Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Great Dig Out


First, had to shovel/chip/hack a slot to open the garage door to get the snowblower out.

Had to shovel out the side door so it could open wide

Back deck, slider door frozen shut

Driveway blown out, next the walk way had to be chipped
and blown out.

The tree peony

Back yard drifts

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas Whited out

      I live one block north of the Buffalo city line. Usually, the Lake Erie snowbands stay south of the city due to westerly winds. Because of a southwest storm, the wind came directly down the Lake and dumped itself for 2 days over my house and the surrounding area. Friday morning we had all green grass. At 7:30 am, the rain instantly turned to snow and heavy winds started (60-70 mph gusts). It stayed the same until 10:30 pm Saturday (Christmas Eve). On Christmas, the sun came out, but we were stuck and everything was closed. Then the snow band came back and gave us another 6" but lighter this time with no winds.
     It took us 2 days to dig out out the driveway and walk. The snow was comparable to concrete in weight and hardness. None of our Christmas plans were realized. I do thank God that we did not lose power or heat like many in the city. We were not in peril, we had plenty of food as I had stocked up for the holidays and storm.
     I can't tell you how sad I am people froze to death and the looters have destroyed many businesses. They are ticketing people for driving around, but the looters go free. I cannot understand this. I believe the leaders were unprepared with workable plans. The National Guard should have been here. Snowmobiles and ATVS should have been enlisted beforehand. Apartment complexes should have had generators, especially the federal and state subsidized ones who only have electric heat. Oh, it is so distressing for so many families here.
     I have so many photos. I will show the storm and the sun on Christmas day. In a later post, I will show our cleanup efforts. Because of such strong wind, the snow made huge drifts and in some places the grass showed.

My sister in law's car got buried.

What driveway?

Those dark clouds in the back is the snowband as it moved south.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Zig zags and snowy days

     The blue green zig zags is done, bound, etc. I could not resist photographing outside in the snow. When Alycia, with her wonderful Colorado ranch landscape, shows her quilts outdoors, I always drool. I live in a tight little suburban lot which is not exactly photogenic for quilts, but due to the almost 20" of snow that fell on MLK day, I gave it a try.  I also know how to crop out.

Back detail


     How's that, Alycia?