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Hamas Found Guilty of Rape in Another Dimension of the Multiverse
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This bitch is literally crying because Hamas didn’t rape her.

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Hamas didn’t rape her.

However, the guilt of the rape remains, because in another dimension, where circumstances were different, Hamas would have raped her.

This is my favorite news story now.

New York Post:

The 21-year-old French tattoo artist abducted and wounded by Hamas terrorists said she’s convinced there’s only one reason she wasn’t raped by her captor during 54 hellish days in captivity.

“His wife was outside the room with the children,” freed hostage Mia Schem said during a newly released interview on Israeli TV. “That was the only reason he didn’t rape me.”

Schem, who has dual Israeli and French citizenship, said her tormentor kept her in a dark room under constant watch for most of her time in Gaza.

She said she was starved and taunted by the terrorist’s family while wondering if she’d be killed at any moment.

“[I was] closed in a dark room, not allowed to talk, not allowed to be seen, to be heard, hidden,” Schem told Israel’s Channel 13. “There is a terrorist looking at you 24/7, looking, raping you with his eyes.

“There is fear of being raped, there is fear of dying,” Schem said, at times bursting into tears while recounting the ordeal. “His wife hated the fact that he and I were in the same room. You feel like you want a hug, you know, woman to woman, to break down a bit.

Americans are so stupid and fat.

Is Hamas an Islamic terrorist organization or is it a bandit rape gang? Because by definition, it cannot be both.

“Islamic terrorist organization” not only means that they are philosophically opposed to raping prisoners of war, but it also means that the organization contains a very strict hierarchical structure, which means members engaged in violations of the religious structure – such as men engaging in rape – would suffer the weight of Islamic law.

For the record, I don’t think Hamas is actually an Islamic terrorist organization, or even an “Islamic group” in the sense that the term is used in the West. The concept is that the group is motivated by Islam. In fact, Hamas is motivated by the fact that Jews stole their land and forced them into an open-air concentration camp. If Jews had done this to Christians, Buddhists, or Hindus, there would be a group identical to Hamas opposing them and using the corresponding religious regalia.

The Russian military is flying the Christian flag in the Ukraine, and they are doing religious ceremonies blessing the weaponry used in the war. Putin also built an “Armed Forces Cathedral.”

Video Link

Does this mean Russia is fighting a Christian crusade?

In some sense, you could obviously say “yeah, they are.” But the reality is, Russia had no choice to fight the war, just like Hamas had no choice but to fight the war, because both were under attack by the Jews.

There’s a “Hindu war” in India, there’s a “Buddhist war” in Myanmar. But the reality of all of these conflicts is that groups of people are simply fighting enemies.

The only really “Islamic terrorist” group in recent memory was ISIS, which was ostensibly specifically fighting for “Islamic rule.” Of course, most Moslems rejected ISIS and their agenda, and ISIS was primarily organized and funded by the United States and allied with Israel.

As relates to that fact: you’ll remember that we were always hearing about ISIS doing “forced marriage.” Even in articles with headlines that said “rape,” you would find the term “forced marriage.”

You can say that’s moral or immoral, or whether it’s “rape” or not, but ISIS did marriage ceremonies with the women they were kidnapping, as per Islamic law, which requires them to make a commitment to provide for the women in question.

As relates to this other dimensional rape, Hamas is an Islamic group, and that is an obvious reason they wouldn’t do rape. But Russia has also been heavily rape-hoaxed.

“Rape” is always an accusation against enemies in any military conflict. It might happen sometimes, but I don’t suppose it happens very often, and it is obviously ridiculous on its face that an organization as strictly disciplined as Hamas would be raping hostages inside of an organized hostage negotiations situation. It’s totally unbelievable and silly, and Americans literally have fat in their brains which prevents the processing of information.

Every American who is promoting this child murder campaign and claiming that Palestinians are subhuman is literally a subhuman. If you eat to the point where obesity has removed your brain’s ability to process information, you are functioning well below your God-given human capacity, and are thus “subhuman.”

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Foreign Policy •�Tags: American Media, Gaza, Hamas, Israel/Palestine, Rape
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  1. Hmmm … I eat a couple of pepperoni rolls a week and I can’t remember shit anymore. I think AA is on to something here with the fat obsession he is on today.

    •�LOL: lavoisier, Liza
  2. That new cathedral Putin’s g’s built really is gorgeous. Meanwhile in London and Paris and Washington there are still a few hundred statues on the schedule for demolition. Don’t listen to what they are saying. Look at what they are doing.

    •�Agree: Franz
  3. Why were so many tattoo artist females at that rave? The German woman that was killed, and allegedly raped, was also a tattoo artist. It looks like only top looking models and tattoo artists were there for Hamas to kidnap. And a few grannies and kids from round the way.

  4. neutral says:

    Hamas is the legitimate government of Palestine, therefore the world must start supplying them with ever deadlier weapons to kill all the jews that illegally occupy the land.

    •�Agree: Beavertales
    •�Replies: @Alrenous
  5. This bitch is literally crying because Hamas didn’t rape her.

    lozolzolzlozol jewish girls cry out in pain for big goy cock lolzolzolzolzol trust me i know lzolzolzolzolz

  6. RAPEEEEEEEEEEEEE is something a bunch of idf soldiers’ grandpas did across europe while in the red army. jews love rape.

    •�Agree: Adolf Smith
  7. Wokechoke says:

    In Submission, Wellbeck’s (Houllebecq) Jewess Miryam feels so unsafe in France she migrates to Israel as the Muslims of the fictional book take over France.

    Here we see a spoilt Jewess who goes to Israel, get kidnapped by Hamas at a super fuck fest gang bang in the Negev, is taken to Gaza by Terrorists and she’s not even raped. She will return to France now to live the rest of her life in boredom.

    I want my money back from that priggish French author. Reality is much more impressive. And surprising. And it’s free to watch.

    •�Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  8. What’s up with Mia’s mouth? Probably after those guys beheaded Angel Face
    with a shovel, they smashed Mia flat across the face with it.

    •�Replies: @Beavertales
  9. DanFromCT says:

    Thanks for Pepe Escobar’s video tour of the new Russian cathedral. What a spectacular delight, especially in contrast to the relentless defilement of our cathedrals in the West. Statues today, Jews gnashing their teeth at the thought of cathedrals tomorrow.

    Pepe’s blonde co-host is a nice touch. God only knows what sort of “contemporary” stained glass windows Macron has in mind to replace six of the 120 stained glass windows in the aisles of Notre Dame. Muslim symbolism like Hagia Sophia? Gay marriage, like his?

  10. Look at those lips! She’s not a Jew she’s a light skinned Ubangi.

    •�Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  11. @Commentator Mike

    The same reason the MH17 hoax had that fashion model CEO rocket scientist. somebody forgot to scrub her modeling page on some website.

    MH370 became MH17.

  12. Alrenous says: •�Website

    Yes, women are pure as driven snow and there’s no such thing as toxic femininity. Everything bad that happens, to both men and women, is due to the patriarchy.

    If only we could overthrow those dastardly men and put women in charge of everything, it would all be perfect and spark joy and kumbaya. It’s a shame women are completely incapable and men are omnipotent, but I’m sure that one day women will finally win the war of the sexes anyway.

    Wait shit what were we talking about?

    •�Replies: @Liza
  13. Alrenous says: •�Website

    I am the legitimate government of Palestine.

    The world must start supplying me with ever deadlier weapons to kill whoever the fuck I feel like killing.

    (Not that I need weapons to kill anyone I might want dead.)

  14. Liza says:

    If only we could overthrow those dastardly men and put women in charge of everything,

    She [Camille Paglia] famously wrote in her Sexual Personae: “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”

    •�Replies: @Alrenous
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  15. But where is this Jewess on the hot-crazy axis.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  16. Alrenous says: •�Website

    “If [the middle east] had been left in [Palestinian] hands, we would still be [having a genocidal war].”

    Or Anglinian hands, for that matter.

  17. Atle says:

    Love that pic of Mia and her gigantic fucking upper lip. The perfect spokeswoman for the state of Israel.

  18. First step in being successfully raped is not looking like Pepe the Frog.

    •�LOL: Liza, mulga mumblebrain
  19. @Lucky Jackson

    She’s had lip injections. It’s all the rage now. You are supposed to look like a bimbo apparently.

  20. @Commentator Mike

    The rave scene is full of young people who are all tatted up.

  21. @Wokechoke

    Actually she lives in a city in Central Israel, possibly with her mother, two brothers, and sister.

    l’m not sure what living arrangements she has in France.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke

  22. Regarding Russia or r like rape:
    „Russia had no choice…“ one might think while being fixated by strong dogmas of propaganda.
    „Russia“, i.e. president Jewtin’s Jewish government had and still has plenty of direct choices regarding Jewkraine & its back-ups.
    The Moscow-TelAviv-NewYork axis has ofcourse chosen not to fight it out in themselves, as supposedly peoples’ governments should, but to sacrifice millions of Slavic people. Yes, millions!
    They all are not peoples’ governments but oligarchy’s governments.
    One of the first things Jewtin did, was to guarantee the life of Jewlendski & Cons to Israhell. „Noble Russia“ – the Mosocoviter Jews – is fighting the Kiewer Jews in a way that leaves everyone burnt apart from the Jews themselves. Meanwhile the Moscoviter and the Kiewer Jews are making billions in the killings and destructions. Lavrov said, with Ukraine (belonging to Moscow) Russia is a true (sic) superpower; without it is not. That is why they are in „a noble fight against Nazism“ killing fathers and sons while displacing (raping) 30 million people.
    Lavrov: The declared goals of Israel in its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to Moscow’s in its campaign against the Ukrainian government.
    Russia has no choice but to secure the wellbeing of oligarchy (i.e. genocide aka Judaism) and feeding a few crumbs to the remaining Russian peoples (while genociding Russians on both sides of the Sea).
    (The Russian Pays Rate is now 16 %.)
    One thing might please you so; the Moslem pops has increased from something like 3 or 4 % to 28 % and the mosques from 128 to over 7.000 mosques in the RUS.





  23. Alrenous says: •�Website

    Don’t take the red pill. It’s a trap.

    The Empire of Lies is not the Matrix. The Matrix is vaguely believable. The Matrix submits itself to your judgment. The Empire submits your judgment to itself.

    The Matrix has little glitches which make you wonder.

    The Empire makes you feel crazy all day every day, except little glitches where they say something credible, by accident. You can’t quite use an Empire statement as gold-standard disproof of what they’re claiming, because they’re incompetent and foolishly state truths occasionally.

    To take the red pill, you first have to assent to the idea that you or anyone ever fell for the Empire’s outlandish lies. That it could have happened to anyone, that you weren’t just afraid of peer pressure or whatever.

    Morpheus wants you to stay asleep. It’s in the name.

  24. Priss Factor says: •�Website


  25. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Candace gets the ‘gay’ treatment

  26. Andreas says:

    She looks like a junkie.

    There’s no doubt it was hell for that poor Hamas guy… 54 long days.

    Imagine being an honorable man cooped up with this kvetching little Jewess who is withdrawing from all the drugs she is on while also incessantly begging you to rape her in front of your wife and children in exchange for her freedom.

    What a sick little bitch.

    •�Agree: xyzxy
  27. xyzxy says:

    [I was] closed in a dark room, not allowed to talk, not allowed to be seen, to be heard, hidden…

    I’ve had the displeasure to be around pushy Jewish women, so I completely understand the living accommodations Abdullah and his wife arranged for her.

    But don’t accuse me of not having any sympathy. If I had been there at her capture I’d have encouraged her to keep a stiff upper lip.

    But seriously, she’s pretty lucky. I mean, her Hamas Nazi captors could have given her a one way ticket on the roller coaster of death. Or brought out the dreaded masturbation machine. Of course given her rape fantasy, the machine might have been what she was really looking for.

    And it’s possible her captives were actually helping her. Keeping her hidden away, just like Anne. What if she had been discovered by that mad Arab doctor Ali bin Mingele. I can’t even imagine the weird twisted medical experiments she would have had to endure on those sausage lips!

  28. Achtung! Alert! Happening! Massive terrorist attack on civilians in Iran commemorating the martyrdom of General Suleimani.


    •�Replies: @Avery
  29. Wokechoke says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Why was her French citizenship mentioned then?

  30. Avery says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Desperation moves by Israel/Mossad to trigger a response from Iran, so that US can be pulled in to save IDF from the quagmire they got themselves into in Gaza. MSM in US is already braying for attack on Iran. The usual suspects in Congress are already salivating at the prospect of more death and destruction in some faraway place, while they gorge themselves at the AIPAC trough of cash.

    Iran will not be triggered: they know Israel is desperate.
    Iran and Hezbollah will continue with measured escalation: to bleed IDF, but keep it just low enough not give US Neocons an excuse to escalate.

    Sad that ~200 innocent people in Iran were murdered by the psychopaths.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  31. Is THAT a bad case of “trout pout”…

    or was that stupid cow hit in her kosher kisser with a baseball-bat ? 🤔

  32. Anonymous[318] •�Disclaimer says:

    The wunderwaffen that the Izzies count on are not worth shit:


    But maybe the suction nozzle on that hysterical Jewess could just vacuum up indigenous peoples at industrial scale. It would be like the masturbation machines engulfing entire populations.

  33. Good God-that poor guppy-mouthed creature was a transparent liar, even for a Zionazi, but her intent was PURE EVIL. To blame Gazan families for holding hostages, to justify the deliberate murder of civilians. The Israeli racists are reaching new heights of rage, hatred and malevolence as Bibi’s little ‘Get Out of Gaol’ ploy backfires.

  34. Avery says:
    @Commentator Mike

    {If you believe …}

    Of course I believe.
    I also believe Hamas beheaded 40 Jewish babies on Oct 7th and roasted them.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  35. @Avery

    They’re on camera kidnapping children and old women.

    But you think the accounts of mass rape at the concert are all based on lies? The supreme gentlemen of Hamas stopped at kidnapping children?

    The concert was most likely targeted with rape as part of the plan. That in fact explains why they chose it over a military target.

    This was just Hamas incels on a rampage. Basically looking to rape and kill before the IDF sends them to heaven. Unable to think of a plan that could assist their cause.

    There was no strategy and this idiotic attack did nothing to help them politically.

    You will only face disappointment if you put any trust into the morals of third world desert raiders. Their own religion tells them it’s perfectly fine to rape in war. Islam allows them to take war wives which is rape. Women don’t want to be brided by Muslim raiders that killed their men. It’s rape.

    Anglin can rant about Jews and fat Americans but that doesn’t change the likelihood that a bunch of Hamas incels went wilding. Anglin acts outraged when Blacks go wilding but perversely cheers if Arabs do it. But those are muh third worlders! It’s different!

    Hatred/Love of Israel makes strange bedfellows.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  36. @Buck Ransom

    She went hard with the collagen injections so her lips would pout more.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  37. @John Johnson

    I have to say there’s something to your argument. Muslim rape gangs operate all over Europe but if you give them guns and send them into Israel to kidnap women then they magically stop doing rape. And yes, dying as martyrs wipes out all the vile crimes they ever perpetrated throughout their lives and sends them straight to heaven, so I don’t know what’s to stop them, other than a Hamas commander’s bullet in the head should Hamas choose to enforce some kind of modern day ethic military code on their followers.

    But yeah, “Incel Breakout” sounds kind of funny, especially if accompanied by a hardcore punk musical score with the same name in some alternative interpretation of events. Have the Jews of Hollywood got a more mainstream script ready for a propaganda movie about 10/7 to unleash on the world?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  38. @Beavertales

    An she told her captives:

    These lips were made for sucking
    And that’s just what they’ll do
    One of these days
    These lips are gonna
    Suck off all of you.

    But really, they only raped her with their eyes? Maybe she’s too ashamed to tell the whole truth of what happened to her. And the story of the wife’s presence preventing the rape. There are many instances of wives egging on the rapists to do it during revenge incidents, especially in Third World conflicts.

    •�Replies: @Avery
    , @John Johnson
  39. Kondor says:

    Total false flag. When the lies start being recalled the whole edifice falls. Sure, some ‘hostages’ were/will be wasted. All for Israel, the most evil country in the history of the world. The Gimme Reparations state.

  40. Avery says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Well done Mike.
    Oh yeah……

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
  41. @Commentator Mike

    I have to say there’s something to your argument. Muslim rape gangs operate all over Europe but if you give them guns and send them into Israel to kidnap women then they magically stop doing rape.

    LOL yes that is when their supporters believe they adopt high standards in desert raiding. Supreme gentlemen that pick a concert over a military target. Even though there is video of them hauling off a woman with signs of vaginal bleeding and another half naked we can’t assume the rape accounts are true. Must be lies to denigrate such fine men that are on video gunning down 18 year old girls.

    But yeah, “Incel Breakout” sounds kind of funny, especially if accompanied by a hardcore punk musical score with the same name in some alternative interpretation of events. Have the Jews of Hollywood got a more mainstream script ready for a propaganda movie about 10/7 to unleash on the world?

    Hollywood producers both Jewish and not would be stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to depict Muslisms as compatible with Western society which would make them uninterested in fully showing all of the rape accusations. Some of them are extremely gruesome. Hollywood still promotes the idea that all religions and people are the same except that Whites and especially White Christians are bad.

    I think they’d rather make a movie about a White incel killer and in fact I think saw a preview for such a movie last week.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Wokechoke
  42. @Commentator Mike

    But really, they only raped her with their eyes? Maybe she’s too ashamed to tell the whole truth of what happened to her. And the story of the wife’s presence preventing the rape. There are many instances of wives egging on the rapists to do it during revenge incidents, especially in Third World conflicts.

    Never underestimate female jealousy over a better looking woman.

    Hamas women are not known to be pretty. In fact they tend to be rather rolly from the free food.

    I fully believe her story. I have no doubt the man wanted sex with trout pout but some Hamas hag wouldn’t allow it.

    She doesn’t want him thinking about the time he mounted a better looking Jewish woman in her own house. Just a tad insulting to her given that they spend every waking hour hating the Jews.

    There are many instances of wives egging on the rapists to do it during revenge incidents, especially in Third World conflicts.

    Yea but they tend to be of the same tribe. Some poor “dishonored” woman is gang raped for having sex with a married man that talked her into it. But even that is rare. Most of the time they just stone or kill them.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Wokechoke
  43. @John Johnson

    Yes, but I still have my doubts about 10/7 and what really happened, how much is true and how much was made up, and who did what to whom, how much disinformation is mixed in with the reporting, etc.

  44. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Why have you not joined the IDF yet? Or have you already counter struck in Gaza and are just being humble about your revenge Bodycount?

  45. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Writing about the honor of jewesses is a little precious. The rave was just another nebbish fuckfest. Staged right on a contested border and occupied territory.

  46. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Films about White Incel killers?

    That’s called a War Film.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  47. @Wokechoke

    Wow 3 in a row from my stalker and ex-girlfriend who gets emotional when I post.

    You should really see a therapist.

    But I guess I would also be pretty emotional if I tied my identity to third world desert raiders who showed the world that their best idea was to rape and kill women at concert. Genius stuff. They spent years smuggling weapons and building tunnels only to culminate in an attack that completely ruins their cause.

    I’ve agreed with practically every UN resolution over Israel. Not sure why you spend so much time obsessing over me when there are literally millions of Israel First Republicans in other forums.

    I call it like I see it and Hamas has f-cked things up with their rape ‘n wilding event.

    You know your plan was terrible when it completely benefits the other side.

    I get that you want Unz to be your little Jew bashin’ party and without any dissenting view. Well boo f-cking hoo you baby. Unz lets anyone post so cry more. Now get back to your 4 year plan where it takes you that long to figure out I’m not a Jew. I’m not even in most the threads on Jews you dope.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  48. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    99% of War Films revolve around a group of men who are torn from female company and spend their remaining time on the planet killing each other.

    From a classic like Das Boot to All Quiet. From modern masterworks like Dunkirk to a cult classic like Zulu. From Hollywood drivel like Fury to contemporary war propaganda like Hurt Locker or American Sniper. A sort of joyless and sexless marking of time before many of the characters die. Talk about Jihad.

    Much “incel rage” marketed to young men about men, who are not getting laid enough.

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