The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
J. Edgar Hoover Archives
J. Edgar Hoover •ï¿½27 Items / 5 Books, 21 Articles, 1 Film
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  1. The American Ideal
    The American Mercury, October 1957, pp. 99-103
  2. Beware of Frauds in Uniform
    Wolves and chiselers masquerade as servicemen
    Collier's Weekly, December 26, 1942, p. 11
  3. Breaking the Communist Spell
    The American Mercury, March 1954, pp. 57-61
  4. Communism: A False Religion
    Human Events, April 21, 1958, pp. 5-8
  5. The Deadly Menace of Pseudo Liberals
    The American Mercury, January 1958, pp. 7-11
  6. Death in Headlines
    When news spells tragedy
    Collier's Weekly, August 13, 1938, pp. 9-11
  7. 'The Faith to be Free'
    Human Events, February 24, 1962, pp. 133-135
  8. God and Country-or Communism?
    The American Mercury, December 1957, pp. 7-13
  9. Hitler's Spies Are Experts
    They're thoroughly schooled to deal death and destruction
    Collier's Weekly, April 24, 1943, p. 12
  10. How Good Is Parole? A Debate
    II---Abolish Parole Abuses
    The Forum, August 1938, pp. 71-73
  11. J. Edgar Hoover Speaks Concerning Communism (1971)
    1 Review
  12. Lower Morals Bring Higher Crime Rate
    Human Events, August 4, 1961, pp. 501-502
  13. The Man Without Fingerprints
    A fantastic case from the files of the F.B.I.
    Collier's Weekly, January 30, 1943, p. 16
  14. Masters of Deceit (1958)
    The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. My Most Memorable Christmas
    Coronet Magazine, December 1952, p. 37
  16. On Communism (1969)
    3 Reviews
  17. Persons in Hiding (1937)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  18. Reagan's Smutstompers
    The folks who pledged to get government off our backs want to control what you watch on...
    Reason, April 1986, pp. 26-33
  19. Should I Force My Child?
    The American Mercury, February 1958, pp. 18-19
  20. Slickers in Slacks
    How the F.B.I. broke the case of the "hot suits"
    Collier's Weekly, October 16, 1943, pp. 24-25
  21. A Study of Communism (1962)
    1 Review
  22. They Make Your Hometown Safer
    Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine, November 1956, pp. 98-106
  23. Two Enemies Without Our Gates
    The Twin Threats of Communism and Crime
    Human Events, October 12, 1957, pp. 5-6
  24. U.S. Communists Today
    The American Mercury, May 1954, pp. 80-84
  25. The Underground Tactics of the Communists
    Coronet Magazine, December 1950, pp. 40-44
  26. What Makes an FBI Agent?
    Coronet Magazine, June 1955, pp. 110-114
  27. No Items Found