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Amphibians are the sapient, sentient, extradimensional, anthropomorphic inhabitants of the 'magical' swamp-like tropical continent of Amphibia.


Amphibians share much in common with their real-life counterparts back on Earth, being cold-blooded, have mucus-covered knobby skin, and long sticky tongues. Amphibians are bipedal and anthropomorphic with four fingers and two toes, and many colors for bodies, eyes, mouths, and tongues. In the series, some amphibians have three different pupil shapes: realistic, semi-realistic, and dots.

What separates them to their Earth counterparts is their capability of growing hair, just like humans. Both genders of amphibians can grow hair or being bald on their heads, while some males' faces can grow facial hair like beards. However, only male amphibians can be bald, with rare exceptions in female amphibians.

Known amphibians[]


Most frogs seen in the series live in farming communities, yet a few did achieve upper-class statuses through businesses.

Deceased frogs[]

Southern tusk frogs[]

Horned bullfrogs[]

Horned bullfrogs are a subspecies of normal frogs. The few known ones were cannibals.


The toads are of a military culture and as such many toads are fierce warriors/soldiers. They are commanded by their leaders of the Toad Army who are known as toad lords. Nonetheless, a few like Mayor Toadstool don't seem to have a war-like nature. Most toads have sharp/fanged teeth, except for Toadstool.

Deceased toads[]


Most newts are high-ranking scholars, professors, mages, and aristocrats in Amphibia. Moreover, they occupy the positions of high-ranking military leaders like General Yunan, even the royalty and monarchy of Amphibia, like King Andrias with his ancestors. Very few newts live in rural towns like Wartwood.

Deceased newts[]


All adult Axolotls seen have been running their own businesses.

Deceased axolotls[]


Olms in the show are huge serpentine beasts, yet maintain sapient intelligence. Olms have a longer lifespan than most amphibians, with some claiming to have lived for hundreds to thousands of years. Olms are reclusive and isolationists, preferring to avoid the affairs of other amphibians, thus their existence isn't well-known by other amphibians. Olms are also known to live in the ancient underground city of Proteus, as they can't survive in sunlight for long.

Deceased olms[]


  • In real life, amphibians are tetrapod vertebrates of the class Amphibia. Modern amphibians are all Lissamphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal, or freshwater aquatic ecosystems.
    • While toads and frogs are treated as separate species in the series, in real life, a "toad" is simply the name for certain types of frogs, especially of the family Bufonidae, that are characterized by dry, leathery skin, short legs, and large bumps covering the parotoid glands. A common misconception to this is toads and frogs are separate animals, but while not all frogs are toads, all toads are frogs.
    • The only order of amphibians not to be featured in the series is Gymnophiona (serpentine amphibians).
  • All the amphibian characters have four digits on each hand, while the humans have five on each hand.
  • While most amphibians are humanoid, olms are the only type of amphibian to lack an anthropomorphic body.
  • Bigotry at the level of society and speciesism is implied to exist in Amphibia during Andrias' rule, as Amphibian caste system society shares some parallels to feudalism with Andrias' government being an aristocracy, particularly with the agrarian culture of the frogs and the establishment of a monarchy. Furthermore, most newts consider themselves to be the most superior and more civilized than other amphibians in Amphibia, while toads think themselves are better than frogs for their militaristic culture.
    • Although the frogs might be deemed to be the lowest and basic sentient species in Amphibia in the form of farmers, some of them achieved upper-class statuses as business magnates with large influences in that world by their own companies; Wally's father Wigbert is the head of the "family empire" Ribbiton's Ribbons that produces the finest web crusty floss in all of Amphibia, while Hop Pop's old friend Sal founded and owned Sauce, Inc. that produces his special sauce in Newtopia.
    • To newts, the term "salamander" is highly offensive.
  • While their main language is English (somehow the language is the same as the ones used by humans on 21st century Earth), the Amphibian language is more prominent in Newtopia, despite a lot of English being written and spoken there as well.
  • The local currency in Amphibia they use is Copper.
  • In "The Shut-In!", glass frogs are featured in a fictional story about one told by Sprig.
  • With Andrias' Frobot military reign since "True Colors", this drastically changed the various factions as well as the societies. Some forced (like Olivia and Yunan) or willingly (like Bartley, Branson, and Blair) worked for Andrias, others like the Wartwood Resistance fought against him, while others like the Marauders didn't choose either side though would sell captured resistance forces to Andrias for payment.

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