The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert Louis Burgess Archives
Robert Louis Burgess •ï¿½14 Items / 6 Articles, 4 Reviews, 4 Poems
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  1. Bravado
    The Forum, July 1923, p. 1753
  2. Farming: A Variety of Religious Experience
    The American Review, October 1934, pp. 591-607
  3. [+]
    Fremont Older and Jack Black (2 Reviews)
    My Own Story, by Fremont Older
    1. My Own Story by Fremont Older
    2. You Can't Win by Jack Black
    The Nation, December 8, 1926, p. 605
  4. Homer, Virgil, and a Journalist
    The Nation, January 28, 1925, p. 91
  5. Maturity
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1923, p. 176
  6. Reviews of Books
    Mooney, Billings and Mankind (2 Reviews)
    What Happened in the Mooney Case, by Ernest Jerome Hopkins
    1. What Happened in the Mooney Case by Ernest Jerome Hopkins
    2. The Mooney-Billings Report
    The New Republic, December 7, 1932, p. 102
  7. [+]
    Poetry and Science (Review)
    Earth Moods, by Hervey Allen
    1. Earth Moods by Hervey Allen
    The Nation, July 29, 1925, p. 145
  8. The Protestant Garrison in America
    The American Review, February 1934, pp. 433-452
  9. The Referee
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1923, p. 177
  10. Sunday in the Garden
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1923, p. 176
  11. [+]
    This Criterion of Ours (Review)
    This Country of Yours, by Morris Markey
    1. This Country of Yours by Morris Markey
    The New Republic, October 26, 1932, p. 297
  12. This Is the Place!
    The Mormons and the Land
    The American Review, February 1935, pp. 410-422
  13. UNRRA at the Grass-Roots
    The New Republic, February 21, 1944, p. 240
  14. Working for Hearst
    The New Republic, August 10, 1932, pp. 340-341
  15. No Items Found