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Pakistan Latest News in Urdu, Articles, Photos, Videos, Local Events
The Pakistan News section from Urdu Point allows you to have complete Pakistan Latest News, and this news contains news from all the cities of Pakistan. Any event, incident, achievement, or substantial news is regularly updated on this Pakistan News Headlines section.
Daily Pakistan News
In this section, readers would get the latest daily updates regarding Pakistanâs happening events for the day, week, and month. In addition, you can also get all the Pakistan Cricket News updates and Pakistan Economy News updates as they happen.
Pakistan Latest News
This Pakistan News section brings you closer to the events happening in Pakistan throughout the day, week, and month. All the news related to Pakistan Cricket News and Pakistan Economic News are illustrated in Breaking News Pakistan. Throughout the vastness of Pakistan, the news is taking place, and you can have access to that particular news on the Today News Headlines Pakistan.
Pakistan 24/7 News
Pakistan is an important country in the world, and a lot is happening in the country daily. UrduPoint provides its users with local Pakistan News here at the UrduPoint Pakistan Section. Now you have access to daily Pakistan News, Pakistan News Channel List, and Pakistan News Today with the help of UrduPoint News, Information, Videos, Photos, Articles, directories, and events details.
At UrduPoint, we cover every Pakistan News to provide full coverage of all the events and incidents happening in Pakistan.
Pakistan was officially named the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan is in South Asia, neighboring China, India, Iran, and Afghanistan. Pakistan has over 225.2 million population making it the second-largest Muslim population country in the world. Area wise it is the 33rd largest country with an area of 881,913 square kilometers.
Pakistan has four provinces and five rivers. And these rivers make the most fertile land in the world, the Indus delta. These fertile lands of Pakistan make it a versatile geographic area for cultivation. Enjoy all four seasons, and travel from Seaview Karachi to the K2 in Gilgit Baltistan.