Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Giveaway winners and spring has sprung

     Today, when my grandkids were here for virtual school, I had them draw the names for the Star and the Plaid Giveaways. They had a hard time understanding the concept.
     I had a number of people who were no reply commentors, so I could not send you an email. Please check your status so you can be contacted in situations like this. I can't even notify you that you can't be notified.
     The Winner of the Rapid Fire Lemoyne stars, pattern and template is: JustCallMeElle. I am just waiting for an address to send it out.

     The Winner of the Plaids is: Cathy, (catkiz). Please send me your address.
     Spring has sprung around here with the early birds showing off.

Friday, June 12, 2015

BasiX winner and fabric

    First, the winner of the BasiX template is Crickets Corner. The template is working its way through the USPS as I write. Thank you for all who took the time to write.
    Second, I bought a piece of hand dye fabric at the Genesee Valley Show from Stone Row Fabrics. I think this would be perfect for a lily pond. I don't want to use fusible on the appliqued fabric, so I need to come up with plan B.
     My outdoor garden has been doing well. The rain we got last weekend helped. Right after I took the photo above half hour ago, the sky opened up with torrential rain and I just got the photo in. It is still raining!
Great colors- A Kaffe fabric?
My little fish pond

Monday, June 8, 2015

BasiX Template Giveaway

    My grandmother always used to buy kitchen gadgets when she saw demonstrations in stores or fairs. I don't think she ever used most of them or knew how to use them. She was an excellent cook and baker and so she did not really need any of them. I guess that is where I get one of my myriad of flaws.
    At quilt shows, I am a sucker for template demos. I buy them thinking it will change my quilts and make me a better quilter. At Paducah, I saw this demo of the basiX. It looked terrific. I bought it. I should have bought the Block Lock. Now, when I am looking at it I know I will not make these quilts. It is just not my style. So when Vicki announced her giveaway and a link, I will mail this to someone who:
1. Is really truly going to use it. It is for 2 1/2" strips. Look up the site and see if it is your cup of tea.
2. Tells me one post on my blog they like. 
3. I will choose the winner randomly by number on Thursday. Make sure you are not a no reply blogger.
Unused template, just the plastic wrapper is off.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Give away winners and some progress

     First, thank you to all those who commented and told me what they liked. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I gave everyone a number in order of a valid email post and drew one number at random. However, a number of you were no reply bloggers (a couple gave me their emails in the comment), and I have no way to get in touch with you. If you go to this link, it will tell you how to correct it for the next time you want to enter a giveaway or get a respones
    On Monday or Tuesday, I will mail your packages to the winners. I will email you and you can give me your addresses. Thank you everyone who commented!

    I was away visiting my daughter this weekend, so I did not get much sewing done. These pieces in progress were on my wall when I left- Fading Charms with leader-enders and and a mini charm block with denim and gray lap quilt.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring cleaning Giveaways

      I am linking up with Vicki Welsh's Giveaway week. I am forcing myself to move out what I am not going to work with even though it interests me. I need to narrow my focus so I can be better at fewer things. The way the Giveaways will work is leave me a comment as to what work you like of mine and which giveaway you would like to be considered for. On Friday morning, I will take the number of people who asked for which item, assign a number in the order received and have my grandkids draw the number and notify you. I will mail it to you, so make sure you are not a no email responder or it will go to the next number draw
     Number one, I LOVE hand dyed fabric. I love to pet it and cut it up and sew it. However, although I have taken classes, I do not want to make it. I will buy from people like Vicki and quilt show vendors. I have a kit of dyes, unopened, that you can comment what work of mine you like and that you would like the dye kit.
     Next, I have a small bin of 1 1/2" strips. I cut all my smaller than fat quarter pieces into strips or squares. Bonnie Hunter's system uses 1 1/2" as well as 2 1/2". However, I find I am not going to use the 1 1/2" size. So, if you would like an envelope of unwashed 1 1/2" cotton strips, please leave a comment as to what work you like of mine and that you would like the strips. 

     Ok, maybe I can find some other things, but for now, here we go!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blown away by Giveaway Response!

Tree from Niagara on the Lake last Thursday
  Omigosh!! I was totally unprepared for the response to the Fall Giveaway I linked to Vicki Wesh's page. I had tried a pattern giveaway before. I was going to give a free pattern every Friday for 8 weeks. I had no takers. So, I thought I would put a big pile together and try again for at least one someone. Well, the outpouring of quilters was amazing. 
  I have been the recipient of generous quilters, especially in fabric, as I make comfort quilts for chemo patients. Lots of scraps and FQs have come my way so I can keep sewing and giving.
   I was pondering what to do and it hit me that I should spread the wealth around. I am going to split up the patterns to a number of  you who identified an interest and pattern, I am going to email you for your mailing address and send to more than one. I pulled some magazines and a few other patterns that I know I won't get to. I am going to contact about 6 of you and see if that works for you. I will just pay more postage, so what! 
   Remember, if you are a no comment responder or a google + responder, I don't know your email to reply.
   Thanks so much for responding and sharing a bit about your quilting!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Giveaway Linkup

   Vicki Welsh has a giveaway promotion on her blog right now. I am linking up with it and hope someone wants the whole bunch of new quilt ideas for free! Here are the patterns I will pack up for you and send in the giveaway if you would comment and let me know something about your quilts! Make sure I can get intouch with you and that you are not an unreachable blogger!