Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2023

Beauty Break

      I got a break in the action when my painting teacher invited us to the once a year paint in her garden. I had not painted in a while, so I welcomed the opportunity to photo, sketch and flex the painting brushes. Although her garden is not huge, it is very eclectic and creative. Enjoy some of the plantings! Besides the garden, Jody sets up little still lifes as focal points.

     And some of her demonstration painting.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Bookends to Crazy

     As much as I promise myself to post regularly, something gets in the way and derails me. Last weekend, I did an art show (watercolor paintings) with my son. On the Saturday before the show, I had to quick make and sew on a binding for a guild member of a quilt bound for the Gold Star and Camp Purple kids that started the next day. Then, I had to pack up for the Art Show which was on the Niagara River at Niawanda Park, Tonawanda, NY. 
Quilt with binding
     Early set up for the show, endure the wind, and take down in an orderly fashion. There is a reason I don't do shows very often, but my son wanted to try it. We had lots of people view as there is a large walking path and bike trail in front of the show at the shoreline. It helps there is an hot dog and ice cream place at the street. Also, the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra was playing that evening in the bandshell at the end of the exhibits. But, I did not sell anything. I look at it as cheap pop up gallery to have people see the work. Very windy day, so I was a little tense about it all taking off. 
   The next morning, I was heading to some time at a cottage about 45 minutes away at Angola, NY so had to pack all the stuff for that.
My work on the fence, literally 

The whole set up, son's work in the front, mine inside the tent and behind. Grandkids posing and son and wife in back.

Son's work
More Matt work

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A painted response

      Besides being a quilter, I paint regularly. I think watercolor suits me. Painting is is a totally different process than quilting. Often, you don't know where it is going. After a good value sketch, it is always interesting to see how the paint flows. I am going to show two fabric related. The first is my granddaughter who works at my treadle doing crafts. I tried to contrast the old vintage machine and parlor cabinet with a young, vibrant child. The second is a laundry display of vintage linens. I tried to show the delicate fabric against the green growth and flowers. I paint landscapes, people, flowers. These are half sheet Arches paper with Winsor Newton watercolors.