PT Mathematics-6 Q2
PT Mathematics-6 Q2
PT Mathematics-6 Q2
Region IX
Second Periodical Test in MATH 6
Remember / Understand/ Apply/ Analyze / Evaluate / Create / Items
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesize Evaluation
expresses one value as a fraction of
another given their ratio and vice M6NS-IIa-129 1-4 5 5
finds a missing term in a proportion
(direct, inverse, and partitive). M6NS-IIb-133 6,9 7,8,10 5
solves problems involving direct
proportion, partitive proportion, and
inverse proportion in different
contexts such as distance, rate, and M6NS-IIc-134 14-15 11-13 5
time using appropriate strategies
and tools.
finds the percentage or rate or M6NS-IId-142 17-20 16 5
percent in each problem.
solves routine and non-routine
problems involving finding the
percentage, rate, and base using M6NS-IId-143 23-25 21-22 5
appropriate strategies and tools.
describes the exponent and the base M6NS-IIf-146 30 27-28 29 26 5
in a number expressed in
exponential notation
interprets and explains the
Grouping, Exponent,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, M6NS-IIf-148 31,34 32-33 35 5
Subtraction (GEMDAS) rule.
performs two or more different
operations on whole numbers with
or without exponents and grouping M6NS-IIf-149 38-40 36-37 5
describe the set of integers and
identify real-life situations that 42 41 2
make use of it
compares integers with other
numbers such as whole numbers, M6NS-IIg-152 44,43 45 3
fractions, and decimals.
describes and interprets the basic
operations on integers using
materials such as algebra tiles, M6NS-IIh-155 49-50 47-48 46 5
counters, chips, and cards.
TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS 10 15 10 9 1 4 50
District of Buug
A. 2 : 1 B. 1 : 2 C. 4: 1 D. 1 : 4
_____2. Besides wearing face masks, Front liners also wear face shields and gloves to protect themselves against
COVID-19. Find the ratio of face shields to gloves.
A. 1 : 3 B.3:1 C. 2 : 1 D. 1: 2
_____3. If there are and what is the ratio of safeguard soaps to
hand sanitizers?
A. 1 : 5 B. 5:1 C. 5 : 2 D. 2 : 5
For questions 4-5. Refer to the given situation.
4|P a g e
A. 9 B. 17 C. 36 D. 72
_____28. If the value of 2𝑛 is 16, what is n?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
_____29. The value of 𝑛3 is 343, what is n?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
_____30. Find the value of n to make this statement true, 2𝑥10𝑛= 2000
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
_____31. What expression is to be done first to solve this equation (4 + 3) x 4 ÷2=14?
A. 4+3 B. 4 ÷2 C. 3 x 4 D. 4 x 4
_____32. Why do you think division was performed before multiplication in this equation?
10 + 24 ÷ 8 x 2=16
A. Because it is the second operation given in the equation.
B. Because it is easy to solve if we divide first.
C. Because division comes first before multiplication.
D. Because if we divide 24 by 8 we can get an exact answer.
_____33. What mathematical operation should be done first to solve the equation (15-9) + 5 x 4= 26?
A. multiply B. subtract C. add D. divide
_____34. Find the value of N in this equation 7x (18 ÷3)-8= N.
A. N= 34 B. N= 44 C.50 D. 56
_____35. The result of adding 19 to the product of 7 and 9 is 82. Write the mathematical sentence for this problem.
A. 19 + 7 X 9 =82 B. (19 + 7) X 9= 82
C. 19 X 7 + 9 = 82 D. 19 X ( 7 + 9 +82
_____36. 32 x 4 + 6 ÷ 6
A. 5 B. 7 C. 25 D. 37
_____37. 5 + 8 -3 + 10
A. 0 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20
_____38. 35 ÷ 5 x 8 – 7 +9
A. 16 B. 40 C. 58 D. 60
_____39. (30 ÷ 6) x (4 + 2) 2)
A. 14 B. 22 C. 30 D. 38
_____40. 9 x 23 + 42 - 5
A. 57 B. 67 C. 73 D. 83
_____41. Which of the following integers is greater than +3?
A. -12 B. -8 C. 0 D. 5
_____42. Order the integers from least to greatest. 4, –4, –2, 2, –8
A.) 4, -4, -2, 2, -8 B.) 4, 2, -2, -4, -8 C.) -8, -4, -2, 2, 4 D.) 8, 2, -2, 4, -4
Master Teacher -I
1. A 26. D
2. B 27. D
3. C 28. C
4. A 29. C
5. B 30. B
6|P a g e
6. A 31. A
7. B 32. C
8. A 33. B
9. C 34. A
10. D 35. A
11. A 36. D
12. C 37. D
13. D 38. C
14. B 39. B
15. A 40. D
16. D 41. D
17. B 42. C
18. B 43. B
19. A 44. B
20. C 45. A
21. C 46. C
22. D 47. B
23. C 48. A
24. D 49. B
25. C 50. D
7|P a g e