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Rachel Corrie and the Enduring Fight for Freedom
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We’re nearly 50 days into Trump’s new ‘Golden Age,’ and yet, somehow, a large-scale war in the Middle East seems more likely now than at any other time since 2003. The obedient 47th President is determined to perform every trick that Benjamin Netanyahu and Miriam Adelson demand of him, regardless of whether or not their particular interests overlap with those of American citizens. Since reclaiming the presidency in January, Trump has delivered a total of $12 billion in military aid to Israel, invoking “emergency authorities” to bypass Congress and ensure Israel receives the 2,000-pound bombs and Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers that the Biden administration had previously withheld. Indeed, Trump has already vowed to “send Israel everything it needs to finish the job” and the White House has come out publicly and expressed its support for Israel’s illegal blockade of all goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip, a territory which has been utterly destroyed, leaving thousands dead and the survivors without resources like food, water and medicine.

Objective observers of the political scene are beginning to notice that America’s foreign policy is, to a large degree, formed and directed by influential Jewish groups whose first allegiance is to the state of Israel.

Just hours before Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress on March 4, a letter was issued by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) calling for increased American support for Israel’s war agenda in the Middle East. Signed by 77 former U.S. generals who agree it’s “time to let Israel finish the job against the Iranian axis,” the letter calls on the American government to maximize support for Israel in any forthcoming operations against the Persian state. FoxNews.com reports:

“The retired generals and admirals are calling on the U.S. to provide Israel with munitions, weapons systems and ‘support needed to ensure the effectiveness of its operations against this common threat.’ They assert that by supporting Israel in its fight against a nuclear Iran, the U.S. would be protecting its own influence in the region. The Iranian regime was also recently accused of plotting to assassinate Trump, which the president said would lead to the Islamic Republic being ‘obliterated.’”

JINSA is an extremely hawkish foreign policy think-tank dedicated to forging inseparable ties between Israel and America’s defense establishment. Formerly known as the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, the group was founded, according to The Nation‘s Jason Vest, by “neoconservatives concerned that the United States might not be able to provide Israel with adequate military supplies in the event of another Arab-Israeli war.” Influential members of JINSA, like Douglas Feith and Richard Perle, played significant roles in fomenting the catastrophic invasion of Iraq in 2003 by fabricating the outlandish WMD disinformation used as justification for deploying American troops. Twenty-two years later and the same group is at it again, applying maximum pressure to an obviously compromised Donald Trump in the hope that he’ll activate the U.S. military for yet another series of costly wars in the Middle East. It’s no coincidence that the US Army recently reported its highest recruiting numbers in 15 years, enlisting 10,727 new soldiers in December 2024 alone!

Striking similarities exist between the rhetoric of 2003 and present day.
Striking similarities exist between the rhetoric of 2003 and present day.

Remembering Rachel Corrie

With the drums of war beating louder with the passing of each day, the Trump administration is working diligently to ensure that any organized opposition to Israel will soon be verboten. On January 29, Trump signed an executive order “to combat anti-Semitism vigorously, using all available and appropriate legal tools, to prosecute, remove, or otherwise hold to account the perpetrators of unlawful anti-Semitic harassment and violence.” The order “reaffirms” Executive Order 13899, signed by Trump in December 2019, which expanded Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to specifically target the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses by instructing those tasked with enforcing Title VI to consider the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism, which happens to include criticism of Israel. To prove he’s not bluffing, Trump has organized a Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, headed by Leo ‘Uncle Tom’ Terrell, which has already opened investigations into nearly a dozen US colleges. In a move which civil rights groups say is “unprecedented” and “unconstitutional,” the Department of Education announced this week it has canceled $400 million in federal funding to Columbia University, citing “relentless violence, intimidation, and anti-Semitic harassment” on campus, while affirming that “additional cancellations are expected to follow.”

Ever since the 1960s, America’s college campuses have been a hotbed of anti-war activism. For all of their other faults, youthful, energetic Americans of a liberal orientation are often endowed with an intense humanitarian spirit that is naturally averse to genocide and war. It’s not uncommon that these people, and not the flag-waving MAGA yahoos, are the ones most willing to stand up to perceived injustices, even at the expense of their own lives.

One such person was Rachel Corrie, who, twenty-two years ago this month, was killed in cold blood by the Israeli army while she protested the destruction of Palestinian homes in Gaza.

Rachel was raised in Olympia, Washington. While attending Evergreen State College in the early 2000s, she learned about the Israel/Palestine conflict through a friend she met at school of Palestinian origin. Shortly thereafter she became, in her own words, a “committed peace activist,” determined to do something about the grave injustice she rightly perceived as a humanitarian disaster. Rachel first linked up with a group called ‘Olympians for Peace and Solidarity,’ organizing peace events to help raise awareness of the Palestinians’ plight, before joining the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). The ISM is a pro-Palestine organization founded in 2001 by Palestinian, American, and Israeli activists following the rejection of a United Nations proposal by the United States and Israel that sought to place international human rights monitors in occupied Palestinian territories. Since its inception the mission of the ISM has been to support the Palestinian cause through non-violent direct action initiatives, such as protests against the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In January 2003, Rachel and other members of the ISM journeyed to the West Bank for what they described as a solidarity campaign. The group first stopped off in a town east of Bethlehem called Beit Sahour, before heading to Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. They arrived in Gaza at a time when the Israeli military was engaged in a large-scale campaign of destroying Palestinian homes, oftentimes making use of Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers paid for by the American taxpayer as their weapon of choice. A 2004 report issued by the United Nations established that between September 2000 and May 2004, 17,594 Palestinians had their homes destroyed by the Israeli army.

While in Rafah, Rachel stayed with a number of families, including a physician named Dr. Samir Nasrallah who lived in a modest two-story home near the Israeli border with his wife and their three children. In an interview conducted shortly before her death, Rachel spoke about some of the horrors she witnessed during her time in Rafah:

“In the time that I’ve been here, children have been shot and killed. On the 30th of January the Israeli military bulldozed the two largest water wells destroying over half of Rafah’s water supply. Every few days, if not every day, houses are demolished here. People are economically devastated because the closure of the border into Egypt and the extreme control of the Gazan economy by Israel….I feel like what I’m witnessing here is a very systematic destruction of a people’s ability to survive. And that is incredibly horrifying.”

On March 16, 2003, just four days before the American invasion of Iraq, Rachel received a call from a fellow activist informing her that the IDF were preparing to raze Dr. Nasrallah’s home to the ground. “The Israelis are back” the caller said, “Get over here right away. I think they’re heading for Dr. Samir’s house.” Indeed, American-made bulldozers had placed Dr. Nasrallah’s home in their sights, after having already destroyed the surrounding structures. “Almost every other structure in the area had been knocked down in recent months; Nasrallah’s abode now stood alone in a sea of sand and debris.” [Source]

Rachel arrived at the site and met with a group of seven British and American ISM activists who were carrying bullhorns and wearing orange fluorescent vests for maximum visibility. An article on NPR.org described what happened when she confronted the bulldozer operated by two members of the IDF:

“Corrie, wearing an orange fluorescent vest and speaking through a bullhorn, was determined to stop them. Standing alone on a mound of earth in the path of the armored vehicle, she expected the Israeli bulldozer approaching her to come to a halt, as other bulldozers had done when faced with international protesters. But it kept going, and, as her fellow activists screamed and tried to stop it, the 23-year-old college student from Olympia, Washington, was crushed to death. The Nasrallah family’s children watched in horror through a crack in their garden wall.”

One of the eyewitnesses, a man named Joe Carr, gave the following account:

“Still wearing her fluorescent jacket, she knelt down at least 15 meters in front of the bulldozer, and began waving her arms and shouting, just as activists had successfully done dozens of times that day….When it got so close that it was moving the earth beneath her, she climbed onto the pile of rubble being pushed by the bulldozer….Her head and upper torso were above the bulldozer’s blade, and the bulldozer operator and co-operator could clearly see her. Despite this, the operator continued forward, which caused her to fall back, out of view of the driver. He continued forward, and she tried to scoot back, but was quickly pulled underneath the bulldozer. We ran towards him, and waved our arms and shouted; one activist with the megaphone. But the bulldozer operator continued forward, until Rachel was all the way underneath the central section of the bulldozer.”

Rachel Corrie lies in the dirt, waiting for medical help after she was crushed under an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, on March 16, 2003. Photo: International Solidarity Movement/Getty Images
Rachel Corrie lies in the dirt, waiting for medical help after she was crushed under an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, on March 16, 2003. Photo: International Solidarity Movement/Getty Images

Despite a promise by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to launch a “thorough, credible, and transparent” investigation, the military inquiry completely absolved the IDF of any wrongdoing and ruled that Rachel’s death was an accident for which she herself was responsible. One witness interviewed by the Israeli military, a British nurse named Alice Coy, testified under oath that the soldier who interviewed her about Rachel’s murder refused to even record her statement that she believed the bulldozers were planning to destroy civilian homes. The ruling was criticized by human rights groups Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem, as well as by Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who told Rachel’s parents that he didn’t consider the investigation legitimate. Similar sentiments were expressed by the US ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, who told Rachel’s family that the US government did not believe the Israeli investigation had been “thorough, credible, and transparent.” In spite of the critiques, Congressman Brian Baird, who represented Rachel’s hometown of Olympia, Washington, was one of the only American politicians willing to draw attention to her murder. In March 2003, Baird introduced a resolution in the U.S. Congress calling on the U.S. government to “undertake a full, fair, and expeditious investigation” into Rachel’s death. Unsurprisingly, no action was ever taken.

In 2005 Rachel’s parents filed a civil lawsuit in the Haifa district court accusing the Israeli state of failing to conduct a credible investigation and for bearing ultimate responsibility for Rachel’s death. The family sued for a symbolic $1 dollar, not seeking financial gain, but rather accountability for the death of their loved one. In August 2012, an Israeli court upheld the verdict of the military investigation, invoking a “combat activities” exception which states that military personnel cannot be held accountable for any physical or economic harm done to civilians in an area designated as a ‘war zone.’ In his verdict, Judge Oded Gershon described Israel’s investigation as “appropriate” and accused Rachel and others in the ISM of ‘protecting terrorists,’ although Dr. Nasrallah and his family could hardly be said to fit that description. Gershon added that Rachel’s death was “the result of an accident she brought upon herself.” Following the trial, Corrie’s family alleged that important evidence was withheld as part of an ongoing coverup. As reported by the Jerusalem Post:

“Immediately after the trial ended in July, Corrie’s family alleged that important evidence — including several surveillance tapes that show color footage of events before and after the activist’s death — were withheld as part of a cover-up over the circumstances of her death. The color footage was used in a Channel 2 documentary, but the IDF has denied that it exists, the family claims.”

On the basis of this withheld evidence, Mr. and Mrs. Corrie filed an appeal against the ruling in May 2014 which was ultimately rejected by the Israeli Supreme Court the following year. Today, Craig and Cindy Corrie continue to fight for Palestinian rights, founding the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice in 2003 to ‘support grassroots efforts for peace and justice globally.’ (Steven Plaut, a former columnist for New York-based newspaper The Jewish Press, once described Mr. and Mrs. Corrie as a “two-person anti-Israel propaganda SWAT team.”)

The real struggle Americans face is not one between Democrats and Republicans, regardless of what the Alex Joneses of the world might contend. When human consciousness is captured by political parties — as has happened to a large extent since 2016 — people will frequently be found defending their worst adversaries due to the dictates of ‘the party.’ Many Americans imagine Donald Trump to be some kind of a Superhero engaged in a valiant struggle to save America and the Western world from a nameless, faceless globalist cabal. In reality, Trump is a belligerent oaf who seems hell-bent on driving the final nail into America’s coffin by being a dutiful Step-and-Fetch for Netanyahu and the state of Israel. In a country full of chest-thumping MAGA Neanderthals, we need more people with the integrity of Rachel Corrie. Only with similar conviction and resolve can we ever hope to see the day that American sovereignty is restored and our nation once again perceived as a light unto the world. May God bless her memory!

Rachel Aliene Corrie, April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003
Rachel Aliene Corrie, April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003
(Republished from Truth Blitzkrieg by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Darkwing says:

    Never forget Rachel Corrie, the USS Liberty, the King David Hotel

  2. Anon[319] •�Disclaimer says:

    Hmm, sounds like DAWN needs to tack Trump and Tulsi boxes on this here


  3. Notsofast says:

    In his verdict, Judge Oded Gershon described Israel’s investigation as “appropriate” and accused Rachel and others in the ISM of ‘protecting terrorists,’ although Dr. Nasrallah and his family could hardly be said to fit that description.

    standard operating procedure for the genocidal occupiers of palestine, to them every palestinian is a terrorist. this why they shoot pregnant women in the abdomen, to kill her and her unborn child. these sick freaks even make t-shirts to advertise the fact they murder women and children in cold blood and are proud of it. the idiots even post videos of their unspeakable war crimes on social media, feeling their “god given” impunity from the laws of mankind will protect them, as their dark “god” protects them and blesses them, for carrying out his demonic instructions as their torah and talmud grimoires instruct them to do.

    the u.s. golem is now carrying out it’s master will in the u.s., attemping to deport a permeant green card holder for exercising the first amendment, protesting the obvious acts of genocide, committed by these illegal aliens, against the indigenous people of the levant. according to them he is supporting terrorists, by speaking out for the palesinian people. yeah, that first amendment’s going to have to go, it’s anti-semetic and a danger to society, come to think of the whole bill of rights can be weaponized by terrorists, might as well cancel the whole thing, we can replace it with the anti-semitism awareness act, that should cover everything.


    •�Agree: 24th Alabama
    •�Thanks: John Trout, ariadna, Anonymous45
  4. Mike Tre says:

    ” For all of their other faults, youthful, energetic Americans of a liberal orientation are often endowed with an intense humanitarian spirit that is naturally averse to genocide and war. It’s not uncommon that these people, and not the flag-waving MAGA yahoos, are the ones most willing to stand up to perceived injustices, even at the expense of their own lives.

    This is of course, hyperbolic and dishonest bullshit. The reality is impressionable young people, especially females, are the most easily brainwashed into hating themselves and their fellow whites. Rachel Corrie was a nothing more than a useful idiot for that effort, and had she lived she would have no doubt been advocating for homosexual depravity, BLM, kovid tyranny, George Floyd, and sexually mutilating children in the name of tranny ascendancy.

  5. Albino says:

    May God bless her memory indeed.

    And hoping that her sacrifice was not in vain.

    •�Thanks: John Trout, Rev. Spooner
  6. Franz says:
    @Mike Tre

    Cut her some slack, Mike.

    It’s just as possible she’d have grown into an independent thinker who might have grasped the fact that white folk are the global Palestinians now.

    She’d be in her forties now. Old enough that her ME experience might lead her to make a few pertinent connections.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  7. Raul says:
    @Mike Tre

    Ah I don’t think you have 1% of the courage that Rachel had

    •�Agree: John Trout
  8. So much for caring about his legacy, that explains why he wanted to end the War with Ukraine, so he can full blown support the War in the Middle East. Makes no difference, his voters will continue to claim he’s better than the alternative no matter what happens. It’s just a real shame that the U.S. is willing to start yet another war. The fact that Trump was able to get 10,000+ people to enlist says a lot and it makes a lot of sense now why he was chosen over Harris, there is noway in hell she would have been able to do that.

    So eager to fight more wars for the same individuals who strongly hate, despise and want to see them all dead, replaced in their own nations, their women bred by colored males. All it took to get them to come back was for Trump to throw out gays and trans people.

    Because I highly doubt most of those new recruits were anyone else but mostly white males… I can forgive the guys who fought in WWII and Vietnam to some degree, they were all drafted and forced to go against their will even though they could have just rebelled and protested even though it would have led to consequences unless they fled the U.S. first. But the wars with Iran, Iraq, etc these are all soldiers voluntarily willing to help those who hate them… So glad I don’t believe in voting. I give Trump until next year before he makes Noahide laws, laws of the United States. Trump at this point just don’t even give a flying fuck about America at all. He’s already spitting and shitting all over the Constitution. I’ll never understand why the U.S. is willing to do so much for Izrehell, never… But it what is.. Iran will just have to be expecting to get attacked soon.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Thanks: Annacath
    •�Replies: @Katrinka
    , @N. Joseph Potts
  9. Dan Evans says:

    Sorry to be a downer but there will be no freedom in the U.S., Canada and most of Europe ever again. The Jews basically control it all now. We are fast approaching the days when anyone who even mentions wanting freedom will be labeled as an extremist and antisemitic. People will be fired or blacklisted from getting a good job, their banks accounts will be closed or new accounts will be denied. The Zionists have full and complete control over the west. They only logical thing to do before the genocide arrives is to move to Russia. Not may will and thus they and their families will soon find out what it is like to be thrown into the nearest concentration camp similar to those for the Afrikaners in South Africa. Some who speak out loudly will be disappeared into a vast network of prisons.

  10. @Mike Tre

    This is of course, hyperbolic and dishonest bullshit. The reality is impressionable young people, especially females, are the most easily brainwashed into hating themselves and their fellow whites. Rachel Corrie was a nothing more than a useful idiot for that effort, and had she lived she would have no doubt been advocating for homosexual depravity, BLM, kovid tyranny, George Floyd, and sexually mutilating children in the name of tranny ascendancy.

    This is called transference, everything you hate about yourself, you have placed on the hero Rachel Corrie

    •�Agree: Rev. Spooner
    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
  11. You know, when you and I, driving a car and a small animal darts under the car so fast you hardly had time to hit the breaks and we gringe hearing that sound coming from the undercarriage. We end up spending an hour or so feeling bad for the poor little creature wishing things had gone differently.

    So how would it feel if by accident, I rolled my bulldozer over an other human being? It would condemn me to spend the rest of my life in horror and regret that I couldn’t exchange my life for the victim’s.

    The definition of “nobless oblige” is the honorable obligation, the responsibility of those of high character; in American English this often includes the expectation of benevolent actions such as helping those less fortunate.

    This is what makes me despise Israel, nothing seems to oblige her people to act with honor. Israelis, the baby killers of the unborn and his mother, the cold blooded murderers of the helpless, the betrayer of friends and the destroyer of those who sheltered them in 1944 when no one else would, shows a lack of honor.

    Israel is a collection of dishonorable people from its inception and that is why so many of us can’t tolerate its stench and stain on our planet.

    There will come a time when the people of the world will rise against this “mad dog” of nation and condemn her to a reverse samson option. Amen.

    •�Thanks: mark green, John Trout, Druid
  12. rgl says:

    “The retired generals and admirals are calling on the U.S. to provide Israel with munitions, weapons systems and ‘support needed to ensure the effectiveness of its operations against this common threat.’

    It would be revealing to learn how much these ‘retired generals and admirals’ pension packets have been padded with shekels. It not, which is highly doubtful in my mind, then these is their misguided belief.

    If it turns out that they have been ‘bribed’ or perhaps Epstein blackmailed, that would also be an important thing to note.

    Either way, it works against the interests of the United States. Doesn’t say much for the officer class.

    •�Agree: mark green
  13. Palestinians are SEMITES.

    The JINSAs, the ADLs, the AIPACs, the WZOs, the JWFs, the Bnai Briths, and assorted messenger boys and girls (Trump, Biden & Co.) are the REAL ANTISEMITES. The fight against antisemitism is a fight against said kabal and the messenger boys and girls.

    The sham trial of the murder of Rachel Corrie shows for all that the US government is just like Palestine an occupied territory. The ODIOUS Judge Oded Gershon is a scumbag!

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  14. That’s exactly China should do to their traitors in 1989

    Unfortunately Deng doesn’t have the guts and ruthlessness to crash that TankMan as jewry did,

    The rest?

    China got blamed and pinned for a mild purge on their traitors (Note when Unz readers garnishing their teeth on how much they hate white traitors, they BLINDLY believed 1989 tiananmen color revo. hoax and denouncing Chinese taking swift actions against their own traitors, split personality in FULL display)

    While no msm coverage on the brutality to Rachel and no body put any blames on Israel.

    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  15. anon[398] •�Disclaimer says:

    Bulldozing a Medical Doctor’s House with his children inside ?

    hmm there seems to be a pattern here

    BTW – the Bulldozer driver and his Officers will one day be tried for war crimes, and their assets seized to pay for damages. Even their estate can be seized if they have passed on. War Crimes have no statute of limitations.

  16. Xavier says:
    @Mike Tre

    Rachel Corrie was a nothing more than a useful idiot for that effort, and had she lived she would have no doubt been advocating for homosexual depravity, BLM, kovid tyranny, George Floyd, and sexually mutilating children in the name of tranny ascendancy.

    Perhaps, but we can’t be sure. What we can be sure about is that she was a lot braver than you will ever be.

    •�Agree: Passing by
    •�Replies: @Eustace Tilley (not)
  17. Maybe Elon and his DOGE buddies can get some of Trump’s $12 billion “gift” to Israel back.

  18. They say if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck:


  19. Alden says:

    The IDF invaded Syria today. Allegedly to protect Alawaties and Christian’s from the current massacres by Muslims. Hmmm Syria has huge oil deposits

    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  20. Alden says:
    @Mike Tre

    You’re right had she lived she probably would have demonstrated for George Floyd. You’re the reverse of all the White man hating White feminazis. You hate White women so who are you to criticize??

  21. Jews: “We heal the world!”
    Jews: “We seek to stomp the faces of goyim with the heels of our jackboots.”

    Jews: “It was wrong for Germans to do nothing when Jews were being persecuted.”
    Jews: “It’s wrong for goyim to protest the crimes Jews and their State commit.”

    Jews: “The IDF is the most moral army in the world.”
    Germans: “The Wehrmacht is the most moral army in the world.” ~Himmler, POSEN SPEECHES

    Jews: “It was wrong for the Third Reich to mistreat Juden collectively.”
    Jews: “It is kosher for the Fourth Reich, Israel, to punish Palestinians collectively.”

    Jews: “Israel is tiny, therefore powerless.”
    Reality: “Bullets, arsenic pills, the bubonic plague bacillus, and cancer cells are all tiny.”

    Jews: “It was evil when Jews were killed at Babi Yar.”
    Jews: “It’s a blessing when Jews kill Palestinians in Gaza.”


    Jews: “We are God’s chosen people.”
    Germans: “We are Odin’s chosen volk.”

    Jews: “We considered homelands in Abyssinia, Alaska, Angola, Argentina (Rothschild lands), Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Japan, Madagascar, Manchukoku, Nebraska, New York, Surinam, Texas, Uganda, and the USSR.”
    Jews: “We picked the one place for a homeland guaranteed to cause trouble forever.”

    Jews: “America is Judeo-Christian.”
    Arabs: “Jews killed Jesus…whom we honor as a prophet.”

    Jews: “Palestinians are amalek, worthy of death.”
    Germans: “Jews are rats, worthy of extermination.”

    Jews: “We are Zionazis.”
    Germans: “We are Nazis.”

    Jews: “Bravo, Bibi!”
    Germans: “Heil, Hitler!”

    Jews: “We have been persecuted throughout history.”
    Jews: “We have provoked goyim for millennia.”

    Jews: “We can libel any goyim we chose to.”
    Jews: “We are never liable for the blood we shed.”

    Jews: “Our holy books say we can lie to goyim.”
    Jews: “It’s antisemitic for goyim to call us liars.”

    Jews: “It is antisemitic to point out Ashkenazi Jews’ crimes.”
    Jews: “It is not antiteutonic to blame WWII solely on ‘Germans’.”

    Jews: “We Jews value education and have a strong interest in learning.”
    Jews: “Goyim can only learn about what we say they can.”

    Jews: “It’s no big deal for us to murder Palestinian men, women, and children en masse.”
    Jews: “It’s a holocaust for Ivy League Jews to endure free speech per the Jew State’s killings.”

    Jews: “It is kosher for Jews to create Jews-only communities like Kiryas, Joel (NY).”
    Jews: “It is double-plus ungood for Whites to form communities like Orania in South Africa.”

    Jews: “It’s a mitzvah for Jews to be group-focused, helping other Jews to gain money and power.”
    Jews: “Caucasian-centered groups are toxic, fomenting White supremacy and hate.”

    Jews: “Whatever we do…rob-cheat-steal-kidnap-arrest-torture-destroy-kill…is good.”
    “Goyim who do the hoodoo we do are evil.”

    Jews: “Israel is America’s best ally.”
    Jews: “It’s kosher for Israel to lie to, steal from, and kill American sailors/civilians with impunity.”

    Jews: “Nazis were evil to malign, fire, deport, and kill Jews.”
    Jews: “Zionazis are righteous for demonizing, corralling, controlling, and killing Palestinians.”

    Jews: “Germany used overwhelming force against powerless Jews during WWII.”
    Jews: “The fight between the IDF had Hamas is fair…even though we have tanks, guided-missiles, white phosphorus, cluster-bombs, jets, warships, APCs, attack-helos, artillery, drones, etc. while Palestinians are trapped and lack equal weapons, early-warning systems/sirens, shelters USA support/arms.”

    Jews: “Spartacus, William “Braveheart” Wallace, the Minutemen at Lexington Green, the defenders of the Alamo, and Jew ŻOB-ŻZW militias in the Warsaw Ghetto intifada were all heroes who opposed their oppressor.”
    Jews: “Hamas…created and funded by Israel to quash Arafat’s peace offerings…is evil for trying to free Palestinians.”

    Jews: “All Palestinians are terrorists.”
    Jews: ““We [Jews] used terrorism to establish our state. Why should we expect the Palestinians to be any different?” ~Leah Rabin (wife of assassinated PM, Yitzhak)

    Germany: “We control The Narrative by bannishing all foreign reporters and censoring anyone who counters Adolf’s plans and pronouncements.”
    Jews: “We control hasbara by controlling mass-media in the USA and killing reporters covering Israel’s atrocities in the West Bank and Gaza.”

    Jews: “We cheer IDF snipers who shoot non-violent Palestinian protesters, lauding those who rape male prisoners.”
    Germans: “We loved to hold afternoon picnics where attendees spent half their time feasting, half the time Jew-hunting in nearby woods.”

    Jews: “We have been expelled 1,030 times from sane, civil societies.”
    Jews: “We never you why that happened, what we did to cause The Other to hate us.”


    Jews: “We are good.”
    Jews: “You are bad.”

    •�Replies: @Passing by
    , @24th Alabama
    , @Leif
  22. @Mike Tre

    Regardless of her future ideology or politics the Jews blatantly murdered an American citizen and of course got away with it. If the driver had been Palestinian and the protester a female Jew, she would have been crowned their new Anne Frank.

    •�Agree: 24th Alabama, Che Guava
    •�Thanks: Passing by
  23. JR Foley says:

    First 5 Booka of Bible were “written ” by Moses who was a “murderer”.

    Now following the remainder of these evnets we wind up with God’s Son crucified to satisfy the Jews chanting ” We want Barabbas!”

    Talking snake and Cain slew Abel

    Same Pattern.


    •�Replies: @Passing by
  24. @Alden

    Jews protecting Christians? Hope they have better luck than Rachel had.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  25. @Darkwing

    Never forget Rachel Corrie, the USS Liberty, the King David Hotel

    I totally agree, we in the UK should imclude the King David Hotel bombing and killing of British Service men in Palestine on Remembrance Sunday.

    Strange how we do not hear any complaints about it not being included by the so called “Patriots”!


  26. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    For all their flaws, Germans didn’t ban foreign reporters prior to WW2, today’s EU is actually worse than Nazi Germany in that regard. And no, Nazis didn’t hunt Jews in woods after picnicking. Falsely accusing criminals of crimes that they didn’t commit doesn’t help true victims, it doesn’t help justice and in the case of Nazism, it doesn’t help understanding History and why it unravelled like it did.

  27. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    The level of awareness was much less among the Germans
    than within the Jewish community today, and 90% of the
    Israelis support the Gaza and West Bank Genocide.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Leif
  28. @JR Foley

    When will the goyim finally realise that in the eyes of Jews, we are the god-despised, hard-working, uncouth fratricidal ploughman Cain and they are the god-loved refined, graceful, dreamy Abel?

  29. @Dan Evans

    That’s a bit extreme, but I can’t really disagree with it either. Most commenters on here will say “Well they got expelled! It can happen again!” I don’t think it will this time…If it does it may not happen during my lifetime. Putin will punish you for speaking out about them as well. So no, running off to Russia isn’t really the best idea either.

    •�Agree: Gerbils, Annacath
    •�Replies: @Cloudwalker
  30. Alden says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    It’s just an excuse to invade and hopefully conquer and occupy Syria. Vast oils deposits that haven’t been exploited yet better agricultural land than surrounding countries including Israel Syria is a prize. Even if the invasion fails , Israel will use it to scam billions from America Europe Jewish organizations maybe even China Russia or S America. Supreme schnorrers of the universe.

    •�Thanks: Tennessee Jed
    •�Replies: @Ed Case
  31. ghali says:

    Rachel Corrie was deliberately murdered by Satanic Jews while she was heroically defending unarmed Palestinian women and children from barbaric Jews. She is remembered all over Palestine as a heroic young student who was murdered in cold blood. Successive U.S. regimes have unashamedly and cowardly done everything to blacken her name on behalf of the Jews. Her name is printed all over Palestinian towns.

    •�Thanks: John Wear
    •�Replies: @Ed Case
  32. eah says:
    @Mike Tre

    That’s all you could come up with?

    Granted, in this context the article is perhaps inaptly titled, in that per an argument of demographic deduction (cf sense 2a), were Rachel Corrie alive today, it is probably true that she would more likely not be ‘fighting for freedom’, but rather ‘social justice’, ‘tolerance’, etc — we’ve all seen this phenomenon among white women (which in my opinion is primarily a matter of nurture, rather than nature) — and if you put ‘social justice’, ‘tolerance’, etc under the rubric of civil rights, then you see such activism is not really compatible with ‘freedom’, since the pursuit of civil rights has stripped Americans of some very basic freedoms, e.g. freedom of association, and increasingly freedom of expression.

    But impugning her in this way, perhaps unfairly, i.e. we don’t really know what would’ve happened with Rachel Corrie had she lived, under an article commemorating her tragic death, seems inappropriate.

    You may want to do some self-examination.

    •�Replies: @Gary P
  33. @Mike Tre

    You’re just jealous and angry a girl did what your apparent homosexual tendency would not allow you to do.

  34. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Explosive claim by Stew Peters that an Israelization of Ukraine is taking place.

    Now, we know that many Jews eye Ukraine as their second homeland, the Pale of Settlement.
    It’s no wonder they are eager to see so many Ukrainians get killed. They pretend to care and root for those heroic Ukrainians defending their homeland, but they actually relish the high death rates of the Ukrainians as it means fewer Slavs standing in the way of Jewish takeover.

    It’s one of the most devious bait-and-switches ever. “We support Ukrainians defending themselves from Russian invasion”, when the real goal is to sacrifice Ukrainian lives in the war with Russia so that Jewish Power can grab whatever is left.

    It’s like Bob telling Bill to pick a fight with the much bigger and tougher John on the basis of Bob caring so much about Bill’s well-being, when, in fact, Bob wants Bill beaten senseless(or even to death) by John so that he, Bob, can grab Bill’s properties.

    Jews know Russia won’t take all of Ukraine. But they want Russia to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. Zelensky has no feeling for Ukrainians and wants to keep the war going to feed more Ukrainian lives to the Russian juggernaut.

    Now, here’s the explosive claim by Stew Peters. He says that Jews are already staking claim over swaths of Ukrainian territories and setting up Jewish-Only zones. They are repeating what they did Palestine long ago.

    We know the plan, but is it already happening? Can anyone verify this?


  35. On The Rock Of Palestine
    Perishing Empire


    Hey you staying at the black house there
    Aspiring our lands as blocks for sale
    If you want a fine Riviera beach
    No words would express such crazy speech
    Hey you targeting a small brave strip
    After trying to cleanse it, the Gaza strip
    It’s your agents who should hastily skip
    Before boarding them to you on ship
    Were you out of conscience or just drunk
    When you uttered words considered junk
    Faith in front of tyrants would outstand
    Men of manners there are stiffly bold
    Giving lessons to the silent world
    How to be manly with pride to hold
    Hey you follower of the genocide team
    There isn’t red Indians in our middle east zone
    Tell the idiots sharing in this theme
    Arrogant imperialistic wars will soon be gone
    On the rock of Palestine.
    And say when was your country ever great
    On the dead bodies it was built and raised
    So please stop rumors you fabricate.
    Fetch another place for rest to bate
    We are nations of manners and root
    Known for thousand years civil and great
    We the nations Great that’s for sure
    Not missiles and fires, forgeries and lies
    Have you ever heard of justice, fairness
    Or the conscience that some men do have
    Looting, cleansing and all threats you send
    On the rock of Palestine they would bend
    No faith would ever command such deeds
    That made you kill women, children, sheikhs
    Thousands after thousands in that thrill
    Even though their land was all their needs.
    Noah, Ibrahim, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
    David, Solomon, Moses and Jesus
    Them we honor and their faith protect
    They are our prophets too
    Not illusions of some led astray
    Who transgress all laws and oath betray
    It’s only matter of differing view
    Led astray aggressors or right and true
    Just and peace : you’re right
    Ethnic cleansing ,crimes : dull you go
    Don’t you read the Bible and review
    What’s happening to Moslems, it is true
    They the followers of what Jesus said
    Who would finally win at the end
    Not those who forget the Judgment Day
    And listened to false claims doubled way
    After all their crimes and all this wrack.
    Doors are open only for the good
    You’re the wrong and you’re the false messiakh
    Don’t expect criminals to meet an oath
    Only for the honest are bonds fulfilled
    Never by the way they planned or willed
    Measure on this commandments they forget
    And all wars of darkness they have set
    And when Jesus comes you all would know
    Loe for unbelievers, loe and loe.
    For a day of justice we do wait
    All the world would witness and narrate.

    On behalf of my Great Arabian Eslamic Nation.

  36. @Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker… I respect your feelings for Corrie’s death, however, China DID NOT” tak[e] swift actions against their own traitors,…” you are uninformed.

    In 1989, the year of the Tiananmen incident, Chinese people bought food everyday, they did not have refrigerators, especially in the remote provinces.

    After a month of protests and negotiation with the students, the disruption of transportation of food to those remote regions of backward China in those days, began showing signs of famine and 250,000 people died of starvation or were threatened with it. (Sorry can’t recall exactly.)

    The Chinese government had a tough decision to make between the death of a thousand students at most and the death of millions from starvation. This is the true reasons behind the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.

    They had to resume food deliveries disrupted by the students who knew the facts.

    Where there is good, the seed of evil is always present in this good. This is the meaning of the Ying yang symbol.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  37. Ed Case says:

    Would you still be claiming that if you were a Druze or Alawite in Damascus right now?

    •�Replies: @Alden
  38. Anonymous[335] •�Disclaimer says:

    Corrie’s own writings also reflected a level of insight and maturity that led me to believe had she lived she might have become a successful journalist.

    I was denied access to live performances of the play based on her writings (“My Name Is Rachel Corrie”) as they were routinely shut down by Jewish pressure. But if you can find a copy of the book it’s well worth reading.

    The ultimate and saddest irony is how the Nazis–those alleged bestial monsters supposedly gassing 10,000 Jews a day–treated Anne Frank in a camp hospital when she contracted typhus then, in the middle of the war, made the effort to transport her to another camp with better medical facilities for further treatment. Israelis will never be accused of having that kind of compassion.

  39. lavoisier says:

    Fox News is celebrating the arrest of Palestinian protesters.

    The Jewish stranglehold on the West has compromised our liberty and our morality.

    Supporting Jewish supremacy is pure evil.

    The horrors of Gaza and the willingness of the West to continue to defend Jewish psychopaths is sickening. ZOG has to be uprooted, stem and branch, for any hope for a better world.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  40. 迪路 says:
    @One Nobody

    So you’re one of the white people with cerebral palsy who believe the stupid narrative.
    As a Chinese, it looks like I can label you as part of the anti-China agenda.
    If you’re going to think we did a massacre, then let me ask you a question, do you think we should massacre you?
    Well, you think we had a massacre.
    As a so-called “truther,” I guess you don’t mind being a victim.

    •�LOL: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  41. CT2 says:

    What does this say about Americans in positions of power and influence that they would look away as a thoughtful, courageous and principled young American woman is barbarically slaughtered by a foreign state? How can they not hold the genocide-committing Apartheid state to account?

    Of course, this isn’t the only instance of looking the other way. Johathan Pollard leaked the most sensitive US military secrets to Israel and other countries only to be released and greeted as a hero by Netanyahu upon his arrival in Israel.

    To whose allegiance do these ruling elites and mainstream media shills owe their loyalty? Is this not sedition?

  42. Gary P says:

    Perhaps you seem miss the deeper meaning of the title chosen by Mr. Peterson.
    I see it as a nod to Operation Enduring Freedom and the similarities he notes of the pre-war rhetoric in 2003. The Palestinians have been enduring this fight for freedom from under the oppressive hand of the occupying Jews and it continues to this day, America is now starting to understand this struggle as our own freedoms are being stripped by the same cabalistic death cult.
    Well done Mr. Peterson.

  43. Ed Case says:

    Mate, Palestine might be your business, but it wasn’t any of Rachel Corrie’s business.

    •�Replies: @gaze
    , @Tennessee Jed
  44. Funny how so many who represent themselves as conservatives hold such visceral hatred for people who possess empathy, integrity, and courage (and for female humans in general, what’s that really about?). The New Chosen seem to salivate with anticipation of doing to Americans what Jews are doing to Palestinians, while they remain blind to the irony of worshipping the supposed son of the psychopathic monster that tribe of horrible barbarians imagined into being.

    In any event this sad incident reminds us that nonviolence is not the solution to this problem.

  45. Bama says:

    I know nothing more revolting, idiotic, senseless or destructive than an evangelical.

    •�Replies: @it's another unz poster
  46. DanFromCT says:

    In a country full of chest-thumping MAGA Neanderthals . . .

    Why was this counterproductive smear dropped into an otherwise truthful account about Rachel Corrie other than turning her tragic death into a political stick to attack those who voted for Trump? To the leftists, Rachel Corrie isn’t a young woman, but useful in the way of one of their bumper stickers. Hey, hey, ho, ho . . .

    Is there one damn thing these leftists don’t relativize into their politics of hate? As Nietzsche put it, politics to these people means vengeance—and sheer pettiness he could have added—of the sort on display with that unnecessary smear of decent people who voted for what they saw as the lesser of two evils.

    •�Replies: @Wyatt Peterson
  47. Poor Rachel Aliene Corrie! This is what happens when idealistic parents misguide their own children through inculcation of ideas which have no bearing upon their lives. She could have have stayed home and fought for things that are local and God knows there are plenty of problems right here at home. Her untimely death ought not to go to waste and be it a reminder to other parents to watch their children carefully to avoid misfortunes.

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
    , @ariadna
  48. Big Jew in the USA called Rachel Corrie “Saint Pancake” and used the atrocity to mock Christianity itself. They said she was a sacrifice like Jesus and a new religion must be built around her with people wearing little golden bulldozers around their necks instead of crosses.
    Israel is an atomic arsenal with over 400 thermonuclear devices and neutron bombs. Eilat has berths for 44 submarines, and the country has one of the best air forces—despite all this they live under a state of siege in fear and loathing with water scarcity and the need to import most foodstuffs; basically a high tech shit hole falling ever deeper into environmental degradation, pollution, and demographic decline. Israel can’t last more than 15 more years.

    Meanwhile most of the Palestinians have never had it so good. Yes, in 1947 there was an upper class and a middle class but the majority were fellahin living under conditions basically unchanged since biblical times. Today they are all literate, well nourished, and have electricity, sanitation, and the world wide web. When the Jews crawl away from the Holy Land the Palestinians will rebuild upon the ruins as they have always done.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  49. DanFromCT says:

    You’re right about Fox News (and the rest) celebrating the arrest of Palestinian protestors, which isn’t surprising since the top TV news hosts have a net worth in the hundreds of $millions and make tens of $millions a year reading on the air whatever their mainly Jewish paymasters tell them to read. Sean Hannity, for example, reportedly gets paid $45 million a year to persuade Middle America to send its sons and daughters to fight and die for Israel and convince the evangelical fools who watch his moronic show that Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians is a matter of American national security. Hannity and the rest of TV news have been a fantastic investment for Israel and International Jewry.

    •�Agree: Katrinka, ariadna
  50. Sadly, I remember this day very well that Rachael Corrie was murdered. I would also like to point out that one can be MAGA, have a political conscience, not be pro war, yet be realistic when it concerns global affairs. I applaud most of President Trumps domestic policies, and actions to date, however I stand adamantly against most of his foreign policy with the support of Israel being at the top of the list. I would like to see a constitutional amendment that would include term limits of all federal level elected persons, that pay raises need to be voted on and approved by we the people before being given, and that no foreign aid can be provided to any country without we the people voting on, and approving those monies. If President Trump is truly about restoring power to the people, these few measures would speak volume to that cause.

  51. ariadna says:
    @Mike Tre

    Repugnant troll

    •�Agree: Theophrastus
    •�Replies: @Colonel Dolma
  52. Agent76 says:

    Mar 8, 2025 Americans Support For Israel Hits *RECORD* LOW!– Here’s Why!
    A recent Gallup survey tracking Americans’ views on the Middle East conflict for over two decades shows a noticeable shift in public opinion. More Americans are sympathizing with Palestinians as support for Israel declines.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  53. ariadna says:

    Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers must be called ‘Rachel Corries.’
    I recall reading at the time that Caterpillar modified the bulldozers at Israel’s request to enable them to do a specific task in dense urban areas, namely of going through the walls of a house and then the next and the next without the operator having to get out of his cabin. Maximum efficiency with maximum safety for the IOF braves.

  54. @Mike Tre

    It’s not so much what she believed or the type of person she was, but what happened to her. If civil rights protestors were blocking the entrance to some building, say, in america somewhere, would we simply forcibly remove them and possibly arrest them, or would we kill them? What they did was a strong statement and national insult. Of course, there is now the slightly analogous case of Ashley Babbitt, and I’m not sure how that squares with my point.

    •�Thanks: Norwegian Troll
  55. Anon[356] •�Disclaimer says:

    This one really drove the kikebots up the wall. I guess cowardly murdering a human rights defender is not a good look, even for the Genocide Jews.

  56. Bro43rd says:

    Peterson is aligned with the left, similar to jonathan cooke. So throughout the essay he engages in maligning maga which distracts from his position regarding corrie. So in summary he takes an issue and turns it into a partisan wedge. This cheapens the sacrifice that corrie made. What a hack!

    •�Replies: @TheGreatFlemishHope
  57. @DanFromCT

    Hi Dan,
    I don’t lump everyone who voted for Donald Trump into the ‘chest-thumping Neanderthal’ category. In fact, some of my closest friends and family voted for him. But without question there is a large contingent in this country that do fit the bill — such as the millions who allow a Sean Hannity or a Ben Shapiro to influence their worldview and blindly support Trumpian policies like his latest suppression of free speech on college campuses.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  58. Anne Lid says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    The bulldozers were paid for by her country.
    It was her business, and she did make an impact, concern troll.

    •�Agree: Anonymous 1
    •�Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  59. Katrinka says:

    Many people re-enlisted. They were kicked out of the military when they refused the clot shot.

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  60. ariadna says:

    Try to reach the Palestinians, please.
    It will be a great solace to them to hear from you that they are in fact “well nourished, and have electricity, sanitation, and the world wide web.”

  61. Che Guava says:

    I am truly surprised that Me am Jew Jew didn’t hit this comments thread with a truly vile comment. Embarrassed by such a vile act?

    I once met an old British soldier. He had a long military career, ended in Mandate Palestine. According to his account, most common soldiers feared (for good reason, the King David Hotel bombing was only the most spectacular, there were many instances of murder of soldiers and NCOs by Jews) and disliked the Jewish settlers and preferred the Palestinians.

    Again according to what he said, the junior officers were mixed on that point, but the senior officers and British government entirely supported the Jews.

    He taught me the word ‘Yahoody’, which I guess he’d learnt from his Palestinian friends.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
    , @Theophrastus
  62. Anonymous[429] •�Disclaimer says:
    @24th Alabama

    I spit on the Jews.

  63. I knew Rachel, I was working as an education activist in the Westbank when she was murdered. I also knew Alice coy (the bitch holding Rachel’s head in the image) – who was proudly Jewish and besides wanting to play “hide the sausage” with me (which disgusted me) – she told me that “helping the Palestinian people, made her feel more Jewish”. I told her to get the feck away from me because I distrusted Jews being around us (they acted as eyes and ears for the Israeli security forces.

    Seeing those images of Rachel crushed to death has made me emotional again and I have to hit the bottle to assuage my ‘survivors guilt’ from being in that horrid, damned place.

    I remember when I was there in 2003 that after Rachel’s murder. All the ism activists would gather at the Sultan hotel in East Jerusalem and drink ourselves silly and lament that “we are all Palestinians now” – how true this lament has become in this Jewish dystopia that we in the west now live under. God bless Rachel and the inspiration she gave me never to bow my knee to the filthy chewish hell that we live under.

    •�Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  64. ariadna says:

    Wow! In only 80 short years the American public opinion has noticeably shifted in favor of the Palestinians!
    At this rate it will eventually be a majority even though by then there might be no Palestinians left.

    •�Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  65. TGD says:

    The article states that Dr. Samir Nasrallah (with whom Rachel Corrie stayed the day before she was murdered) was a physician. Nasrallah was a pharmacist not a medical doctor. In many 3rd world countries like Mexico, pharmacists can prescribe medications and recommend treatments for their customers’ complaints. In that sense, pharmacists act like real doctors.

    That bulldozer driver was following the directive of the IDF rabbinate, “Show No Mercy.”


    The play, My Name is Rachel Corrie, based on Rachel’s writings is still staged but the original New York City production closed just after it opened due to intense pressure from Zionist groups.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  66. @ariadna

    That shift is NOT reflected among our elected government. Probably never will be. Maybe it isn’t really elected in the first place …

  67. @Unadulterated Truths

    The ODIOUS Judge Oded Gershon is a scumbag!

    They are all fanatics believing they are gods with the power of life or death.

  68. @Katrinka

    Who do they think took credit for it? The very same freedom of speech violating blue neck tie wearing prick who convinced them to come back so they can get killed fighting Iran.

  69. ariadna says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    “a reminder to other parents to watch their children carefully to avoid misfortunes.”

    I am dismayed that you don’t preach this wise advice to the Israeli Jews who are gulty of more than parental neglect: they bring their offspring to live in those squattlements on stolen land which they themselves call “war zones,” and brainwash them to become killers like them.
    Don’t you have any feelings at all for those poor Jewish kids or are you an anti-semite?
    As you say, “they should have stayed home” (like in the US which is where many of them came from) ?and fought for things that are local and God knows there are plenty of problems right here at home,” many caused by their own tribe.

    •�Replies: @Moishes dick
  70. @N. Joseph Potts

    You come across a spelling error in my comment at the bottom of it and decide to point it out just to get a conflict going, someone please give this person an award for trying so hard to troll. No I’m done with that nonsense after the last asshole tried to tell me to kill myself on another article yesterday after he decided to become such a desperate verbal aggressor. Even I don’t go around telling people to commit suicide just because I disagree with them, or because I don’t like the shit they wrote.

  71. @迪路

    Read what I wrote again ignorant China man.
    The Cineese translates to: You bitch, I’m going to kill your whole family. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.


    •�Replies: @TheGreatFlemishHope
    , @迪路
  72. So someone travels 5, 6 thousand miles to protest Semites killing Semites! If you believe in the Bible then you know about Abraham.

    “Abraham was already an old man and his wife was barren. Sarah the wife tried to solve the problem by suggesting that her husband have a child with her Egyptian servant, Hagar. Ishmael was the result of that intercourse but he was not the promised child. Despite human limitations and many years of waiting, Abraham and Sarah had Isaac, the child of the promise”

    Issac and Ishmael were brothers (half brothers) and of course both were Semitic in origin.

    WTF is wrong with people. Let those cousins/brothers fight it out without outside help. European peoples of the world should stay out of that internecine conflict. Remember our Civil War! Instead we should support all things European and let others to their own business. Remember the words of George Washington about the Danger of Foreign Entanglements.

    “Just as regionalism would lead to the formation of political parties, Washington believed, partisanship would open the door to “foreign influence and corruption.” While he advocated for the United States to be on good terms with all nations, especially in commercial relations, he argued that “inveterate antipathies against particular Nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded.”

    Rachel Corrie should have stayed home and found some nice young man to marry and have children. Too many young women here are choosing to stay barren while helping others not of her own kind.

    •�Thanks: Ed Case
  73. @Bro43rd

    Who cares.
    Folks who still believe in the lift right truth are suckers.
    Elite cocksuckers are gonna do what elite cocksuckers wanna do.
    The west is ruled by big tech, international companies and Jews, not you or me, we have nothing to say. No vote is gonna change that.
    I have to admit it is more fun streaming right winged content nowadays.
    Alex Jones hilarious Nicky Fuentes just the best Kanye West amazing and last but least the great comedian Andrew Anglin. Gotta love that Filipino fucking white supremacist.
    Lefties take shit too serious that’s for sure.
    They ain’t no fun to watch, Just freaking boring is more accurate.
    Except of course when they are taking out the eternal kikes.
    Good stuff we want more!

  74. @One Nobody

    Please Ron ban this guy !
    He’s racist and violent towards china people.

    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
    , @迪路
  75. @Che Guava

    He had a long military career, ended in Mandate Palestine.

    And nothing about our service men who lost their lives at the hands of Jewish Terrorists is included in our Remembrance Sunday Service or the MSM on that day.

    Another coloured poppy should be produced and the UK public educated more on the bombings, hangings and assassinations of the British Soldiers in Palestine.

    •�Replies: @Moishes dick
  76. Sarita says:

    You won’t go to jail for criticizing the US in the US.
    But you will go to jail for criticizing Israel in the US. And this is supposed to fight antisemitism.

  77. @Moishes dick

    In a country full of chest-thumping MAGA Neanderthals, we need more people with the integrity of Rachel Corrie.”

    I 100% disagree. Instead of going off to faraway lands to champion their rights of soverignty, Rachel Corrie should’ve stayed at home and championed the rights of her fellow US citizens. This idea that peace love and understanding in a war zone (or a systematic ethnic cleansing) is going to make substantial difference is part of the main reason why the Palestinians aren’t doing so well in holding on to their ancestral lands.

    But at the same time, we should never forget…IT’S NOT OUR FIGHT, and IT ISN’T OUR BUSINESS OVER THERE.

    What IS our business, is Americans rights, soverignty, etc. in their own lands and whether or not we are becoming better or worse under the system.

    Today, if she had lived, Rachel Corrie would be in her early 40’s. Perhaps a college professor or something, happily married with a few children. In other words, if she hadn’t caught the typical starry eyed idealist ‘we can all make a difference for others’ who goes traipsing thousands of miles away from their own homelands to help make a difference for others, whereas they totally ignore their own land, and their own people.

    IF people chose or desire to honor someone who fought for US soverignty, for US rights at home, then perhaps a more recent, direct example should be highlighted, and that of Ashlii Babbitt. Ashlii was clearly murdered, and unlike Rachel Corrie, there wasn’t any doubt that she was murdered (as she was the only freedom protestor who was shot to death, with her murderer never brought to justice).

    And, what difference exactly did Rachel Corrie make for a land not her own? Nothing. How exactly did she help AMERICAN citizens, and AMERICAN rights? Didn’t help us at all, not by a damn sight.

    IF people so desire to admire, respect and honor a freedom fighter on behalf of AMERICAN, native born homegrown rights for US citizens, then again, Ashlii Babbitt is the one to respect, revere, and honor.

    Ashlii. We will never forget you, nor your dying for the cause of freedom for US citizens.

    May you rest in power, Ashlii.

  78. I once laughed at Rachael Corrie as a miss-guided fool… I still think she was foolish for going to a war zone. I no longer think she was wrong and I am ashamed of what I once thought of her but you cannot take such things back.

    At the time of this event I did not have free access to information that would have provided what I needed to make an informed view of the situation concerning the Middle East.

    I now have the information and an informed intensity of hate directed at those reasonable for lying to me. I will never get over these lies told to me and my world has forever changed.

    I will never look at the (((people))) who rule my country and those who support them the same ever again.

    I believe in facts and I am astonished at my friends who overlook them, yet they look at me as though I’m the one who is crazy/nuts.

  79. @TheGreatFlemishHope

    Oh shut up. Did you even bother to run a translator on the Chinese phrases written by 迪路? Did you? It’s very easy, and they translate exactly as One Nobody has said. That is:

    贱种,杀的就是你全家杀杀杀杀杀杀杀杀杀杀 = Bitch, I’m going to kill you family, kill kill kill kill …..

    Then, One Nobody responds with this:

    你是個不識字的中國人,羞辱了所有中國人。= You are a Chinese who is unaware of the word, humiliating all Chinese.

    Regardless of the topic under debate, ask yourself which of these two has displayed a rational temperament. Hint: it was the very person whom you are accusing of racism and are crying to have censored, the one who did not resort to ad hominem, even though his accuser did. Not to mention that this accuser threatened not just bodily harm but murder.

    Cry me a river, and then go fuck yourself.

    •�Thanks: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @TheGreatFlemishHope
  80. @europeasant

    Your small mind is basing your opinion on a book of fables, Tolkein is more credible.

    The Eastern Europeans killing Palestinians are not Semites, the Palestinians are.

    It is not an internecine fight, the Eastern European invaders have no relation to the Palestinians.

    True, had the USA heeded the words of George Washinton there would have been no WW1 or WW2, no Korean war, no war in Vietnam.

    Rachel Corrie saw the atrocities being inflicted upon the Palestinians by the Eastern European invaders, she protested and was murdered by those fanatics who believe they are gods on earth.

    •�Replies: @europeasant
  81. @NobodyImportant

    I enjoy my view from Kowloon island in HongKong, dampty today after rain but nice weather

    Always, always have a game-out plan

    And never ever, say never

  82. gaze says:
    @Ed Case

    It was Rachel business you coward faggot.

    •�Agree: Sarita
  83. Israel is no friend to America or Americans.

  84. Phibbs says:

    Almost every Born-Again Christian I know who knows about Rachel Corrie despises her. This is because evangelicals reject the teachings of Jesus. Instead, evangelicals worship Jews and their terrorist state (Israel). We educated people know that Jews are the children of Satan — but we should also be aware of the fact that Born-Again Christians are the adopted children of Satan.

    •�Thanks: Tennessee Jed
  85. Anon[964] •�Disclaimer says:

    Message here for the big kikes among the borderline retarded Bronze Age devil worshipers of Jew Genocide Land:


    You hairy greasy vermin will be looking over your shoulder until you take the trip.

    •�Replies: @TheGreatFlemishHope
  86. Alden says:
    @Ed Case

    Arabs know Jews and Israel much better than you do. I doubt they are welcoming Jewish saviors. They remember that back in 1890 the zionists claimed they would help their Semite brothers throw out the Turks. And that after 1922 when the British took over Palestine the Zionist settlers tried to ally with Arabs against the British occupation. And attacked rioted rampaged and bombed all over Palestine. Syrian Christians and Alawaites know what the Israelites did when they invaded Lebanon to help.

    Older brother of . Sirhan Sirhan the man who absolutely did not shoot Robert Kennedy from 3 feet away in full view of about 15 people was murdered by zionists in a bombing. Just collateral damage in the Zionist invasion of Palestine. Arabs remember

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  87. Hilariously, here in Austfailia, a giant Judeonazi disinfo conspiracy has actually been exposed. A series of crude Judeonazi false flag attacks on pitiable Jews, hideous atrocities like graffiti etc, culminated in the ‘discovery’ of a caravan ‘full’ of explosives (but NO detonator)parked in plain sight next to an outer suburban rural road in Sydney.Inside was a chilling threat to blow up a synagogue!!
    Apparently the wallopers spotted it as phony straight away, but didn’t tell anyone. The story was ‘leaked’ by a Murdoch cancer metastasis, so ‘inside information’ from the perps is highly likely. Every step of the way in the destruction of freedom of opinion and opposition to genocide, in the name of fighting ‘Jew-hatred’ has been aided and abetted by the Murdoch cancer. So a few weeks of RAMPANT hysteria over ‘antisemitism’ ensued, with politicians gouging each other to appear the most firmly on the side of the ‘Jews for Genocide, Inc.’ that dominate our politics and MSM. Needless to say, NONE of these political scum has ever criticised the ongoing genocidal Holocaust in Gaza.
    So, yesterday, the cops revealed the sham. However, while compulsorily groveling to the Jewish ‘community’ who were so dweadly fwightened by it all, they announced that they had arrested a dozen or so ‘criminals’ who had been behind it. Not for evil motives like opposing genocide, but in order to have a bargaining chip to use in negotiations with the authorities over some other crime…??? In other words, LUDICROUS crap, that barely makes sense.
    The shadowy ‘Mastermind’ behind it all remains elusive as the patsies are hauled away. And whatever Zionazi group that organised the charade laughs long and hard at the dumb goyim. Meanwhile, numerous nassty legal attacks on freedom of opinion and speech remain enacted, including MANDATORY sentences for ‘hate crimes’, like not allowing a Jew in front of you in a queue, or some such. It’s all just too easy for them, and opposition to the genocidal Gaza Holocaust, even mentioning it, remains firmly and near totally banned in ALL the MSM.

    •�Thanks: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @Ed Case
    , @Moishes dick
  88. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    The only requirement for evil to succeed is that the good do nothing’. Unfortunately, I doubt that this nassty troll is ‘good’ in ANY definition of the term. Crimes against humanity are UNIVERSAL you nauseating troll.

  89. @TGD

    ‘Show NO Mercy’ is the very essence of Judaism. The rest is commentary.

  90. Alden says:
    @Wyatt Peterson

    Few people younger than 60 watch TV news. Almost no one younger than 50 does.

  91. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Ashlii Babbitt reminds of that chick from the exorcist the original, most known for that epic scene when she stuck a cross in her vagina shouting fuck me Jesus fuck me.

  92. @Theophrastus

    I am very sorry. I never wanted to hurt your feelings.
    Again sincere apologies, my only knowledge of Chinese culture comes from masturbating while watching Pornhub. Thank you Mossad and the Jews for that. Great success!
    @Ron please ignore my request.

    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
    , @One Nobody
  93. @Anon

    You are so hilarious.
    I know for sure that certain Jewish elements were behind that bust.
    So the world knows ” We the Jews implement the rules ” and we are the only ones that will not follow them.” The Zio- Jews are above the law. They can do anything they want.
    Netanyoo the Pole is never gonna get arrested.

  94. ariadna says:

    Rachel Corrie as an example of “foreign entanglement” George Washington warned against….
    A new idiocy

    •�Replies: @europeasant
  95. Leif says:
    @Lemmy Tellyuh

    “Jews: “It was wrong for Germans to do nothing when Jews were being persecuted.”
    Jews: “It’s wrong for goyim to protest the crimes Jews and their State commit.”

    – Your hypocrisy and blindness is simply jaw-dropping, cannot go 3 lines without immediately as usual arrogantly bringing up/fingerpointing at “Germans” and retarded judeo-anglo WW2 propaganda again, of which you should have grown out of long ago if you`d read anything on this website, but of course apparently haven`t and probably never will, good for you.

    That blindness only to be topped by the one that you do not seem to realize that ironically you are exactly just like those you allegedly criticize here, a dishonest arrogant hypocrite, fingerpointing at others to avoid looking at yourself. You are the very problem you criticize.

    Look at you/your own nation before fingerpointing at others, coward.

    “Jews: “The IDF is the most moral army in the world.”
    Germans: “The Wehrmacht is the most moral army in the world.” ~Himmler, POSEN SPEECHES”

    – Yes, and the irony (lost on you though of course, since you have not studied anything actually dealing with the topic it appears) being that objectively seen in comparison with the Allied armies, the German indeed was the most moral, as Ron has documented many times:


    But then again why let actual research and truth get in the way of a McDonalds-historiography hypocrite-fingerpointing sesh..

    Take my hat for your imperviousness to intro-spection and actual studies.

    •�Thanks: Annacath
  96. @ariadna

    It’s interesting to note the literal pyschopathic responses of chews – how they can brutalise and pulverise human life whilst shouting out in pain.

    I can only hope and trust that the smug hasbara dick-spitters who are assigned to troll and sabotage sites like unz will be alive when the event-horizon called 110 will finally take place and how the world will rejoice when it finally happens – with extreme prejudice.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  97. @Mike Tre

    According to your twisted logic, the murder of a most virtuous,
    saintly woman is justified by your suppositions of her beliefs
    twenty years later.

    Was your intent to provoke a response? If so, you succeeded
    and now have the tiger by the tail. Or, did you mean to become
    an apologist for Zionist brutality? Grab a lion’s tail with your
    other hand.

    Can you restore your credibility? That will be fun to watch.
    Amuse us!

    •�Thanks: Theophrastus
    •�Replies: @Alden
  98. @Ed Case

    Ed Case? What’s your real name? Reveal yourself JEW!!

    •�Replies: @Ed Case
  99. @europeasant

    Our lucky day a bible lesson and a history lesson, thanks a lot dipshit.

    •�Replies: @europeasant
  100. Leif says:
    @24th Alabama

    “The level of awareness was much less among the Germans
    than within the Jewish community today”

    – May one ask how much you have actually studied what you talk about there, ever also looked at what the Jews did to the Germans ?

    In case interested:

    1) Excerpts from Sir Arthur Bryant UNFINISHED VICTORY (1940), freely readable here:

    Pages 136-145:


    “Jews (were) less than one per cent of the population — (but) their
    control of the national wealth and power soon lost all
    relation to their numbers. In the 1924 Reichstag
    nearly a quarter of the Social Democratic repre-
    sentatives were Jews. Every post-war Ministry
    had its quota of them. In business, according to
    figures published in 1931 by a Jewish statistician,
    they controlled 57 per cent of the metal trade,
    22 per cent of the grain and 39 per cent of the
    textile. Of 98 members of the Berlin Chamber of
    Commerce and Industry, 50, or more than half, were
    Jewish, and of the 1474 of the Stock Exchange in
    1930 no less than 1200. Twelve out of sixteen of the
    Committee of the Berlin Commodity Exchange were
    Jews and ten out of twelve of the Metal Exchange.

    The banks, including the Reichsbank and the big
    private banks, were practically controlled by them.
    So were the publishing trade, the cinema, the theatres
    and a large part of the Press — all the normal means,
    in fact, by which public opinion in a civilised country
    is formed. In 1931, of 29 theatres in Berlin 23 had
    Jewish directors. The largest newspaper combine in
    the country with a daily circulation of four millions
    was a Jewish monopoly. So virtually were the Press
    Departments of the Prussian administration. At one
    period of the Republic’s history, as Mr. Mowrer
    pointed out, a telephone conversation between three
    Jews in Ministerial Offices could effect the suspension
    of any newspaper in the State. 1 It was a power that
    was frequently used.

    In the artistic and learned professions the Jewish
    supremacy was as marked. Authorship in Germany
    almost seemed to have become a kind of Hebrew

    “At this time it was not the Aryans who exercised
    racial discrimination. It was a discrimination which
    operated without violence. It was one exercised by
    a minority against a majority. There was no per-
    secution, only elimination. “ It seems ”, Montz
    Goldstein, the Jewish essayist, had written before the
    war, “ as if German cultural life was to be completely
    transformed into Jewish hands. . . .”

    “It was the contrast between the wealth enjoyed —
    and lavishly displayed — by (these jewish) aliens
    of cosmopolitan tastes and the poverty and misery of millions of native
    Germans that has made anti-Semitism so dangerous
    and ugly a force in the new Europe. Beggars on
    horseback are seldom popular, least of all with those
    whom they have thrown out of the saddle. And
    some of the upstarts of post- Inflationary Germany,
    whom, as Mr. Mowrer points out, sudden emancipa-
    tion and promotion had certainly not made more
    modest — and they came of a proud and resentful
    race — were not easy to love. They were arrogant,
    they were vulgar and they were vicious. The films and
    plays and books of that time seem to be largely con-
    cerned with the triumphs of financial crooks, crim-
    inals and prostitutes. Their prototypes in real life —
    possessors of fleets of cars, unlimited champagne
    and few recognisable standards — were to be seen
    in the innumerable night-clubs and vice-resorts which
    mocked the squalid poverty of the German capital.”

    “in November 1938, after five years of anti-
    Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned,
    according to The Times Correspondent in Berlin,
    something like a third of the real property in the
    Reich. Most of it came into their hands during the
    Inflation. ”

    2) Quotes by jewish leaders :

    1934, prominent Zionist and public/political figure Vladimir Jabotinsky :

    “The fight against Germany has now been waged by every jewish community, on every conference, in all labour unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share of this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany.
    Germany is striving once again to become a great nation and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies, but our jewish interest calls for the complete destruction of Germany. Collectively and individually the german nation is a threat to us Jews.”

    1942: Jewish Chronicle, May 8th, Editorial:

    “We have been at war with Hitler since the first day he gained power.”

    1942: Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Jewish Congress and future prime minister of Israel, Sept 3rd, New York:

    “We ar not denying and not afraid to confess: this war is our war that is waged for the liberation of Jewry. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry.
    We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based,
    we are not only providing our full propaganda power, which is the moral energy that keeps this war going,
    the predominant cause for victory is based on weakening the enemy forces on destroying them within their own country within the resistance.
    And we are the trojan horse within the enemy`s fortress, thousands of Jews living in Europe constituting the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There our front is a fact and a most valuable aid for victory”

    What do you think, maybe there are 2 sides to this story?

    •�Thanks: Annacath
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  101. @Anne Lid

    Meanwhile, the poor girl is dead. Have you no decency?

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
  102. @John Trout

    “Your small mind is basing your opinion on a book of fables”

    Don’t be stupid, I know itz a book of fables. I came to that realization when I was 13 years old. But you do know that a few billion people literally believe those stories.

    “It is not an internecine fight”

    Why don’t you go and convince the ((Chosen)) that they are not descended from the Biblical Abraham.

    “Rachel Corrie saw the atrocities being inflicted upon the Palestinians by the Eastern European invaders”

    She could have stayed home, saved herself some money and protested against Israel here.

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
  103. @ariadna

    I wish more people would mind their own business. There’s enough problems in our own back yard. Just as an example in my city last year 610 people murdered and 2,444, shot and wounded. I don’t even want to bring up that stats on assaults, robberies and rape.

    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  104. Anne Lid says:

    If not for the good taxpayers of the USA the Zionist colony would have ceased to be a long time ago. It’s not like she went there looking for trouble, she went there to repair something that her country was partly responsible for. Besides, she was so young, she had plenty of time to get married and have babies, but a faceless coloniser made sure she never got the option.
    There are saints and heros and all sorts of people. She was idealistic, nothing wrong with that.

  105. @Tennessee Jed

    You should read the old Testament especially Genesis. BTW in religion school we did not cover the old Testament only the new Testament. It was only when I got older did I read the Old Testament!Holy Shit! I lost my faith a long time ago.

    Here’s a short story about going to hell. I was chosen to attend the Cardinals funeral mass along with a few thousand. I hadn’t been to confession for about two weeks or so and consequently had a few mortal sins on my soul. Everyone got up and went to communion and that included the mayor, chiefs etc etc etc. What did I do? I got up and went to Communion. In my young mind I reasoned that I was already going to hell so what’s another mortal sin.

    You’re welcome. Don’t you loose your faith. Keep in the dark for the sake of you friends and family.

    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  106. Anne Lid says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    No, I don’t have any decency at all, but it has nothing to do with Rachel Corrie.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  107. @One Nobody

    Re all the videos of the IDF doing controlled demolitions on Gazan civic infrastructure, city halls, hospitals libraries. utilities. etc. they video themselves doing this destruction of the Palestinian society.

    Even the German nazi were mostly savvy enough to not do it on camera, it was their loyal associates that filmed themselves executing civilians in ditches..

    Pure crimes against humanity. as well as all the war crimes they commit.

  108. Anne Lid says:

    Heh. I protest some weekends for Palestine, fat lot of good it does. B’tselem and international observers at least put a mild brake on the behaviour of the settlers and document what they see.

  109. anonymous[375] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Mike Tre

    I can’t figure out why so many people think that Americans have a moral compass. If you judge them by their actions, most Americans come across as depraved assholes. The killing in Gaza doesn’t bother them and they even like it. The way they see it, if Palestinians get slaughtered, Trump’s Maga-Murica is still on the winning side. It doesn’t matter if the people who hate main street Americans win. What matters to the Trumptards is that they get to pretend they are on the winning side, like it’s a fucking football game.

  110. anonymous[284] •�Disclaimer says:

    And then they refuse to stand together. Arabs, Whites, and Asians all have the same enemy, but none of them have the balls to erect a unified front.

  111. @Che Guava

    Perhaps the reason Meamjewjew didn’t comment here is because Hasbara tactics dictate not to engage in certain situations. Larry Romanoff said it best here:

    When not to engage:

    One main theme that permeates the Hasbara mentality is: “Don’t fight if you can’t win.” We see this very frequently in online comment threads where an obvious Hasbara troll will make false claims about some historical topic, generally meant to absolve Jews from their crimes, or will attempt to blame the victim. If these claims are countered by another reader who clearly knows the facts and likely has a superior understanding, the Jewish commenter will almost always simply disappear. They walk away when they encounter anyone more experienced or well-versed, and never engage if they can’t control the terms and agenda of the debate because this means the debate is “set up badly” and they cannot win.

    Engaging in debate on a topic gives it a sense of legitimacy, so one should never engage on a topic that one does not want to legitimise. Examples would be the fact that the Russian Bolsheviks were almost entirely Jews who were responsible for the gulags and tens of millions of deaths, or that opium in China was entirely a Jewish business, or that the centuries of slave-trading were similar.

    In other words, a Hasbara troll would not engage on the topic of Jewish crimes because this participation makes this topic legitimate.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous 1
    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  112. @europeasant

    Good. Why don’t you go tell the Jews to mind their own business? They were the ones who stole Palestine.

  113. Anon[179] •�Disclaimer says:

    TheGreatFlemish hope “certain Jewish elements” is not, how to put it, convincing. If you know which ones, spit it out. CIA has more of a hardon for Duterte than Jews.

  114. Ed Case says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Ed Case? What’s your real name? Reveal yourself JEW!!

    Interesting comment.
    Jews keeping the Rachel Corrie Industry afloat, by any chance?

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  115. Anonymous[103] •�Disclaimer says:

    until you are being bombed to oblivion, you aren’t palestinians. you are just gutless idiotic cowards who won’t stand up against anything.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  116. @Xavier

    Yeah, right, Mike.

    And you’re equally “sure” that, had Anne Frank lived, she “would have no doubt” become a fire-breathing member of the Knesset advocating for a nuclear first strike on Iran, bombing the Gazans into oblivion, uprooting every olive grove in “Judaea and Samaria”, and sending exploding pagers to every child in Pakistan and Indonesia as “Hanukkah gifts”.

    Idea: You could make a good living writing Civil War alternative histories, in which Lee thrashes Meade at Gettysburg, takes Washington, receives Grant’s surrender at Appomattox, and becomes second President of the Confederate States of America.

    Lots of people seem to prefer fantasy to reality.

  117. Ed Case says:

    Few problems with that bulldozer pic.
    Can the operator even see Rachel Corrie at that point?
    Why didn’t dude in white t-shirt pull her to one side?
    Human sacrifice? It’s got those bad vibes.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @Tennessee Jed
  118. @Leif

    Sorry Leif, I think I misled you by not being more explicit.
    My intention was to compare German awareness of the
    persecution and expulsion of the Jews “during WWII,” to
    the Jewish-Israeli awareness “today,” of the persecution,
    oppression and genocide of the Palestinians.

    Hitler’s original intention was only to expel the Jews from
    Germany, and later completely from Europe. Many refused
    to leave, but the greater obstacle was that no other country
    on God’s Green Earth wanted them. You can change your
    name or dodge a bullet, but you can’t
    outrun your reputation.

    I am in nearly complete agreement with your thesis and
    and the supporting facts you have cited.
    Many thanks for that!

  119. @Anne Lid

    If you really “don’t have any decency,” your “call waiting ”
    backup must go all the way to hell.

    Add my #.

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
  120. 迪路 says:

    I’m sorry.
    This is the most common Chinese sense.
    You can always say so if you want to die.
    If they think we did a massacre, you give us a chance, we could actually do a massacre of white people.
    The skulls are piled together to show you the most common wonders of ancient China

    •�Thanks: TheGreatFlemishHope
    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  121. Sarita says:
    @Ed Case

    What about Aaron, ass hole?
    Rachel died overseas but here is a marine dying at home for Palestine and for justice.
    Rachel had more courage, humanity and manhood than you.

    •�Agree: Theophrastus, Annacath
  122. @Mike Tre

    you sir, are a putz! how dare you speak evil of a woman with more courage than you could even conceive of…….

  123. @europeasant

    I was raised a Catholic myself it’s just another Jew worshiping Christian cult. Their main objection is to instill fear and guilt. You’re born with original sin, expected to forgive anyone who smacks you in the face, continually worry about sin all the while having the threat of eternal damnation hanging over your head. Let me sum it up by saying we all know how evil the Jew is and Catholics identify as Judeo-Christians, I rest my case. I almost forgot, to those Christians who might disagree say hello to the talking snake for me.

    •�Agree: John Trout, Theophrastus
  124. @Dan Evans

    considering that Putin is a chabad puppet and did nothing to support the christian Armenians against the Israeli allied azeri turks… I don’t think that is the solution… The only solution I see is God Almighty opening a can of whoopass on satan and his legions of minions in every culture and country but with head of the snake in Jerusalem ps. Rachel Corrie is one of the bravest women that I am familiar with and I hope that some day I get to give her a hug in the kingdom of God

    •�Agree: John Trout
  125. DS says:

    You’re usually pretty astute, but you are off-base here. The Jan. 6 thing inside the capitol building was a psy-op, and Ashli Babbit is no hero — and she’s not dead. Watch this video that shows the “shooting” and all the play-actors crafting this political theatre:

    Video Link

  126. @Bama

    Agreed. They are responsible for half of our problems in the West, especially in America. They aid and encourage the power and stranglehold that AIPAC and other organizations have in the US.

  127. @Ed Case

    Human sacrifice, really? You’ve just outed yourself as only a depraved Jew would think of something that vile. Those bad vibes are most likely your boss Satan (Yahweh) summoning you.

    •�Agree: John Trout, Theophrastus
  128. @Ed Case

    You’re an universal type-the vicious cunt.

  129. Franz says:

    I’ll gladly enter your comment as the most gutless anonymous post of the week!

  130. Ed Case says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    So, … what you’re saying is jews pulled a Bait And Switch to destroy Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s credibility 2 months out from a national election where the ruling Socialists/Communists are tipped to be thrown out of office, and the Murdoch organisation are on board too?
    I think you’ve nailed it, how does it feel to tell the truth for the first time in your life?

  131. UR readers, I urge all of you to spare 9 mins of your time to watch this video about Rachel Corrie, made by that great Aussie truth teller Brendon O’Connell:

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Theophrastus
  132. 迪路 says:
    @One Nobody

    People like you don’t deserve to be on this earth.
    I’m telling you to die early.

    •�Troll: Tennessee Jed
    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  133. @迪路

    you give us a chance, we could actually do a massacre of white people.

    And you shut the fuck up too. Nobody wants to hear about your asshole psychofantasies of massacres.


    •�Replies: @迪路
  134. Anne Lid says:
    @24th Alabama

    I don’t get what you mean by call waiting backup. There is still so much I don’t get in English 🙁 .
    Procured Crusts’ opinion about me is not worth my time to protest. There was a great saint, Peter Damian, who used to sign his letters “the sinner monk Damian”. Also, he used to flagellate himself, instead of following the wisdom of some commenters, minding his own business, getting married, producing offspring and making a good career (which he could have done, being one of the best minds of his day).

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  135. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Mate, I’m not an American – I’m a fucking Aussie brother from another huwhite mother. Why the fuck don’t you dumb fuck Americans realise that there are other anglosphere huwhites besides Americans?

    Don’t you you dumb judaised American huwhites realise that the anglosphere is much bigger than dumbed-downed/judaised American huwhites?

    Join with your anglosphere brothers and don’t think we all want to be dumbed down simpleton American huwhites who think they are the arbiters of white-anglo culture.

    You American huwhites need to listen and interact with your older and smarter Anglo cousins and realise that we are stronger together against the chewish menace

  136. @Sarita

    The “Bushy-nail or Bushy-tail” just wants his 15 minutes of fame in the virtual sunlight.

    •�Disagree: Sarita
    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Annacath
    , @Sarita
  137. ariadna says:
    @Moishes dick

    If such an event were to pass, would you waste time thinking about the low-grade hasbara dross maculating this site?

    •�Replies: @Moishes dick
  138. @Theophrastus

    Given that a “Hasbara troll would not engage on the topic of Jewish crimes because this participation makes this topic legitimate,” it (sic) has nevertheless been commenting recently. Over on


    it says this in comment 3:

    Gaza has to be emptied and the Sinai is looking like the only available land. It’s the Sinai or the Soylent Green tanks for the Gazans and maybe the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.

    For those who need a good summary of hasbara tactics, look to the link for Larry Romanoff’s “The Jewish Hasbara”, cited above in comment 115.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  139. @Anonymous 1

    Yeah mate, my Dad (before he immigrated to Oz) was in the parachute Regiment in Palestine who were fighting Jew terrorists in 1948. My dear Dad told me that the young British soldiers couldn’t understand why the Jews were attacking them after they had fought for their freedom against their own German cousins in WW2.

    Dad told me that the normal British soldiers ended up hating the Jews and supported Hitler and ended up joining the combined Arab armies because they were sick of their mates being ambushed by jew-terrorists.

    Dad said that the British officer class were a bunch of homo-masonic poofters who betrayed working-class British soldiers in favour of the Jews.

    That’s why many ‘normal’ British soldiers favoured the Arab fedayheen because they knew that the faggot/masonic British establishment sucked chewish dick.

    •�Thanks: Cloudwalker
  140. @ariadna

    I give no thought to to the hasbara dross, because Jews lack essential self-awareness and will pay for it in spades – history has shown this time and time again.

    Jews are (in the long term), the dumbest losers and even though they create such unnecessary suffering for others-they always pay in the end for their entitled schemes that end in painful blow-back for them and their ilk.

    I pity Jews because they will always pay for their historical short-sighted strategies. Jews are truly losers in the long-game of life and more prescient Jews realise this. They are truly unfortunate creatures.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous 1
    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  141. Sarita says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    The “Bushy-nail or Bushy-tail” just wants his 15 minutes of fame in the virtual sunlight.

    The correct phrase is “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed”, not “bushy-nail”. It’s an idiom that means someone is alert, lively, and full of energy.

    And that I am.

    •�Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  142. Sarita says:

    It will get worse, or better, this man, (Thomas Massie) is saying it openly:


  143. @Sarita

    but here is a marine dying at home for Palestine and for justice.

    The sentiment understood there, but I can not agree with the way either of them died

    If still alive, they could form 2 white families with at least 6 white children, while both partly aware of the systematic damage jewry inflicted on America,

    they COULD HAVE raised their kids right, all have jewdar on their forehead,

    And now?

    It’s just 2 coffins & deep buried ‘stories’ majority fatards won’t even believe.

  144. @Anne Lid

    “Call waiting” is a phone feature that enables you to put the person you’re talking
    to on hold while you answer an incoming call.

    As for Peter Damian, the use of self-flagellation as penance for sinful thoughts and
    deeds has gone out of style except in the Philippines on Good Friday. Some
    Freudians believed that this was an expression of sexual masochism. Who knows?

    The association of sin, penitence, pain and sex seems odd to most of us, but if it
    relieves the flagellants of guilt it may have some value.

    Best Wishes.

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
  145. @迪路

    Who the fuck are you to say who “deserves to be on this earth”? Does “this earth” belong to you? You’re starting to sound quite a bit Jewish, because they certainly claim the privilege of deciding exactly that.

    I’m telling you to die early.

    Again, a threat of homicide is a felony in most jurisdictions. Asshole.


    •�Thanks: Tennessee Jed
  146. 迪路 says:

    Why not?
    I’m Chinese, we don’t have so much rubbish speech control here, We can make statements about killing Jews all we want.
    I can just ask you to die.
    You’re garbage.
    You’re listening to those rumors, and you’re asking for trouble with me. I’ve never heard such a wild version of a rumor.
    If you’re looking for trouble, what’s wrong with me telling you to kill yourself?

    •�Replies: @Eustace Tilley (not)
  147. 迪路 says:

    It doesn’t matter.
    When you say we’re massacring, it’s a fantasy.
    If you’re fantasizing, I’ll fantasize about killing you.
    Your whole family, your friends, your friends’ friends.
    Or they all die in front of you?

    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  148. @mulga mumblebrain

    JYeah mate, the higher eq/IQ elements of the Aussie public were totally aware of the bullshit “what you doing rabbi”? Pysops being perpetrated by the usual nefarious chew malcontents.

    The slimy cum-gurglers behind the ‘caravan plot’ etc are suffering fm terminal chooish delusion-syndrome.
    They are honestly wiping poo in our collective faces Thinking that we are not cognisant of their agenda – this is what I mean by jooz overplaying their hand throughout history – they really are stupid because their plots can be recognised by anyone with a room-temperature IQ – roll on 110!

  149. @迪路

    Han Zi Person:

    You are an intellectually immature clown who does not belong on Unz’s website. You are an embarrassment to everyone but yourself. You should climb one of your sacred mountains and drink tea for a few centuries to find your soul.

    One yellow-faced fool
    turns many white faces red,
    ashamed to hear him.

    •�Replies: @迪路
    , @迪路
  150. @迪路

    You are nothing but a bow-legged pot-bellied wanker.


    •�Replies: @迪路
  151. 迪路 says:

    But I have money.
    How about you?
    I don’t know how a lowly creature like you can imagine us doing a massacre.
    You’re not as good as a Goblin, so why do Goblins like you fantasize about how elves live?
    And generally speaking, your verbal aggression is not strong.
    Now please try mine.
    You impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatic fat man, you grew up eating hormone bibimbap to eat big low IQ baby.
    Lead formed your head, stone formed your kidneys, and your stomach is full of polyps and cysts.
    Your mother was a whore, your father was a cowherd, and you spent your life twisting the screws like a piece of trash.
    You’re gonna have a crap life forever and ever and ever.

    •�Replies: @Theophrastus
  152. @Moishes dick

    I am seriously thinking about the creation of a poppy in regards to this years remembrance sunday and remembrance of those British Service men who were murdered by the Ashkenazi Terrorist groups in Occupied Palestine!

    I watched this earlier….

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  153. 迪路 says:
    @Eustace Tilley (not)

    Everything I say is based on logic.
    He can talk nonsense. He can make up outrageous statements.
    Why can’t I guess he’s a failure in life and tell him to kill himself.
    Besides, I want you to die, so do you really want to die?
    Only fools and madmen would be angry at my words.
    Looks like you should be one of them.
    When I say you’re a loser, you have to be a loser to argue with me that you’re not a loser.
    Yes, you are a loser.
    Please kill yourself. You have nothing to live for.

  154. 迪路 says:
    @Eustace Tilley (not)

    If you mention it, I am Chinese, which is much higher than you.
    Do you dare to repeat ten times that you want to kill all the Jews?
    I dare.
    Kill the rich Jewish merchants, take back what you have, strip them of their wealth, take their fate out of their hands, cut off their heads and heap them on a mountain for the world to see.
    Their bodies were cut into thousands of slices and shared among those who hated them.
    Your turn. Repeat that, please.

  155. @Theophrastus

    These Idiotic Ashkenazis have no problem with boasting about their so called “Greatness”.

    Video Link

  156. @Sarita

    Bushynail (Bushnell) to rhyme with bushytail… get it?

  157. Alden says:
    @24th Alabama

    Mike Tre, a gay man hates all women.

  158. @Alden

    As a gay colleague told me, ‘Why would we hate women? We both love men’. You’re a sickening evil bigot.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  159. @Anonymous 1

    It was immediately apparent that the ‘caravan bomb’ was a false flag, almost certainly like the others concocted to create a phony atmosphere of ‘antisemitism’, and almost certainly perpetrated by Jews, here or overseas. They do it every time that the Judenreich is slaughtering women, children and babies.
    The local political vermin, as ever, rushed to grovel at the local Jewinterns’ feet. Evil, evil, swine who have not uttered a word against the genocidal Gaza Holocaust, waxed hysterical about ‘Jewish terror’ (no Jew, thankfully, even hurt)and the ‘tsunami of antisemitism’. The MSM scum, of course, followed loyally behind, or brayed their support in the case of the Murdoch cancer.
    This is what Jewintern control has made this country. A sewer where ANY Jew can accuse anyone, even fellow Jews, of ‘Jew-hatred’, simply because they oppose genocide, while HYSTERICALLY denouncing some illiterate graffiti sprayed on a wall. And where the slaughter of 100,000 people draws either NO response, or full-throated support. We are being poisoned unto death, morally, intellectually and spiritually by the worst members of one tiny tribe and their villainous goy accomplices.

    •�Agree: Anonymous 1
  160. @迪路

    Actually, I’ve been a gymnast all my life and I’m past age 60 and can still do front levers and iron crosses with little trouble, not that a pimply lardass whoreson like you would know what those are. I have no sign of any health trouble, so your sterotyping is wrong again there. And I live quite comfortably, far from the madding crowd of mad-dog guttersnipes of your ilk.

    Furthermore, I never weighed in on the original topic of whether your government (if indeed you are Chinese and not a Jew troll) massacred anyone. I merely told you to shut your ugly stupid fetid mouth and cease making physical threats, which is about the only behaviour that is not (or should not be) tolerated in a public forum.

    By the way, reading all of your impotent threats now leads me to think that you people are indeed capable of massacres. Well done representing them, again if indeed you are Chinese.

    But the funniest thing you’ve said, you fucking cunt, is your very first line in your latest screed. “But I have money.” A Jew posing as a Chinese: now that’s funny. Please, amuse us some more.

    •�Thanks: Truth Vigilante
    •�Replies: @迪路
  161. 迪路 says:

    We have a public forum where we can say what we want, where we can say what we want to say.
    Your dissatisfaction is your problem.
    It’s not my problem.
    My family is rich based on my father, my grandfather’s investment in Shanghai real estate. Not like you, an old, ugly, useless old white man.
    You’re getting old.
    I hope you die soon.
    Anyway, you’re 60, and as a gymnast, your health should be getting worse with old injuries.
    People like you should die early and leave your inheritance to your son.
    Your son should be looking forward to your early death and the disclosure of your inheritance. So he can enjoy your life.
    I’m young, I can wait until the day you die and continue to mock you on this forum.
    As for the massacre, it is normal for me to make threatening remarks, and you should understand that.
    Because I think the garbage published is the most outrageous version of the rumor I’ve ever heard.
    I respected the CPC’s kindness, but I had no idea that such kindness could lead to so much trash running amok.
    I can’t stand it.
    Well, judging by your reaction, that’s pretty good, and if you think we’re capable of mass murder, you should respect that.
    Don’t keep sending spies in our country, or our country will waste a lot of bullets every time the police kill a spy with one bullet.
    Otherwise, you’re gonna end up like that white girl’s head that we found in a pot 3,000 years ago.
    In the Shang Dynasty, we often found sacrificial pits of other races here, and I think they should have been killed off, so they did not appear on the land of China.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  162. My family is rich based on my father, my grandfather’s investment in Shanghai real estate

    Ha ha! I knew you’d continue to amuse. So you’ve never done an honest day’s work in your whole useless pampered life; you’re rich because your whore father and grandfather “invested in Shanghai real estate.” What does that make you, besides soft, pasty-faced, and probably impotent, certainly nothing more than a keyboard warrior with a flaccid underbelly and neither muscular nor cerebral devlopment, who has successfully exposed himself as nothing more than a crass asshole who shames the very culture that he claims to defend.

    it is normal for me to make threatening remarks,

    Please do continue with the threatening remarks that you’ve admitted to, noting of course that this isn’t really a Public Forum: it is hosted by Mr. Ron Unz, and this is his policy on threats right here:

    However, comments and commentators that focus on topics unrelated to the article in question, who substantially indulge in profanities or personal attacks, or whose grammar or spelling constitutes an embarrassment may see their comments trashed; and advocating illegal activity is prohibited.

    •�Replies: @迪路
    , @Alden
  163. @Alden

    As a child, I was puzzled by the phrase “man, born of woman.” Of course, children lack an understanding of context and abstraction. As for Mike Tre, many misogynists
    are straight but unlucky in love, and feel the need to blame.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  164. @迪路

    You sound like a kind and gentle soul.
    Have they given you a release date?

    •�Replies: @迪路
  165. 迪路 says:
    @24th Alabama

    Apparently not.
    If someone shows me total malice, I will use even greater malice to make them feel bad.
    At this point, I definitely think of myself as a villain who takes pure pleasure in the pain of others.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  166. @迪路

    Your honesty is disarming. There will always be a place for villainy and
    sadism, else the saints would be unappreciated. In order to fulfill your
    sadism, it is imperative that you hook up with a masochist who
    enjoys abuse and humiliation, of the gentle sort, of course.

    Butting heads with other sadists on this site will still be recreational,
    but less enjoyable than having your own resident masochist.

  167. @mulga mumblebrain

    There have always been “fag nags” who enjoy the company of
    gay men because gay men tend to be more “sensitive” than
    straight men. These women have deceived themselves with
    the idea that most men are only interested in getting in their
    pants. The origin of this myth is being researched.

  168. Don Wolfe says: •�Website

    I’ve always been touched by the Rachel Corrie Story, and this is one of the very best articles about her heart-wrenching story. Rachel Corrie is a true American hero. Wyatt’s done a good job since joining the FFNW rotation, and this description of the horrors that the Israelis and the Zionist have done to prevent justice, is shocking!

    This means, if you protest in any way against Israel, the Deep State can use a Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozer to use the military to intimidate or kill you with impunity. How is this any different or better than what the Democreeps did?

    Left or Right, it’s all being run by the Zionist banksters from Israel. Unfortunately, we’ve already been conquered.

    Don Wolfe from<a title=”"https://WolfeOut.com"&#8221; href="https://WolfeOut.com&quot;

    •�Agree: John Trout, Anonymous 1
  169. Ct Ginger says:

    Rachel “Aunt Jemima” Corey died because she was stupid. I hope it hurt.

    •�Troll: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  170. @Ct Ginger

    Rachel “Aunt Jemima” Corey died because she was stupid. I hope it hurt.

    You forget the letters ‘UNT’, between C and T in the first part of your username!

    •�Replies: @CT Ginger
    , @John Trout
  171. CT Ginger says:
    @Anonymous 1

    Thats the best you got? Really?

  172. @Anonymous 1

    Cunt Ginger is a flamebaiter, ignore her.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous 1
    •�Replies: @CT GInger
  173. 迪路 says:

    The thing is, you seem to be assuming I’m fat.
    But I’m not actually overweight.
    It’s perfectly normal for me to attack and threaten you.
    Because you’re the one who’s meddling, trying to tell us what to do, jumping out.
    You have no one to blame but yourself for being attacked by me.
    You’re just a dying man in 60s. You might want to find a nursing home first.
    In case there’s no one to send you to your grave.

  174. CT GInger says:
    @John Trout

    Ignoring is what the ignorant do best.

  175. Alden says:

    He claims to be young if his father and grandfather invested in Shanghai real estate it means the real estate was confiscated from the former owners after the 1948 takeover by Mao’s conquest.

    And given to his family who had been upper level comrades of Mao. Which he inherited

  176. Alden says:
    @24th Alabama

    Mikes so extreme he must have been very unlucky in love for decades..

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  177. Anne Lid says:
    @24th Alabama

    Thank you. I knew what call waiting was, just don’t quite get why it goes all the way to hell. I think of hell too often, luckily have not seen any of it yet. St. Teresa of Avila saw “her” place in hell, and smelled, heard and felt it. Perhaps a hallucination, perhaps a revelation. In the Fatima vision the Virgin said that many go to hell because nobody would sacrifice for them. I suspect Peter Damian flagellated himself in penance for others.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  178. @Anne Lid

    Your inability to comprehend American humor is understandable, given your
    gender and being fortunately unaware of the nuances
    of our peculiar vulgarisms.

    When you said you didn’t have “any decency” I knew what you actually meant
    but I distorted your intent by implying that you lacked sexual decency, which
    would result in a flurry of calls from men seeking sex- with a back-up to hell.

    Although some American women are lacking in decency, they might think of
    themselves as “alluring and attractive,” or perhaps “inviting, available and sexy,”
    but never as lacking in “decency.”

    Accept my apologies, with the lame excuse, “lost in translation.”

  179. @Alden

    It’s normal and healthy for a man to identify with his father,
    but the substance of his character is a creation of his mother.

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