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Mary L. Elting Archives
Mary L. Elting •ï¿½44 Items / 13 Books, 31 Reviews
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  1. The Answer Book (1959)
  2. Answers and More Answers (1961)
  3. Arrow Book of Nurses (1963)
  4. Arrow Book of Science Facts (1959)
  5. [+]
    The Book Forum (21 Reviews)
    From These Roots, by Mary M. Colum
    1. From These Roots by Mary M. Colum
    2. Christopher Marlowe: The Man in His Time by John Bakeless
    3. Augustus by John Buchan
    4. East Goes West by Younghill Kang
    5. Stories Behind the World's Great Music by Sigmund Spaeth
    6. Heinrich Heine: Paradox and Poet by Louis Untermeyer
    7. Everybody's Autobiography by Gertrude Stein
    8. Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood by Richard Curle, Robert Browning, and Julia Wedgwood, ...
    9. Animal Treasure by Ivan T. Sanderson
    10. Science and Music by Sir James H. Jeans
    11. Socialised Medicine in the Soviet Union by Henry E. Sigerist
    12. Emotional Hygiene, the Art of Understanding by Camilla M. Anderson
    13. The Old South: Struggles for Democracy by William E. Dodd
    14. You Have Seen Their Faces by Erskine Caldwell and Margaret Bourke-White
    15. The Importance of Living by Lin Yutang
    16. Modern Fiction by Herbert J. Muller
    17. The Long Way Home by Sylvia Chatfield Bates
    18. The Flowering Aloe by Sylvia Stevenson
    19. The Trojan Horse by Christopher Morley
    20. To See Ourselves by Rachel Field and Arthur Pederson
    21. The Chute by Albert Halper
    The Forum, December 1937
  6. [+]
    The Book Forum (10 Reviews)
    The Advancing Front of Science, by George W. Gray
    1. The Advancing Front of Science by George W. Gray
    2. If War Comes by R. Ernest Dupuy and George Fielding Eliot
    3. Time of Our Lives by Orrick Johns
    4. Apes, Men and Morons by Earnest Albert Hooton
    5. False Security by Bernard J. Reis
    6. The Enemy Within by Henry Landau
    7. So You Think Its New by Wilfred J. Funk
    8. Short Story Writing for Profit by Elliott Blackiston
    9. Europa in Limbo by Robert Briffault
    10. Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood by Richard Curle, Robert Browning, and Julia Wedgwood, ...
    The Forum, November 1937
  7. [+]
    The Book Forum (10 Reviews)
    Four Hundred Million Customers, by Carl Crow
    1. Four Hundred Million Customers by Carl Crow
    2. Poisons, Potions and Profits by Peter Morell
    3. Do You Want to Write? by Margaret Widdemer
    4. The Making of a Scientist by Raymond L. Ditmars
    5. The Goncourt Journals, 1851-1870 by Lewis Galantiere, Edmond de Goncourt, and Jules de Goncourt, ...
    6. The Life of Paul Gauguin by Robert Burnett
    7. Jonathan Swift by Bertram Newman
    8. The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leonard Q. Ross
    9. Oleander River by G.B. Stern
    10. He Did Not Die At Meyerling by Henry Wysham Lanier
    The Forum, October 1937
  8. [+]
    The Book Forum (10 Reviews)
    America Goes to War, by Charles C. Tansill
    1. America Goes to War by Charles C. Tansill
    2. Heredity and Politics by J.B.S. Haldane
    3. The Politicos, 1865-1896 by Matthew Josephson
    4. Dancer in Madrid by Janet Riesenfeld
    5. Children of the Rising Sun by Willard Price
    6. Humor and Humanity by Stephen Leacock
    7. Opera---Front and Back by H. Howard Taubman
    8. Helen's Tower by Harold G. Nicolson
    9. Letters from Iceland by W.H. Auden and Louis MacNeice
    10. Ships in the Sky by Gunnar Gunnarsson
    The Forum, April 1938
  9. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    Thirty-Five Thousand Days in Texas, by Sam Hanna Acheson
    1. Thirty-Five Thousand Days in Texas by Sam Hanna Acheson
    2. The Writings of E. M. Forster by Rose Macaulay
    3. A New Deal for Youth by Betty Lindley and Ernest K. Lindley
    4. Women in the Soviet East by Fannina W. Halle
    5. Conscript Europe by Randolph Leigh
    6. With Malice Toward Some by Margaret Halsey
    7. Cardozo and Frontiers of Legal Thinking by Beryl Harold Levy
    8. My Sister Eileen by Ruth McKenney
    The Forum, August 1938
  10. [+]
    The Book Forum (6 Reviews)
    Lloyd's: The Gentlemen at the Coffee-House, by Ralph Straus
    1. Lloyd's: The Gentlemen at the Coffee-House by Ralph Straus
    2. Defoe by James Sutherland
    3. Man Against Himself by Karl A. Menninger
    4. His Excellency, George Clinton by E. Wilder Spaulding
    5. Westward, High, Low, and Dry by Dorothy Childs Hogner
    6. "Coming Sir" by Dave Marlowe
    The Forum, February 1938
  11. [+]
    The Book Forum (13 Reviews)
    A History of the Business Man, by Miriam Beard
    1. A History of the Business Man by Miriam Beard
    2. Your Money and Your Life by Gilbert Seldes
    3. English Vocabulary Builder by Johnson O'Connor
    4. Transgressor in the Tropics by Negley Farson
    5. Two Wars and More to Come by Herbert L. Matthews
    6. Uncommon Scold: The Story of Anne Royall by George Stuyvesant Jackson
    7. Baghdad Sketches by Freya Stark
    8. Psychology Down the Ages by Charles E. Spearman
    9. The Washington Correspondents by Leo C. Rosten
    10. America South by Carleton Beals
    11. Of Men and Music by Deems Taylor
    12. Debussy: Man and Artist by Oscar Thompson
    13. Almanac for New Yorkers, 1938 (#10)
    The Forum, January 1938
  12. [+]
    The Book Forum (10 Reviews)
    Fanny Kemble: A Passionate Victorian, by Margaret Armstrong
    1. Fanny Kemble: A Passionate Victorian by Margaret Armstrong
    2. Swedes in America, 1638-1938 by Adolph B. Benson and Naboth Hedin
    3. Sweden: Ancient and Modern
    4. The United States in World Affairs, 1937 by Whitney H. Shepardson and William O. Scroggs
    5. The Life of Chevalier Jackson by Chevalier Jackson
    6. Goose Feathers by George Digby
    7. Illusion and Reality by Christopher Caudwell
    8. The History of Motion Pictures by Maurice Bardeche, Robert Brasillach, and Iris Barry, ...
    9. American Village by Edwin Valentine Mitchell
    10. Holland: Crossroads of the Zuider Zee by Hendrik de Leeuw
    The Forum, July 1938
  13. [+]
    The Book Forum (7 Reviews)
    The Self You Have to Live With, by Winfred Rhoades
    1. The Self You Have to Live With by Winfred Rhoades
    2. In the Name of Common Sense by Matthew N. Chappell
    3. Personality in Formation and Action by William Healy
    4. Black and Beautiful by Marius Fortie
    5. War in China by Varian Fry
    6. Adonais: A Life of John Keats by Dorothy Hewlett
    7. Mark Twain: A Portrait by Edgar Lee Masters
    The Forum, March 1938
  14. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    The Fight for Life, by Paul de Kruif
    1. The Fight for Life by Paul de Kruif
    2. Charles Darwin: A Portrait by Geoffrey West
    3. The Rocky Road to Dublin by Seumas MacManus
    4. Barney Barnato by Richard Lewinsohn
    5. What Hath a Man! by Sarah Gertrude Millin
    6. China Fights for Her Life by Herbert Roslyn Ekins and Theon Wright
    7. Our Country, Our People, and Theirs by M.E. Tracy
    8. The Time of Change by Lucile Grebenc
    The Forum, May 1938
  15. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    Thomas Paine, Liberator, by Frank Smith
    1. Thomas Paine, Liberator by Frank Smith
    2. The Journals of Bronson Alcott by Odell Shepard and Bronson Alcott
    3. Whitman by Newton Arvin
    4. Our Promised Land by Richard L. Neuberger
    5. Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography by Margaret Sanger
    6. This is Democracy by Marquis W. Childs
    7. Wither America? by Hans Christian Sonne
    8. Such Sweet Compulsion by Geraldine Farrar
    The Forum, November 1938
  16. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    Benjamin Franklin, by Carl Van Doren
    1. Benjamin Franklin by Carl Van Doren
    2. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Biography by Hermann Hagedorn
    3. The March of Literature by Ford Madox Ford
    4. The Secret Life of a Secret Agent by Henry W. Lanier
    5. Zaca Venture by William Beebe
    6. Beauty Plus by Mary MacFadyen
    7. Patterns of Survival by John Hodgdon Bradley
    8. Listen! The Wind by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
    The Forum, October 1938
  17. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    Society in Transition, by Harry Elmer Barnes
    1. Society in Transition by Harry Elmer Barnes
    2. The Corporate State in Action by Carl T. Schmidt
    3. These Are Our Lives (#24)
    4. Tintypes in Gold by Joseph Henry Jackson
    5. A Doctor for the People by Michael A. Shadid
    6. I Went to the Soviet Arctic by Ruth Gruber
    7. We Didn't Ask Utopia by Harry Timbres and Rebecca Timbres
    8. Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb
    The Forum, August 1939
  18. [+]
    The Book Forum (3 Reviews)
    Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, by Carl Sandburg
    1. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years by Carl Sandburg
    2. The Heritage of America by Henry Steele Commager and Allan Nevins
    3. Lord Rutherford, 1871-1937 by A.S. Eve
    The Forum, December 1939
  19. [+]
    The Book Forum (12 Reviews)
    Men Must Act, by Lewis Mumford
    1. Men Must Act by Lewis Mumford
    2. England: A Dying Oligarchy by Louis Bromfield
    3. When There Is No Peace by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    4. Address Unknown by K. Kressmann Taylor
    5. This Is Living by Donald Culross Peattie
    6. Marihuana by Robert P. Walton
    7. Crime and the Man by Earnest A. Hooton
    8. Latin America by Frederick A. Kirkpatrick
    9. Industrial Valley by Ruth McKenney
    10. The Romance of Human Progress by Arthur Stanley Riggs
    11. What to Listen for in Music by Aaron Copland
    12. Without Penalty to Capital or Labor by Owen Taylor
    The Forum, February 1939
  20. [+]
    The Book Forum (10 Reviews)
    Touch'd with Madness, by Hilton Howell Railey
    1. Touch'd with Madness by Hilton Howell Railey
    2. The Birth of the Oil Industry by Paul H. Giddens
    3. Behind the Ballots by James A. Farley
    4. Lords of the Press by George Seldes
    5. Bauhaus---1919-1928 by Herbert Bayer, Walter Gropius, and Ise Gropius
    6. Young Longfellow, 1807-1843 by Lawrance Thompson
    7. The Miracle of Haworth by W. Bertram White
    8. Soviets in the Arctic by T.A. Taracouzio
    9. Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic by Vilhjalmur Stefansson
    10. Radio Writing by Max Wylie
    The Forum, January 1939
  21. [+]
    The Book Forum (11 Reviews)
    Fiction Review
    1. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
    2. The Bridegroom Cometh by Waldo David Frank
    3. The Heroes by Millen Brand
    4. Wickford Point by John P. Marquand
    5. The Holy Terror by H.G. Wells
    6. Seasoned Timber by Dorothy Canfield
    7. Wine of Good Hope by David Rame
    8. The Stricklands by Edwin Lanham
    9. Full Harvest by Dora Aydelotte
    10. The Power-House by Benjamin Appel
    11. The Midas Touch by Margaret Kennedy
    The Forum, July 1939
  22. [+]
    The Book Forum (22 Reviews)
    Other Titles for Your Summer Reading
    1. The Tree of Liberty by Elizabeth Page
    2. Night Rider by Robert Penn Warren
    3. The Land Is Bright by Archie Binns
    4. Sirocco, and Other Stories by Ralph Bates
    5. Bitter Creek by James Boyd
    6. Drums at Dusk by Arna Bontemps
    7. Here Lies by Dorothy Parker
    8. The Middle Passage by Roland Barker and William Doerflinger
    9. Rope of Gold by Josephine Herbst
    10. The Middle Window by Elizabeth Goudge
    11. The Patriot by Pearl S. Buck
    12. Tryst by Elswyth Thane
    13. The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White
    14. Valedictory by MacKinlay Kantor
    15. Ordeal by Nevil Shute
    16. The Young Cosima by Henry Handel Richardson
    17. Passport for a Girl by Mary Borden
    18. Fiesta in Manhattan by Charles Kaufman
    19. The Night Is Coming by Marthedith Furnas
    20. Jubal Troop by Paul I. Wellman
    21. Beware of Pity by Stefan Zweig
    22. Straws in Amber by Naomi Jacob
    The Forum, July 1939
  23. [+]
    The Book Forum (6 Reviews)
    America in Midpassage, by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
    1. America in Midpassage by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
    2. The Life and Death of Louis XVI by Saul K. Padover
    3. You're the Doctor by Victor G. Heiser
    4. See Yourself as Others See You by David Seabury
    5. Fighting for Life by S. Josephine Baker, M.D.
    6. Introduction to Argentina by Alexander Wilbourne Weddell
    The Forum, May 1939
  24. [+]
    The Book Forum (9 Reviews)
    Pioneers of Plenty, by Christy Borth
    1. Pioneers of Plenty by Christy Borth
    2. Modern Miracle Men by J.D. Ratcliff
    3. Conquests of Science by Ray Compton and Charles Nettels
    4. Giddy Minds and Foreign Quarrels by Charles A. Beard
    5. Law and Politics by Felix Frankfurter and Archibald MacLeish, Jr., ...
    6. Sidney Hillman: Labor Statesman by George H. Soule
    7. From Another World by Louis Untermeyer
    8. Autobiography by A.A. Milne
    9. Bryce's American Commonwealth by Robert C. Brooks and James Bryce
    The Forum, November 1939
  25. [+]
    The Book Forum (9 Reviews)
    I Believe, by Clifton Fadiman
    1. I Believe by Clifton Fadiman
    2. Americas to the South by John T. Whitaker
    3. Country Lawyer by Bellamy Partridge
    4. The House of Mitsui by Oland D. Russell
    5. The Fine Art of Propaganda by Alfred McClung Lee and Elizabeth Briant Lee
    6. Inside the Department of State by Bertram D. Hulen
    7. What Will Happen and What to Do When War Comes by Laurence A. Nixon
    8. Let the Record Speak by Dorothy Thompson
    9. Democracy---Today and Tomorrow by Eduard Benes
    The Forum, October 1939
  26. [+]
    The Book Forum (8 Reviews)
    Not Peace But a Sword, by Vincent Sheean
    1. Not Peace But a Sword by Vincent Sheean
    2. Foreign Affairs by Anthony Eden
    3. Man Against Microbe by Joseph W. Bigger
    4. A Guide to Alaska by Merle Colby
    5. The War Behind the War, 1914-1918 by Frank P. Chambers
    6. Of Ants and Men by Caryl P. Haskins
    7. No Compromise by Melvin M. Rader
    8. The United States in World Affairs, 1938 by Whitney H. Shepardson and William O. Scroggs
    The Forum, September 1939
  27. [+]
    The Book Forum (2 Reviews)
    The Other Germany, by Erika Mann and Klaus Mann
    1. The Other Germany by Erika Mann and Klaus Mann
    2. The Cradle Builder by Walter Schoenstedt
    The Forum, March 1940, p. 140
  28. Flowers and What They Are (1961)
  29. The Hopi Way (1969)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  30. If You Lived in the Days of the Wild Mammoth Hunters (1968)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  31. [+]
    Life and Literature (Review)
    The Catholic Crisis, by George Seldes
    1. The Catholic Crisis by George Seldes
    The Forum, April 1940, p. 202
  32. [+]
    Life and Literature (Review)
    Europe to Let, by Storm Jameson
    1. Europe to Let by Storm Jameson
    The Forum, May 1940, p. 269
  33. A New Answer Book (1977)
  34. The Real Book About Trains (1951)
  35. The Book Forum
    Travel (6 Reviews)
    Our Amazing Earth, by Carroll Lane Fenton
    1. Our Amazing Earth by Carroll Lane Fenton
    2. In Search of Soviet Gold by John D. Littlepage and Demaree Bess
    3. Changing the Skyline by Paul Starrett
    4. Babies Are Human Beings by C. Anderson Aldrich and Mary M. Aldrich
    5. Sailor on Horseback by Irving Stone
    6. The Prospects of American Democracy by George S. Counts
    The Forum, September 1938
  36. [+]
    Forum Quiz Contest Winners (9 Reviews)
    Fighting Years, by Oswald Garrison Villard
    1. Fighting Years by Oswald Garrison Villard
    2. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    3. Autobiography, with Letters by William Lyon Phelps
    4. American Earth by Carleton Beals
    5. The Psychology of Making Life Interesting by Wendell White
    6. War in Our Time by Hans Speier and Alfred Kahler
    7. You Can't Eat That by Helen Morgan
    8. Fremont: Pathmarker of the West by Allan Nevins
    9. Prehistoric Life by Percy E. Raymond
    The Forum, April 1939
  37. [+]
    Our Rostrum (10 Reviews)
    Through Embassy Eyes, by Martha Dodd
    1. Through Embassy Eyes by Martha Dodd
    2. Reaching for the Stars by Nora Waln
    3. Enjoy Living by Robert Haven Schauffler
    4. America Begins Again by Katherine Glover
    5. The Natural History of Population by Raymond Pearl
    6. The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences by J.B.S. Haldane
    7. The Scandinavian States and the League of Nations by S. Shepard Jones
    8. How to Write and Sell Nonfiction by F. Fraser Bond
    9. A History of American Magazines, Vol. III: 1865-1885 by Frank Luther Mott
    10. The Lake of the Royal Crocodiles by Eileen Bigland
    The Forum, March 1939
  38. [+]
    Nassau and the Bahamas (2 Reviews)
    The Reconquest of Mexico, by Nathaniel Weyl and Sylvia Weyl
    1. The Reconquest of Mexico by Nathaniel Weyl and Sylvia Weyl
    2. Mrs. Morton of Mexico by Arthur Davison Ficke
    The Forum, February 1940
  39. [+]
    Nassau and the Bahamas (Review)
    Tar Heel Editor, by Josephus Daniels
    1. Tar Heel Editor by Josephus Daniels
    The Forum, February 1940
  40. [+]
    The Artist's Point of View (3 Reviews)
    In Place of Splendor, by Constancia de la Mora
    1. In Place of Splendor by Constancia de la Mora
    2. World Without End by Stoyan Pribichevich
    3. Art Young: His Life and Times by John Nicholas Beffel and Art Young
    The Forum, January 1940
  41. Soldiers, Sailors, Fliers and Marines (1943)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  42. Trucks at Work (1946)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  43. What's Going on Here? (1968)
  44. No Items Found