
一昨日、年金の完全積立方式より修正賦課方式が好ましい、という論文を紹介したが、その論文は人口一定を仮定していた*1。同論文が掲示されていたNEP DGEの論文リストを見ると、「少子化の枢軸」の日本の“同盟国”であるイタリアはピサ大学のLuciano Fantiという研究者が、高齢化ないし人口減少化が進む中での賦課方式を擁護する論文を書いているので、以下にその二編の論文の要旨を紹介してみる。

「人口構成の変化に直面した場合の年金の完全積立方式と賦課方式(Fully-Funded and PAYG pension schemes facing with demographic changes)」

Motivated by the recent population aging process as well as the tendency towards the substitution of PAYG with Fully Funded pension systems, we analyze the different features of both funded and unfunded pensions under the pressure of population aging. While virtually all previous work in this literature has predicted a reduction in pension benefits as well as a greater relative immunization of FF systems in the face of population aging, this paper shows that the former prediction only holds for specific assumptions relating to technology (i.e. sufficiently low capital shares), while the latter prediction is more likely to be reverted (i.e. the current dramatic aging could be more harmful (less beneficial) for FF pension systems than for PAYG pension systems).

「賦課方式と出生率の低下:ある(喜ばしい)計算(PAYG pensions and fertility drop: some (pleasant) arithmetic)」

This paper explores whether the common belief that the currently observed fertility drop is a threat (or, conversely, the invoked fertility recovery is beneficial) for PAYG pensions is really always validated by the basic accounting of the PAYG pension budget. It is shown, through a simple arithmetic, that, rather surprisingly, in the long run a fertility drop may be beneficial, while, conversely, a fertility recovery may be harmful for pensions, under rather realistic conditions as regards both fertility changes and time costs of childrearing. Furthermore, this result also holds a fortiori in the short run.


「経済成長、年金の賦課方式、および定年(Growth, PAYG pension systems crisis and mandatory age of retirement)」

Since in many countries - plagued by low fertility - significant increases of the mandatory retirement age have been recently introduced with the declared objective to sustain PAYG pension budgets, then in this paper we investigate whether and how such boosts are effective. It is shown - in the basic two-period overlapping generations model of endogenous growth, which is maybe the toy-model most used for pension policy analyses - that the postponement of the retirement age is always harmful for growth and even for pension payments. Therefore this result suggests that the effects of boosts of mandatory retirement ages for sustaining PAYG pension budgets may not be warranted.

We normalize each ability group to 1, so that the size of a generation is 3, and total population is 12, and constant...
Assuming demography and population to be constant may seem strange given that ageing is a crucial factor behind pension reform in many countries. Note however that this assumption is not uncommon (see also Jaag et al., 2010; Fisher and Keuschnigg, 2010; Buyse et al., 2011). Moreover, and most importantly, it need not be a limitation to disentangle behavioral effects from different routes of pension reform.