The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Forum Archives
The Forum •ï¿½51 Years, 526 Issues, 9,708 Articles, 60,931pp
The Wage-Earners' Loss during the Depression
The Forum, November 1894, pp. 369-378
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1890s = 10 Years, 103 Issues, 1,272 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1890 = 1 Issue, 11 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1891 = 12 Issues, 152 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1892 = 12 Issues, 159 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1893 = 9 Issues, 120 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1894 = 12 Issues, 149 Articles
              1. [+]
                January 1894 Issue = 15 Articles
                1. The Teaching of Our Recent Economic Experiences by David A. Wells, pp. 527-543
                2. The Principle and Method of the New Tariff Bill by William L. Wilson, pp. 544-548
                3. Sumner by Geo. F. Hoar, pp. 549-559
                4. Has Immigration Dried up Our Literature? by Sydney G. Fisher, pp. 560-567
                5. The Decline of the American Pulpit by G. Monroe Royce, pp. 568-577
                6. The New Sectionalism: A Western Warning to the East by Lindley M. Keasbey, pp. 578-587
                7. Are Morals Improving or Deteriorating? by Daniel G. Thompson, pp. 588-597
                8. Directions and Volume of Our Literary Activities by A.R. Spofford, pp. 598-605
                9. British Investors and American Currency Legislation by W. Wetherell, pp. 606-615
                10. Results of the Copyright Law by Geo. Haven Putnam, pp. 616-623
                11. A Christmas Reminder of the Noblest Work in the World by Jacob A. Riis, pp. 624-633
                12. Are Foot-ball Games Educative or Brutalizing? by D.B. St. John Roosa, pp. 634-642
                13. �---��by J.G. Schurman, pp. 643-646
                14. �---��by James B. Angell, p. 647
                15. �---��by Ethelbert D. Warfield, pp. 648-698
              2. [+]
                February 1894 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. Methods of Relief for the Unemployed by Josephine Shaw Lowell, pp. 655-662
                2. The Personal Problems of Charity by Lyman Abbott, pp. 663-669
                3. A Review of the Hawaiian Controversy by James Schouler, pp. 670-689
                4. The Nicaraguan Canal---Ours or England's? by Courtenay De Kalb, pp. 690-695
                5. The Wilson Tariff for a Deficit Only by Albert Clarke, pp. 696-702
                6. English Literature of the Victorian Age by Frederic Harrison, pp. 703-714
                7. A Calendar of Great Americans by Woodrow Wilson, pp. 715-727
                8. Child-Study, A New Department of Education by Oscar Chrisman, pp. 728-736
                9. The Gold Basis Fixed by Commerce Itself by Edward Atkinson, pp. 737-746
                10. A Bootless Wrangle About Religion in the Schools by James H. Hyslop, pp. 747-757
                11. To Rob Consumption of its Terrors by Hermann M. Biggs, pp. 758-767
                12. The Production of Gold: Is the Supply Sufficient? by J.E. Fraenkel, pp. 768-773
                13. Incomes of the Professional Classes in England by Price Collier, pp. 774-836
              3. [+]
                March 1894 Issue = 12 Articles
                1. An Income Tax by David A. Wells, pp. 1-13
                2. Reasons in its Favor by U.S. Hall, pp. 14-18
                3. Recent Railroad Failures and their Lessons by Simon Sterne, pp. 19-38
                4. The Duty of Educated Men in a Democracy by E.L. Godkin, pp. 39-51
                5. Colonization as a Remedy for City Poverty by F.G. Peabody, pp. 52-61
                6. Stability of the Great Religious Sects by H.K. Carroll, pp. 62-70
                7. A Religious Analysis of a New England Town by William Bayard Hale, pp. 71-80
                8. The Programme of the Nationalists by Edward Bellamy, pp. 81-91
                9. The Absurd Effort to Make the World Over by W.G. Sumner, pp. 92-102
                10. The Gothenburg System and Our Liquor Traffic by E.R.L. Gould, pp. 103-113
                11. Lowell in his Letters by J.W. Chadwick, pp. 114-124
                12. Child-Study in the Hospital by Henry Dwight Chapin, pp. 125-128
              4. [+]
                April 1894 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. Mr. Cleveland's ----Failure? by "An Independent", pp. 129-138
                2. Lord Rosebery and the Liberal Crisis in England by J. Castell Hopkins, pp. 139-147
                3. American Universities and the Training of Teachers by G.S. Hall, pp. 148-159
                4. Why Christian Missions Have Failed in India by Virchand R. Gandhi, pp. 160-166
                5. American Achievements in Surgery by G.F. Shrady, pp. 167-178
                6. A Definite Step toward Municipal Reform by Herbert Welsh, pp. 179-185
                7. The Irish Conquest of our Cities by John Paul Bocock, pp. 186-195
                8. What "Americanism" Means by Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 196-206
                9. Has the Interstate Commerce Law been Beneficial? by Aldace F. Walker, pp. 207-216
                10. Is New York More Civilized than Kansas? by J.W. Gleed, pp. 217-234
                11. A Gentle Warning to Lecturers by Agnes Repplier, pp. 235-240
                12. Has Farm Machinery Destroyed Farm Life? by E.V. Smalley, pp. 241-248
                13. [+]
                  A Notable New Book: Mrs. Ward's "Marcella" by Hamilton W. Mabie, pp. 249-256 - 1 Review
                  1. Marcella by Mrs. Humphry Ward
              5. [+]
                May 1894 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. A Year of Democratic Admininstration by Wm. E. Russell, pp. 257-267
                2. �---��by S.M. Cullom, pp. 268-275
                3. Necessity of State Aid to the Unemployed by Stanton Coit, pp. 276-286
                4. The Dangerous Absurdity of State Aid by D. McG. Means, pp. 287-296
                5. Universities and the Training of Professors by G.S. Hall, pp. 297-309
                6. The True Meaning of Farm-Mortgage Statistics by Edward Atkinson, pp. 310-325
                7. The Dilatory Senate and Depression in Trade by Louis Windmuller, pp. 326-328
                8. The Stability of the House of Lords by J. Castell Hopkins, pp. 329-339
                9. Child-Study: A Teacher's Record of Her Pupils by Mary E. Laing, pp. 340-344
                10. Home Life, English and American by Price Collier, pp. 345-354
                11. President Eliot's Twenty-Five Years of Service by C.F. Thwing, pp. 355-371
                12. Why Church Property Should be Taxed by Madison C. Peters, pp. 372-379
                13. Is Faith in a Future Life Declining? by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, pp. 380-384
              6. [+]
                June 1894 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. Farmers, Fallacies, and Furrows by J. Sterling Morton, pp. 385-393
                2. Who will Pay the Bills of Socialism? by E.L. Godkin, pp. 394-405
                3. The Useless Risk of the Ballot for Women by Matthew Hale, pp. 406-412
                4. Results of the Woman-Suffrage Movement by Mary A. Greene, pp. 413-424
                5. The Threatening Conflict with Romanism by E.M. Winston, pp. 425-433
                6. Why Church Property Should Not be Taxed by John M. Farley, pp. 434-442
                7. Scholarships, Fellowships, and the Training of Professors by G.S. Hall, pp. 443-454
                8. Need of an International Monetary Agreement by Franklin H. Head, pp. 455-466
                9. The Folly of Further Silver Agitation by Joseph C. Hendrix, pp. 467-474
                10. The Success of Christian Missions in India by Fred Perry Powers, pp. 475-483
                11. The Census of Sex, Marriage, and Divorce by Carroll D. Wright, pp. 484-496
                12. How Baltimore Banished Tramps and Helped the Idle by E.R.L. Gould, pp. 497-504
                13. The Antarctic's Challenge to the Explorer by Frederick A. Cook, pp. 505-512
              7. [+]
                July 1894 Issue = 11 Articles
                1. The American Protective Association by Frederic R. Coudert, pp. 513-523
                2. The Riotous Career of the Know-Nothings by J.B. McMaster, pp. 524-536
                3. Carlyle's Place in Literature by Frederic Harrison, pp. 537-550
                4. The Manly Virtues and Practical Politics by Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 551-557
                5. Research the Vital Spirit of Teaching by G. Stanley Hall, pp. 558-570
                6. The Ideal Training of an American Boy by Thomas Davidson, pp. 571-581
                7. Will the Co-educated Co-educate their Children? by Martha F. Crow, pp. 582-594
                8. The Health of Boston and Philadelphia by John S. Billings, pp. 595-602
                9. The Kind of Money that Would Rule the World by Michael D. Harter, pp. 603-608
                10. The Government's Failure as a Builder by Montgomery Schuyler, pp. 609-621
                11. The Stage as a Career: An Actor's Experience by Rudolph de Cordova, pp. 622-632
              8. [+]
                August 1894 Issue = 12 Articles
                1. Principles Involved in the Recent Strike by D. McG. Means, pp. 633-643
                2. Punishment of Anarchists and Others by Henry Holt, pp. 644-658
                3. Criminal Degradation of New York Citizenship by John Brooks Leavitt, pp. 659-665
                4. The Increase of Crime, and Positivist Criminology by Henry Charles Lea, pp. 666-675
                5. Legalized Plunder of Railroad Properties: the Remedy by Isaac L. Rice, pp. 676-689
                6. Productive Conditions of Original American Literature by Hamlin Garland, pp. 690-698
                7. How the Bills of Socialism will be Paid by Sylvester Baxter, pp. 699-709
                8. The New Psychology as a Basis of Education by G. Stanley Hall, pp. 710-720
                9. Methods of Laboratory Mind-Study by E.W. Scripture, pp. 721-729
                10. Englishmen: How they Spend their Money by Price Collier, pp. 730-740
                11. The Pay of Teachers by H.K. Carroll, pp. 741-752
                12. Index, pp. 753-756
              9. [+]
                September 1894 Issue = 10 Articles
                1. The Lessons of Recent Civil Disorders by Thomas M. Cooley, pp. 1-19
                2. Teaching by Travel by J.M. Rice, pp. 20-29
                3. The Proportion of College-Trained Preachers by F.G. Peabody, pp. 30-53
                4. Results of the Parliament of Religions by J.H. Barrows, pp. 54-67
                5. The Pay of Physicians and Surgeons by George F. Shrady, pp. 68-79
                6. Macaulay's Place in Literature by Frederic Harrison, pp. 80-94
                7. Home-Life in India: Child-Marriages and Widows by Purushotam Rao Telang, pp. 95-106
                8. University Training and Citizenship by Woodrow Wilson, pp. 107-116
                9. The Profit-Sharing Labor Unions of Antwerp by J.H. Gore, pp. 117-121
                10. How to Bring Work and Worker Together by Jacob A. Riis, pp. 122-128
              10. [+]
                October 1894 Issue = 11 Articles
                1. Some Reasons why the American Republican May Endure by C.W. Eliot, pp. 129-145
                2. Has Oratory Declined? by Henry L. Dawes, pp. 146-160
                3. Is the British Empire Stable? by F.H. Geffcken, pp. 161-172
                4. Fundamental Beliefs in My Social Philosophy by Richard T. Ely, pp. 173-183
                5. [+]
                  Ely's "Socialism and Social Reform" by Arthur T. Hadley, pp. 184-191 - 1 Review
                  1. Socialism and Social Reform by Richard T. Ely
                6. Disraeli's Place in Literature by Frederic Harrison, pp. 192-203
                7. The Contented Masses by Octave Thanet, pp. 204-215
                8. The Significance of the Japan-China War by Michitaro Hisa, pp. 216-227
                9. Teaching Greek as a Living Language by J. Gennadius, pp. 228-237
                10. A Southern Woman's Study of Boston by Frances A. Doughty, pp. 238-249
                11. Can Railroad Rates be Cheapened? by Harry T. Newcomb, pp. 250-256
              11. [+]
                November 1894 Issue = 12 Articles
                1. Political Career and Character of David B. Hill by "Independent", pp. 257-269
                2. Should Senators be Elected by the People? by George F. Edmunds, pp. 270-278
                3. Oliver Wendell Holmes by John W. Chadwick, pp. 279-287
                4. Impotence of Churches in a Manufacturing Town by William Bayard Hale, pp. 288-300
                5. George Innes: The Man and his Work by Montgomery Schuyler, pp. 301-313
                6. The Eastern War, and After: A Military Study by Theodore A. Dodge, pp. 314-325
                7. Thackeray's Place in Literature by Frederic Harrison, pp. 326-338
                8. The Temperance Problem: Past and Future by E.R.L. Gould, pp. 339-351
                9. William L. Wilson as a Tariff-Reform Leader by Henry L. Nelson, pp. 352-360
                10. How the New York Death-Rate was Reduced by Nathan Straus, pp. 361-368
                11. The Wage-Earners' Loss during the Depression by Samuel W. Dike, pp. 369-378
                12. Facts touching a Revival of Business, pp. 379-384
              12. [+]
                December 1894 Issue = 14 Articles
                1. The "Baltimore Plan" of Currency Reform by A.B. Hepburn, pp. 385-395
                2. The Death of the Czar, and the Peace of Europe by Theodore A. Dodge, pp. 396-405
                3. Status and Future of the Woman-Suffrage Movement by Mary P. Jacobi, pp. 406-414
                4. The Chief Influences on My Career by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, pp. 415-424
                5. May a Man Conduct his Business as he Please? by Carroll D. Wright, pp. 425-432
                6. Stock-Sharing as a Preventive of Labor Troubles by Louis R. Ehrich, pp. 433-438
                7. The Reading Habits of Englishmen and of Americans by Price Collier, pp. 439-448
                8. Is the West Discontented? A Local Study of Facts by J.H. Canfield, pp. 449-461
                9. Will Polygamists Control the New State of Utah? by Glen Miller, pp. 462-469
                10. The New Story-Tellers and the Doom of Realism by W.R. Thayer, pp. 470-480
                11. Christian Missions as Seen by a Brahman by Purushotam Rao Telang, pp. 481-489
                12. Christian Missions as Seen by a Missionary by J.M. Thoburn, pp. 490-501
                13. Charity that Helps, and Other Charity by Jane E. Robbins, pp. 502-507
                14. [+]
                  Brief Estimates of Notable New Books, pp. 508-512 - 24 Reviews
                  1. Life of Frances Power Cobbe, by Herself by Frances Power Cobbe
                  2. Edwin Booth: Recollections by His Daughter by Edwina Booth Grossmann
                  3. The Life of Charles Loring Brace by Emma Brace Donaldson
                  4. Domestic Manners of the Americans by Fanny Trollope
                  5. Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau by Frank B. Sanborn and Henry David Thoreau
                  6. The Early Public Life of William Ewart Gladstone by Alfred F. Robbins
                  7. The Life Daniel Defoe by Thomas Wright
                  8. Eighteenth Century Vignettes by Austin Dobson
                  9. A Little English Gallery by Louise Imogen Guiney
                  10. Childhood in Literature and Art by Horace E. Scudder
                  11. My Study Fire by Hamilton Wright Mabie
                  12. The Victorian Age of English Literature by Mrs. Oliphant
                  13. The College Woman by Charles F. Thwing
                  14. Portraits in Plaster by Laurence Hutton
                  15. Unguarded Gates and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
                  16. Five Books of Song by Richard Watson Gilder
                  17. Wealth Against Commonwealth by Henry Demarest Lloyd
                  18. City Government in the United States by Alfred R. Conkling
                  19. Religious Progress by Alexander V.G. Allen
                  20. The New Acts of the Apostles by Arthur T. Pierson
                  21. The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus
                  22. Christianity Practically Applied
                  23. Our Home Pets by Olive Thorne Miller
                  24. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush by Ian Maclaren
            2. [+]
              Issues of 1895 = 12 Issues, 144 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1896 = 12 Issues, 137 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1897 = 10 Issues, 116 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1898 = 11 Issues, 132 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1899 = 12 Issues, 152 Articles
                    2. [+]
                      Issues of the 1900s = 6 Years, 36 Issues, 435 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1900 = 12 Issues, 150 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1901 = 12 Issues, 148 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1902 = 4 Issues, 47 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1903 = 3 Issues, 32 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1906 = 1 Issue, 11 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1907 = 4 Issues, 47 Articles
                                2. [+]
                                  Issues of the 1910s = 8 Years, 95 Issues, 1,575 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1912 = 12 Issues, 147 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1913 = 12 Issues, 196 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1914 = 12 Issues, 238 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1915 = 12 Issues, 190 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1916 = 12 Issues, 169 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1917 = 12 Issues, 208 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1918 = 12 Issues, 228 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1919 = 11 Issues, 199 Articles
                                                2. [+]
                                                  Issues of the 1920s = 10 Years, 113 Issues, 2,797 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1920 = 8 Issues, 143 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1921 = 12 Issues, 199 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1922 = 12 Issues, 260 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1923 = 12 Issues, 231 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1924 = 12 Issues, 373 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1925 = 9 Issues, 306 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1926 = 12 Issues, 378 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1927 = 12 Issues, 402 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1928 = 12 Issues, 198 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1929 = 12 Issues, 307 Articles
                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                      Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 2,453 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1930 = 12 Issues, 307 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1931 = 12 Issues, 286 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1932 = 12 Issues, 214 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1933 = 12 Issues, 217 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1934 = 12 Issues, 237 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1935 = 12 Issues, 247 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1936 = 12 Issues, 207 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 1937 = 12 Issues, 229 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1938 = 12 Issues, 255 Articles
                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of 1939 = 12 Issues, 254 Articles
                                                                                        2. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of the 1940s = 6 Years, 58 Issues, 1,164 Articles
                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of 1940 = 6 Issues, 152 Articles
                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                              Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                Issues of 1946 = 12 Issues, 331 Articles
                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of 1947 = 12 Issues, 206 Articles
                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                    Issues of 1948 = 12 Issues, 201 Articles
                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of 1949 = 12 Issues, 180 Articles
                                                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of the 1950s = 1 Year, 1 Issue, 12 Articles
                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                        Issues of 1950 = 1 Issue, 12 Articles