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Stop Concealing Soviet Crimes
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As we rightly remember the Auschwitz death camp and the rest of the Jewish Holocaust, let’s take a moment to recall the greatest mass killer of prisoners during World War II, the by now forgotten Soviet Major General Vasily Blokhin.

Blokhin claimed to have personally executed tens of thousands of prisoners in the Soviet Gulag. He was the chief executioner for NKVD (Soviet secret police).

Commissar Blokhin used his personal Walther PPK pistol to kill thousands of his victims by a shot to the back of the head. He wore a butcher’s apron, long gloves, a leather hat and goggles.

His primary target was Polish prisoners. Blokhin and his murderous assistants killed over 7,000 Polish officers captured when the Soviet Union joined Germany in crushing Polish independence to restore the pre–World War I status quo. This was also Hitler’s goal. Not world conquest, as the Allies falsely claimed. Russia’s strategic goals were similar.

Stalin ordered the sinister-looking Blokhin to wipe out the flower of Polish aristocracy and erase that nation’s national identity. Blokhin also executed numerous Ukrainian nationalists as did Stalin’s secret police who, earlier, had executed or starved over 6 million Ukrainian farmers, a crime at least equal in magnitude to the Holocaust of Jews, the mentally unfit, and gypsies.

Why do we hear endless repetition of the Holocaust and next to nothing about the even more murderous Soviet crimes of mass murder? The artful British were the war’s premier propagandists. They not only helped draw the US into WWII, but they also largely masked the alliance between the US and Britain with the murderous Soviet regime.

In fact, the strategic goal of the British was to divert attention away from Soviet crimes by emphasizing Nazi crimes. This process continues today. The Jewish holocaust has almost become a state religion while the larger, earlier Ukrainian holocaust (or Holodomor) is slipping away down the memory hole.

We all know of the German-run Auschwitz, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, and Buchenwald, but what of the Soviet gulag death camps like Solovetski, Kolyma, Magadan, Vorkuta, the Baltic-Volga Canal and the deportation centers in Central Asia. Without the splendid works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the memory of the Gulag – which stayed operational into the 1970’s – would be gone.

No one had a monopoly on suffering. We must not forget that our ally in WWII, the Soviet Union, caused 75% of all German casualties. British-American propaganda likes to make us believe that it was the western allies – Britain, the US and Canada – that defeated Germany. Not true. It was the Soviet Union that suffered losses of 8.7 million military and 19 million civilians. 80% of the Luftwaffe was destroyed on the Eastern Front.


Without Soviet participation the Allies would not likely have won the war or defeated Germany and Japan. London and Washington were determined to downplay the key Soviet role in World War II. Accordingly, British and American propaganda were ordered to focus on the evils of Hitler while ignoring the even more murderous Soviet system. The bloody destruction of entire peoples like the Chechen or Baltics and millions of others by Stalin was never mentioned by the democratic allies. Interestingly, films of Hitler playing with animals and his promulgation of laws to protect animals from human cruelty were censored.

Russia has gone far to erase the memory of the Gulag. The Russian organization ‘Memorial’ that revealed the crimes of the Gulag was shut down by the Kremlin. The organizer of the murder by starvation or shooting of 6 million Ukrainian farmers, the Jewish commissar Lazar Kaganovich, was never even charged with major crimes. He died peacefully at 91 on a sunlit park bench in Moscow in 1997. Stalin even called Kaganovich ‘my Himmler’ while talking to British warlord Winston Churchill.

Stalin was a worse tyrant and mass murderer than Adolf Hitler, but he was our tyrant and essential ally, and we chose to ignore the facts.

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  1. We never should have allied with Stalin. Or fought Hitler. Let these two bad guys devour each other.

    •�Agree: Liza
    •�Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  2. Russia’s strategic goals were similar.

    Was this a typo? Did the author mean “Soviet”? Stalin was from Georgia, he was not Russian. The Russians disbanded the Soviet Union in 1990. Why mention the “Auschwitz death camp” when sane people know that it was a Labor camp with many “survivors.” What is a death camp? Why not just kill people rather than transport them to camps and feed and house them for years? They were horrible labor camps, but not death camps, where mostly non-Jews died.

    •�Agree: Lucky Jackson
    •�Replies: @lavoisier
  3. meamjojo says:

    I agree. So what do you want to do about his NOW?

    Maybe get this article republished in the New Yorker?

  4. Anonymous[120] •�Disclaimer says:

    It’s time to make promotion of the Holocaust hoax on this website a criminal offense.

  5. One of the most remarkable incidents in the story of American mass media propaganda is the rehabilitation then the re-revilement of the Soviet Union. Everywhere in the public press in the 1920’s, Soviet Russia was depicted as an unkempt Bolshevik madman brandishing a bomb with a lit fuse. Then, hey presto, from about 1936 on, Stalin turned into kindly Uncle Joe, the misunderstood friend of freedom. But before you know it ,he was again the great bogeyman of the Cold War era of the 1940’s and ‘50’s.

    Incredulously, Count Jerzy Potocki, the Polish Ambassador in Washington, reported to the Polish Foreign Office in January 1939 “[the American] people have no real knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe… If that country [Russia] is mentioned, it is referred to in a friendly manner and people are given the impression that Soviet Russia is part of the democratic group of countries.”

    Previously, on 9 February 1938, Potocki reported to the Foreign Minister in Warsaw on the Jewish role in making American foreign policy, “The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful …The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent … in their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism. This hatred has become frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood. In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the ‘democratic world.”

    •�Thanks: Caroline, Malla
  6. Eric: a simple explanation for this. Look up an Israeli journalist named Sever Plocker; he and others claim that Russian Jews murdered over 10 million people from the 20s up and ran all of the Gulags and controlled many aspects of the secret police. Ditto that for Eastern Europe from 45 to the early 90s. Who was Marcus Wolfe….tell us about him Eric. Not a single Russian war criminal who fled to Israel was ever hung.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Thanks: Caroline, JimDandy
  7. lavoisier says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Mr. Margolis has done more than most to present evidence of Jewish Bolshevik crimes at professional and personal risk to himself. He deserves our thanks and admiration.

    He still apparently accepts the essential details of the Holocaust narrative and the evil of the Nazis.

    Given that it is a crime to question this narrative in many parts of the so-called free world, it is impossible to know what is true about this Holocaust.

    Mr. Unz explores this issue in detail and I suspect he is rather closer to what may have actually happened given his rabid honesty and laser focus on evidence. I guess that comes with his scientific background and a peculiar honesty.

    For my part I remain ignorant of the holocaust narrative. Given the attempt to shut down any kind of investigation of the holocaust claims of 6 million Jews deliberately murdered in death camps, I have my doubts as to its veracity.

  8. Anonymous[253] •�Disclaimer says:

    Soviet crimes happened so long ago, in a nation that was thoroughly isolated from the West to boot, that it is pretty much impossible to bring them back to the spotlight today.

    One interesting account of how things worked back then is journalist Gareth Jones’ firsthand accounts of the Holodomor, available at https://www.garethjones.org/

  9. Anonymous[253] •�Disclaimer says:

    And a quibble: Rather than one handgun, Blokhin had an entire box full of PPK pistols to make sure everything went smoothly at Katyń.

    •�Replies: @Liza
  10. Mac_ says:

    When I think of facts in article, though could question holo assumptions, on other facts, people didn’t ask –what did we do with the gulag instigators, or, further back, ‘inquisition’ torturers, did we jail them, or, what about others similar. Then also, see first part of ‘first amendment, and consider govt handed katholic church over a bilion same time ‘covid’. How many ask the questions.

    Its not two or three subjects is the same subject. Failure to question. We are to question. It was that form of thinking, asking the obvious, that snapped a realization of situations.

    At the time of initial russian or bolshevik instigations many people here were eating ‘offal’, left over entrails of meat processing, while the main beef was shipped to russia to feed ‘soldiers there, doing what they were doing. It was on people here to question, not eat cow guts.

    Important to share what we know. Either we expand true right energy, or the black hole becomes larger.

    Appreciate the article, quite a bit in short space. Also appreciate the link comment eight.

  11. Kind of all over the board with this piece.

    One thing you can say about Stalin is that he got things done.

    •�Replies: @JimDandy
  12. Franz says:

    The Jewish holocaust has almost become a state religion while the larger, earlier Ukrainian holocaust (or Holodomor) is slipping away down the memory hole.

    That’s between them and them.

    Other people’s fights have hijacked the entire West, not just the USSA. I see no skin in the ME game for the European peoples but we seem stuck in a rut there for the same reason we’re stuck everywhere else. The usual one.

    Time to ring down the curtain on the refrain of this whole era: You can’t make any claim on other people’s time and money because bad things were done to your people way back when. If it happened, too bad but we are no party to it. Holocaust or Holodomor — go away.

  13. Bro43rd says:

    Why the Holodomor is not “remembered”. The ukes don’t have a marketing department as good as the jews. Really just proves what everyone knows but is afraid to say, jews have political power & are not afraid to use it. Eric knows this, he’s just being coy since he could face prosecution for wrong think in CA.

  14. After the fall of the Soviet Union there was a time when history was kinder to Russia. I remember that there was a greater openness to telling about the USSR’s fight in poplular history. We were no longer at war with Russia, and I started reading up about them because the extremes were fascinating to a young person in the grips of counterculture. Stalin was cool like Manson.

    I get the idea that Stalin will have his image rehabilitated. “He sacrificed his calling as priest to lead the USSR, which lead to a religious crisis and some extreme behaviour. But he got better in the end”.

    Video Link

  15. meamjojo says:

    Some more Russian history.
    Stalin resurrected Jew-hatred in USSR, part of counterrevolution against Lenin
    Vol. 88/No. 6
    February 12, 2024

    “The Council of People’s Commissars declares that the anti-Semitic movement and pogroms against Jews are fatal to the interests of the workers’ and peasants’ revolution,” said V.I. Lenin, the central leader of the Bolshevik Party and the 1917 Russian Revolution, in a government declaration after workers conquered power.

    It instructed “all Soviet deputies to take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots.”

    The Bolsheviks meant what they said.

    They put an end to the pogroms and persecution against Jews that had been widespread under the dictatorial rule of the czars. Russia was home to the world’s largest Jewish population. Gramophone recordings of Lenin’s speeches against Jew-hatred were sent all across the country to spread the message.


    •�Replies: @Arbeit Macht Frei
  16. Liza says:

    That would make more sense. I can’t see an executioner stopping every couple of minutes to re-load.

    How come this article is not at the top of the heap? Why do I have to hunt for Eric Margolis’ writings?

  17. SafeNow says:

    To what extent were Blokhin and Stalin outlier moral anomalies who managed to prevail over a national character that was overwhelmingly quite decent? Trudging, shlepping, rugged, potato-eating, and snowbound, but decent. Any country with so many chess players and poetry lovers (and don’t forget the ballet and the classical music) must have consisted of mainly of okay guys and a decent moral ethos – – that’s my stereotype. Am I basically correct? I am out of my expertise here so maybe somebody can help. In any case many thanks for the essay I had never heard about this.

  18. VK says:


    What a moron wrote this article!
    Educate yourself! But…hardly it’s possible.
    We? Russians/ like Stalin and will more and more.

  19. You see it is always about the Six Million JEWS, operant word being JEWS! It is not as if the US Media care at all about the Tens of Millions of Goyim, who, perished under Joseph Stalin. It all goes back to the distinction between the Jews, as The Chosen People, and the Goyim as merely Cattle in Human form.

  20. Fangio says:

    I read the article carefully and, as unfortunately happens, it is full of historical errors.
    The statement of the extermination of the Ukrainians wanted by Stalin is not true since millions of Russians also died due to the famine. Gulags existed in the times of the tsars as Stalin himself was a guest there for a few years! Identifying the former Soviet Union in the person of Stalin means creating a dictator. In this regard, I remember that the Politburo of the Communist Party at the time was made up of 20 politicians, including Trosky.
    I agree with Margolis about the role of the former Soviet Union in winning the war against the Germans. In this regard I remember that after the escape of the English army from northern France in June 1940, until September 1943 there were no longer any Anglo-Saxon soldiers in Europe.
    I conclude by recalling that in Russia there are around 150 million inhabitants in a territory that extends across eleven meridians and when I hear about Putin’s expansionist aims I laugh.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Replies: @fnn
  21. For all the fuss about the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, it is sure strange that people do not, in their own way feel at least as much hatred for the Soviet Communists. After all, the Soviets had a whole system of Concentration Camps as well, and were every bit as fiendish, savage, and sadistic about how they had captured, tortured, and killed their victims. Still, I suppose the difference is that most of Stalin’s victims were not Jews, but rather Goyim!

    •�Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  22. @meamjojo

    Stalin resurrected Jew-hatred in USSR, part of counterrevolution against Lenin

    too bad stalin couldn’t have finished the job… kind of like hitler. now look at the mess the world is dealing with.

  23. @Twin Ruler

    It’s not strange at all. Nazis never had control of Hollywood, the mass media, and higher education in the U.S. But the Jews have dominated all three for decades.

  24. @anonymouseperson

    I used to have a similar sentiment; you’re almost there. Margolis points out that without the Red Army, the allies could not likely have defeated Germany and Japan. More importantly, without the US, the USSR would likely have been destroyed by the Wehrmacht, and the Imperial Japanese army would have prevented communism in China. Like the martyred General Patton said, we were fighting the wrong enemy.

    David Irving, now very sick i was sad to learn, reported in True Himmler that, upon surrendering, the SS chief spoke to his allied captors of a plan to join together to keep the Red army from dominating Europe. They responded by murdering him. Us arrogant Anglo-Saxons never fucking learn.

    •�Agree: HdC, Caroline, John Trout
  25. fnn says:

    Gulags existed in the times of the tsars as Stalin himself was a guest there for a few years!

    Stalin was sent into exile in Siberia. He lived in villages not “Gulags.” While living in those remote villages he impregnated a 14-year-old girl, went on regular fishing trips and did a lot of drinking at local saloons. If only the American Gulags of the current US regime provided so pleasant a set of experiences! BTW, it used to be common knowledge that the deaths in the Tsar’s prisons amounted to some thousands while millions died in the Soviet prisons and camps. I can’t think of any serious person who contests that.

  26. Bryan Mark Rigg’s new book “Japan’s holocaust” will undoubtedly be one of the most important history books this year.

    Here’s how the author himself introduces the book (Rigg is undoubtedly one of the most highly regarded authors today on World War II ):

    “Japan’s Holocaust combines research conducted in over eighteen research facilities in five nations to explore Imperial Japan’s atrocities from 1927 to 1945 during its military expansions and reckless campaigns throughout Asia and the Pacific. This book brings together the most recent scholarship and new primary research to ascertain that Japan claimed a minimum of thirty million lives, slaughtering far more than Hitler. Japan’s Holocaust shows that Emperor Hirohito not only knew about the atrocities his legions committed, but actually ordered them. He did nothing to stop them when they exceeded even the most depraved person’s imagination, as illustrated during the Rape of Nanking as well as many other events. Japan’s Holocaust will document in painful detail that the Rape of Nanking was not an isolated event during the Asian War but rather representative of how Japan behaved for all its campaigns throughout Asia and the Pacific from 1927 to 1945.

    Mass murder, rape, and economic exploitation was Japan’s modus operandi during this time period, and whereas Hitler’s SS Death’s Head outfits attempted to hide their atrocities, Hirohito’s legions committed their atrocities out in the open with fanfare and enthusiasm. Moreover, whereas Germany has done much since World War II to atone for its crimes and to document them, Japan has been absolutely disgraceful with its reparations for its crimes and in its efforts to educate its population about its wartime past. Shockingly, Japan continues, in general, to glorify is criminals and its wartime past.”

    •�Replies: @Twin Ruler
    , @HdC
  27. topolcats says:

    Stop Concealing Soviet Crimes? How about you dont change the narrative and Stop concealing Gemocide in Israel! US Stooge!

  28. HdC says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Germany was defending itself against capitalists and communists*, who declared war on Germany. That includes your beloved Jews in 1933 already.

    *It is worthwhile to think about this: Why did the capitalists and communists make common cause to destroy Germany, a small European country with the brains and guts to organize itself in a manner that proved much more efficient and beneficial to the working man, than rapacious capitalism or murderous communism could ever hope to achieve.

    National Socialism was such a success in Germany that capitalists and communists feared that NS would catch on internationally bringing to end the rapacious need to control everything as demonstrated by the competing systems.

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