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Ellen D. Ellis Archives
Ellen D. Ellis •ï¿½43 Items / 16 Articles, 26 Reviews, 1 Book
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  1. American Civil Rights in a Revolutionary Age
    3. The Problem of Loyalty
    The Forum, April 1948, pp. 193-197
  2. American Civil Rights in a Revolutionary Age
    I. Ideological Background
    The Forum, February 1948, pp. 65-68
  3. American Civil Rights in a Revolutionary Age
    2. Congressional Investigations
    The Forum, March 1948, pp. 129-133
  4. American Government and Politics
    National Parties and Local Politics
    American Political Science Review, February 1935, pp. 60-66
  5. American Leadership (I)
    The Forum, December 1949, pp. 321-324
  6. American Leadership (II)
    The Forum, January 1950, pp. 1-5
  7. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Political Pluralism, by K.C. Hsiao
    1. Political Pluralism by K.C. Hsiao
    American Political Science Review, August 1928, pp. 776-777
  8. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Collected Papers of Paul Vinogradoff, by H.A.L. Fisher and Paul Vinogradoff
    1. The Collected Papers of Paul Vinogradoff by H.A.L. Fisher and Paul Vinogradoff
    American Political Science Review, February 1930, pp. 190-191
  9. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Politics, by Harold J. Laski
    1. Politics by Harold J. Laski
    American Political Science Review, August 1931, pp. 735-736
  10. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    A Treatise on the State, by Leonid Pitamic
    1. A Treatise on the State by Leonid Pitamic
    American Political Science Review, June 1933, p. 495
  11. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, by Crane Brinton
    1. English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century by Crane Brinton
    American Political Science Review, April 1934, p. 311
  12. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Social Judgment, by Graham Wallas
    1. Social Judgment by Graham Wallas
    American Political Science Review, August 1935, p. 694
  13. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Democracy in Transition,
    1. Democracy in Transition
    American Political Science Review, February 1938, pp. 130-131
  14. Guild Socialism and Pluralism
    American Political Science Review, November 1923, pp. 584-596
  15. Introduction to the History of Sugar as a Commodity (1905)
    1 Review
  16. Man vs. Bureacracy
    I. The Problem
    The Forum, May 1949, pp. 257-260
  17. Man vs. Bureaucracy
    III. Foreign Affairs
    The Forum, July 1949, pp. 1-4
  18. Man vs. Bureaucracy
    II. Controls
    The Forum, June 1949, pp. 321-326
  19. Political Science at the Crossroads
    American Political Science Review, November 1927, pp. 773-791
  20. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Some Relations Between Political and Economic Theory, by G.D.H. Cole
    1. Some Relations Between Political and Economic Theory by G.D.H. Cole
    American Political Science Review, April 1935, p. 339
  21. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Machiavelli's "Prince" and Its Forerunners, by Allan H. Gilbert
    1. Machiavelli's "Prince" and Its Forerunners by Allan H. Gilbert
    American Political Science Review, December 1938, p. 1211
  22. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Puritanism and Liberty, by A.S.P. Woodhouse
    1. Puritanism and Liberty by A.S.P. Woodhouse
    American Political Science Review, April 1940, pp. 395-396
  23. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Works of Gerrard Winstanley, by George H. Sabine and Gerrard Winstanley
    1. The Works of Gerrard Winstanley by George H. Sabine and Gerrard Winstanley
    American Political Science Review, June 1941, p. 599
  24. Post-Revolutionary Politics in Turkey
    Current History, April 1962, pp. 220-226
  25. The Reorganization of Congress
    The Forum, January 1949, pp. 7-11
  26. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel, by Michael Beresford Foster
    1. The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel by Michael Beresford Foster
    American Political Science Review, December 1935, p. 1093
  27. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Why Democracy?, by Jay William Hudson
    1. Why Democracy? by Jay William Hudson
    American Political Science Review, August 1936, p. 805
  28. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, by Ray Forrest Harvey
    1. Jean Jacques Burlamaqui by Ray Forrest Harvey
    American Political Science Review, August 1938, p. 792
  29. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Development of Political Theory, by Otto F. von Gierke
    1. The Development of Political Theory by Otto F. von Gierke
    American Political Science Review, June 1939, p. 546
  30. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Science and Politics in the Ancient World, by Benjamin Farrington
    1. Science and Politics in the Ancient World by Benjamin Farrington
    American Political Science Review, August 1940, p. 829
  31. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The City of Man, by Herbert Agar
    1. The City of Man by Herbert Agar
    American Political Science Review, April 1941, p. 397
  32. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Nature and Functions of Authority, by Yves Simon
    1. Nature and Functions of Authority by Yves Simon
    American Political Science Review, April 1941, p. 399
  33. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Theology of Politics, by Nathaniel Micklem
    1. The Theology of Politics by Nathaniel Micklem
    American Political Science Review, April 1942, p. 387
  34. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Men of Substance, by W.K. Jordan
    1. Men of Substance by W.K. Jordan
    American Political Science Review, April 1943, p. 378
  35. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Liberal Mind of John Morley, by Warren Staebler
    1. The Liberal Mind of John Morley by Warren Staebler
    American Political Science Review, December 1943, p. 1142
  36. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscelleous (Review)
    Social-Economic Movements, by Harry W. Laidler
    1. Social-Economic Movements by Harry W. Laidler
    American Political Science Review, February 1945, pp. 208-209
  37. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Backgrounds of Conflict: Ideas and Forms in World Politics, by Kurt London
    1. Backgrounds of Conflict: Ideas and Forms in World Politics by Kurt London
    American Political Science Review, October 1945, p. 1016
  38. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Woman as Force in History, by Mary R. Beard
    1. Woman as Force in History by Mary R. Beard
    American Political Science Review, June 1946, p. 614
  39. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Freedom and Reform, by Frank H. Knight
    1. Freedom and Reform by Frank H. Knight
    American Political Science Review, December 1947, pp. 1255-1256
  40. Books in Brief
    Gloria; Patior (Review)
    The Relativity of War and Peace, by Fritz Grob
    1. The Relativity of War and Peace by Fritz Grob
    The Forum, January 1950, pp. 19-20
  41. Turkish Nationalism in the Postwar World
    Current History, February 1959, pp. 86-91
  42. The Turnip Day Congress
    The Forum, November 1948, pp. 276-278
  43. What Chance for Women?
    The Forum, March 1946, pp. 590-594
  44. No Items Found