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Louise Overacker Archives
Louise Overacker •ï¿½37 Items / 6 Books, 18 Articles, 13 Reviews
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  1. American Government and Politics
    Campaign Funds in a Depression Year
    American Political Science Review, October 1933, pp. 769-783
  2. American Government and Politics
    Direct Primary Legislation in 1934-35
    American Political Science Review, April 1936, pp. 279-284
  3. American Government and Politics
    Campaign Funds in the Presidential Election of 1936
    American Political Science Review, June 1937, pp. 473-497
  4. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    American Parties and Elections, by Edward McChesney Sait
    1. American Parties and Elections by Edward McChesney Sait
    American Political Science Review, April 1940, p. 375
  5. American Government and Politics
    Direct Primary Legislation, 1936-1939
    American Political Science Review, June 1940, pp. 499-505
  6. American Government and Politics
    Campaign Finance in the Presidential Election of 1940
    American Political Science Review, August 1941, pp. 701-726
  7. American Government and Politics
    Presidential Campaign Funds, 1944
    American Political Science Review, October 1945, pp. 899-925
  8. The Australian Labor Party
    American Political Science Review, August 1949, pp. 677-703
  9. Australian Parties in a Changing Society (1968)
    1 Review
  10. The Australian Party System (1952)
    2 Reviews
  11. Australia's Battle of Bretton Woods
    The Forum, May 1947, pp. 399-403
  12. Australia's Post-War Election
    The Forum, December 1946, pp. 495-501
  13. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The American Government of Today, by William Starr Myers
    1. The American Government of Today by William Starr Myers
    American Political Science Review, August 1931, p. 767
  14. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Legislative Processes: National and State, by Joseph P. Chamberlain
    1. Legislative Processes: National and State by Joseph P. Chamberlain
    American Political Science Review, October 1936, p. 983
  15. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Democracy Under Pressure, by Stuart Chase
    1. Democracy Under Pressure by Stuart Chase
    American Political Science Review, April 1945, p. 383
  16. [+]
    Books Reviews (Review)
    The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, by L.F. Crisp
    1. The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by L.F. Crisp
    American Political Science Review, September 1950, p. 764
  17. [+]
    Comparative Government and Cross-National Research (Review)
    Australian Party Politics, by James Jupp
    1. Australian Party Politics by James Jupp
    American Political Science Review, June 1965, p. 500
  18. Dirty Money and Dirty Politics
    The New Republic, September 11, 1950, pp. 11-12
  19. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (Review)
    Promises and Performances in Australian Politics, by Russell H. Barrett
    1. Promises and Performances in Australian Politics by Russell H. Barrett
    American Political Science Review, June 1960, p. 560
  20. Labor's Political Contributions
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1939, pp. 56-68
  21. Legislative Notes and Revews
    Primary Election Legislation in 1926-27
    American Political Science Review, May 1928, pp. 353-361
  22. Legislative Notes and Reviews
    The Presidential Primary Since 1924
    American Political Science Review, February 1928, p. 108
  23. Legislative Notes and Reviews
    Direct Primary Legislation in 1928-29
    American Political Science Review, May 1930, pp. 370-379
  24. Legislative Notes and Reviews
    Direct Primary Legislation in 1930-31
    American Political Science Review, April 1932, pp. 294-299
  25. Legislative Notes and Reviews
    Direct Primary Legislation in 1932-33
    American Political Science Review, April 1934, pp. 265-269
  26. Money in Elections (1932)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  27. The New Zealand Labor Party
    American Political Science Review, September 1955, pp. 708-732
  28. Presidential Campaign Funds (1946)
    3 Reviews
  29. The Presidential Primary (1926)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  30. Primary Elections (1928)
    A Study of the History and Tendencies of Primary Election Legislation
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  31. Publications on Australia Useful to a Political Scientist
    A Selective Survey
    American Political Science Review, September 1953, pp. 844-857
  32. [+]
    Foreign Government and Politics (Review)
    Nazi Germany: Its Women and Family Life, by Clifford Kirkpatrick
    1. Nazi Germany: Its Women and Family Life by Clifford Kirkpatrick
    American Political Science Review, February 1939, p. 135
  33. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    The Pulse of Democracy, by George Gallup and Saul Forbes Rae
    1. The Pulse of Democracy by George Gallup and Saul Forbes Rae
    American Political Science Review, April 1942, p. 375
  34. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Propaganda by Short Wave, by Harwood L. Childs and John B. Whitton
    1. Propaganda by Short Wave by Harwood L. Childs and John B. Whitton
    American Political Science Review, October 1942, p. 996
  35. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Politics of Equality, by Leslie Lipson
    1. The Politics of Equality by Leslie Lipson
    American Political Science Review, April 1949, pp. 369-370
  36. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    History of the Labour Party from 1914, by G.D.H. Cole
    1. History of the Labour Party from 1914 by G.D.H. Cole
    American Political Science Review, December 1949, p. 1286
  37. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Costs of Democracy, by Alexander Heard
    1. The Costs of Democracy by Alexander Heard
    American Political Science Review, September 1960, p. 732
  38. No Items Found