding (with more people relocating from Tier-1 to Tier-2 to Tier-3 cities), energy security (with its declining oil imports from the Middle East) and uneven development (with more development in the inland regions) by bringing the city dwellers to the rural countryside (via high-speed rail).
AND, the moron’s beloved American and Austfailian cities will be shit-stained, polluted, particulate guzzling, (whether you like it or not), shit-holes, just as he prefers. Shit is his natural habitat.
You can see why FANATIC, brainwashed, Western racist thugs hate China so much. China does it better, almost every time, and when failing, they LEARN. This troll CAN NEVER learn anything, so deep is its brainwashing. These creatures infest Austfailia like ticks, and they are determined to attack China, a recipe for national suicide, but we’ve earned it. Believe me, we deserve it.
ZOG this, ZOG that, ZOG the other. The moronic paranoia suits you. And I bet the worst of the Jews really love the screeching assertion that they run EVERYTHING. Are you paid to feed their egos? Or, yikes, are you ‘Chosen’ yourself, and on a disinfo mission?
Actually Japan’s idea of being honorary westerners goes back before that. In the Meiji period Japan decided to learn from the west and stop learning from China – due to the Industrial Revolution. Japan became an honorary western nation when it joined the 8 nation alliance against China. Japan was given the German concession in China (double crossing China – to whom it was supposed to be returned to). Teddy Roosevelt wanted to support Japan to westernize the rest of Asia. Japan’s budding empire was supposed to be a copy of western empires. That changed with the Christian Madame Soong and brother TV Soong convinced Franklin D Roosevelt that if the US supported the Republic of China – rather than the brutal and barbaric Japanese empire – that the ROC could Christianize Asia. Of course that didn’t work out as the CPC then defeated the KMT in the Chinese civil war and ruined the west’s plans. I’m surprised the author didn’t mention that is one of the reasons the CPC is so hated by the US.
Saying it or not doesn’t change the fact of what it is. Singapore is a Confucian society mixed with a bit of British law. After him – his son led. Only now is someone out of the family leading – but they are from the same party.
You are correct. Genghis Khan indeed was Mongolian. But Mongols became Chinese. More Mongols live in China than Mongolia. Why? The Han proved to have a more viable to society. The Mongols styled themselves as the Yuan Dynasty. A Chinese dynasty. Also – Mongols fought “China” for many many many centuries. So the idea of them ruling the Yuan dynasty means they were superior warriors doesn’t make sense. For the majority of their history of fighting they could NOT take over and rule China. And when they did – they then became Chinese. You confuse Han with Chinese. Similarly the Manchu/Jurchen it was the same exact thing…. Fighting for centuries. Eventually taking over – and then themselves becoming Chinese.
The idea that China has last for thousands of years continually while having to fight other empires – including the Tibetan Empire (which at one time took over parts of “China”) is a silly one. It makes zero sense. Except if one has a bias already. Same with Japan. Sure Japan took parts of a weakened China – but in the past the Han Chinese slapped down Japan more than once – including when they tried to take Korea – which was a Chinese tributary state at the time.
China beat the Dutch and Portuguese at times as well… It also – while dirt poor under the communists beat the Americans and their allies on the Korean peninsula. Not even the great Sugar Ray Robinson won every fight. It’s dumb to think the people most famous for developing MARTIAL arts weren’t a warrior people. Also people who believe a fake history don’t realize how many weapons were first used in China… From crossbows to mines to rockets to catapults (trebuchet in the west) were all first used in warfare in China rather than elsewhere. Why? China always had to fight so always had to come up with new weapons. Hence the same reason the west is befuddled now by China developing unique types of submarines today and openly demonstrating 6th generation military aircraft.
Along with some of the non-Jewish whites!
Similar levels of poverty? Absolute nonsense. The KMT took the entire national treasury of China to the island of Taiwan in 1949. On top of that the ROC on Taiwan was the darling of the west while the PRC was embargoed. Where did you learn your propaganda? Voice of America??? Radio Free Asia???
“Capitalism will never succeed where life depends on limited resources.”
Resources are are always limited. Scarcity of resources is a fundamental law of economics and of life.
The market economy to the extent it is allowed to operate, does a better job at bringing those scarce resources to usefulness for more people than the top down command of socialism.
Generally speaking, the more expensive the land, the better the security.
How are things in LA?
Pity your thinking has almost stopped—-Pythas.
Alfred is entering Brisbane with a BANG and good RAIN storm—–might be time to build an ark.
China did abandon the export-oriented manufacturing industries located in the coastal cities after the GFC in 2008.
The irrefutable proof is that Apple became the single largest exporter of iPhones, iPads and other iProducts — mislabeled as “Chinese” exports — from China to the USA, after Apple launched the iPhone in 2017 and the iPad in 2010. Without Apple’s iProducts, China’s exports to the USA would decrease by $100B. Add the other US tech companies like HP, Dell, Cisco, etc. and that’s another $100B worth of notebook PCs, WiFi routers, etc.
That was before the Yanks decided they wanted to milk Australia in other to force Aussies like you to pay for nuclear submarines so the MIC could continue to rip off the USA. China reacted to the Yankee provocation by reducing its imports from Australia.
As a percentage of its GDP, China’s exports to the world has declined from a high of 36% of its GDP in 2008 to around 17% of its GDP today with the share of the USA having declined to around 2-3% of its GDP. The reason why its export value has increased is due to the change in the nature of its exports from low-value consumer stuff like shoes to mid-value industrial goods like solar panels as well as high-value high-tech products like smartphones. As an example, Nike now produces 50% of its shoes in Vietnam and 30% of its shoes in Indonesia, after moving most of its shoe production out of China since 2010. Also, ASEAN became the largest export destination of Chinese exports, followed by the EU. But the number of people who work in export-oriented manufacturing industries located in the coastal cities has been declining since the GFC 2008.
The silly nonsense that Westerners spout about China’s military weakness by citing the Mongols and Manchus don’t understand that the Chinese fought against the Turkic, Mongols and Tungusic warrior tribes for more than 2,000 years since the Xiongnus. To attribute the warlike nature of the Turkic, Mongols and Tungusic tribes to race is nonsensical because a lot of Han Chinese joined those Northern tribes and intermixed with them. The obverse also happened as a lot of the Turkic tribes became Sinicized and eventually became part of the Chinese Empire since the Tang Dynasty defeated the Göktürk Empire.
Actually, the Mongols first destroyed the Jin Dynasty who were Sinicised Jurchens, the ancestors of the Manchus. The Manchus themselves later conquered China with the aid of Han Chinese generals who defected to the Qing Dynasty because they had opposed the Ming Dynasty which resulted a Civil War. Unlike the Mongols who founded the Mongol Empire which was a foreign power that conquered the Song Dynasty, the Manchus never founded a Manchu Empire of their own but instead took over the Chinese Empire by assimilating to become Chinese.
Yes it did continue. China never fully withdrew. It held on to parts of the border lands where skirmishes lasted about a decade. They ended when Vietnam left Cambodia (which was why China attacked in the first place). Then China gave back the land and they signed an official border treaty. You can look it up. Western media almost never gives the full story on anything related to China.
Today China is outperforming the West- again.
Lots of clowns living along Mainstreet America and Canada today–and they are there because of Big Pharma and the CIA who both have legally controlled the flow of drugs into USA and Canada —but as Nancy Reagan once expounded ” Just say NO!”
Pre 1997 Hong Kong was like a western city. Yeah filthy rich people – but also plenty of slums and inequality and corruption and crime.
Mainland China copied the other Sino society that is well known…. Singapore. Quality of life in Singapore is higher than Taiwan or Hong Kong (pre 1997 or after).
Hey dumbass! If you had bothered to even look at the link that YOU provided, the IMF chart states that there was around $1.2 trillion in EXPLICIT subsidies to “carbon based fuels” in 2022. $1.2 trillion is not multiple trillions, and further that number includes subsidies on coal, natural gas and oil. Like subsidized home heating oil or natural gas. What makes that chart even worse is the following note underneath it, which plainly states that anything after 2019 is a “projection” and therefore is “made up”. LOL!!!!!!!
Note: Figures from 2019 onwards use projections for fuel use. Explicit subsidies: undercharging for supply costs. Implicit subsidies: undercharging for environmental costs and forgone consumption taxes, after accounting for preexisting fuel taxes and carbon pricing.
The only part of those “explicit” subsidies, that apply to this argument are gasoline/diesel subsidies of which the VAST majority are given out by the Persian Gulf states to keep their populations quiet so that they don’t revolt. Considering that the whole economy of Saudi, the country with the largest economy of those Gulf states, is only around $1 trillion, and that it also exports most of the oil it produces, then those subsidies simply CAN’T be MULTIPLE TRILLIONS. I seriously doubt that they even reach more than a few tens of billions. In fact most of the world’s governments tack on gasoline/diesel taxes to the price of ICV fuel …. which is the exact opposite of a subsidy.
It is common for a $10,000 subsidy to exist on an EV. It is FREAKING RARE for an ICV owner to get a $10,000 subsidy on the gasoline/diesel needed to drive that car.
As an example at a base rate of $2.50 a gallon (base rate is without any taxes), that $10,000 EV subsidy would give an ICV driver 4,000 gallons of free fuel. Assuming a mileage of 25 miles per gallon we get 100,000 worth of FREE miles per car. Good freaking luck finding that deal! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
For conversion purposes: 1 mile is 1.6 kilometers, and 1 gallon is around 4 liters.
Use that single brain cell you have left and ponder the above!
Fucking Moron!
Nope! Propagandists like yourself say that …. but it didn’t!
This is reality in China! People scamming people in order to become the best scammer.
as is this!
and this!
After my previous comment demonstrating emphatically why the Chinese did NOT abandon Capitalism post the 2008 GFC, you write:
Can you READ English?
If and when China does actually abandon Capitalism, we will know about it in a hurry.
Because China will go back to being the Socialist shit-hole it was under Mao.
You post a video called ‘Beijing’s Huge Traffic Jam’, featuring a 50 lane highway that merges into far fewer lanes. Then you strut around saying (or at least implying) that Gubmint supposedly solved these problems that existed before.
But I ask you, WHAT ENTITY was so stupid to order the construction of a 50 lane highway that merged into a bottleneck in the first place?
That’s right UR readers (those of you that are not rabid Maoists/Socialists – and thus possess some common sense), it was the EFF’N GUBMINT that planned such a road system in the first place.
And that’s how Gubmint works, in accordance with the following three step process:
1) Problem
2) Reaction
3) Solution
In other words, Big Gubmint CREATED the problem in the first place.
THEN, the gullible masses were up in arms as the Gubmint blamed that crisis on the private sector and ‘unrestrained’ Capitalism (in the same way that the leftists blamed the 2008 GFC on Capitalism, when in fact ALL METRICS demonstrate that GUBMINT was the culprit).
Thereafter the Gubmint rushes in and says: ‘ We will rescue you citizen. The Gubmint always comes to the rescue’.
Contrary to what the rabid Marxists will tell you, under Capitalism there will not exist a state of affairs where there is NO GUBMINT.
Instead there will be MINIMAL and decentralised Gubmint.
And one of those departments of Gubmint that will remain will be a functioning judiciary.
And in such a system, even though individuals may not have the financial wherewithal to sue a large company that is polluting the air or releasing dangerous chemicals into the river system, a COLLECTIVE of concerned citizens can initiate CLASS ACTION LITIGATION against a major polluter (or group of polluters) and sue the hell out of them for releasing toxins into the air/rivers/lakes etc.
Of course that never occurred in China, because the major industrialists were working in cahoots with corrupt entities in Big Gubmint, and the latter didn’t give a rat’s arse about environmental damage (seeing as said corrupt politicians were no doubt receiving kick backs from the industrial giants).
And, if concerned citizens complained, Gubmint no doubt harshly dealt with them and told them to stop whining.
You know, many moons ago when my progeny were little, I would show them a photo of a city in China (or elsewhere in the world) that had atrocious smog/bad air quality from industrial pollutants, and ask them a multiple choice question that read:
How much of the visible smog is due to CO2 emissions from cars/industry?:
a) 75%
b) 50%
c) 23.45% or …
d) Zero.
Of course they’d been listening to me in the past and knew the correct answer was ZERO.
Because, as we all know:
CO2 is colourless, tasteless, odourless and 100% non toxic.
The VISIBLE pollution you saw was the particulates released by industry – which were KNOWINGLY allowed to be released by the Chinese GUBMINT.
For example, let’s take the case of so called ‘Dirty Coal’, as the Climate Zealots refer to it.
I’m in Australia and the vast majority of our electricity is generated by COAL FIRED POWER STATIONS.
Yet we have a negligible quantity of PARTICULATES OF COAL (akin to those scenes of Dickensian England in the midst of the 19th century Industrial Revolution) creating bad air quality.
And the reason is simple. It’s because all our coal fires power stations (as they do in the entirety of the western world), have been using Scrubbers for decades:
These devices trap something like 99.9% of coal particulates and prevent them from being released into the atmosphere – hence the reason why the air quality in our cities is world class.
The same applies to those other industries that emit other harmful byproducts.
BUT, the Chinese Gubmint SOE’s (State Owned Enterprises) who were running these coal fired power stations, in the interest of saving a few bucks and thus being able to produce electricity for a cent (or so) per kWh cheaper (and also to reduce overhead costs, since they were run so inefficiently as Gubmint enterprises inevitably are), decided to not utilise such devices for decades, and only did so in recent years.
Meanwhile, let’s examine the issue of exhaust emissions from motor vehicles.
The U.S made the change to unleaded fuel FIFTY YEARS AGO, and a vehicle using unleaded must employ a Catalytic Converter.
Well, China made the switch to unleaded much later, and when they did they were not nearly as stringent as the western nations in using the types of Catalytic Converters (CC’s) as used in the first world nations.
You see, CC’s used to use a fair bit of Platinum in their construction (now they use the even more expensive Palladium).
So, to save a few bucks the Chinese GUBMINT allows the Chinese to use second rate CC’s that don’t do the job nearly as well and release more pollutants/particulates into the atmosphere.
In fact, as recently as a few years ago Chinese Vehicle manufacturers were hit with a large fine for selling motorcycles and recreational vehicles that did not comply with U.S standards:
This is indicative of how dishonest Mulga is. He KNOWS I’ve said more complimentary things about China (the China of the post Mao era – the country that is the BASTION of Capitalism among the major nations of the world), than I have said in the way of criticism.
Of course China (along with the noble Russians), comprise the Sino-Russian Super Hegemon.
And I’m thankful for the existence of this unbreakable partnership and the role it will play in bringing about loss of world reserve currency status for the USD – which will be followed shortly thereafter by the demise of ZOG.
I have REPEATEDLY stated that – and Mulga knows it.
BUT, there are developments and policy undertakings conducted by the Chinese Gubmint that give rise to concern, and I will call them out without fear or favour.
There are a great many things China does very badly, and the tyrannical lockdowns/boarding up and nailing shut of people in their apartments in recent years during the Covid Psyop is just one among many things that the Chinese Gubmint have done disastrously.
Not Mulga meanwhile. When Mulga found out what the first ‘C’ in CPC (Communist Party of China) stood for, he was ‘All-IN’.
As far as Mulga is concerned, the Chinese Gubmint can do no wrong.
Mulga feels the same way about Marxism. I mean, Marx guaranteed equality of outcome.
What’s not to like about that, says Mulga to himself. Mulga has lived profligately all his life. Whenever he came across a few dollars, he promptly pissed it up against a wall.
So Marxism offered him the opportunity to steal OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY, hence the reason he was all for it.
The same can be said about the leading figureheads of the Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax.
Mulga is so smitten by the likes of his idols (eg: Klaus Schwab, Al Gore, Yuval Harari, Keir Starmer – who are some of the poster boys of the movement), that he will NEVER say a bad word about the Climate Change fraud.
If it means hundreds of millions of sub-Saharan Africans dying decades prematurely from indoor smoke inhalation or those children in the Congo (that dig for Cobalt with their bare hands – many of whom don’t live beyond puberty), so be it.
Mulga doesn’t give a rat’s bum. He hates the darkies with a passion and it works out as a ‘two-for’ in the end, as far as his agenda to deindustrialise the west and murder the darkies at the same time.
A racist as egregious as Mulga you’ll be hard pressed to find.
A logographic language is undoubtedly more complex but its prime benefit is universality, as it is capable of retaining its meaning over different spoken forms, since there is a separation of the pronunciation. For China, it has acted as a unifying factor as people in different parts could read the same writing even if they spoke different regional languages.
In contrast, an alphabetic language uses phoneme to create meaning. As such, there are similar sounding words but with different meanings (deer vs dear), same sounding words with different meanings (dear as in darling, dear as in expensive), same spelling but different pronunciation and different meanings (desert (phy) vs desert (AWOL)) – and this for the same phonology. What happens when you go somewhere different and the allophones are all different?
In addition, in logographic language some characters are visual representations of its meaning – enhancing recognition. Also, since each character occupies the same amount of written space, less real estate is used for a long message, as compared with an alphabetic language.
China tried its hand at an alphabetic system using the Zhuyin system and then switched to the Hanyu Pinyin system in 1958. However, it is used today to supplement the learning of Mandarin. The logographic system in China’s view, still works best for themselves.
In my UR posts I regularly mention the mischief making of the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG) that controls the entirety of the western financial and political systems.
I go on to provide COPIOUS evidence to back up my assertions that they orchestrated the most heinous crimes of the last 100 years and beyond (as do a ton of other honest contributors in the UR commentariat – so I’m hardly the outlier in that regard).
But Mulga starts hyperventilating and comes back with: ‘ZOG this, ZOG that!!!’
I ask you UR readers, why would any gentile (or someone who’s not a shabbos goy), say such a thing?
I mean, it’s almost what you’d expect if I’d just called his mother a whore.
(Or perhaps slandered his Talmudic ilk?).
UR readers, bear also in mind that, even after presented with an avalanche of evidence of:
1) NO SYSTEMATIC MASS MURDER OF JEWS being carried out by the Germans during WWII
2) NO EVIDENCE THAT A SINGLE JEW WAS GASSED in those alleged human gas chambers in ANY of the work camps during WWII (camps that were falsely labelled as ‘extermination centres’ by mendacious Jews).
3) The number of Jews that died during WWII in German occupied territories being of the order of a few hundred thousand (most from natural causes/circumstances that were beyond the control of the Germans),
…. despite all of this Mulga keeps insisting that millions of Jews perished during WWII.
Now UR readers, I’ve asked Mulga this before, but he side stepped it. So I’ll ask again:
When I stated the OBVIOUS (ie: that the Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax was orchestrated by Malignant International Jewry (aka ZOG), he became apoplectic with rage.
So Mulga, do you have a yarmulke wearing dog in this race or not?
And, if I accuse ZOG of a certain crime and you disagree with that, then by all means FURNISH THE PROOF that refutes my allegation.
That is how you win people over, by DEBATING it in an open forum and making your case.
If you can’t (and of course you won’t be able to – because you’re an ignorant fool), you should STFU.
The twin issues of air pollution and traffic congestion comes down to public policy on urban transportation between mass transport and private vehicles. No matter how many highways and freeways, overpasses and underpasses are built to accommodate private vehicles which are owned, maintained and operated by commuters, those public roads have to be built with public funds. Aside from the economics of public roads vs mass transit, there are also technical constraints on building, maintaining and operating various modes of transportation such as highways and freeways vs metro subway, light rail, high-speed rail, etc. Here’s a video on how highways make traffic worse:
There is also the issue of using agricultural land for freeways and urban land for highways to accommodate inter-city and intra-city transport, respectively. The effects had been to increase suburban sprawl as suburban districts are built around highways and freeways. Here’s a video on the effects of the automobile on the suburbanization of the USA which started building the inter-state highway system after Eisenhower signed “The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956”:
China went through a similar experience by building highways and freeways throughout the 1990s and 2000s. As more cars were added to the roads, the more roads had to be built. Those additional cars invariably caused more traffic congestion and air pollution. And more oil imports from the Middle East. Over time, the Tier-1 cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen became bigger and bigger as suburban districts were added to the urban centers with highways and freeways and overpasses and underpasses connecting the suburban districts to the metropolitan areas. The subsequent phenomenon of urban overcrowding resulted in high demand for private housing near the urban centers which then increased property prices. This was the Dickensian situation of the Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities located in the coastal provinces in China when the GFC struck like a tsunami in 2008: air pollution, traffic congestion, urban overcrowding, housing affordability, among other socio-economic problems. And the biggest problem of them all: China’s energy security due to its growing dependence on Arab oil imported from the volatile Middle East through the Persian Gulf. In 2008, the price of oil had skyrocketed to $150/bbl from $30/bbl in 2003 due to political instability in the Middle East.
Then the Chinese technocrats found an engineering solution to these techno-economic problems brought about by the market dependence on the gas automobile for private transport. Their technical solution can be described in one word: ALL-ELECTRIC.
You only need to visit China once to experience what has happened since 2008.
None of any official Chinese leaders, scholars, intellectuals nor normies denied European whites’ contributions, instead they acknowledged it and laid well in their history textbooks, what is the point you, or any other like minds here on Unz trying to make EXACTLY?
1, Claim racial superiority above Chinese
You and anyone can feel free to do so, but when looking at the track records whites have also been engaged, involved, pioneered and orchestrated in sexual subversion, mass murdering, regime change, food/supply sabotage or embargo, human trafficking and ideological propagandas,
If you want to claim racial excellency you have to ACT like one.
Tell me those white fags who participate in LA/Brooklyn pride parade are ethnic Chinese, tell me those whites moms who indoctrinated their OWN kids to ‘change’ sex are Chinese moms, tell me those evangelical families who sent their sons to die for foreign countries and came back with one eye are Chinese Daoism fanatics,,,
Until then I will leave the number of my psychiatrist for a FREE session, you can discuss with him what real Superiority is
2, Boost of one’s not-so-great personal portfolio
Those European inventors or pioneers were dead way back ago, it is not only annoying to mention them when EVERY other China related post was discussed for a current topic, also embarrassing to
read as if Alt-Right key-board warriors all of sudden gave a damn about ‘European-Whites’ collectively, when,
it’s their countries and governments (G7) bombed Serbia for 2 months (Nikola Tesla’s motherland) and dismantled Yugoslavia,
it’s their countries and governments bombed Syria and looking for a final subjugation to tear it apart (Steve Job’s father is Syrian refugee)
it’s their countries and governments gutted Russia and cornering it with Nato post-coldwar, agitating color-Revo around former soviet states and seeking conflicts from all angles to weaken it (Dmitri Mendeleev’s home country)
Chinese NEVER did any harm to those above but helped them in all ways possible.
Before bitching about Chinese carrying on with scientific progress discovered by some random Europeans, do some something about your own systematic Anti-White government.
Beast Boy, you seem to have an obsession with phrases like:
I couldn’t find the figures for 2024, but these are the largest oil producers in the world for 2023:
As you can see, Russia’s oil production is only a hairline less than # 2 producer Saudi Arabia.
In fifth and sixth place are Iran and Iraq – both of whom are on excellent terms with China and are not likely to turn their backs on them in this lifetime or the next to instead side with the murderous Anglo-Zionist empire.
And then we have China itself in seventh place.
But the fact is that Russia, ALL ON ITS OWN, can supply China with all the oil that it could foreseeably need.
And there is NO CHANCE that Russia would ever turn its back on China.
The intention of the U.S to destroy any rival hegemon has brought Russia and China together.
They have forged an unbreakable bond in the interim.
Still fossilingo
Of course no msm in America nor those al-right figures willing to pull their head out of the axse,
Knowing Mao and Zhou ain’t Doctor Strange, them alone can not defeat KMT troops, the REAL reason was they gained massive support from Chinese farmers, workers and the poor, they knew KMT are u.s. puppet and oligarchs who don’t give a damn about lifting poverty, they sided with those ones who can, it’s really just people’s will.
The west will not tell the founding history of PRC is more ‘demographic’ (Gaining majority support of Demographic) than MOST of oligarchy throned zog government.
Well, their concern is overanxious, even if fattard in America knows they ain’t gonna do shxt.
Allow US intel to set up listening stations is my guess
Actually Xi publicly stated that China needs to be prepared for biological attack and that people needed to be ready to endure it…. Yes after Covid started
Go read the Joint Communiques between the U.S. and PRC. It explicitly notes that aside from removing all U.S. troops and weapons that the U.S. would NOT sell weapons more advanced than it was selling at that time (1970’s) and that eventually the U.S. would stop. It said the U.S. recognized both sides agreed they were part of China and peaceful reunification would be encouraged. Go read them. The U.S. cannot be trusted because then the U.S. subsequently in Reagan times passed a law to keep arming the ROC in Taiwan. The U.S. cannot be trusted
In my last post, I wrote that in 2008 when oil prices hit $150/bbl, China was importing 80% of its oil from the Middle East via the Persian Gulf, across the Indian Ocean, through the Straits of Malacca and finally arriving at Chinese seaports via the South China Sea. That was just one of the many problems that China faced when the GFC hit like a tsunami in 2008. Another was the collapse in Western demand for Chinese exports. That’s why Xi fast-tracked China’s infrastructure projects for 1). HSR, 2). MRT, 3). LRT, and 4). EVs in order to 1). reduce its energy dependence on oil imports, 2). foster economic growth in the inland regions away from the coastal cities. Unlike Australia or the USA which have plenty of oil, China simply had no choice as it became dependent upon imported oil from the Middle East after the automobile became the dominant mode of transportation during the boom years of the 1990s and 2000s. More cars mean more oil imports but Arab oil was cheap during those times at $30/bbl. Then the shale oil boom in the USA needed an oil price above $60/bbl. Boom! George Bush Jr suddenly invaded Iraq ostensibly due to Saddam Hussein’s non-existent WMDs. So oil prices went from $30/bbl in 2003 to $150/bbl in 2008.
That was then. Today, China is on track to reduce its Arab oil imports to ZERO by 2030. China has found an alternative source in Russian oil which could supply all of its oil demand forever. But China’s transition to an ALL-ELECTRIC transport sector means that its domestic oil production is more than enough to cover its domestic oil consumption in the foreseeable future. China has found a technical solution to its strategic vulnerability with energy security while solving its urban problems with air pollution, traffic congestion, urban overcrowding, and suburban sprawl.
Words don’t do justice to what China has accomplished in the last 15 years. You need to experience China to believe it.
That seems likely. However, in her video Lizzie emphasized that her friend’s apartment was in an “older building”, and indeed its architecture seemed quite different from modern Chinese structures. It probably does date from Deng Xiaoping’s (or Jiang Zemin’s) time of high corruption and high crime; hence the quite annoying security, the steel bars in front of windows, and the low rent.
China’s exposure to the US may be far lower than 3% of GDP.
Take an Apple iPhone for example. One site (link) estimates that China makes only $8 from an $800 iPhone. So if China’s exports consisted only of those phones, the country’s exposure to the US would be only 0.003% of GDP. Of course, the iPhone may be an extreme case of transfer pricing. But it does suggest that Trump’s tariffs may hurt China much less than even the small 3% of GDP that is often mentioned (and that I have cited elsewhere).
So when did replacing an ICV with an EV become a solution to road congestion?? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!
and as for air pollution, the only thing it does is transfer it from a car’s exhaust to the location of a coal fired power plant …and further … tosses in the bonus of causing ground pollution from rusting EV’s battery leakage. A problem that ICV’s don’t have. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Granted that much of Chinkland already suffers from ground pollution, but this does make it worse. LOL!!!!!!!
May be the other poster was exercising creative thinking.
People have studied genes and intelligence. And the came out IQ tests to evaluate people’s intelligence of various countries/people. Still no gene related creativity score for various peoples.
Innovation/creativity is mostly connected to the market in which large number of people are interacting and finding ways to satisfy market demands. Creativity in making the best battery (or whatever) would be overlooked if there were no market for battery (or whatever).
The 1990s and 2000s were very chaotic, especially in the 1990s when there was no gun control.
There may even be a small village war, which will eventually be resolved by government armored vehicles.
The problem was gradually solved after gun control.
Now the grassroots security should not worry. The criminals basically do it in the form of phone scams and so on.
As for the old house. Some luck, dear. Some bad luck, not expensive.
It depends.
Hah. The only fossil is your thinking.
Japan and South Korea absolutely have Confucian thought. Singapore is clearly a Confucian state. Taiwan is not a state – but operates by the same Chinese philosophies.
US is not a good example since the US intel agencies have been involved in drug trafficking going bank to Air America …. As well as working with narcos in the Americas – as long as they worked to try to kill off leftist movements.
Typo, make that “0.03%”.
China’s rise since 1949 is pretty much unprecedented in history, but the transition since 2000 is simply phenomenal, and that has sent the Western racist supremacist cockroaches INSANE with rage, envy, and FEAR.
You poor, fucking, brain dead, unteachable CRETIN-EV sales are BOOMING, still, in China, and now it appears that China will be, more or less, FULLY EV by 2030. And your beloved, toxic, carcinogenic, climate stability destroying ICE vehicles fit only for museums and insects like you. How ever did the attendants potty-train you-if they did!
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. The Jewintern LOVES NOTHING more than anti-Jewish conspiratorialism, as in your incessant ZOG this, ZOG that, the ZOG all over the shop, blather. ‘Look, the ‘antisemites’ are everywhere! We must crack down on free speech and thought!’ The only question is, are you fully Talmudic yourself, or a Sabbat Goy useful idiot? Come on-fess up.
That was an old estimate of the labor value-added from assembling iPhones in Foxconn’s factories. The new estimate of the national value-added including iPhone parts, components and subsystems manufactured in China by Chinese manufacturers comes to around 20% of the cost of the iPhones which is the import price reported in the bill of lading submitted to US Customs. That import price includes only the cost of production but doesn’t include the IP charged by Apple to an offshore tax haven which is intended to evade US taxes nor does it include the cost of sales to market and distribute the iPhone to retailers across the USA. So if the cost of production is 50% for the $800 iPhone, then China makes about 20% of $400 which is $80, not $8 as the article in the link suggests. However, that $80 that China makes from every iPhone made in China doesn’t include the 20% of Apple’s iPhones that is sold in China which should be counted as US exports to China. Assuming the average price of all iPhones is $800, that means 20% of the $800 price is $160 which implies that China has a net trade deficit in Apple’s iPhones because the income generated by Chinese factories in making Apple’s iPhones in China is exceeded by the revenues generated by the sales of Apple’s iPhones in China.
That’s why all this talk about China “raping” America by Chinese factories doing all the grunt work for the US stockholders of Apple is complete nonsense. Now that Trump wants to impose 20% tariffs on Chinese exports to the USA which includes Apple’s iPhones, that means US consumers would have to pay an extra 20% on the $400 cost of the iPhones imported from China which is mislabeled as “Chinese” exports even though Apple’s iPhones are American products whose net profits accrue to Apple’s offshore tax havens but not to China. If Apple hadn’t outsourced their manufacturing to China, then that US company would have gone out of business by now.
But EVs include two-wheeled electric scooters and motorcycles as well as three-wheeled electric tricycles. Also, four-wheeled EVs do come in small sizes such as the Wuling which became the best-selling EV in 2023, as shown below:
So my claim is not false as EVs do have a smaller footprint than GVs which allows EVs to use the bike lanes or sidewalks in cities thereby reducing traffic congestion.
Taiwan started at the same place and now the average Taiwanese has a living standard at around 10 times that of the mainland. Same for South Koreans. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Sucks to be a Chinklander! LOL!!!!
But hold your head high! You do have a higher living standard than a North Korean! Of course even the average Black African beats the North Koreans. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!
Brokies here on Unz can’t pay their mom’s internet bills,
You tell them to ‘experience’ China with flight tickets, hotels and all that?
Not gonna happen,,
You are talking theory and this article is all about real life example of not holding to western theory. I think you missed the point
Agreed with most of what you wrote – but US citizens were heavily involved in the Opium trade to China. A lot of prominent institutions in the US were funded by that trade
What you describe is called in China “the great contradictions”. Seeking to modernize while holding to traditional Chinese values. If you check just last week a new directive came down that bankers at state banks are instructed not to “flaunt wealth”. But at the same time the government does want to increase domestic consumption to ease any foreign trade problems caused by politics. They are publicly called “great contradictions”
You know it’s ironic what you write. Overall I’m not a fan of Mao. But it is undoubted that the peasants still live Mao to this day. He gave them dignity. The middle and upper classes were different. But the teeming masses of peasants of that generation still look at him as a hero. They still gladly portray his photos in their rural homes. Meanwhile in another thread on here a white supremacist tried to explain to me blacks in Rhodesia (and I believe South Africa) liked being ruled by whites. My guess is he is confused just like westerners about Mao in China. Probably the elites didn’t mind white rule but only a crazy person would believe the masses actually liked white rule. While the opposite end – it actually shows how their views are jaundiced. They don’t understand China at all. The CPC won specifically because the masses of peasants supported Mao and rose up against the western backed KMT. They were also the ignorant ones who persecuted the educated classes. But it was because of how the peasant class was treated in the past. Mao gave them dignity. Westerners don’t get it
China is a hybrid system. You really don’t understand China at all. Insulting others on the thread doesn’t make you look smart. The author knows China because he lives it. It never ceases to amaze me people try to explain a place to people from there and they don’t even understand it. For instance state enterprises in China aren’t even meant to be profit centers. They control things that are of national importance like transportation- energy – infrastructure. Those things will not be privatized by the party. Private companies are told in no uncertain terms – they can get rich but they must serve the country. You really don’t understand China. Go ask Jack Ma the billionaire. Yes he’s a billionaire and when he got too big for his own hat he was forced to go take a seat. Only now is he back in good graces. Alibaba stock price tanked in the west because of it. Idiot speculators. Alibaba remained profitable. But because they don’t understand China to sold off stock. Now Jack Ma met with Xi Jingping in public and the stock price shoots back up. That’s dumb speculation – not investing. I never sold mine (and in fact kept buying). Because contrary to westerners who have no clue – I understood Xi wasn’t going to destroy Alibaba as they claimed in the western media. But fact is – capitalism is a tool of the government but China is not governed by capitalism. You need to understand that instead of spending so much energy insulting others
He doesn’t understand people take high speed rail in China when they travel long distances. He doesn’t get that people also buy hybrids and as you say pure EV’s are mostly for dense urban spaces. He also wouldn’t understand that state controls petrol and the lions share ev charging which keeps costs down. The same way he wouldn’t get it that a state owned company builds the high speed rail train sets in China and not Siemens or Kawasaki. He doesn’t understand China. By his theory China shouldn’t have the fastest and lowest costing high speed rail – but it does. It has the second safest high speed rail too – but by his theory it should be in horrible condition. He just doesn’t get it. Private BYD flourishes alongside such infrastructure. In the same way private Huawei does alongside ZTE and state controlled telecom networks. He can’t understand it because he has no experience and his school system tells him China was once all communist and now is all capitalist
Just as I expected.
Mulga refuses to answer whether he’s a Talmudic Jew (or employed by the small hats in the capacity of a shabbos goy apologist, so as to deflect attention away from their crimes).
Yet another LOL canned response; methinks Master Gvaltar is hoisted by its own petard.
Shown-to-be-Unreal writes:
I don’t insult others because I’m concerned with how I look.
What you refer to as ‘ insults’ are actually me dispensing tough love to those who I believe are sincere, but nevertheless in need of enlightenment.
THEN, there is the second category of individual who I do indeed dispense something more akin to a put down, or an ‘insult’ as you designate it.
These are the bald-faced liars that just post falsehood after falsehood.
Now, for the record, I believe Mr Beast Boy is sincere in his positions. So I try to enlighten him about his misguided ways.
And Mr Unreal, judging from your comments in this thread, it appears you’re still sulking over the multiple shellackings I handed out to you in other UR threads over the last year or so.
Hence the reason for your cries of ‘You don’t understand China’.
That said, I’ll at least give you credit for admitting this:
‘For instance state enterprises in China aren’t even meant to be profit centers’.
Just think about the implications of what you wrote. Yes, the State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) certainly do not make profits – and most are HAEMORRHAGING RED INK.
This implies that they DRAIN profits from the productive private sector, right?
I mean the money has got to come from somewhere.
Of course you’ll counter that the state spends money on things (infrastructure and the like), which assists the private sector in making more money.
And that is true to SOME EXTENT – but nowhere near the extent that you believe.
Mr Unreal, you’ve demonstrated emphatically in other threads where I crossed paths with you that you’re not the brightest bloke going around.
So, Less-than-Intelligent people like yourself should be the LAST people bleating to others that ‘they don’t understand’.
Economics is a UNIVERSAL discipline. China got rich through Capitalism – this is undeniable, as the Chinese Gubmint GOT OUT OF THE WAY, for the most part.
But China’s economic miracle may well be derailed if Gubmint wastes too much of the nation’s reservoir of accumulated wealth on non-productive boondoggles – as Socialists like you advocate.
For China’s sake, I hope they don’t listen to economic illiterates like yourself.
Thanks for a particularly good explanation of the Chinese mind. I hope those who are interested/fearful of the return of China would pay attention.
Incidentally I am now sitting in my hotel room in Chengdu, having just visited the 2300 year old irrigation/canal works of Dujiangyan. These works are important not only for its antiquity, but for the critical role they played in the formation of China.
For the naysayers who claim that China has an impenetrable fire wall. I post a picture using a foreign(non Chinese) SIM card without a VPN. Here are 3 trains of various generations on the Chengdu East Train Station.
I took the silver one into Chengdu 4 days ago. It was travelling smoothly and quietly at close to 350kmh.
Thank you.
I find that somewhat comforting.
Those who insist there are no ‘great contradictions’ nearly always end up in extremist dead ends.
I think balance is found by dealing well with both good and evil tendencies, both individually and collectively. Systems or ideologies attempting to negate one in favor of the other – as nearly all systems do – are creating new problems even as they may be solving old ones.
And so it goes.
Buddhism had a greater effect on Japan and across East and South East Asia than Confuscianism did. The advantage Buddhism had was the dozen or more universities of that time. Buddhism was probably the most academic oriented faith of the ancient world. Those universities produced massive amounts of written material that was sent, in one way or the other, to East and SE Asia. China alone had cartloads of documents taken from Nalanda, Vikramashila, Takshila. Confuscianism did not have this. Singapore was part of British India for a short time. The name Singapore is either Tamil or Sanskrit -. It is just a point about it. The role of Buddhism is being played down by China
They USED to take high speed trains back in the day when they could afford it. That day is now long gone and now they take the SLOW trains, which are 1/4th the price! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm. You sure spend a lot of time reading about China and watching things about China. Though most of it is either flat wrong or way out of context – I find it very peculiar. Is it your job? Because even regular trolls I don’t think can be so incessant in following all things China. You work for Falun Gong?
I can’t fathom it because things I don’t like I don’t pay much attention to. Is that a type of psychosis you have?
No disputed in anything you said. I would add to their opinions – They consider Japan a warrior culture because of Bushido. Parts of sword culture – Japan got from China. Ninja’s were made famous because of Japan. Yet Japans “ninja arts” were adapted from Chinese martial writings. It’s very weird… Just because China emphasizes social harmony and scholarship doesn’t mean China won’t fight.
But yeah it’s weird because they have the caricatures in the west like “Fu Manchu” and the evil “Emperor Ming”
Like I said in other Hua Bin posts, certain trolls/bots play the same old tricks over and over, never
really read into what Hua Bin says or intends to share.
Me personally think author needs to be grant the right to ban trolls, it makes the discussion civil and rationale.
Now back to this JewMongrel troll, most of his vids are debunked white scammer SerpentZa from SouthAfrika (again, SA spews out weirdo whites like SerpentZa and Musk gave me chills, go and check those guys’ facial features there is sth off on them), while JewMongrel and other anti-China bots smearing China as a “surveilllance state”,
their ONLY source are footages of incidents and accidents take by security cameras all around China.
None of these zogbots ever set foot(SerpentZa not allowed to enter because of fraud) in China, all their income and work performance DEPEND on “surveillance”, without all the footages across China these useless bots will move to a shelter next morning, and start pimping their Chinese wives.
Knowing or not it’s “surveillance states” gave them a bow of rice and a roof to their not-so-great personal portfolio and useless community college degrees without REAL skills, here comes an interesting observation : Nearly all of those political radicals have some degrees of Personality Split syndrome or, downright half retard, maybe that’s why they fell for Fed/Langley’s prey,
Viewing the contents they don’t ‘like’ but like to watch them for hours and fine pick here on Unz;
Calling China ‘eval totalitarian surveillance state’ but relentlessly data mining from their ‘surveillance’ data and usurping/leeching on that ‘eval’ act without remorse.
👆A mental deranged druggie or Personality Split syndrome patients cross my mind,,
That’s you JewMongrel @HuMungus
Yup. And actually many of the KMT soldiers defected to the CPC as well… taking their US paid for weapons with them. That also helped turn the civil war .
But I’m pretty sure this author (or the interviewee rather) knows. I’m just surprised it wasn’t mentioned. But then again there was a lot of meat to digest in this piece as it is (for those who genuinely want to know the history but never had it told to them).
Economics is UNIVERSAL, is it troll? You really ARE entertaining, in your brainwashed psychoses. So long as China does the antithesis of your blatherings, it will power on.
Pot, kettle!
I don’t remember crossing paths with you in other threads – so I guess you are less relevant than you put yourself up to be. You keep repeating the same dumb theories and don’t get it.
It’s funny watching you argue with others EV’s vs petrol cars. Shows how disjointed your argument is. Did you not know that petrol is controlled by state owned enterprises? No Exxon Mobile nor BP would be allowed to have that power in China. Yet China is the top oil refiner in the world…. And China kept petrol prices low domestically.. On the flip side Yet the top battery makers in the entire world are two non state entities – CATL and BYD…
China is a hybrid system. You are trying to sound smart but make yourself look like a fool.
TV is a brainwashed, moronic, racist, Rightwing fanatic-the coming type in Austfailia, believe me.
Enjoy the hot pot in Chengdu. One of my two favorite types of Chinese cuisines. I seek out Sichuan restaurants in any global city I go to – lol. But not the same as being there.
The Yin and the Yang are prominent in Chinese culture. Yes China was getting away from its cultural roots – but it’s coming back around. Especially under Xi – who spends most of his energy promoting restoring Chinese culture. And yeah even though Chinese buy a lot of stuff now – the average household savings is still 40% – lol
Japan is more Shinto than Buddhist. And its school of Buddhism is Zen – which is a Chinese version. One thing has nothing to do with the other. As noted Confucianism and Daoism and Zen Buddhism all intertwined in China. That’s not even to touch on philosophies like “legalism” which had impact. Confucian thought and Buddhism in East Asia are not mutually exclusive at all
Westerners also like to cite the Opium Wars as proof that the Chinese are not warriors but they tend to forget that the Chinese rebelled against the Manchus who sought help from the British and French during the same period. The Manchus lost the Opium Wars due to their incompetence in naval warfare. But the Manchus were a martial people known for their strength in cavalry due to their skills in horseback riding as their ancestors were nomadic tribes from the North. The reason why the Manchus agreed to the “Unequal Treaties” was because they had sought Western help to save their own asses during the Taiping Rebellion when the Chinese rebelled against the Qing Dynasty.
Westerners are also fond of citing the Japanese as warriors but tend to forget that the Chinese fought the Japanese for the longest period while the Westerners surrendered the whole of Southeast Asia. And yet the Americans like to take credit for defeating the Japanese even though MacArthur fled the Philippines like a headless chicken. They also like to demonize Mao while sanitizing Hirohito who agreed to surrender to the Americans because he wanted to save his own ass from the Soviet Red Army which had commenced the invasion of Japan in the South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
“That day is now long gone”. Now, Chinese “high speed trains” have been overtaken by Hindian “SLOW trains:
I enjoy watching things crash and burn … mostly so that I don’t! LOL!!!!!!!!!
It’s not as though it was just a single comment or two either.
It was a thread where I was giving LittleRedBot a hammering, as he was boasting how great Singapore is. And you tagged team with him, in an all Asian* combination to take me on.
So I swatted you down like the ignorant little mosquito that you are.
Anyway, it just goes to show how demented you are that you can’t remember previous dialogues/exchanges you’ve had with others.
That said, it may be a subconscious self-protection mechanism that kicked in. Whereby the memories of the humiliation I handed out to you were so painful, as you were shown in front of the UR readership to be an intellectually bankrupt dunce, that your subconscious has repressed that knowledge.
And the reality is that EV’s are piling up in showrooms around the world (and hundreds of thousands of them are hidden in huge parking lots – waiting for dealers to make room in their car yards).
People just don’t want the eff’n things. THAT is the reality.
But you don’t know about these things, because being the lemming that you are, you believe all the propaganda from your Big Gubmint overlords.
Meanwhile, I can back up all my statements with a copious amount of incontestable facts.
You meanwhile have NOTHING.
I can just see you mumbling to yourself:
‘ China is a hybrid system, China is a hybrid system, EV’s good, ICE cars bad’.
You’re an uninformed nutcase.
USA—Canada –Europe can NOT compete. They lie there whining pulling their wires on the manifold mumbling about how great ICE ‘s are but in reality–to catch up to China— USA et al would need to spend 20-25 years to catch up. They can NOT catch up so they revert to whining and moaning and playing their zero sum game.
Stanley steamers burning good Alberta East Slope coal will be Donnie Trump’s new mantra —-and later will marry Danielle Smith.
Agree with everything you said. Especially regarding the Manchu.
And yeah even worse the Japanese want back the Kuril Islands. They have zero self reflection. But that’s because Uncle Sam allowed her to be that way in order to be a bulwark against China. Wang Yi had some very strong words for Japan – reminding them the neighborly history goes back a very very long time. The worst thing Japan could do is stick its nose in the Taiwan issue – again.
I’m glad Putin told Abe to go fly a kite regarding the Kurils and then put missiles on there. No PM has brought it up again – but when Japan sanctioned Russia over Ukraine – Putin put more weapons there on Kuril. I have relatives in Japan so don’t want to see war – but that society needs some serious reflection and repentance. But they can’t do that while holding Uncle Sam’s coattails
Mr Beast Boy, I was aware that you were poorly informed on a range of issues, but it appears from that statement that it also extends to history.
So, for your benefit, I will explain the sequence of events that led to Japan’s CONDITIONAL surrender in WWII (slightly paraphrased – but it will convey the message nonetheless):
In early 1945, American and Japanese delegations met in a neutral country to discuss an end to hostilities, and things transpired as follows:
American Delegation (AD): We have decimated your forces.
Are you ready to accept an Unconditional Surrender?
Japanese Delegation (JD): Yes, we agree. There has been too much bloodshed already.
We wish to end the war now and will accept any and all conditions you offer.
HOWEVER, we request only one thing. We respectfully ask that Emperor Hirohito is exempted from any War Crimes litigation post surrender.
AD: It’s Unconditional Surrender or it’s nothing. (The negotiations promptly terminate thereafter).
March 1945 (After the incendiary bombing raid on Tokyo by the U.S that killed MORE PEOPLE than were killed by the A-bomb in Hiroshima):
AD: Do you see what we’ve done to Tokyo? We can do that to every city in your nation.
Are you ready to end the war and accept Unconditional Surrender?
JD: Yes, you are right. This loss of life is tragic. We are beaten, we cannot resist. We wish to end the war immediately and will accept all conditions you impose.
HOWEVER, we respectfully request that Emperor Hirohito is exempt from War Crimes trials at war’s end.
Well, the American’s did not accept that.
So the U.S drops the A-bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and the delegations meets once again.
And once more the Japanese agree to surrender (with the sole stipulation being that the Emperor does not face war crimes trials).
And once more the negotiations terminate abruptly.
FINALLY, the A-bomb is dropped on Nagasaki and the delegations meet.
This time the exchanges go like this:
AD: We’ve destroyed Hiroshima, and now Nagasaki, are you finally ready to accept Unconditional Surrender?
JD: Yes, we agree. We are badly beaten. This needless loss of life must end immediately.
We thus throw ourselves at your mercy and are willing to accept any conditions you impose.
HOWEVER, we respectfully ask that the Emperor is exempted from War Crimes trials.
The lead Americans in the delegation look at each other, nod their heads and say:
‘Okie Dokie. We’re good with that.
And the Japanese went on to sign a CONDITIONAL surrender (as opposed to the Unconditional Surrender that Germany signed on V-E Day).
So Mr Beast Boy, THAT is the explanation for how hostilities ended in the War in the Pacific.
Of course you wouldn’t know this. Because, as with your indoctrination since birth that:
‘Mao loves the Chinese people and always protects them’, or ‘Big Gubmint is good’ and ‘Big Gubmint central planning created the Chinese economic miracle’, the only thing that fills your head is CPC propaganda.
You think too highly of yourself. Until you reminded me about the Singaporean discussion I had zero recollection of it. Guess I have more important things on the mind.
I spoke nothing about promoting EV’s. I don’t even own one. So that shows you are confused soul. I mainly pointed out why your assumptions about China’s system is false. But of course you can’t actually address that. I personally don’t even plan to get an EV this decade. But the reality is the globe is changing and only a fool can’t see it. Car makers are putting their money into it – and that’s what counts. If it was up to me I would still be driving a stick shift. But guess what – technology moved on. Dual clutch transmissions allow you to drive faster which is why race cars switched to them and now regular passenger cars did. So do you see what technology is going into Le Man prototypes and F1 race cars??? They are hybrids now. It’s reality whether you or me like it or not.
I’ve never joined a gang and I’m not going to now – so I speak for myself and not for others. I spoke nothing about climate change like “mulga”. China doesn’t do these things for climate change per se. That’s why it still is building coal plants. But the reason they push EV’s and hybrids is the same reason they are building new coal plants. Why? The new coal plants are “clean coal” replacing dirty coal. In the same way in urban areas China incentivizes non combustion. Same reason! It is to CLEAN THE AIR! China’s government is accountable to its citizens – contrary to what the west thinks. People began to complain about the dirty air. That’s also why China began to retool its economy from “dirty” industry in cities. Again – because China is NOT a capitalist system but a HYBRID – they were able to make the huge turnaround much quicker than if “left up to the market”. Now Chinese cities have much cleaner air – the citizens are happy – and life expectancy keeps shooting up.
The other reason is because as antibeast pointed out – China does NOT let private industry control critical infrastructure and commodities. China wants to be able to control its energy supply so that it’s not subject to outside manipulation. So even state owned oil company Sinopec – while drilling for oil and gas in the South China Sea and Xinjiang (making among the deepest drills on earth) is also the biggest investor in the world in “clean hydrogen”. Meanwhile another state owned company just began producing a home grown 16MW gas turbine. Harbin Electric is 75% state owned annd 25% private. Again -a perfect example China is a hybrid system while you are a rabid ideologue- so you can’t understand it.
Ahem! New US electricity generation comes from burning natural gas … while China is the one that is building coal fired generators!
You are welcome! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry but you’re wrong. Truman never agreed to Hirohito’s offer of CONDITIONAL surrender, made on August 10th after the two atomic bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Instead, the USAF resumed bombing Japanese cities until August 14th, the day before Hirohito publicly announced his UNCONDITIONAL surrender on August 15th. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
You’re wrong again. Here’s the Instrument of Surrender signed by Japan:
The second paragraph says:
The USA is a “family” business, with the patrician WASP Elites of New England as the “family” who sold out their family heirloom to the Jews when the Federal Reserve Bank was created in December of 1913. As a Yankee Blue Blood, MacArthur was the one who finally negotiated the secret deal with Hirohito to spare him from war crimes prosecution. After moving to Japan, MacArthur later got the support of the Yankee Establishment in the US East Coast to protect Hirohito and his family from war crimes prosecution.
Correct. The Americans had also warned the Soviets not to invade Japan but Stalin did take South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands anyway but stopped short of invading Hokkaido which is right next door to the Kuril Islands. Between surrendering to the USSR or the USA, Hirohito agreed to surrender to the USA after MacArthur made a secret deal to protect Hirohito and his family. To this day, Hirohito and his family are carefully protected by West: nothing bad is ever said about him. Quite the contrary, everything that said about him is good like he was some kind of saint or something.
Only in your dreams, my little Bogan. Today it takes AUD 1.2 to buy one SGD
That’s down to personal choice,
But when talking about Hotpot, recommend Beijing/ Inner Mongolian authentic brass hotpot (dated back to Yuan dynasty when Kublai Khan ruled China), heated with ol’ school chestnut wood charcoal instead of gas,
it gives the lambs/beef whatever your meat choice a pleasant flavor, then dip the meat with sesame source,
Boom the pinnacle of a northern China trip.
Oh, so you sourced your info from Wikipedia. Well, that changes EVERYTHING.
If I’d only known that at the start, I would’ve prostrated myself in submission to you and acknowledged your infinite wisdom.
Because, as we all know, Wikipedia would never lie about WWII, the Holohoax, Anthropogenic Global Warming, the JFK coup d’etat, the Covid Psyop, describe Ron Unz as a far right nutter or lie to us about who the bad guys were in the Ukraine proxy war.
Still, I’m not surprised that you’d rely on ZOG owned/controlled Wikipedia.
You see, if the establishment told you it was so (be that the Chinese establishment or the western ZOG controlled establishment), you will swallow it uncritically every time.
Because, as was drummed into your head from birth: ‘Big Gubmint always knows best’.
Meanwhile, let’s take another example of a GUBMINT announcement.
They announced that the Covid vaxx was ‘safe and effective’.
So you rushed out and got three jabs in your eyeball straight away – and have since taken half a dozen booster jabs (being the slavish lemming that you are).
Well, the Covid jabs have killed countless millions, and severely injured scores of millions more.
Admit it Mr Beast Boy, you were one such sheep that was herded (like LittleRedBot) into getting jabbed – hence the reason for your neurological impairment.
He might be a vigilante – but there is little truth in him. Calling the Japanese honorable shows his depravity.
Maybe one day. Time is limited. The furthest north I have any specific reason to go is Ningbo…. But maybe one day I will make it that far.
Why are you talking about Covid jabs? Nothing in my last post talked about Covid. I was replying to your last post where you claimed that:
I proved you wrong by linking the actual document called the “Instrument of Surrender” that the Japanese signed which says clearly in the second paragraph that (bold emphasis mine):
If the two atomic bombs didn’t convince Hirohito to surrender unconditionally, then what convinced Hirohito to surrender conditionally to the USA was the secret deal made by MacArthur to protect the Emperor and his family from war crimes prosecution. In fact, the Yanks wanted Hirohito to surrender quickly before the Soviet Red Army takes Hokkaido and divides Japan into a Communist North and a Capitalist South like Korea today. Sure enough, MacArthur kept his end of the deal after arriving in Japan by protecting Hirohito and his family from war crimes prosecution. Of course, that secret deal had never been made public because MacArthur agreed to the condition that Hirohito had sought before agreeing to surrender to the USA.
Years ago I wasn’t much of a fan of Mao either, having absorbed the Dengist propganda. But as I learned more about him, I realized that he accomplished two consecutive miracles: (1) a successful revolution, and (2) economic growth afterwards. To have done even one of these extremely difficult things would have made him a notable figure in China’s history. Accomplishing both things places him among the immortals.
Mao gave the farmers dignity and much more. He gave them land and (eventually) prosperity, and restored them to their high place in Confucian society.
The sheer psychopathy of this deranged and brainwashed ‘libertarian’ troll knows NO bounds. EV sale are rapidly growing in most countries, and in the world’s most sane state, China, they will have replaced your beloved carcinogen and particulate belching ICE death-machines, almost entirely, by 2030. The Chinese have brains-‘libertarians’ have a toxic mass of benzene and soot between THEIR ears.
As a so-called “libertarian” whatever that means, TV worships what used to be called “laissez faire market capitalism” which gives private capital the legal right to make as much profit as possible without any restrictions by the State just like in the good ‘ole days of the British East India Company selling Indian Opium to China or the British Royal African Company trading in African slaves. This used to be the school of classical liberal economics espoused by Adam Smith and David Ricardo before the advent of social democracy and its by-product — the Welfare State — in Western countries during the 20th century. Since TV is an Australian citizen, I don’t think he wants to experience US-style neoliberal capitalism which originated in the University of Chicago’s School of Economics as espoused by neoclassical economists like Milton Friedman. Unlike the USA, Australia has a high-degree of State Socialism in the form of State-subsidized education, healthcare, infrastructure, housing, etc. What Australia does poorly is its problems dealing with environmental issues.
You’re not that bright, are you Beast Boy?
I actually SPELLED OUT what the analogy was. ie: the SAME MENTALITY of person that agrees that everything the Chinese Gubmint does is good (without questioning it or conducting a rudimentary Cost/Benefit analysis), is the same mentality of person that agrees to:
1) Wear a face mask (even though they were PROVEN not to work in preventing transmission of an airborne virus).
2) Gubmint Covid tyranny (like the lockdowns, curfews, engages in Socialist Distancing, shutting down schools and non-essential businesses – thereby bankrupting many of the latter and impairing the intellectual development of children attending the former etc).
3) Inject whatever experimental ‘vaccine’ into his body (and that of his loved ones), because your ‘betters’ in Big Gubmint told you so.
As stupid as you are, you must surely still be aware that I was PROBING.
I was effectively asking you the question:
‘Did you inject yourself with those Covid vaccines for the sake of combatting a NON PROBLEM?.
Because those of us that weren’t lazy, we KNEW in real time (as early as April 2020), that the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) of Covid-19 was akin to seasonal flu.
But you Beast Boy (just like Mr Shown-to-be-Unreal), both of you were mindless automatons.
And instead did what your Big Gubmint overlords told you to do, like the lemmings that you are.
Hence the reason why today, your immune system is compromised.
Maybe every country looks pretty socialist compared to the US of A, but, just for the record ,55% of Australians have private health insurance (many want those extras not provided by the state universal health insurance scheme) and 36% of students attend non-government schools (this rises to over 40% in final year high school where exam results determine university course admission).
Certainly, Australia does stuff like pensions and student loans pretty well (and they live longer than Americans: 83 vs 77). They are also less subsidized (average tariff =2.0%, USA =2.4%)
I have absolutely nothing against granting farmers their righteous place in society,
whether be it Confucius one, Lebanon Xtian or Yemeni Muslem,
Confucius listed his ideal social ranks as below :
Intellectuals –> Farmers (2nd) –> Workers (Manufacturing) –> Merchants (lowest)
Notice how high he put farmers as the 2nd important class, and merchants at the lowest tells enough he despises the nature of merchants : greediness, dishonesty, sleazyness, and usually fence-sitter
Like in any revolution there were excesses (like in land reform). But undoubtedly he made China unified and strong – which then allowed for the economic reforms that took place under Deng. And under Deng great things happened but excesses again happened on a corruption level because of all the money that started. Now under Xi – China is tempering the corruption- and hopes to temper western consumption excesses by reviving Chinese culture. So we shall see.
But yeah my biggest issue with Mao is because I’m not an atheist. So I can’t support “communism”.
But you left out the greatest thing he did do – which was to push for literacy. That was one of the greatest building blocks for China’s future.
Another Chinese Zero! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Incorrect. European advances in medicine and agriculture allowed the world population of over 400M to reach over 8 billion. Not to mention the increases in lifespans. I know it’s very popular nowadays by certain demographics to be spiteful of Europeans, and to distort the truth to fit their own political ends. But what you posted is simply false.
The West
Abolished slavery excepting in China, where people are regularly kidnapped off the street and then shipped off to a prison factory! LOL!!!!
Abolished cannibalism!
Abolished the murderous Kali cult of India. Did a number on the Indian caste system as well.
Abolished Chinese food binding! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Expanded life expectancy by improving farming methods and tremendously expanding the supply of food. Everything from improving seed strains, to mechanized agriculture, to spreading the various food crops across the globe.
Expanded medical knowledge and increasing life expectancy by wiping out some diseases in large sections of the planet.
Spread literacy across the globe through the use of the printing press.
and above all else
Spread the use of toilet paper across the globe! Especially the luxury 4 ply moisturized version. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of one’s opinion of Deng, one must admit that he could not have done much without Mao’s two miracles (a successful revolution followed by high growth).
I find it interesting that you think your personal religious beliefs are more important than the well-being of 1.4 billion Chinese. Mao’s two miracles would not have been possible if religious strife became a constant threat to the stability of the Middle Kingdom.
How about Mao’s Two Disasters.
The Great Famile which killed off around 40-50 million Chinks, and the Cultural Revolution which saw another 10-20 million Chinks bite the dust.
Then there is The Great Rejuvenator of the Chinese Nation aka some Jr High School educated XIt Stain who is rapidly wiping out the Chinese population. With 2024 births at 9 million and the marriage rate dropping by 20% in 2024 from 2023, the number of births is likely to drop another 20% from 2024 levels bringing it to just over 7 million a year.
Assuming a life expectancy of 80 years that gives China a population of around 560 million for the end of this century … and that assumes that the birth rate does not continue to drop …. which considering the suck ass economic conditions in China, it most certainly will.
The reason I mentioned (religious strife) is probably the greatest threat to the future of India. This is almost certainly why your knee jerked hard.
Thanks, that is an excellent summary.
It will probably be controversial, but personally I also give Mao credit for raising China’s population from 540 to 970 M…I guess that would count under “making China strong”.
Incorrect. European advances in Science and Tech were possible because they learned the use of Indian numerals transmitted via the Arabs. Otherwise you would still be counting in MXCVIIVX
Your last paragraph made sense. The Chinese government itself admitted it suppressed people’s religious beliefs. Things like the Cultural Revolution were excessive. So not sure what you mean by my personal opinion. Even folk religions have become popular again. And are even promoted by local governments where in the past they were banned. I mean come on – even Dragon Boat festivals were banned in China. So no – not everything in the revolution was done properly. And some things set the country back.
Human beings will always have strife – religion or no religion – so no I can’t buy that. Atheists have plenty of strife and war.
Indeed. So even while not being a “fan”…. I also realize a lot of western propaganda about him was false because China’s population would have been decimated if everything they said was true
Listen old thing-the Green Revolution, that helped increase populations greatly, did so by mining top-soil and ground-water, destroying insect populations with poisons and producing ever less nutritious food.
In any case, eight billion is way past the ‘human carrying capacity’ of this planet, as we see with the rapidly accelerating ecological collapse. And ‘development’ in Nature reaches an end point of maturity and balance in individuals and populations, whereas capitalist ‘development’ is unending and neoplastic, and like other cancers, kills its host by the build up of toxic by-products of its insatiable metabolic demands.
Even the Cultural Revolution was minor compared to Mao’s double miracle (a successful revolution followed by high growth).
You said you didn’t like Mao (who did two great things) because he encouraged atheism (which is relatively minor). A good life for 1.4 billion Chinese, versus giving some religious fanatics the right to kill other religious fanatics. It’s like saying that you don’t like Lee Kuan Yew, in spite of what he did for Singapore, because he wore ugly ties. Your sense of proportion is a little skewed.
China is a rice producing country where rice is the food staple for its population. Under Mao, China was able to increase its rice production in order to achieve food self-sufficiency after the Great Leap Forward. That was the conclusion drawn from a study as described below:
Red China’s Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development Under the Commune
By Joshua Eisenman
You compare Wearing ties to people’s religion and faith?!?! What?!?!? Singapore has laws specifically that protect people from religious abuse of others. In fact in Singapore it is not legal to slander another religion. In fact you might be close to causing social disruption if you were writing comments denigrating religion in Singapore (ok that’s a little border line). Whether you like it or not – religion was part of Chinese culture. Whether you are talking folk religions or large ones. In fact the common folk religions between Fujian and Taiwan are marketed by the government of China. People travel from Taiwan travel to Fujian to take part in festivals that were previously banned. I’m not an adherent to folk religions but you are SERIOUSLY downplaying the tear in the Chinese fabric that happened when such things were banned. You completely miss even how it turned many of the Overseas Chinese against the government for a time too.
But point being – the Chinese government itself admitted it oppressed people’s spiritual beliefs. Even foreign religions are still allowed. You just have to – as Xi emphasized- practiced your religion within the context of a harmonious China. The west tries to say that China is changing religions – which is bogus because whether Christianity or Judaism or Islam – they all changed when they went to different countries. Even now – Islam is not persecuted in China. Millions of Hui Muslims have little issue. The issue was the separatism of the militant Uighurs. There is a difference. Xi is trying to find a balance BECAUSE in the past the way the CPC handled it (Mao’s era) caused injury and tears in society – rather than harmony.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry for Yuan Longping who invented the “hybrid rice” in China during its Green Revolution after the Great Leap Forward:
Here’s the Wikipedia entry for Tu Youyou who discovered artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin, used to treat malaria, as described below:
Wong again! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forget it. Arguing with a religious fanatic is useless. Such a fanatic thinks his religion is the overwhelmingly most important thing in his life, far more important than the well-being of 1.4 billion people. Farewell, you have the floor.
Where are you referring to?
If that were true why isn’t a market economy used where resources are a matter of life and death, like the military or the space station, or an isolated colony?
I’m talking about an advanced industrial, high tech civilian economy that I live in and presume you do too, not some isolated colony or space station. What I understand as the market economy is ordinary people voluntarily trading their goods and services with each other, observing the commonsense rules of the market, no dishonest actions – theft, extortion, etc. – to acquire other people’s goods and services. A socialist society is one in which the state owns the economy, it owns the means of production. The people work for the state not for private companies or themselves.
Do you know of any socialist society such as the USSR, Cuba, or China under Mao that experienced the wide spread prosperity of say the US, Europe and other western countries when those countries had more respect for the freedom of their people than they do now?
The military is not part of the market economy because it is part of the state. The politicians(the state) do not play by the same rules vis-a-vis we the people as we the people must play with each other(the market economy). The politicians take our property(taxation) without our genuine consent. They simply order us to pay them whatever they want. That isn’t consent. Genuine consent would necessitate governments premised on the sovereignty of the individual and the commonsense rules of the market economy and ordinary human relationships. But that’s not likely.
Where there are excess resources to waste and squander.
You obviously have no counter argument to what I said.
Here’s an infographic that compares US healthcare with other Western countries plus Japan:

That infographic says it all.
Superbly encapsulated.
Bunny, you are wise beyond your young years.
That economically ignorant bloke Misek would do well to heed your words, which correspond to real world historical outcomes.
Misek, seeing as you are no doubt reading this, if you’re not satisfied with your life in the Socialist shit hole of the USSA (because it’s not far enough to the extreme left for you), why not purchase yourself a one way ticket to Mozambique, or some other Marxist run sub-Saharan shit hole?
Let’s see how long you last in that ‘utopian workers paradise’ that you envisage in your ideal Marxist world.
The West enjoyed higher living ‘standards’ because it ripped off the rest of humanity. England stole trillions from India alone. France billions from its colonies. The USA untold amounts from the downtrodden Latin Americans, and, after WW2, trillions from the ‘economic hit-men’ of the US-controlled IMF, World Bank, WTO and the private Western banks.
Meanwhile, the USSR, devastated like no other country in history during WW2 (while the Yanks sat back and looted their own citizens of Japanese descent) rebuilt the country in FIVE years. China, similarly devastated, rebuilt itself by the late fifties, and now is the most advanced country in history, where 80-90% of citizens express satisfaction or great satisfaction with their lot in polls, local and foreign. And Cuba was virtually the only country in Latin America (with the exception of Costa Rica) that was not a charnel-house of military, fascistic death-squads or drug cartel violence since 1960, while raising its people up to have longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality than the USA, despite the typically cowardly savagery of US sanctions.
And in the USA, as you well know, prosperity has NEVER been equally enjoyed by all, and today inequality, elite wealth, homelessness and poverty are greater than ever, and the society is divided into hateful partisan political gangs. And the dumbest dumb-fuckery of ALL. The US military-industrial complex is pure ‘market capitalism’ ie corruption, larceny and waste on the greatest scale conceivable.
While Buddhism became the official religion of the Imperial Court during the Mongol Yuan and the Manchu Qing Dynasties, Buddhism never became the official State ideology in China and the rest of East Asia, i.e., Japan and Korea, unlike Confucianism which did.
While Buddhism influenced the Confucianist societies in East Asia, it never became the official State ideology that would have affected the political, legal, social and economic systems of East Asian countries, all of which was based on both Han Confucianism and Song Neo-Confucianism. Also, Indian Buddhism had to compete against Chinese Taoism and Japanese Shintoism, both of which are the indigenous religions of China and Japan, respectively.
Buddhism is not being played down at all but is being revived in China. In Southeast Asia, the Overseas Chinese were instrumental in single-handedly reviving Mahayana Buddhism in Muslim-majority countries like Malaysia and Indonesia so much so that the Borobodur Temple in Java, Indonesia has become one of the world’s most sacred sites for Mahayana Buddhists from all over the world in their annual pilgrimage. Outside of East Asia, Chinese Buddhism was instrumental in influencing Theravada Buddhism in Thailand and Myanmar such as the worship of guanyin (觀音) (also known as Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva in Indian Buddhism).
In other words you don’t understand what happened to Chinese culture. Making it personal proves that. I notice atheists are usually the most intolerant people. There was a serious fabric torn in Chinese society . That’s a fact not an opinion
You’re an idiot.
As I recall, you were advocating the gold standard.
Yet the gold standard was universally regarded as impractical.
Truth is not in the hands of a retard like you.
The most serious consequences of the Maoist suppression of traditional Chinese culture was the rampant materialism and mindless consumerism which pervaded China during the 1990s and 2000s. The mainland Chinese went from worshiping the Utopian Egalitarianism of Maoist Communism to following the Capitalist mantra of “to get rich is glorious” made possible by Dengist liberalism. The end result was social anarchy caused by the ideological vacuum as well as the the nihilistic absence of traditional culture during that period. China experienced all kinds of social problems even as its export-led economy grew rapidly which lasted until the GFC 2008.
The only saving grace during that chaotic period was the revival of traditional Chinese culture by the Overseas Chinese who invested heavily in their ancestral hometowns. That phenomenon as well as Deng’s decision to copy Singapore’s State corporatist model of technocratic governance subsequently influenced the whole society and changed political system of China.
Now China has seen a massive revival of Classical Chinese Culture at the State level since Xi’s ascent to power in 2012. The last generation of children who have grown up in an increasingly prosperous China now want their 5,000-year-old Civilization back even as they have become accustomed to a high standard of living. Their post-80s mentality is completely different from the post-50s generation that grew up under Mao’s Communist rule.
Wun Long Dong writes:
Well, make up your mind.
Either I’m an idiot OR I advocate for the Gold standard? (Because they’re mutually exclusive).
Only economically illiterate fools are opposed to the Gold Standard.
Meanwhile, the Chinese leadership is well aware of the role of gold as a monetary metal.
And, seeing as the Fiat Monetary experiment is failing worldwide (as currencies everywhere are fast losing their purchasing power), the Chinese (and the Russians) have been purchasing gold at a rapid rate in anticipation of the collapse of that system and a return to the Gold Standard.
Click on the link below and see for yourself that China has accumulated a tonnage of gold that is likely many multiples of that which the U.S possesses:
Mr Won Long Dong, you’ve proven on numerous occasions in the past, on a range of topics, that you’re an especially uneducated and uninformed imbecile.
You’re compounding matters every time you open your mouth and humiliating yourself in the process.
China has many educated people. You are evidently not one of them.
It’s best that you self euthanase. No one will miss you.
Buying gold equals the gold standard?
Can you stop being so cerebral palsy.
If the gold standard is so good, how come no country is using it?
Tell me why no country is using it.
You’re a piece of trash that deserves to live in a groundwater tunnel, ignorant and stupid, not knowing what you’re doing in the world.
You are 100% correct. I’m not even sure what “Vidi” was arguing about. I guess he’s ideologically either a staunch communist or staunch atheist. He obviously doesn’t know what happened to the Chinese fabric. And as you noted – thankfully the Overseas Chinese community was able to help revive it. One thing no one can take from Deng was his mantra that it didn’t matter what color the cat was – as long as it caught the mice. I think when it comes to Chinese culture being restored – that’s what the Party is agreeing to.
But yeah it’s not just unique to China as I am learning. I was listening to an interview with a Russian scholar who noted that after the Soviet Union fell there was a great revival of precious Russian culture- including the Orthodox Church. I don’t know what the differences are between that and Roman Catholicism – but I fully understand why that happened in Russia. Humans need a belief system and a binding culture – or there will be chaos
You keep getting dumber. Have you thought of entering politics? I believe that Clive Palmer needs a ‘Groom of the Stool’.
Of course, you lie, as ever. The psychosis is intractable, as with ALL ‘libertarian’ misanthropes. It’s a type of projection derived from intense self-hatred, because, somewhere in your reptilian brain, you realise how fifth-rate you really are.
I loathe Schwab, Hariri and Starmer and have no good opinion of Gore. Lie Number One. Then there is the FILTHY bullshit about Africans dying from smoke inhalation, when solar energy, which this evil psychopath hates with religious fury, could be installed in a day.
His preference, fossil fuels, kill millions directly from particulate and heavy metal pollution, and in the mining of the substances, and will kill BILLIONS from that anthropogenic climate destabilisation that is beginning to run away. And Africa will be hit harder and earlier, as the tropics become UNINHABITABLE due to excessive wet-bulb temperatures. That is precisely what all libertarians want, because they are the most vicious haters of other people since the Judaics. Surely you MUST be an ultra-orthodox Jew. And ‘calling out’ the Chinese Government-the ludicrous impudence and arrogance of the nonentity is beyond parody.
You may think that TV’s gibbering ‘gubmint’ is some sort of witticism, but it is, indeed, a speech defect resulting from his FASD.
The Gold standard is not good. It is GREAT.
It was used by all major civilisations for 5000 years and worked magnificently.
And throughout that time the world operated on a bi-metallic standard, as gold and silver were monetary metals.
The Roman Empire was great for many centuries. And one of the major reasons for its longevity was that its coins were recognised everywhere to have a certain amount of grams of gold and silver and were thus widely accepted – facilitating widespread trade that delivered enormous prosperity.
BUT, Rome later got greedy and pursued a policy of debasement of their money.
There’s a DIRECT CORRELATION between debasement of one’s currency and economic collapse of that society.
The omniscient Bill Bonner explains below:
Remember the key phrase: WHEN THE MONEY GOES, EVERYTHING GOES.
Mr Wun Long Dong goes on to ask what is probably the stupidest question he’s ever posted (and believe me, he’s posted more than a few dumb ones), when he asks:
I just shake my head in bewilderment, as to how anyone could be so brainless to write such a thing.
Other than through short durations of perhaps a few years during wartime, the major civilisations of the world have been a Gold Standard for over 5000 years – without interruption.
This continued up until 1971 when U.S President Nixon ended the Gold Standard.
Up until that time you could exchange USD $35 for a troy ounce of gold.
You see, by the end of WWII, the U.S had accumulated about THREE QUARTERS of the world’s central bank gold,
As such, it was negotiated at Bretton Woods by representatives of all the major nations that the USD would be the world reserve currency.
In other words, countries would trade between one another and accept USD as payment, knowing all the while that they could exchange their USD for gold at any time.
Well, the U.S (especially under America’s first Jewish President – LBJ), got greedy, and was ‘printing’ far more USD currency than it had gold to back it up with.
And the French and Germans were the first to notice. So they took their billions in USD and exchanged it for gold at the first opportunity.
Well, that massively drained the gold holdings of the U.S. And if the U.S continued on its trajectory, it’s entire holdings of gold would’ve disappeared within a few years.
So in 1971 it ended redeemability of gold for USD.
Got it now Mr Wun Long Dong? If the U.S wants to import stuff from China, it does not have to produce much in the way of exports (seeing as the U.S doesn’t produce anything the Chinese want – other than perhaps soybeans and some other agricultural products).
Instead, the U.S just conjured USD digitally out of thin air and makes a digital deposit to you dumb Chinese.
If the Chinese had a brain, they would have LONG AGO refused to accept USD for their manufactured goods, and instead demanded Gold (or tangible commodities – like gold, copper, nickel etc).
The good news for your country is that not all Chinaman are fools like you.
And as a result, the Chinese central bank has been accumulating enormous quantities of gold – in anticipation of the demise of the USD.
Moreover, China has been dumping its enormous stash of USD denominated treasuries – which it should never have purchased in the first place.
Thee mischievous Jews that control the U.S Gubmint (slang for ‘government’) and its central bank, HATE the gold standard.
Because a return to the Gold Standard would prevent them from creating all these USD that they use to fund things like:
1) The No Expense Spared 9/11 False Flag
2) The chronic deficits the U.S Gubmint runs year after year
3) The endless wars (incl. hundreds of billions to subsidise the Apartheid Israeli state and its genocide of the Palestinians – not to mention the money going to Ukraine in the proxy war)
4) Preferential loans to fellow Jews (how is it that Jews managed to get control of the entirety of the western MSM/control of the Big Pharma/the major U.S Defemce contractors etc ?)
5) Control over western academia/the western Health Bureaucracies (hence the ease with which they managed to implement the tyranny during the Covid Psyop in all western countries).
Everything I’ve said above is ALREADY KNOWN by the vast majority of the UR readers.
But, dumb-fuck that you are Mr Wun Long Dong, I have to spell these things out for you like a small child.
You are one VERY stupid and uninformed individual. It’s best that you keep quiet for a few years while you learn how the world really works. That way you won’t embarrass yourself by asking those juvenile questions you’ve been posting.
As a matter of interest, it evident to me from your lack of knowledge, that you are a young man.
How young are you? My guess is that you’re still in High School or soon to finish.
Is that correct? (Because no mature man could possibly be so lacking in knowledge/life experience as you’ve demonstrated).
Mulga, I see you’re still hurting over that video I posted the other day. ie: the one where they bulldozed the Amazon forest to make way for a Climate Conference.
And please, don’t pretend that you don’t get a hard-on for the likes of Klaus Schwab, Yaval Harari, Keir Starmer, King Chuck III and the WEF.
I mean, it’s not like they’re innocent bystanders merely expressing their fondness for the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax.
These individuals play a PIVOTAL ROLE in propagating this fraud.
So, if someone is all-in for scaremongering little kiddies the world over and traumatising them with tall tales over a NON PROBLEM (as you obviously are), then there is no way that you don’t owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they’re doing to:
i) Cull the world population to around half a billion (in accordance with the estimate from David Rockefeller – yet another one of your heroes)
ii) Massively impoverish those that remain and ensure a situation of energy insecurity for those that can least afford to pay their utility bills
iii) De-industrialising the west, so that hopefully (if your dreams come to fruition), mankind is returned to living an existence on par with the Bronze Age.
These are your sincere wishes for the world. So stop being ungrateful – and instead pay homage to those bastards (like Schwab/Harari/Starmer & King Chuck III) that are attempting to deliver your agenda.
I told you you were an idiot.
I asked about now.
Why is no country on the gold standard now?
You talked to me for a long time and gave me a lot of historical events, but does the historical events fit the current situation?
Do you know that the Ming Dynasty is due to a large influx of silver led to the demise of inflation.
What proof do you have that the Jews don’t like the gold standard?
You have no proof.
You’re just saying that.
There’s no actual evidence.
I explain CLEARLY why Malignant International Jewry despise a gold standard, and you respond with:
You have to be the dumbest cunt I’ve come across for a long time.
Can you actually read English?
ZOG control the entirety of the western financial system and they control the U.S Gubmint/its central bank (which issues the world reserve currency).
It thus decides if the world will be on a Gold Standard or not.
At the moment, the Chinese Gubmint/central bank is purposely under-reporting its gold holdings.
BUT, at a time of its choosing, it may decide to report the true amount of gold tonnage it possesses (quite possibly along with the Russians reporting their true gold holdings).
When they do that and simultaneously take over from the LBMA (The London Bullion Market Association) in terms of physical trading of gold in the financial markets, a Chinese Yuan/Russian Ruble may become the joint world reserve currencies, and from that moment onwards the world will be on a Gold Standard.
No small country has the wherewithal to decide for the world that there shall be a gold standard.
Up until the turn of the century, the Swiss franc (CHF) was backed 40% by gold.
That’s why the CHF was worth about US 23 cents in 1971 (when Nixon ended redeemability of gold for USD), and then 30 years later the Swiss currency was worth more than the USD – and it’s worth about 13% more than the USD today.
In per capita terms, the Swiss central bank has the largest gold holdings in the world.
Now, stop being a fool and actually learn what gold’s role is in the international monetary system.
I noticed that you got an ‘Agree’ tag posted by the economically illiterate Shown-to-be-Unreal.
That is further proof that dumb cunts of a feather, stick together.
My point is clear, even if the Jews did control finance, you simply cannot prove that the Jews hated the gold standard.
You’re full of crap.
it imported a rigid economic and political system from USSR.. the result was disastrous
When Mao stepped down in 1974, the invaders, bandits, warlords, indentured labour, slavery, famines and opium addiction were gone. Life expectancy had risen from 35 years to 67. The population had doubled to 800 million. Literacy had risen from 20% to 84%. Women had been liberated. Crime was rare. Despite crushing foreign embargoes, the economy had grown 500%. Arable land had increased from 750,000 square miles to 2 million. Electricity had reached poor areas. China had produced jet aircraft, locomotives, ocean-going ships, ICBMs, hydrogen bombs and a satellite. -Godfree Roberts 2020
THAT is why they hate Mao. He was the greatest figure of the 20th century, and White Supremacist racists can’t stand that.
Yes, of course, bulldozing a PIECE of rain-forest for a climate conference is INSANITY. It plays into the hands of deranged denialist scum like you.
But, what of the thousands and thousands of square kilometres bulldozed and burned for your beloved beef steak? What of the norther NSW rainforest burning, for the first time, during the climate destabilisation worsened ‘Black Summer’ five years ago? Or the vast tropical forests burning in Bolivia and Brazil for the same reason?
Germany has been warming at the rate of 5.4 degrees C per century over the last forty years. That’s extinction pace, arse-hole. But still you lie and lie and lie again, like a pithed cane-toad. David Rockefeller was a monster-hero? You just make stuff up, from out of your poisoned psyche. I’m used to studying evil, having lived in the decay of Austfailia, but you take the cake.
The voluntary isolation began before the Manchus. The government underestimated the greed, temerity and brutality of White barbarians, as seen all over the colonial world. Even the purportedly non-colonial US fully exploited the cheap labour of Chinese immigrants.
Race stares all of us in the face. Only one culture pretends it does not exist even in science, and has invented the euphemism ethnicity.
He thought he had reached India. As he could not get his hands on stuff to plunder, slaves were the next best thing. The motto of colonialism was “gospel, glory and gold”. Till today, Whites refer to natives of the Americas as Indians.
The (FEMA) detention centres and big stocks of hollow-point bullets were ready some time ago. The army training exercises denoted the (undefined) enemy as zombies.
But the leaders of the Climate Alarmism scam (ie: the people you look up to – the same people that, as a misguided Marxist youth, you chained yourself to pine trees in plantation forests for), these people clearly don’t give a rat’s bum for the environment.
These same people, your mentors over the years, are the SAME people that are profiting to the tune of countless billions, seeing as THEY OWN these so-called sustainable Green Initiative solar companies/manufacturers of bird chopping wind turbines/cobalt and lithium mines that are causing untold environmental degradation and poisoning the earth for thousands of years.
Anyway, some good news on the EV front, by way of this 8 min video titled ‘Why charging stations [for EV’s] will never replace petrol stations’:
In a nutshell, private companies have built many of them on the basis that:
‘If we build them, they shall come’.
Well, they never came. EV sales are plunging catastrophically in ALL nations where the EV lemons are not mandated to be purchased in large numbers.
Moreover, about 25%* of EV owners sell them within about 2 years and go back to safe, reliable and environmentally friendly ICE cars – vowing never to buy another EV again after the traumatic experience of owning one.
(*And that figure is sure to climb rapidly in the coming years).
End Result: Many of those charging stations are SHUTTING DOWN.
And, as you’ve seen in that other video I posted (where the queue to charge their EV was 1 or more km long), these queues are going to get LONGER STILL as more charging stations close their doors.
Those EV charging stations that remain, knowing they have a monopoly in a particular locale, will further increase their rates for fast charging.
Meanwhile, for those that haven’t seen it yet, watch the 1 min of the following video from 2:00-3:10, and see for yourself how those offshore windfarms are killing whales in their thousands:
This is the trail of ENVIRONMENTAL DEVASTATION that invariably occurs when corrupt politicians kowtow to Net Zero Nitwits who, like the aforementioned politicians, know nothing about Cost-Benefit and Risk-Benefit analyses.
UR readers, I ask you:
The Manchus sought the help of the British and French to quell the Taiping Rebellion. After the Opium Wars, the Manchus became clients of the British who sold weapons to equip the Qing Armies which went on to crush the Dungan Revolt. The Manchus readily agreed to the “Unequal Treaties” because they were concerned only with saving their own asses from the Han rebels during the Taiping Rebellion.
That’s a myth. Most Chinese immigrants who migrated to the USA did not work in the gold mines nor in building the railroads but in running laundry shops and food stalls, serving their White customers, most of whom either died from mining-related incidents or went broke from their failed ventures. But the Chinese became quite successful with about half returning to China once they have made their small fortunes. So successful that the other half had to leave after the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 due to Anglo envy at their business success.
And those cheap Chinese laborers got rewarded by having an Exclusion Act passed against them. Because they worked twice as hard for half the money (as was said by the Americans themselves). 150 years later it was the same argument. But worse – China itself isn’t satisfied with being cheap labor
I just found out my tiny little European country is giving China 200 million a year in AID.
Quite embarrassing for a “great civilization” with 1 billion people to get welfare checks from European states that are smaller than Vietnam.
You know Mulga, one of the reasons I go out of my way to give you a thorough flogging, to embarrass you in front of the UR commentariat, is because you’re not an honest broker.
The reality is that, as far you’re concerned, there are NO GREY AREAS when it comes to Climate Alatmism ideology.eg: As you see it:
1) ALL the bird chopping wind turbines are good – both those on land and those offshore (and they’re not killing whales in their thousands or birds in their scores of millions).
2) ALL the solar panels are good that were ever made. That in those states in the U.S, Australia and elsewhere where they are widespread, that energy prices are lower and there are never any blackouts (in contrast to the real world outcomes where electricity prices are through the roof and blackouts are a recurring feature – seeing as ‘Green Energy’ boondoggles cannot supply base load energy).
3) EV’s are great/affordable/hardly depreciate and they never use rare earth minerals/metals like lithium and cobalt (whose mining causes untold environmental degradation – not to mention the doubling or so of energy required to make them in the first place).
What I’m saying is that, in your head, the Climate Scam has no flaws.
Only a CULTIST speaks that way about any particular ideology – especially a brainwashed cult member that prays on the alter of Climate Lunacy.
The fact is that you NEVER concede that ANY aspect of the Green agenda is causing more harm than good. (The reality is that the ENTIRETY of the movement has been disastrous).
Well Mulga, not all Anthropogenic Global Warming scaremongers are like you.
Many have some modicum of critical thinking left in their heads. Guys like this one below (the excerpt is taken from a Tom Woods newsletter that I got the other day):
Mulga, before you return fire with your customary spittle laden ad hominem repertoire in a knee-jerk manner, think deeply about what I’ve written here.
If there is no substance to what this individual wrote, then by all means go back to your propagation of Climate Alarmism ways, and your regular attendance at those Marxists functions and demonstrations.
You really need to reflect on your life, and all that Green ‘activism’ you’ve been involved with.
Ask yourself if you weren’t acting in the capacity of a useful idiot by promoting the agenda of the ZOG overlords that concocted this scam to impoverish (and ultimately cull), the poor and the middle classes.
Have you verified if it is true?
Yah, but I point out your idiocies over and over and you REFUSE to learn. You are obviously a brain dead robopath. For example, wind turbines kill VASTLY fewer birds than cats, collisions with cars and buildings and, of course, rapid climate destabilisation, which will kill most species because too fast to evolve to.
So, climate science, agreed to by ALL Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth, and 99% of active climate scientists, is a ‘communist plot’. You’re way beyond parody. I do love how the commies have recruited montane glaciers, permafrost, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice etc, which are all melting, the red bastards!
Yes, solar IS the cheapest form of energy production. To deny it with a gob-full of moronic gibberish is SO YOU. Ditto rare elements, needed for everything, but you pretend to worry about the effects of mining them. Luckily recycling is coming along nicely, as are EVs. This is one of your favourite imbecilities-that technological advances do NOT occur in anything you hate. But they do, cretin, and BYD now has a car that will fully charge in FIVE MINUTES. And we don’t get to breathe heavy metals, benzene and particulates. You just love poisoning the little kiddies, don’t you.
As usual the old combination of hard Right greed and misanthropy, toxic imbecility and hatred of Life on Earth. You ARE evil incarnate.
That moron isn’t you, is it. BYD is establishing a network of superfast chargers, that will charge their cars in FIVE MINUTES. Tell your fossil fuel and ICE paid moron friend THAT. EV sales are growing rapidly, even in the UK, but particularly in the civilized world ie China. All EVs by 2030, the lucky devils, while you and MoronGUY will be sucking on benzene, heavy metals and particulates still.
Jimmy Dore is another ideological cretin when it comes to climate destabilisation. A few whales died for some reason, possibly from noise from pile-driving, but more likely from hot north Atlantic sea temperatures caused by climate destabilisation and toxic algal blooms. I do love the chutzpah of your feigning to care about whales or any Life on Earth, when you are doing your poisonous worst to see most Life on Earth exterminated in a ‘wet hot-house’ mass extinction, you evil, life-hating, brainwashed, Rightwing cretin.
Little has changed. After the 2008 Recession, some trans-national banks depended on funds from narcotics traffickers to survive [Antonio Costa c. 2008; Lin Washington 2011; Nicholas Wilson 2020]. They continue to benefit from this [Alejandro Gaviria 2012]. They merely paid fines – after major delays – for dealings with the traffickers [theguardian.com 2012] and terrorists [forbes.com 2012].
The influence of Buddhism was greater in area. If you divide Asia into 2 halves from south-west to north-east, the influence was on most of the entire south-east half. Islam came much later. Afghanistan was a major point of dissemination.
Unlike Germany – that went overboard on reflection and repentance – Japan is still in total denial. Except for investments or token aid here and there across the areas they tyrannised, to suppress any history a current government in the region raises.
China has developed strains of rice that
– needs planting only every 4-5 years (in the case of PR23), reducing cost and work (up to 50%), soil erosion, carbon emissions
– thrives in salt water
– grows 2 m tall
– resists pests and flooding
– yields 15 tonnes per “acre”, increasing profit by up to 161%.
This means no need to import arsenic-tainted or GMO rice from a certain great country.
Well, let’s look at California in the U.S and South Australia here in Oz.
What do these states have in common?
That’s right, they are the states in their respective countries that have the highest proportions of their total energy produced sourced from Solar/Wind.
And what else do they have in common?
Answer: They have the most EXPENSIVE electricity of all states in their respective nations.
AND, in addition, they’re the states that have had repeat power blackouts.
Meanwhile, those states that get the overwhelming bulk of their power from coal fired power stations have the CHEAPEST electricity rates and NO blackouts.
So I ask you, HOW CAN THAT BE?
You assured me that solar is the ckeapest form of energy production. So why are electricity prices higher where solar is used extensively?
The REAL WORLD outcomes are the opposite of what you say. Have you no shame Mulga?
You’ll just keep trotting out the same lies (eg: 99% of climate scientists believe in apocalyptic Global Warming etc), I mean, this is pure B.S.
The fact is the overwhelming bulk of scientists (whose jobs do not depend on telling these whoppers), are calling out this fraud.
Sure, those on the ZOG payroll that are PAID to make up tall tales of climate armageddon (ie: those hand picked foot soldiers without a moral compass ), of course they’re going to agree to whatever narrative the paymaster is instructing them to parrot.
Are you that stupid that you can’t work that out?
Mulga has no automotive or technical knowledge, yet is quick to lap up every claim that’s thrown out by the Climate Loons and the snake oil salesmen at BYD (aka Burn Your Dreams).
Watch the following 7 min video titled ‘BYD’s “5 minute charging” is PURE FANTASY’ to see why you’re a fool being led by fools:
You needn’t worry Mulga, I will be telling my fossil fuel mates about your monumental stupidity and gullibility. You’re always good for a laugh.
Are you sure that moron is NOT you. I suspect that, as with all Rightists, race hatred and malignant envy of China’s fantastic successes drive creatures like it. The facial expression is pure Dunning-Kruger, lower end.
The psychopathic lies begin quickly. Renewables are the cheapest form without a doubt, but the cost of production does not drive end prices for consumers. That is down to the greed and incompetence of capitalist electricity suppliers, and global factors like the war in The Ukraine and various sanctions on Russia, which increased global prices. Didn’t you know that, moron?
I don’t know about California, but you lie about South Australian black-outs. We had ONE, in 2016 I think, caused by tornadoes, almost certainly caused by climate destabilisation, wrecking transmission lines. It would have been the same if there’d been NO renewable, you gibbering cretin insect. And people with roof-top solar PV have the cheapest electricity by far, or are you going to lie bout that, too?
And then, as predictable as a mongrel cur returning to its vomit, you lie to deny the near total agreement of climate scientists with the theory. Your assertion that ‘..the overwhelming bulk of scientists are calling out this fraud’, is a LIE so psychopathic that only a truly evil lunatic would have the chutzpah to spew it out. You’re sad, sick and evil, and I suggest home, do-it-yourself, ECT.
Just watched the cretin-the head twitching looks pathological, perhaps congenital or from some ‘environmental’ factor. Too much benzene or particulates, perhaps. The fanaticism is chilling. The usual insanity of describing any, often imagined, ‘fault’ with EVs as intractable and unable to be resolved as technological progress (near zero for decades with ICE machines) roars ahead. The arrogant presumption that some head twitching Pommy Maserati fan knows more than the gigantic Chinese EV establishment, with sales going through the roof and battery performance ever improving, is, in my opinion, based in race and cultural hatred of the Chinese, a disease so common on the Right. EVs MUST be bad ’cause the Yellow Plague loves them. I’m certain that is part of your motivation, too.
You need to read this article titled ‘South Australia Blackout Report : Green Energy Failure’:
As always, Mulga can be described in three words: Lazy, lazy, LAZY.
You’re just so eff’n apathetic (and pathetic) that you can’t be arsed to do the objective research on this Climate scam (not that you have the technical proficiency to decipher actual science anyway).
That’s why you rely on 30 sec sound bytes and bumper stickers from the foaming-at-the-mouth Marxists/Net Zero Nitwits for all your info.
Now, getting back to BYD’s claim of charging an EV in 5 mins.
YES it can be done in a one-off isolated [controlled environment] example.
And that’s PROVIDED:
1) You have a ONE (1) MEGAwatt charger purpose built (a very expensive piece of kit) – which will entail that said charging rates obtained from this MEGA-expensive unit will have to be MANY MULTIPLES of what you pay at a normal fast charger*.
(*which itself is much more expensive than the rate per kWh charged from your home).
2) Said MEGAwatt usage will mean that FIVE HUNDRED HOMES will have to go without electricity in the immediate locale.
(They will likely be given a warning by Big Gubmint beforehand, by means of a text message, to sit in the dark for a while and not use any electrical appliances), while some rich twit can charge his heavily subsidised EV.
After all, he doesn’t want to waste* his precious time sitting around while his EV lemon charges.
(*You see, said rich twit is in a hurry. He needs to get to his Judeo-Masonic lodge in a hurry and plan yet more hoaxes with which to impoverish the masses).
As far as he’s concerned, those 500 households that are without power while he charges his top-of-the-range EV, are likely on minimum wage anyway.
So their collective time lost in sitting around in the dark is still less than the value of his time – seeing as he can often make a $1 million in an hour through financial chicanery.
BTW, and for the record, that very well informed British engineer featured in those videos is not me.
I don’t have facial hair, wear glasses and he’s many years younger than I am.
But, you have to give it to him – he knows his stuff.
As for your claim of:
Once again you’re too good for me Mulga.
I mean, let’s take the case of the multiple Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft that were falling out of the sky a few years back and killing all passengers and crew.
After all, what would lowly assembly line workers and safety inspector whistle blowers know about anything, in comparison to a Big Corporation like Boeing – which we all know would never tell a porky pie?
What I really DESPISE about you is what I hate in all Rightists-stupidity. I mean how fucking dumb to quote a truly insane denialist shit-rage, that is NINE years out of date, and think yourself clever. And the insect uses BIG words like ‘objectively’ in the opposite sense of their meaning.
Objective analysis of the climate destabilisation apocalypse that scum like you helped cause, is what is done by climate scientists and the Academies of Science of the planet. What you, in your poisonous, evil, cretinous, life-hating fanaticism do is ‘subjective’. You speak of understanding science which means, if true in your case, that your denialism is deliberate, not purely moronic. One hopes, as ever, that crimes against life will eventually be outlawed, AND retrospectively, so that you face justice.
Your vomitus regarding EV charging is so poisonously moronic and hysterical that it betrays your deep psychopathy, and, one hopes, fear that you will pay for your bastardy, in a court of law, one day, and the sooner the better.
We also see priority for the elite (“Eloi”) and their top government puppets in (a) no body scans, and special lanes, at airports for those who pay more (b) no checks at all for private jets (c) little talk of reducing private jets for all sorts of conferences, even on “climate”. BTW, the airport checks are still quite useless in stopping even guns.
I’ve got some bad news for you: the Synagogue of Satan is well-entrenched via the Marxist/Communist element, which should not be so airily (and arrogantly) dismissed. That arrogance will be China’s downfall, and Christendom’s rise (even though the jews think Zionist scum will be the beneficiaries).
The messianic “inevitability” of China’s rise to world domination apparent in the narrative of this article has jew fingerprints all over it.
Whitney (probably unknowingly) is infected with the Zionist virus, and Chineze Temu Utopia is his cope.
You say Chineze play the long game. No one plays a longer game than Christ. And its not a game.
Hua Bin wrote:
Your reply:
No wonder the Jews are winning.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
First, the Chinese do not desire ‘domination’. You’re just projecting your Western psychopathology onto them. And they are Number One in all meaningful fields, already. Still waiting for Godot, I see.
AND, the only ‘flogging’ you do is of your ‘membrum virile
Mulga, I see you’re still here in this thread peddling your falsehoods.
Most people in your position, after being caught out and embarrassed with your uninformed commentary, would’ve slinked off and retreated back into that hole from whence you came.
But not you – you’re a glutton for punishment.
Well, if that’s how you get off, who am I to deny you? Here’s another flogging coming your way in the form of 5 min video titled ‘Cybertruck lives LOST because DOORS would not OPEN’:
For those not familiar with the Cybertruck lemon, it’s an EV truck made by Tesla.
And what occurred in that instance (three occupants immolated because the doors could not be opened from the outside), is not an isolated occurrence.
This has happened numerous times before.
Simply put, when an EV lemon has even a small crash, the battery pack is almost always ruptured and a fierce fire begins in a very short space of time.
Because the battery is ruptured, power is lost and the electrically operated door handles on the outside DO NOT WORK.
There are manual release door handles on the inside of the car. But if the occupants are dazed/temporarily concussed in those crucial first moments after impact, they will not be able to open the doors themselves.
It will thus be up to bystanders to come to the assistance and drag those occupants out of the car before it becomes engulfed in an uncontrollable fire (and that may occur within a minute of the crash).
Fact: EV’s will never represent any more than a small fraction of the cars on the world’s roads.
Moreover, that small fraction highwater mark has ALREADY come and gone.
From here on in it’s all downhill as the EV market implodes – no matter what Big Gubmint mandates are enacted to prop up this farcical waste of the planet’s resources.
Back with MoronGuy-are you sure it’s NOT you. The twitchy manner makes one think Tourettes. In any case, in the REAL world, EV sales are booming, in China, Thailand, Indonesia even the UK. Your lies are now SO deranged I fear for the balance of your mind.
Only kidding-you lost any ‘balance’ years ago. So what is it that makes you rant and rave spewing outright bull-dust? Does it make you feel ‘important’. ‘I create reality’ said the troll. Or are you on an earner? BYD is now, or soon will be, the biggest car producer on the planet, the majority EVs, then hybrids, and a few ICE for benzene and particulate smog addicts, like you. Or is it the carbon monoxide, for when you wish to ‘exit’.
January-February 2025, compared to 2024-
Global 2.4 million up 30%.
China 1.4 million, up 35%.
EU, EFTA and UK 0.5 million, up 20%.
USA and Canada, 0.3 million, up 20%.
Rest of world 0.2 million, up 35%.
So, it’s ‘up, up, and away’, troll. How can the ‘high-water mark’ have come and gone when sales are up 30%, globally, you insane, lying, fanatical piece of bandicoot shite?