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The Economics of the Great Replacement
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Modern societies are characterized by easy living and an increasingly feminized and infantilized culture. The result is that modern man is no longer motivated by spirituality or honor, but purely by lower drives, such as gibs, security, and the pursuit of comfiness.

The great majority of people, and by extension just about all societies, are trying to create security and comfort for themselves. This is achieved through stable and regular social organization, and the production and distribution of goods and services.

Our vast material wealth (food, housing, automobiles, appliances, consumer electronics, software . . .) is created by relatively small groups of the intelligent and their workers. The modern state then redistributes this wealth through a stunning variety of schemes – the “public education” system, negotiated salary levels, hyper-regulation of labor, the vast welfare system for health, the unemployed, the elderly, and the poor, etc – according to that society’s values (to what extent do they value social welfare and equality, as against liberty?). These values, in turn, are to a large extent driven by the society’s degree of empathy and social trust.

I believe this simple model accounts for much of the diversity in economies and social systems across the world. Most societies are, by First-World standards, failed societies, having insufficient intelligence, social trust, and/or empathy the produce the material comfort they would wish.

Panglossians such as Stephen Pinker and The Economist will claim the world is getting better and better, so we’ve nothing to worry about. It is true that there is a lot of economic growth and improvement of living standards across the world. The important point they overlook is that the drivers for this growth are not endogenous to Third-World societies. The fact is that there is almost never full convergence between nations or between racial groups within a same society.

Rather, economic growth is occurring because of technological innovations produced by a very, very small portion of humanity, namely in North America, Western Europe, and East Asia. This is evident in the materials we use everyday: your Apple computer was perhaps produced in Shenzhen, China, while your software and most-frequented websites were created in Silicon Valley. This is reflected in the production of scientific papers, which is dominated by the West and East Asia. The militant atheist Richard Dawkins has pointed out that the Islamic World contributes virtually nothing in terms of scientific discovery. As his goal is to demonize religion while voiding the far more important issue of race and genetics, he studiously omits the fact that the rapidly-expanding Black World contributes even less.

Scientific papers published by country in 2011. Source.
Scientific papers published by country in 2011. Source.

The technological innovations of the First World, produced in fact by a small elite within these countries, in turn drive economic growth at home and abroad through technological diffusion. There is always partial convergence as these technologies spread to the Second and Third Worlds. This convergence is partial because, just as these societies lacked the intelligence and social trust to create these technologies, so they lack the ability to organize themselves maximally to fully close the socio-economic gap with the First World.

The diffusion of First World technologies into more traditional or backward societies, which could never have produced these technologies, can certainly have novel effects. Think of Chadian tribal warfare upgraded with Toyota trucks, AK47s, and rocket launchers. Leon Trotsky, thinking of Russia’s relationship with the West, called this “combined and uneven development.”

The world’s wealthy and powerful nations are also in the habit of trying to impose their liberal-democratic political norms on other countries. However, this often leads to chaos more than anything else. Democratic competition and political pluralism is often a recipe for chaos for countries who don’t have a history of such practices. In particular in multiethnic countries, a moderate regime of stable and autocratic authority is often all that can save the society from chaos.

The economics of “high globalism” involve the abolition of national borders and the convergence of social standards so as to maximize economic efficiency. This ought to lead to further increase in overall wealth, although it is not without its problems: wealth inequality is increased (wages driven down, tax havens optimized), local businesses go bankrupt, and jobs are off-shored Worst of all, free trade reduces national sovereignty – hence why classical republicans such as Rousseau and Jefferson were autarkic protectionists, considering independence to be a prerequisite to self-government – and increases the power of the proverbial “small, rootless, international clique,” the Davos set and assorted multinational corporations in Silicon Valley, Wall Street, etc.

The Great Replacement is however primarily driven by “low globalism,” that is to say, the aspirations of the five billion humans who live, by First-World standards, in failed societies and wish for a more comfortable life for themselves and their children. These people have a certain realism: knowing that their nation will not converge any time soon, perhaps ever, tens of millions rather sensibly (from their point of view) opt to move to the West’s more prosperous and generous societies.

These dynamics work everywhere and at every level of society. The smart fractions everywhere – your doctors, engineers, and so on – choose to go the West, where they can enjoy high wages, better government, and can participate in more influential institutions. This brain drain both sets the home country further back – and they often really don’t have much margin of error to work with – but also contributes to further innovation in the West. A smart Cuban or Bangladeshi does not have to languish in his home country, where his smarts might at best contribute a bit to local order, but can join Google, CERN, or some other organization, and thus contribute to global innovation and prosperity.

Actually, most countries are now affected by this, including ones which used to be immune. Smart French people go where economies are growing and taxes are not punitive, moving to London, America, or even the Gulf states and Singapore. China, despite having low average wages, is already stripping Taiwan of human capital by enticing businessmen to move to the mainland (a development which seems to be leading to the island’s economic stagnation). Peripheral Europe in general, both southern and eastern, is being brain-drained at a truly alarming rate, their smarts being hoovered up by northwest Europe, Germany and Britain in particular (although Brexit appears to be slowing this process).

The result of the global brain drain, contra the egalitarian theory of universal convergence, is to further increase and entrench the inherent inequalities between nations.

Of course, the great majority of people who are moving to the West are not skilled, educated, or gifted. They and their children displace the native people, replace their culture, and disproportionately use welfare and commit crimes. We can see, looking at the counter-example of Japan, how peaceful and socially harmonious Western societies would be if they had not accepted tens of millions of Hispanic, African, and Islamic immigrants.

However, the perhaps surprising reality is that, on the whole, the harm done by ungifted immigrants has, so far, not really undermined the dynamism the host countries. The economically dynamic and growing countries in Europe continue to be those in the northwest, which have received the most Third-World immigrants (as well as many fellow Europeans), while southern Europe in particular stagnates and declines, facing a double-whammy of catastrophically low birth rates and emigration. The Anglo-Saxon countries are faring even better, as anyway they are even better at brain-draining others.

The point is that there are no economic breaks on this train. Apparently, having a few gifted Indian engineers makes up – in terms of national economic dynamism and innovation – for a half-dozen mediocre Hispanic workers and welfare users.

Obviously, in the very long run these trends are unsustainable. However, it is very clear when and what will be the next point of equilibrium.

Eventually, there won’t be any people left to brain-drain and smart people across the world are failing to have children. This could lead to Anatoly Karlin’s “industrial Malthunianism” scenario of the return of permanent economic stagnation.

There will always be pressure for Third-Worlders to come to the West, because their societies are unlikely to ever become as comfortable as ours. If Westerners are to retain their homelands, there will have to be a conscious and concerted counter-pressure preventing people from coming, come what may. This is particularly necessary given that the United Nations estimates that Africa’s population will rise to a catastrophic 4 billion this century.

The libertarians have a de facto cognitive elitist approach to immigration. If welfare were eliminated and businesses encouraged hire to only according to economic efficiency, a lot of unskilled welfare abusers would not move to the West. However, libertarians overlook the fact that the immigrants that tend to come are overwhelmingly socialistic in outlook, voting for “gibs” from the government. Thus does open-borders libertarianism dig its own grave.

If white people became aware of cognitive, hereditarian, and racial realities, we could imagine intelligent and spirited white people in the West having more children. If their fertility were to outstrip that of others, our societies would continue to innovate, grow economically, and be led (as in Latin America) by an essentially white ruling class. The new generation of whites is also likely to be more aware of the important issue of Jewish ethnic nepotism and Jewish organizations’ role in promoting multiculturalism and attacking Western ethnic activism. In any white successor states to the U.S., there would be a restoration of white rule, for in a real practical sense the white people of America are no longer culturally or politically sovereign and have been deprived of their rights.

On the material level – barring some calamity such as catastrophic climate change or resource exhaustion – the current trends seem quite viable for a long time indeed. The fact is that most immigrants to the West are moderately functional (Hispanics, Middle-Easterners, and North Africans are of middling intelligence) and come from societies which have been able to sustain some degree of civilization. Their negative impact is furthermore cushioned by global technological innovations, brain-drained smart fractions, and, in the case of northwest Europe, European immigrants.

At the anecdotal level, this reality is visible in the fact that most “global cities” – such as London, Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, etc – are actually quite livable, especially if one has a little money. In fact, they are if anything often getting more livable as the more problematic minorities get priced out through gentrification.

One might think the rise of non-white majorities would lead to decisive change. However, the examples of South Africa and Latin America show that this is not the case. White South Africa, admittedly extremely isolated and under severe pressure, surrendered to a black majority, whose rule could well lead to the collapse of the country. Mexico and Brazil, by contrast, show that a smaller, moderately-functional majority mixed-race countries can exist for centuries, albeit with constant violence and recurring instability.

The catastrophic race war scenarios – Haiti 1804, Algeria 1962, Zimbabwe – are relatively rare, occurring when whites are a small minority following an armed conflict. One could imagine the West’s future colored majorities voting for a Venezuelan-style socialist disaster, but we are a long ways from that.

The fact is that people of color who come to the West do so as economic migrants, not conquerors – despite the rhetoric of many nationalists and Islamists. Some of this immigration is productive, much of it is parasitic, but it is not in the majority (I emphasize: in the majority) predatory. So they won’t want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg (although they might not be able to help themselves).

In the Anglo-Saxon countries other than America, the minority groups are too diverse themselves to form a homogeneous bloc against the white majority. In Continental Europe, the coming Afro-Islamic majorities could prove more organized and aggressive, perhaps fatal. In America, Hispanic-majority states might assert a separate ethno-linguistic identity and the coming white minority might, out of principle, honor, and self-interest, opt to secede from a dysfunctional majority-minority nation.

I do not say this is an attractive future. If you want a picture of the post-European future, imagine an obese Mestizo in a SUV driving to see The Fast & the Furious XVII in the theaters (the list of highest-grossing films of all time is final and decisive proof that idiocracy scenario is well underway).

For those of us, like myself, who wish to halt all non-European immigration to Western countries and to heighten indigenous European birth rates, all this suggests that economic pressures will not be enough. The battle of ideas is what is most critical. Young Europeans are steadily turning away from the mainstream media and learning from the Internet and social media.

The abolition of borders means that different nations are losing their peculiarities. This is partly inevitable in the face of economic and cultural globalization, as we all consume the same goods, enjoy more-and-more similar standards of living, and (often) watch the same Judeo-American TV shows.

There is a sad side to this. European nations, for instance, are very much losing many of their unique specificities. All nations are imperfectly and unevenly converging to one type of society, the “nation” becoming no more than a linguistic-political clump, language and state representing speed bumps of sort or, if you want, a particular rhythm or kind of convergence. National elites, when they don’t leave for more prosperous countries, naturally envy and emulate the more prestigious and fashionable practices of elsewhere. I have noticed that the rhythm at which French leftists are aping their Anglo-American counterparts has accelerated, now they are only a year or two behind, notably in the field of anti-white racial grievance activism, brightly colored hair, and pomo babble-talk. French-speaking blacks used to have a fairly distinctive racial discourse in the form of Négritude but are now importing Anglo-Americanisms.

Cultural and economic homogenization paradoxically can only increase the salience of race. What is a nation? An ethno-linguistic group which is also a particular society. Every nation has a particular genetic heritage which, in Robert Plomin’s words, give us all individually and collectively certain proclivities. These proclivities, and contingent historical trajectories, produce a predominant national culture. Genes and culture together form national character. As cultural and institutional differences are ironed out, the genetic/racial differences between ethnic groups and nations are becoming more apparent, even within Europe.

While I am personally pessimistic on the return of manliness in the West any time soon, certainly the younger generation will be more likely than ever to be exposed to traditionalist, nationalist, and racialist ideas and will not face the same mind-paralyzing taboos as did the Boomers. The mainstream media’s death-grip on the political process has already been broken, as evidenced by Brexit, Trump, Bolsonaro, and Salvini. These are purely a warm up. In the longer run, globalization’s elimination of borders and national cultures will paradoxically give more prominence to the last, irreducible difference among men: race. European and even pan-European racial consciousness, of which we are seeing the first flickers, can only rise in these circumstances.

•�Category: Economics, Foreign Policy •�Tags: Africa, Immigration
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  1. Baxter says:

    Excellent article. I too am concerned by the pussification of America. Much has been written regarding the feminization of the military. I do not foresee a return to masculinity any time soon.
    The majority of American males, of all backgrounds, appear to be beta male cucks.
    I suspect America will simply fade out and be replaced by something else; something more barbaric and cruel, filled with morlocks.
    Let’s take a look a modern America. It is a society of:
    Broken families
    Rampant drug use
    Dead end jobs
    Soul crushing debt
    Trash culture
    Broken women

    The rot in this country is so thourough and so foul it stinks to the heavens. I cannot see a way out of this mess.
    Here’s a quote for you. “Optimism is cowardice.”

  2. Great article. Some thoughts.

    – Black plague and similar diseases have historically wiped out 30-50% of European populations in selected countries historically.
    – Mongol invasions did the same for others (such as Hungary).
    – Yet we survived all of this and surpassed all conceivable projections of future prosperity.

    So, the threat is not so much that of violence as that of a slow decay and mixing out á la Brazil and much of Latin America. In other words, it’s actually the assimiliationists that you should be worried about, above all else. Muslim militancy would actually work in our favor, because it would destroy any room for compromise. Though as the author makes clear in his subtle knifestab against Dawkins, race matters as well and not only religion.

    The big pandora’s box here is genetic editing. What if, say, 15-20 years from now we could largely eliminate racial differences in aptitude? And maybe even aggression and other traits. It would cut out a lot of legroom from those who are self-described race-realists. Why prevent third world immigration if you could gene-edit their kids and possibly even themselves to become just as good, or even better, than the natives?

  3. Anon[118] •�Disclaimer says:

    for in a real practical sense the white people of America are no longer culturally or politically sovereign and have been deprived of their rights. .

    The bitter truth, when an individual or group are not physically overwhelmed but they are deprived of their rights, is they are willingly resigning their rights in exchange for the right they care the most about, that of submitting to who is better than they are at obtaining power.

    In fact if you spur them to claimimg those rights, they will be seriously angered. As if you wanted to deprive them of some right they really couldn’t ever let anyone deprive them of.
    After some observation, one gathers which right that is, and that the other rights aren’t valued by others as one values them (thus expects others to).

  4. @Baxter

    Thank you for your comment! How is the average white American living? The opioid epidemic makes it seem awful, but one wonders how much the average person has a sense of crisis or not.

  5. @Thulean Friend

    I agree with both points. I don’t think we have figured out exactly what we want from a genetic point of view. We are conservatives in that sense. Of course most of us also support eugenics, but we don’t have a very clear idea what we should/should not do genetically.

    •�Replies: @Thulean Friend
  6. most “global cities”…are actually quite livable, especially if one has a little money. In fact, they are if anything often getting more livable as the more problematic minorities get priced out through gentrification

    An Englishwoman wrote in 2013 about her experience of living in an increasingly diverse London borough. In her case, the neighbourhood was ‘getting more liveable’ for the burgeoning Muslim community as whites moved away:

    ‘I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich.’

    •�Agree: jim jones
    •�Replies: @Clyde
    , @Wally
  7. When people raise children, they like to do so in conditions that are at least as prosperous as their own childhood.

    This is no longer possible for the “legacy” population. In contrast, immigrants who work minimum-wage jobs and live in cramped multi-occupancy dwellings are better off than they were at home. The economic and social forces are unrelenting: the “legacy” population will steeply decline, while the new population will grow.

    Although immigrants mostly want to work, they are at the bottom of the heap and will vote for whichever party is most socialist/redistributive. This is a recipe for disaster.

    At the anecdotal level, this reality is visible in the fact that most “global cities” – such as London, Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, etc – are actually quite livable, especially if one has a little money. In fact, they are if anything often getting more livable as the more problematic minorities get priced out through gentrification.

    You need more than “a little money” in London – either one and a half professional salaries, or sufficient Pokemon victim points to qualify for public housing, preferably away from criminal minorities.

    In the Anglo-Saxon countries other than America, the minority groups are too diverse themselves to form a homogeneous bloc against the white majority. In Continental Europe, the coming Afro-Islamic majorities could prove more organized and aggressive, perhaps fatal.

    Of Muslim individuals, a large majority is harmless. However, there are several factors that cause Muslim populations to be dysfunctional. The proportion of Muslims willing to murder for tribal, religious, or racial reasons is about 50 times higher than that of infidels. The prominence of bad behaviour increases steeply with the Muslim fraction of the population. When it reaches 10% (France) there are targeted attacks against Jewish institutions, which provokes Jewish emigration. Needless to say, France’s 1% of Jews contribute more to the economy, science and culture than its 10% of Muslims. Few Sunni Muslims demonstrate against Jihadism – whether through fear or approval is hard to say.

    The Muslim fraction will only increase. No European politician dares to declare a figure that would be “enough”. If that figure were stated to be twice its present level, it would be breached within 20 years without further primary immigration, simply as a result of natural increase and immigration for marriage or family reunification. A politician who stated that a Muslim fraction of four times its present level was “enough” would be committing electoral suicide. Yet that is where we are heading, unless we change course.

    Perhaps 2022 will be Marine Le Pen’s year. Houellebecq identified it as France’s critical presidential election – though we will have to wait and see whether Le Pen will be defeated by our Soumission.

    •�Agree: Hail
  8. Passing from the Early Globalist phase to the period of “High Globalism,” Western nations that carefully cultivated free societies for centuries are in danger of falling prey to strong-man rulers for the reasons you mentioned, including the effort to displace an enormous slice of native-born citizens with servants from Third World countries.

    These Third Worldere are regarded as more docile, stoical and compliant than their massively underemployed, native-born-citizen counterparts mostly because of the layer cake of monthly welfare and child-tax-credit welfare that enables them to work for extremely low wages, in a part-time capacity or as temps. All low-income newcomers—legally and illegally in the USA—have to do is have sex, reproduce and stay below the income limits for welfare programs in single-earner households.

    Encouraging increased fecundity among the educated elite with changes in social mores might be one thing, but more social engineering, favoring particular types of womb producers won’t work to reduce the growing social conflict on the streets. Many oprotestors are not being paid by government to have sex and reprodce; many must come up with the money to finance unaffordable rent and everything else on earned-only income from one stream.

    Some protestors might even be the genetically golden boys and girls from the elite castes. Born to scientifically or technologically gifted parents whose skills are among the few, valued sets rewarded with massive wages in the West, the student-protestor wing of the street demonstrations probably includes more than a few academic black sheep, sprung from the loins of the techno-scientific and / or corporate elite.

    Even though they were born into that tiny group that produces all the technical innovations, with the business leaders moving factory production of said advanced technology offshore to less-developed countries with rock-bottom-low wages and little racial diversity, that top-flight wing of the American intelligentsia does not escape producing a significant percentage of children who do not end up in the few fields that guarantee heapimg paychecks, with both spouses in those households often bringing in such a paycheck, further concentrating the salaried wealth of the West.

    These elites are spending a ton of money to educate all of their progeny in elite institutions, but if their kids pick the wrong major, they are often found in mom’s gated-community basement, living in the backyard of her gated community in some kind of rent-free carriage house or renting her entire guilded basement at cut rates while she opts for a luxury apartment, accommodating her underemployed children during their womb-producing years so that she can enjoy the showing-off-grandbabies period with full honors, rather than seeing her grandchildren living in a less-trendy, less-brag-worthy and more-dangerous neighborhood.

    It is not dangerous to import battalions of “Third Worlders” by letting them sneak over the border, with government paying their major household bills—rent, food—and giving them monthly cash assistance and refundable child tax credits up to $6,431, when they work cheaply for elites while having welfare-fetching kid after welfare-fetching kid. It is not dangerous, say these elite innovators to the non-welfare-eligible citizens who cannot afford to live anywhere but in dangerous neighborhoods since wages have been falling for 40 years, partially as a result of so much Third World immigration.

    It is interesting how elites never, ever live in the ghettos or the barrios they claim are safe, while advocating for open borders policies, nor do their children, even the many less-than-technocratically-elite children that spring from their loins.

    IQ scores aside, many of the children of the elite do not end up in the same economic category as their parents. Me thinks it requires more than just raw IQ, and all of the high salaries are not arrived at by means of pure intelligence, picking practical college majors, hard work and true-grit. Personality plays a big role in economic success. Conformity plays a huge role in some job categories. And there is also a lot of brutal cronyism out there, a lot of willingness to seek the comfy life via churning welfare-fed temps and bullying out the door anyone who might look like competition, while indulging in a copious volume of excused absenteeism, with fellow working-parent colleagues watching each other’s backs at the top and the bottom of the wage scale. There is a lot of churning and burning, and the West is already the accommodating working parenthood to the max.

    People at the top of the economic food chain are encouraged to reproduce, just like their low-wage servants, just not by the same means. The thing that is never discussed is that many of these highly paid dual-earner households at the top consist of a spouse in a much-higher-paid, riskier job in the private sector and a government worker with advanced degrees in a non-scientific, non-technical field.

    The mom in the household often takes a stable government-generated job out of the economy, resulting in two jobs with benefits that could support multiple households under one roof, concentrating wealth and benefits without creating any new jobs for underemployed Americans. Not sure that policy papers on Maternal Child Nutrition in Southern Bangladesh, presented to other working-parent bureaucrats at taxpayer expense at the Hilton Convention Center, are a necessary component of an “expanding economy,” where record numbers of US citizens of working age are out of the laborforce or underemployed.

    Previous generations of educated women raised their own children, rather than demanding a system where their parenting duties were accommodated by progressive-tax-code privileges that bump up their paychecks and family-friendly workplaces that favor working moms. They were not allowed to keep jobs, dominating whole voted-best-for-moms officie-job categories, despite enormous—not just petty— gaps in work attendance. Who couldn’t hold a job where, due to private-life choices, she can be absent from work many mornings, afternoons, days, weeks and months without being subject to firing?

    Since decent-paying Jobs were dispersed over more households, we had a much bigger middle class back-in-the-day.

    Previous generations of elite women often went to college for the edification—pursuing education for its own sake—then raised their own children, imparting a love of learning to them, rather than shoving the work of childrearing onto low-wage daycare workers who cannot afford rent on their pay, NannyCam-surveilled babysitters or elderly and frail grandparents who never really retire.

    While contemporary elites give themselves accolades like there is no tommorow, it is not clear that the current system of dual-earner lords and their welfare-reinforced serfs is producing more streamlined services, a more sophisticated and refined culture and the type of hearty innovation that results in a lot of quality spin-off employment. Life expectancy is falling among white Americans, job quality is low, underemployment levels are sky-high, labor-force participation is historically low, and our streets are lit up with marches, riots and protests. We have 25% of the world’s prisoners and 5% of its population.

    Our government pays females at the bottom of the wage ladder to reproduce in single-parent homes, paying them more the more children they pump out, while holding horrific violent crime—committed mostly by non-welfare-eligible males—at bay by removing liberty on a mass scale in a country founded on freedom. The fatherless-households-with-working-moms-supplemented-by-welfare model, created by elite thinkers, has served the Republic so well. Vive la fake feminism!

    So logical. Our never-more-educated intellectual vanguard of dual-high-earner households is doing such a great job. Can we establish another award that celebrates our diverse professional class for them to pin to their resumes.

    It is not at all clear that the dual-earner-household ideal has served the further advancement of the West, even if it is facilitated by a lot of mass immigration that increases diversity and a willing-servant class that elites idealize since it conveniences them, advancing their creature comforts.

    Back in the day of stay-at-home moms, we had more significant innovation and a bigger middle class in some phases.

    A type of assortative mating occurred then, too, with elite males marrying girls from the best colleges that were often, in effect, finishing schools. The assortative mating just did not result in a concentration of salaried wealth in the top 20%. More men had access to decent-paying jobs, and more wives likewise got that middle-class-expanding benefit.

    If IQ scores are true biological measurements, then the educated—but non-working—moms with high IQs in past eras passed it on in the same way as today’s working-mom professionals in dual-high-earner households. When producing children with educated, professional, high-IQ men, the gene pool was enhanced in the same way, even though most high-IQ, educated moms in past eras did not take a job out of the economy that another high-IQ, educated person without a spousal income could use to support him or herself in an middle or upper-middle-class way or that would go to another family with an educated, high-IQ breadwinner, vaunting another household into the middle or upper middle class.

    America had fewer princess castles, fewer fit-for-a-princess weddings and fewer 4-day Christmas jaunts to Europe for the busy-working professional families in those days. America had far more married households, less moms-basement-dwelling college grads, less womb-productivity-based welfare and far less out-of-wedlock births in the days of the stay-at-home moms.

    Yes, there were exceptional circumstances: working moms who were widows, working moms who had to flee households with physical abuse, working moms who had to seek a job since their husband just did not make enough to support a household in his chosen field. But it was not the norm. After having children, most women worked only in their homes, and far more of those women retired into paid-for houses than today’s working women will.

    Educated women often worked in extreme youth, prior to marriage and children, then did the work of creating an ordered household with an emphasis on education after they had children. They did volunteer work that made their communities much more civilized places.

    A few women—the true intellectual cream-of-the-crop—made the necessary sacrifices to rise to the tippy top of professional fields, truly advancing fields and creating a name for themselves in history, rather than just advancing the size of houses and the size of the wealthy class of salaried, top-20 earners, while decreasing the size of the college-educated middle class. No one stopped Marie Curie from discovering uranium or Francis Perkins from designing Social Security, but they were not coddled by social-engineering projects that advantage working moms.

    America, Britain, France and the rest of continental Europe turned out its finest collection of minds, its biggest set of historical-grade accomplishments by said great minds and its truest economic expansions in the days before the age-old social-more order was debunked and dismantled.

  9. This is an excellent, level-headed article on the future of immigration. Being in an industry (industrial automation) where I occasionally work with Hispanic immigrants, I agree that these people do have a relative level of functionality. I suspect the same is true for those from MENA as well. The good news is that fertility in both of these regions is dropping quite rapidly. Both Mexico and Brazil have below replacement fertility and the rest of Latin America is following suit. This means the great wave of immigration from these regions will end in the next 10-20 years. Mexico has actually experienced reverse immigration since 2005. All of our recent immigrants are not Mexican, but from Central America.

    The bad news is Sub-Saharan Africa. Apparently all of the usual things that reduce fertility, even for Muslims, economic development, female education, etc., do not seem to be working for Africa. Thus the significance of the “world’s most important graph”. The rest of the world is going to see a giant tsunami of African migration starting around 2030.

    I think as long as we are able to innovation technologically, we will be semi-OK. Things will muddle through. It won’t be great but it won’t be hell either.

    The coming tsunami of African migration worries me, though.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  10. @Guillaume Durocher

    I’ve actually never seen it personally. Its in all of the news however. I do have a customer whose wife was injured in a car accident whom subsequently became addicted to opioid pain killers. The problem is that other meds she was given have caused bone deterioration which, in turn, has made everything worse.

    Reading the book “Dreamland” will give you the impression that the opioid thing is just another drug craze, where its nothing more than people trying to cop a high. However, what I’m hearing from the few contacts I have into this problem suggests that a lot of it results from work-place injuries that are not properly treated. I actually pulled a tendon while on a conveyor (adjusting photo eyes for my control systems). It was relatively painful and restricted a certain range of movement. It took well over a year for it to heal. I took nothing for it, however. Recently, I’ve been self-experimenting with senolytic compounds, which also helped to completely heal whatever tendon damage I still had at the time.

    As for the opioid epidemic, its one of those problems that’s serious, but certainly not existential for those who are not experiencing it.

    •�Replies: @Guillaume Durocher
  11. that photo is of negroes doing what they do best, standing around doing nothing

  12. notanon says:
    @Guillaume Durocher

    The opioid epidemic makes it seem awful, but one wonders how much the average person has a sense of crisis or not.

    it’s concentrated in the blue collar parts of the rust-belt states and the media covered it up so most people have no idea it’s even happening

    (nb the lack of public attention to the problem over the last 20 years will have increased the hopelessness aspect which will have made it worse)

  13. @Guillaume Durocher

    If full-scale gene-editing would become a reality within, say, 20 years then that doesn’t doom advocacy on behalf of Europeans per se. But it would sharpen the need to make the arguments on cultural/social and even moral grounds rather than an excessive reliance on ‘cold, hard and inconvenient facts’ which has plauged White advocacy for decades and comes across as spergy and frankly cold-hearted to normies/NPCs.

    In some ways, I would welcome that. I always felt we undersold the cultural/social aspects and excessively relied on IQ charts, crime stats. While those are important, they have a technocratic tinge to them and would at any rate be easily destroyed if gene-editing were to overcome biological constraints. Social/cultural advocacy is far harder to counter, no matter how sophisticated the technology is.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @Guillaume Durocher
  14. notanon says:

    capitalism works by incentivizing competition and in the context of restricted labor supply that competition leads to innovation, higher productivity and (over time) greater prosperity.

    however in the context of a massive over-supply of labor that same competition leads to driving wages down to levels where workers no longer have the money to buy anything.

    so globalist (aka cheapest labor possible) economics *cannot* work long-term cos…

    sumof (wages) = available revenue

    so as competition gradually reduces sumof(wages) to a minimum it reduces available revenue to a minimum also (with a time lag as the once rich countries maintain existing demand for a while through savings and borrowing).

    this time lag is the only reason the global economy hasn’t collapsed already.


    the solution for France (and everywhere else) is a national capitalism which explicitly acts to restrict labor supply as a matter of policy while incentivizing technological innovation instead.

    •�Replies: @Malaysian Truther
  15. peterAUS says:

    Very good article.

    Have some doubts about certain processes and outcomes, though.

    The outcomes in the article are likely IF there is no major armed conflict between nation states and/or groups within nation states.

    There is certain dynamics there which could, fast and with ease, change and/or reverse some processes we see.

    But, of course, because

    Modern societies are characterized by easy living and an increasingly feminized and infantilized culture. The result is that modern man is no longer motivated by spirituality or honor, but purely by lower drives, such as gibs, security, and the pursuit of comfiness….

    that train of thoughts can’t even start.

    For now.

  16. @James N. Kennett

    Although immigrants mostly want to work

    I doubt this statement.
    I see lots of them who seem quite comfortable with a little dealing here and there and except for that: Receiving the benefits of the welfare state, have a few kids and protest everyday racism/injustices/discrimination/poverty…

  17. Anon[129] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Thulean Friend

    Then there will be a race between technologically advanced countries (or polities), with one or a set of “optimal types” produced by each.

    Élite will decide what is optimal. It may include aggression elimination, or, for some subsets of the edited populace, aggression specialization.. Interesting how in your comment “aggression” is used as a term with a unique, agreed-upon, linear meaning.

    The élite (of each block) will decide what is “good” and “better” as well (you look sjre about this too).

    They will always invariably make the choices that they see better meeting their goal of power increasing and consolidation — this can’t vary a bit. How it is rationalized and publicized can vary some bits.

    There will always be a race between races — race realism concerns would not lose their relevance in that different races will have different editing abilities, and also make different editing choices.

    Also, what you call 15-20 years can’t, by any realistic view, be less than 50-100 years.

  18. Anon[129] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Thulean Friend

    Normies perceive as gray uncool shameful “cold-hearted” and “spergy” what the élite agree and co-operate to make them perceive at such.
    Nothing more, less, or else.

    You can’t win, to. borrow the terms from Durocher, “the battle of ideas” if your opponent has 100 times your wealth and influence — unless of course the élite don’t split into 2 groups against each other.
    The marked racial homogeneity and ethnocentrism of the USA & UK élite makes a split and élite crisis ever less likely a prospect as time passes.

    As Durocher notes, the rest of the West has fallen into cultural vassallage.
    The leading media in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, North Europe, the Benelux, do tell their oublic nothing but translations from thr English of the leading media in the UK and USA.

    You hear/read these TV/print journalist say “the Financial Times /Economist/New York Times/Washington Post said that…” like they would have said “God said that” a couple centuries ago.

    Normies adhere to, and loathe, what the people in control want them to adhere to and loathe.
    That’s the definition of normalcy.

    (For example, the IT-traditional media-NGO-judiciary-educational-mass-art (Hollywood and the like) complex could make race-based IQ differences, between-sexes differences, cool popular and turn them into a subject people would talk all of the time with relaxed smiles on their faces, if so they set to make happen).

    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @Thulean Friend
  19. anonymous[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    This is so true, I’ve been shocked at what they’ve been able to accomplish over the last 10-20 years. We now have small town Normies bending over backwards to show you how much they adore transexuals (?) It’s mind boggling.

    I am absolutely convinced that given enough time, the elite now have the capability to mould the population in almost any way they see fit. They could normalize pedophilia – I’m 100% convinced, and I expect they will at some point. The tools, techniques, carrots and sticks are all in their hands now. The average mind just doesn’t work at the level of sophistication these people do, and there isn’t a lot of opposition left who are willing to stick their neck out to say ‘No’.

    •�Replies: @Jim
    , @Wally
  20. @Anon

    There are a lot of mistaken assumptions in your post.

    (1) I’m not advocating for appealing to normies/NPCs as a primary strategy, but simply pointing out that they have to be taken along at some point. However, most of the change will come from the same group in history as it always has: a small, ideologically committed minority.

    (2) The media uses moral arguments first and foremost. It also uses technocratic ones (“they will save our pensions”). Even if these are bullshit arguments, the most important/powerful arguments are not economic from the MSM Point of view but moral.
    Therefore, thinking that the failure of the opposition is simply due to a lack of resources is idiotic. Things were not always like it is now, at some point those who believe in the current zeitgeist were a small minority. But things changed, because they were highly effective activists and not cowardly defeatists like you. Resources help, but powerful interests do lose when there is a compelling message, pushed by a highly ideological core of networked activists. People who are unable to engage in self-criticism of course do not want to hear this. They would rather blame the people and claim it’s all due to Money due to their own failures. Guess which group you belong to.

    (3) Even in a country which is mostly homogenous, what would prevent liberals from pushing ‘IQ nationalism’ á la Australia? A nation is not just a collection of workers, but also a distinct people. If all you have is technocratic arguments, then you will end up as a soulless shopping mall. It may be highly functional and well-off, but it has nothing holding it together other than economic expediency, much like Australia is becoming. There’s more to life than endless consumerism, and technocratic arguments alone will not help in that debate.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  21. Hail says: •�Website

    the harm done by ungifted immigrants has, so far, not really undermined the dynamism the host countries

    This depends on how one chooses to define dynamism, of course. It is true if dynamism equals GDP growth. I’m sure most reading this would agree that using GDP growth is insufficient, at best.

    People love GDP because it’s a single number, like the score in a video game. Harder to measure is culture, cultural change, but there is a good case to be made that racialized immigration has specifically caused (contributed to) a bottom-up cultural de-dynamization of the core population, i.e., Whites. It remains ongoing. It is a twinned phenomena — a one-two punch, really — of Third World immigration and ethnomasochist training and reinforcement (more precisely, anti straight White Christian male). (Either one of these alone might be overcome; both acting in concert is what is lethal.)

    In as simple terms as possible: A lot of White men have stopped trying, following the difficult realization that their own society doesn’t seem to want them. This after hearing so long about how bad ‘we’ are and how good ‘they’ are (Nonwhite-immigrant supremacism). Bad for dynamism. White men began to try less, to “just go through the motions” more and more. What’s the point? We don’t deserve it; They do.

    I am reminded of the so-called Sky King incident of Aug. 2018 (in which a 29-year-old White male baggage handler at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport snuck off with a small plane, flew around a while, and crashed it into an empty place with no victims); his playful exchanges on the radio included:

    Sky King: Hey, do you think if I land this successfully, Alaska will give me a job as a pilot?

    Air traffic control: You know, I think they would give you a job doing anything if you could pull this off.

    Sky King: Yeah right! Nah, I’m a White guy.

    Many felt the need to pay some kind of tribute to Sky King. He was built up as a kind of heroic-tragic figure, a metaphor for (call it) the de-Dynamization of the USA in our time.

    It’s also worth remembering how glorious Campaign Trail Trump was to behold; he was the first, in any young White men’s memory, national political figure actually appearing to side with them.


    The point is that there are no economic breaks on this train. Apparently, having a few gifted Indian engineers makes up – in terms of national economic dynamism and innovation – for a half-dozen mediocre Hispanic workers and welfare users.

    I really have to add this: There is a risk, in the vagueness of what exactly is meant here, that people might believe that White income and standard of living in the USA now depend on “gifted Indian engineers” and the like. Durocher doesn’t say this outright, but versions of this argument are very common to hear from the center-left and center-right.

    These gifted foreign engineers are creating GDP growth, it’s true. But Borjas, in his famous study on immigration’s economic impact on the USA, found that 98% of the increase in GDP created by immigrants went to the immigrants themselves. Even in the narrowest economic sense, Whites no better off. The GDP is; we are not.

    •�Replies: @SafeNow
  22. @Abelard Lindsey

    Thanks you for your comments! Very informative on the situation in the U.S.

  23. @Thulean Friend

    There is something unique about the European mind, and of societies made up of Europeans, as such which ought to be preserved. I ask people: Why should indigenous Europeans become a minority in Europe?

    •�Replies: @Anon
  24. @Baxter

    One of the most critical factors, if not the outright cause, of everything on your list of evils is what we have been conditioned to call policy.

    Everything that makes a real difference is a function of policy being fraudulently passed-off as law.

    Law is misdirection – it all about Policy.

    An appreciation of policy, however, requires an understanding of the de facto doctrine or doctrine of necessity. De facto means “in fact, and for the time being”.

    Assume that you (or anyone else) are the driver of a car, and that you have just come to a stop at a traffic-light-controlled intersection, and where there is a “No Left Turn” sign above the red light signal, and others elsewhere in the intersection. But before the light turns green, a police officer arrives and gets off his motorcycle and takes a position in the middle of the intersection and directs you to turn left.

    The question is: Do you obey the sign and drive straight forward when the light turns green?, or do you follow the officer’s direction and turn left?

    Legally, you have to turn left, even though the “No Left Turn” sign is otherwise legal / legitimate, because you are following the same authority “in fact and for the time being” as represented by the police officer.

    Notwithstanding the presence of the legal “No Left Turn” sign, the driver is complying with the policy of the authority (Crown / state government) as administered by its officer(s) “in fact and for the time being”, and so there is no offence.

    With respect to nominal speed limits on the highway, it is the actual and announced policy of the Crown (or state government in the US) that drivers are encouraged to exceed the posted limit by a reasonable amount in the interests of traffic flow.

    That policy is then administered by the RCMP (or State Police), for example, as agents of the Crown / government and “for the time being”.

    But if a given officer chooses to issue an offence ticket to a given driver, because such driver has, in the opinion of the officer, exceeded the posted limit by an unreasonable amount, then they will claim and charge the driver simply with exceeding the posted limit.

    That is fraud and maladministration / malfeasance on the face of it (also technically and in fact racketeering). At its most basic level, the Crown (or any nominal government) is not supposed to be engaging in such carny-level bait-and-switch con games. Such things are presumed to be beneath the dignity of the Crown to engage in.

    Procedurally, what the government and the courts are doing under the nominal speed limit laws is the same as charging you or the first driver, mentioned above, who follows the police officer’s directions to turn left, with failure to obey the “No Left Turn” sign.

    But further than that, the most salient aspect of the racketeering-based-enforcement model is that it is such an obviously defective (prima facie criminal) system, yet the same socially caustic, corruptive, and corrosive system has remained firmly entrenched throughout most of the world since shortly after the invention of the automobile.

    We must consider at least the bare possibility that the racketeering-based corrosive system is in place domestically and globally as policy and for its own sake. Somebody somewhere wants us all at each other’s throats, instead of going about the business of solving problems in a rational and methodic way.

    Finally, to complete the model, assume that the real reason the police officer is standing in the middle of the intersection directing you to turn left, is because his brother-in-law has just opened a new store on the cross street and needs customers.

    That, in a nutshell, is how the whole world works. Everything that the people think is being done by law is actually policy, and it is the private policy of the administrators and is most often the diametric opposite of what the law provides.

    Is that clear?

    •�Replies: @Sowhat
  25. Guy thinks “inventions” are what make a society prosper. Longevity is a function of 3 things, hygiene, diet, and immunization, only one of which is an “invention.” And hygiene and good diet can and often do exist in the most backward societies.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @WHAT
    , @Wally
  26. notanon says:
    @Thulean Friend

    The media uses moral arguments first and foremost. It also uses technocratic ones (“they will save our pensions”).

    this is an important point and the reason why the media has both “liberal” and “conservative” branches as the emotional vs rational arguments for open borders etc largely overlap with the liberal vs conservative split in political psychology.

    when the good guys make an argument they should be consciously thinking which group they are targeting with that argument so when they are making a technocratic argument to not worry if the emotionals aren’t getting it and when making an emotional argument to not worry if the spergs aren’t getting it – horses for courses.

    There’s more to life than endless consumerism, and technocratic arguments alone will not help in that debate.

    emotional arguments are the most important overall imo – technocratic arguments are mainly needed to immunize spergs against the bad guy’s dishonest technocratic arguments – in particular what they say about economics and genetics – as rationalists are wont to accept academic authority by default unless it can be pointed out to them those authorities are consciously lying either willingly or more often under duress of not getting attacked on campus by radical SJWs.

  27. Anonymous[117] •�Disclaimer says:

    Dear Mr. Durocher,

    I was struck by what you said in your essay:

    The fact is that most immigrants to the West are moderately functional (Hispanics, Middle-Easterners, and North Africans are of middling intelligence) and come from societies which have been able to sustain some degree of civilization.

    This fits well with my experience, as an American, and someone who has travelled and lived in Chile. In the US if you go into a Latino neighborhood it definitely looks poor, but nothing like a black neighborhood. You don’t see the same degree of dysfunction: abandoned buildings, boarded up windows, men loitering on street corner, graffiti etc. Things don’t look like they’ve gone to hell, only the neighborhood feels kinda poor and dumpy. To be sure, hispanics definitely do exhibit underclass behavior (tattoos, poor test scores, ghetto culture etc.), but it is much more toned down (and less destructive) compared to ghetto blacks. Also, I should mention it depends on what nationality of hispanics, some groups do better than others.

    Likewise, when I was in Chile things definitely weren’t third worldish. In Chile there are lots of aspects of modern economic life: roads, cell phones, container ports, factories, modern agriculture, and office towers. Also, in Chile there are shopping malls and Walmart. You even see Chinese restaurants!

    However, Chile is noticeably poorer than the US. There are lots of people who are essentially squatters, and lots of other people who live in small concrete apartment houses. Also, most people can’t afford cars. Racially, Chile is hard to describe but it’s significantly whiter than Mexico, but there are a lot of short mestizos(I am normal height in the United States, but I felt quite tall in Chile). So it is a country that gets by being moderately functional with a disproportionately white (and arab) professional class.

    Overall I think your point is a good one. The dysgenic effects of immigration won’t necessarily be that striking to the point of causing some sort of societal collapse, and technological progress and high IQ asian immigrants could in many ways mask the unpleasant parts of low IQ immigration.

    Thanks! Keep up the good writing.

  28. You have made some good points in this article but there is quite a bit of naivete in your analysis. The world is controlled by Corporate Fascist Military Industrial-Intelligence Police States—-basically the intelligence agencies and their Corporate Sponsors. The idea that we have a choice in most of what we do is an illusion. This is clearly seen in the Trump fiasco programmed by the Deep State bagman Mueller. In Britain the Brexit Vote didn’t go the way the Intelligence Agencies wanted so May who is just another bagwhore for them has delayed the vote and may even try to force a new vote to get what they want.

    Globalism is the desired goal of this Utopia. However, multiculturalism as decided by the Jewish Cabal will never succeed and more wars will be fought for the Israeli Rogue Terrorist State. There is a high probability biogeochemical systems as well as social-economic systems will collapse. You cannot separate the two because overloading any of them will affect the other systems. The probability of world wide disease is high because we have intentionally underestimated these systems….they are BCSs..otherwise known as Best Case Scenarios (by government agencies) or as Dr Taleb describes them “Black Swans.” Social economic systems will collapse to facilitate this. The CDC alone has become a politically correct agency that is no longer proactive but reactive which means no active.

    The world’s resources are finite and the consumerism is basically infinite. We will fight wars over Rare Earth Metals so we can make more stupid phones to sell every 6 months to waiting idiots. Bring just 30% of all the people on earth to what has been described as the American Dream and see what the world looks like!

    All systems are controlled by the initial input into the system which is net population growth and there is no way to get around this. Secret intelligence think tanks know all of this and are actually preparing for the rich and selected few to reemerge after the collapse of the world’s systems….to start again—that’s their Utopia.

  29. @James N. Kennett

    Needless to say, France’s 1% of Jews contribute more to the economy, science and culture than its 10% of Muslims.

    The Jews also contribute a lot to their host country’s problems … such as support for more immigration.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  30. eah says:

    % of migrants from various countries who are completely dependent on German taxpayers (on Hartz IV, die s.g. Grundsicherung) — ie ‘the great replacement’ makes absolutely no sense economically.

    •�Replies: @eah
    , @jilles dykstra
    , @notanon
  31. eah says:

    However it makes some sense for those intent on accumulating/who see it as an opportunity to accumulate (what they see as) moral capital.

    French family with four young daughters takes in (‘adopts’) a migrant from Cameroon (who probably has an IQ in the 70s and is an economic migrant, not anyone who deserves protection as a ‘refugee’ or ‘asylum seeker’) — he appears to be in his 30s, although the story speaks of him as a ‘youth’, eg an ‘unaccompanied minor’.

    •�Replies: @Hail
  32. Cyrano says:

    The current mess that the elites in the west created in regards to uncontrolled immigration have nothing to do with globalism, liberalism or bullshitvism – that’s western version of bolshevism. The reason why the west dug its grave and now is tethering on the edge of it – is because they thought that they are too clever.

    Capitalism faced 2 major threats from socialism (communism) in the last 100 years. One was during the great depression in the 1930, and the other was in the 1960’s.

    For the current mess of uncontrolled immigration and multiculturalism I actually blame the hippies. Why? Well, in the 2nd big red scare during the 60’s, the degenerates that were in power back then, thought that the combination of the hippie movement, anti-war demonstrations and civil-rights movement will superstorm into a socialist revolution. So they relaxed the immigration laws, invented the “we are all equal” BS, and ushered the era of “multiculturalism”.

    You see, during the last 100 years, 3 major schools of thoughts emerged about how to save the capitalism from the socialist menace.

    1. FDR school of thought – introduce limited (but real) socialist elements into capitalism to prevent full-blown socialist revolution. Those limited elements were packaged into the New Deal.
    2. National socialist school of thought – introduce only the name socialism into the party’s name and nothing else. Great propaganda gimmick. .
    3. Multiculturalism school of thought – introduce phony socialist elements and pretend that it’s as good as socialism so no need for any kind of revolutions.

    Only the 1st school of thought deserves any praise as a good idea and for its originality. The multiculturalists stole their idea from the Nazis, but the Nazis were actually smarter than them because they just used the name “socialism” while the content of socialism in Nazi Germany was equal to 0. The multiculturalist thought that they’re going to outsmart the Nazis by introducing some real socialist content and trying to overblow the significance of that socialist content.

    The worst form of discrimination – according to the noble capitalist elites is racism – discrimination based on race. This is what multiculturalism supposedly dealt with successfully – by eliminating racism it made us all equal. How wonderful.

    Unfortunately, I believe that the worst possible form of discrimination is the one based on wealth. I call that discrimination – financism. Financists are worse than racists. Capitalism by its very nature is a system that discriminates based on wealth. Socialism was supposed to address financism. It was supposed to make all equal based on finances. Anathema for any believer in capitalism.

    What Roosevelt seems to have understood better than the Nazis and multiculturalists is that the only way to modernize capitalism is to incorporate little bit of socialism into it. Trump slogan of making America great again smacks of achieving this by return to some early and idyllic form of capitalism. The problem is that capitalism was always idyllic for the elites. Capitalism needs to be made more idyllic for the lower classes, the wealthy are easy to please – just give them tax breaks and they’ll be happy.

    The lower classes need to be tricked into believing that by bringing millions of 3rd world equalizers, there is no need to rage against financism, because the only equality the great unwashed need to reach is with the 3rd worlders, the elites are simply too superior to them attempt to reach any equality with them.

    But maybe the stupid are starting to wake up. Judging by what’s happening in France, maybe they are starting to realize that no matter how many 3rd world subjects their elites try to make them equal to – it won’t do them any good, while the elites are allowing the quality of equality that really counts to continuously deteriorate.

    Let’s just hope that this time all those stupid jokes about how French surrender way too easy will prove to be wrong – I am talking about the protesters, not about the police.

    •�Replies: @jilles dykstra
  33. jim jones says:

    I would have expected UR to take a more aggressive position regarding the UN Migration Pact, surely the most overt indicator of their Population Replacement strategy.

  34. @Thulean Friend

    15 – 20 years is hopelessly optimistic. The science might be just about getting there so as to be accepted for implementation in a very few countries in an unsystematic way but, as a solution, it is another 3 or 4 billion Africans away.

  35. @obwandiyag

    Your point being? (If any that relates to the article).

    And, BTW, don’t you think that there has been a lot of invention and innovation in both diet and the means of becoming and remaining clean and hygienic over the millennia?

    •�Replies: @WHAT
  36. Franz says:
    @Guillaume Durocher

    How is the average white American living? The opioid epidemic makes it seem awful, but one wonders how much the average person has a sense of crisis or not.

    Small towns, pretty grim.

    There’s a Suicide Crisis, which (often) involves opium-like substances, but more often it’s drink till the liver goes (deaths from liver failure are climbing) and so on.

    Where I work there’s been 3 (three!) cases of people walking into high speed trains in the last year and a half. As the security chief, I was asked to see if the torso landed on our property because they could not open the tracks till at least most of the body was found.

    In my home town, a former foundry/farm mix, comfortable if not prosperous, the police got a call that a “dangerous man” was in a neighborhood, armed and perhaps violent. When the cops arrived a young-ish white man took what looked like a revolver and he died in a rain of gunfire.

    After he died it was discovered he was armed with a squirt gun painted black and the call came from his cellphone. He had been educated and Middle Class, but the situation flipped and he saw no other option. They used to call this “suicide by cop” and it’s making a comeback.

    The so-called opioid crisis is how they’ve been papering over the quite real Suicide Crisis. Paul Craig Roberts had a piece about the record number of workers at 85 and over who cannot afford to simply quit. The downsize years produced a bumper crop of people who had their lives foreclosed and just cannot get them back. If they were in their 40s in during the Reagan years and were cut, they often also lost wives, homes and their life saving because comparable paying work did not exist. They’ll work till they drop or till they meet their train…

    The suspicious part of the opioid crisis is that most pain patients had their medications cut of nearly five years ago, but overdoses still climbed. Clearly it was illegal drugs bumping the numbers up, not prescription medication. But what it accomplished was essentially turning all physicians and pharmacists into snitches for the DEA, FDA, and so on.

    I know five local doctors who were threatened by the DEA for treating pain patients. Abusers, on the other hand, seem to have no trouble. The Cato Institute has done a good video on this, and there are more from others. It’s about demonizing the innocent, not saving lives.

    The “sense of crisis” is more like fury building up in old industry towns. The economy is booming, the newspapers keep saying, but these jobs are a mirage. Or going to migrants, who knows?

  37. @Abelard Lindsey

    Why does everybody seem to make the assumption that African immigration should lead to voting rights for the immigrants and their children and that their votes must be equal in democratic weight to those of the established citizenry?

  38. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Thulean Friend

    The big pandora’s box here is genetic editing. What if, say, 15-20 years from now we could largely eliminate racial differences in aptitude?

    It wouldn’t be just aptitude either. You’d get a whole lot of people born with blue eyes who wouldn’t be otherwise, for example.

    I suppose another way to ask the question is that what’s the point in preserving your patrimony for your progeny on a genetic basis when your progeny are no longer your genetic descendants? The answer is obvious. There’s none, so culture and other spiritual matters become everything in this respect.

    The above may be simple but the impact of genetic engineering will be vast and unfathomable. It will change everything. The only debate is do we gung ho embrace it and risk everything or do we take our time and work out what works even at the cost of potentially falling behind?

  39. Anon[167] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website

  40. Anon[167] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website

    Future of Europe. Cucky-wuck ‘anti-racist’ dads(or patri-cucks) and Afro-Colonization of White Wombs.

    •�Replies: @redmudhooch
    , @Alden
  41. neutral says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Because that assumption is based on how the current ideology works. Not giving blacks the vote in any country (obvious exception being Israel) would lead to instant condemnation and all the usual tough punishment for anyone who does not comply. One can take this assumption further and say that once any non white has entered some white land they are not only already citizens but they have more rights protecting them than any white will ever get.

  42. What European mind, there is no such thing.
    About becoming minorities, few people see this coming, demographic forecasts do exist but are taboo.
    Forgot which European countries did not sign Marrakech, but quite a few.
    Brexit is mainly about immigration, from WITHIN the EU.
    In Belgium the Marrakech idiocy caused that Michel, with huge investments, it is said in Africa, now no longer has a majority in parliament.

    Who wants this mass immigration and why, not clear.
    Of course, there are those with illusions about open societies world wide.
    What motivates Merkel, I suppose the idea that the evil German people must be morally and genetically improved by mixing with other genes.

    Then we have the ruling EU oligarchy, trying to destroy the European cultures, in order to create the USA clone in Europe that they want.

    We have people as Soros: revenge, world domination, paranoia about the next holocaust by the whites, I do not know.
    In any case, in the Netherlands two thirds or so of the population are of the opinion that by now we have more than enough foreigners.
    Yet our government just signed Marrakech, why, what these politicians really think, I really do not know.

  43. @notanon

    Excellent points. As way of an illustration the number of mechanised car washes in the UK has fell by something like half in the last decade while the number of small hand wash car outlets (and mobile vendors) powered by migrants paid half the National Minimum Wage has risen dramatically.

    I have been arguing that mass immigration destroys technical innovation and labour productivity not increases it. It is one of the reasons why UK productivity has continually lagged behind other advanced economies in recent decades ( as well as the conentration on relatively low productivity service industries such as care and restaurants)

    We are also heading back towards a Marxian situation of Surplus Value. Lagging consumption has been sustained by astronomical growth in personal debt and the generous pension benefits of middle class baby booners now in retirement. I would argue that UK economic growth has been primarily driven by these since the early 1990s. Neither are sustainable. Apres moi le deluge.

  44. ” The great majority of people, and by extension just about all societies, are trying to create security and comfort for themselves. ”
    Wonder how this sentence is meant.
    Indeed, most people want comfortable lives.
    But societies trying to create comfort ?

    The 19th century W European nation states did have such tendencies, indeed.
    In the Netherlands this tendency remained let us say until 2005, Treaty of Lisbon.
    Since then we have a ‘government’ that just executes what Brussels orders, same as in France, where the population by now has had enough.

    But anyone who knows a little about history should know that in most societies just the rulers were interested in comfort, for themselves.
    There are great stories about how advanced the Roman empire was, aqueducts, public baths, big houses; etc.
    Alas, few historians mention that the great majority had miserable lives, the oil of the empire was slaves, ‘consumtion’ estimates go as high as ten million a year.
    But also the lives of common free people were not exactly comfortable.

    Even the bolsjewists, communists, stores where you could buy anything, but just for party members, same with education, hospitals, houses, holiday facilities.

  45. @Wizard of Oz

    Not should, it will.
    You are a racist.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  46. @Cyrano

    ” What Roosevelt seems to have understood better than the Nazis and multiculturalists is that the only way to modernize capitalism is to incorporate little bit of socialism into it. ”
    The continuing USA illusions about FDR continue to amaze me.
    Larry G. Gerber, ´The Limits of Liberalism, Josephus Daniels, Henry Stimson, Bernard Baruch, Donald Richberg, Felix Frankfurter and the Development of the Modern American Political Economy’, New York, London, 1984

    •�Replies: @Cyrano
  47. @eah

    ” ie ‘the great replacement’ makes absolutely no sense economically. ”
    In order to be able to know if it makes sense economically one must know what those who want this mass migration want to accomplish.
    For example, bookbinder Schulz, the important EU man who had the illusion of becoming German chancellor, in every third sentence he mentioned EU economic power.
    What the man thought or thinks, I do not know, but my suspicion is that he had the illusion that by lowering wages in EU this economic power would increase.
    No more effective way of lowering wages than unemployment.

  48. “How are white Americans living?”

    I would recommend Jessica Bruder’s book “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century”.

    The majority of homeless are not on the streets of the US, but are former white middle class living in their cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. They travel like Steinbeck’s Oakies trying to find any seasonal work they can whether its picking beets in Oklahoma or walking 10-20 miles a day on a cement floor in a freezing (or sweltering) Amazon sweatshop.

    In the plethora of warehouses in my area (which are located two hours inland and thus serve the US east coast megalopolis with cheap rent and cheap labor) you are quite likely to find, at 3 am on any given night, a forensic biologist, a lawyer, a museum curator, an historian, an endless number of licensed teachers, all pitching in to unload dry goods, groceries, whatever, from multiple tractor trailers. And they are doing this because there are no longer any jobs in their field, and they are getting less than 30 hours a week (the Obama work week!) for an after-tax take home of $6 an hour and of course zero benefits.

    The truck drivers who bring in the freight from all parts of the country in all kinds of weather are making the same. I know one interstate driver who works for a large grocery chain. He’s a laid-off scientist who had a career at a laboratory in Connecticut, and now tries to support his family on his $100 a week truck-driving salary and food stamps. He is not atypical.

    As far as I can discern, effective, actual unemployment in America is still hovering at 21%.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  49. @Malaysian Truther

    ” I have been arguing that mass immigration destroys technical innovation and labour productivity not increases it. ”
    Sarrazin argues that mass immigration by people with low IQ’s will destroy Germany, by lowering average IQ.
    Merkel fired him immediately.

  50. George says:

    “Apparently, having a few gifted Indian engineers makes up – in terms of national economic dynamism and innovation – for a half-dozen mediocre Hispanic workers and welfare users.”

    Taken literally, You mean 2 or more Indian Engineers for every 6 mediocre Hispanics. Is that the real ratio, if so it might work for the US. I would have thought more like 10,000 unskilled for every engineer.

    Maybe African nations are trying to turn the tables on the Euros:

    African countries are in a race to build new billion-dollar cities for the 21st century

    The police in Germany may not be able to protect white maidens from third world populations, but I suspect the Eko Atlantic Lagos Nigerian Police will not have that problem at least in Eko Atlantic and better areas of Lagos. Dubai and the Gulf were always stillborn due to the intolerant Islamic government. I wonder if Africa can mix low labor costs, tolerance and rule of law.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  51. @Thulean Friend

    It appears that your final paragraph is advocating something similar to the Kalergi plan. With race mixing we bring down the IQ of whites a little while we raise the IQ of non-whites, esp. blacks. Mulattos are not as threatening to whites as dark blacks. Perhaps they commit less crime and have a better work ethic. Indeed, many might even more identity with their white half, except for the fact that society pressures them to think of themselves as black. Given that so many whites are guilty of pathological altruism (a downside of Christianity), and that they have no backbone to enforce real, workable eugenics, I don’t see any way out. Oh, and their refusal to have children is a whole other issue.

  52. wayfarer says:

    Countless people…will hate the New World Order…and will die protesting against it…we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents.

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells

    Video Link

  53. WHAT says:

    So why blacks haven`t managed to discover any one of the three?

    •�Replies: @anon
  54. WHAT says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    It`s just another tiny duck.

  55. republic says:

    “Mexico and Brazil, by contrast, show that a smaller, moderately-functional majority mixed-race countries can exist for centuries, albeit with constant violence and recurring instability”.

    Mexico is a very unstable country, very violent, whose corrupt White elites have exported their most undesirable underclass to the US, to avoid having to reform their corrupt economy. One quarter of the entire population of Mexico now lives in the US.

    I do not know the solution to this very complex problem, the wall will never be built, birthright citizenship will still be available.

    The demographics will forever change the face of the US. Trump will be the last Republican President. The next time the Democrats gain power they will never relinquish it.

    The US will probable take on the guise of the PRI political party in Mexico.

    The constitutional niceties will still be observed, elections will be still be held, but the reality will be the perfect dictatorship as the Mexican system was described by Mario Vargas Llosa

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  56. I am not sure whether to laugh or bemoan the self destructive analysis and comments. Look blacks are not forcing the west to stop having children.

    Blacks are not the advocates of aberrant social practices such as same sex behavior.

    Blacks are not responsible for the bizarre financial practices that continually to disrupt and degrade western stability. I am not sure what to make of an article that applauds western wealth and ignores that in the US it largely based on debt. A debt system which is increasingly widening the gap in distribution. If the US deficit had to be paid today — it simply would collapse for lack of liquid.

    Blacks are not forcing whites to take opioids, heroin or anything else and despite all the hand ringing, the crisis is not really a crisis, it is a small epidemic by comparison to say alcoholism.

    As opposed to having to dredge up black contributions the logical path here is white and western societies are in some kind of bind. That bind according to the other is the result of modern man’s — ohh here’s the quotation —

    ” . . . increasingly feminized and infantilized culture. The result is that modern man is no longer motivated by spirituality or honor, but purely by lower drives, such as gibs, security, and the pursuit of comfiness.”

    So in from the outset the author acknowledges that “modern” societies, predominantly western in the view of the article are self destructing, by virtue of their own lack of virtues. Just a little bump in the road to the article’s brilliance — those issues noted are internal in the owners of the modern society who according to the author are western or asian — “for all practical purposes” are white.

    So in short the brightest people on the planet are self destructive and their self destruction is the fault of the people on the African Continent.

    It might be worthwhile to note all the categorical distinction failures, such as skin color is not and never has been a cultural indicator save for our sloppy rhetorical discourse around since whites became aware that they were white.

    I guess if one ignores the history of such artifacts as written language and place holder concepts such as the number zero —- oooops, said I needn’t bother engaging in dredging — excuse me.

    But the analysis here just does not make sense as framed. I thought the article as indicated from the outset that whites needed to clean up their act. Instead it a hand ringing cry as several articles on the sight, though more subtle is plea to become more like China.

    Good grief. China’s caste system is hardly anything to welcome anymore than India’s. All which make it quite that if you can control who is in and who is out then you can construct arguments around the outsiders inferior status to justify the power dynamic one has created.

    In short the article says that the west are becoming moral and intellectual reprobates based on their motivations and its —

    the black guys fault.

    That faulty logic sounds familiar.

  57. Z-man says:

    The economically dynamic and growing countries in Europe continue to be those in the northwest, which have received the most Third-World immigrants (as well as many fellow Europeans), while southern Europe in particular stagnates and declines, facing a double-whammy of catastrophically low birth rates and emigration. The Anglo-Saxon countries are faring even better, as anyway they are even better at brain-draining others.

    LOL, you must be from northwestern France.
    First take a look at the Scandinavian countries that are being destroyed from immigration. I don’t think they are dynamically growing and then look at your own France which is burning as we speak. Dynamic? I’ll take Italy, as instinctive national preservation of the people has finally triggered in and elected a populist government to rid the country of invaders, sanctioned by the EU in ‘northwestern Europe’, lol. The weather and women are usually better there anyway.

  58. Is it still true that many Eastern Europeans are moving to Northwestern Europe in search of jobs and a better life? I’ve read that the reverse is often true. Some Germans, for example, wisely thinking that their country is lost (thanks to Ma Merkel), are taking their talents to Poland or Russia, where native whites still have strong backbones, and are keeping Africans out. If patriotic Poles and Hungarians are at all cognizant of what is going on in the world, why would they even consider moving west?

    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @Ben Sampson
  59. anonymous[739] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Thulean Friend

    Genetic editing just isn’t happening and won’t happen in the teeming slums of San Paulo or the West side of Chicago – these are no go zones where even armed police don’t go, let alone genetic editing eugenic social engineers.

  60. anonymous[739] •�Disclaimer says:

    I think we’re getting a good mix of things in Central Europe – nice to see the foolish divisions between German nationalists and Polish nationalists ditched in this new, darker age.

    My closest friend is a tough, 6ft 2 inch strong, intelligent German American from the Northwest side of Chicago. His GF is Polish American – they are doing great.

    This is the best way to help our people – mixed White marriages.

  61. anonymous[393] •�Disclaimer says:

    Black people seem to reach fertility peak in their mid-teens and are fecund in any event, which results in teen pregnancy. Which is terrible for a technological society.

    I would stress that black people also seem to have AIDS more often.

  62. Jim says:

    The elites in the USA are currently going full bore on mixed marriages via commercial advertising.

  63. Durruti says:

    This article by Durocher, and most of the following comments, are a load of Shit.

    I do not have the time to waste on a meticulous, point by point refutation of this garbage, written by, a demoralized so-called [whatever he calls his profession].

    However, if Ron Unz permits, I will answer this Durocher on this website in a formal article. Mr. Unz, just get back to me.

    Briefly: Mr. Durocher:

    After all the gloom and doom verbiage, (and there is much gloom and doom), Monsieur Durocher wriote;

    The mainstream media’s death-grip on the political process has already been broken, as evidenced by Brexit, Trump, Bolsonaro, and Salvini.

    All right, I’ll tell you briefly – what I think. By the numbers.

    1. There is only one race. Yes, Martin Luther King said that.

    2. The IQ stuff is a load of Zionist created crap.

    3. Educated and prosperous humans create fewer progeny.

    4. We can colonize the Moon Europa – with billions of settlers thus relieving population pressures – so what’s the problem?, JOKE (as is this article).

    5. Monsieur Durocher is so unsure of his doom and gloom thesis, that he concludes with his fantasy of Bowing Down to the great courageous, and brilliant, Bolsonaro, Salvini, and, best of all, Casino Trump. [quoted above]

    6. Trump is a decades long friend of the Clintons, and serves with them as a Minion of the Rothschild Banking Oligarchs, and other Oligarchs. Casino Trump’s major service, up to his unconstitutional Presidency, has been as a $money launderer$ for the Rothschild Mob. If you recall Jack Rubenstein, he was a Cleaner for the Zionist Mafia, and cleaned up some loose ends, (specifically one loose Oswald end), after the Zionist Coup D’état of November 22, 1963.

    Bolsonero and Salvini; What?

    7. Brexit? The British Brexit is being murdered by Prime Minister – Minion May. The British people will be permitted to exit the so-called EU, if they sign themselves into Slavery – Forever. [just like that Boot in the face]


    The Spirit of Humans is the deciding measure of our worth. Love, including Love of Liberty, which prohibits the theft from, or other brutality against our neighbors, is the Heaven on Earth we must strive for.

    In our Beloved America:

    How is it possible to analyze any economic, social, or political topic, such as

    The Economics of the Great Replacement

    without even a mention of the Coup D’état?
    Durocher writes from the economic – to the political (that part is correct). We must not fail to do the same.

    Therefore: The cure Lies Here:

    We Americans must fight for the Restoration of our Democratic Republic, that was murdered, in a hail of bullets, along with our Last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, and Government, by the MOSSAD, and their underlings, in the Coup D’état on November 22, 1963.

    Lexington and Concord is where our Nation’s Past began, and our People’s future will be reclaimed. We are – One Nation, One People – under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.


    •�Replies: @notanon
  64. @Baxter

    whats there to like about this article? it is another silly and shallow article on the UNZ report.

    Durocher does not deal with how the situation he describes came to be in the world. if he did that honestly he would have to write a different article altogether.

    I cant be bothered with this. it explains nothing and leads nowhere.

    goodnight nurse!

    •�Replies: @Wally
  65. peterAUS says:

    …The next time the Democrats gain power they will never relinquish it….

    ….The constitutional niceties will still be observed, elections will be still be held, but the reality will be the perfect dictatorship…

    You could be onto something here.

    •�Replies: @Ben Sampson
  66. Hail says: •�Website

    ‘The great replacement’ makes absolutely no sense economically. However it makes some sense for those intent on accumulating/who see it as an opportunity to accumulate (what they see as) moral capital.

    True, and nicely worded. The terms ethnomasochism and racial-masochism are unlikely to catch on, but they describe those people.

    They aren’t the whole story, ofc. Other groups cynically use the White ethnomasochists.

  67. @follyofwar

    when white Ole’ Marse’ read such commentary like that of Folly of War here he would be justifiably prod of his handiwork capturing this mind and turning into the crap that flows from it.

    I mean I too would be proud had I sought to and done that successful deed.

    I mean when I see such idiotic conclusions and the reasoning that produced them, presumably by someone white how can be worried about white people as things evolve. I mean that is some of the gravest mental incompetence and backwardness there could possibly be in the world

    the time is not far off when the CIA will be dead, the american military out of Africa. all bases closed and such as Folly with no food to eat. of course all African Americans can return to Africa and leave it all to Folly and his cohort

    and when that happens Durocher would have to write a different story if he could find some pencil stubs and loose paper somewhere. an available pc would be out of the question.

    that’s the American future right there, courtesy of the Jewish Khazar man who has been bleeding america for a century..bleeding america as dry as the Sahara

    •�Replies: @El Dato
  68. @peterAUS

    what is he onto?

    why would the Khazar allow a coup from some of his sartraps when he has total control already?
    there is a permanent government in place. we need another one?

  69. Durruti says:

    I am not sure whether to laugh or bemoan the self destructive analysis and comments. Look blacks are not forcing the west to stop having children.

    Blacks are not the advocates of aberrant social practices such as same sex behavior.

    Blacks are not responsible for the bizarre financial practices that continually to disrupt and degrade western stability. I am not sure what to make of an article that applauds western wealth and ignores that in the US it largely based on debt. A debt system which is increasingly widening the gap in distribution. If the US deficit had to be paid today — it simply would collapse for lack of liquid.

    Nice succinct comment.

    Check out comment # 65.

    Blaming others for your own failure is as old as history, and represents an avoidance (and fear), of seeking a cure for what ails us.

    We Might: Restore our Democratic Republic, and regain our Sovereignty & Honor (without which we cannot have Liberty). There is no ‘Race’ in this revolutionary road.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  70. @anonymous

    I am certainly going to avoid defending behavior that might contribute to the onset of HIV in anyone. I would acknowledge that dysfunctions that plague societies appear more acute among those groups in lower income brackets (generalization). That has been true regardless of skin color. Given that most of the poverty is shared by african americans, I think that said environments accompany such behaviors.

    One cannot blame discrimination on said behaviors. There is no evidence that whites sought to deliberately infect blacks with HIV, possible but unlikely.

    Interesting article

    I suspect that the proportionality is due to the more impacted concentration of insular relations as opposed to unique difference in behavior, such as blacks being more “relational intimate”.

  71. @anonymous

    The smaller the circle the greater the impact of any phenomenon.

  72. Tulip says:

    Brazil is not a “white” majority country, nor is “white” in Brazil like “white” in Wyoming. However, Brazil, like most of Latin America, has an almost all white ruling class.

    There may be a cultural hiccup in America as a result of Spanish-speaking residents displacing the Anglos, but things have bent pretty sharply since the 60’s for presumably “culture of critique” type concerns already, if anything, La Raza is just thrusting a stake through the coffin of the Yankee.

    Hispanics in America are rapidly dropping Spanish, especially second generation going forward, and so concerns are probably overwrought like they were with Germans and Poles and Italians in the early 20th Century.

    Mestizo America is probably here to stay, and you will probably have to press “2” to speak Spanish for some time to come. I agree with you, of course, on immigration and all that, but the reality for America at least is probably not anything like Europe, and given that immigration is primarily driven by economic/class warfare rationales than nefarious cabals of insiders, it is doubtful that America will change.

    I find the “white genocide” rhetoric (that you at least avoid) humorous, as the Hart Celler Act of 1965 was passed when the Country was 90% white, so it would be the first historical instance of a people voting for self-genocide. Now, I understand that everyone was mislead, which should be a shock because no one has ever lied about the consequences of controversial legislation before Hart Celler.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  73. Cyrano says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You are too smart for me, man. I can fool almost everybody with my commie propaganda, but not you. You are too clever. Of course it was better before FDR reforms. Working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, with no social insurance, no holiday or vacation pay and no pension. Who wouldn’t like that? Of course, what am I thinking, the reason there were no pensions back then was because there were not enough 3rd world immigrants to pay for them. That’s the official story the elites are selling you today – isn’t it? We need 3rd world immigrants to pay for the pensions. Stick with that platform, forget about that commie FDR – he ruined America.

    •�Replies: @jilles dykstra
  74. Google is a massive welfare queen. Super smart conservatives remain confused about basic facts – especially in public when it counts. Only fools blame economic problems on poor immigrants. All evil comes from the rich.

    •�Replies: @notanon
    , @Wally
  75. anon[172] •�Disclaimer says:

    shhh, he hasn’t figured that out yet

    •�Replies: @Wally
  76. anon[172] •�Disclaimer says:

    I would stress that black people also seem to have AIDS more often

    this is probably due to their irresponsible behaviour

    they also spread other STDs at 5-15x the rate

  77. joe webb says:

    more on the economy..NYT today.

  78. joe webb says:

    Subject: Fw: NYTimes.com: Wall St. Ignored Signs of Trouble for Months. Now It Sees Risks Everywhere. (But the Fed connotes to raise rates _

    Is there Religion at the Fed? Is there Religion in general in the market, even after the False Messiah failed again in 2008? The Fed put the Market on Life-Support back then with massive Public dollars, sent all over the world, and not just to US banks, etc. It probably did save us from a much larger depression.

    But, here we go again. Mebbe.

    “The export-driven economies of Japan and Germany — the third and fourth biggest economies in the world, respectively — both contracted in the third quarter.
    The United States has so far been an outlier. Thanks in part to a burst of deficit-fueled stimulus, a large chunk from the tax cut, the American economy this year is on track to grow at its fastest pace since 2005. The national unemployment rate is 3.7 percent, a near 50-year low. Corporate profits and wages are growing at their fastest pace in years.

    For much of 2018, results like that helped Wall Street stand out even as major stock benchmarks around the globe tumbled. Chinese stocks are down more than 20 percent this year, and shares in Germany are down 16.5 percent. In Japan, stocks are down about 5 percent, and in Britain they’re down more than 10 percent.

    But even in the United States, there are emerging pockets of weakness, particularly in parts of the economy that are sensitive to rising borrowing costs. Pending home sales have declined for eight straight months, as interest rates on 30-year fixed mortgages have climbed. Monthly auto sales have plateaued, prompting job cuts at General Motors and Ford.”
    The Fed is obsessed with getting interest rates up and out of the danger zone, which is when interest rates are lower than 2 %. What is that danger? Deflation. Why has the market trended toward zero interest rates, when left to itself? Because of Surplus Capital. Cheap Money, or Too Much Money in the hands of Capital….leading to lower rents on Capital, and bubbles in real estate, and junk bonds to like, Turkey, or Venezuela. You got extra money? I got a bridge for your to invest it…in Africa.

    Deflation in a country or internationally is like an anorexic who refuses to eat…however there is some rationality in the market as opposed to the anorexic. Why buy the widget today when you can get it cheaper tomorrow, a variation on two candy bars tomorrow as opposed to one candy bar today?

    There are two diseases in Capitalism now. The first is the Market’s focus on stock price growth, not earnings from the stock. Stock price growth is the catnip of the Irrational Exuberance of yesteryear and Greenspan’s locution fits well the Greed factor. The second disease of Capitalism, fueled in a large part now by Globalism which allows the market to play all kinds of tricks on economic fundamentals, like Strong Wages as the fundamental source of Consumer Demand at “home,” as well as disguising other factors thru too much complexity, especially in finance.

    Lousy consumer demand at home.?..go East young entrepreneur and make your fortune in Chinkdom by cashing in on cheap labor, while your used-to-be-home country suffers from low wages/low consumer demand. Externalizing your costs means eroding your country’s well-being. Who Cares?

    It is the Libertarian’s Dream machine. I got mine, get yours!

    Well…the US is a much more commercial society than in Europe, and interestingly, Liberals like to have their cake and eat it too. They rail against Racism! and often as well, the Corporations! but they got their stock portfolios and luv the Market. Liberals do well by Doing Good….mouthing the platitudes of Equality! racial and otherwise.

    When the economy goes sour, many liberals will be demoralized. Ditto conservatives since Trumponomics will be seen to be just another GOP Supply Side ideology without a grasp of what used to be called political-economy by the Left. Yes there are political factors, starting with supports for high wages and protection from Third World slave labor.

    Joe Webb

  79. @Baxter

    Thank your talmudvision for all the social wonders brought into the homes. Sexualizing children at birth now, convincing them that there are no consequences and that their “White” parents are backwards racists for not supporting the pimping out of their children.

    The same causalities apply to every one of the symptoms you list, that is why the “truth” is always a “hate crime” now.

  80. notanon says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    it *was* true in the past and is still true among those high up enough to not be paying the price (plus the kind of rabbi who thinks a certain level of anti-semitism is good for cohesion reasons) but i’d imagine a lot of Jews whose feet are closer to the flames are having second thoughts on whether having allies on the kosher slaughter / circumcision issue is worth the whole getting stabbed in the street thing.

  81. notanon says:

    The downsize years produced a bumper crop of people who had their lives foreclosed and just cannot get them back.

    same thing is happening in Europe but it’s diluted cos there is more social housing and (until recently) the cheapest housing didn’t involve living in neighborhoods where you’d be killed anyway.

    The suspicious part of the opioid crisis is that most pain patients had their medications cut of nearly five years ago, but overdoses still climbed.

    the prescription drugs got them addicted and then when the prescriptions were cut they turned to illegal supply.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  82. notanon says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    greedy sociopaths and their lust for cheap labor is how we got into this situation in the first place

  83. notanon says:
    @Malaysian Truther

    exactly – unfortunately any economist in the West who makes this argument will get purged so it has to come from outside: Russia, China, India etc

    capitalism only leads to greater prosperity if the labor supply is restricted.

  84. @Cyrano

    Completely incomprehensible
    Are you commenting on something I wrote ?

    •�Replies: @Anon
  85. Clyde says:
    @Johnny Rottenborough


    An Englishwoman wrote in 2013 about her experience of living in an increasingly diverse London borough. In her case, the neighbourhood was ‘getting more liveable’ for the burgeoning Muslim community as whites moved away:

    ‘I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich.’

  86. notanon says:

    and the media have been covering it all up for 20 years.

  87. @EliteCommInc.

    proper reasoning Elitecomminc.

    I did not see this earlier….a very satisfactory response in my estimation.

    I come here because of Unz and some of the other bylines. while I may not always agree with those they are usually solid intellectually..Shamir, Paul Roberts etc.

    but there are too many like Durocher and Kersey, idiot guys with negative agendas on this day when positive, accurate perspectives that ordinary people can use would help. maybe I am spending too much time here

  88. wayfarer says:

    There is no calamity greater than lavish desires. There is no greater guilt than discontent. And there is no greater disaster than greed.

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laozi

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Wally
  89. @Durruti

    I am going to be careful here. Because there are times when others are in fact at fault. People do engage in behaviors to hurt others. People can and do lie. They engage in all manner of practices to damage other people. But in this case, the author’s opening narrative indicates that the problem is one that exists inside the minds, “hearts” or souls of the west. But curiously proceeds to shift responsibility onto blacks as noncontributers which even if true based on his own arguments is not where the fault lies —-

    It resides in the very nature of modern societies and based on his advance is a western/asian — white domain. So the remedy I would think would be in making internal shifts or changes as opposed to blaming.

    I would agree that our immigration policy is damaging to the very core of what it means to be a US citizen. But in the US that is our undoing — and oddly enough it’s a polity advanced by supposedly the best and the brightest. The most influential and based on the views of the author the smartest and most industrious — yet they advocate policies that are the most destructive to the successful society the author claims they and they alone created.

    The rational itself is deeply flawed so one need not proffer all the contributions by blacks in-particular to challenge the contribution advance.

  90. @Anon

    Thats one of the worst faked pictures I’ve seen in a while bud. Good job.

    Poor article. Most of the refugee crisis was created by Western wars, Imperialism, and Capitalism. Middle East and Africa wasn’t nearly as bad before Western “liberation”. Expect it to get much worse with John Bolton, Pompeo and Israel/MIC puppet Trump in the White house. Liberation coming soon for Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and many in Africa.

    Blocked youtube video on subject:

    Video Link
    John Perkins who wrote confessions of an economic hitman is good too.

    Video Link

    •�Agree: Druid
  91. notanon says:

    Taken literally, You mean 2 or more Indian Engineers for every 6 mediocre Hispanics. Is that the real ratio, if so it might work for the US. I would have thought more like 10,000 unskilled for every engineer.

    it doesn’t work that way.

    if you import cheap labor for low productivity work that wasn’t being done you increase GDP but reduce average productivity = always bad

    if you import higher IQ people to do high productivity work that wasn’t being done then you increase GDP and average productivity = potentially good (economically at least)

    however most of the time that isn’t the case – most of the time they are imported as a cheaper alternative replacing people who were already doing that work which means you have to take account of the displaced workers also who generally end up doing lower productivity work so unless the high IQ imports are special individuals or imported to do work that wasn’t being done or capable of being done by the native population then that’s bad also.

    the two kinds of immigration don’t cancel out.

  92. notanon says:

    the black guys fault

    the banking mafia want to create a planet of 85 IQ slave-cattle who they can *safely* parasite off forever.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  93. notanon says:

    2. The IQ stuff is a load of Zionist created crap.

    denying the reality of genetics dooms low IQ populations to being stupid forever and is very evil

    don’t be evil

    •�Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  94. A bit off topic, but Israel plays a big part in destabilization/narcotics and human trafficking in South and Central America too, they always blame China for the Fentanyl problem here in America, anyone with a brain knows its the Israelis. MOSSAD, CIA, Jewish Mafia are THE drug cartels.

    Police Nab Israeli Suspects in Colombia Child Sex Trafficking Ring (VIDEO)


    The network is suspected of operating in a spate of Colombian cities, including the capital Bogota, the second-largest city of Medellin as well as Cartagena and Santa Marta. All of the suspects were wanted by Interpol on suspicion of pimping and soliciting minors for prostitution.

    Six Israel citizens have been arrested after they were suspected of running a child sex trafficking ring in Colombia, according to the Latin American country’s attorney general’s office.


    Brazil arrests Israeli suspected of heading major drug smuggling ring


    Dany Treyger said to have been recaptured after he escaped from Sao Paulo hotel; suspect initially arrested in Bolivia, then taken to Paraguay before handed to Israeli authorities. An Israeli drug dealer who leads a smuggling network was captured in Brazil after trying to escape extradition.


    Senior El Al security official suspected of running cocaine smuggling ring
    Ex-Shin Bet official among four arrested in ‘wide-ranging’ operation that police believe utilized company planes to transport drugs to Israel





    Several Israeli civilians and 35 soldiers have been detained on suspicion of drug trafficking and use, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced on Sunday.

  95. notanon says:

    ‘the great replacement’ makes absolutely no sense economically.

    it makes no economic sense for the nation as a whole but even if only 50% of immigrants join the labor supply the depressive effect on wages makes a lot of money for large employers (or even small employers who previously couldn’t get labor cos the work was too low paid cos low productivity).

    effectively what mass immigration does is shift part of their wage bill onto the welfare system paid out of general taxation.

    this is why big business bribes the political-media class to lie about the net benefit of mass immigration.

    in the long term it’s bad for those employers as well because the resulting over supply of labor leads to economic stagnation and infrastructure collapse but in the beginning every $1000 a year less in one of their employee’s pay packets is $1000 a year in their pocket instead.

    •�Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @peterAUS
  96. notanon says:

    I find the “white genocide” rhetoric (that you at least avoid) humorous

    the central banking mafia have been plotting white* extinction since Hitler closed down the German branch of the central bank in 1937.

    (*with Korea and Japan added later)

    they want a population who will contentedly live off payday loans forever.

  97. Ron Unz says:

    effectively what mass immigration does is shift part of their wage bill onto the welfare system paid out of general taxation.

    this is why big business bribes the political-media class to lie about the net benefit of mass immigration.


    Another even more obvious example is the support for EITC-type welfare payments, in which businesses are allowed to pay their workers very little and instead explicitly have the taxpayers make up the difference.

    Back a few years ago when I was spearheading the national drive for a big Minimum Wage hike, some of the leading mainstream conservatives made very amusing arguments in the other direction:


    •�Agree: niceland, Hail
    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  98. notanon says:

    Only fools blame economic problems on poor immigrants. All evil comes from the rich.

    the rich want immigration for cheap labor.

  99. @notanon

    The US is not now nor has she ever imported significant numbers of blacks into the country. she has however expended considerable effort blocking those blacks who are citizens from full participation, access and benefit of being citizens. And that social project and practice is going to have real world long term consequences, none of which will resolved by immigration gymnastics.

    It is not a short cut to a healtheir economy or polity.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  100. Anon[246] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Guillaume Durocher

    Why? Because it’s good for the (((Banks)))..

    •�Replies: @El Dato
  101. @notanon

    They can stay put in their home countries and get smarter every day there, then.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  102. @jilles dykstra

    You joke of course. Only in the 1950s was the property qualification for voters for my state’s Upper House abandoned (though gerrymander favouring rural areas still prevailed for a while). I think property owners as well as residents still get votes in local government elections: and they are the ratepayers be it noted. So I don’t find strange the idea that people shouldn’t have full weight for their votes unless and until they have been net economic contributors – taxpayers in particular – for a number of years. Indeed I commend the idea to Israel so it can have a workable one state solution. Whatever is done about voting for the existing legislative chamber (Knesset) a restricted franchise for an Upper House should do the trick for 100 years. Nothing to do with race at all.

  103. niceland says:

    From the article:

    Eventually, there won’t be any people left to brain-drain and smart people across the world are failing to have children. This could lead to Anatoly Karlin’s “industrial Malthunianism” scenario of the return of permanent economic stagnation.

    I think the poor countries will continue to create smart cookies no matter how hard you try to brain drain them. And many of the immigrants, wealthy or poor will do so as well. The native working class as well, let alone all the people with multi ethnic background.

    You find smart people in all levels of society. Ever heard of the smart guy in the family? This theory makes no sense with 10+ billion population on the planet in the future.

  104. Anon[436] •�Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Probably guessing at what you, with what he decided to refrain from calling characteristic arrogant oracular opacity, meant by “The continuing USA illusions about FDR continue to amaze me”. You take people’s time to read your narcissistic ipse dixit and then just cite a single allegedly supporting source.

    Spell it out and expose yourself to reasoned assessment.

  105. Alden says: •�Website

    He’s already got pouches under his eyes and lines from nose to lips. He’s no more 16 than I am. He’ll probably refuse to do any chores or clean up after himself and order the Mom and girls around.
    If he’s certified 16 the family gets foster child money for him

  106. peterAUS says:

    ….effectively what mass immigration does is shift part of their wage bill onto the welfare system paid out of general taxation.


    That’s what most people about “bad immigration” simply, for some inexplicable reason, can’t get.

    The drive for more immigration isn’t just “Joos”, “progs” and big business. It’s ALL of the business owners, managers and share holders. Simple two words: “wages down”.

    People in US on the receiving end of this (“deplorables”) simply can’t get that “class war” thing in their heads.
    Good on them.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  107. @Ron Unz

    Your arguments for higher minimum wages led me to greater flexibility of thought on the issue. Many years ago I wrote a paper for a future PM – which at the time he liked and quoted – along the lines of the Feldstein ideas your linked piece refers to. Now, at least, I acknowledge that the US and its economy are so very different from Australia and its economy that I would certainly vote for your policies in America. (Australia’s reality is that 1 or 2 per cent of people – plus East Asia – in mining and agricultural and pastoral industries** make it possible for all to live well with money over to waste and one can only hope that keeping up the national IQ and spirit of enterprise by admitting the right kind of Cinese and Indians will allow us to maintain course).
    **As one who left Australia for a first degree at Oxbridge I am amazed that Australia’s big “exports” includes education. That also contributes to high quality immigration as we don’t have a Theresa May Home Secretary and we do have Malaysia’s affirmative action pushing Overseas Chinese our way.

  108. notanon says:

    The US is not now nor has she ever imported significant numbers of blacks into the country.

    13% of the population is pretty significant.

  109. notanon says:

    yes – we should protect our own space and help them from a distance by beaming information about genetics via satellite TV.

  110. Wally says:

    “And hygiene and good diet can and often do exist in the most backward societies.”

    So that explains why all those backward, low IQ peoples want to leave their truly backward societies that they created and come the white West.

    “And hygiene and good diet can and often do exist in the most backward societies.”

    Only if charitably supplied by the superior white West.

  111. Wally says:

    And can’t possibly figure it out.

  112. notanon says:

    The drive for more immigration isn’t just “Joos”, “progs” and big business. It’s ALL of the business owners, managers and share holders.

    i wouldn’t say “all” – a lot of the people i knew who had construction firms didn’t want to employ illegals but it meant going bust if they didn’t as long as at least one of their competitors would and there’s always one (and even then some decided to move away rather than do it cos they wouldn’t have been able to look their existing workers in the eye).

    same with corporate off-shoring – there was a lot of resistance initially but that resistance was broken down by the use of junk bonds to fund hostile takeovers if they didn’t.

    i agree that once the groundwork has been laid by greedy sociopaths it becomes very difficult for any individual firm to fight the tide – which is why you need a nationalist minded government to change the incentives.

    similar thing with media propaganda saying mass immigration / off-shoring is good for the economy – if they told the truth a lot of employers would no longer support either.

  113. Wally says:

    – Prescriptions for opioids have decreased greatly since 2013.

    – The Oxycontin formula was changed years ago, making it very difficult to inject as was done previously.

    – Those with prescriptions are generally NOT the ones over dosing, those that buy drugs on the street are.

    – Yes, Oxycontin has a street value to those who sell their Rx, but that accounts for a small percentage vs. what is alleged in the tabloid press.

    – Most opioid abusers are not actually using Oxycontin, but are using illicit street drugs fentanyl & heroin which are then conflated with Oxycontin & other less strong opiate prescriptions because there is now a huge ‘law enforcement’ witch hunt which profits from increased funding for the bogus claims of massive prescription drug abuse.

    – Oxycontin is very beneficial to those with serious pain. Yes, such serious pain does exist.

    •�Replies: @wayfarer
  114. Wally says:

    No one blames all economic problem on dumb immigrants. No strawmen.

    Please explain how “all evil comes from the rich”.

  115. Wally says:

    “I am absolutely convinced that given enough time, the elite now have the capability to mould the population in almost any way they see fit.”

    Spot on
    If they can get people to believe in the scientifically impossible, like the fake ‘6,000,000 Jews, 5,000,000 others, & gas chambers’, then they can truly get them to believe in anything.

  116. El Dato says:
    @Ben Sampson

    So it was not differently abled Diversity People but superiorly abled Jews who did it?

    Makes sense.

    > Jewish Khazar man

    IIRC these don’t exist (genetics man, it can be useful)

  117. wayfarer says:

    There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeschylus

    Video Link

  118. anon[355] •�Disclaimer says:

    Non-whites have made a mess out of their countries. Now, with the help of organized Jewry, they are moving to the west to make a new mess there.

  119. @notanon

    I would doubt that even 1% of the black population are immigrants.

    •�Replies: @Hail
    , @anon
  120. @notanon

    Much to my surprise it’s about 3% of the immigrant population and roughly 7% of the black population. Though the standards are much higher than for other immigrant population and they generallky arrive in country with degrees and professional, etc.

    Though my position on immigration is that we don’t need a single one. And all immigration should be terminated for at least five years to overhaul the system.

    I accept the numbers despite my suspicions about those numbers — laugh.


    •�Replies: @By-tor
  121. Hail says: •�Website

    You think the U.S. population is only 0.1% Black-immigrant stock? (.13*0.01)

    You are in for a surprise; quite a lot of the Subsaharan ancestry present in North America today was not present in 1865 when the slaves were freed. In simpler words: There have been lots of Black and part-Black immigrants. Here are a few famous cases:

    1- President Barack Obama: 50% East African via foreign father (father arrived on student visa in 1959)
    2- Attorney General Eric Holder: substantial Subsaharan ancestry via Barbados-origin immigrant parents (father arrived from Barbados in 1916 before the 1920s-1960s immigration cutoff was in effect);
    3- Sec. of State Colin Powell: substantial Subsaharan ancestry via Jamaican parents (arrived in 1920, one year before the preliminary immigration cutoff law of 1921 was passed; made permanent in 1924)
    4- Louis Farrakhan, current Leader of the ‘Nation of Islam’ (commonly known as the Black Muslims): born in Bronx, New York, to a Jamaican-born father and a mother from the Caribbean island of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

    From the same era as the parents of 2, 3, and 4:
    5- Marcus Garvey, Black racialist figure in the 1910s-1930s: born in Jamacia; arrived in the USA in 1916; by 1918 was publishing a Black racial-nationalist newspaper out of Harlem, New York (at the tine having recently become the very first northern city neighborhood to ‘flip’ to majority Black); the head of a substantial Black racial-nationalist organization by 1919.

    As for younger Blacks today, by the late 2010s it is a safe bet that over 10% are themselves foreign born. Three largest countries of origin of foreign-born Blacks: Jamaica, Haiti, Nigeria.

  122. Franz says:

    the prescription drugs got them addicted and then when the prescriptions were cut they turned to illegal supply.

    I thought so too, but the doctors I know say it’s only a small number. I think it’s because ex-Middle Class people are still law-abiding. So they put up with aspirin, muscle relaxers and stay busy while they suffer.

    All because of oxycontin, which actual pain sufferers said is a crap drug anyway.

    But I can hope it killed a whole lot of abusers, since they’ve caused such incredible misery among the honest folk. Then again, that’s how it always works.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  123. @Guillaume Durocher

    How is the average white American living? The opioid epidemic makes it seem awful, but one wonders how much the average person has a sense of crisis or not.

    The Pharma Industry is killing the world with the opioid epidemic, and the average person throughout the world has no sense of crisis.

    The Pharma Industry is no longer in the business of curing diseases, but in the maintenance of diseases. The prices of prescriptions in USA are 60 to 80 times higher in USA, then the rest of the world.

    Kudos to Carter for busting Ma’Bell in six companies to ensure more competition. Time to bust Pharma Industry to encourage competition, which will reduce the prices and to find cures for diseases. At same time, bust both Google and Facebook into six or more companies each.

  124. Anonymous [AKA "anonymity 20"] says:

    In a way though Opoids are better than meth-related violence.

    In Phoenix in the late 90’s there were the usual drug burns, tweaker freak-outs, gang wars etc.

    Opoid abusers just sit around and sleep.

  125. @Wizard of Oz

    Indeed, it would be interesting to know whether French Jews have been as pro-immigration as their counterparts in the Anglosphere.

  126. By-tor says:

    Afro immigrants arriving with degrees and professional accreditations? LOL. The Bantus being placed in white zip codes are primitive people with ultra low IQ who are the scorn of tribal Africa. They began to be brought in in greater numbers during Bush II’s regime courtesy of the Lutherans and Sen. Chas. Grassley of Iowa. Nigerians, Tanzanians, Jamaicans, Haitians and Kenyans with degrees stay inside their own countries where they are big fish in small intellectual ponds. State and government institutions ( pimping diversity nonsense ), quick marts, grocery stores and ethnic eateries are staffed with these unneeded Afros in the city where I live.

    Where are you that you have no clue as to what is actually going on?

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  127. @By-tor

    The number of blacks coming to the country with degrees based on the provided reference is 40%. It is doubtful that the other 60% are here for anything other than temporary status.

    I suspect that even among those with degrees most are on temporary status (that’s what I suspect, not what I claim definitively)

    You might want to read the reference I provided.

    •�Replies: @notanon
  128. @Hail

    I provide what I believe about the black immigration if subsequent comments to the original adjusting the numbers to the data.

    Your list is interesting, but wholly irrelevant.


    you are playing fast with who is an immigrant. If your parents become naturalized in the US before your birth and you are born here — you are not an immigrant. Given your use of the immigrants to be those of parents arriving from a foreign state —

    then everyone not native since the countries establishment is an immigrant. Which is why I hold the numbers suspect. I would not be at all surprised if the references to the number of black of immigrants applied the same broad and careless standard, making the term immigrant meaningless.

    •�Replies: @Hail
  129. @Hail

    I provide what I believe about the black immigration if subsequent comments to the original adjusting the numbers to the data. My initial response was to less than 1%, not less than 0.01%

    Your list is interesting, but wholly irrelevant.


    you are playing fast with who is an immigrant. If your parents become naturalized in the US before your birth and you are born here — you are not an immigrant. Given your use of the immigrants to be those of parents arriving from a foreign state —

    then everyone not native since the countries establishment is an immigrant. Which is why I hold the numbers suspect. I would not be at all surprised if the references to the number of black of immigrants applied the same broad and careless standard, making the term immigrant meaningless.

  130. @Franz

    Very interesting. Thanks for your comment! Seems people have lot a sense of purpose..

  131. Hail says: •�Website

    you are playing fast with who is an immigrant

    Your post (#101) stated

    The US is not now nor has she ever imported significant numbers of blacks into the country

    It is false to say “the US has never” had Black immigration. There has been substantial Black immigration. See examples above for famous cases (Obama, Holder, Colin Powell); see entire neighborhoods of New York City of Caribbean Blacks. That is historical, but since the 1970s there has been even more.

    Among persons in their 20s to 50s or so today, it seems likely that well over 10% of U.S.-resident Blacks are foreign born; not only not U.S. slave origin, but not even U.S.-born-and-raised. (All of them are eligible for racial benefits regardless; they are race benefits, after all, not US-slave-descendant benefits.)

  132. Just as over population is a self correcting problem, so too is moral decay.

  133. notanon says:

    there’s a possibility the doctors may be covering their ass but i won’t overstate that as my only evidence is anecdotal i.e. talking with youngsters who said they got into the illegal stuff after coming off prescription – the ones i’ve talked to about it were all youngsters though so that may be a factor in them going the illegal route – might have been different for oldsters?

    •�Replies: @Franz
  134. notanon says:

    The number of blacks coming to the country with degrees based on the provided reference is 40%. It is doubtful that the other 60% are here for anything other than temporary status.

    refugee resettlement

    (which often means they come from the most violent, dysfunctional places like Somalia)

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  135. @Hail

    I guess the turn here is on what is meant by significant. There were some 44 million immigrants in 2016 if the number of black immigrants were 4 million, that would be roughly about 9% of the total. Considering that most are likely temporary the 9% becomes even less significant as to impact. 40% of whom arrive in the country with education and professional skill sets. compare that to the 21 million plus illegal immigrants who are not monitored, not tracked and have all manner of ready made support systems.

    They are significant in numbers compared to all other immigrants populations, nor is their impact on the nation’s identity significant, considering the temporary nature of their status, the significance decreases further.

  136. “.. studiously omits the fact that the rapidly-expanding Black World contributes even less.”

    Ha! Any fule kno that Blacks, and African Blacks in particular, are undisputed world leaders, nay, pioneers in sorcery praxis and witchcraft-detection. Particularly in the young. Or animals.
    How can wite boys even compete?

  137. @Franz

    So what you’re saying is .. (/cathy)
    These lads have got absolutely nothing to lose, and a few survivors possibly something to gain, by getting into a full-on Totaler Krieg situation?
    I mean, dead is dead.
    Wouldn’t like to be a cop, in The Future.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  138. @Hail

    From my last visit to the US (mostly DC and NE but also LA) my memory tells me that 8 out of 10 cab/limo drivers were Africans (typically Green Card lottery winners) and I was struck by the difference between African-American descendants of slaves and enterprising immigrants.

    •�Replies: @Hail
  139. @Franz

    Aren’t opioids easily bought on the internet?

    •�Replies: @Franz
  140. @Malaysian Truther

    mass immigration destroys technical innovation and labour productivity not increases it. It is one of the reasons why UK productivity has continually lagged behind other advanced economies

    Agree. In the same way that the Roman elite indulgence in slavery to power/produce .. just about anything .. hollowed out their former rural base of conscript-yet-high-morale legionary fodder, by impoverishment and displacement and debt-bondage.

    Why service the automatic carwash (freezes in winter), or have people wash their own dam’ cars at home, when you can have ten chainsmoking romanian gypsies scratch it silly with a gritty sponge for only a tenner?

    Wage arbitration, currency pegging. The only way the current EU (not the EEC I voted to join) can function. Pretend the D-mark doesn’t exist (are you listening, Greeks and Iberians? Your euros are the same as unser Euros) and continually drag in vast new serf hordes (Turkey by 2020?).

  141. @notanon

    That is beside the point, even if accurate. But your suggestion is lacking substance. It is not uncommon for the most successful as in those with professions and a means of escape to do so.

    refugee resettlement

    “(which often means they come from the most violent, dysfunctional places like Somalia)”

    Nonsense. It means exactly what it says literally — resettling refugees from wherever they come from. And with respect to black populations, they are simply outpaced by immigrants of lighter shades as indicated by the numbers. Because they are black, because english if not their first language, because they not among the highest number of immigrants into the country with very limited networks, their impact is just as great as larger population sets.

  142. @Hail

    Note, I never stated that the US never permitted black immigrants.

    As for benefits, all immigrants have access to welfare programs tailored for them. I am not sure that applies to welfare in general based on skin color. I think there are limitations regulated by their refugee status and programs available —

    I know you want to hoist a heavier weight on blacks and I know why — but the numbers just don’t bare that out.

  143. @Hail


    “They are not significant in numbers compared to all other immigrants populations, nor is their impact on the nation’s identity significant, considering the temporary nature of their status, the significance decreases further.”

  144. Franz says:
    @Expletive Deleted

    They’ll be busy for sure… whichever side they might be on.

    Lots of police came from working class daddies. Some of them are just as pissed as the rest of us.

  145. Wally says:
    @Ben Sampson

    “it is another silly and shallow article on the UNZ report. Durocher does not deal with how the situation he describes came to be in the world. if he did that honestly he would have to write a different article altogether. I cant be bothered with this. it explains nothing and leads nowhere.”

    So “silly & shallow,” that you are here, commenting and obviously ‘bothered’ by it.

  146. Franz says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Aren’t opioids easily bought on the internet?

    If it’s in the USA, you’ll be buying directly from the Entrapment Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

    If the one pain doctor I talked to is right, they might let you get a couple refills before they bust your door down and take you in. Then you’ll have your life confiscated and the joy of entering the freshly-privatized American Gulag.

    Best to stay legal.

    •�Replies: @Sowhat
  147. Wally says:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    ” I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich.’”

    Indeed just like LA, SF, & all big CA cities.

    “Sanctuary state” CA:
    33% of all US welfare recipients and 12% of the US population.

    more: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/no-other-state-comes-close-to-california-when-it-comes-to-welfare-spending-2017-11-28

  148. Franz says:

    i won’t overstate that as my only evidence is anecdotal i.e. talking with youngsters who said they got into the illegal stuff after coming off prescription

    I think it was true some years back… it’s not easy being young these days either and there were pill mills in some states doing quite a brisk business in narcotics before the hammer came down.

    The FBI keeps the statistics and they show a spike of the numbers of doctors going to jail for scamming and harming people that way about 6 years ago. Often as not other doctors turned them in, for obvious reasons.

    But those days should be over. The young around here seem more enamored of methamphetimines, which is an old and difficult problem because you can whip up your own quite easily.

    Young or old, still seems like a suicide epidemic to some of us. Young people with their lives ahead of them do not ordinarily numb themselves with deadly substances. But the US hasn’t been ordinary for quite a few years.

  149. notanon says:

    still seems like a suicide epidemic to some of us.

    yes definitely – the suicidal drive is the same in rust-belt towns outside the US (and equally covered up by the media) except there it’s mainly slow suicide by alcohol rather than opiodes.

    Opiodes are one of the methods not the cause – the cause is hopelessness.

  150. anon[355] •�Disclaimer says:

    It is my understanding that about 15% of the black population in the USA arrived AFTER 1965 as immigrants. That is not an insignificant number. Btw, only about 400,000 black slaves were ever imported into the USA. Considering the numbers of their descendants today and how blacks elsewhere ended up (Haiti, Brazil, etc.) I would say they have not done too badly. I don’t see any of them going back to Africa…

  151. You are just not going to get any ground on the immigration question. The numbers are clear and I made the adjustments to my own assumptions.

    And immigrant is one who arrives in country and establishes citizenship the naturalization process. Those who the children of said US citizens are not immigrants, despite being the children of immigrants. Note: no one born in the US whose parents were not citizens of the US are citizens of the same.




    The estimates of how many black slaves were brought to the US is probably closer to 600,000. But by the end of the Civil war, they numbered some 4 million plus.

    That 4 million would have no reason to return home. Whatever ancestral lines that existed to include territorial nations no longer existed. There was a large back to Africa movement — but how does one go back to a nonexistent lineage or history. The blacks in the US only knew the US and it made sense to make the US a nation who garnered a good deal from their sweet and blood. What they sought was their rightful place as citizens. And had the country not invested so much energy in denying their every effort to be citizens, many of the issues we face today would be far less mountainous.

    I am not going to contend against the success of blacks in a hostile nation – but there is little doubt that success could have been far greater had the country been wiser about what to do with so much and so many willing and able human capital —

  152. Miro23 says:

    Modern societies are characterized by easy living and an increasingly feminized and infantilized culture. The result is that modern man is no longer motivated by spirituality or honor, but purely by lower drives, such as gibs, security, and the pursuit of comfiness.

    This is not entirely true. From pre-history, tribal groups (now societies) have been motivated by competition for resources – which in effect means power, and it has been expressed by control over land. Tribal groups have waxed and waned and Empires have risen and fallen while competition remains a constant.

    In modern terms, this probably means that competition is alive and well, but is just providing new winners and losers.

    By simply looking at control over resources, the last 50 years have seen a dramatic rise in N.E.Asia at the expense of the West, and a great rise in Jewish ethnic power in the Middle East and within Western societies. Both are unashamedly ethnic “China First” and “Israel First” – and direct their foreign activity to (successfully) promote their tribal advancement.

    In other words, Western ethnic groups are losers, and it can be seen in their lack of unity, (multiculturalism), easy living (lack of will to compete), feminization, infantilization and lazy outsourcing of industrial skills (life support system).

    However, an interesting point, is that Western elites don’t want to (also) be losers, so they are in the process of separating themselves from their own ethnic groups and forging a new rootless Global elite in alliance with the existing Jewish Global elite. They then face off (largely under Jewish influence) against advanced powers such as China and Russia who are also growing in strength, but who refuse to surrender (relinquish their ethnic identity).

    •�Replies: @Franz
  153. Franz says:

    Fine analysis, because it’s now a race between the woke and the footless cosmopolitans.

    As people in the West get less comfortable, they are noticing the consequences and turning to the woke for answers. And to get woke themselves.

    There is no doubt the elites are getting nervous and the formerly-comfortable are shaking out of their torpor. The dice might fly high after all.

    •�Replies: @Miro23
    , @peterAUS
  154. Miro23 says:

    There is no doubt the elites are getting nervous and the formerly-comfortable are shaking out of their torpor. The dice might fly high after all.

    There are definite signs of rising nationalism and popular discontent, so western elites are feeling the pressure. There’s also the question of simultaneous challenges towards Russia and China.

    The only exit I can see for them, is to take absolute control of the US (and its military). I’m fully expecting a coup that ushers in a Emergency Dictatorship using some kind of manufactured National Crisis (with full MSM cooperation). Why else would Homeland Security be ordering 100’s millions of rounds of ammunition and equipping itself with military vehicles?

  155. corrections:

    You are just not going to get any ground on the immigration question. The numbers are clear and I made the adjustments to my own assumptions.

    And immigrant is one who arrives in country and establishes citizenship by the naturalization process. Those whose the children of said US citizens are not immigrants, despite being the children of immigrants.

    Note: no one born in the US whose parents were not citizens of the US are citizens of the US.




    The estimates of how many black slaves were brought to the US is probably closer to 600,000. But by the end of the Civil war, they numbered some 4 million plus.

    That 4 million would have no reason to return home. Whatever ancestral lines that existed to include territorial nations no longer existed. There was a large back to Africa movement — but how does one go back to a nonexistent lineage or history. The blacks in the US only knew the US and it made sense to make the US their home who garnered a good deal from their sweet and blood (millions would have ancestral lines older than most whites). What they sought was their rightful place as citizens. And had the country not invested so much energy in denying their every effort to be citizens, many of the issues we face today would be far less mountainous.

    I am not going to contend against the success of blacks in a hostile nation – but there is little doubt that success could have been far greater had the country been wiser about what to do with so much and so many willing and able human capital —

  156. Dart says:

    The situation of American financial imperialism is unsustainable. That is economic fact. The “trends” are for the most part worthless because the situation of USA losing its place as global superpower will have an analogous historical effect to an event like WWI. The global order will change.

  157. Anonymous[162] •�Disclaimer says:

    Immigrants won’t vote for a socialist style US similar to the Venezuelan wreck?

    Oh yes they will.

    And Democrats will too.

    It’s called greed and stupidity.

    It’s already happening.

    Want to read a good book on immigration?

    Stolen Sovereignty by Horowitz.

  158. Terrific article. I would go back to the author’s opening paragraphs, and also to comments by Baxter, James Kennett, and Endgame Napoleon. I am close to 70 years of age and realize that modern youth trendsetters want nothing to do with us older nobodies unless we are celebrities which most of us are not. The older types should be better accepted in the world of academics when it comes to sciences like physics.

    It is clear that males are not as rugged as they used to be. It is both single and married mommies who spoiled their children, and unfortunately far too many daddies let ignorant mommies push them around and thus baby the children. I saw this going on everywhere.
    I came off the streets of a rough neighborhood but we were always outside playing and learning how to avoid getting attacked by gangs and also developing muscles from so much physical activity. If you go to city and suburban streets for over 10 years now you find few kids outside. Everywhere I go I am told that the kids are all inside playing computer games or messing with smartphones and computers.

    Military service is not a criteria I would use as a road to manliness but it has straightened out a lot of wild young men. I joined the military and I would have been drafted anyway. I thrived on the toughness and the good standards imposed, but back in the 60s, early 70s even the Marine Corps had the careerists who would just as soon see thousands of Marines die than ever have anyone interfere with their career progression and self interests (families, college for their kids, and so on).

    I agree that most of the meth and opioid addicted do it out of a loss of meaning to life and the sense of hopelessness.
    The kids who grow up with standards and decency then see this world especially in America that makes little sense- greed, cutthroat tactics, unemployment, materialism, and lowlife music, lowlife (idiotic) television shows and other garbage given to us by this sickening mass media. The only way I can explain the leftist, politically correct insanity in America is to blame these parents who never had to sweat it out in life and also to our decadent mainstream media.
    Fathers play a large role but in PC houses they never slammed any reasoning at their kids. Baby boomer fathers preaching “viva la revolucion” ruined a lot of kids. These baby boomer PC college professors are also a bunch of spoiled, weak, whiny, privileged trash who give students a huge sense of entitlement.
    It will take a major disaster-earthquake or similar- to change the reality for all these smug, egotistical, cozy politically correct and our spoiled masses.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  159. Thanks for all the other enlightening and exciting comments.
    Of course, the most important things like housing and medical have become incredibly expensive.
    The common man has been screwed. The so called lefties have done nothing to help this-they are just in it for money and their own comfort.

  160. peterAUS says:
    @Lost american

    It will take a major disaster-earthquake or similar- to change the reality for all these smug, egotistical, cozy politically correct and our spoiled masses.

    Pretty much.
    Not necessarily a natural disaster, though.

  161. Hail says: •�Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    I wonder if anyone has attempted a crime study on U.S.-slave-descent Blacks vs. immigrant-stock Blacks.

    •�Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  162. Anonymous [AKA "Wanton"] says:

    Great article but the paper trail diagram is misleading because Western “scientific” institutions relatively produce much more hot air than their counterparts in the rest of the world. No gender studies in the Muslim world, what they produce is almost exclusively STEM. The STEM fields themselves produce a lot of hot air too. Who actually cared about Stephen Hawking declaring string theory being the only game in town? You have to be very careful and detailed about what kind of science is generated in gauging what it contributes to anything that counts, an almost impossible task.

    Conversely, China is more liberal with regard to patents. The large number of “patents” granted there is as misleading as the paper trail diagram.

    Then, the often-heard argument about big business wanting to drive down wages is vulgar, marxist nonsense. Wages for low-skilled and even many skilled jobs are already at a minimum. Continued low-skilled immigration does hardly have any marginal effect anymore. It’s true that business leaders are always calling for increased immigration but these types belong to the managerial class. They feel, and are still, insulated from the consequences of these policies. They are even insulated from the consequences of the companies they lead going bankrupt. These leading circles are best viewed as a highly politicised, highly conformistic, perverted gang culture. Competition does exist but it happens more at the fringes. The socio-economic structure as a whole likens an ossified, oligopolistic, over-indebted, rent-seeking Soviet Union 2.0 with a decisive self-destructive twist to it, brought about by cultural marxism and immigration.

    There will be no new equlilibrium. When pointing to countries like Chile or Brazil as a possible future model, it is easily forgotten that these countries, too, receive technology and capital from the top-tier part of the world. It is a totally open question what will happen if the top tier, or just the Western part of it, disintegrates.
    Silicon valley is not located in Mexico even though it tries everything it can to make its surroundings like Mexico. Sociologically, it thrives as a parasitic bubble kept afloat by a top-tier white nation it hates.

    •�Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  163. @Hail

    Obviously African immigrants are the talented tenth.

  164. @Anonymous

    Chile and Brazil have different racial compositions. Chile is heavily Indian and Mestizo with a very entrenched Spanish elite ruling the roost since colonial days; Brazil’s Portuguese elite were largely displaced by more energetic European immigrants and it has a huge impoverished black/mulatto population.

    In my opinion, the US is more likely to end up with a ruling elite like that of Chile-deeply entrenched landowning elite and like Brazil it will have vast black and Mestizo slums.

    Another words, the worst of both worlds.

  165. Sowhat says:

    “Claro” aand accurately stated.
    Good article!

    •�Replies: @TimothyPMadden
  166. Sowhat says:

    Better yet: Stay away at all costs…endure your pain. It will pass. Man up.

  167. @Sowhat

    Thank you Sowhat. The fact that at least some people are still able to understand, is what has kept me going over the years. Much appreciated!

  168. SafeNow says:

    “harm done by ungifted immigrants”

    Here in California, the new standard is “basically okay = good enough.” As Borjas said, we wanted workers, but we got people. This is contageous in that many pre-replacement people adopted the new less-conscientious, less-fastidious, less-proficient model. And beyond work ethic, there is the issue of norms of personal behavior. This unraveling will spread quickly to the entire country, and without a fight. As trainers of ocean lifeguards told us a long time ago, “people often drown quickly and quietly.”

  169. M. Durocher is producing one great article after another. An excellent new voice (at least for us old time race realists).

    That said, this statement,

    “Panglossians such as Stephen Pinker and The Economist will claim the world is getting better and better, so we’ve nothing to worry about.”

    is not quite accurate in its allusion to Voltaire’s Pangloss. Young Candide’s tutor and sometime co-traveler did not believe that the world was improving, but rather, that this was already “the best of all possible worlds”. Candide the novella was, of course, a satire on this naive “optimism” derived from Leibniz (whose own conception of this idea was, needless to say, a good deal more sophisticated than what Voltaire mischievously took literally and simplistically).

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