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Samuel Gompers Archives
Samuel Gompers •ï¿½29 Items / 12 Books, 13 Articles
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  1. American Labor and the War (1919)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  2. Argument of Mr. Samuel Gompers (1908)
  3. Bolshevism in France
    The Forum, April 1919, pp. 456-460
  4. Debate Between Samuel Gompers and Henry J. Allen (1920)
    1 Review
  5. The Eight-Hour Workday (1920)
  6. Labor and the Common Welfare (1919)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  7. Labor and the Employer (1920)
    2 Reviews
  8. Labor in Europe and America (1910)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  9. Labor Must Unite and Serve
    The Forum, March 1918, pp. 292-296
  10. Labor's Struggle for the Right to Organize
    The Outlook, February 4, 1911, pp. 267-270
  11. Legislated Security Is Bondage
    The Freeman, September 1955, pp. 64-66
  12. The Lesson of the Recent Strikes
    The North American Review, August 1894, pp. 201-206
  13. Organized Labor in the Campaign
    The North American Review, July 1892, pp. 91-96
  14. Out of Their Own Mouths (1921)
    A Revelation and an Indictment of Sovietism
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. Power and Labor
    The Survey, March 1, 1924, pp. 633-634
  16. Profiles in Citizenship
    A Union Boss Who Opposed Partisan Politics and Government Regulations
    Policy Review, January 1997, pp. 64-66
  17. The Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol. I (1986)
    The Making of a Union Leader, 1850-86
    1 Review
  18. Seventy Years of Life and Labor (1925)
    An Autobiography
    52 Chapters, 1,265pp - 10 Reviews, 5 Readable
  19. Strikes and the Coal-Miners
    The Forum, September 1897, pp. 27-33
  20. Tributes to Mark Twain
    The North American Review, June 1910, p. 831
  21. A Voice from the Past
    A 1921 Letter from Samuel Gompers
    The Social Contract, Fall 1999, pp. 32-33
  22. The Voluntary Basis of Trade Unionism
    The Freeman, March 1956, p. 46
  23. What Organized Labor Wants
    McClure's Magazine, November 1908, pp. 25-31
  24. No Items Found