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Islamabad Latest News, Articles, Photos, Videos, Local Events
Islamabad is the federal capital of Pakistan. It is also known as Islamabad capital territory. It is the 9th largest city of Pakistan. Islamabad is attached with Rawalpindi and the combined population of both cities is around 4 Million in total.
Islamabad was built in the 1960s with proper planning. Allowing the citizens to enjoy the life, safety and greenery of Islamabad. Islamabad is managed by the Capital Development Authority.
When it comes to the real time news, information, articles, and videos of the events happening in Islamabad we bring you a dedicated page for the city. Now you can easily get any information about events, articles from most famous columnists, and editorials to bring you a clear picture of the city.
Here you can have access to all the information about the city with articles, videos, news and information that you might love to read and hear. Our readers can also share the information, articles, pictures and videos of the city so that others can have access to that information as well.
Furthermore, there are plenty of places for the tourists to enjoy the freshness of Islamabad. Margalla Hills, National Park, Shakarparian, Pakistan National Monument and Democracy Square. Moreover, Faisal Mosque is the largest mosque in the South Asia region.
There are three reservoirs for Islamabad that include Rawal, Simli, and Khanpur dam. Islamabad citizens are a half hour drive from Murree, NathiaGali, and Galiyat.
These spots are the best tourist spots that fall under the jurisdiction of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Also, there are splendid building structures that shine the skies of Islamabad. These are the Centaurus mall, PTET & ISE Tower, Pakistan Secretariat, and the Star and Crescent Monument near the start of Shakarparian.
The Islamabad News section from Urdu point allows you to have complete Islamabad Latest News, and this news contains all the areas of Islamabad. Any event, incident, achievement, essential or important news, information is regularly updated on this Islamabad News Headlines section.
Islamabad Latest News
You can also see Islamabad Breaking News, with Islamabad Latest News Today, on this website. As UrduPoint goes under regular updates to provide our readers with the authentic and timely manner of news of any event they wanted to have an idea about.
This latest news section for the Islamabad city provides you with updated and real-time news for your city Islamabad so that you remain up to date. Furthermore, now you can read all your city Islamabad related information and news. We cover each and every news and information from the Islamabad News Paper List that comprises all the Islamabad News Today.
Daily Islamabad News
You can now have access to the local news, articles that keep you informed with the Islamabad's latest news on a daily basis. Islamabad news can be accessed in the form of Islamabad News Headlines. And with those headlines, our correspondents at various areas of Islamabad start their job to provide you with the valuable information that you require for the moment.
Islamabad 24/7 News
With this service, you have access to the latest and updated news 24/7 so that you have a better understanding of the situation and the events that unfold after the happening of a certain event. Moreover, with the help of Islamabad news today, you can also plan your movement from office to home or from home to somewhere else according to the situation.