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Foreign Affairs Archives
Foreign Affairs •ï¿½80 Years, 335 Issues, 7,959 Articles, 69,189pp
Recent Books on International Relations
South and Southeast Asia
Foreign Affairs, April 1951, p. 503
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1920s = 8 Years, 29 Issues, 694 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1922 = 2 Issues, 45 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1923 = 4 Issues, 89 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1924 = 4 Issues, 86 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1925 = 3 Issues, 70 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1926 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1927 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1928 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1929 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
                  2. [+]
                    Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 1,051 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1930 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1931 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1932 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1933 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1934 = 4 Issues, 108 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1935 = 4 Issues, 112 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1936 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1937 = 4 Issues, 106 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1938 = 4 Issues, 106 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1939 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                                      2. [+]
                                        Issues of the 1940s = 10 Years, 38 Issues, 973 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1940 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1941 = 4 Issues, 110 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1942 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1943 = 4 Issues, 105 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1944 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1946 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1947 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1948 = 3 Issues, 77 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1949 = 3 Issues, 69 Articles
                                                          2. [+]
                                                            Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 37 Issues, 925 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1950 = 1 Issue, 23 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1951 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  January 1951 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                  1. Japan and the Crisis in Asia by Shigeru Yoshida, pp. 171-181
                                                                  2. Two Roosevelt Decisions by Sumner Welles, pp. 182-204
                                                                  3. Partnership with Asia by P.C. Spender, pp. 205-218
                                                                  4. Principles of British Military Thought by Major General Sir Ian Jacob, pp. 219-228
                                                                  5. Needed: A Strategy for Oil by Halford L. Hoskins, pp. 229-237
                                                                  6. The Eastern Question in Modern Dress by Fitzroy Maclean, pp. 238-247
                                                                  7. Historians in a Revolutionary Age by Max Beloff, pp. 248-262
                                                                  8. Europe's Northernmost Frontier by John J. Teal, Jr., pp. 263-275
                                                                  9. Rearmament and European Integration by Donald H. McLachlan, pp. 276-286
                                                                  10. The Buddhism That Was India by Vincent Sheean, pp. 287-299
                                                                  11. German Reparations in the Soviet Empire by Peter Nettl, pp. 300-307
                                                                  12. Vargas Returns in Brazil by C.H. Haring, pp. 308-314
                                                                  13. [+]
                                                                    Recent Books on International Relations by Henry L. Roberts, pp. 315-316 - 16 Reviews
                                                                    1. Europe in Decay by Lewis B. Namier
                                                                    2. Two Memoirs by John Maynard Keynes
                                                                    3. Truman, Stalin and Peace by Albert H.Z. Carr
                                                                    4. Authoritarianism and the Individual by Harold Metz and Charles A.H. Thomson
                                                                    5. International Relations in the Age of the Conflict Between Democracy and Dictatorship by Robert Strausz-Hupe and Stefan Possony
                                                                    6. Even Now by Robert G. Vansittart
                                                                    7. Pax Futura by Willy Hellpach
                                                                    8. Reprieve from War by Lionel M. Gelber
                                                                    9. How Can We the People Achieve a Just Peace?
                                                                    10. How to Wage Peace by Hans W. Rosenhaupt
                                                                    11. European Movement and the Coucil of Europe
                                                                    12. Geo-Economic Regionalism and World Federation by Maurice Parmelee
                                                                    13. The Study of Comparative Government by Jasper Berry Shannon
                                                                    14. Minimum Standard of International Law Applied to Aliens by Andreas H. Roth
                                                                    15. The Statesman's Year-Book 1950 by S.H. Steinberg
                                                                    16. The South American Handbook 1950 by Howell Davies
                                                                  14. [+]
                                                                    General: Economic, Social and Cultural War and the Minds of Men, by Frederick Sherwoo..., pp. 317-319 - 16 Reviews
                                                                    1. War and the Minds of Men by Frederick Sherwood Dunn
                                                                    2. War and Civilization by Arnold J. Toynbee and Albert Vann Fowler
                                                                    3. The Idea of Conflict by Kurt Singer
                                                                    4. Zero: The Story of Terrorism by Robert Payne
                                                                    5. The Dilemma of the Idealist by David Bryn-Jones
                                                                    6. Making Capitalism Work by Dexter Merriam Keezer
                                                                    7. Twentieth Century Economic Thought by Glenn Edwin Hoover
                                                                    8. The Economic Role of the State by William Aylott Orton
                                                                    9. The United States and the Restoration of World Trade by William Adams Brown, Jr.
                                                                    10. New Concept in the Quest for Peace by Paul Eric Keofod
                                                                    11. International Monetary and Financial Conferences in the Interwar Period by Dean E. Traynor
                                                                    12. Movements for Economic Reform by Philip Taft
                                                                    13. Wartime Economic Co-Operation by R. Warren James
                                                                    14. Problems in the Collection and Comparability of International Statistics
                                                                    15. The Sociology of Colonies by Rene Maunier
                                                                    16. Oil in the Modern World by Raj Narain Gupta
                                                                  15. [+]
                                                                    The Second World War Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, by Robert L. Eichelb..., p. 320 - 3 Reviews
                                                                    1. Our Jungle Road to Tokyo by Robert L. Eichelberger and Milton MacKaye
                                                                    2. The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, August 1942 to July 1944 by Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate
                                                                    3. Ill Met by Moonlight by W. Stanley Moss
                                                                  16. [+]
                                                                    The United States The Man of Independence, by Jonathan Daniels, p. 321 - 16 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Man of Independence by Jonathan Daniels
                                                                    2. Bureaucracy in a Democracy by Charles S. Hyneman
                                                                    3. Modern Republic by Spencer Pinkham
                                                                    4. Federal Reserve Policy-Making by George Leland Bach
                                                                    5. Wartime Economic Planning in Agriculture by Bela Gold
                                                                    6. Trade and Agriculture by D. Gale Johnson
                                                                    7. Production and Welfare of Agriculture by Theodore W. Schultz
                                                                    8. The Road to Pearl Harbor by Herbert Feis
                                                                    9. America's Second Crusade by William Henry Chamberlin
                                                                    10. Faith, Purpose and Power by James P. Warburg
                                                                    11. Ordeal by Slander by Owen Lattimore
                                                                    12. Character Assassination by Jerome Davis
                                                                    13. A Generation on Trial by Alistair Cooke
                                                                    14. The Pre-Election Polls of 1948 by Frederick Mosteller, Herbert Hyman, and Philip J. McCarthy, ...
                                                                    15. European Beliefs Regarding the United States, 1949 by Henry Lee Munson
                                                                    16. Statehood for Hawaii by William C. Dill
                                                                  17. [+]
                                                                    Western Europe The Belgian Kempenland, by Francis John Monkhouse, pp. 322-325 - 6 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Belgian Kempenland by Francis John Monkhouse
                                                                    2. Contemporary Danish Politicians by Poul Hansen
                                                                    3. The Debate on the Foreign Policy of Sweden, 1918-1939 by Herbert L.G. Tingsten
                                                                    4. Germany and the Fight for Freedom by Lucius D. Clay
                                                                    5. The Fall of the German Gods by H.E. Westermeyer
                                                                    6. Friedrich Ebert by Max Peters
                                                                  18. [+]
                                                                    Eastern Europe Soviet Politics: The Dilemma of Power, by Barr..., pp. 326-327 - 14 Reviews
                                                                    1. Soviet Politics: The Dilemma of Power by Barrington Moore, Jr.
                                                                    2. The Government of the Soviet Union by Samuel N. Harper and Ronald Thompson
                                                                    3. The People of Great Russia by Geoffrey Gorer and John Rickman
                                                                    4. Verdict of Three Decades by Julien Steinberg
                                                                    5. Moscow Correspondent by Ralph Parker
                                                                    6. The Election to the Russian Constituent Assembly of 1917 by Oliver Henry Radkey
                                                                    7. An Introduction to Russian History and Culture by Ivar Spector
                                                                    8. The Deadly Parallel by George Backer
                                                                    9. Stalin and the Poles by Bronislaw Kusnierz
                                                                    10. Soviet Trade Unions by Isaac Deutscher
                                                                    11. Industrial Management in the USSR by A. Arakelian
                                                                    12. The Cardinal's Story by Stephen K. Swift
                                                                    13. Tito by George Bilainkin
                                                                    14. Macedonia: A Switzerland of the Balkans by Ivan G. Mikhailov
                                                                  19. [+]
                                                                    The British Commonwealth of Nations British Politics Since 1900, by D.C. Somervell, p. 328 - 13 Reviews
                                                                    1. British Politics Since 1900 by D.C. Somervell
                                                                    2. Days for Decision by Anthony Eden
                                                                    3. Political Opinion by Henry W. Durant
                                                                    4. British Railways and Economic Recovery by Kenneth H. Johnston
                                                                    5. English Social Services: Methods and Growth by Emmeline W. Cohen
                                                                    6. Canada in World Affairs: The Pre-War Years by Frederic Hubert Soward
                                                                    7. Democratic Government Canada by Robert MacGregor Dawson
                                                                    8. We Went to Australia by David E. Walker
                                                                    9. Freedom and Planning in Australia by A. Campbell Garnett
                                                                    10. India by C.H. Philips
                                                                    11. New Zealand by Harold Gladstone Miller
                                                                    12. Burma by Daniel G.E. Hall
                                                                    13. South Africa: A Short History by Arthur Keppel-Jones
                                                                  20. [+]
                                                                    The Middle East The Middle East: A Political and Economic Survey,, pp. 329-330 - 19 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Middle East: A Political and Economic Survey
                                                                    2. The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion by Louis Finkelstein
                                                                    3. The Republic of Israel by Joseph Dunner
                                                                    4. On the Road to Zion by Daniel Frisch
                                                                    5. Fifty Years of Zionism by Oscar K. Rabinowicz
                                                                    6. Building Israel by Arthur Ruppin
                                                                    7. New Star in the Near East by Kenneth W. Bilby
                                                                    8. I Saw the Battle of Jerusalem by Harry Levin
                                                                    9. The Army of Israel by Moshe Pearlman
                                                                    10. Going to Jerusalem by Willie Snow Ethridge
                                                                    11. Israel Revisited by Ralph McGill
                                                                    12. Report on Israel by Irwin Shaw and Robert Capa
                                                                    13. Palestine Is Our Business by Millar Burrows
                                                                    14. Israel in Crisis by A.B. Magil
                                                                    15. The Land and People of Israel by Gail Hoffman
                                                                    16. Education in Arab Countries of the Near East by Roderic D. Matthews and Matta Akrawi
                                                                    17. Foundations of Turkish Nationalism by Uriel Heyd
                                                                    18. A Searchlight on the Armenian Question, 1878-1950 by J. Missakian
                                                                    19. The Iranian Seven-Year Plan and Its Monetary Effects by Ali Moarefi
                                                                  21. [+]
                                                                    South and Southeast Asia Independence and After, by Jawaharlal Nehru, p. 331 - 4 Reviews
                                                                    1. Independence and After by Jawaharlal Nehru
                                                                    2. Interview with India by John Frederick Muehl
                                                                    3. Indian Industrial Labour by T.N. Rastogi
                                                                    4. Bengal in Maps by S.P. Chatterjee
                                                                  22. [+]
                                                                    The Far East and Pacific Ocean Dateline: China, by Hollington K. Tong, pp. 331-332 - 8 Reviews
                                                                    1. Dateline: China by Hollington K. Tong
                                                                    2. Conflict in the Far East by James William Christopher
                                                                    3. The Beginnings of Political Democracy in Japan by Nobutaka Ike
                                                                    4. Journey to the "Missouri" by Toshikazu Kase
                                                                    5. Why War Came in Korea by Robert T. Oliver
                                                                    6. The Epic of Korea by A. Wigfall Green
                                                                    7. Saga of Jose P. Laurel by Teofilo Del Castillo and Jose Del Castillo
                                                                    8. Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft by Thor Heyerdahl
                                                                  23. [+]
                                                                    Africa Seven Across the Sahara, by W. Harold Ingrams, p. 333 - 10 Reviews
                                                                    1. Seven Across the Sahara by W. Harold Ingrams
                                                                    2. The Groundnut Affair by Alan Wood
                                                                    3. African Switzerland by Eric Rosenthal
                                                                    4. East African Agriculture by J.K. Matheson and E.W. Bovill
                                                                    5. The Griquas of Griqualand by Samuel James Halford
                                                                    6. Twilight in South Africa by Henry Gibbs
                                                                    7. Africa: Britain's Third Empire by George Padmore
                                                                    8. The Golden Land by Julian Mockford
                                                                    9. Seretse Khama by Julian Mockford
                                                                    10. The Zulu People by Alfred T. Bryant
                                                                  24. [+]
                                                                    Latin America and the West Indies Social Science Trends in Latin America, by Har..., pp. 334-335 - 10 Reviews
                                                                    1. Social Science Trends in Latin America by Harold E. Davis
                                                                    2. Latin American Leaders by Harold Eugene Davis
                                                                    3. Mexico: A Land of Volcanoes by Joseph H. Schlarman
                                                                    4. Rural Cuba by Lowry Nelson
                                                                    5. Honduras: An Area Study in Government by William S. Stokes
                                                                    6. After England--We by A.H. Maloney
                                                                    7. The Bolivar Countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela by William Richard Russell
                                                                    8. Three Worlds of Peru by Frances Toor
                                                                    9. The Road to Cuzco by Ena Dargan
                                                                    10. The Epic of the Chaco by Pablo Max Ynsfran and Jose Felix Estigarribia, ...
                                                                  25. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 336-342
                                                                2. [+]
                                                                  April 1951 Issue = 26 Articles
                                                                  1. Britain in World Strategy by Anthony Eden, pp. 341-350
                                                                  2. America and the Russian Future by George F. Kennan, pp. 351-370
                                                                  3. Sea Power by Walter Millis, pp. 371-384
                                                                  4. The Impact of Rearmament on the Free World Economy by Richard M. Bissell, Jr., pp. 385-405
                                                                  5. The Philippines by Albert Ravenholt, pp. 406-416
                                                                  6. South Africa in Afrikaner Hands by G.H. Calpin, pp. 417-423
                                                                  7. Israel: The Emergence of a Democracy by Abba Eban, pp. 424-435
                                                                  8. The Functional Approach to European Integration by Dirk U. Stikker, pp. 436-444
                                                                  9. Crisis and Reform in French North Africa by Charles-Andre Julien, pp. 445-455
                                                                  10. Canada, Free and Dependent by John A. Stevenson, pp. 456-467
                                                                  11. Indo-China on the Razor's Edge by Seymour Topping, pp. 468-474
                                                                  12. Economic Bases of Unrest in Burma by Peter Ady, pp. 475-481
                                                                  13. The Thirty-Eighth Parallel by Arthur L. Grey, Jr., pp. 482-487
                                                                  14. [+]
                                                                    Recent Books on International Relations by Henry L. Roberts, pp. 488-490 - 17 Reviews
                                                                    1. Policy for the West by Barbara Ward
                                                                    2. Defence of the West by Basil H. Liddell Hart
                                                                    3. The Price of Survival by Joseph B. Sweet
                                                                    4. Power and Politics by Hanson W. Baldwin
                                                                    5. From Napoleon to Stalin by A.J.P. Taylor
                                                                    6. Shooting an Elephant, and Other Essays by George Orwell
                                                                    7. International Law and Human Rights by Hersch Lauterpacht
                                                                    8. The Law of the United Nations by Hans Kelsen
                                                                    9. The North Atlantic Treaty, the Brussels Treaty, and the Charter of the United Nations by W. Eric Beckett
                                                                    10. International Legislation, Vol. IX: 1942-1945 by Manley O. Hudson and Louis B. Sohn
                                                                    11. A Constitution for the World Government by Sanjib K. Chaudhuri
                                                                    12. Internationalism and Democracy by Stuart Gerry Brown
                                                                    13. The Politics of Murder by Joseph Bornstein
                                                                    14. History of the Great War by James E. Edmonds and H.R. Davies
                                                                    15. The Hell Bomb by William L. Laurence
                                                                    16. Political Handbook of the World, 1951 by Walter H. Mallory
                                                                    17. An Encyclopedia of Modern World Politics by Walter Theimer
                                                                  15. [+]
                                                                    General: Economic, Social and Cultural The Human Use of Human Beings, by Norbert Wiener, p. 491 - 14 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Human Use of Human Beings by Norbert Wiener
                                                                    2. Strategy in Poker, Business and War by John McDonald
                                                                    3. Tensions that Cause Wars by Hadley Cantril
                                                                    4. Tensions Affecting International Understanding by Otto Klineberg
                                                                    5. Freedom, Power, and Democratic Planning by Karl Mannheim
                                                                    6. Stability by Frederick E. Dessauer
                                                                    7. Race and Culture by Robert Ezra Park
                                                                    8. Bold New Program by Willard R. Espy
                                                                    9. Peace by Investment by Benjamin A. Javits
                                                                    10. Monetary Theory and Public Policy by Kenneth K. Kurihara
                                                                    11. Self-Government for the Colonies by Walter R. Crocker
                                                                    12. Nationalism and Internationalism by Edward Mead Earle
                                                                    13. The Philosophy of Civilization by Albert Schweitzer
                                                                    14. I Did Not Interview the Dead by David P. Boder
                                                                  16. [+]
                                                                    The Second World War Calculated Risk, by Mark W. Clark, pp. 492-493 - 11 Reviews
                                                                    1. Calculated Risk by Mark W. Clark
                                                                    2. The Hinge of Fate by Winston S. Churchill
                                                                    3. Hitler Directs His War by Felix Gilbert
                                                                    4. A Short Story of 21 Army Group by Hugh Darby and Marcus Cunliffe
                                                                    5. The Marines Were There by Robert Bruce Lockhart
                                                                    6. Always a Fusilier by C. Northcote Parkinson
                                                                    7. The Green Beret by Hilary St. George Saunders
                                                                    8. The Red Beret by Hilary St. George Saunders
                                                                    9. Ack-Ack by Frederick A. Pile
                                                                    10. Operation Cicero by Ludwig Carl Moyzisch
                                                                    11. The Crucible by Yay Panlilio
                                                                  17. [+]
                                                                    The United States The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D...., pp. 494-495 - 10 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt by Franklin D. Roosevelt
                                                                    2. From Versailles to the New Deal by Harold U. Faulkner
                                                                    3. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt by Denis W. Brogan
                                                                    4. War for the World by Fletcher Pratt
                                                                    5. The United States in a Chaotic World by Allan Nevins
                                                                    6. The United States as a World Power by Samuel Flagg Bemis
                                                                    7. The Diplomacy of the Dollar by Herbert Feis
                                                                    8. Air Transportation by G. Lloyd Wilson and Leslie A. Bryan
                                                                    9. The Strengthening of American Political Institutions by A.S. Mike Monroney
                                                                    10. The Puerto Rican Journey by C. Wright Mills
                                                                  18. [+]
                                                                    Western Europe All Honorable Men, by James Stewart Martin, pp. 496-498 - 8 Reviews
                                                                    1. All Honorable Men by James Stewart Martin
                                                                    2. England and Germany: Affinity and Contrast by Hermann Levy
                                                                    3. Account Settled by Hjalmar Schacht
                                                                    4. This Is Germany by Arthur Settel
                                                                    5. The Holy See at Work by Edward Louis Heston
                                                                    6. The Vatican and the Kremlin by Camille M. Cianfarra
                                                                    7. The Vatican and Its Role in World Affairs by Charles Pichon
                                                                    8. Pius XII by Piero Bargellini
                                                                  19. [+]
                                                                    Eastern Europe Tito and Goliath, by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 499-500 - 15 Reviews
                                                                    1. Tito and Goliath by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
                                                                    2. Tito v. Stalin by Jan Yindrich
                                                                    3. The Soviet Image of the United States by Frederick C. Barghoorn
                                                                    4. America Faces Russia by Thomas A. Bailey
                                                                    5. The American Impact on Russia by Max M. Laserson
                                                                    6. The Russian Revolution by M.N. Roy
                                                                    7. Justice in Russia by Harold J. Berman
                                                                    8. The Police State by Craig Thompson
                                                                    9. The Soviet Air Force by Asher Lee
                                                                    10. Joseph Stalin
                                                                    11. Soviet Treaty Series by Leonard Shapiro
                                                                    12. Finland: The Adventures of a Small Power by Hugh Shearman
                                                                    13. The World of the Slavs by Albert Mousset
                                                                    14. Central and South East Europe, 1945-1948 by Reginald R. Betts
                                                                    15. Greek Monetary Developments, 1939-1948 by Dimitrios Delvanis and William C. Cleveland
                                                                  20. [+]
                                                                    The British Commonwealth of Nations Assignment to Austerity, by Herbert L. Matthew..., p. 501 - 9 Reviews
                                                                    1. Assignment to Austerity by Herbert L. Matthews and Nancie Matthews
                                                                    2. The English Middle Classes by Roy Lewis and Angus Maude
                                                                    3. The Conservative Tradition by R.J. White
                                                                    4. The Attitude of the British Labour Party Towards European and Collective Security Problems, 1920-1930 by William Rayburn Tucker
                                                                    5. Partners for Progress by Charles Joseph Jeffries
                                                                    6. The History of Partition, 1912-1925 by Denis Gwynn
                                                                    7. Malta: An Account and an Appreciation by Harry Luke
                                                                    8. This Is Newfoundland by Ewart Young
                                                                    9. The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by L.F. Crisp
                                                                  21. [+]
                                                                    The Middle East The Struggle for Palestine, by J.C. Hurewitz, p. 502 - 2 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Struggle for Palestine by J.C. Hurewitz
                                                                    2. Cordon and Search by R.D. Wilson
                                                                  22. [+]
                                                                    South and Southeast Asia A Barbarian in Asia, by Henri Michaux, p. 503 - 11 Reviews
                                                                    1. A Barbarian in Asia by Henri Michaux
                                                                    2. Pakistan: the Heart of Asia by Liaquat Ali Khan
                                                                    3. An Autobiography by Mohandas K. Gandhi
                                                                    4. All Through the Gandhian Era by A.S. Iyengar
                                                                    5. In the Path of Mahatma Gandhi by George E.G. Catlin
                                                                    6. The Life of Mahatma Gandhi by Louis Fischer
                                                                    7. A Constitutional History of India, 1765-1948 by Sri Ram Sharma
                                                                    8. India and the United States by Lawrence K. Rosinger
                                                                    9. The International Position of India's Raw Materials by N.V. Sovani
                                                                    10. Bengal Famine, 1943 by Tarakchandra Das
                                                                    11. South Asia in the World Today by Phillips Talbot
                                                                  23. [+]
                                                                    The Far East and Pacific Ocean East of Home, by Santha Rama Rau, pp. 504-505 - 12 Reviews
                                                                    1. East of Home by Santha Rama Rau
                                                                    2. Two Kinds of Time by Graham Peck
                                                                    3. Mao Tse-Tung: Ruler of Red China by Robert Payne
                                                                    4. New China: Three Views by Otto P.N.B. van der Sprenkel and Robert Guillain, ...
                                                                    5. Peking Diary: A Year of Revolution by Derk Bodde
                                                                    6. China and the Soviet Union by Aitchen K. Wu
                                                                    7. The Koreans and Their Culture by Cornelius Osgood
                                                                    8. Source Materials on Korean Politics and Ideologies by Donald G. Tewksbury
                                                                    9. The Riddle of MacArthur by John Gunther
                                                                    10. MacArthur: Man of Action by Frank Kelley and Cornelius Ryan
                                                                    11. The Occupation of Japan: Second Phase, 1948-50 by Robert A. Fearey
                                                                    12. The Pacific Islands by Douglas L. Oliver
                                                                  24. [+]
                                                                    Africa The African Factory Worker,, p. 506 - 1 Review
                                                                    1. The African Factory Worker
                                                                  25. Latin America and the West Indies , p. 506
                                                                  26. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 507-514
                                                                3. [+]
                                                                  July 1951 Issue = 24 Articles
                                                                  1. The Bonds of Freedom by George Papandreou, pp. 513-522
                                                                  2. Widening Boundaries of National Interest by Nelson A. Rockefeller, pp. 523-538
                                                                  3. The Pacific Pact by Ben C. Limb, pp. 539-549
                                                                  4. Mao's Stratagem of Land Reform by C.M. Chang, pp. 550-563
                                                                  5. Keynes in Retrospect by Herbert Feis, pp. 564-577
                                                                  6. Crisis of Confidence in Iran by Edward Ashley Bayne, pp. 578-590
                                                                  7. The New Frontiers of the Soviet Union by W. Gordon East, pp. 591-607
                                                                  8. Fair Shares on Teeth and Tanks by Wilfred King, pp. 608-624
                                                                  9. Population and Progress in Puerto Rico by Kingsley Davis, pp. 625-636
                                                                  10. The British Problem in Africa by Margery Perham, pp. 637-650
                                                                  11. Eisenhower's Right Flank by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 651-663
                                                                  12. [+]
                                                                    Recent Books on International Relations by Henry L. Roberts, pp. 664-665 - 10 Reviews
                                                                    1. Seven Decisions That Shaped History by Sumner Welles
                                                                    2. Peace Can Be Won by Paul G. Hoffman
                                                                    3. Challenge and Decision by Edgar Ansel Mowrer
                                                                    4. Peacemaking in Perspective: From Paris to Potsdam by F.W. Pick
                                                                    5. Voting and the Handling of Disputes in the Security Council by Eduardo Jimenez de Arechaga
                                                                    6. Defence in the Cold War
                                                                    7. The Law of the Sea by William McFee
                                                                    8. Natural Selection of Political Forces by Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
                                                                    9. Security, Loyalty, and Science by Walter Gellhorn
                                                                    10. War in Three Dimensions by Edgar J. Kingston-McCloughry
                                                                  13. [+]
                                                                    General: Economic, Social and Cultural The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt, pp. 666-667 - 15 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
                                                                    2. The Authoritarian Personality by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, and Daniel J. Levinson, ...
                                                                    3. Intellectual Capitalism by Johannes Alasco
                                                                    4. Democracy in a World by Richard McKeon and Stein Rokkan
                                                                    5. War and Human Progress by John U. Nef
                                                                    6. The Hebrew Impact on Western Civilization by Dagobert D. Runes
                                                                    7. Out of My Later Years by Albert Einstein
                                                                    8. The New Society by Peter F. Drucker
                                                                    9. The Social Crisis of Our Time by Wilhelm Ropke
                                                                    10. Imperialism and Social Classes by Joseph A. Schumpeter and Paul M. Sweezy
                                                                    11. Socialism: A Short History by Norman Ian MacKenzie
                                                                    12. Quaker Service in Modern War by Howard E. Kershner
                                                                    13. Trade Unions in the New Society by Harold J. Laski
                                                                    14. Public Opinion, 1935-1946 by Hadley Cantril and Mildred Strunk
                                                                    15. Public Opinion and Propaganda by Frederick C. Irion
                                                                  14. [+]
                                                                    The Second World War Rommel, The Desert Fox, by Desmond Young, pp. 668-669 - 12 Reviews
                                                                    1. Rommel, The Desert Fox by Desmond Young
                                                                    2. With Rommel in the Desert by Heinz Werner Schmidt
                                                                    3. Invasion, 1944 by Hans Speidel
                                                                    4. Eight Years Overseas, 1939-1947 by Lord Wilson of Libya
                                                                    5. The Venlo Incident by S. Payne Best
                                                                    6. Popski's Private Army by Vladimir Peniakoff
                                                                    7. Personnel Selection in the British Forces by Philip E. Vernon and John B. Parry
                                                                    8. The Russo-German Alliance, 1939-1941 by A. Rossi
                                                                    9. Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, 22 July 1942-1 May 1944 by Samuel Eliot Morison
                                                                    10. Sea Warfare, 1939-1945 by John Creswell
                                                                    11. The Far Distant Ships by Joseph Schull
                                                                    12. Life's Picture History of World War II by The Editors of Life
                                                                  15. [+]
                                                                    The United States The United States in World Affairs, 1950, by R..., pp. 670-671 - 21 Reviews
                                                                    1. The United States in World Affairs, 1950 by Richard P. Stebbins
                                                                    2. Economics of National Security by George A. Lincoln, William Stone, and Thomas Harvey, ...
                                                                    3. Presidential Agency, OWMR by Herman Miles Somers
                                                                    4. Survey of United States International Finance, 1949 by Gardner Patterson
                                                                    5. Capital Imports and the American Balance of Payments, 1934-39 by Arthur I. Bloomfield
                                                                    6. Morgenthau, the New Deal, and Silver by Allan Seymour Everest
                                                                    7. The Administration of American Foreign Affairs by James L. McCamy
                                                                    8. Congress and Foreign Policy by Robert A. Dahl
                                                                    9. Pressures on Congress by Fred W. Riggs
                                                                    10. Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy, 1950-1951
                                                                    11. Incredible Tale by Gerald W. Johnson
                                                                    12. The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman, Reuel Denney, and Nathan Glazer
                                                                    13. American Labor Leaders by Charles A. Madison
                                                                    14. Men Without Faces by Louis Francis Budenz
                                                                    15. Prejudice and the Press by Frank L. Hughes
                                                                    16. My First Eighty-Three Years in America by James W. Gerard
                                                                    17. Herbert Hoover: American Quaker by David Hinshaw
                                                                    18. Bernard Baruch: Portrait of a Citizen by William L. White
                                                                    19. FDR: A Pictorial Biography by Stefan Lorant
                                                                    20. Slipstream by Eugene Edward Wilson
                                                                    21. Alaska by Fritz Bartz
                                                                  16. [+]
                                                                    Western Europe Introduction to Europe,, pp. 672-675 - 12 Reviews
                                                                    1. Introduction to Europe
                                                                    2. A Geography of Europe by Jean Gottmann
                                                                    3. Europe Between the Acts by R.G. Waldeck
                                                                    4. The Middle Sea by L.G. Pine
                                                                    5. The Face and Mind of Ireland by Arland Ussher
                                                                    6. Modern France by Edward Mead Earle
                                                                    7. Collective Security in Swiss Experience, 1291-1948 by William E. Rappard
                                                                    8. Switzerland: A Democratic Way of Life by Andre Siegfried
                                                                    9. Ten Days to Die by Michael A. Musmanno
                                                                    10. The Theory and Practice of Hell by Eugen Kogon
                                                                    11. Journal in the Night by Theodor Haecker and Alexander Dru
                                                                    12. The Spaniards in Their History by Ramon Menendez Pidal
                                                                  17. [+]
                                                                    Eastern Europe The East European Revolution, by Hugh Seton-Wa..., pp. 676-677 - 10 Reviews
                                                                    1. The East European Revolution by Hugh Seton-Watson
                                                                    2. Revolution in Eastern Europe by Doreen Warriner
                                                                    3. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 by E.H. Carr
                                                                    4. The New Soviet Empire by David J. Dallin
                                                                    5. The Operational Code of the Politburo by Nathan C. Leites
                                                                    6. Soviet Trade with Eastern Europe, 1945-1949 by Margaret Dewar
                                                                    7. If You Were Born in Russia by Arthur Goodfriend
                                                                    8. Russia and Western Man by Walter Schubart
                                                                    9. Czechoslovakia Enslaved by Hubert Ripka
                                                                    10. Rumania: Political Problems of an Agrarian State by Henry L. Roberts
                                                                  18. [+]
                                                                    The British Commonwealth of Nations The Cautious Revolution: Britain Today and Tom..., p. 678 - 12 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Cautious Revolution: Britain Today and Tomorrow by Ernest Watkins
                                                                    2. Problems of Socialist England by Bertrand de Jouvenel
                                                                    3. A King's Story by Edward Windsor
                                                                    4. The Unbroken Thread by Samuel J.G. Hoare Templewood
                                                                    5. The Life of John Maynard Keynes by Roy F. Harrod
                                                                    6. Organization and Equipment for War by Ronald M. Weeks
                                                                    7. Command of the Sea by F.H. Hinsley
                                                                    8. The Changing Commonwealth by Frederic Hubert Soward
                                                                    9. The British Overseas by C.E. Carrington
                                                                    10. Changing Empire: Churchill to Nehru by Eric Estorick
                                                                    11. Shadows in the Sun by Stephen J. Lake Taylor and Phyllis Gadsden
                                                                    12. The Third Force in Canada by Dean E. McHenry
                                                                  19. [+]
                                                                    The Middle East The United States and the Near East, by E.A. S..., p. 679 - 4 Reviews
                                                                    1. The United States and the Near East by E.A. Speiser
                                                                    2. Arabian Journey and Other Desert Travels by Gerald de Gaury
                                                                    3. The Physical Planning of Israel by K.H. Baruth
                                                                    4. Afghanistan by William K. Fraser
                                                                  20. [+]
                                                                    South and Southeast Asia Asia: A Regional and Economic Geography, by L...., p. 680 - 3 Reviews
                                                                    1. Asia: A Regional and Economic Geography by L. Dudley Stamp
                                                                    2. Second Year of Freedom: August 1948-August 1949
                                                                    3. Bihar, the Heart of India by John W. Houlton
                                                                  21. [+]
                                                                    The Far East and the Pacific Ocean Blunder in Asia, by Harrison Forman, p. 680 - 5 Reviews
                                                                    1. Blunder in Asia by Harrison Forman
                                                                    2. The Government and Politics of China, 1912-1949 by Tuan-sheng Ch'ien
                                                                    3. China's Red Masters by Robert S. Elegant
                                                                    4. Aspects of Japan's Labor Problems by Miriam S. Farley and William T. Moran
                                                                    5. War in Korea by Marguerite Higgins
                                                                  22. [+]
                                                                    Africa No Woman's Country, by Michael Langley, p. 681 - 1 Review
                                                                    1. No Woman's Country by Michael Langley
                                                                  23. [+]
                                                                    Latin America and the West Indies The Education of the Mexican Nation, by George..., p. 681 - 4 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Education of the Mexican Nation by George F. Kneller
                                                                    2. Caribbean Circuit by Harry Luke
                                                                    3. Who's Who in Latin America by Ronald Hilton
                                                                    4. Dancing Diplomats by Henry W. Kelly and Dot Kelly
                                                                  24. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 682-688
                                                                4. [+]
                                                                  October 1951 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                  1. United to Preserve Peace by Paul H. Douglas, pp. 1-16
                                                                  2. The Development of Canadian Foreign Policy by Lester B. Pearson, pp. 17-30
                                                                  3. The American Tradition in Foreign Relations by Frank Tannenbaum, pp. 31-50
                                                                  4. China as a Military Power by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 51-62
                                                                  5. Hands and Fists Across the Sea by Roy Harrod, pp. 63-76
                                                                  6. The Case for India by Vincent Sheean, pp. 77-90
                                                                  7. The African Response to Racial Laws by Z.K. Matthews, pp. 91-102
                                                                  8. Albania, Soviet Pawn by Vladimir Dedijer, pp. 103-111
                                                                  9. American Labor's Word Responsibilities by Michael Ross, pp. 112-122
                                                                  10. The Rise of Industrial Middle Europe by Jan Wszelaki, pp. 123-134
                                                                  11. Democracy Takes Root in Turkey by Kasim Gulek, pp. 135-144
                                                                  12. France, Still the Third Republic by Raymond Aron, pp. 145-151
                                                                  13. [+]
                                                                    Recent Books on International Relations by Henry L. Roberts, pp. 152-153 - 15 Reviews
                                                                    1. In Defense of the National Interest by Hans J. Morgenthau
                                                                    2. The Political Collapse of Europe by Hajo Holborn
                                                                    3. Law and Peace by Edwin D. Dickinson
                                                                    4. Strengthening the Framework of Peace by Alan de Rusett
                                                                    5. Fundamentals of World Organization by Werner Levi
                                                                    6. Unite or Perish by Paul Reynaud
                                                                    7. The Prospect Before Us by John Dos Passos
                                                                    8. The Age of Terror by Leslie A. Paul
                                                                    9. The Front Is Everywhere by William R. Kintner
                                                                    10. Power and Society by Harold D. Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan
                                                                    11. A World Airlift by Elvira K. Fradkin
                                                                    12. The United Nations in Action by Eugene P. Chase
                                                                    13. Annual Review of United Nations Affairs, 1950 by Clyde Eagleton and Richard N. Swift
                                                                    14. The Diplomatic Year Book by Myron Leslie Hurwitz
                                                                    15. The Yearbook of World Affairs, 1951 by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger
                                                                  14. [+]
                                                                    General: Economic, Social and Cultural The Dollar Shortage, by Charles P. Kindleberger, pp. 154-156 - 18 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Dollar Shortage by Charles P. Kindleberger
                                                                    2. Economic Survey, 1919-1939 by W. Arthur Lewis
                                                                    3. World Geography of Petroleum by Wallace E. Pratt and Dorothy Good
                                                                    4. Toward Freedom from Want by D. Spencer Hatch
                                                                    5. Marx: His Time and Ours by Rudolf Schlesinger
                                                                    6. Capitalism by David McCord Wright
                                                                    7. Return from Utopia by Richard Kidston Law
                                                                    8. Monopoly and Free Enterprise by George W. Stocking and Myron W. Watkins
                                                                    9. A Philosophy of Labor by Frank Tannenbaum
                                                                    10. The Only Way by A. Loveday
                                                                    11. Social Philosophies of an Age of Crisis by Pitirim A. Sorokin
                                                                    12. Psychological Factors of Peace & War by Tom H. Pear
                                                                    13. Measurement and Prediction by Samuel A. Stouffer, Louis Guttman, and Edward A. Suchman, ...
                                                                    14. Through Values to Social Interpretation by Howard Paul Becker
                                                                    15. Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell
                                                                    16. Essays in Social Theory by G.D.H. Cole
                                                                    17. Statement on Race by Ashley Montagu
                                                                    18. Twenty Million World War Veterans by Robert England
                                                                  15. [+]
                                                                    The Second World War A Soldier's Story, by Omar N. Bradley, p. 157 - 11 Reviews
                                                                    1. A Soldier's Story by Omar N. Bradley
                                                                    2. A Short History of the Second World War by Herbert Charles O'Neill
                                                                    3. The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War by Jeter A. Isely and Philip A. Crowl
                                                                    4. Saipan: The Beginning of the End by Carl W. Hoffman
                                                                    5. The Assault on Peleliu by Frank O. Hough
                                                                    6. The Spearhead by Howard M. Conner
                                                                    7. The Development of Tactical Services in the Army Air Forces by John M. Coleman
                                                                    8. Skorzeny's Secret Missions by Otto Skorzeny
                                                                    9. The Great Escape by Paul Brickhill
                                                                    10. The Battle of Greece, 1940-1941 by Alexander Papagos
                                                                    11. I Came Back by Krystyna Zywulska
                                                                  16. [+]
                                                                    The United States The Nineteen Fifties Come First, by Edwin G. N..., pp. 158-159 - 20 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Nineteen Fifties Come First by Edwin G. Nourse
                                                                    2. Defense Without Inflation by Albert Gailord Hart
                                                                    3. The Purse and the Sword by Elias Huzar
                                                                    4. National Security and Individual Freedom by Harold D. Lasswell
                                                                    5. The Loyalty of Free Men by Alan Barth
                                                                    6. Witch Hunt: The Revival of Heresy by Carey McWilliams
                                                                    7. Twentieth Century Unlimited by Bruce Bliven
                                                                    8. Perspectives on a Troubled Decade by Lyman Bryson
                                                                    9. The American Century by Ralph E. Flanders
                                                                    10. Presidents Who Have Known Me by George Edward Allen
                                                                    11. The Truman Merry-Go-Round by Robert S. Allen and William V. Shannon
                                                                    12. Our More Perfect Union by Arthur N. Holcombe
                                                                    13. The American as Reformer by Arthur M. Schlesinger
                                                                    14. The Impact of America on European Culture by Martin Cooper, John Lehmann, Perry Miller, and J.E. Morpurgo, ...
                                                                    15. The Navy and the Industrial Mobilization in World War II by Robert Howe Connery
                                                                    16. From the Wagner Act to Taft-Hartley by Harry A. Millis and Emily Clark Brown
                                                                    17. Industry's Unfinished Business by Sara Elizabeth Southall
                                                                    18. A Socialist's Faith by Norman Thomas
                                                                    19. Address Upon the American Road by Herbert Hoover
                                                                    20. Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System by Austin Ranney
                                                                  17. [+]
                                                                    Western Europe Generals and Politicians, by Jere Clemens King, pp. 160-161 - 6 Reviews
                                                                    1. Generals and Politicians by Jere Clemens King
                                                                    2. Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker by Ernst von Weizsacker
                                                                    3. Gold for Europe by Hjalmar Schacht
                                                                    4. Thy People, My People by Elisabeth Hoemberg
                                                                    5. Croce, the King and the Allies by Benedetto Croce
                                                                    6. Cinderella of Europe by Sheila M. O'Callaghan
                                                                  18. [+]
                                                                    Eastern Europe Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-1941,..., pp. 162-163 - 11 Reviews
                                                                    1. Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-1941 by Jane Degras
                                                                    2. Cracks in the Kremlin Wall by Edward Crankshaw
                                                                    3. This Is Russia, Uncensored by Edmund Stevens
                                                                    4. On Communist Education by Mikhail I. Kalinin
                                                                    5. Eleven Years in Soviet Prison Camps by Elinor Lipper
                                                                    6. Geography of the USSR by Theodore Shabad
                                                                    7. Geography of Russia by N.T. Mirov
                                                                    8. The Soviet Slave Empire by Albert Konrad Herling
                                                                    9. East Wind Over Prague by Jan Stransky
                                                                    10. Balkan Caesar by Leigh White
                                                                    11. When Greek Meets Greek by Reginald Leeper
                                                                  19. [+]
                                                                    The British Commonwealth of Nations Problems of Social Policy, by Richard M. Titmuss, pp. 164-165 - 15 Reviews
                                                                    1. Problems of Social Policy by Richard M. Titmuss
                                                                    2. Coal by W.H.B. Court
                                                                    3. Statistical Digest of the Second World War by Peter Howlett
                                                                    4. England: Past, Present and Future by Douglas Jerrold
                                                                    5. Citizenship and Social Class, and Other Essays by T.H. Marshall
                                                                    6. The Socialist Tragedy by Ivor Bulmer-Thomas
                                                                    7. Both Sides of the Curtain by Maurice Peterson
                                                                    8. Confident Morning by Harold B. Butler
                                                                    9. Here's England by Ruth McKenney and Richard Bransten
                                                                    10. A Short History of Canada by G.P. de T. Glazebrook
                                                                    11. A History of Canadian External Relations by G.P. de T. Glazebrook
                                                                    12. Agrarian Socialism by Seymour M. Lipset
                                                                    13. Does Canada Need More People? by Mabel F. Timlin
                                                                    14. Jubilee Official Commemorative Book of the Commonwealth of Australia by Oswald L. Ziegler
                                                                    15. Local Government and the Colonies by Rita Hinden
                                                                  20. [+]
                                                                    The Middle East Contemporary Jewry, by Israel Cohen, p. 166 - 5 Reviews
                                                                    1. Contemporary Jewry by Israel Cohen
                                                                    2. Watch for the Morning by Thomas Sugrue
                                                                    3. Fifty Years of Modern Syria and Lebanon by George M. Haddad
                                                                    4. Memoirs of King Abdullah of Transjordan by Philip P. Graves and King Abdullah
                                                                    5. Journey to Siwa by Robin Maugham
                                                                  21. [+]
                                                                    South and Southeast Asia The State of Asia, by Lawrence K. Rosinger, pp. 166-167 - 15 Reviews
                                                                    1. The State of Asia by Lawrence K. Rosinger
                                                                    2. Red Storm Over Asia by Robert Payne
                                                                    3. Red Banners Over Asia by O.O. Trullinger
                                                                    4. India, Pakistan, Ceylon by W. Norman Brown
                                                                    5. The Population of India and Pakistan by Kingsley Davis
                                                                    6. Economic Consequences of Divided India by C.N. Vakil
                                                                    7. Economic Relations of India with South-East Asia and the Far East by N.V. Sovani
                                                                    8. Talks with Nehru by Norman Cousins and Jawaharlal Nehru
                                                                    9. India Since Partition by Andrew Mellor
                                                                    10. India Afire by Clare Wofford and Harris Wofford, Jr.
                                                                    11. At the Cross-Roads, 1885-1946 by Nripendra Chandra Banerji
                                                                    12. The Making of Pakistan by Richard Symonds
                                                                    13. The Problem of French India by N.V. Rajkumar
                                                                    14. The Position of the Chinese in Southeast Asia by Victor Purcell
                                                                    15. With Freedom to Singapore by Oswald W. Gilmour
                                                                  22. [+]
                                                                    The Far East and Pacific Ocean The China Story, by Freda Utley, p. 168 - 7 Reviews
                                                                    1. The China Story by Freda Utley
                                                                    2. Modern China by John King Fairbank and Kwang-Ching Liu
                                                                    3. Failure in Japan by Robert B. Textor
                                                                    4. Kakemono: A Sketch Book of Post-War Japan by Honor Tracy
                                                                    5. Broken Thread by F.S.G. Piggott
                                                                    6. American Military Government in Korea by E. Grant Meade
                                                                    7. Out of This World by Lowell Thomas, Jr.
                                                                  23. [+]
                                                                    Africa Africa: Continent of the Future, by George Edm..., p. 169 - 1 Review
                                                                    1. Africa: Continent of the Future by George Edmund Haynes
                                                                  24. [+]
                                                                    Latin America and the West Indies The Economy of Latin America, by Wendell C. Go..., p. 169 - 4 Reviews
                                                                    1. The Economy of Latin America by Wendell C. Gordon
                                                                    2. Monetary Problems of an Export Economy by Henry Christopher Wallich
                                                                    3. Brazil: Portrait of Half a Continent by T. Lynn Smith and Alexander Marchant
                                                                    4. Let's Go to Peru by Lyman S. Judson and Ellen Judson
                                                                  25. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 170-174
                                                              2. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1952 = 4 Issues, 96 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1953 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1954 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1955 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1956 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1957 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1958 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1959 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                                                                            2. [+]
                                                                              Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 993 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1960 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1961 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1962 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 1963 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1964 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of 1965 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of 1966 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                              Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                Issues of 1968 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of 1969 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                                                                2. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 38 Issues, 878 Articles
                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                    Issues of 1970 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                                      Issues of 1971 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                        Issues of 1972 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                          Issues of 1973 = 3 Issues, 73 Articles
                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                            Issues of 1974 = 1 Issue, 21 Articles
                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                              Issues of 1975 = 4 Issues, 92 Articles
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                                                                                                                Issues of 1976 = 4 Issues, 92 Articles
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                                                                                                                  Issues of 1977 = 4 Issues, 92 Articles
                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                    Issues of 1978 = 6 Issues, 127 Articles
                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                      Issues of 1979 = 4 Issues, 90 Articles
                                                                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                                                                      Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 50 Issues, 992 Articles
                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                        Issues of 1980 = 5 Issues, 96 Articles
                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                          Issues of 1981 = 5 Issues, 98 Articles
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                                                                                                                            Issues of 1982 = 5 Issues, 107 Articles
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                                                                                                                              Issues of 1983 = 5 Issues, 92 Articles
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                                                                                                                                Issues of 1984 = 5 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                                                                  Issues of 1985 = 5 Issues, 98 Articles
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                                                                                                                                    Issues of 1986 = 5 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                                                                      Issues of 1987 = 5 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                                                                        Issues of 1988 = 5 Issues, 102 Articles
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                                                                                                                                          Issues of 1989 = 5 Issues, 102 Articles
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                                                                                                                                          Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 52 Issues, 1,199 Articles
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                                                                                                                                            Issues of 1990 = 5 Issues, 101 Articles
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                                                                                                                                              Issues of 1991 = 5 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                Issues of 1992 = 4 Issues, 91 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 1993 = 5 Issues, 126 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                    Issues of 1994 = 6 Issues, 146 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                      Issues of 1995 = 5 Issues, 114 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                          Issues of 1997 = 6 Issues, 142 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                            Issues of 1998 = 6 Issues, 145 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                              Issues of 1999 = 4 Issues, 96 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                              Issues of the 2000s = 2 Years, 11 Issues, 254 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                                Issues of 2000 = 6 Issues, 146 Articles
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                                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 2001 = 5 Issues, 108 Articles