Many people in the West worry that demographic change, fueled by mass migration both legal and illegal, will soon have deteriorated to a point where there will be no stopping or reversing the process. But things can change both ways in a country’s demographic trajectory. And they do so with surprising frequency. Thus a counter-example: the former Soviet Union state of Kazakhstan.
Needless to say, despair is not an unreasonable position for a normal Westerner to take in the face of rapid government-mandated change. When someone moves into an apartment next to yours, or a co-worker is replaced by an immigrant, these changes feel permanent. And that feeling of permanence is often solidified by Main Stream Media Narratives reinforcing peoples’ lived reality through endless stories about how immigration turned Virginia from a deeply conservative state into one that votes reliably blue [How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue, by Sabrina Tavernise and Robert Gebeloff, NYT, November 9, 2019] or that Texas is now a minority-White state destined to vote blue in the upcoming election[Texas demographer: ‘It’s basically over for Anglos’ by Gary Scharrer, Houston Chronicle, February 24, 2011]. which keeps not happening.
But this lived reality and these MSM Narratives are not the whole story.
Thus in 1959, after decades of state policy implemented by the Soviet Union, the Kazakhs, the Turkic-speaking native people of Kazakhstan, conquered by the Russia Empire in the 19th century and taken over by its Communist successor state, were a minority in their own land. Between 1926 and 1939 the Kazakh share of the Soviet Union’s puppet Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic’s population fell from 58.5% to 37.8%. Not only had the Kazakhs been reduced to a minority in their own homeland in just under a decade, but a 1930–1933 famine, today called the Asharshylyk by the Kazakhs, had reduced the ethnic Kazakh population from 3.6 million to 2.3 million people, and created millions more internal refugees.
It must also be mentioned that the Asharshylyk famine was a deliberately engineered famine [Seeing like a Soviet State: Settlement of Nomadic Kazakhs, 1928–1934, by Matthew J. Payne, 2011 ] which came about as a result of the Soviet policies of collectivization, which makes the Kazakh famine a parallel to the Ukrainian Holodomor.
At the same time that Soviet policy resulted in large-scale starvation, dislocation and social collapse of the Kazakh population, it was also encouraging the mass migration of non-Kazakhs into Kazakhstan. In the same 1929-1939 period that saw the Kazakh population collapse, the population of ethnic Russians doubled from to 1.4 million, or from 20.6% of the Kazakhstan’s population to 40%, making Russians the new plurality.
These immigration trends continued well into the 1970s, when Russians peaked at 42.8% of the Kazakhstan’s population and the Kazakhs themselves had made only a modest recovery from their 1959 low of 30% to 32.4% in the 1970 census.
It is here that parallels must be drawn with the situation of the United States and its legacy population. In the 1980s the U.S., controlled by neoliberals dedicated to causes such as globalization and free trade, enacted a series of policies which resulted in the mass de-industrialization of the American heartland, dislocating millions of people and causing incomes to shrink [An Industrial Plan for (White) America, White Papeers Substack, December 19, 2023].
This state of affairs has given rise to what Steve Sailer has called “deaths of despair.†More than 100,000 Americans, mostly White males, are dying each year from drug, alcohol, and suicide related causes[Men And Suicide: What You Should Know, Henry Ford Health, January 20, 2020]. Most of these Americans are middle-aged, formerly gainfully employed, and part of a family unit.
As these domestic policies impoverished Americans and resulted in population shrinkage from the despair-related attrition, mass migration was transforming the United States beyond recognition. In 1960 just 5.8 million Hispanics resided in the United States, but some 30 years later in 1990 the Hispanic population had increased near 4-fold to 22.3 million people. As of 2020, it was 62.1 million, 19 % of all Americans, and the country’s second largest ethnic group according to the Pew Research Center. In the same time period, the immigrant share of the US population increase from 5.4% in 1960 to 8% in 1990. Today the immigrant share of the US population sits at some 14%[The immigrant population in the U.S. is climbing again, setting a record last year, by Joel Rose, NPR, September 14, 2023].
The parallels between the decline of the Kazakh people in their own country and the decline of the Heritage American population are striking. But they also diverge. Kazakh demographic decline eventually reversed. American demographic decline, however, is an ongoing trend.
Kazakhs remained a minority in their own country for another 40-some years after 1939. But by 1989 the native population of Kazakhs, helped by along by a steadily-recovering fertility rate, had returned to 39.7% of the overall population. And the white majority of Kazakhstan, at this point constituting some 50% of the population and composed of a coalition of Russians, Germans, Ukrainians etc. was beginning to enter a decline as the Soviet Union disintegrated and organized Kazakh interest groups began asserting themselves.
Two years after the 1989 census, in 1991, the Soviet Union finally collapsed, ushering in a period of great struggle in the post-Soviet successor states—Kazakhstan included. The fertility rate for the White and Kazakh populations alike crashed, the economy contracted and widespread social disarray gripped the country, in yet another parallel with the modern United States.
However, as the old Soviet system came apart, a newly-formed and explicitly pro-Kazakh government asserted its ethnic identity, restoring language, culture, tradition and pride to a people who had suffered without any form of political representation for almost a century.
Even today. the Kazakhs are undoing damage to their way of life, as the government begins the transition away from the Soviet imposed Cyrillic alphabet to a Kazakh-derived Latin alphabet now used by many of the other Turkic peoples—above all, Turkey itself [Switching to Latin alphabet further opens Kazakhstan to the world, Alberto Turkstra, The Astana Times, March 13, 2018].
By 1999, just nine years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kazakhs had become a majority in their own country again, at 53.5% of the population—very similar to the 57.8% the White majority in America currently holds, according to the US Census. In the face of the new explicitly pro-Kazakh government, the vast majority of Whites in Kazakhstan opted to return to their own ethnic homelands, often with the assistance of both the Kazakh government and the governments of their home countries.
One example of how the Kazakhs achieved this peaceful demographic transition: by defining their new country as a nation-state through the insertion of paragraphs in their first two constitutions (written in 1993 and 1995) that defined the newly-sovereign Kazakhstan as the home of the Kazakh people.
Today, 23 years after the Kazakhs regained majority status in their country, their demographic majority has been secured beyond all doubt. As of the 2023 population estimates the ethnic Kazakhs hold a 70.7% demographic majority in their own country,
It’s important to note that the situation in America and the broader West today is nowhere near as bad as the worst periods of Kazakh demographic displacement.
But, conversely, trends in the West are much less positive.
However, the more that Americans know of the positive, peaceful and prosperous transition the Kazakhs have made back to majority status in their nation-state, the more they—and all the peoples of the West—can be assured that they are capable of the same.
James Karlsson (email him) is the founder and director of the White-Papers Policy Institute. Read them on Substack, follow them on Twitter, and message them on Telegram.
There is fusion going on right now. 10% of birth in America are to a combo of white and Hispanic parents. Was there that level of intermarriage in Kazakhstan? At the very least white American will absorb so much Hispanic blood, there will be a transformation from White America to Whitish America.
You neglect to mention the one key difference between Kazakhstan and the USA, which is ,in fact, the only point which matters a damn:
The Kazakh government fights for the interests of ethnic Kazakhs.
The entire American political class, Deep State, MSM, Democrat and Republican parties etc, fights for the interests of the immigrants and against white Americans.
This will never but never change, despite all your wishful thinking.
If you’re human and:
1. You want to survive just one generation – you should become an atomized individualist: “My loyalty is just to myself. I don’t care about anyone else and have no desire to have children.”
2. You want to survive two generations – you should become a “nuclear family-ist”: “My loyalty is to my wife and children and I don’t care about race or tribe or any of that ‘ethnocentric crap’.”
3. You want to survive in perpetuity – you should become a tribalist: “My loyalty is to my extended kin group (aka tribe/race/nation) with whom my kids, grandkids and great grandkids (…) will intermarry preserving our unique nation, beliefs, language, religion and race for eternity.”
If you want to destroy an ethnic group you tell them that it’s evil and immoral to care about any extended family (tribe, race, nation) beyond their immediate nuclear family or to concern themselves with whom they or their kids marry. That way, when you invite foreigners into their lands, their children will miscegenate with them and their culture, race and tribe will disappear. Better yet – tell them that they should live as hedonistic atomized individuals – “‘liberals/left-liberatarian ‘rationalists’” and they won’t have any kids at all.[1]
Humanity reproduces at the tribal level. “Individuals” don’t reproduce and families don’t reproduce beyond one or two generations (without severe inbreeding depression). Only the tribe or species is capable of surviving and reproducing in perpetuity. Thus human psychology has been naturally adapted to make us think tribally – to think as individuals within a tribal superorganism – just as individual bees are programmed to operate within the superorganism of the hive.[5] The tribe is the evolutionary unit of human cooperation and human reproduction.
Why did humans evolve to have this psychology? Because it’s what *worked* and thus has been selected for by evolution over millions of years. Why does it work? Well that’s a longer discussion. But suffice to say that there are benefits to individuals who work together in groups (such as job specialization), and these benefits were enabled and augmented by the development of language and further compounded with the development of agriculture and large settled societies. (It should be emphasized that this is particularly true in humans due to our intellect and faculty for language, and thus while also true in, e.g., chimpanzees, it is uniquely true among homo sapiens.) Mutualistic cooperation is positive sum not just in an economic sense but also in a genetic-interests sense when those who cooperate are related to each other. So, by cooperating with kin instead of strangers (or with tribe instead of foreigners) you boost your own genetic fitness through the increased genetic fitness that they experience.
Also, one of the reasons that hyperindividualizing ideologies (like libertarianism/Randianism) and hypercollectivizing ideologies (like communism) don’t work is because they’re both predicated on poor models of human behavior – which is in between those two extremes, being neither universal nor solitary, but group/tribe oriented. (‘national’ ‘socialism’ got it right, actually, at least at a high level)
Groups must have always competed with each other, just as individuals compete or families compete so do tribes (nesting matryoshka dolls of interests, if you will) and we know this not only from reading history and studies of behavior in other species like chimpanzees, but through our everyday experience with human psychology: We’re deeply tribalistic. The fact that tribalism is a universal human instinct strongly suggests it’s been deeply ingrained in human psychology by millions of years of selection. (Interestingly, the Jews who are perhaps the loudest of all groups in denouncing tribalism (for the white goyim) are also perhaps the biggest practitioners of tribalistic ethics themselves – often without even noticing their hypocrisy.)
* * *
In order for a species to be able to reproduce it must satisfy certain biological imperatives[2] without which it will go extinct. Imperatives include territorialism, competing successfully, group formation, reproduction and “quality of life seeking.” Species face extinction largely by losing one or more of these: E.g., habitat loss (or loss of territory), excessive predation, excessive competition by, e.g., invasive species (or subspecies/tribes/races) and genetic pollution (aka miscegenation).[3] It’s not difficult to see how in a number of substantive ways whites are being subjected to circumstances (calculated) to bring about their extinction by at least several of these common causes of extinction and that this is being done either through malice or willful and callous disregard for their well-being and survival.[4]
The dispossession and destruction of whites is being orchestrated, principally, by Organized Jewry. For example, Jews import non-whites into white countries and then train them to hate and resent their white hosts by scapegoating whites for all of the world’s ills. Jews are turning whites into a hated minority with, if not the clear calculated intent of bringing about their racial destruction and genocide, at least willful negligence of this outcome (probably more the former than the latter, though I doubt that many of them admit this to themselves).
Some find it paradoxical that Jews would dispossess whites and replace them with groups like blacks and, principally, Muslims, who hold Jews in much lower esteem than whites do but this is easily explained by the fact that Jews don’t regard blacks or Muslims as being competent enough to pose any real threat to them. It’s often said in International Relations theory that one must evaluate one’s adversaries by two metrics: capabilities and intentions, and of these two *capabilities* takes precedence. Jews don’t fear black and Muslim capabilities regardless of what their intentions are. On the other hand, despite the fact that whites are presently positively disposed to them, intentions can easily change. Thus, Jews seek to wipe whites out (or at least substantially weaken them) while they have the chance.
The Holocaust, you’ll remember, according to the standard narrative, resulted in the deaths of millions of Jews, while the recent attacks on October 7, “the greatest Jewish loss of life since the Holocaust” killed only like 1,200 Jews, and perhaps even the majority of these died due to friendly fire by trigger happy Israeli soldiers. Jews just don’t fear Muslims that much or believe them capable of carrying out a “Holocaust” against them. They do fear whites though.
Furthermore, the Jews are motivated by a desire for vengeance against whites whom they perceive as ancient racial enemies and responsible for countless pogroms and entirely unprovoked attacks against them.
The real lessons that we all *ought* to take from the Holocaust, Jew and gentile alike, is that the last thing you want for yourself is to be become a hated minority and that diversity leads to conflict and thus we should create (as homogeneous as possible) ethnostates for all of the world’s people so as to minimize this conflict. Unfortunately, this is not the popular lesson that white Christians have been taught/conditioned to believe by their Jewish controlled media. Rather, they’ve been told something rather the opposite.
Finally, personally, I’m a conservationist for humanity who wants all human populations – cultures, races, ethnic groups – to be preserved. The way you really achieve such preservation of “diversity” is through separation – not by throwing them all together, which is what you’d do if you wanted to destroy them – or, at least, if you wanted to destroy *one* of them – that is, if you wanted to destroy the one into which you were throwing all of these people: namely, white Christians. Which is what we’re seeing transpire: the targeted destruction of white people (by Jews).
[1] As prominent Jews like, e.g., Ayn Rand, Yaron Brook and Steven Pinker tell the the Goyim to do.
[2] https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Biological_imperative
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction
[4] https://counter-currents.com/2017/06/white-extinction-2/
You might argue that one’s ‘tribe’ should be extended to all of humanity and all races should thereby mix and disappear. There are a number of problems with this. For one, it wold require all the races to actually participate and there would need to be an enforcement mechanism to ensure this, otherwise you would get some cheaters who continue to marry only amongst themselves – and derive some special benefits from doing so. (There’s more I could say here but I won’t for space.)
You’d also destroy all of the unique cultural and ethnic ‘richness’ which we were told diversity supposedly gave us. The world *is* actually richer for its diversity, but that requires that we keep the diversity separate rather than mixing it all together which ultimately results in homogenized blandness. Mix the rainbow of colors on a palette and all you get is brown. When it comes to conservation efforts aimed at other species/breeds/subspecies of animals (birds or turtles or tigers) everyone understands this, but when it comes to humans (or *white* people specifically) they conveniently forget it. I wonder why…
I might also suggest that you ponder an extreme hypothetical to get an idea how depraved this idea of homogenization of humanity is: What if humans and chimpanzees could interbreed and produce fertile offspring? And what if the resulting humanzees were roughly intermediate between humans and chimps in intellect, strength and temperament. Would you advocate interbreeding or outlaw it? Would you integrate schools between human and chimp children or human and humanzee children – after all we’re all “human” aren’t we? We’re all “the same” aren’t we? Would you advocate that humanity miscegenate and disappear into the mass of far the more fertile chimps and humanzees? Or would you create strict laws forbidding all such unions in an effort to preserve humans and keep them “pure” for fear of the stupidification of the human race?
There is no extant human population of humans as backwards as chimps (perhaps because “we” exterminated them all in prehistory), but there are almost certainly still meaningful differences in character and intellect. If it’s wrong to force (or even allow) humanity to be debased or polluted with chimp DNA then why is it not also wrong to force (or even allow) human races of greater intellect/character to be debased by human races of lesser intellect/character?
First off, Russia is in a better economic situation that Kazakhstan, so Russians won’t move to Kazakhstan, instead its more often people from Kazakhstan who move to Russia. Then those Russians living in Kazakhstan since Soviet times move back to Russia due to economic and social pressures, with the Kazakhs not being too Russia friendly.
The Kazakhs are even less friendly to the Chinese, so no-one of Kazakhstan’s big neighbours want to move to Kazakhstan. Recently Kazakhstan had a Western attempted coup, but Russian troops went in to sort that out. The Kazakh’s had enough brains not to request Chinese assistance because the Chinese would never have left.
So Kazakhstan, even though it has oil, is not exactly a state capable of total independence, and will always depend on Russian military might to keep its independence. In some circles its said that the departure of ethnic Russians has made Kazakhstan poorer because the Russians are more manufacturing and industrially capable than the Kazakhs. So Kazakhstan has a love – hate relationship with the Russians but will never be able to exist without the Russians.
What an incredibly crass article by Karlsson. He compares a low IQ non-White Muslim group – the Kazakhs – only recently industrialising with the problems of White European peoples in industrial and post-industrial societies.
It is certainly true that after the end of the Soviet Union many people returned to their Republic of ( original) origin. In the case of Kazakhstan, that meant most people, and their descendants, who had come to Kazakhstan during the Soviet period left. However, it still left about 25% of the population that is Russian. These form 2 groups. What is now northern Kazakhstan has been solidly Russian since the late 17th Century, early 18th Century. The second group are the scientists, businessmen technicians and skilled workers who keep Kazakhstan functioning.
The average IQ of Kazakhstan has been estimated at 87.3. Ethnic Russians had a score of 103.2, ethnic Uzbekhs 86.0 and ethnic Kazakhs at 82.2.
In other words, ethnic Kazakhs have an IQ below that of Coloured Americans ( 84 ). Kazakhstan is basically South Africa with snow. If sufficient Russian technicians leave, then the economy of the ethnic Kazakh regions collapses, as has been happening with South Africa. But, again, dimbo Jimbo doesn’t see the obvious parallel.
For many years now, Russian newspapers and periodicals have been complaining forcibly about the forcing out of ethnic Russians from Kazakhstan. So far the Kazakh government has not publically opposed Russia and is not overtly backing such policies. However, a situation may arise when the Russian government will intervene to protect ethnic Russians in northern Kazakhstan. The only reason that these peoples are now in Kazakhstan is that the Bolsheviks drew up the borders of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union in 1922-24 for their own advantage, or even just on whim.
The same is true for the large numbers of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, which ultimately led to the present incursion.
Solzhenitsyn wrote that the break up of the Soviet Union was not a tragedy, it was inevitable. The tragedy was the break up of the Soviet Union according to the internal borders defined by the Bolsheviks in 1922-24. These often had little to do with ethnic or historical realities, and the consequences are seen to this day – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine being instances. Kazakhstan may well join that list.
So you try to cheer up Europeans about their demographic replacement by citing one example in which they lost a demographic race they were winning to another people who applied governmental discriminatory practices against Slavs and Germans to make them leave.
And it doesn’t matter that is called Kazakhstan, it’s still more than a 1M km^2 territory in size with arbitrary borders set in Soviet times when they didn’t matter, and a sparse population therein. Now Slavs and Germans who have lived there since generations find themselves persecuted.
Then a glimpse to the author’s surname…Scandinavian… and it all checks out. Unconsciously liberal virtue signaling even when he bloody means to deliver the opposite message. For God’s sake certain people cannot be helped.
It is here that parallels must be drawn with the situation of the United States and its legacy population. In the 1980s the U.S., controlled by neoliberals dedicated to causes such as globalization and free trade, enacted a series of policies which resulted in the mass de-industrialization of the American heartland, dislocating millions of people and causing incomes to shrink [An Industrial Plan for (White) America, White Papeers Substack, December 19, 2023].
Actually, the full-time median wage, in real terms, peaked as long ago as 1973. This was the year that the Kennedy Round of GATT was implemented. This had been agreed by the Johnson Government. In the 1980s, the real median wage actually recovered somewhat, but did not reach 1973 levels.
Contrary to what you claim, mass de-industrialisation did not happen in the 1980s, nor was there globalisation. Any such free trade policies as existed did so within the confines of GATT, essentially 1st World counties and their appendages, so the effect of these policies was strictly limited. 30 years ago, the American trade deficit was entirely explicable by the amount of oil it had to buy abroad. Likewise, Government debt was manageable.
Globalisation started in 1994-5 with the founding of the World Trade Organisation. As well as former Communist states, India and China and many others joined. The period 1995-2005 was marked by massive offshoring of American industries, principally to China. This was at the behest of oligarchs and financiers, who bribed politicos to enable this.
The corollary of this has been the control of American defence and foreign policy by the Jewish Neocons. Thirty years later, they’re still in control. Of course, the Neocons and oligarchs and financiers are often overlapping groups, The Neocons are very much in favor of globalisation, all the better to enrich their co-ethnics. But don’t mention the Jews, Jimbo. There’s a good boy.
Karlsson’s grasp of economic history is ropey to say the least. 30 years ago, American economic problems were still solvable. Ross Perot would not have signed up to WTO and NAFTA. Even Bush I would have been preferable to Clinton and his Ziocons and globalists. Now America’s economic problems are not solvable – only collapse beckons – and the country itself is irreformable.
That a group of infiltrators has managed to stop the development process in Kazakhstan is part of the struggle, but after some time the country’s population will find a way to assume power again.
Development is not about promoting the ideology or interests of groups seeking more wealth, what it is about is the well-being of the entire population as an objective. And we see that in the West where the nations are richer, but only a few are rich and the rest live in a semi-misery that grows every day and without hope.
The parasitism with Free Lunch will end with the independence of the countries of the world and that is a process that must grow over time and will completely end the drip.
Kazakhstan now has very good promises but they are unsustainable in the medium-term and then the exodus to the West of the few privileged with national capital will begin, which will further impoverish the country.
And to understand it you only have to analyze history.
The homeland of Kazakhs is Kazakhstan. The homeland of Europeans is Europe not America.
In your analogy the the Native Americans are the Kazakhs the people with the surnames Miller, Smith, Jefferson, McQueen, etc. living in America are the Russians, Germans, Ukrainians in Kazakhstan.
Maybe this explains why Sacha Baron Cohen was so mean to Kazakhstan in his Borat movies. Apparently the Kazakhs “threw the Jew down the well, so their country could be free.” https://youtu.be/NV_BpRNA36c
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“Jews just don’t fear Muslims that much or believe them capable of carrying out a “Holocaust†against them. They do fear whites though.”
Thank you very much for this reminder, which is all the more necessary given the recent events.
In fact, I’ve been reading many articles on “friendly” sites, recently, from authors who are giving great hopes on a reversal of Jewish opinions, since they are now threatened by the pro-Palestinian elements they themselves have imported. A reversal of their genocidal designs against whites, for example.
I find these articles at best naive and at worst sponsored. (I won’t mention the name of a certain author on counter-currents, whom I’ve never been able to stand).
By the way, do we hear Jewish leaders talking about stopping – mainly – Muslim immigration, or even talking about deportation ? which would make more sense if they really feared these elements? Never.
Simply because as you said, they don’t fear these imported masses, even by the millions. Plus, they don’t envy them, and don’t feel devalued by them, quite the contrary.
They will certainly accept some collateral damage (in the case of terrorist attacks), which will in any case mainly affect innocent white bystanders who have the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And this will confirm their status of endangered victims . Even if whites are the ones who are killed.
A few ridiculous evictions of university presidents (formerly imposed without merit by themselves ) have been enough for ” la forme “.
The majority of Jews ( except the smart ones like this Miller or the ancient Larry Auster ) will never change, and mass immigration will continue unabated as long as white people don’t get out of their deadly conditioning.
James Karlsson misses the whole point, which is demography. Kazakhstan became Kazakh because the European settlers stopped having children and many left for the European part of the Federation and to Germany. The Kazakhs are very poor but still love children. The only way for American Europeans to regain their former country is simply to have more children.
Kazakhstan has a lot of people of Mongol/Asiatic extraction. Always a very nice admixture.
Kazakh volleyball player Sabina Altynbekova
Enoch Powell said it best, he basically stated to the British people that the policy of mass immigration may seem permanent but what can be done can be undone with the right people running the country.
An example in contemporary everyday life is the total faith people put in the security systems of government and private computing…but as is shown daily that what humans create can be hacked and taken apart.
So don’t despair “whites,” thats what they want, a broken people, no, just get the right people in place and what seemed solid and impenetrable will melt away…and those families who betrayed shall never rise above janitors for generations.
Its just the will to do it by the mass whites that is needed…and don’t walk between the ropes as our enemies demand.
“At the very least white American will absorb so much Hispanic blood, there will be a transformation from White America to Whitish America.”
There is no such thing as hispanic blood, the term hispanic is an unscientific term invented by the US government and others for nefarious purposes to identify those whose primarily language was Spanish. It created another racial group that could be used against whites. “Hispanics” are racially white, native indian and black and various combinations of the three. The vast majority of the hispanics that whites are intermarrying with are the ones with the most european genes. There’s nothing new about this, it’s been going on since colonial times.
This us a greatest comment to the already great article! I salute you !
Kazakhstan has a lot of ADMIXTURE of asiatic race! She has indeed!
They rid of these colored russians and germans to have a Pure White Kazakh homeland, all hail Kazakhs. They also somehow have the Admixture which makes them even more cool.
Tell us who is the group of infiltrators that stopped the development of Kazakhstan for a while, until it had rebound like a winged horse?
I have a bad feelings that the group may be the same vile creatures, mostly of German extraction that has similarly arrested American development since 1600s…
She think she will exist. You see, Russians are not the only tech savy people around, plenty of poor European and British engineers and scientists are ready to whore thenselves to any oil-rich Moslem Amir or Sheikh or King.
So Kazakstan hopes for the same model, living of the commodities, watching white mercenaties doing all the work. There already is Nazarbayev University which tries to ape KAUST or NYUAD. Western companies would develop the resources, etc.
It may even work.
Video Link
“The homeland of Kazakhs is Kazakhstan. The homeland of Europeans is Europe not America.â€
Kazakhs are absolutely not native to modern day Kazakhstan, having only arrived there from the east during the early medieval era Turco-Mongol expansion. Prior to that, the area inhabited by Iranic groups such as the Tajiks, Sogdians, Bactrians etc.
So Verymuchalive you sound very much like this subhumanpieceofJewishfaggottrannyexcrement:
Video Link
Kazakhstan is a beautiful, clean country full of beautiful people who are sane, dignified and mostly friendly unless you are some rude American jackass dependent on Jews to keep your shithole dumbocracy running so you can spread war, faggotry and trannyism all over the world. The fact that the average Kazakh IQ is lower than the average American mongrel IQ is more than offset by the fact Kazakhs have managed to survive for over a thousand years while the “high IQ types†in your little 245 year old flash-in-the-pan sacred dumbocracy are all dying of AIDS, COVID, murder and suicide. So go EatShitAndDie and get it over with:
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Once a united multi-polar Eurasia comes together under Sino-Russian leadership, in the space of what was once the old Mongolian Empire, you “High IQ Americans” with your geriatric corrupt political class funded by Jews and directed by Mossad will be left in the dung pile of history. The Jews have high IQ’s… but they never last very long, do they, before managing to get everybody hating them… and whatever host country they have managed to sneak into, take over, screw up and rob blind finally wakes up and kicks them the hell out and kills a bunch of them. So much for you high IQ Jewmericans.
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She’s ugly
Your comment is incoherent. What the hell are you trying to say ?
Kazakhstan has an authoritarian government masquerading as a liberal democracy. Western nations have actual liberal democracies, which are suicidal by nature.
The Navajos and Comanches will LOVE this article.
It’s worth noting that Jews make up only 0.1% of the population of Kazakhstan; unlike as here, there’s no one to fight the good fight.
I suspect you might be at least partially right. When I taught in LA, I worked almost entirely in Hispanic and Asian schools, but I did sub once or twice at Eagle Rock High; Eagle Rock being a more or less white community back then.
The classes presented as white in appearance — but I noticed a good third or more of the names on the rolls were Hispanic.
We won’t stay snowy-white — but the racial contamination may not be as dire as it would appear to be. Since I don’t actually have any strong objections to Hispanics of the Mestizo persuasion, I’d advocate conceding that battle and making common cause with the more acculturated Mexicans and Central Americans that are already here, and here legally. Generally, they want about the same things we do.
Plus, that way we might win.
You’re going to “win” by tossing the Anglo-Saxon into the dustbin of history through promoting physical and emotional ties between your daughters and Central Americans?
Brilliant idea. Again.
Your attempts to troll me are at once laughable and pathetic. You’ve not even bothered to read and comprehend what I wrote. From my comment, you should know that I am not Americam. My only reference to America was concerning the average IQ of Coloured Americans
You tie yourself in knots ridiculously easily.
Once a united multi-polar Eurasia comes together under Sino-Russian leadership, in the space of what was once the old Mongolian Empire, Northern Kazakhstan will be incorporated into Russia. That’s what most Russians want. Indeed, that’s what Solzhenitsyn advocated before his death. The rest of Kazakhstan will be subject to greater Russian control – to protect Russian interests and stop it falling apart. That will keep Kazakhstan beautiful and clean.
Antiochos Moros, you really are a dull man.
She is doable!
You are rather thick, my friend.
What I am trying to say is so obvious. I find the article and the commenters hilarious.
1) The text is a cheap paid propaganda Kazakhstan time to time orders in batches, to corrupt Atlantic Council shills like this one. Probably the ((swede)) did not even write it all but have used a generative AI.
2) The commentariat obviously and plainly believed that Kazakhs are White and suffer from “immigrant invaders”. May be they got it from the Borat movies, which were actually filmed in a Euro shithole, Romania or Bulgaria, I forgot.
3) the Kazakhs are purely Asian, turkic speaking Mongol people with admixture of Russians in the North and Uzbek centralasian in the South. They are also soviet Moslems. The Moslems repelled those invading Lutheran Germans. How cute.
4) The Kazakhs are not bad folks all in all. They were, historically,the most primitive in the area, and Chinese tried to genocide them at some point so they switched to Russian Tzars for protection. And were pacified. As in, cannot rob no caravans any more, have to pay taxes. Whats a poor Kazakh to do?
5) Russians and the displaced Germans civilized the Kazakhs. From zero to the Space age, literally. Whom to call “immigrant invaders” whose demise the ((swede)) celebrates so much? Lets Lapps and Saami liberate their land from those Neanderthaler blondes, God bless.
I think more of Spanish Texans who were filibustered out of their own Country by the immigrant invading gringos del Norte.
Actually, about the time Kazakhstan had largely (it was a multi step process as there were at least Three Kazakhstan Zhuzz) been joined into the Russian Empire.
So the American claim there in Texas, is a bit tenuous. Unlike Kazakhs, the Spanish were Christian and immigrant-invading Christians is not quite proper by the 19th century standards.
Yes, but those countries in Europe where at war all of the time.
Kazakhs aren’t that poor. They’re actually about as wealthy as Russians are nowadays. Kazakhstan does have a lot of natural resources to help it generate prosperity, after all.
One could say the same thing about the US bringing civilization to much of North America, no?
Even if there would have been many more Jews in Kazakhstan, they and their descendants would have very likely immigrated to Israel en masse starting from the 1970s onwards. Ukraine was 2% Jewish in 1959, as was (almost) Belarus. Nowadays those two countries have a much, much smaller Jewish percentage and one that’s still very rapidly declining. Israel absorbs people who are 25% Jewish or more and their immediate family members, albeit sometimes not very enthusiastically.
No, it were rather Spain, France and England to bring the civilization, in that order. US is thirteen settler colonies, not a source.
Kazakhs are somewhat poorer than Russians, they have time to time riots of overexploited workers which is unheard of in todays Russia.
But Kazakhs are generally ok people, even if poor Mambets, living semi nomadic life has its good points, being free from society.
And city Kazakhs are not doin too bad in the society. This is because they had no prior culture and are, basically, well civilized by Russians.
So they can have it both ways.
Israel absorbs nothing, just like Germany does not absorbs the Kazakh Germans well. A very sizeable fraction of each, re-emigrate to Canada as soon as their absorbtion grant money dry up, to live in a civilized society closer to Soviet Russia .
Israel absorbs religious Jews from the US, thats for sure. Maywell be that the kids of the Canadian Jews would get indoctrinated here by Bnai Brit camps and what not and also become Israelis.
Prior to 1871 the European princes (like, Euro Arabs Turks and Jews) were at war over this and that Christian province constantly, but not the Christians themselves. So it is different.
Napoleon 1 had conquered Rhineland but did not try to rid of Germans replacing them with he French, for example. And the Germans were fine with it.
WWI and II were really religious wars as much as anything else, if you look deep into the Old Testament.
That’s right.
When everything else fails, you go to WAR. It’s happening right now. WW III is in the works as we speak.