I have to give Michaels a shout out, because one wheel in all of these units was the wrong one. I emailed them with a photo and within a few hours, they had one in the mail. It fit and the unit was useable. I have to say Excellent Customer Service! I thought I was doomed with the wrong wheel.
I taught my 8 yr. old granddaughter to put one together. She showed her 10 yr. old brother how to do it, and they put all 5 together for me. They did a super job with little intervention by me. Kids need to know how to put things together.
It was painful to sort through all the scraps and cut pieces. Sometimes I just have to leave the room and take a walk around. Took loads of time. Eventually, all the units were filled and reorganized. I have a whole unit of drawers for batik scraps. Today, I am making all new drawer labels and attaching them. The old ones are from the previous bins and are shabby.
I have a closet in this room for more plastic boxes for cut pieces and another room with bookshelves for bigger fabric, but this area was out of contol. I love scrappy, but organizing them is work.
Here is the result of all the effort.
Cutting/pressing counter- all clear, WOW |
View from one side of sewing table to counter |
From room entrance, no boxes on floor anymore |
Other side of sewing table, clear floor, windows to left |
Side of table I work the most at for piecing. There is a floor! |