Showing posts with label Toran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toran. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

String based Quilt sewn up!

     On page 30 of Cultural Fusion, there is a quilt called Toran. It is a little unusual. It uses string pieced blocks layered and free form cut with solids. I liked the look. I have a lot of string scraps and I wanted to use them in a different way, so this was perfect. I had some 10" squares of light paper from Missouri Star Quilt Company, so I used those for the strips and it worked very well. I was able to trim the final blocks to 9" instead of the book's 8.5", so that helped with the quilt size. I also made the quilt rectangular, 4 by 5 blocks. It is a great lap size. I will not put a border on it. The one in the book had a piano key border, but I like the quilt just like this. 
     I think it will be fun to quilt. Have to make a back first. I shot some photos of the steps if you are interested- might help understand how the quilt was made. Page 30 is worn out in my book. At first you may dismiss the quilt, but it has a curvy flow that I really like. I made the free form cuts more curvy than the book because I wanted the curve flow.
String block, solid, string block, solid layers,
free form curve cut- 4 in a set
Top string piece to bottom, revealing 2nd layer solid 
Pressing the curve seam flat first, then rolling the top back and pressing the block
Initial sample blocks to view
Layout on wall 1

Layout on wall 2
All sewn up and pressed!