Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The best scenery, ah!

     It happened again. The time got away from me and I did not sit down and write what was going on. I took photos and got them off the camera, but no writing. Sigh.
     August started with our annual Adirondack (ADK) family adventure week. The night before we left, we were all packed and my husband bit into a cracker and half his front tooth cracked off on a diagonal. After the initial freak out, I remembered,
when I was going somewhere, seeing a sign for an Urgent Dental Care office. I looked it up and they actually took him at 7:30 pm on a Friday and fixed it up great so we could leave the next morning. Otherwise, he would have had to wait until Tuesday and drive back to our regular dentist. Don't ask what it cost. I suggest you look up and see if you have one in your area and make a note of it. When you have a dental emergency, you are usually too worked up to think of it.
    We rent a big house on First Lake near Old Forge, NY and just enjoy the week with all the grandkids. Debby made an appearance on Friday and washed things out, but it was still gorgeous.

My favorite: waterlilies!

Early morning fog, so lovely


Vicki W said...

It's very beautiful there! Chris and I were just talking last night that we haven't seen as many water lilies here in Maine this year as in years past.

Mystic Quilter said...

Linda, I'm only just now catching up on reading posts and horrified to see I had missed a couple of yours - apologies. I always look forward to your photos of your stays with family on your annual visit to Adirondack, sorry to read about the tooth incident -ouch!!