Showing posts with label iron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iron. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Old and new bursts

      One of the most used items in my studio is my iron. In my sewing studio, I have a Panasonic cordless iron that has served faithfully over years. It has a stainless steel plate. I never put water in it. In the longarm room, the other iron is a EuroPro steam iron that has a boiler inside and I used it for backings, big wrinkles, and to block pieces to trim.

     You can imagine my shock and surprise when I lifted the iron off the charging station to press and this broken burst happened suddenly.
     I tried using my husband's iron (he irons his shirts, I only iron fabric), but it was so large and clunky that I had to bite the bullet and buy another one. The new one has a ceramic plate and is a showy red. Despite the box showing up trashed at my door, the iron is working great except I think they made the automatic shut off even shorter.
     On a beautiful bursting note, I bought a bunch of amaryllis bulbs as presents for Christmas. Uncharacteristically, I kept one box. I had never grown one before  as they always seemed kind of chunky to me. I have a ton of plants in the house- especially Christmas cactus . I know Wanda adores amaryllis, so I gave it a try.
The first single bloom

All blooms opening