Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Horses in the Stable

     No, not horses like Alicia , but fabric horses on a quilt. The Horses Quilt was delivered to its girl Wednesday and her mom reported she was cuddled in it although we have a heat advisory. The quilt was the pattern, Crown and Anchor, by Doug Leko and the fabric line was by Ann Lauer, Horsin' Around. I blogged about the start here. It was not an easy or simple quilt to make. It was fun to quilt. I used Glide thread for the top and Superior Omni for the bobbin. I had major tension issues the last part of the last pass and had to rip it out twice, don't you just love when that happens?
    I took the photos in a shaded part of the yard, and then a sunnier spot as the wind has been an issue for days.

    I was able to use a couple of the horses left from the panels to make a front and back pocket for the quilt bag. I included a horses sticker book, a pocket quilt and handmade card in the pocket.