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Paul Carus Archives
Paul Carus •ï¿½55 Items / 54 Books, 1 Article
The Gospel of Buddha (1894)
According to Old Records
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Brief Estimates of Notable New Books (24 Reviews)
    Life of Frances Power Cobbe, by Herself, by Frances Power Cobbe
    1. Life of Frances Power Cobbe, by Herself by Frances Power Cobbe
    2. Edwin Booth: Recollections by His Daughter by Edwina Booth Grossmann
    3. The Life of Charles Loring Brace by Emma Brace Donaldson
    4. Domestic Manners of the Americans by Fanny Trollope
    5. Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau by Frank B. Sanborn and Henry David Thoreau
    6. The Early Public Life of William Ewart Gladstone by Alfred F. Robbins
    7. The Life Daniel Defoe by Thomas Wright
    8. Eighteenth Century Vignettes by Austin Dobson
    9. A Little English Gallery by Louise Imogen Guiney
    10. Childhood in Literature and Art by Horace E. Scudder
    11. My Study Fire by Hamilton Wright Mabie
    12. The Victorian Age of English Literature by Mrs. Oliphant
    13. The College Woman by Charles F. Thwing
    14. Portraits in Plaster by Laurence Hutton
    15. Unguarded Gates and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
    16. Five Books of Song by Richard Watson Gilder
    17. Wealth Against Commonwealth by Henry Demarest Lloyd
    18. City Government in the United States by Alfred R. Conkling
    19. Religious Progress by Alexander V.G. Allen
    20. The New Acts of the Apostles by Arthur T. Pierson
    21. The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus
    22. Christianity Practically Applied
    23. Our Home Pets by Olive Thorne Miller
    24. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush by Ian Maclaren
    The Forum, December 1894, pp. 508-512