Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy
Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy
Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy
and Energy
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Preface.................................................................................... xv
Index....................................................................................... 459
Ocean covers an area of about 140 million square miles or 362 million sq
km. An estimated 50–80 % of all life on earth is found under the ocean
surface and the oceans contain 99 % of the living space on the planet. Less
than 10 % of that space has been explored by humans. The dark, cold
environment called the deep sea constitutes 85 % of of the ocean’s area
and 90 % of its volume. The average depth of the ocean is 3,795 m. The
average height of the land is 840 m. The oceans cover 71 % (and rising)
of the Earth’s surface and contain 97 % of the Earth water. Less than
1 % is fresh water, and 2–3 % is contained in glaciers and ice caps (and is
decreasing). Oceans are the site of 90 % of all volcanic activity. Our oceans
teem with life ranging from the blue whale, the biggest animal on Earth,
to tiny microbes. But nobody knows exactly how many different species
live in this environment. There is no data for around 20 % of the ocean’s
volume. It’s a location whose details everyone is very much interested to
This book covers many topics encountered in the design and application
of electronic instruments related to the ocean, both basic ideas and
advanced technologies. It also covers requirements of ocean research.
Chapter 1 discusses oceanographic remote sensing, including
applications, radar, radiometry, satellites, sonar, telemetry, laser and LIDAR,
and research ideas. It also discusses the difference between satellite images
and maps, remote sensing and GIS, remote sensing and aerial photography,
remote sensing and sonar. It also describes oceanography, synthetic
aperture radar, NADIR radar, microwave radiometry, infrared radiometers,
imaging radiometer, microwave measurement of ocean wind, wind and
wave height measurements, mapping the ocean floor with single beam echo
sounding, multi-beam bathymetry, sound as underwater navigation, echo-
sounders, applications of telemetry, data collection in LIDAR, discrete-
return LIDAR, waveform recording devices, and applications of LIDAR
remote sensing.
Chapter 2 discusses sensors for ocean monitoring and their measuring
parameters. Sometimes satellites are called sensors, as well as the sensors
they carry. It discusses the sensors, scanners, weather sensing, SAR sensors,
marine observation sensors (MOS), ocean color monitoring sensor (OCM)
and micro-sensors for ocean acidification monitoring. It also discusses
the measurement of ocean parameters, such as ocean color, sediment
monitoring, surface currents, surface wind, wave height, wind speed, sea
surface temperature, upwelling, sampling, wave energy, and ocean floor.
It also describes spatial resolution, pixel size, scale, spectral/radiometric
resolution, temporal resolution, sensor design, sensor selection, and
research on ocean phenomena.
Chapter 3 discusses underwater acoustics, including the interaction
of sound with the seafloor, sound wave features, transmission of data
underwater, wave height, wave velocities, bubbles study, water depth, sea
temperature, global climate change, ocean current measurement using
sound, fish finding, study of Earth history, and surf zone measurement
using sound. It describes locating and identifying fish, methods of
underwater communication, measurement of ocean temperature using
acoustic tomography, inverted echo-sounders, acoustic doppler current
profilers, RAFOS floats, and reciprocal transmission.
Chapter 4 discusses underwater wireless communication, including
acoustic waves and acoustic communication, optical waves and optical
communication, underwater acoustic communication, underwater optical
communications, underwater mobile communication, types of modulation,
Internet, and GPS. It describes the underwater communication
environment and propagation mediums, limitations of underwater
acoustic communication, using laser as optical communication above water
and underwater, protocol stack for the underwater laser sensor network,
wireless laser communication system description, instrumentation
system devices, the MEMS approach, benefits of smart optical systems
S. R. Vijayalakshmi
S. Muruganand
his chapter discusses remote sensing in oceanography; applications
of remote sensing; radar, radiometry, satellites, sonar, telemetry, la-
ser, and LIDAR in remote sensing; and research ideas in remote
GIS software can handle both vector and raster data (although some
handle only one of them). Remote sensing data belongs to the raster type
and usually requires special data manipulation procedures that regular GIS
does not offer. However, after a remote sensing analysis has been done, its
results are usually combined with GIS or put into a database of an area for
further analysis (overlaying with other layers, etc.). In recent years, more
and more vector capabilities are being added to remote sensing software,
and some remote sensing functions are inserted into GIS modules.
transmit waves through an interfering medium (water, air) that adds noise
to the data we are looking for, and therefore corrections must be applied
to the raw data collected. In remote sensing, however, radar is almost
independent of weather, and atmospheric disturbances affect mainly pas-
sive remote sensing. To make these necessary corrections, both systems
depend on calibration from field data (be it salinity, temperature and pres-
sure measured by the ship while surveying, or measurements of the atmos-
pheric profile parameters by a meteorological radiosonde, for example).
Sonar is mainly used to produce the bathymetry of the sea, while remote
sensing techniques focus more on identification of a material’s properties
than its height. Echo-sounders (single- or multi-beam) can be compared
to airborne laser scanning—both create point (vector) data containing X,
Y, and Z that needs to be further post-processed in order to remove noise
(spikes). An added complexity when dealing with bathymetry (as opposed
to topography) is the need for tide corrections. Side scan sonar can be com-
pared to side looking aperture radar, both creating images (raster) analyzing
the surface. Another major difference is that in remote sensing the results
of the analysis can be compared easily to the field (aerial photos, maps, field
measurements), while in sonar the bottom of the sea is hidden from us, and
we depend totally on the data gathered.
Forestry: Forests play an important role in balancing the Earth’s CO2 supply
and exchange, acting as a key link between the atmosphere, geosphere, and
hydrosphere. Forestry applications of remote sensing include forest cover
Sea ice: Ice covers a substantial part of the Earth’s surface and is a major
factor in the commercial shipping and fishing industries, Coast Guard and
construction operations, and global climate change studies. Sea ice informa-
tion and applications include ice concentration, ice type/age/motion, iceberg
detection and tracking, surface topography, tactical identification of leads,
navigation, safe shipping routes/rescue, ice condition (state of decay), histor-
ical ice and iceberg conditions and dynamics for planning purposes, wildlife
habitat, pollution monitoring and meteorological/global change research.
Land cover and land use: Land cover refers to the surface cover on the
ground, while land use refers to the purpose the land serves. Land use applica-
tions of remote sensing include natural resource management, wildlife habitat
protection, baseline mapping for GIS input, urban expansion/encroachment,
routing and logistics planning for seismic/exploration/resource extraction ac-
tivities, damage delineation (tornadoes, flooding, volcanic, seismic, fire), legal
boundaries for tax and property evaluation and target detection—identification
of landing strips, roads, clearings, bridges, land/water interface.
Oceans and coastal monitoring: The oceans not only provide valuable
food and biophysical resources, they also serve as transportation routes, are
crucially important in weather system formation and CO2 storage, and are
an important link in the Earth’s hydrological balance. Coastlines are envi-
ronmentally sensitive interfaces between the ocean and land and respond
Coastal applications:
1. To monitor shoreline changes: Remote sensing satellites images have been
used effectively for coastal shore line change nitoring along the coast.
Figure 1.1 shows the coastal shore line of Tamil Nadu state in India.
2. To track sediment transport: Particle tracking, or in the geological sci-
ences sediment tracing or sediment tracking, offers a unique methodol-
ogy for tracking the movement through space and time of environmental
particulates. Utilizing this methodology, information can be garnered
into source-sink relationships, the nature and location of the transport
pathway(s), and the rate of transport.
Ocean applications:
20 N
10 N
10 S
20 S
30 S
30 E 40 E 50 E 60 E 70 E 80 E 90 E 100 E 110 E
Sea Surface Temperature(C)
0 2 4 6 8 1012 14 16 18 20 22 24 2628 32 34
20 N
10 N
10 S
20 S
30 S
30 E 40 E 50 E 60 E 70 E 80 E 90 E 100 E 110 E
Significant Wave Height (Meters)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4. To track sea ice: Arctic sea ice keeps the polar regions cool and helps
moderate global climate. Sea ice has a bright surface; 80% of the sun-
light that strikes it is reflected back into space. As sea ice melts in the
summer, it exposes the dark ocean surface. Figure 1.8 shows the sea ice.
5. Data can be used to better understand the oceans and how to best man-
age ocean resources.
Hazard assessment:
Camera antenna
Image Image
the target remains in the field of view. To reduce speckle, processors will
add multi-look independent images of a target. Speckle—a type of random
noise—is thereby reduced, but at the expense of resolution. Compared to
land surfaces, the ocean is relatively homogeneous, with a low scattering
cross section and low contrast. Images collected by SeaSat radar from the
space shuttle have provided a wealth of information on surface features
such as slicks, ships, currents, eddies, waves, and perhaps more surprisingly,
on coastal bathymetry. Thus statistics on global wave climate are being built
up. Figure 1.10 illustrates some of the common terms used to describe the
geometry of a radar image. Most important are the look angle, the angle
at which the radar pulse hits the surface, and the interval between pulses.
Using different combinations of wavelength and incidence angle, the
characteristics of the recorded backscatter can be compared and inter-
preted. Acquiring a detailed dataset with the necessary calibration fieldwork
and measurements is an ordeal to plan and execute, but with a good dataset,
radar imagery can reveal characteristics of the landslide that is visible.
The assumption is that different vegetation types (e.g., desert, grasslands,
forests, or frozen tundra) will all have different backscatter signatures. In addi-
tion, the basic reflectivity of the soil, called the dielectric constant, will change
depending on the amount of water and organic matter that the soil con-
tains. Dry soil has a low dielectric constant, so that little radar energy will be
reflected. Saturated soil will have a high dielectric and will be a strong reflec-
tor. Moist and partially frozen soils will have intermediate values, as shown
in Figure 1.11. High-resolution maps of topography and topographic change
generated from SAR interferometry are also extremely valuable for studies of
ice sheets and glaciers. Over 75% of the world’s fresh water is presently locked
up in ice and snow. While the general retreat of mountain glaciers globally is
believed responsible for approximately one quarter to one half of the current
2 mm-per-year increase in sea level, the other sources are unknown. Radar
provides a means of regionally monitoring the health of the ice sheets, which
can be used to assess the threat of sea level rise, as in Figure 1.12.
Radar wave
Azimuth Incidence
raft angle angle
p a cec rack
S ndt
Radar Local
wave slope
incidence angle
Radar incidence
20° Rougher
Rougher Smoother surface
radar backscatter
Co-registered Smoother
radar images 50° surface
20° 40° 60°
Incidence angle
FIGURE 1.12 San Francisco sea level rise, map of radar image.
1. Short time-to-measure
2. Accurate range profiling and imaging
3. Extremely fast waveform generation
4. Transportability and operative readiness
resolution would require a much larger antenna than has been flown up to
now. Another constraint is contamination by land masses, and in general
reliable measurements must be made in the open ocean more than 600 km
from a coast. Thus, again, interesting ocean features such as boundary cur-
rents and their associated eddy may not be capable of being studied with
the microwave radiometer. Ocean surface emissivity is affected by surface
winds through the generation of waves and foam. Measurements of ocean
parameters by microwave radiometers are affected by atmospheric water
vapor, clouds, and rainfall, and most sensors are therefore backed up by
frequencies sensitive to water in the atmosphere.
Differences of a few degrees have been recorded in areas of flat calm and
high solar radiation, so extreme care must be taken in calibrating the sen-
sor against in situ observations. It is usually the bulk temperature which is
required for oceanographic studies. Under most conditions the skin tem-
perature is a good indicator of bulk temperature.
Subsystem (SAS)
Command and
Data Subsystem (CDS)
Waveguides Electronics
Uses of scatterometry:
1. Data are vital in the study of air-sea interaction and ocean circulation,
and their effects on weather patterns and global climate.
2. Data are useful in the study of unusual weather phenomena, the long-
term effects of deforestation on our rain forests, and changes in the
sea-ice masses around the polar regions. These all play a central role in
regulating global climate.
3. Weather forecasting is important tool to meteorologists. Scatterometer
data, with wide swath coverage, have been shown to significantly im-
prove the forecast accuracy.
4. By combining scatterometer data of ocean-surface wind speed and
direction with measurements from other scientific instruments, scien-
tists can gather information to help us better understand the mecha-
nisms of global climate change and weather patterns.
Altimeter: The altimeter is a nadir-looking radar that measures the precise
altitude of the satellite above the sea surface by measuring the time interval
between the transmission and reception of a stream of very short pulses.
The technique (illustrated in Figure 1.16) is basically simple. The orbit
height—which is the radial height of the satellite above the geocenter—is
measured and calculated through satellite tracking—usually a combination
sonar, which can automatically make very detailed contour maps of large
area of seafloor as a research ship travels fast (about 12 knots) over the ocean
surface. Today, there are many different types of sophisticated sonars. They
can tell us not only about seafloor depths, but also about the structure of
the ocean floor and even about currents and life in the ocean. The military
also developed tools that proved useful to oceanographers, such as the mag-
netometer, which measures magnetic fields. The Navy uses it to detect the
large metal hulls of submarines. Oceanographers use it to learn about mag-
netic properties of seafloor rocks. As it turned out, these properties provided
key clues that completely changed our thinking about how our planet works.
1.5.1 Mapping the Ocean Floor with Single Beam Echo Sounding
Echo-sounding is the key method used to map the seafloor today. The
technique, first used by German scientists in the early 20th century, uses
sound waves bounced off the ocean bottom. Echo-sounders aboard ships have
components called transducers that both transmit and receive sound waves.
Transducers send a cone of sound down to the seafloor, which reflects back to
the ship. Just like a flashlight beam, the cone of sound will focus on a relatively
small area in places where the ocean is shallow, or spread out over the size of
a football field when water depths reach 3,000 meters. The returned echo is
received by the transducer, amplified electronically, and recorded on graphic
recorders. The time taken for the sound to travel through the ocean and back
is then used to calculate water depths. The faster the sound waves return, the
smaller the water depths and the higher the elevation of the seafloor.
Echo sounders repeatedly ping the seafloor as a ship moves along the
surface, producing a continuous line showing ocean depths directly beneath
the ship. From the early days of ocean exploration until as recently as 20
years ago, marine geologists wrote down individual readings from record-
ers, plotted them on navigation charts showing their ship’s position, and
then drew contour lines joining points of equal depth. In this way, they pro-
duced bathymetry maps that displayed the ocean’s changing water depths
(and hence changes in seafloor elevation). These charts were accurate only
within about 20–50 meters, but that was good enough for scientists to dis-
cover the mid-ocean ridge system in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Echo-
sounders use different frequencies of sound to find out different things
about the seafloor. Scientists typically use echo-sounders that transmit
sound at 12 kHz to determine how far down the seafloor lies. However,
they use a lower frequency (3.5 kHz) sound, which penetrates the seafloor,
if they want to “see” accumulated layers of sediments below it.
where the vehicle is. All of this happens very quickly because of computers
and software so that we can constantly keep track of the deep submergence
vehicle’s position within about 5–10 meters during a dive.
1.5.4 Echo-Sounders
The term echo-sounder describes a way of using sound to measure dis-
tances underwater. Echo-sounders are a type of sonar (SOund Navigation
And Ranging) device that can be used on ships or as part of an instrument
placed underwater. Echo-sounders, or sonars, on research ships have two
main uses:
■■ Looking for objects such as fish or bubbles from deep sea vents in the
water column
■■ Locating the sea bed
Knowing the water depth is important for several reasons. Most impor-
tant is to prevent the ship running aground. There are accurate charts for
all the world’s major ports, but our research ships sometimes visit poorly
charted regions such as Antarctica and need to be able to measure how deep
the water is so that they don’t hit the sea bed. In the middle of the oceans
where our ships often work the depths on the chart are very infrequent and
so we use echo-sounders to measure exactly how deep the sea is. We often
deploy remotely operated vehicles and sensors in the water and so we need
to know how deep the water under the ship is. We also need to know the
depth so that we can characterize the area of ocean that we are working in
or so that we can hunt for features such as hydrothermal vents or wrecks.
Echo-sounder operation:
of landscape features such as cliffs, ridges, and cracks in the seafloor. Sound
travels through water at about 4,800 ft (1,400 m) per second, more than
four times the speed through air. The exact speed through water depends
on temperature: the warmer the water, the faster sound travels. Sonar maps
can be used to track volcanic activity over time: lava flows and other traces
of recent volcanic activity can be identified by comparing maps produced
now with maps produced some time ago. The use of sonar to map the sea-
floor landscape is a means of bathymetry (from the Greek for “measuring
Side scan sonar: Side scan sonar gives us information about the nature
of the seafloor as well as its depth. An instrument towed behind the ship
measures the intensity of reflected sound as well as the time taken for the
sound to travel out and back. A strong signal means the seafloor is relatively
hard (e.g., rock, hardened lava, or gravel). A weak signal indicates a soft
or finer surface, such as silt or sand. Side scan surveys typically cover the
seafloor in overlapping swaths or blocks 100–500 meters wide. At the end
of a survey, the swaths are pieced together to form a comprehensive map
of the seafloor.
Multi-beam sonar: Rather than sending out single pings like side scan
sonar, multi-beam sonar equipment emits an array of sound in a fanlike
pattern. The reflected sound waves can be used to determine information
about sediment type as well as seafloor depth. Multi-beam sonar equip-
ment is usually attached to the ship’s hull rather than towed behind it.
Marine animal tracking: Animals under study can be outfitted with instru-
mentation tags, which include sensors that measure temperature, diving
depth and duration (for marine animals), speed and location (using GPS).
Telemetry tags can give researchers information about animal behavior,
functions, and their environment. This information is then either stored
(with archival tags) or the tags can send (or transmit) their information to a
satellite or handheld receiving device.
tracking satellite telemetry helps scientists follow mating and feeding pat-
terns critical to species survival.
Data systems and telemetry: Ocean climate station (OCS) moorings are
equipped with three different data collection systems, which send their data
back to Seattle via satellite communications. These specialized computers
talk to the various sensors, collect and average the raw measurements, and
package it for transmission. Data is sent back in real-time, so scientists can
study the observations on the same day it was taken thousands of miles away.
Mooring line: Sensors are mounted on the mooring line that connects the
buoy to the anchor. The line varies in length depending on the location,
but we can use as much as 26,000 ft of line. The tower provides a mounting
location for all the meteorological sensors, with the wind sensors above the
other sensors. The white buoy well extends into the hull of the buoy.
platform) moves forward, the sampled points fall across a wide band or
swath, which can be gridded into an image. The power of the laser and size
of the receiver aperture determine the maximum flying height, which limits
the width of the swath that can be collected in one pass. The intensity or
power of the return signal depends on several factors: the total power of
the transmitted pulse, the fraction of the laser pulse that is intercepted by a
surface, the reflectance of the intercepted surface at the laser’s wavelength,
and the fraction of reflected illumination that travels in the direction of the
sensor. The laser pulse returned after intercepting a morphologically com-
plex surface, such as a vegetation canopy, will be a complex combination of
energy returned from surfaces at numerous distances, the distant surfaces
represented later in the reflected signal. The type of information collected
from this return signal distinguishes two broad categories of sensors such as
discrete LIDAR and waveform recording device.
Return signal
0 0
First return Multiple return
Leading edge distance distance 1
of peak
6 20 Peak
Delay (nanoseconds)
Multiple return
12 40 distance 2
Distance (m)
18 60
Multiple return
distance 3
24 80
Multiple return
30 100 distance 4
Local Elevation (m)
20 20
50 0
30 )
30 ng (m
20 Ea
20 cal
applications. The primary users of these systems are surveyors serving pub-
lic and private clients and natural resource managers seeking a cheaper
source of high-resolution topographic maps and digital terrain models
(DTMs). A potential drawback is that proprietary data-processing algo-
rithms and established sensor configurations designed for commercial use
may not coincide with scientific objectives. The advantages of waveform-
recording LIDAR include an enhanced ability to characterize canopy struc-
ture, the ability to concisely describe canopy information over increasingly
large areas, and the availability of global data sets (the extent of their cover-
age varies, however). One advantage of these waveform-recording LIDAR
systems is that they record the entire time-varying power of the return sig-
nal from all illuminated surfaces and are therefore capable of collecting
more information on canopy structure than all but the most spatially dense
collections of small-footprint LIDAR. In addition, waveform-recording
LIDAR integrates canopy structure information over a relatively large
footprint and can store that information efficiently, from the perspective
of both data storage and data analysis. Finally, only waveform-recording
LIDAR will soon be collected globally from space.
Prediction of forest stand structure: LIDAR data also have been used
to predict biophysical characteristics of plant communities, most notably
forests. Waveform-recording LIDAR use a set of indices describing the ver-
tical distribution of the raw waveforms and the fraction of total power as-
sociated with the ground returns to predict field-measured quadratic mean
stem diameter, basal area, and aboveground biomass, explaining up to 93%,
72%, and 93% of variance, respectively. LIDAR remote sensing is an ex-
tremely accurate tool for measuring topography, vegetation height, and
cover, as well as more complex attributes of canopy structure and function.
Another application of LIDAR data is the identification of forest areas with
accumulations of fuels that make them particularly susceptible to large, es-
pecially damaging fires.
1. What are the similarities and difference between the field of remote
sensing and satellite images, GIS, maps, and sonar?
2. List the applications of remote sensing.
3. List the applications of remote sensing in oceanography.
4. List the difference between the remote sensing vs. photogrammetry.
5. Describe one difference between sonar and remote sensing.
6. List the coastal applications of remote sensing in oceanography.
7. List the ocean applications in remote sensing.
8. Write a short note on synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
9. Write a note on NADIR radar system.
10. Write about the microwave radiometer.
11. Write a note on infrared radiometers.
12. Explain about the microwave measurement of ocean wind.
13. Discuss the working of scatterometer to measure wind speed and
14. Write about the sea surface elevation and slope measurement using
satellite altimeters.
15. Write the role altimeters in wind and wave height measurements.
16. Write about the echo sounders in mapping ocean floor.
his chapter discusses sensors for ocean monitoring and their mea-
suring parameters. Sometimes satellites are called sensors, as well
as the sensors they carry. It discusses the sensors, scanners, weath-
er sensing, SAR sensors, marine observation sensors (MOS), ocean color
monitoring sensor (OCM) and micro-sensors for ocean acidification mon-
itoring. It also discusses the measurement of ocean parameters, such as
ocean color, sediment monitoring, surface currents, surface wind, wave
height, wind speed, sea surface temperature, upwelling, sampling, wave
energy, and ocean floor. It also describes spatial resolution, pixel size, scale,
spectral/radiometric resolution, temporal resolution, sensor design, sensor
selection, and research on ocean phenomena.
These are near-polar orbits, so named for the inclination of the orbit rela-
tive to a line running between the North and South Poles. Many of these
satellite orbits are also sun-synchronous such that they cover each area of
the world at a constant local time of day called local sun time. At any given
latitude, the position of the sun in the sky as the satellite passes overhead
will be the same within the same season. This ensures consistent illumina-
tion conditions when acquiring images in a specific season over successive
years, or over a particular area over a series of days. This is an important
factor for monitoring changes between images as they do not have to be
corrected for different illumination conditions.
Most of the remote sensing satellite platforms today are in near-polar
orbits, which means that the satellite travels northwards on one side of the
Earth and then toward the southern pole on the second half of its orbit.
These are called ascending and descending passes, respectively. If the orbit
is also sun-synchronous, the ascending pass is most likely on the shadowed
side of the Earth while the descending pass is on the sunlit side. Sensors
recording reflected solar energy only image the surface on a descending
pass, when solar illumination is available.
Active sensors which provide their own illumination or passive sensors
that record emitted (e.g., thermal) radiation can also image the surface on
ascending passes. As a satellite revolves around the Earth, the sensor “sees”
a certain portion of the Earth’s surface. The area imaged on the surface is
referred to as the swath [Figure 2.3]. Imaging swaths for space-borne sen-
sors generally vary between tens and hundreds of kilometers wide. As the
satellite orbits the Earth from pole to pole, its east-west position wouldn’t
change if the Earth didn’t rotate. However, as seen from the Earth, it seems
that the satellite is shifting westward because the Earth is rotating (from
west to east) beneath it. This apparent movement allows the satellite swath
to cover a new area with each consecutive pass. The satellite’s orbit and
the rotation of the Earth work together to allow complete coverage of the
Earth’s surface, after it has completed one complete cycle of orbits.
If we start with any randomly selected pass in a satellite’s orbit, an orbit
cycle will be completed when the satellite retraces its path, passing over
the same point on the Earth’s surface directly below the satellite (called the
nadir point) for a second time. The exact length of time of the orbital cycle
will vary with each satellite. The interval of time required for the satellite to
complete its orbit cycle is not the same as the revisit period. Using steerable
sensors, a satellite-borne instrument can view an area (off-nadir) before
and after the orbit passes over a target, thus making the “revisit” time less
than the orbit cycle time. The revisit period is an important consideration
for many monitoring applications, especially when frequent imaging is
required (for example, to monitor the spread of an oil spill, or the extent of
flooding). In near-polar orbits, areas at high latitudes will be imaged more
frequently than the equatorial zone due to the increasing overlap in adja-
cent swaths as the orbit paths come closer together near the poles.
Another type of scanner, which does not use rotating mirrors, is the
pushbroom scanner, also referred to as an along-track scanner (e.g., on
SPOT). The sensor detectors in a pushbroom scanner are lined up in a row
called a linear array. Instead of sweeping from side to side as the sensor
system moves forward, the 1-dimensional sensor array captures the entire
scan line at once, like a pushbroom would. Step stare scanners contain
2-dimensional arrays in rows and columns for each band. Pushbroom scan-
ners are lighter, smaller, and less complex because of fewer moving parts
than whiskbroom scanners, and they have better radiometric and spatial
resolution. A major disadvantage of pushbroom scanners is the calibration
required for the large number of detectors that make up the sensor system
[Figure 2.4].
A′, λ1
Cross-track Arrays/Filters
Dichroic beam B′, λ2
B Push broom
Whisk broom scanner
A scanner
Cross-track λ2
Entrance slit
Matrix array Entrance slit
Single pixel is
dispersed, scanning Eachcross-track
is required (e.g.
pixel is dispersed,
no scanning
required(e.g. HSD)
of 20 meters × 20 meters on the ground. In this case the pixel size and resolu-
tion are the same. However, it is possible to display an image with a pixel size
different than the resolution. Many posters of satellite images of the Earth
have their pixels averaged to represent larger areas, although the original
spatial resolution of the sensor that collected the imagery remains the same.
A photograph can be represented and displayed in a digital format
[ Figure 2.6] by subdividing the image into small, equal-sized and -shaped
areas, called picture elements or pixels, and representing the brightness of
each area with a numeric value or digital number.
Images where only large features are visible are said to have coarse
or low resolution. In fine or high resolution images, small objects can
be detected. Military sensors for example, are designed to view as much
detail as possible, and therefore have very fine resolution. Commercial
satellites provide imagery with resolutions varying from a few meters
to several kilometers. Generally speaking, the finer the resolution, the
less total ground area can be seen. The ratio of distance on an image or
map, to actual ground distance is referred to as scale. If you had a map
with a scale of 1:100,000, an object of 1 cm length on the map would
actually be an object 100,000 cm (1 km) long on the ground. Maps or
images with small map-to-ground ratios are referred to as small scale
(e.g., 1:100,000), and those with larger ratios (e.g., 1:5,000) are called
large scale.
Antarctic ice packs. Because they can “see through” clouds, synthetic aper-
ture radar instruments are particularly useful in tracking the development
and movement of ice packs, which pose threats to shipping, and in finding
routes through the ice.
(A) (B)
FIGURE 2.8 (a) pH micro sensor and (b) VULCANO buoy with atmospheric and communication sensors.
FIGURE 2.10 Wavelength bands used by various ocean color remote sensors.
True Colour
Chlorophyll Concentration
174-E 176-E 178-E 180-E 178-W
Chlorophyll concentration (mg/m3)
11/09/17 3:47 PM
Sensor Agency Satellite Schedule swath Spatial bands spectral orbit
launch (km) resolution coverage
(m) (nm)
OLCI ESA/EUMETSAT Sentinel 3A 2015 21 400–1020 Polar
Ocean Electronics_Chapter-2.indd 74
HY-1C/D 2900 1100 10 402–12500
COCTSCZI CNSA(China) 2015 Polar
(China) 1000 250 10 433–885
1150 -
SGLI JAXA(Japan) GCOM-C 2016 1400250/ 19 375–12500 Polar
HY-1E/F 2900 1100 10 402–12500
COCTSCZI CNSA(China) 2017 Polar
(China) 1000 250 4 433–885
HSI DLR (Germany) EnMAP 2017 30 30 242 420–2450 Polar
OCM-3 ISRO(India) OCEANSAT-3 2018 1400 360 / 1 13 400–1010 Polar
OLCI ESA/EUMETSAT Sentinel-3B 2017 1265 260 21 390–1040 Polar
VIIRS JPSS-1 2017 3000 370 / 740 22 402–11800 Polar
INPE / CONAE SABIA-MAR 2019 200/2200 200/1100 16 380–11800 Polar
Optical Camera
KARI/KIOST Geo Kompsat
GOCI-II 2019 1200 × 1500 250/1000 13 412–1240 Geostationary
(South Korea) 2B
HYSI-VNIR ISRO (India) GISAT-1 *(planned) 250 320 60 400–870 Geostationary
OES NASA ACE >2020 TBD 1000 26 350–2135 Polar
Coastal Ocean
NASA GEO-CAPE >2022 TBD 250 – 375 155 TBD 340–2160 Geostationary
Color Imaging Spec
LEO, Sun
VSWIR instrument NASA HyspIRI >2022 145 60 10 nm 380–2500
TABLE 2.5 Scheduled Ocean Color Sensors
11/09/17 3:47 PM
Sensors and Their Measurements for Ocean Monitoring • 75
Coastal zone color scanner: The CZCS measured ocean color in four dis-
crete bands with a further low sensitivity band designed for coast and cloud
identification. A further band in the infrared operated intermittently. The
four color bands are shown in Table 2.6.
To understand the link between the color of the sea and the concen-
tration of suspended matter within its surface layer, models of radiative
transfer were constructed from a study of the spectral characteristics of a
number of substances. Much of the approach was necessarily empirical.
The total radiance observed at the sensor can effectively be divided into
two components:
1. Water-leaving radiance, which is that part of the signal that has pene-
trated the sea surface and been reflected back, times the diffuse trans-
mission between the sea surface and the sensor, and
2. Radiance that has not penetrated the sea surface but has been reflected
or scattered from other sources into the sensor.
Whereas the effects of the ocean form part of the first, atmospheric
effects dominate the second and make up the unwanted noise. The basic
task of processing the CZCS record is to identify and remove this noise and
then, from the water leaving part of the signal, to make the best estimate of
phytoplankton pigment concentrations. Much effort has gone into the devel-
opment of the best processing algorithms. Although the CZCS included ref-
erence signals for calibration, it became apparent at a comparatively early
stage of the mission that the blue channel was losing sensitivity. The largest
effort has been directed to correcting for atmospheric effects which have two
main components: radiance resulting from molecular scattering (Raleigh),
and scattering due to aerosols (Mie scattering) [also see Figure 10.1].
1. Sediment pins
Description: Poles installed within a study site. Height of pole is meas-
ured through time to show sediment gain or loss.
Benefits: Inexpensive, easy to install and measure underwater or on land.
Limitations: Sedimentation rates limited to where pin is installed, cm
2. Sediment plates
Description: In areas of soft sediment, a hard plate is placed below the
sediment surface. Measure the sediment accumulation on top of plate.
Benefits: Easy, inexpensive, possible to measure accumulation and ero-
sion, reduces error of rod penetrating into soft sediments, mm resolution,
can be used to calculate sediment volume.
Limitations: Plates can be undercut due to hydrologic scour.
3. Marker horizons
Description: A thick marker layer (usually white in color, i.e., feldspar
clay) placed on top sediment surface. Sediment cores are later taken to
measure sediment accumulation. It can be paired with surface elevation
tables (SET) to explain processes behind elevation increases or decreases
(i.e., sedimentation, shallow subsidence, etc.).
Benefits: Easy, inexpensive, mm resolution.
Limitations: Repeated measures can deplete marker horizon layer, can
be affected by invertebrate bioturbation, does not measure erosion, can
be eroded/washed away (typically in unvegetated areas, in this case, use of
plastic grid or sediment plate is recommended), can be difficult to measure
in areas of standing water (may need to freeze sediment core using liquid
sea level variability which identified significant eddy energy at time scales
longer than 34 days and spatial scales longer than 200 km.
0 100 200 300
Trends (mm/year, I.B.: applied/wet trop.: RADIOMETER-derived. seasonal signal removed)
general terms ocean waves are the result of winds blowing over the surface
for a certain time (duration) and over a certain area (fetch).
The primary elements of good forecasting are:
FIGURE 2.13 Surface winds during Hurricane Ivan estimated from QuikScat scatterometer measurements.
flux at the air-sea interface. On the global scale this is important for climate
modeling, study of the earth’s heat balance, and insight into atmospheric
and oceanic circulation patterns. On a more local scale, SST can be used
operationally to assess eddies, fronts, and upwellings for marine navigation
and to track biological productivity. Satellite technology has improved upon
our ability to measure SST by allowing frequent and global coverage. In the
past, SST could only be measured by ships and buoys, whose ranges were
limited. Figure 2.15 shows two maps illustrating this point.
Methods for determining SST from satellite remote sensing include
thermal infrared and passive microwave radiometry. Interest in using satel-
lites to measure ocean phenomena began in the 1960s. In 1978, the polar-
orbiting TIROS satellites began to gather data on sea surface temperatures
using the AVHRR and microwave sensors. The maps of sea surface tem-
peratures produced from these data demonstrate complex surface temper-
ature patterns that have led to considerable speculation about the physical
60N 60N
30N 30N
30S 30S
60S 60S
90S 90S
60E 120E 180E 120W 60W 0 60E 120E 180E 120W 60W 0
processes that might cause such patterns. However, it was not until NASA
launched Nimbus 7 and SeaSat in 1978 that scientists were able to gather
comprehensive measurements of the oceans. Nimbus-7 carried a scan-
ning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR) that provided accurate
measurements of sea surface temperatures. By measuring the color of the
ocean surface, its coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) provided estimates of
ocean biological productivity.
0 12 16 20 24 28 32
TM SST February 1-5, 2000
0 60 120 180 –120 –60 0
0 12 16 20 24 28 32
and what little effect clouds do have on microwave radiation are 11, 18, and
37 GHz. Passive microwave instruments that have been used for deriving
SST include the scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR)
carried on Nimbus-7 and SeaSat satellites, the tropical rainfall measur-
ing mission (TRMM) microwave imager (TMI), and upcoming data from
the advanced microwave scanning radiometer (AMSR) instrument on the
NASA EOS Aqua satellite and on the Japanese advanced earth observing
satellite (ADEOS II).
Temperature Temperature
0 SSTint SSTint
10 µm SSTskin SSTskin
SSTsub-skin SSTsub-skin
∼1 µm
∼1 cm
SSTdepth SSTdepth
∼1 m
SSTdepth SSTdepth
∼10 m
measurements made from buoys and ships are usually bulk temperature
measurements, temperature gradients must be taken into consideration
when comparing them to SST measurements made by either thermal infra-
red or passive microwave remote sensing observations.
Since thermal infrared instruments measure the skin temperature and
passive microwave instruments measure the subskin temperature, one must
also consider differences due to evaporative cooling at the sea surface when
comparing measurements derived from these methods. The difference can
be as great as 1 Kelvin in combination with diurnal heating effects, and so
both properties must be properly accounted for when comparing or blend-
ing thermal infrared and microwave products.
Weakness: Diurnal heating and evaporative cooling make comparison
of SSTs at different depths difficult; special care must be taken to correct
for their effects
Blending thermal infrared and passive microwave SST: Given the desire
to combine the high accuracy and resolution of the thermal infrared SST
measurements with the better temporal and spatial coverage of passive mi-
crowave SST measurements (due to cloud transparency), efforts are being
2.7.8 Sampling
Properties like satellite speed, satellite ground speed, satellite period,
number of orbits/day, separation of ascending track on equator, track sep-
aration, if evenly distributed for H months, and satellite precession rate
determine the sampling and sampling rates. Table 2.8 describes the sam-
pling scheme for the measurements type and notes differences between
the systems.
Ocean sensing and the ice caps: Because the oceans cover about 70% of
Earth’s surface, they make a significant contribution to Earth’s weather and
Ocean Electronics_Chapter-2.indd 92
0009–0011... on the hour, 16 x per day
speed, direction Air temperature
Relative humidity 2359–0001, Hourly mean and standard
FLEX 2-hz 2 min 10 min
0009–0011... deviation - 24 x per day
2359–0001, Hourly mean and standard
Barometric Pressure FLEX 2-hz 2 min 10 min
0009–0011... deviation—24 x per day
2359–0001, Daily mean and standard
ATLAS 1-hz 2 min 2 min
0001–0003... deviation
Shortwave radiation
2359–0000, Hourly mean and standard
FLEX 1-hz 1 min 1 min
0000–0001... deviation—24 x per day
Long wave radiation (thermopile, 2359–0001,
ATLAS 1- hz 2 min 2 min Daily mean
case and dome temperatures) 0001–0003...
2359–0000, Hourly mean and standard
FLEX 1-hz 1 min 1 min
0000–0001... deviation—24 x per day
0000–0001, Daily mean, standard devia-
ATLAS 1-hz 1-hz 1 min
0001–0002... tion, and percent time raining
Rain rate
0000–0001, Hourly mean and percent
FLEX 1-hz 1-hz 1 min
0001–0002. time raining, 24 x per day
Temperature & Conductivity (sea ATLAS 1 per 10 min instantaneous 0000, 0010... 10 min Daily mean
surface and subsurface) FLEX 1 per 10 min instantaneous 0000, 0010. 10 min Hourly reading—24 x per day
ATLAS 1 per 20 min instantaneous 0000, 0010... 20 min Daily mean
FLEX 1 per 20 min instantaneous 0000, 0020. 20 min Hourly reading—24 x per day.
Air and sea surface water pCO2,O2, MAP-
2-hz 30 sec 0000, 0300... 3 hours 8 data points/day
pH, turbidity, gas tension CO2
TABLE 2.8 Sampling Time
11/09/17 3:47 PM
Sensors and Their Measurements for Ocean Monitoring • 93
climate. The oceans interact constantly with the atmosphere above them
and the land and ice that bound them. Yet scientists know far too little
about the details of the oceans effects on weather and climate, in part be-
cause the oceans are monitored only coarsely by ships and buoys. Improv-
ing the safety of people at sea and managing the seas vast natural resources
also depend on receiving better and more timely data on ocean phenom-
ena. Satellite remote sensing is one of the principal means of gathering data
about the oceans.
his chapter discusses underwater acoustics, including the interac-
tion of sound with the seafloor, sound wave features, transmission of
data underwater, wave height, wave velocities, bubbles study, water
depth, sea temperature, global climate change, ocean current measure-
ment using sound, fish finding, study of Earth history, and surf zone mea-
surement using sound. It describes locating and identifying fish, methods
of underwater communication, measurement of ocean temperature using
acoustic tomography, inverted echo-sounders, acoustic Doppler current
profilers, RAFOS floats, and reciprocal transmission.
■■ The lower the frequency of a sound wave, the farther it will travel.
■■ The higher the acoustic power output of a sound wave, the greater the
distance it will travel.
Acoustic Transducers
FIGURE 3.2 Basic acoustic communication model.
Autonomous vehicles working under the ice can be controlled and their
data can be transmitted to a topside station using underwater acoustic links,
as in Figure 3.3.
Acou ands
combined with satellite data links to provide data in real time from instru-
ments on the seafloor to scientists ashore. One application of this tech-
nique is to provide early warnings of tsunamis generated by undersea
earthquakes. Tsunami waves are generated when an earthquake causes the
seafloor to move. They can cause great damage when the waves build as
they come ashore. Pressure sensors that are deployed on the seafloor can
DART II System
Iridium & control
Iridium &
GPS antennas
Electronic systems handle
Tsunami and batteries
Surface Buoy
2.5 m diameter
4000 kg displacement
1.8 m
Acoustic transducers
(2 each)
25 mm chain (3.5 m)
Signal flag
Bi–directional 25 mm nylon
Glass ball acoustic
flotation telemetry
22 mm nylon 1000–6000 n
13 mm
– 75 m 19 mm nylon
Acoustic release 13 mm chain (5 m)
Sensors Anchor 3100 kg
Anchor 325 kg
detect tsunamis. Pressure data are transmitted to a nearby surface buoy via
an acoustic data link using underwater modems. The data are then relayed
to researchers on land in real time via satellite. Researchers can also request
real time data independent of the automatic detection system. The data are
used to provide early warnings of a tsunami before it comes ashore.
Each deep-ocean assessment and reporting of tsunamis (DART;
igure 3.5) station consists of a bottom pressure sensor anchored to the
seafloor and a moored surface buoy.
Another practical example
for the use of acoustic communi-
cation technology is in the search
for underwater objects. A robot
crawler carries a modem, a cam-
era, and a digital signal-process-
ing unit [Figure 3.6]. The robot,
traversing the seafloor, searches
for an object. When an object is
found, the robot sends an acous- FIGURE 3.6 Robot to find underwater objects.
tic signal to a ship- or shore-based
station. The robot can then be commanded to take a still frame photo, com-
press it, and transfer the image to an acoustic signal that is sent back to the
investigator. This technology will allow archaeological expeditions to save
money in diving time. Robotic crawlers can carry sensors into very shallow
water or even into the surf zone. This robotic crawler, equipped with a cam-
era and modem, can be controlled from substantial distances via acoustic
[sound navigation and ranging] can measure the upper ocean while being
located safely below the ocean surface.
measure the size distribution of the bubbles. The frequency at which bubbles
scatter or absorb sound most strongly depends on their size. The transfer of
gases due to bubbles is small at low wind speeds, but at higher wind speeds the
bubble contribution may dominate in the processes of air-water gas transfer.
fish produces what kinds of marks, fishermen must be familiar with the
area they are fishing, the fish that swim there, and the swimming patterns
of different schools of fish. For instance, slow swimming carp produce short
fat marks. Stripers swim much faster and move around a lot more, so they
produce dotted lines. Baitfish may swim in circles as other fish herd them
or as they swim to the surface, producing a third type of mark. These are
just examples, and each fish finder will have different markings for a par-
ticular fish. Therefore, experience and close watching of patterns will help
to perfect a fisherman’s skill in using fish finding sonars to identify fish.
Scientists are developing new and improved methods to differentiate
between the marks, also called echo signatures. Each species of fish has a
unique size and shape of its swim bladder. The differences in swim blad-
ders cause differences in the return echo of a sonar signal. Echo signatures
for specific species can then be determined and used to identify fish.
the right were taken from free-swimming fish at 250 meters deep. Differ-
ences in echo signature structure are observed between species, but dif-
ferences between control and free-swimming measurements are minimal
for each species. Echoes measured at the surface, under controlled condi-
tions, can therefore be applied to identify different fish species at depth.
This type of acoustic data is important for fisheries surveys. This method is
especially useful when studying deep-sea bottom fish. Many fish are found
below diving depth, and therefore can only be studied using submersible
vehicles or fishing gear. Acoustics provide an additional means for scientists
to identify bottom fish and monitor them in their natural environment.
It is important to determine the factors that affect echo signatures. As
water gets deeper, the pressure increases. The increased pressure can com-
press the air in the swim bladder as the fish dives. Using acoustics in con-
junction with video and low light cameras, scientists have found that many
fish can regulate the size and shape of their swim bladders, even under
high pressure. The goal of the research is to identify the echo signatures of
different species and make sure that these signatures do not change with
movement. This will allow new fish finders to differentiate one species from
another very accurately and quantitatively.
roughly 300 kilometers on a side. Sup-
S R pose that the shaded region is warmer
than its surroundings. Sound that trav-
els through the warm region will travel
S R slightly faster than sound that does not,
300 km
water. The IES must be calibrated with a measurement of the water col-
umn properties. Sometimes a pressure sensor is used with the IES to make
the calibration. Inverted echo-sounders are often used to monitor a specific
region of the ocean. They are often placed in groups (or arrays) to cover a
wider area. The IES block diagram is shown in Figure 3.18.
Lifting Bale
17" diameter Glass
Shpere in
Polypropylene Polypropylene
Rope Hard Hat
release block
H = hydrophones H
with the current. There will be a Doppler shift in the frequency of the
sound that reflects off the small particles and returns to the ADCP. That
Doppler shift can be used to calculate the current speed. Most ADCPs
have three or four sound sources
that work together. By using sev-
Particles in water
eral sources, the ADCP can tell
the direction of the current as
well as its speed [Figure 3.21].
The ADCP can also tell at what
depths in the water column the
current is moving by how long it direction of direction of
takes the sound to return to the current current
ADCP. The detailed working of
ADCP is explained in Chapter 9. FIGURE 3.21 ADCP operation.
Hydrophone source
B Current
Sound Hydrophone
source Current A
water depth changes. The waves are reflected and refracted because the
speed at which the waves move depends on water depth. In particular, sub-
marine canyons located near shore can have strong effects on the incoming
waves and the surf zone. Submarine canyons are narrow, steep-sided val-
leys on the sea floor that resemble river canyons on land. Acoustic Doppler
current profilers (ADCPs) and acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) both
measure the speed and direction of ocean currents by measuring how the
frequency of a sound changes as it reflect from a moving object. ADCPs
are used to measure ocean currents and how they vary with depth over dis-
tances extending up to several hundred meters away from the instrument.
Hydrophones Sound
Seismic reflection [Figure 3.24] gives more information about the lay-
ers. Sound pulses that enter the seafloor are both reflected and refracted
(or bent) as they pass into different layers. The refracted sound pulse fol-
lows a complex path. With seismic refraction, the density of the layers can
be determined. Seismic reflection and refraction can also be done with
an instrument on the seafloor called an ocean bottom seismometer (OBS).
This instrument is placed on the seafloor and uses sound from artificial and
natural sources. A seismic survey may make use of both ship board meas-
urements and measurements from an array of ocean bottom seismometers.
Scientists use the seismic reflection and refraction data for many stud-
ies, including reconstructing past sea-level changes, predicting the location
of future undersea earthquakes, and understanding how oceanic crust is
formed at mid-ocean ridges. As sea level rises, the water depth increases,
submerging land where new ocean sediments are deposited. However, if
sea level falls, sediments on the seafloor are exposed and may be eroded
away. By using sound to map the layers and sampling sediments to date
the layers, the history of sea-level change can be estimated. The world’s
largest earthquakes occur tens of kilometers below the seafloor where two
tectonic plates come together at subduction zones. When the two plates
move relatively smoothly past each other, all is well. However, if the two
plates become locked, stress is built up that is eventually released during
an earthquake [Figure 3.25]. The massive earthquake along the Sumatra
subduction zone caused the December 26, 2004, tsunami that killed over
185,000 people, with thousands more still missing. Sound can show which
regions are locked and suggest the amount of plate movement that has
occurred in the past, providing insight into the potential for earthquake and
tsunami damage in the future.
his chapter discusses about underwater wireless communication.
The acoustic waves and acoustic communication, optical waves and
optical communication, underwater acoustic communication, wire-
less underwater optical communications, underwater mobile communica-
tion, types of modulation, Internet, and GPS are also discussed.
2. Optical wave: Optical waves also offer high data rate transmission.
Nevertheless, the signal is rapidly absorbed in water and suffers from
the scattering effect. This will affect the data transmission accuracy.
3. Acoustic wave: Acoustic wave is the most preferred signal by many
applications, owing to its low absorption characteristic for underwater
communication. Even though the data transmission is slower compared
to other carrier signals, the low absorption enables the carrier to travel
at longer range.
4.1.1 Environment/Propagation Medium
In comparison to communication in terrestrial applications, for underwa-
ter wave propagation, the challenges are quite different. Water itself becomes
the main source for signal interference. The type of water (freshwater/sea
water), depth pressure, dissolved impurities, water composition, and tem-
perature affect sound propagation. Common terrestrial phenomena like scat-
tering, reflection, and refraction also occur in underwater communication.
and in estuaries, where the salinity varies greatly, salinity can have a more
significant effect on the speed of sound in water. As depth increases, the
pressure of water has the largest effect on the speed of sound. Under most
conditions, the speed of sound in water is simple to understand. Sound will
travel faster in warmer water and slower in colder water. Approximately, the
sound speed increases 4.0 m/s for water temperature. As the depth of water
(therefore also the pressure) increases 1 km, the sound speed increases
roughly 17 m/s. It is noteworthy that the above assessments are only for
rough quantitative or qualitative discussions, and the variations in sound
speed for a given property are not linear in general.
Absorption: During propagation, wave energy may be converted to other
forms and absorbed by the medium. The absorptive energy loss is directly
controlled by the material imperfection for the type of physical wave propa-
gating through it. For acoustic waves, this material imperfection is inelastic-
ity, which converts the wave energy into heat.
Surface reflection
Direct path
source Ambiant
Bottom reflection
Oil facility
vehicle Diver
Unmanned submarine
sensor sensor sensor
Transmitter Receiver
FIGURE 4.4 The process of sending and receiving for the underwater blue-green
laser sensor network.
laser modem
FIGURE 4.5 Internal architecture of a node in the underwater blue-green laser sensor network.
Application layer
3D Topology
Transport layer
Network layer
Physical layer
FIGURE 4.6 The architecture of protocol stack for the underwater laser
sensor network.
Gain control
Laser driver
Water cell
FIGURE 4.8 Multi-user reception system using three nodes: A, B, and C; A and C are transmitting nodes
while B is receiving node.
5. Smart receiver: Like smart transmitter, the goal of the smart receiver is
to develop a quasi-omni-directional system to reduce the pointing and
tracking requirements generally associated with free-space optical sys-
tems. Further, to potentially reduce pointing and tracking requirements,
this design also potentially allows one to estimate and evaluate angle of
arrival. This can be used in combination with a CDMA-type multiple
access system. Thus, the signals from distinct platforms can be differenti-
ated from their coded signals and have a demonstration of their location.
This increases the number of applications and includes applications such
as localization, navigation assistance, and mesh networking. Using multi-
input multi-output (MIMO) techniques, this optical approach possibly
also imparts angle and spatial diversity for enhancing the representation
of point-to-point links. The smart receiver has increased field of view and
angle of arrival estimation.
There are many design considerations that must be kept in mind due to
their significance to underwater free-space optical communication. First,
unlike optical front-end arrays in terrestrial free-space optics and indoor
optical wireless that use photodiode arrays with no lenses, the smart receiv-
ers that are used in the underwater communication need to be mounted
with an array of lenses. This is done to estimate the angle of arrival of signals
focused on the receiver. Free space optical communication underwater has
always required an improved FOV and this is one of the primary issues to
work upon. A significant improvement in the FOV can be made by using
quasi-omni-directional lenses at the receiver side.
A smart transmitter can evaluate water quality by utilizing its back-
scattered return light and a colocated receiver to estimate the attenuation
coefficient (channel state) of the channel at the transmitter. This expertise
has the benefit of knowing the water quality without counting on a back-
channel for back-telemetry or even a different instrumentation sensor.
Knowing this information allows the transmitter to, for example, adaptively
change its transmitting power, data rate, code rate, or other parameters.
The question for this expertise is that the return beam from backscatter,
depending on the attenuation coefficient of the channel, can be as low as
roughly six orders of magnitude below the output power of the transmit-
ter. To some degree, this can be elucidated by a few methods, including
sending a higher power training sequence to enlarge the amount of back-
scattered light used for estimation and evaluation, the receiver associating
the captured light with the genuine information being transmitted, or even
temporarily increasing the receiver gain. Expertise such as the use of a lock-
in amplifier can be used and is aided by the fact that the transmitter and the
backscatter-receiver are colocated.
The success has been limited due to the rapidly varying conditions and the
difficulty to adapt in time.
In FSK modulation, information bits are used to select the carrier
frequencies of the transmitted signal. The receiver compares the meas-
ured power at different frequencies to infer what has been sent. Using
only the energy detector at the receiver, this scheme bypasses the need
for channel estimation and is thus robust to channel variations. However,
guard bands are needed to avoid the interference caused by frequency-
spreading, and a guard interval is inserted between successive symbol
transmissions for channel clearing to avoid the interference caused by
time-spreading. As a result, the data rate of FSK is very low. Frequency
hopped (FH) FSK improves the data rate as it does not need to wait the
channel clearing corresponding to the previous symbol transmission on
a different frequency. However, due to the bandwidth expansion via fre-
quency hopping, the overall bandwidth efficiency remains low, typically
much below 0.5 bits/sec/Hz.
FIGURE 4.9 SeaNet is a new communications system developed in 1995 to extend the Internet to ships at sea.
FIGURE 4.12. a. GPS satellite orbits and b. GPS contacts with receivers.
1. Wi-Fi: One thing that every boat can benefit from for starters is
improved Wi-Fi access. Even laptops with built-in wireless could
add an external Wi-Fi antenna or access point. The biggest impedi-
ment to getting a good signal for Wi-Fi on board is the clutter of
equipment and metal structure between the computer and the
land-based Wi-Fi antenna. For occasional access with little con-
cern about performance, simple USB wireless network adapters are
available. They can be suction-cupped to a port for use and stowed
when not needed. While very convenient, they will be limited by
similar line-of-sight issues to the computer itself. Still, they offer
a significant improvement over the computer’s built-in antenna.
For more reliable Wi-Fi access while in marinas or hot spot areas,
consider an Ethernet-based wireless access point with an external
2. Smartphones: One can even use a smartphone as a Wi-Fi hot spot on the
boat. Then a laptop will have instant access to the Web and all of its fea-
tures. Smartphones are very energy efficient and will use little additional
power on board.
3. E-mail offshore: Wi-Fi and smartphones may be good solutions
for some coastal or other near-land voyaging, but what about off-
shore and remote locations? For any sort of access more than a
few miles from home shores, you need to look at satellite or long-
range radio solutions. One of the most common forms of offshore
communications is e-mail via single-sideband (SSB) radio using a
global service like SailMail or Winlink. Any of these services as-
sumes as a prerequisite a good quality SSB radio [Figure 4.13]
and installation. It also requires purchasing a custom radio
FIGURE 4.13 SSB radio is a good choice for sending e-mail offshore.
The Iridium Pilot unit is a high-end solution for Internet access for
large yachts and commercial vessels. An alternative is a single Iridium sat-
phone with an external antenna as in Figure 4.14.
Inmarsat—geosynchronous (“geostationary”) orbits (GEO)—
Inmarsat satellites orbit the Earth directly over the equator at an alti-
tude of about 22,236 miles. The period of their orbits exactly matches
the rotational period of the Earth and so they appear to be stationary
over one spot on the Earth at all times. GEO satellites always have a
consistent view of the Earth below, and with control of onboard anten-
nas they can increase capacity in some areas while reducing it in others.
Most voyagers would never reach the polar limits of Inmarsat’s coverage.
Because GEO satellites are so far away, the antennas here on Earth need
to be high-gain and highly directional. For this reason, dishes are the
most common form of antenna and for use on boats these dishes need to
be actively steered to always point at the selected satellite. As a result,
the antennas tend to be larger, heavier, and more power hungry than
most 40-foot boats care to carry.
Iridium—low earth orbit (LEO)—Iridium satellites orbit the Earth
at an altitude of only 485 miles, and so lower power and omni-directional
antennas can be used on board. Also, any given satellite will only be in view
for a short period from a fixed point on the Earth’s surface. Therefore, the
Iridium space-borne fleet consists of 66 satellites in six different planes
of orbit—in this way one or more satellites should be visible anywhere on
Earth at any given time. (In the original concept, there would have been
seven orbital planes with 11 satellites each. The name Iridium reflects the
77-component concept—the atomic number of iridium is 77. Later it was
determined that six orbital planes were sufficient. The name was never
changed to Dysprosium.) The Iridium network offers true global coverage
because of its ability to relay data from satellite to satellite in real time.
Since a satellite 485 miles above the Pacific Ocean is not going to be able
to “see” a ground station at the same time, to establish its connection from
boat to the Internet, it needs to relay data to another satellite nearby that
can communicate with a ground station. Iridium phone calls and data con-
nections can be reliably established from anywhere on Earth, but they
tend drop out after a short period. Iridium modems operate at low speed
of 10–20 kb/sec.
is chosen for its exceptional clarity, permitting runs of more than 100 km
between repeaters to minimize the number of amplifiers and the distortion
they cause.
Pressure-tight 6
box Signal 12
3 line
Pressure-tight Box 8
4 through 20
20" end plate End portion Screw hole Connecting
Screw plate ring
7 2 10 9 21 Oil
5 Transmission Reference
Connecting Pressure-
ring circuit 5 crystal sensitive crystal
Optical Optical
fiber Signal
fiber fiber
through line
cable cabel
4.9.6 Antarctica
Antarctica is the only continent yet to be reached by a submarine
telecommunications cable. All phone, video, and e-mail traffic must be
relayed to the rest of the world via satellite, which is still quite unreliable.
Bases on the continent itself communicate with one another via radio, but
this is only a local network. To be a viable alternative, a fiber-optic cable
would have to be able to withstand temperatures of −80˚ C as well as mas-
sive strain from ice flowing up to 10 meters per year. Thus, plugging into
the larger Internet backbone with the high bandwidth afforded by fiber-
optic cable is still an infeasible economic and technical challenge in the
Antarctic. Figure 4.18 shows the submarine cable map and Figure 4.19
shows the underwater cable.
is important to note that the proposed system does not require underwater
optical communications over long distances.
Indeed, the communications link only needs to traverse the water
column above an underwater vehicle traveling at a nominal depth of 100
meters. Of course, the optical beam also needs to travel across the atmos-
pheric column to reach a low earth orbit satellite (between 160–2,000 km
above Earth’s surface). The proposed optical channel overcomes the biggest
limitations of current VLF and ELF communication systems. Indeed, this
is a two-way communication system which allows the underwater vehicle
to receive and transmit messages; the transmitter does not have the vulner-
abilities of the large ELF and VLF antenna sites; the underwater vehicle
is not required to alter its course or reduce its speed; the optical carrier
allows for higher data bandwidth; and finally, quantum encryption allows
for perfectly secure communications without the need of using a trusted
courier to distribute the cryptographic keys before the underwater vehicles
leaves the base. In all fairness, the optical channel introduces its own share
of potential disadvantages. The most important is the possibility that the
optical beam could be detected by the opponent. If the adversary manages
to locate two points in the laser beam, then the position of the underwater
vehicle will be revealed.
There are some considerations and mitigation strategies that could
overcome this problem. On one side, lasers are not highly susceptible to
passive detection and interception because they are highly directional nar-
row beams. In principle, a satellite could detect any eavesdropper on the
line of sight to the underwater vehicle and act accordingly (e.g., stop the
transmission). On the other hand, it is known that if enough light is recov-
ered, scattered signal reconstruction (SSR) techniques could reconstruct
the original signal from the light that has been scattered out of the laser
beam. This means that an optical channel, even if it is highly directional,
requires some level of encryption. QKD is a protocol which uses quantum
information to generate a pair of perfectly secure keys.
“Quantum information is different from classical information, because
in classical information the unit is the bit and it can have the value of zero or
one.” “The unit of quantum information is the qubit, which is a quantum state
of a photon. It can be on zero, one or any superposition of zero and one. It’s
more of a concept of information than the classical one.” Quantum informa-
tion has two important properties for securing communications. It cannot
be copied which means it cannot be forged, and every time a quantum state
1. What are the three different carriers used for underwater communica-
tion? Explain each.
2. Write about underwater laser communication in detail.
3. Explain underwater mobile communication.
4. Write about the different types of modulation for UAV.
5. How can you achieve Internet access on ship?
his chapter discusses wireless sensor networks, oceanographic WSN,
WSN architecture, WSN network topologies, WSN applications, and
underwater network technology. It also discusses wireless underwa-
ter acoustic sensor networks, 2-dimensional underwater sensor network
architecture, 3-dimensional underwater sensor network architecture, and
sensor network architecture with AUV.
FIGURE 5.1.A Oceanographic wireless sensor network: 1) Sensor node with links; 2) on-shore base
station; 3) ship; 4) fixed base station; 5) satellite
Then, the nodes start the observation phase by measuring the environ-
ment with specific sensors. At constant time intervals, nodes send sensor data
and positions, hop-by-hop fashion, to one of the base stations in range. Either
the base station is the endpoint (on-shore base station) and the information is
analyzed instantly, or the data are forwarded to a satellite (from ship, fixed base
station), where all endpoints are connected. Finally, over time a stream profile
can be created such that the sensor nodes are traced with their positions in the
stream. At present the following problems arise:
■■ Ecological recycling of sensor nodes
■■ High energy consumption of components
■■ Missing media access control-protocols under water
■■ Problems of deployment and fixation
■■ Missing reliable hardware-platforms
■■ Missing robust and small, accurate sensors
■■ High cost per sensor node
Terminal user 1 Terminal user 2
Network 1
node Data server
Network a
Power supply
harvesting Antenaa
Power Energy
management storage Buoy
system devices
sensors Anchor
The energy options for sensor nodes usually include batteries, capaci-
tors, heat engines, fuel cells, and energy harvesting. Sensor nodes are bat-
tery powered in most application systems. However, the use of a battery in
sensor nodes has disadvantages:
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174 • Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy
More unstable line-of-sight: The oscillation of the radio antenna can cause
a more unstable line-of-sight between transmitters and receivers.
Other problems: There are also some other problems, including the dif-
ficulty for deployment and maintenance of nodes, the need for buoy and
mooring devices, sensor coverage problems, and possible acts of vandalism.
Sensor node
Router node
Sink node
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Oceanographic Wireless Sensor Networks • 177
Mooring system: Due to tides, waves, marine currents, wind, etc., an an-
chor is required on the seabed to avoid the movement of the buoy devices.
Besides these requirements, the buoy mechanic design should meet a
number of requirements, including buoy visibility with bright yellow color
and a warning light for maritime traffic, the use of environmentally friendly
materials, the connection of several sensors, and a reasonable antenna
height for better communication propagation.
Battery life issues: As mentioned above, marine sensor nodes (sink nodes)
consume more energy than other kinds of wireless sensor nodes. Therefore,
battery life always affects system reliability.
These signals attenuate very rapidly, within a few meters (radio) or tens of
meters (optical), requiring either high-power or large antennas. Acoustic com-
munications offer longer ranges, but are constrained by three factors: limited
and distance-dependent bandwidth, time-varying multi-path propagation, and
low speed of sound. Together, these constraints result in a communication
channel of poor quality and high latency, thus combining the worst aspects of
terrestrial mobile and satellite radio channels into a communication medium
of extreme difficulty.
Among the first underwater acoustic systems was the submarine com-
munication system during the end of World War II, which used analogue
modulation in the 8–11 kHz band (single-side band amplitude modulation).
Research has since advanced, pushing digital modulation-detection tech-
niques into the forefront of modern acoustic communications. At present,
several types of acoustic modems are available commercially, typically offering
up to a few kilobits per second (kbps) over distances up to a few kilometers.
The major challenges were identified over the past decade, pointing once
again to the fundamental differences between acoustic and radio propaga-
tion. For example, acoustic signals propagate at 1,500 m/s, causing propaga-
tion delays as long as a few seconds over a few kilometers. With bit rates of
the order of 1,000 bps, propagation delays are not negligible with respect
to typical packet durations—a situation very different from that found in
radio based networks. Moreover, acoustic modems are typically limited to
half duplex operation. These constraints imply that acoustic-conscious pro-
tocol design can provide better efficiencies than direct application of proto-
cols developed for terrestrial networks (e.g., 802.11 or transmission control
protocol [TCP]). In addition, for anchored sensor networks, energy efficiency
will be as important as in terrestrial networks, since battery recharging hun-
dreds of meters below the sea surface is difficult and expensive. Finally,
underwater instruments (sensors, robots, modems, and batteries) are neither
cheap nor disposable.
Deployments: Mobility and density are two parameters that vary over dif-
ferent types of deployments of underwater sensor networks. Here, the fo-
cus is on wireless underwater networks, although there is significant work
in cabled underwater observatories, from the sound surveillance system
military networks in the 1950s to the recent Ocean Observatories Initiative.
Figure 5.5 illustrates several ways to deploy an underwater sensor network.
Underwater networks are often static: individual nodes attached to docks,
anchored buoys, or the seafloor (as in the cabled or wireless seafloor sen-
sors in Figure 5.5). Alternatively, semi-mobile underwater networks can be
suspended from buoys that are deployed by a ship and used temporarily,
but then left in place for hours or days. (The moored sensors in Figure
5.5 may be short-term deployments.) The topologies of these networks
are static for long durations, allowing engineering of the network topology
to promote connectivity. However, network connectivity still may change
owing to small-scale movement or to water dynamics (as currents, surface
waves, or other effects change). When battery powered, static deployments
may be energy constrained.
Underwater networks may also be mobile, with sensors attached to
AUVs, low-power gliders, or unpowered drifters. Mobility is useful to maxi-
mize sensor coverage with limited hardware, but it raises challenges for
localization and maintaining a connected network. Energy for communica-
tions is plentiful in AUVs, but it is a concern for gliders or drifters.
As with surface sensor networks, network density, coverage and num-
ber of nodes are interrelated parameters that characterize a deployment.
Underwater deployments to date are generally less dense, have longer range
and employ significantly fewer nodes than terrestrial sensor networks. For
example, the Seaweb deployment in 2000 involved 17 nodes spread over
a 16km2 area, with a median of five neighbours per node. Finally, as with
remote terrestrial networks, connectivity to the Internet is important and
can be difficult. Figure 5.5 shows several options, including underwater
cables, point-to-point wireless and satellite.
onshore surface
sinks sink
vehicle moored
cabled seafloor acoustically
sensors connected sensors
FIGURE 5.5 Deployments can be cabled, fixed, and moored wireless, mobile (on AUVs), and can
have different links to shore.
imply less energy per bit, shorter packets imply fewer chances of collision
on links with different, non-negligible delays. Both facts have beneficial
implications on the network performance (and lifetime), if the interference
can be managed.
These characteristics of the physical layer influence medium access
and higher layer protocol design. For example, the same network protocol
may perform differently under a different frequency allocation—moving to
a higher frequency region will cause more attenuation to the desired sig-
nal, but the interference will attenuate more as well, possibly boosting the
overall performance. Also, propagation delay and packet duration matter,
since a channel that is sensed to be free may nonetheless contain interfer-
ing packets; their length will affect the probability of collisions and the effi-
ciency of retransmission (throughput). Finally, power control, coupled with
intelligent routing, can greatly help us to limit interference.
requires synchronization among all users to make sure they access disjoint
time slots. Many schemes and protocols are based on such an underlying
time division structure, which however needs some coordination and some
guard times to compensate for inconsistencies in dealing with propagation
Another quasi-deterministic technique for signal separation is code
division multiple access (CDMA), in which signals that coexist in both time
and frequency can be separated using specifically designed codes in com-
bination with signal processing techniques. The price to pay in this case
is a bandwidth expansion, especially acute with the narrow bandwidth of
the acoustic channel (20 kHz or less for typical hardware). CDMA-based
medium access protocols with power control have been proposed for under-
water networks and have the advantages of not requiring slot synchroni-
zation and being robust to multi-path fading. While these deterministic
techniques can be used directly in multi-user systems, data communication
nodes typically use contention-based protocols that prescribe the rules by
which nodes decide when to transmit on a shared channel. In the simplest
protocol, ALOHA, nodes just transmit whenever they need to (random
access), and end-terminals recover from errors owing to overlapping signals
(called collisions) with retransmission. More advanced schemes implement
carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA), a listen-before-transmit approach,
with or without collision avoidance (CA) mechanisms, with the goal of
avoiding transmission on an already occupied channel. While CSMA/CA has
been very successful in radio networks, the latencies encountered underwa-
ter (up to several seconds) make it very inefficient underwater (even worse
than ALOHA). In fact, while ALOHA is rarely considered in radio systems
owing to its poor throughput, it is a potential candidate for underwater net-
works when combined with simple CSMA features. Two examples of pro-
tocols specifically designed for underwater networks following the CSMA/
CA approach are distance aware collision avoidance protocol (DACAP) and
tone-Lohi (T-Lohi). DACAP is based on an initial signaling exchange to
reserve the channel, thereby decreasing the probability of collision. T-Lohi
exploits CA tones, whereby nodes that want to transmit signal their inten-
tion by sending narrowband signals and proceed with data transmission if
they do not hear tones sent by other nodes, providing lightweight signaling
at the cost of greater sensitivity to the hidden-terminal problem. T-Lohi
also exploits high acoustic latency to count contenders in ways impossible
with radios, allowing very rapid convergence.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 5.6 Illustration of space-time volume: long acoustic latencies mean that packets from A and E
are successfully received at B and D in part (a), even though they are sent concurrently, while in part (b),
packets collide at B even though they are sent at different times. (a) Same transmission time, no collision;
(b) different transmission time but collision at B.
shift estimation to account for error due to node mobility or water currents.
Localization, too, has a history in wired and radio-based wireless networks,
where node-to-node ranging (based on communications time of flight) and
beacon proximity (reachability due to attenuation) are the two fundamental
methods used to locate devices. As with time synchronization, localization
protocols are often pairwise, or a beacon may broadcast to many poten-
tial receivers. Slow acoustic propagation improves localization, since each
microsecond error in timing only corresponds to a 15 mm error in location.
However, bandwidth limitations make reducing message counts even more
important than for radio networks.
Two underwater-specific localization systems with experimental valida-
tion are sufficient distance map estimation (SDME). SDME exploits post
facto localization (analogous to post facto time synchronization of reference
broadcast synchronization) to reduce message counts using an otherwise
standard scheme based on all pairs, broadcast-based, inter-station ranging.
They observe localization accuracy of about 1 meter at ranges of 139 meters.
Their localization scheme is based on acoustic ranging between vehicles
with synchronized, high precision clocks, combined with AUV location esti-
mates from inertial navigation, combined post facto with an extended Kal-
man filter. In sea trials tracking an AUV at 4,000 meter depths, their scheme
estimates position with a standard deviation of about 10–14 meters.
used for over more than 60 years for processing single sensors and sensor
array data, and today, offline pre-mission planning of AUVs has become
routine. As the field matures, in future the work involves online, adaptive
sampling using communicating AUVs.
to existing tools such as the network simulator (ns-2, ns-3). However, distri-
bution and generality of these tools is often minimal. Several recent efforts
have approached the goal of building underwater simulation tools for the
general research community, particularly striving to capture, in sufficient
detail, the key properties of acoustic propagation.
A complementary approach also under consideration is to connect a
simulator directly to acoustic modems (instead of simulating propagation
and physical layers), combining simulation and hardware to emulate a com-
plete system. Several sophisticated modeling tools (including both analyti-
cal and computational approaches, e.g., ray tracing) have been developed to
study acoustic propagation. However, in most cases, the complexity of such
models makes them unsuitable for use in the analysis of communication
systems and networks, where the time scales involved require lightweight
channel/error models and where many lower level details may have a lesser
effect on the overall performance. For this reason, there is currently a
strong interest in the development of alternative models, designed to be
used in analytical or simulation systems studies.
mission, and then recover the instruments. This approach has the following
surface sink
onshore sink
surface station
station cluster cluster
vertical link
uw–sensor horizontal
cluster multi–hop
surface sink
onshore sink
surface station
vertical link
sensor networks. The protocol that mainly takes the hop-by-hop approach
is ARQ. Due to the long propagation delay of acoustic signals, conventional
ARQ will cause very low channel utilization in underwater environments.
Thus, new approaches are desired for efficient reliable data transfer in
UWSNs. One possible direction to solve the reliable data transfer problem
in UWSNs is to investigate coding schemes, including erasure coding and
network coding, which, though introducing additional computational and
packet overhead, can avoid retransmission delay and significantly enhance
the network robustness.
his chapter deals with analog and digital images, EM spectrum,
multi-layer images, spectral response patterns, multi-spectral imag-
es, multi-spectral remote sensing, superspectral images, hyperspec-
tral images, hyperspectral remote sensing, sensor/platform systems, special
resolution, pixel size, radiometric resolution, data volume, infrared remote
sensing, black body radiation, microwave remote sensing, digital image pro-
cessing, and software for ocean color and algorithms.
an area on the Earth’s surface. A pixel has an intensity value and a location
address in the 2-dimensional image.
The intensity value represents a measured physical quantity such as
the solar radiance in a wavelength band reflected from the ground, emit-
ted infrared radiation, or backscattered radar intensity. This value is nor-
mally the average value for the whole ground area covered by the pixel.
The intensity of a pixel is digitized and recorded as a digital number. Due
to finite storage capacity, a digital number is stored with a finite number of
bits (binary digits). The number of bits determines the radiometric resolu-
tion of the image. For example, an 8-bit digital number ranges from 0 to
255 (i.e., 28–1), while a 11-bit digital number ranges from 0 to 2047. The
detected intensity value needs to be scaled and quantized to fit within this
range of value. In a radiometrically calibrated image, the actual intensity
value can be derived from the pixel digital number. The address of a pixel
is denoted by its row and column coordinates in the 2-dimensional image.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between the column-row address of
a pixel and the geographical coordinates (e.g., longitude, latitude) of the
imaged location. To be useful, the exact geographical location of each pixel
on the ground must be derivable from its row and column indices, given the
imaging geometry and the satellite orbit parameters.
UV Near – infrared
(1mm) (1m)
10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Wavelength
N ibleolet
M ar − UV
Th I
Te d R
Vi ravi
id IR
le ad
er R
vis i
io o
Flight Direction
Detector Array
Imaging Optics
Field of View
human concept of color. For example, Figure 6.6 shows idealized spec-
tral response patterns for several familiar colors in the visible portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as for white and dark grey. The
bright red reflectance pattern, for example, might be that produced by a
piece of paper printed with a red ink. Here, the ink is designed to alter
the white light that shines upon it and absorb the blue and green wave-
lengths. What is left, then, are the red wavelengths, which reflect off
the surface of the paper back to the sensing system (the eye). The high
return of red wavelengths indicates a bright red, whereas the low return
of green wavelengths in the second example suggests that it will appear
quite dark.
bright red dark green yellow
purple white dark gray
green, red, and infrared bands (as opposed to the blue, green, and red bands
of natural color images). This format became common with the advent of
color infrared photography and is familiar to many specialists in the remote
sensing field. In addition, the combination of these three bands works well in
the interpretation of the cultural landscape as well as natural and vegetated
surfaces. However, it is increasingly common to include other bands that
are more specifically targeted to the differentiation of surface materials. For
example, LANDSAT TM Band 5 is placed between two water absorption
bands and has thus proven very useful in determining soil and leaf moisture
differences. Similarly, LANDSAT TM Band 7 targets the detection of hydro-
thermal alteration zones in bare rock surfaces. By contrast, the AVHRR sys-
tem on the NOAA series satellites includes several thermal channels for the
sensing of cloud temperature characteristics.
with a complete spectrum of the imaged area. The high spectral resolution of
hyperspectral images enables better identification of land cover.
Reflectance, R / %
400 800 1200
Wavelength, λ / nm
FIGURE 6.11 Different resolution, same pixel size images: L–R: 10 meter resolution,
10 meter pixel size; 30 meter resolution, 10 meter pixel size; 80 meter resolution,
10 meter pixel size.
maintaining the same pixel size. The next two images are the blurred ver-
sions of the image with larger resolution size, but still digitized at the
same pixel size of 10 meters. Even though they have the same pixel size as
the first image, they do not have the same resolution.
The images in Figure 6.12 illustrate the effect of pixel size on the visual
appearance of an area. The first image is a SPOT image of 10 meter pixel
size derived by merging a SPOT panchromatic image with a SPOT multi-
spectral image. The subsequent images show the effects of digitizing the
same area with larger pixel sizes.
FIGURE 6.12 Effect of pixel size in the images; L–R: pixel size = 10 meters, image
width, height = 160 pixels; pixel size = 20 meters, image width, height = 80 pixels; pixel
size = 80 meters, image width, height = 20 pixels.
SPOT: SPOT satellites carry two high resolution visible (HRV) pushbroom
sensors which operate in multi-spectral or panchromatic mode. The multi-
spectral images have 20-meter spatial resolution while the panchromatic im-
ages have 10-meter resolution. All SPOT images cover a swath 60 kilometers
wide. The SPOT sensor may be pointed to image along adjacent paths. This
allows the instrument to acquire repeat imagery of any area 12 times during
its 26-day orbital period. The pointing capability makes SPOT the only satel-
lite system which can acquire useful stereo satellite imagery.
IRS: The Indian Space Research Organization currently has five satel-
lites in the IRS system. IRS-1D satellites that together provide continuing
global coverage with the following sensors:
■■ IRS-Pan: 5.8 meter panchromatic
■■ IRS-LISS38: 23.5 meter multi-spectral in the following bands: green
(0.52–0.59), red (0.62–0.68), near-infrared (0.77–0.86), shortwave infra-
red (1.55–1.7)
■■ IRS-WiFS9: 180 meter multi-spectral in the following bands: red
(0.62–0.68), near-infrared (0.77–0.86)
Thermal Radiation
Thermal Emission
c1 / λ5 300 K
1.E+32 Eλ =
exp(c2 / λT) − 1 500 K
750 K
1.E+31 1000 K
Emittance (Arb. Unit)
1200 K
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Wavelength (micron)
FIGURE 6.15 Thermal emission from a surface at various temperatures, modeled by Planck’s equation
for an ideal blackbody.
February 1, 2016
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly (SSTA)
February 1, 2016
degrees F
the surface can be measured from the time delay of the return signals.
A wind scatterometer can be used to measure wind speed and direction
over the ocean’s surface. It sends out pulses of microwaves along several
directions and records the magnitude of the signals backscattered from
the ocean surface. The magnitude of the backscattered signal is related
to the ocean’s surface roughness, which in turns is dependent on the
sea surface wind condition, and hence wind speed and direction can be
SAR Antenna
SAR Antenna
Radar Backscattered
Pulse Radar Pulse
A radar pulse is transmitted from the antenna to the ground. The radar
pulse is scattered by the ground targets back to the antenna as in Figure
6.17. In real aperture radar imaging, the ground resolution is limited by
the size of the microwave beam sent out from the antenna. Finer details
on the ground can be resolved by using a narrower beam. The beam width
is inversely proportional to the size of the antenna, i.e., the longer the
sensor response over the whole image and geometric correction to cor-
rect for geometric distortion due to Earth’s rotation and other imaging
conditions (such as oblique viewing). The image may also be transformed
to conform to a specific map projection system. Furthermore, if accurate
geographical location of an area on the image needs to be known, ground
control points (GCPs) are used to register the image to a precise map
Remotely sensed images of the environment are typically taken at a
great distance from the Earth’s surface. As a result, there is a substantial
atmospheric path that electromagnetic energy must pass through before it
reaches the sensor. Depending upon the wavelengths involved and atmo-
spheric conditions (such as particulate matter, moisture content, and tur-
bulence), the incoming energy may be substantially modified. The sensor
itself may then modify the character of that data since it may combine
a variety of mechanical, optical, and electrical components that serve to
modify or mask the measured radiant energy. In addition, during the time
the image is being scanned, the satellite is following a path that is subject
to minor variations as the earth is moving underneath. The geometry of the
image is thus in constant flux. Finally, the signal needs to be telemetered
back to Earth, and processed to yield the final data we receive. Conse-
quently, a variety of systematic and apparently random disturbances can
combine to degrade the final quality of the image. Image restoration seeks
to remove these degradation effects. Broadly, image restoration can be
broken down into the subareas of radiometric restoration and geometric
Histogram of tm band 3
2000 1500
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
XS1 Histogram
0 50 100 150 200 250
Note that the minimum digital number for each band is not zero. Each
histogram is shifted to the right by a certain amount. This shift is due to the
atmospheric scattering component adding to the actual radiation reflected
from the ground. The shift is particularly large for the XS1 band compared
to the other two bands due to the higher contribution from Rayleigh scat-
tering for the shorter wavelength. The maximum digital number of each
band is also not 255. The sensor’s gain factor has been adjusted to antici-
pate any possibility of encountering a very bright object. Hence, most of
the pixels in the image have digital numbers well below the maximum
value of 255. The image can be enhanced by a simple linear grey-level
threshold are mapped to 255. All
other pixel values are linearly inter-
polated to lie between 0 and 255.
50 The lower and upper thresholds are
usually chosen to be values close to
0 the minimum and maximum pixel
0 50 100 150 200 250 values of the image. The grey-level
Input DN transformation table is shown in
Figure 6.24.
FIGURE 6.24 Grey-level transformation table for per-
The result of applying the lin-
forming linear grey level stretching of the three bands
ear stretch is shown in Figure 6.25.
of the image. Red line: XS3 band; Green line: XS2
band; Blue line: XS1 band.
Note that the hazy appearance has
generally been removed, except for some parts near the top of the image.
The contrast between different features has been improved.
FIGURE 6.25 Multi-spectral SPOT image after enhancement by a simple linear grey-level stretching.
250 250
XS3 (Near IR Band) DN
XS2 (Red Band) DN
200 3 200
4 7
150 7 150
100 2 6 100 5
50 50 2 4
1 1
0 0 3
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
XS2 (Red Band) DN XS1 (Green Band) DN
FIGURE 6.26 Scatterplot of the mean pixel values for each land cover class.
In the scatterplot of the class means in the XS3 and XS2 bands, the data
points for the nonvegetated landcover classes generally lie on a straight line
passing through the origin. This line is called the soil line. The vegetated
landcover classes lie above the soil line due to the higher reflectance in the
near-infrared region (XS3 band) relative to the visible region. In the XS2
(visible red) versus XS1 (visible green) scatterplot, all the data points gener-
ally lie on a straight line. This plot shows that the two visible bands are very
highly correlated. The vegetated areas and clear water are generally dark
while the other nonvegetated landcover classes have varying brightness in
the visible bands.
NIR = Near Infrared and R = Red
Figure 6.27 shows NDVI calculated with TM bands 3 and 4 for the
same area shown in Figures 6.20 and 6.21.
■■ Borstad Associates Satellite Image Toolbox. Free online tools and reas-
sembled datasets to help generate and test ideas and to facilitate use of
remotely sensed imagery in support of oceanographic and limnological
research. Most of the datasets focus on the Canadian West Coast, but
a very useful “temporal profiler” is available for the entire North West
■■ ArcGIS and satellite data. Importing satellite data into ArcGIS just got
easier. There is now an ArcGIS extension that allows users to browse
THREDDS catalogs and connect directly to OPeNDAP servers to
access large amounts of scientific data and ingest the data into ArcGIS
desktop 9.3. This extension, called the environmental data connector
(EDC), uses a Java-based browser and leverages existing components
from Unidata and NOAA/PMEL libraries so that users can filter large
amounts of data in space and time. The user has a choice of import-
ing the data into ArcGIS in either raster or feature format. The time
stamped data can then be animated using a TimeSlider extension which
is built into the EDC. A stand-alone version is also available, which pro-
vides a GUI to browse THREDDS catalogs or OPeNDAP directories,
to subset the selected data in space and time, and to download the data
as a netcdf file.
■■ Software for Graphics and Data Analysis
■■ Software for the calculation of surface solar irradiance and PAR, using
SeaWiFS data, written by Robert Frouin and John McPherson.
■■ WIM (Windows Image Manager) is a general-purpose image display
and analysis program for various satellite images, including those from
ocean color sensors (http://wimsoft.com). This is commercial software,
but it is available for free evaluation. A major addition to the tools is the
WIM Automation Module (WAM), which allows automating repetitive
tasks by writing simple programs using WIM functions e.g., calculating
primary production according to the Behrenfeld Falkowski model.
■■ ACRI-ST of France has developed several tools for the commissioning
phase of the ENVISAT MERIS and GOMOS instruments. Details are
available at http://www.acri-st.fr/tools/
■■ Additional useful links for analyzing satellite data can be found on the
data processing and analysis webpage of the Marine Environmental
Protection of the Northwest Pacific Region website.
ENVI http://www.envi-sw.com/
PCI http://www.pcigeomatics.com/
ERDAS http://www.erdas.com/
IDRISI http://www.clarklabs.org/
ILWIS http://www.itc.nl/ilwis/
GRASS http://www.baylor.edu/~grass/
SPRING http://sputnik.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/home.html
PIT http://priede.bf.lu.lv/GIS/Descriptions/Remote_Sensing/An_
Landsat 7 http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/
TOPEX/Poseidon http://topex-www.jpl.nasa.gov/
IKONOS http://www.spaceimaging.com/
RADARSAT http://www.rsi.ca/
1. What is an image?
2. Give an example of an analog image.
3. Define “digital image.”
4. What is a pixel?
5. What do you mean by “intensity value”?
6. What is the address of a pixel?
7. is the strong absorber of red visible wavelength.
8. The IR region is used for monitoring animal distribution
studies and soil moisture conditions.
his chapter discusses ocean energy as renewable source of energy,
wave energy, wave energy technologies, tidal power, ocean thermal
energy conversion, ocean current energy, offshore wind energy, off-
shore wind energy technology, offshore solar energy, offshore solar energy
technology, and concentrating solar power technology.
1. Near limitless supply of energy: Energy that will not run out in the next
1,000 years and comes from a source that has existed for the last 1,000 years.
2. A constant even supply of energy: No periods of nonproduction, no
spikes in production, no movement in energy location.
3. High energy density: Energy can be collected at one location with realis-
tic commitment of technology and resources.
4. Survivability: Energy supply and collection is not disrupted by storms,
natural disaster, war, etc.
ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun’s heat,
and mechanical energy from tides and waves. Oceans cover more than 70%
of Earth’s surface, making them the world’s largest solar collectors. The sun’s
heat warms the surface water much more than the deep ocean water, and this
temperature difference creates thermal energy. Just a small portion of the
heat trapped in the ocean could power the world. Ocean thermal energy is
used for many applications, including electricity generation. There are three
types of electricity conversion systems: closed cycle, open cycle, and hybrid.
Closed cycle systems: These use the ocean’s warm surface water to vapor-
ize a working fluid with a low boiling point, such as ammonia. The vapor
expands and turns a turbine. The turbine then activates a generator to pro-
duce electricity, as shown in Figure 7.1.
■■ Pump warm surface sea water through a heat exchanger to vaporize a
low boiling point fluid (such as ammonia) that then turns a generator
■■ Cold deep sea water pumped through a second exchanger condenses
the vapor back to liquid
3 Electricity
Warm surface
2 Evaporator
P Condenses
fluid 4
Pump P
5 Pump
Cold seawater
FIGURE 7.1 Closed cycle OTEC.
Open cycle systems: Open cycle systems boil the sea water by operat-
ing at low pressures. This produces steam that passes through a turbine/
■■ Boil warm surface sea water to create steam that turns a low-pressure
■■ Steam is turned back to liquid by exposure to cold temperatures from
deep-ocean water
Hybrid systems: Hybrid systems combine both closed cycle and open
cycle systems.
■■ Combine elements of open and closed cycle OTEC systems
■■ Warm sea water is flash-evaporated into steam (open cycle)
■■ Steam vaporizes a low-boiling-point fluid (closed cycle) that turns a
sea bed in relatively shallow water. A converter on the sea bed may be com-
pletely submerged, it may extend above the sea surface, or it may be a con-
verter system placed on an offshore platform. Apart from wave-powered
navigation buoys, however, most of the prototypes have been placed at
or near the shore. The visual impact of a wave energy conversion facility
depends on the type of device as well as its distance from shore. In general,
a floating buoy system or an offshore platform placed many kilometers from
land is not likely to have much visual impact (nor will a submerged system).
Onshore facilities and offshore platforms in shallow water could, however,
change the visual landscape from one of natural scenery to industry. Many
research and development goals remain to be accomplished, including cost
reduction, efficiency and reliability improvements, identification of suitable
sites, interconnection with the utility grid, and better understanding of the
impacts of the technology on marine life and the shoreline. Also essential is
a demonstration of the ability of the equipment to survive the salinity and
pressure environments of the ocean as well as weather effects over the life
of the facility.
Some of the issues that may be associated with permitting an ocean
wave energy conversion facility include:
Ocean waves are caused by the wind as it blows across the water. Waves
are a powerful source of energy. The problem is that it is not easy to har-
ness this energy and convert it into electricity in large amounts. Thus, wave
power stations are rare. Waves passing across the top of the unit make a
piston move, which pumps sea water to drive generators on land. They are
also involved with wind power and biofuel. Renewable energy resources
are ones that won’t run out. Wave power is renewable. Wave energy is gen-
erated by converting the energy of ocean waves (swells) into other forms
■■ The energy is free—no fuel needed, no waste produced
■■ Inexpensive to operate and maintain
■■ Can produce a great deal of energy
■■ Depends on the waves—sometimes you’ll get loads of energy, some-
times almost nothing
■■ Needs a suitable site, where waves are consistently strong
■■ Some designs are noisy, but then again, so are waves, so any noise is
unlikely to be a problem
■■ Must be able to withstand very rough weather
above. The wave action causes the captured water column to move up
and down like a piston, forcing the air though an opening connected to
a turbine to generate power. These devices generally have power rat-
ings of 500 kW to 2 MW, depending on the wave climate and the device
Tidal Turbine
Sea Level
45°E 90°E 135°E 180° 135°W 90°W 45°W 0°
FIGURE 7.11 Ocean current surface.
Land based
Shallow water
<30 meters Transitional water
30 to 60 meters
Deep water
>60 meters
Proven Technology Demonstration
FIGURE 7.12 Progression of expected wind turbine evolution to deeper water.
Gear box
direction Controller
Yaw drive
Wind vane
Blades Tower
waves or ice flows, pressurizing nacelles to keep corrosive sea spray from
critical electrical components, and adding brightly colored access platforms
for navigation safety and maintenance access. Offshore turbines are typi-
cally equipped with extensive corrosion protection, internal climate control
systems, high-grade exterior paint, and built-in service cranes. To minimize
the expense of everyday servicing, offshore turbines may have automatic
greasing systems to lubricate bearings and blades as well as heating and
cooling systems to maintain gear oil temperature within a specified range.
Lightning protection systems help minimize the risk of damage from
lightning strikes that occur frequently in some offshore locations. There are
also navigation and aviation warning lights. Turbines and towers are typi-
cally painted light grey or off-white to help them blend into the sky, reducing
visual impacts from the shore. The lower section of the support towers may be
painted bright colors to increase navigational safety for passing vessels. To take
advantage of the steadier winds, offshore turbines are also bigger than onshore
turbines and have an increased generation capacity. Offshore turbines gener-
ally have nameplate capacities between 2 MW and 5 MW, with tower heights
greater than 200 ft and rotor diameters of 250–430 ft. The maximum height
of the structure, at the very tips of the blades, can easily approach 500 ft, and
turbines even larger than 5 MW are being designed. While the tower, turbine,
and blades of offshore turbines are generally similar to onshore turbines, the
substructure and foundation systems differ considerably.
Monopiles with diameters of up to 20 ft are typically used in water
depths ranging from 15–100 ft. The piles are driven into the seabed at
depths of 80–100 ft below the mud
line, ensuring the structure is sta-
ble. A transition piece protrudes
above the waterline, which provides
a level flange to fasten the tower. In
even shallower environments with
firm seabed substrates, gravity-
based systems can be used, which
avoids the need to use a large pile
driving hammer. Tripods and jack-
ets foundations have been deployed
in areas where the water depth
starts to exceed the practical limit
FIGURE 7.14 Offshore wind facility.
for monopiles.
suitable as support structures for offshore wind turbines; the more popu-
lar types are:
Winch controlling
mooring device
(only one shown for
Wind turbine
Wind turbine
tower Wind turbine
power output
Spar floating structure: The spar is just a large floating round hull that can
be fabricated from steel or concrete. It has several sections built inside the
hull which serve as ballast and oil storage tanks, being tethered to the sea-
bed with conventional chains and winches. Spars can also operate in water
depths of 6,000 ft. The Petronius Spar hydrocarbons production platform,
weighing 45,000 tons, is currently operating at a depth of 1,750 ft in the
Gulf of Mexico.
Offshore semi-submersible wind turbines in production: Hywind
Statoil was the first company to produce electricity from a wind tur-
bine mounted on a floating structure. In this case the structure was a
steel fabricated spar type which was fabricated and towed in the hori-
zontal position to an inshore assembly fiord. Here it was ballasted with
sea water and brought to the vertical position, and further permanently
ballasted with concrete. The tower was fitted onto the top of the spar,
followed by the nacelle and rotor, and then the structure was towed to
the offshore location where it was further ballasted and moored to the
seabed. The wind turbine has a capacity of 2.6 MW, and there are plans
to add more floating turbines, eventually constructing an offshore float-
ing wind farm.
the focal point of the dish. To capture the maximum amount of solar energy,
the dish assembly tracks the sun across the sky. The receiver is integrated
into a high efficiency “external” combustion engine. The engine has thin
tubes containing hydrogen or helium gas that run along the outside of the
engine’s four piston cylinders and open into the cylinders. As concentrated
sunlight falls on the receiver, it heats the gas in the tubes to very high tem-
peratures, which causes hot gas to expand inside the cylinders. The expand-
ing gas drives the pistons. The pistons turn a crankshaft, which drives an
electric generator. The receiver, engine, and generator comprise a single,
integrated assembly mounted at the focus of the mirrored dish.
Receiver and
his chapter discusses the role of electronics in the marine generator
set, marine instruments, wireless control stations, navigation equip-
ment, autopilot system, satellite phones, firefighting equipment,
bubbler gauges, navigation instruments, AIS operation, electrical propul-
sion, and gas indicators.
1. air cleaner,
2. air inlet temperature sensor,
3. exhaust gas temperature sensor,
4. turbocharger,
5. air-to-air after-cooler,
6. engine,
7. coolant temperature sensor,
8. primary speed/timing sensor,
9. fuel injectors,
10. return fuel cooler,
11. seawater pressure sensor,
12. return fuel pressure relief valve,
13. secondary speed/timing sensor,
14. high pressure fuel pump/transfer pump/fuel temperature sensor,
15. fuel rail pressure sensor,
16. prefilter oil pressure sensor,
17. postfilter oil pressure sensor,
18. coolant pressure sensor,
19. oil temperature sensor,
20. fuel leakage detection sensor,
21. ECM,
22. electric fuel lift pump,
23. postprimary fuel filter pressure sensor,
24. preprimary fuel filter pressure sensor,
25. primary fuel filter,
26. intake manifold pressure sensor,
Throttle (Required action)
input signal
(Desired engine RPM)
The flash file inside the ECM establishes certain limits on the
amount of fuel that can be injected. The fuel limit is a limit that is
based on the intake manifold pressure and is used to control the air/fuel
ratio for control of emissions. When the ECM senses a higher intake
manifold pressure, the ECM increases the fuel limit. A higher intake
manifold pressure indicates that there is more air in the cylinder. When
the ECM increases the fuel limit, the ECM allows more fuel into the
cylinder. The rated fuel limit is a limit based on the power rating of the
engine and on the engine rpm. The rated fuel limit is like the rack stops
and the torque spring on a mechanically governed engine. It provides
the power curves and torque curves for a specific engine family and a
specific engine rating. All these limits are determined at the factory
and cannot be changed.
ECM lifetime totals: The ECM maintains total data of the engine for
the parameters such as: total operating hours, engine lifetime hours,
total idle time, total idle fuel, total fuel, total max fuel, and engine starts.
TC of cylinder reference
Engine ring
TC reference Signal to spill
valve saleniod
Timing Spill valve
ring travel
Engine Injection
speed/Timing pressure curve
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Marine Electronics • 283
The total operating hours are the operating hours of the engine. The
operating hours do not include the time when the ECM is powered but
the engine is not running. Engine lifetime hours is the number of hours
when electrical power has been applied to the engine. These hours will
include the time when the ECM is powered but the engine is not run-
ning. Total idle time and total idle fuel can include operating time when
the engine is not operating under a load. Fuel information can be dis-
played in liters. Total fuel is the total amount of fuel that is consumed
by the engine during operation. Total max fuel is the maximum amount
of fuel that could have been consumed by the engine during operation.
Engine starts is the total number of times the engine has been started.
Figure 8.4 is a visual representation of typical electronic engine system
components, which vary by engine. The ECM governs the engine speed
by controlling the amount of fuel that is delivered by the injectors. The
desired engine speed is determined by input from the throttle switch.
Actual engine speed is measured by the engine speed/timing sensors.
The ECM changes the amount of fuel that is injected until the actual
engine speed matches the desired engine speed as in Figure 8.3. Bottom
of Form
Monitoring Systems
vision display
power display
Marine analog
power display
Electronic controlled
EUI-Timing Engine
HEUI-Timing monitoring system
• Pressure
• Duration
Speed/Timing sensor connector
Service tool
Timing calibration sensor connector
To lubrication
system Engine oil Engine oil
temperature pressure
sensor sensor
start oil
reserver High pressure oil manifold
Fuel Temperature Injection actuation
pressure sensor pressure sensor
oil pump
High pressure oil manifold
oil fiter Injection
actuation ECM
Engine oil control valve
transfer pump Secondary Hydraulic electronic
fuel filter unit injectors (HEUI) Pressure
oil pump Primary regulating
fuel filter valve
water separator
Oil Fuel
sump tank
to operate it. The operator’s finger need only come into close proximity
to the screen surface to activate the required function. The user can inte-
grate data from many sources and display it all on one screen. For example,
instrumentation read-outs, such as wind data and vessel speed, navigation
information including electronic charts, GPS, radar, plus video input from
different cameras around the vessel, access to onboard computers, Inter-
net browsing, and DVD output can all be integrated into a single display.
From a navigation point of view, some exciting developments have been
made possible with the integration of large volumes of data and the use of
multi-input, large-format LCD screens. It is now common for these screens
to overlay data from several sources onto the one image to provide a more
complete picture. Some of these include:
■■ Radar imagery superimposed onto the electronic chart.
■■ The integration of electronic charts with GPS, as well as data from in-
struments such as wind, depth sounder and the ship’s log (vessel speed).
■■ Photographic images of land topography and buildings, etc., superim-
posed onto the electronic chart to give a better representation of what
the captain is seeing immediately in front of him. This is particularly
useful in conditions of limited visibility or when entering a port for the
first time. The system can even pan around as well as look well ahead to
tell the captain what is coming.
■■ Topographical images of the sea floor immediately in front of the vessel,
again with the ability to pan around and look well ahead. This could be
particularly useful when navigating in dangerous waters, such as around
coral reefs.
the vessel whilst being able to view the same data. This feature can be very
useful when operating the vessel in confined spaces or when entering an
unfamiliar port.
and sounds an alert, also logging the GPS position on a monitor or chart
plotter. The logged position is displayed with the track back to the person
in the water. Some systems have incorporated the ability for the electronic
system to self-diagnose problems, alert the user to the problem, and pro-
vide some possible solutions. Some systems also incorporated Internet links
into their engine electronics to facilitate remote diagnosis.
Antenna Antenna
X-Band radar Monitor
S-Band radar
control unit PC
Gyro compass
NMEA 0183
Nav data
connection box 220V AC
charts, giving allowance for the ship’s draft and tidal effects. A hand lead
is provided on the ship for taking soundings manually in shallow waters.
Tropical storm
Ship island
0 1 2
N Miles
0 1 2
Masthead anemometer
Chart plotter
Log impellor
Depth thru-hull
calling (DSC) functionality built in, but the latest innovation is to incorpo-
rate automatic identification system (AIS) technology too. By connecting
an AIS-enabled VHF to the chart plotter, full AIS data can be displayed
on screen. DSC is just one of the subsystems of the global marine distress
and safety system (GMDSS), others of which include satellite communica-
tion, the maritime safety information (MSI) system, the electronic position
indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) system, and the search and rescue tran-
sponder (SART) system.
Processor (SPU)
Calculates the rudder Streering system (actuator)
posistion needed to steer [Hydraulic ram or electric motor
Reads the vessel’s
the vessel on the desired which is mechanically connected
actual heading and
heading, and controls the to the rudder]
sends it to the SPU
streering system moves the rudder in response to
accordingly control signals from the SPU
Battery Solenoid Rotary Rudder 45 deg. Gate Vector Computer Main Aux
steering rudder angle gate compass GPS control control
follower indicators compass compass head head
Reversing Linear Rate GPS
Transducer Hand held
motor rudder stabilizer receiver controller
follower chart
Magnetic plotter
Heavy compass Fixed
duty sensor controller
298 • Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy
Cable follower
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Marine Electronics • 299
the boat’s operator and the autopilot. The control head displays information
about what the autopilot is doing, and it has various controls (buttons and/
or knobs) that allow commands to be sent to the autopilot. The final part of
the picture is the steering system. For the autopilot to steer the boat, there
must be a steering system capable of moving the rudder independently
of the ship’s helm. This might be a hydraulic ram that is connected to the
rudder post or tiller quadrant, or an electric motor connected to the steer-
ing cables. But no matter what type of steering system the boat uses, elec-
tronic signals from the SPU tell the system to move the rudder, how far and
in which direction. The autopilot may also have a rudder follower unit (also
called a rudder feedback unit; RFU), a device that tells the SPU what posi-
tion the rudder is in at any given time. Advanced autopilot systems, their
functions, and their relationships to each other are shown in Figure 8.18,
showing the interconnections between the elements of the system: the sig-
nal processor unit (SPU), the main control head, a compass or other head-
ing sensor, solenoid(s), reversing motor or cable drive (which moves the
rudder), the rudder follower unit, optional auxiliary control head(s) and
remote controls, various optional accessories, external equipment, and
other navigation equipment.
The height of an LEO satellite orbiting the Eearth varies greatly. Some
satellites are polar, which means they reach both the poles of the Earth while
orbiting. Satellites that are not polar do not reach the Antarctic and the
About 1,000km
earth orbit
about 10,000km
About 40,000km
Highly elliptic orbit
providers. If a person from the ship wants to make a call to another satellite
phone, the signal is sent to the satellite and is relayed to the receiver phone
without the help of any gateway. Thus there is no intermediary in a satellite
to satellite phone. The only issue regarding the usage of a satellite phone is
that they have long antennas. The antennas should face the satellite when-
ever the call is being made. A satellite call will face interruption and delay
if the call is made from inside of a building or the sky is not unobstructed.
As satellite phones do not use any land infrastructure and provide uninter-
rupted service, the call charges are very high compared to that of a normal
cell phone. The handsets also are large and heavy.
Satellite B
Satellite C over the
over the Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
orbital direction
22,300 mile’s
(35,800 km)
Arthur C clarke’s above the equator
three satellites Satellite A
in geostationary orbit, as over the
proposed in 1845. Atlantic Ocean
magnet which flips another magnet in the fixed body. The magnet’s flipping
action makes or breaks the circuit which causes an alarm. They also have a
provision for testing the alarm manually.
Permanent magnets
(same polarity)
Stainless steel float
Process plug
Tank Indicator
Control unit
Approx max liquid level
Liquid level A
Liquid level B
Dip Tube
Liquid level C
Minimum measurable
liquid level
is dependent on the hydrostatic head of liquid present in the tank. This air
pressure is measured and calibrated to indicate the tank level continuously.
A three-way valve may also be provided to bypass the compressed air from
the restrictor, thus allowing blowing off the tube inside the tank to avoid
any deposits.
Up to 60 feet
Direction controls: The ship’s direction is set with the standard magnetic
compass, steering magnetic compass, or gyrocompass. There should be
communication between the standard magnetic compass and the steering
information about any ship at sea. A fully automatic system, AIS provides
all the information regarding a particular ship to nearby ships and also to
the coastal authorities.
Information AIS
Information AIS
Voyage Information
VTS Center
highly volatile and thus demands a containment system that can maintain
a temperature near or below its boiling point. However intact the contain-
ment system may be, a certain percentage of vapors (boil-off) accumulate,
tending to increase the tank pressure. If this increase is not relieved, it will
have a huge impact on insulation walls and membranes. To solve this prob-
lem, the boil-off is piped into the engine room. LNG carriers have a natural
advantage in using boil-off gas for propulsion.
It is widely known that steam turbines have very low thermal efficiency,
and because of this the marine world has started to prefer diesel engines.
With new technologies, it is currently possible to burn natural gas in the
Figure 8.27 shows a typical platform layout of a TFDE-electrically
propelled vessel. When the main propulsion diesel engine is replaced by
two electrical motors, so much space is saved in the engine room that the
entire bottom platform looks empty. The weight of the motor is less com-
pared to the diesel engine, and thus more cargo can be carried. Since the
main propulsion diesel engine requires more auxiliaries for its operation,
the entire plant must be huge and complex. With electrical propulsion,
the auxiliaries are just some thyristors and exciter control panels that
occupy much less space and hardly require any maintenance.
HV mimic
Engine 440V
Control engine console engine room
Room switchboard
PMS auxiliaries
propulsion electric
fixed speed
at 60 Hz
Harmonic Harmonic
Filter Filter
Each propulsion motor is connected from the bus bar through propul-
sion transformers. The motor has two stator windings for redundancy rea-
sons, as in Figure 8.30. When one stator winding fails, the motor can still
run at 50% redundancy.
6.6/3 kV
field controllers
rotary transformers
M and diodes M
0 − 145 0 − 145
rev/min rev/min
2 × 12 MW, 3kV
synchronous motors
Even though the generated voltage is 6.6 kV, the motors run on
3,000 Volts or less. This is because of the limitation in the thyristor fir-
ing circuits. The motors can even run as low as one or two revolutions,
which offer better control for maneuvering. The number of generators
connected to the bus bar depends on the load on the electrical motor. The
main propulsion electric motors can be started in many ways. The most
common two types are
Sample tube
Hand Pump
HC level Indicator
On – Off switch
his chapter deals with instruments and their measured param-
eters, oceanographic instrumentation, Argo robots, measurements
of hydrographic properties, measurement of dynamic properties,
BIOMAPER, and many others.
9.1.2 Temperature
There are several ways of measuring temperature, the simplest being a
mercury in glass or stem thermometer. A stem thermometer is commonly
used to measure sea surface temperature by placing it in a bucket of sea-
water. A protected reversing thermometer is special kind of stem thermom-
eter which measures subsurface temperature. “Protected” means that the
thermometer is isolated from water pressure. The reversing thermometer
is attached to a water sampling bottle. When the sampling bottle is closed,
the thermometer is inverted and, as a result of its construction, the mercury
“breaks” at a particular point and runs down the other end of the capillary to
record the temperature at the depth of the reversal. After the thermometer
has been reversed, it becomes almost insensitive to subsequent changes of
temperature and it is read when it is bought back on deck. After corrections
for scale errors and for the small change in reading due to any difference
between the in-situ temperature and that on the deck, the reversing ther-
mometer is accurate to about +/- 0.02 C in routine use.
9.1.3 Salinity
Salinity is a measure of the quantity of salt in a volume of sea water
in practical salinity units (psu). In very approximate terms, a salinity of
35 psu means there are 35 grams of salt in a kilogram of water. Salinity is
an important quantity to measure as salinity in conjunction with tempera-
ture and depth/pressure enables calculation of the density of the seawater
and sound speed. Salinity in combination with temperature also allows the
oceanographer to label water masses in the ocean, study their movement,
and hence infer ocean currents. Salinity is obtained by first measuring the
electrical conductivity of the seawater at a known temperature and pres-
sure. Using an internationally standard formula, the conductivity is then
converted to salinity. Salinity may be measured from a water bottle sample
on the ship using a laboratory salinometer or in situ using a conductiv-
ity sensor such as on a CTD. The salinometer measures a conductivity
ratio using a conductance cell and conductance bridge which is balanced
manually. The ratio measured is between a standard sample of sea water at
35.000 psu and the sample. Salinity is then obtained from the conductiv-
ity ratio and temperature using standard tables or formulas. CTDs com-
monly use a 4-electrode cell through which water flows as the cell is moved
through the water column. The cell measures conductivity which is then
converted to salinity.
9.1.6 Sound
Sound is measured in the sea to support many applications, most nota-
bly naval sonar operations, geophysical studies, and studying sounds emit-
ted by marine life. The basic instrument used to measure sound is the
receiver. The sensor may be attached to a probe which is lowered into the
water or on an expendable instrument such as the expendable sound veloc-
ity (XSV) probe. The XSV works on simple principle to the XBT. Sound
speed may be calculated from a well-known relation among sound speed,
temperature, salinity, and depth. In the absence of direct sound speed mea-
surements, sound speed can be estimated quite accurately provided tem-
perature, salinity, and depth are known.
9.1.7 Currents
Measurement of ocean current is fundamental to a general under-
standing of the ocean. Ocean currents transport heat and effect climate and
weather. Currents transport marine life and sediments. Currents also effect
the passage of ships and the oceanographic instruments themselves. Cur-
rent is a vector quantity having both a direction and a speed. Therefore, a
current instrument must measure both direction and speed.
There are different basic ways of measuring a current:
reflects off small particles moving with the water. The beam re-
flected to the receiver will have a change in frequency proportional
to the speed of the particles and thus the current speed. One sound
beam will give the component of current in the direction of the
beam. However, three orthogonal components are needed to get the
true current vector so the ADCP utilizes more than one beam. Four
beams are typically used to obtain a redundant velocity measure-
ment for data checking and improved instrument reliability. ADCPs
measure water speed at multiple water depths or range cells along the
path of the acoustic beams. This is achieved by periodically transmit-
ting short pulses (typically 1–50 milliseconds) of sound, then making
multiple measurements of the frequency of the echoes at discrete
time intervals after the initial sound pulse. A depth profile of the cur-
rent is assembled after some averaging processes. On a moving plat-
form such as a ship, the motion of the ship must be subtracted from
the ADCP relative current to get the true current. Usually the motion
of ship is determined by using GPS navigation, which offers the best
means of accurately determining the ship’s motion at frequent inter-
vals. The result of ADCP data processing
is a time series of current versus depth
Satellite profile along the track of ship. In the case
real time
transmission of moored ADCP, it is a time series at a
fixed point.
4. Drifting buoys float on the ocean surface
to follow the current. The buoy usually
Temperature includes a drogue, which is device such
sensors as a parachute or sheet to drag the buoy
with current. The drouge is attached to
the buoy below the water, as shown in
Figure 9.3. Some method is needed of
about 20 m
current tracking the buoy’s position. Position
tracking may be done using:
• Visual sighting with a bearing compass
from the surface and immediate subsurface layer of the sea floor. They usu-
ally comprise a bucket or scoop which is activated on hitting the sea floor.
Some are spring loaded; others close when they are raised off the seabed.
The disadvantages of the grabs are that they are not suitable for collecting
soft or liquid mud, as the sample is often washed out of the bucket before
it reaches the surface.
The Shipek grab consists of two concentric half cylinders that on strik-
ing the sea floor rotate through 180°. During this rotation, the bucket
scoops a sample from the seabed and then remains closed while the grab is
hauled to the surface. This type of grab is most effective on unconsolidated
sediments, but the impact of the grab on the consolidated and compacted
seabed can make it bounce and cause only a superficial grab. Corers are
used to obtain an undisturbed vertical sample of the sea floor. They com-
prise a tube- or box-shaped cutting mechanism similar to an apple corer or
pastry cutter. They are driven into the seafloor and when withdrawn retain
the undisturbed sample of the sediment layers by the means of different
methods such as vacuum suction and shutters. Corers can be drawn in the
seafloor by means of their own weight, explosives, pneumatics, or mechani-
cal vibration. Cores contain liners which allow the sample to be removed
and stored with the minimum disturbance.
Dredges are designed to drag along the sea floor collecting loose mate-
rials and sediments. They often incorporate a filter which allows smaller
sediments to pass through. Samples are obviously disturbed but do reflect
the seabed materials over a reasonable large area. Divers inspection allows
a positive identification of the shallow sea floor. Large as well as small fea-
tures can be identified.
9.1.10 Bioluminescence
Bioluminescence is the emission of light by living organisms. The
process is such that light is radiated but very little heat is emitted.
The process is an animal production and approximately 240 groups of
organisms have been identified as bioluminescent, such as dinoflagel-
lates, jellyfishes, copepods, euphausiids, squids, and some fish. Biolu-
minescence is the result of a substance such as luciferin being oxidized
in the presence of a catalytic enzyme, the luciferase. Bioluminescence is
triggered by unexplained internal actions or external actions such as sur-
face and internal waves; ship, fish, and whale movements; and upwelling.
Bioluminescence can be measured and collected visually and recorded
4 2 3
9.2.2 Moorings
Moorings are appropriate platforms wherever measurements are
required at one location over an extended period. Their design depends
on water depth and the type of instrumentation for which the mooring
is deployed, but the basic elements of an oceanographic mooring are an
anchor, a mooring line (wire or rope), and one or more buoyancy elements
which hold the mooring upright and preferably as close to vertical as pos-
sible. Subsurface moorings are used in deep water in situations where infor-
mation about the surface layer is not essential to the experiment. The main
buoyancy at the top of the mooring line is placed some 20–50 meters below
the ocean surface. This has the advantage that the mooring is not exposed to
the action of surface waves and is not at risk of being damaged by ship traffic
or stolen. Figure 9.5 shows a typical deep sea mooring. The main buoyancy
is at the top of the mooring line. To protect the mooring against fish bites,
wire is used for the upper 1,000 meters or so of the mooring line, while rope
is used below. At the bottom of a deep-sea mooring, just above the anchor, is
a remotely controllable release. It can be activated through a coded acoustic
Distance from
the surface Ratio beacon on float
ADCP 300 m
344 m Foam float
19 m wire 30" diameter
RCM 320 m 5m CTD
355 m
276 m wire
Acoustic current meter
RCM 600 m 150 m
signal from the ship when it is time to recover the mooring. Triggering the
release brings the mooring to the surface. The anchor, usually a concrete
block or a clump of disused railway wheels, is left at the ocean floor.
An experiment that includes the surface layer or the collection of mete-
orological data requires a surface mooring. The main buoyancy for such
a mooring takes the shape of a substantial buoy that floats at the surface
and can carry meteorological instrumentation as in Figure 9.6. In the deep
ocean, surface moorings are mostly taut moorings. They use only rope for
the mooring line and make it a few percent shorter than the water depth.
atmospheric sensors
50 m
200 m wire
anchor 600 kg
in very deep water. The basic instruments it carries are a CTD for tempera-
ture and salinity and an ACM (acoustic current meter) to measure currents,
but other instruments can be added, including bio- optical and chemical
sensors. As interest in global climate change grows, so does our need for long
records of ocean variability. Data collected over seasons and years are critical
for developing ocean atmosphere models and learning about air sea interac-
tions. Moored profilers were conceived as a cost-effective way to conduct
long-term ocean sampling.
The moored profiler is attached to a subsurface mooring cable that can
run from a depth of 50 meters (165 ft) down to the sea floor at 5,000 meters
(3 miles) or more. The profiler uses a battery-powered traction motor to
climb up and down the mooring. Its sensors document water and current
properties as the profiler climbs or descends. The profiler has enough bat-
tery power to travel a total of about one million meters per deployment.
(Deployments often last a year at a time.) An onboard microprocessor can
be programmed to conduct complex sampling schedules. These include
burst sampling, in which several profiles are collected in a day followed
by several days of no sampling, with the whole pattern repeated through
the deployment. Burst sampling minimizes «alias errors,» where unresolved
high frequency motions contaminate long period signals. The moored pro-
filer stores its data for the duration of its deployment. Scientists download
the data when they recover the instrument. Engineers and designers are
looking ahead to the prospect of sending data home in real time via satellite.
never comes to the sea surface, so it’s cut off from radio contact with satel-
lites. Researchers must wait until the deployment is over to see their data.
9.2.4 Satellites
The advent of satellite technology opened the possibility of measuring
property fields and dynamic quantities from space. The advantage of this
method is the nearly synoptic coverage of entire oceans and ease of access
to remote ocean regions. Satellites have therefore become an indispensable
tool for climate research. The major restriction of the method is that satel-
lites can only see the surface of the ocean and therefore give only limited
information about the ocean interior. Most satellites are named for the sen-
sors they carry. Strictly speaking, the satellite and its sensors are two sepa-
rate things; the satellite is a platform, the sensors are instruments.
As platforms, satellites fall into three groups. Most satellites fol-
low inclined orbits: their elliptical orbits are inclined against the equator.
The degree of inclination determines how far away from the equator the
satellite can see the Earth. Typical inclinations are close to 60º, so the satel-
lite covers the region from 60ºN to 60ºS. It covers this region frequently,
completing one orbit around the Earth in about 50 minutes. Some satellites
have an inclination of nearly or exactly 90º and can therefore see both poles;
they fly on polar orbits. The typical height of satellites on polar and on
inclined orbits is 800 km. The third and last group is the geostationary sat-
ellites. They orbit the Earth at the same speed the Earth rotates around its
axis and are therefore stationary with respect to the Earth. This situation
is only possible if the satellite is over the equator and orbits at a height of
35,800 km, much higher than all other satellites. Geostationary satellites
therefore cannot see the poles. The selection of a satellite as a platform logi-
cally includes the selection of a sensor and a suitable orbit. An ice sensor to
monitor the polar ice caps does not achieve much on a geostationary satel-
lite; a cloud imager for weather forecasting is not placed in a polar orbit.
9.2.5 Submersibles
Submersibles are not a frequently used platform in physical ocean-
ography. Three basic types can be distinguished, manned submersibles,
remotely controlled submersibles, and autonomous submersibles. Manned
submersibles are used in marine geology for the exploration of the sea floor
and occasionally in marine biology to study sea floor ecosystems. They are
not a tool for physical oceanography. Remotely controlled submersibles are
commonly used in the offshore oil and gas industry and for retrieving
flight recorders from aircraft that fell into the ocean. In science they find
similar uses to manned submersibles but are again not a tool for physical
oceanography. Autonomous submersibles are self-propelled vehicles that
can be programmed to follow a predetermined diving path. Such vehicles
have great potential for physical oceanography. Some major oceanographic
research institutions are developing vehicles to carry instrumentation such
as a CTD and survey an ocean area by regularly diving and surfacing along
a track from one side of an ocean region to the other and transmitting
the collected data via satellite when at the surface. It will be some time,
however, before these vehicles will come into regular use. Eventually,
autonomous submersibles will greatly reduce the need for research vessels
for ocean monitoring.
towed cable at fixed intervals. Because the distance between the sensors
is fixed and the sensors remain at the same depth during the tow, these
thermistor chains do not offer the same vertical data resolution as undulat-
ing towed systems and are only rarely used now.
Irradiance meter
15 m
salinity sensor underneath the float. To prevent them from being blown
out of the area of interest by strong winds, they are fitted with a sea anchor
at some depth, as in Figure 9.9. If they are designed to give information
on subsurface ocean properties, additional sensors are placed between
the surface float and the sea anchor. The depth range of surface drift-
ers is usually limited to less than 100 meters. Floats used for subsurface
drifters are designed to be neutrally buoyant at a selected depth. These
drifters have been used to follow ocean currents at various depths, from
a few hundred meters to below 1,000 meters depth. The first such floats
transmitted their data acoustically through the ocean to coastal receiving
stations. Sound travels well at the depth of the sound velocity minimum
(the SOFAR channel). These SOFAR floats can only be used at about
1,000 meters depth.
Modern subsurface floats remain at depth for a time, come to the
surface briefly to transmit their data to a satellite, and return to their
allocated depth. These floats can therefore be programmed for any
depth and can also obtain temperature and salinity (CTD) data dur-
ing their ascent. The most comprehensive array of such floats, known
as Argo, began in the year 2000. Argo floats measure the temperature
and salinity of the upper 2,000 meters of the ocean, as in Figure 9.10.
Crusing depth,
Drift approx 9 days 2000dp (2000m)
total cycle time 10 days
This will allow continuous monitoring of the climate state of the ocean,
with all data being relayed and made publicly available within hours after
shows the detailed cut-out diagram on a typical Argo float with the vari-
ous parts marked clearly.
Based on the operating region and profile requirement, the float
descends to the cruising depth and drifts at that level for several days. The
buoyancy is maintained at the required depth by being neutrally buoyant,
i.e., to adjust the density equal to the ambient pressure and compress-
ibility less than the seawater. Once the data is collected, the robot ascends
to the surface by pumping fluid into the external bladder, to make salinity
and temperature profiles. This completes one cycle. Floats are designed
to make 150 such cycles. All the parameters taken at various depths, such
as drift depth, vertical sampling resolution, and timing, are precisely
recorded. This data is sent to the satellite when the robot ascends to the
surface. Ships sail at sea at the mercy of the elements and hence it is very
important not only to know the immediate weather conditions but also
to study long-term climate and parameters of the oceans in detail. Argo
robots are used to study global changes in ocean parameters. This is how
we know that sea levels are rising at a rate of 3 mm/year as a result of
global warming.
The ice at the poles is also reducing, leading to extreme weather
changes. Thus, the need of Argo robots becomes more valid in order to
understand and predict changes in atmosphere and ocean parameters.
Lack of such updated environmental data will make us incapable of pre-
dicting natural calamities and disasters, leading us to become victims of
the same.
first evidence that below the top 1,000 meters, the ocean is cold even
in the tropics. They also showed that highly accurate measurements are
required to resolve the small temperature differences between differ-
ent ocean regions at those depths. The first instrument that (through
multiple sampling and averaging) achieved the required accuracy of
0.001ºC was the reversing thermometer. It consists of a mercury-filled
glass pipe with a 360º coil. The pipe is restricted to capillary width in
the coil, where it has a capillary appendix [Figure 9.12]. The instrument
is lowered to the desired depth. Mercury from a reservoir at the bot-
tom rises in proportion to the outside temperature. When the desired
depth is reached, the thermometer is turned upside down (reversed),
but the flow of mercury is now interrupted at the capillary appendix,
and only the mercury that was above the break point is collected in the
lower part of the glass pipe. This part carries a calibrated gradation that
allows the temperature to be read when the thermometer is returned to
the surface. To eliminate the effect of pressure, which compresses the
pipe and causes more mercury to rise above the break point during the
lowering of the instrument, the thermometer is enclosed in a pressure-
resistant glass housing. If such a protected reversing thermometer is used
in conjunction with an unprotected reversing thermometer (a thermom-
eter exposed to the effect of pressure), the difference between the two
temperature readings can be used to determine the pressure and thus
the depth at which the readings were taken. The reversing thermometer
is thus also an instrument to measure depth. The measurement of salinity
and oxygen, nutrients, and tracer concentrations requires the collection
of water samples from various depths. This essential task is achieved with
water bottles. When the bottle is lowered to the desired depth it is open
at both ends, so the water flows through it freely. At the depth where
the water sample is to be taken the upper end of the bottle disconnects
from the wire and the bottle is turned upside down. This closes the end
valves and traps the sample, which can then be brought to the surface.
In an oceanographic cast, several bottles are attached at intervals on a
thin wire and lowered into the sea. When the bottles have reached the
desired depth, a metal weight (messenger) is dropped down the wire to
trigger the turning mechanism of the uppermost bottle. The same mech-
anism releases a new messenger from the bottle; that messenger now
travels down the wire to release the second bottle, and so on until the
last bottle is reached.
9.3.2 CTDs
Today’s standard instrument for measuring tem-
perature, salinity, and often also oxygen content is
the CTD, which stands for conductivity, tempera-
ture, depth [Figure 9.13]. It employs the principle of
electrical measurement. A platinum thermometer
changes its electrical resistance with temperature. If
it is incorporated in an electrical oscillator, a change
in its resistance produces a change of the oscillator
frequency, which can be measured. The conductiv-
ity of seawater can be measured in a similar way as a
frequency change of a second oscillator, and a pres-
sure change produces a frequency change in a third
oscillator. The combined signal is sent up through
the single conductor cable on which the CTD is lowered. This produces a
continuous reading of temperature and conductivity as functions of depth
at a rate of up to 30 samples per second. Electrical circuits allow measure-
ments in quick succession but suffer from “instrumental drift”, which means
that their calibration changes with time. CTD systems therefore have to be
calibrated by comparing their readings regularly against more stable instru-
ments. They are therefore always used in conjunction with reversing ther-
mometers and a multi-sample device.
9.3.4 Thermosalinographs
The introduction of the CTD opened the possibility of taking con-
tinuous readings of temperature and salinity at the surface. Water from
the cooling water intake of the ship’s engines is pumped through a tank in
which a temperature and a conductivity sensor are installed. Such a system
is called a thermosalinograph. The schematic is shown in Figure 9.15.
IOM compatible
Interface box AC input
NMEA 0183
RS-232 navigation interface
Optional mounting kit P/N 50244 Date
I/O cable
Remote sensor cable A/O inputs
Plastic Ground
Stainless Out
Fresh water in
Stainless pipe nipples included
Optional Drain
remote sensor
SBE 30
Valve Water
mani fold jacket
Seawater intake Pumb (not included)
(as close to ship’s bow as possibile)
Morning line
current all the time. Such instruments are therefore fitted with a large vane,
which turns the entire instrument and with it the propeller into the current.
Propellers can be designed to have a cosine response with the angle of
incidence of the flow. Two such propellers arranged at 90º will resolve current
vectors and do not require an orienting vane. The advantage of the Savonius
rotor is that its rotation rate is independent of the direction of exposure to the
current. A Savonius rotor current meter therefore does not have to face the
current in any particular way, and its vane can rotate independently and be
quite small, just large enough to follow the current direction reliably. With the
exception of the current meter that uses two propellers with cosine response
set at 90º to each other, mechanical current meters measure current speed by
counting propeller or rotor revolutions per unit time and current direction by
determining the vane orientation at fixed intervals. In other words, these cur-
rent meters combine a time integral or mean speed over a set time interval
(the number of revolutions between recordings) with an instantaneous read-
ing of current direction (the vane orientation at the time of recording). This
gives a reliable recording of the ocean current only if the current changes
slowly in time. Such mechanical current meters are therefore not suitable for
current measurement in the oceanic surface layer, where most of the oceanic
movement is due to waves. The Savonius rotor is particularly problematic in
this regard. Suppose that the current meter is in a situation where the only
water movement is from waves. The current then alternates back and forth,
but the mean current is zero. A Savonius rotor will pick up the wave current
irrespective of its direction, and the rotation count will give the impression of
a strong mean current. The paddle wheel rotor is designed to rectify this; the
paddle wheel rotates back and forth with the wave current, so that its count
represents the true mean current [Figure 9.16]. Mechanical current meters
are robust, reliable, and comparatively low in cost. They are therefore widely
used where conditions are suitable, for example at depths out of reach of
surface waves.
Electromagnetic current meters exploit the fact that an electrical con-
ductor moving through a magnetic field induces an electrical current. Sea-
water is a very good conductor and if it is moved between two electrodes,
the induced electrical current is proportional to the ocean current velocity
between the electrodes. An electromagnetic current meter has a coil to pro-
duce a magnetic field and two sets of electrodes, set at right angles to each
other, and determines the rate at which the water passes between both sets.
By combining the two components the instrument determines speed and
direction of the ocean current.
Acoustic current meters are based on the principle that sound is a
compression wave that travels with the medium. Assume an arrange-
ment with a sound transmitter between two receivers in an ocean cur-
rent. Let receiver A be located upstream from the transmitter, and let
receiver B located downstream. If a burst of sound is generated at the
transmitter, it will arrive at receiver B earlier than at receiver A, having
been carried by the ocean current. A typical acoustic current meter will
have two orthogonal sound paths of approximately 100 mm length, with
a receiver/transmitter at each end. A high-frequency sound pulse is trans-
mitted simultaneously from each transducer and the difference in arrival
time for the sound travelling in opposite directions gives the water velocity
along the path. Electromagnetic and acoustic current meters have no mov-
ing parts and can therefore take measurements at a very high sampling rate
(up to tens of readings per second). This makes them useful not only for the
measurement of ocean currents but also for wave current and turbulence
Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) operate on the same prin-
ciple as acoustic current meters but have transmitter and receiver in one
unit and use reflections of the sound wave from drifting particles for the
measurement. Seawater always contains a multitude of small suspended
particles and other solid matter that may not be visible to the naked eye but
reflects sound. If sound is transmitted in four inclined beams at right angles
to each other, the Doppler frequency shift of the reflected sound gives
the reflecting particle velocity along the beam. With at least three beams
inclined to the vertical, the three components of flow velocity can be deter-
mined. Different arrival times indicate sound reflected at different distances
from the transducers, so an ADCP provides information on current speed
and direction not just at one point in the ocean but for a certain depth range;
in other words, an ADCP produces a current profile over depth.
Different ADCP designs serve different purposes, as shown in Figure
9.17. Deep ocean ADCPs have a vertical resolution of typically 8 meters
(they produce one current measurement for every 8 meters of depth
increase) and a typical range of up to 400 meters. ADCPs designed for
measurements in shallow water typically have a resolution of 0.5 meters
and a range of up to 30 meters. ADCPs can be placed in moorings, installed
in ships for underway measurements, or lowered with a CTD and multi-
sample device to give a current profile over a large depth range. An acoustic
Doppler current profiler, or acoustic Doppler profiler (ADCP) is used to
measure how fast water is moving across an entire water column. An ADCP
anchored to the seafloor can measure current speed not just at the bottom,
but also at equal intervals all the way up to the surface. The instrument
can also be mounted horizontally on seawalls or bridge pilings in rivers and
canals to measure the current profile from shore to shore, and to the bot-
toms of ships to take constant current measurements as the boats move. In
very deep areas, they can be lowered on a cable from the surface.
Operation: The ADCP measures water currents with sound, using a prin-
ciple of sound waves called the Doppler effect. A sound wave has a high-
er frequency, or pitch, when it moves to you than when it moves away.
You hear the Doppler effect in action when a car speeds past with a charac-
teristic building of sound that fades when the car passes. The ADCP works
by transmitting “pings” of sound at a constant frequency into the water.
(The pings are so highly pitched that humans and even dolphins can’t hear
them.) As the sound waves travel, they ricochet off particles suspended in
the moving water, and reflect to the instrument. Due to the Doppler effect,
sound waves bounced back from a particle moving away from the profiler
have a slightly lowered frequency when they return. Particles moving to-
ward the instrument send back higher frequency waves. The difference in
frequency between the waves the profiler sends out and the waves it re-
ceives is called the Doppler shift. The instrument uses this shift to calculate
how fast the particle and the water around it are moving. Sound waves that
hit particles far from the profiler take longer to come back than waves that
strike close by. By measuring the time it takes for the waves to bounce back
and the Doppler shift, the profiler can measure current speed at many dif-
ferent depths with each series of pings.
1. In the past, measuring the current depth profile required the use of long
strings of current meters. This is no longer needed.
2. Measures small scale currents.
3. Unlike previous technology, ADCPs measure the absolute speed of the
water, not just how fast one water mass is moving in relation to another.
4. Measures a water column up to 1,000 meters long.
1. High frequency pings yield more precise data, but low frequency pings
travel farther in the water, so scientists must make a compromise be-
tween the distance that the profiler can measure and the precision of
the measurements.
2. ADCPs set to «ping» rapidly also run out of batteries rapidly.
3. If the water is very clear, as in the tropics, the pings may not hit enough
particles to produce reliable data.
4. Bubbles in turbulent water or schools of swimming marine life can
cause the instrument to miscalculate the current.
5. Users must take precautions to keep barnacles and algae from growing
on the transducers.
well gauges allow the direct reading of the water level at any time but
require a somewhat laborious installation and are impracticable away from
the shore. In offshore and remote locations, it is often easier to use a pres-
sure gauge. Such an instrument is placed on the sea floor and measures the
pressure of the water column above it, which is proportional to the height
of water above it. The data are recorded internally and not accessible until
the gauge is recovered.
Tide gauges are increasingly used to monitor possible long-term
changes in sea level linked with climate variability and climate change. The
expected rate of sea level change is only a few millimeters per year at most,
so very high accuracy is required to verify such changes. Most tide gauges
are not suitable for such a task, for a number of reasons. For example, a
long-term trend in observed sea level can also be produced by a rise or fall
of the land on which the tide gauge is built. This is known as benchmark
drift. The wire in a stilling well gauge that connects the float with the
recording unit stretches and shrinks as the air temperature rises and falls.
Such effects are insignificant when the gauge is used to verify the depth
of water for shipping purposes but not when it comes to assessing trends
voltages as the turbulent velocity varies the lift and thus the bending force
on an aerofoil as it moves through the water.
Tap water Pressure cleaning mobile
Algal classes
Chemical analyzers
(NO3, NH4, o-PO4, SiO2) Inlet
Turb. Salinity
Removal of sediment
sampler Sensors
9.4.7 Glider
The underwater glider, or glider in short, is an autonomous underwater
vehicle. It is buoyancy-driven and extremely energy efficient. The glider
is a relatively new measurement platform, originally developed as a low-
cost, long-endurance device for observing the oceans. Being a host for a
multitude of sensors, such as CTD, optical backscatter, and fluorescence
sensors, gliders can be programmed to follow set way points. Depending
on the sensor payload and battery type, glider missions may last from a
couple of weeks to a couple of months. During the mission, the glider pilot
can adjust sampling strategies, way points, etc. from behind his/her desk
using a satellite link to communicate with the glider. Concurrently, while
in operation, (a subset of the) data can be sent to a land-based server via
a satellite link, providing scientists with near real-time data. In contrast to
conventional underwater vehicles, the glider has no propeller. Instead, it
has a buoyancy engine, which allows the glider to control its buoyancy by
+/- 250 g. Consequently, the glider can attain a vertical motion up or down,
depending on its buoyancy. A pair of wings converts a part of the vertical
velocity into forward motion, so that the glider profiles the water column in
a sawtooth manner. Its low cruising speed of about 40 cm/s makes the glider
extremely efficient and it operates at about 1–2 Watts, giving the glider the
unique endurance.
9.5.2 HF Radar
Decameter wave radars, also known as high frequency (HF) radars,
make use of ground wave propagation far beyond the horizon. HF radars
provide about 1.5 km up to 200 km working range. Surface currents are hard
to measure by conventional means. The unique advantage of the HF radar
Depth (m)
Radar Radar
Enzymatic catalysed
redox reaction
Antigen mensurable: voltage
Enzyme coupled to antibody
Detection probe
molecular probe
18S rRNA Thiol
Gold electrode
Each must be calculated using precise values for several variables (about
a dozen total variables for all three fluxes). The ASIMET system provides
those variables at the necessary precision using seven sensors: 1) barometric
pressure, 2) relative humidity and air temperature, 3) sea surface tempera-
ture and salinity, 4) long-wave radiation, 5) short-wave radiation, 6) wind
speed and direction, and 7) precipitation. The seven sensors are individually
housed in weatherproof titanium canisters, so they all look fairly similar. The
canisters are about 56 cm (22 in) tall and 9 cm (3.5 in) across. Only one sen-
sor (sea surface temperature and salinity) goes in the water; the other six are
mounted atop a buoy or high on a ship’s bow mast. ASIMET deployments
carry two full systems of sensors, data handlers, satellite antennas, and bat-
teries. The duplication ensures there is a backup if one sensor goes wrong
and helps with calibrating the data as it comes in. The sensors record data
once per minute onto a central data logger. Through the course of their
deployment, they also send hourly averages back to researchers via satellites.
1. Reliability: Each deployment uses two sets of sensors that are calibrated
both before and after their year at sea. In addition to transmitting home
hourly averages, the system collects all the data for the year on flash
memory cards. These precautions mean that there are very few gaps in
the data record.
2. Mobility: The sensors are modular, making them versatile enough to
work on a variety of buoys and ships. If a sensor malfunctions, techni-
cians can replace it without having to dismantle the entire ASIMET
system. Individual sensors can be used separately on research projects
that don’t require the full ASIMET system.
BIOMAPER is a set of sensors on a long aluminum frame. A research
vessel tows the instrument through the water on a specialized tow cable
that sends power to the sensors and brings data back to the ship. People
use BIOMAPER to learn about phytoplankton and zooplankton over areas
that are too large to study with the traditional net and microscope method
[Figure 9.25]. Whereas nets can sample areas up to about 5 meters (16 ft)
on a side, BIOMAPER can record data from 500 meters (1,640 ft) or more
of the water column at a time. The instrument’s standard suites of sen-
sors were chosen for studying plankton: a five-frequency sonar system,
a video plankton recorder, and an environmental sensor system (ESS). The
ESS measures water temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll, and light
levels. BIOMAPER is about 3.8 meters (12.5 ft) long, 85 cm (2.8 ft) tall and
55 cm (1.8 ft) wide. It weighs 907 kg (1 ton) in air, or 544 kg (1,200 pounds)
in water.
BIOMAPER can be towed at speeds up to 18 km per hour (10 knots).
When in “tow-yo” mode as shown in Figure 9.26, the top speed is 11 km
per hour (6 knots) and the instrument can climb or fall at up to 10 meters
(33 feet) per minute. The sensors produce a combined 1 GB of data per
hour. BIOMAPER can operate indefinitely as long as there is power, data
storage space, and a team of scientists to watch over the instrument panels.
The standard sensor package requires 500 Watts of power, and the tow
Fiber optics sensors
Welded mounts
frame Digital
echo sounder
nose is a video plankton recorder. Sonar units mounted in the body mea-
sure particle size up and down the water column.
BIOMAPER records plankton over large areas by combining the
strengths of sonar and video imaging. The sonar data pinpoints small
objects in 1-meter increments through several hundred meters of the water
column at a time. As a check, the video plankton recorder mounted on
the nose images a few centimeters of water at a time. Its detailed images
allow scientists to identify the plankton with certainty. Meanwhile, the ESS
collects physical data about the ocean water, helping scientists understand
relationships between water conditions and ocean life. As BIOMAPER
tows through the water, five sonar units transmit sound waves upwards at
43, 120, 200, 420 and 1,000 kHz. Another five units transmit downward at
the same frequencies. The different frequencies bounce off objects of dif-
ferent sizes. By timing the echoes the instrument calculates how large and
how far away particles are. There is a lower limit to the size of particles that
sonar can detect. For studying extremely small phytoplankton, biologists
use other optical instruments fastened to bays in the aft of the instrument.
U-Bolt tube
8 × 1/2 13 × 1" ss
4 × 50 lb weight
■■ Samples both sediments and overlying water
■■ Minimal disturbance to water/sediment interface
■■ Can be used to sample metals and other inorganic material
■■ etal barrels can be used for organic geochemistry studies compro-
mised by the use of plastic
■■ Small sampling area and volume
■■ Not designed to sample living organisms
■■ More complex to operate
can cover detailed areas of the seafloor and have higher sensitivities than
surface towed magnetometers.
data. Large motions are much rarer, so instruments need to record data
less frequently, to save memory space and battery power for longer
deployments. Because of this variability, engineers have designed two
basic kinds of seismometers: short-period OBS and long-period OBS.
Short-period OBSs record high frequency motions (up to hundreds of
times per second). They can record small, short period earthquakes and
are also useful for studying the outer tens of kilometers of the seafloor.
Long-period OBSs record a much broader range of motions, with fre-
quencies of about 10 per second to once or twice a minute. They are
used for recording mid-sized earthquakes and seismic activity far from
the instrument.
Advantages: Very stable clocks make comparable the readings from many
far-flung seismometers. (Without reliable time-stamps, data from different
machines would be unusable.) Development of these clocks was a crucial
advance for seismologists studying the Earth’s interior. After recovering an
ocean-bottom seismometer, scientists can offload the instrument’s data by
plugging in a data cable. This feature saves the task of gingerly disassem-
bling the instrument’s protective casing while aboard a rolling ship. The
ability to connect a seismometer to a mooring or observatory makes the
instrument’s data instantly available. This is a huge advantage for geologists
scrambling to respond to a major earthquake.
seismic sensor
pressure gauge
Batteries & Electronics
Corrodible line
become one of world’s best tools for underwater geological surveys using
side scan sonar.
Seismic exploration: While seismic surveys are often used by the oil and
gas industries to find reserves, scientists can use the same techniques to
look for air bubbles, which can signify the presence of hydrothermal vents.
Surveys are a complex operation that requires skilled specialists to operate
the equipment.
Corers: Corers are used to collect sediment from the ocean floor and work
by pushing or grabbing sediment into containers. There are different types
of corer with both tubular and box varieties available. Sediment cores are
an expensive and unique resource of immense scientific value, analysis of
which can provide clues about climate change, conditions in past oceans,
and sedimentary processes.
Dredges: Dredges gather loose rocks sitting on the ocean floor using a
technique that has changed little in hundreds of years. They have a chain-
link bag with large metal-jawed opening that scoops the contents into the
bag. They are lowered to the seabed on a cable and dragged along the bot-
tom for some distance before being brought to the surface. A variety of
equipment can be used to get samples of rock that are not loose. If the rock
is soft like the mineral rich chimneys of a hydrothermal vent, it may be
picked up using grabbers or pincers, as found on the video guided robotic
underwater vehicle.
Wax corer or rock chipper: The wax corer is used to collect fresh volcanic
glass. This material is the gold standard for volcanic studies as it represents
the magmatic liquid rock. The rock chipper will smash into the ground and
capture shards of glass in wax containers. When the containers are returned
the wax is melted in beakers of hot water and the contents simply fall to
the bottom. For deeper rock samples, rock drills can be used to take core
samples of bedrock in a similar fashion to sediment cores.
his chapter deals with ocean optics and some interesting facts about
the ocean.
4. Bubbles
5. Non-phytoplankton organic particles (sometimes referred to as detri-
tus or tripton)
6. Inorganic particles
F=PAR[chla]a*pyto Φf
wavelength. The fundamental IOPs are the absorption coefficient and the
volume scattering function, as various scattering coefficients (e.g., total,
backward) can be determined by integration of the volume scattering func-
tion over the appropriate angles. An important characteristic of IOPs is
that they are additive. This means that, for a seawater sample containing
a mixture of constituents, the absorption and scattering coefficients of
the various constituents are independent and the total coefficient can be
determined by summation. This fact arises from the definition of IOPs with
respect to collimated light. The current methods to measure IOPs can only
approximate ideal light field and collection geometry, so corrections are
sometimes required to obtain adequate estimates of true IOPs. To explain
natural variability in total IOPs and to derive estimates of ecologically and
bio–geo-chemically relevant constituents from measured IOPs, it is useful
to identify categories of constituents, each of which makes a distinct contri-
bution to the total IOPs. Typically, categories are selected on a combination
of operational and functional criteria. For total a(λ), for example, contribu-
tions from water aw(λ), chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
aCDOM(λ), phytoplankton aph(λ) and non-algal particles (NAP) aNAP(λ):
(usually defined <0.2 μm) and relatively dilute nature (compared with wa-
ter molecules, for example), light scattering by CDOM can be neglected.
In general, ocean color remote sensing is a passive remote technique.
The sensor, mounted on a satellite, an aircraft or other remote platform,
detects the radiometric flux at several selected wavelengths in the visible
and near-infrared domains.
The signal received by the sensor is determined by different processes
in the water, as well as in the atmosphere [Figure 10.1].
Only the portion of the signal originating from the water body contains
information on the water constituents; the remaining portion of the signal,
which takes up more than 80% of the total signal, has to be assessed pre-
cisely to extract the contribution from the water body. There are two strat-
egies to derive oceanic constituents from the signal of ocean color sensor
Sea surface
Bottom CDOM
R = g(C) (10.3)
Inverting Equation 10.3, one obtains the set of parameters C from the
set of measurements R:
C = g –1(R) (10.4)
Lu = La + Lr + Lw
La(θ, φ, λ)
Lr(θ, φ, λ)
Lw(θ, φ, λ)
Lu(θ, φ, λ)
Lt(θ, φ, λ)
FIGURE 10.2 Contributions to the total upwelling radiance above the sea surface,Lu. Yellow arrows are
the sun’s unscattered beam; orange arrows are atmospheric path radiance La; red is surface-reflected
radiance Lr; green is water-leaving radiance Lw. Thick arrows represent single-scattering contributions;
thin arrows illustrate multiple scattering contributions.
Intensity (counts)
400 500 600 700 800 900
FIGURE 10.4 Spectrum.
When done with the spectrophotometer, turn off the light source and
close the software.
10.3.1 Spectrometers
Ocean Optics revolutionized the spectrometer field when it introduced
the diffraction grating based spectrometer using a charged coupled device
(CCD) for light collection. Combined with fiber optic technology, the
Ocean Optics equipment was, and continues to be, a powerful and relatively
inexpensive research tool. The spectrometers are very compact (about the
size of a deck of playing cards) and light weight. These spectrometers utilize
USB technology, making them ideal for field use (in fact, many researchers
have their spectrometers in underwater housings for work with corals in
their natural habitats).
As mentioned, these spectrometers utilize diffraction gratings to split
incoming light into its spectral components. This diffracted light falls upon
the CCD array and specialized software analyzes and reports spectral char-
acteristics. No single diffraction grating is efficient for broadband analy-
ses (200–1,100 nm). Ocean Optics offers a choice of 14 gratings for the
USB4000. Analyses of UV (down to ~220 nm) and visible radiation will
require a specific grating, while work with visible wavelengths and near
infrared will call for a different grating. At a minimum, one should decide
what part of the spectrum is of interest for analysis. Even with the proper
grating, the reported spectral quality is not 100% correct. A grating is effi-
cient over a given spectral range (Ocean Optics uses 30% efficiency as
the cutoff). This means these spectrometers generally underreport some
Fiber optics: It is not absolutely necessary to use fiber optic patch cords if
the goal is simply to measure lamp spectra—one can merely remove the
protective cover from the input aperture and point the spectrometer at the
light source. However, fiber optic cords do offer advantages in that they
can be tightly attached to the aperture, thus protecting the internal works
of the spectrometer (the thought of a drop of saltwater or debris entering
the spec housing is frightening). The fiber optic cords also offer other ad-
vantages. While it is apparent that cords are a must for connecting optional
accessories, it should be noted that the size (diameter) of the cord is also
a critical consideration. Very simply, the larger the diameter of the fiber
optic cord, the more light is transmitted. This is useful to know if high light
intensity saturates the CCD array and causes the reported intensity to be
above the maximum allowed. Use of a smaller diameter cord could attenu-
ate (weaken) the signal, thus allowing measurement. Fibers are available in
the following diameters (in µ): 8 (VIS/NIR only, range of 450–1,000 nm),
50, 100, 200, 300, (for use with UV <250 nm) 400, 600, and 1,000. Fibers
are usually 2 meters in length, and custom lengths are available.
at a later date to change the observer, the illuminant, or the color space.
It offers maximum flexibility with the same high accuracy as if the calcula-
tion had been performed that way initially.
Area: about 140 million square miles (362 million sq km), or nearly 71% of
the Earth’s surface.
■■ “Pacific” means “peaceful.” When Europeans first found it, they found it
very calm and peaceful, so they named it “Pacific.”
■■ An estuary is a place where a river flows into the sea.
■■ Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow on sea shores and estuaries.
Their roots can breathe in oxygen.
■■ Splash zones are parts of the beaches which are covered by water as the
tide come.
■■ Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning “high sea-waves.”
■■ Buoys are colored metal floats which are anchored to the sea bed, used
to warn sailors about dangers of rocks, sand banks, wreckage, etc.
■■ A knot is a measure of speed at sea. One knot equals 1.85 kilometers per
■■ Scuba diving means diving under water with the help of scuba equip-
ment for under-water breathing.
■■ Salt is produced by evaporating seawater. This is done by flooding salt
pans or salt farms with seawater and allowing evaporation by the Sun to
occur. Salt is left behind by evaporating seawater.
■■ The world’s oceans contain enough water to fill a cube with edges over
1,000 kilometers (621 miles) in length.
■■ Ocean tides are caused by the Earth rotating while the Moon and Sun’s
gravitational pull acts on ocean water.
■■ While there are hundreds of thousands of known marine life forms,
there are many that are yet to be discovered. Some scientists suggest
that there could be millions of marine life forms out there.
■■ Oceans are frequently used as a means of transport, with various compa-
nies shipping their products across oceans from one port to another.
■■ The largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean; it covers around 30% of
the Earth’s surface.
■■ The Pacific Ocean contains around 25,000 different islands, many more
than are found in Earth’s other oceans.
■■ The Pacific Ocean is surrounded by the Pacific Ring of Fire, a large
number of active volcanoes.
■■ The color blue is least absorbed by seawater; the same shade of blue is
most absorbed by microscopic plants, called phytoplankton, drifting in
■■ A new form of life, based on chemical energy rather than light energy,
resides in deep-sea hydrothermal vents along mid-ocean ridges.
■■ A swallow of seawater may contain millions of bacterial cells, hundreds
of thousands of phytoplankton, and tens of thousands of zooplankton.
■■ The blue whale, the largest animal on our planet ever (exceeding the
size of the greatest dinosaurs) still lives in the ocean.
■■ The gray whale migrates more than 10,000 miles each year, the longest
migration of any mammal.
■■ The Great Barrier Reef, measuring 1,243 miles, is the largest living
structure on Earth. It can be seen from the Moon.
■■ More than 90% of the trade between countries is carried by ships and
about half the communications between nations use underwater cables.
■■ More oil reaches the oceans each year from leaking automobiles and
other non-point sources.
■■ Fish supply the greatest percentage of the world’s protein consumed by
■■ Most of the world’s major fisheries are being fished at levels above their
maximum sustainable yield; some regions are severely overfished.
■■ The Grand Banks, the pride of New England fishing for centuries, are
closed due to overfishing.
■■ Eighty percent of all pollution in seas and oceans comes from land-
based activities.
■■ Three-quarters of the world’s mega-cities are by the sea.
■■ By 2010, 80% of people will live within 60 miles of the coast.
■■ Plastic waste kills up to 1 million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals, and
countless fish each year. Plastic remains in our ecosystem for years
harming thousands of sea creatures every day.
■■ Over the past decade, an average of 600,000 barrels of oil a year has
been accidentally spilled from ships.
■■ Tropical coral reefs border the shores of 109 countries, most of which
are among the world’s least developed. Significant reef degradation has
occurred in 93 countries.
■■ Although coral reefs comprise less than 0.5% of the ocean floor, it is es-
timated that more than 90% of marine species are directly or indirectly
dependent on them.
■■ There are about 4,000 coral reef fish species worldwide, accounting for
approximately a quarter of all marine fish species.
■■ Nearly 60% of the world’s remaining reefs are at significant risk of being
lost in the next three decades.
■■ The major causes of coral reef decline are coastal development, sedi-
mentation, destructive fishing practices, pollution, tourism, and global
■■ Less than 0.5% of marine habitats are protected, compared with 11.5%
of global land area.
■■ The High Seas—areas of the ocean beyond national jurisdiction—cover
almost 50% of the Earth’s surface. They are the least protected part of
the world.
■■ Although there are some treaties that protect ocean-going species such
as whales, as well as some fisheries agreements, there are no protected
areas in the High Seas.
■■ Studies show that protecting critical marine habitats—such as warm-and
cold-water coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves—can dramatically
increase fish size and quantity.
■■ More than 3.5 billion people depend on the ocean for their primary
source of food. In 20 years, this number could double to 7 billion.
■■ Populations of commercially attractive large fish, such as tuna, cod,
swordfish, and marlin have declined by as much as 90% in the past
■■ Each year, illegal longline fishing, which involves lines up to 80 miles
long, with thousands of baited hooks, kills over 300,000 seabirds, includ-
ing 100,000 albatrosses.
■■ As many as 100 million sharks are killed each year for their meat and
fins, which are used for shark fin soup. Hunters typically catch the
sharks, de-fin them while alive, and throw them back into the ocean,
where they either drown or bleed to death.
■■ Global by-catch—unintended destruction caused by nonselective fish-
ing gear, such as trawl nets, longlines, and gillnets—amounts to 20 mil-
lion tons a year.
■■ The annual global by-catch mortality of small whales, dolphins, and por-
poises alone is estimated to be more than 300,000 individuals.
■■ Ninety-four percent of life on Earth is aquatic. That makes us land-
dwellers a very small minority.
■■ About 70% of the planet is ocean, with an average depth of more than
12,400 feet. Given that photons (light) can’t penetrate more than 330
feet below the water’s surface, most of our planet is in a perpetual state
of darkness.
■■ Because the architecture and chemistry of coral is so like human bone,
coral has been used to replace bone grafts in helping human bone to
heal quickly and cleanly.
■■ The deep sea is the largest museum on Earth: There are more artifacts
and remnants of history in the ocean than in all the world’s museums,
■■ We have only explored less than 5% of the Earth’s oceans. In fact, we
have better maps of Mars than we do of the ocean floor.
■■ The longest mountain range in the world is under water. Called the
Mid-Oceanic Ridge, this chain of mountains runs through the middle
of the Atlantic Ocean and into the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is more
than 35,000 miles long, has peaks higher than those in the Alps and
comprises 23% of the Earth’s total surface.
■■ We didn’t send divers down to explore the Mid-Ocean Ridge until
1973—four years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on
the moon—when a French-American crew of seven entered the
9,000-foot-deep Great Rift in the French submersible Archimede.
■■ The ocean boasts an array of unusual geographic features, such as pil-
lars that reach several stories high and chimneys that send up sulphuric
acid. In the ocean-floor neighborhood of the Gulf of Mexico, brine pools
mark the floor, along with underwater volcanoes that spew mud and
methane, rather than lava.
Coastlines: The total length of the world’s coastlines is about 315,000 miles,
enough to circle the equator 12 times. As coastal zones become more and
more crowded, the quality of coastal water will suffer, wildlife will be dis-
placed, and the shorelines will erode. Sixty percent of the Pacific and 35%
of the Atlantic Coast shoreline are eroding at a rate of a meter every year.
More than half the world’s population live within 100 km or 60 miles of the
coast. This is more than 2.7 billion people. Rapid urbanization will lead to
more coastal mega-cities containing 10 million or more people. By the end
of the millennium, 13 out of 15 of the world’s largest cities will be located
on or near the coast. Growing population in coastal areas leads to more
marine pollution and distribution of coastal habitats. Some 6.5 million tons
(6,500,000,000 kilo) of litter finds its way into the sea each year.
Fisheries: The sea provides the biggest source of wild or domestic protein
in the world. Each year some 70 to 75 million tons of fish are caught in the
ocean. Of this amount, around 29 million tons is for human consumption.
Global fish production exceeds that of cattle, sheep, poultry, or eggs. Fish
can be produced in two ways: by capture and by aquaculture. Total produc-
tion has grown 34% over the last decade. The largest numbers of fish are in
the Southern Hemisphere due to the fact that these waters are not largely
exploited by man. Fifteen out of seventeen of the world’s largest fisheries
are so heavily exploited that reproduction can’t keep up, with the result that
many fish populations are decreasing rapidly. Species of fish endangered
by overfishing are: tuna, salmon, haddock, halibut, and cod. In the 19th
century, codfish weighing up to 200 pounds used to be caught. Nowadays,
a 40-pound cod is considered a giant. Reason: overfishing.
Rising sea level: The sea level has risen an average of 4–10 inches (10–25
cm) over the past 100 years and scientists expect this rate to increase. Sea
levels will continue rising even if the climate has stabilized, because the
ocean reacts slowly to changes. Ten thousand years ago the ocean level was
about 330 ft (110 meters) lower than it is now. If the entire world’s ice
melted, the oceans would rise 200 ft (66 meters).
Ice: Antarctica has as much ice as the Atlantic Ocean has water. Ten percent
of the earth’s surface is covered with ice. The Arctic Ocean is the small-
est ocean, holding only 1% of the Earth’s seawater. This is still more than
25 times as much water as all rivers and freshwater lakes. The average thick-
ness of the Arctic ice sheet is about 9–10 ft, although there are some areas
as thick as 65 ft. In the unlikely event that all the polar ice was to melt, the
sea level all over the world would rise 500–600 ft. As a result, 85–90% of
the Earth’s surface would be covered with water as compared to the current
71%. The United States would be split by the Mississippi Sea, which would
connect the Great Lakes with the Gulf of Mexico. The Arctic produces
10,000 to 50,000 icebergs annually. The amount produced in the Antarctic
regions is inestimable. Icebergs normally have a four-year lifespan; they
begin entering shipping lanes after about three years.
Carbon dioxide absorption: Oceans absorb between 30% and 50% of the
carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuel. Carbon dioxide is trans-
ported downwards by plankton. Any change in the temperature of the
ocean water, influences the ability of plankton to take up carbon dioxide.
This has consequences for the ecosystem, because plankton forms the base
of the food web.
Reefs: Over 60% of the world’s coral reefs are threatened by pollution,
sedimentation, and bleaching due to rising water temperatures caused by
Oil: Oil is one of the ocean’s greatest resources. It gives us heat for our
homes, endless consumer products, and the ability to run the engines of cars,
planes, and boats for auto transport all over the world. Nearly one-third of
the world’s oil comes from offshore fields in our oceans which, as we’ve seen,
can have devastating effects on our ocean’s ecosystems. The transport of
ocean oil from the Arabian Gulf, the North Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico
reaches all corners of the globe daily. Oil was also born from the sea. Millions
of years ago, countless marine microscopic plants (phytoplankton) and ani-
mals (zooplankton) lived in the ancient seas as they do today. As they died,
the skeletal remains of these tiny organisms settled to the sea floor, mixed
with mud and silt, and over millions of years, formed organic-rich sedimen-
tary layers. Other sediments continued to be deposited and further buried
the organic-rich sediment layer to depths of thousands of feet, compressing
the layers into a rock that would become the source for oil. Over the years,
as the depth of the burial increased, pressure increased, along with the tem-
perature. Under such conditions, and over long periods of time, the original
skeletal remains of phytoplankton and zooplankton changed, breaking down
into simpler substances called hydrocarbons—compounds of hydrogen and
carbon. This process continues, although it will be millions of years before
the next batch of oil is done cooking. Refined oil is also responsible for pol-
luting the ocean.
content. Typical ocean water has about 35 grams of salt per liter and
freezes at -19°C.
Seawater’s inorganic salt components:
Chloride Cl- 55.04%
Sodium NA+ 30.61%
Sulfate SO4-- 7.68%
Magnesium Mg++ 3.69%
Calcium Ca++ 1.16%
Potassium K+ 1.16%
Carbonic Acid HCO3- 0.41%
Bromine Br- 0.19%
Boric Acid H3Bo3 0.07%
Strontium Sr++ 0.04%
Total 99.
An estimated 50–80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean sur-
face and the oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet. Eighty-five
percent of the area and 90% of the volume constitute the dark, cold environ-
ment we call the deep sea. The average depth of the ocean is 3,795 meters.
The average height of the land is 840 meters. The oceans contain 97% of
the Earth’s water. Less than 1% is fresh water, and 2–3% is contained in
glaciers and ice caps (and is decreasing).
The speed of sound in water is 1,435m/sec—nearly five times faster than
the speed of sound in air. The highest tides in the world are at the Bay of
Fundy, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. At some times of
the year the difference between high and low tide is 16.3 meters, taller than
a three-story building. Earth’s longest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean
Ridge more than 50,000km in length, which winds around the globe from
the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic, skirting Africa, Asia, and Australia, and
crossing the Pacific to the west coast of North America. It is four times lon-
ger than the Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas combined. The pressure at the
deepest point in the ocean is more than 11,318 tons/sq meter.
The largest recorded tsunami measured 60 meters above sea level,
caused by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska in 1899 trav-
eling at hundreds of km/hr.
The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean, with its adjacent seas, is
3,332 meters; without them it is 3,926 meters. The greatest depth, 8,381
meters, is in the Puerto Rico Trench. The Pacific Ocean, the world’s larg-
est water body, occupies a third of the Earth’s surface. The Pacific contains
about 25,000 islands (more than the total number in the rest of the world’s
ocean combined), almost all of which are found south of the equator. The
Pacific covers an area of 179.7 million sq km. The Kuroshio Current, off
the shores of Japan, is the largest current. It can travel between 40–121
km/day at 1.6–4.8 km/hr, and extends some 1,006 meters deep. The Gulf
Stream is close to this current’s speed. The Gulf Stream is a well-known
For every species of marine life we know of, at least another three
are yet to be discovered: Our oceans teem with life ranging from the
blue whale—the biggest animal on Earth—to tiny microbes. But nobody
knows exactly how many different species live in this environment. There
is no data for around 20% of the ocean’s volume. The Census of M arine
Life, a 10-year international project to identify life in our oceans, found
nearly 250,000 species. But scientists believe a least a million species
of marine life could be out there, and that’s not counting the tens or
even hundreds of millions of kinds of microbes that make up the ma-
jority of marine life. What we do know is that ocean life survives in the
most extreme environments. Scientists have found life that can survive in
temperatures that melt lead, where seawater freezes into ice, or there’s
no light or oxygen. In fact, the dark ocean zone between 1,000 and
5,000 meters known as the abyssal zone has a far greater range of marine
life than we once thought.
Water takes around 1,000 years to travel all the way around the whole
globe: The oceans not only have waves, tides, and surface currents—they
also have a constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven
by temperature and salinity. Known as the global ocean conveyor belt or
thermohaline current (thermo = temperature, haline = salinity), this deep
ocean current gets one of its starts in the polar region near Norway. As sea
ice forms, the water left behind becomes saltier and denser and begins to
sink, making room for warmer and less dense incoming surface water, which
in turn eventually becomes cold and salty enough to sink. The cold dense
water flows along the ocean bottom all the way from the Northern Hemi-
sphere to the Southern Ocean, where it merges with more cold dense water
from Antarctica and is swept into the Indian and Pacific Oceans as shown in
below figure. Eventually it mixes with warmer water and rises to the surface
before finding its way back to the Atlantic. It can take 1,000 years to com-
plete this cycle.
Half of all the oxygen we breathe is produced in the ocean: Some of this
oxygen is produced by sea weeds and sea grasses, but the vast majority of
the oxygen is produced by phytoplankton, microscopic single-celled organ-
isms that have the ability to photosynthesize. These tiny creatures live in
the surface layer of the ocean (and in lakes and rivers) and form the very
base of the aquatic food chain. During photosynthesis, phytoplankton re-
moves carbon dioxide from sea water and release oxygen. The carbon be-
comes part of their bodies.
Oceans hold around 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere
Cold water can dissolve much more CO2 than warm water, so the cold
polar regions are net absorbers of CO2. But as the cold water finds its way
to warmer tropical areas, the oceans release CO2 back into the atmosphere.
The equatorial Pacific is thought to be the biggest single natural source of
CO2 in the atmosphere. Most of this carbon is exchanged with the atmo-
sphere on a timescale of several hundred years.
Prior to the industrial revolution, the uptake and release of CO2 on land
and ocean was in a dynamic equilibrium. Since then, the oceans are thought
to have absorbed about half of the carbon dioxide released from the burn-
ing of fossil fuels, with the rest remaining in the atmosphere.
1. What are the two different types of optical properties of sea water?
2. What are the wavelengths that light absorbs highly?
3. What is Raman scattering by water?
4. is an instrument capable of measuring the absorbance or
transmittance of a sample at a selected wavelength.
5. What is the software used to measure relative and absolute irradiance?
6. software is used with fluorescent pH and dissolved
oxygen probes.
any spatial resolution limitation of AWiFS. Satellite would also carry atmo-
spheric correction sensor (ACS) for quantitative interpretation and geo-
physical parameter retrieval.
Parameter Specification
1. IGFOV at nominal
360 × 250
altitude (m)
2. Swath (km) >1420
3. No. of spectral bands 8
4. Spectral range (nm) 402–885
Central wavelength Saturation radiance
5. Spectral band
(bandwidth) in nm (mw cm-2 sr-1 µm-1)
C1 414 (20) 35.5
C2 442 (20) 28.5
C3 489 (20) 22.8
C4 512 (20) 25.7
C5 557 (20) 22.4
C6 670 (20) 18.1
C7 768 (40) 9.0
C8 867 (40) 17.2
6. Quantization bits 12
7. Camera MTF
(at Nyquist frequency)
8. Data rate (Mbits s-1) 20.8
Along Track Steering +20, 0, 20
TABLE A1.2 OCM Instrument Features
concept adopted for IRS LISS payloads. The instrument has separate wide
angle optics and a linear array CCD detector for each of the eight spectral
channels. Individual and separate chains for each of the channels enables
optimization of the performance of one channel without interdependence
and hence the need to compromise the performance of other channels. The
issue of spectral response variation with large incidence angles is overcome
by the choice of telecentric design and use of a spectral selection filter
close to the linear array detector. The pushbroom approach has enabled
the use of a 12 bit digitizer to cover the instruments dynamic range. The
and a dual feed assembly to generate two pencil beams and is scanned
at a rate of 20.5 rpm to cover the entire swath. The Ku-band pencil
beam scatterometer is active microwave radar operating at 13.515 GHz
providing a ground resolution cell of 50 x 50 km. It consists of a parabol-
ic dish antenna of 1-meter diameter which is offset mounted with a cant
angle of about 46° with respect to the Earth viewing axis. This antenna is
continuously rotated at 20.5 rpm using a scan mechanism with the scan
axis along the +ve Yaw axis. By using two offset feeds at the focal plane
of the antenna, two beams are generated which will conically scan the
ground surface. The back scattered power in each beam from the ocean
surface is measured to derive wind vector. It is an improved version of
the one on Oceansat-1. The inner beam makes an incidence angle of
48.90° and the outer beam makes an incidence angle of 57.60° on the
ground. It covers a continuous swath of 1400 km for inner beam and
1840 km for outer beam respectively. The inner and outer beams are
configured in horizontal and vertical polarization respectively for both
transmit and receive modes. The aim is to provide global ocean coverage
and wind vector retrieval with a revisit time of 2 days.
■■ Radio occultation sounder for atmospheric studies (ROSA) is a
new GPS occultation receiver provided by ASI (Italian Space Agency).
The objective is to characterize the lower atmosphere and the iono-
sphere, opening the possibilities for the development of several scien-
tific activities exploiting these new radio occultation data sets.
ES 10
Coverage of applications:
■■ Sea-state forecast: waves, circulation, and ocean MLD (mixed layer
■■ Monsoon and cyclone forecast—medium and extended range
■■ Observation of Antarctic sea ice
■■ Fisheries and primary production estimation
■■ Detection and monitoring of phytoplankton blooms
■■ Study of sediment dynamics
38 60
28 20
−88 −86 −84 −82 −80 −78 −76 −74 −72
Langitude (Degrees)
FIGURE A1.3 NASA-ISRO OSCAT image shows Irene’s winds before landfall on Aug. 27, 2011.
FIGURE 11.4 OCM-2 image of phytoplankton bloom in the Arabian Sea and OCM-2LAC data.
power and subsequent local and global wind vector (velocity magnitude and
direction) retrieval over the ocean, from the normalized radar cross-section
(σo), for cell resolution grids of 25 × 25 km over a swath of 1400 km. The
aim is to provide global ocean coverage and wind vector retrieval with a
revisit time of 2 days.
The scanning configuration of OSCAT, similar in design to Seawinds
of NASA, offers the advantages like simpler onboard payload, better radar
backscatter cross section (σo) measurement and directional accuracy, con-
tinuous and wider swath with no nadir gaps, less complex signal processing
and reduced data rates, smaller and lighter onboard instrument and sim-
plified wind retrieval model compared to conventional multiple fan beam
The OSCAT onboard processing requirements are:
■■ Digital IQ demodulation and decimation
■■ Doppler shift computation for received return echo
■■ Doppler frequency compensation
■■ Reference chirp generation and de-chirping of echo returns
■■ Multiple 1 K complex FFTs of the de-chirped data
■■ Binning for estimation of signal+noise energy for every pulse
■■ Noise filtering and binning for noise-only estimation for every pulse
■■ Formatting of processed and payload and spacecraft auxiliary data
■■ Optional formatting and transmission of sensor raw data for selected
acquisitions over Indian visibility regions.
Digitized signal
(250 MHz Pre computed Fdc from payload controller
Serial data
using a DC motor with the scan axis along the +velocity yaw axis. By using
two offset feeds at the focal plane of the antenna, two beams (inner beam
and outer beam) are being generated which scan the ground surface in a
conical fashion.
The antenna consisting of two off-axis near prime focus feeds along
with a 1-meter paraboloid reflector creates inner and outer beams, which
operate in an interleaved manner with an effective PRF (pulse repetition
frequency) of 100 Hz each. The antenna, is conically scanned about the pos-
itive yaw axis at 20.5 rpm, by an appropriate scan mechanism. The received
signal is amplified and down converted to generate the IF signal. This IF
received signal from the receiver is fed to the onboard digital system for
subsequent digitization, digital I/Q demodulation, and signal processing.
The raw and processed data are fed to the spacecraft data handling unit for
ground transmission.
The two pencil beams, inner and outer, result in a constant angle of
incidence for both beams; this allows σo measurements at multiple (4 or 2)
azimuth angles for the same point on the ocean surface. Each point in the
inner swath is viewed twice at different azimuth angles by both beams. The
region between the inner and outer swath is subjected to two measurements
by only the outer beam, and the wind vector there can only be determined
with a directional ambiguity of 180º.
Due to the very low receiver bandwidth of ±800 kHz, a single chan-
nel digital I/Q demodulation scheme has been implemented instead of the
conventional analog I/Q demodulator. This approach results in compact
RF and digitizer hardware and offers better signal fidelity in handling low
bandwidth signals.
For the OSCAT instrument, real-time onboard signal processing involv-
ing range compression is mandatory considering the global mode of sensor
operation, as it reduces the effective output data rate of the sensor by a large
factor (~50). Also, the Doppler shift computation and subsequent Doppler
compensation (within ±550 kHz) will be carried out in the signal processor
itself, prior to range compression. To extract the range information, FFT (fast
Fourier transforms) are performed on the deramped signal and an average
periodogram is formed by applying magnitude-squaring operations. The DSP
(digital signal processor) hardware is based on an FPGA implementation.
7.42 Km/t
720 Km
910 Km
700 Km
Sub-satellite track
Velocity Anti-velocity
antenna antenna
LNA Board #1
LNA 1563 IF
RF RO Agga
LNA Board #2 board
LNA Board #3
RF RO board
LNA Board #4
hen you watch the news and see images of weather from around
the United States or the world, you are seeing data from NOAA’s
environmental satellites.
NOAA’s environmental satellites provide data from space to monitor
the earth to analyze coastal waters, relay life-saving emergency beacons,
and predict and track tropical storms and hurricanes.
NOAA operates three types of satellite systems for the United States –
polar-orbiting satellites, geostationary satellites, and our deep space
satellite. Polar-orbiting satellites circle the earth and provide global infor-
mation from 540 miles above the earth. Geostationary satellites constantly
monitor the Western Hemisphere from around 22,240 miles above the
earth. And our deep space satellite orbits one million miles from earth, pro-
viding space weather alerts and forecasts while also monitoring the amounts
of solar energy absorbed by Earth every day.
Satellites enable us to provide consistent, long-term observations, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. By remotely sensing from their orbits high above
the earth, they provide us much more information than would be possible
to obtain solely from the surface. Over 90 % of the data that goes into our
weather models is from satellites.
(Source : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/U.S. Dept. of Commerce http ://www.
They track fast breaking storms across “Tornado Alley” as well as tropi-
cal storms in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Using satellites, NOAA researchers can also more closely study the
ocean. Information gathered by these satellites can tell us about ocean
bathymetry, sea surface temperature, ocean color, coral reefs, and sea and
lake ice. NOAA’s satellite data improve the Nation’s resilience to climate
variability, maintain our economic vitality, and improve the security and
well-being of the public.
In addition to operating our own satellites, NOAA helps promote and
enable commercial uses of satellites and space to benefit the U.S. economy.
Satellites provide other services beyond just imaging the earth. Moni-
toring conditions in space and solar flares from the sun help us understand
how conditions in space affect the earth.
Satellites also relay position information from emergency beacons to
help save lives when people are in distress on boats, airplanes, or in remote
areas. Each year, thousands of people are rescued through SARSAT - Search
And Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking.
Scientists also use a data collection system on the satellites to relay data
from transmitters on the ground to researchers in the field – such as meas-
uring tidal heights or the migration of whales.
Monitoring the earth from space helps us understand how the earth
works and affects much of our daily lives.
sing environmental satellites to observe the Earth from space is one
of the key tools in forecasting weather, analyzing climate, and moni-
toring hazards worldwide. This 24-hour global coverage provides
us with a never-ending stream of information critical for making decisions
affecting everything from what you are going to wear today to governments
making decisions about how to deal with climate change. The National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Information
Service https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/ in collaboration with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Air Force,
manages and operates fleets of weather and environmental monitoring sat-
ellites. There are two main types of environmental satellites: geostationary
and polar-orbiting.
SOURCE : National Weather Service/NOAA http://www.weather.gov/ajk/OurOffice-Sat
Finally, POES assist in search and rescue by locating people, planes and
ships, who have activated emergency locator beacons.
In addition to basic imagery, on-board sensors detect cloud, land, and
ocean temperatures, as well as monitor activities of the sun. NOAA GOES
are also used in identifying when satellite emergency locator beacons have
been activated to help with Search and Rescue activities.
MetOp is a series of polar orbiting meteorological satellites operated
by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satel-
lites. The satellites are all part of the EUMETSAT Polar System.
Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/JASON-2: One aspect of
climate change is sea level rise, which affects much of the world’s popula-
tion that live in coastal areas. To measure the height of the ocean around
the world, NOAA participates in a joint Ocean Surface Topography Mis-
sion (OSTM) program between NOAA, NASA, France’s Centre National
d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and European Organisation for the Exploita-
tion of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). This is a joint effort by the
four organizations to measure sea surface height by using a radar altimeter
mounted on a low-earth orbiting satellite called Jason-2. Satellite altimetry
data provides sea surface heights for determining ocean circulation, climate
change and sea-level rise. These sea surface height measurements are nec-
essary for ocean modeling, forecasting El NiÑo/La NiÑa events, and hur-
ricane intensity prediction.
he surface of the ocean bulges outward and inward mimicking the to-
pography of the ocean floor. The bumps, too small to be seen, can be
measured by a radar altimeter aboard a satellite. Over the past year,
data collected by the European Space Agency ERS-1 altimeter along with
recently declassified data from the US Navy Geosat altimeter have provid-
ed detailed measurements of sea surface height over the oceans. These data
provide the first view of the ocean floor structures in many remote areas of
the Earth. For scientific applications, the Geosat and ERS-1 altimeter data
are comparable in value to the radar altimeter data recently collected by the
Magellan spacecraft during its systematic mapping of Venus.
The geologic and topographic structures of the ocean floor primarily
reflect plate tectonic activity that has occurred over the past 150 million
years of the 4.5 billion year age of the Earth. Seafloor geology is far sim-
pler than the geology of the continents because erosion rates are lower and
also because the continents have suffered multiple collisions associated the
opening and closing of ocean basins (Wilson Cycle). Despite their youth
and geologic simplicity, most of this deep seafloor has remained poorly
understood because it is masked by 3-5 km of seawater. For example, the
Pacific-Antarctic rise, which has an area about equal to South America, is
a broad rise of the ocean floor caused by sea floor spreading between two
major tectonic plates (see Poster southeast of New Zealand). To the west of
the ridge lies the Louisville seamount chain which is a chain of large under-
sea volcanoes having a length equal to the distance between New York and
Los Angeles. These features are unfamiliar because they were discovered
less than 20 years ago. The Louisville seamount chain was first detected in
1972 using depth soundings collected along random ship crossings of the
South Pacific. Six years later the full extent of this chain was revealed by a
radar altimeter aboard the Seasat (NASA) spacecraft. Recently, high den-
sity data collected by the Geosat (US Navy) and ERS-1 (European Space
Agency) spacecraft data show the Pacific-Antarctic Rise and the Louisville
Ridge in unprecedented detail. In an age when we are mapping the sur-
faces of Venus and Mars, it is difficult to believe that so little is known about
our own planet.
The reason that the ocean floor, especially the southern hemisphere
oceans, is so poorly charted is that electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate
the deep ocean (3-5 km = 2-3 mi). Instead, depths are commonly measured
by timing the two-way travel time of an acoustic pulse. However because
research vessels travel quite slowly (6m/s = 12 knots) it would take approxi-
mately 125 years to chart the ocean basins using the latest swath-mapping
tools. To date, only a small fraction of the sea floor has been charted by
Fortunately, such a major mapping program is largely unnecessary
because the ocean surface has broad bumps and dips which mimic the
topography of the ocean floor. These bumps and dips can be mapped using
a very accurate radar altimeter mounted on a satellite. In this brief report we
attempt to answer some basic questions related to satellite measurements
of the ocean basins. What causes the surface of the ocean to bulge outward
and inward mimicking the topography of the ocean floor ? How big are
these bumps ? How can they be measured in the presence of waves and
tides ? What are some of the non-military applications of these data ? What
has been discovered from the new Geosat and ERS-1 data ?
According to the laws of physics, the surface of the ocean is an “equipo-
tential surface” of the earth’s gravity field. (Let’s ignore waves, winds, tides
and currents for the moment.) Basically this means that if one could place
balls everywhere on the surface of the ocean, none of the balls would roll
downhill because they are all on the same “level”. To a first approximation,
this equipotential surface of the earth is a sphere. However because the
earth is rotating, the equipotential ocean surface is more nearly matched
by an ellipsoid of revolution where the polar diameter is 43 km less than
the equatorial diameter. While this ellipsoidal shape fits the earth remark-
ably well, the actual ocean surface deviates by up to 100 meters from this
ideal ellipsoid. These bumps and dips in the ocean surface are caused by
minute variations in the earth’s gravitational field. For example the extra
gravitational attraction due to a massive mountain on the ocean floor
attracts water toward it causing a local bump in the ocean surface ; a typi-
cal undersea volcano is 2000 m tall and has a radius of about 20 km. This
bump cannot be seen with the naked eye because the slope of the ocean
surface is very low.
These tiny bumps and dips in the geoid height can be measured using
a very accurate radar mounted on a satellite (Figure). For example, the
Geosat satellite was launched by the US Navy in 1985 to map the geoid
height at a horizontal resolution of 10-15 km (6 - 10 mi) and a vertical
resolution of 0.03 m (1 in). Geosat was placed in a nearly polar orbit to
obtain high latitude coverage (+- 72 deg latitude). The Geosat altimeter
orbits the earth 14.3 times per day resulting in an ocean track speed of
about 7 km per second (4 mi/sec). The earth rotates beneath the fixed
plane of the satellite orbit, so over a period of 1.5 years, the satellite maps
the topography of the surface of the earth with an ground track spacing of
about 6 km (4 mi).
Two very precise distance measurements must be made in order to
establish the topography of the ocean surface to an accuracy of 0.03 m
(1 in) (Figure). First, the height of the satellite above the ellipsoid h* is
measured by tracking the satellite from a globally-distributed network of
lasers and/or doppler stations. The trajectory and height of the satellite are
further refined by using orbit dynamic calculations. Second, the height of
the satellite above the closest ocean surface h is measured with a micro-
wave radar operating in a pulse-limited mode on a carrier frequency of
13 GHz. (The ocean surface is a good reflector at this frequency.) The
radar illuminates a rather large spot on the ocean surface about 45 km
(28 mi) in diameter. A smaller effective footprint (1-5 km in diameter =
0.6 - 3 mi)) is achieved by forming a sharp radar pulse and accurately
recording its 2-way travel time. The footprint of the pulse must be large
enough to average out the local irregularities in the surface due to ocean
waves. The spherical wave front of the pulse ensures that the altitude is
measured to the closest ocean surface. A high repetition rate (1000 pulses
per second) is used to improve the signal to noise ratio, especially when
the ocean surface is rough. Corrections to the travel time of the pulse are
made for ionospheric and atmospheric delays and known tidal corrections
are applied as well. The difference between the height above the ellipsoid
and the altitude above the ocean surface is approximately equal to the
geoid height N = h* - h.
As the spacecraft orbits the earth it collects a continuous profile of
geoid height across an ocean basin. Profiles from many satellites, col-
lected over many years, are combined to make high resolution images.
The Poster shows gravity anomaly derived from geoid height measure-
ments from 4.5 years of Geosat measurements and 2 years of ERS-1 mea-
surements. We have developed a new method to convert these raw geoid
height measurements, which have a variety of accuracies, track spacings
and data densities, into images (or grids) of gravity anomaly. This conver-
sion is done to enhance the small-scale features of the seafloor. More-
over, after the conversion, the satellite-derived gravity measurements can
be compared and combined with gravity anomaly measurements made
by ships. The algorithms of the conversion are based on laws of phys-
ics, geometry and statistics. Since the data sets are large, diverse, and
contaminated with errors, many sophisticated computer operations are
required. The ultimate test of the accuracy of our methods is through
The Geosat data were collected by the US Navy to fulfill their navi-
gational and mapping requirements. Consider measuring accelerations in
a moving submarine or aircraft in order to determine your position as a
function of time. (Of course your starting position and velocity must also
be known.) If the windows of your vehicle are closed, a true acceleration
cannot be distinguished from a variation in the pull of gravity. Thus the
gravity data are needed for correction of inertial navigation/guidance sys-
tems. The military applications are obvious and provided the rationale for
the 80 million dollar cost of the Geosat mission as well as the classification
of these data, especially during the cold war when nuclear submarines were
more active than they are today. On the commercial side, Honeywell Inc. is
using these data to update their inertial navigation systems in commercial
aircraft. In particular, when this correction is not applied, they have found
large navigational errors along Pacific Ocean flight paths which follow the
major ocean trenches.
convection in the mantle of the Earth that are current topics of research.
As the seafloor ages it also becomes covered by a slow rain of sediments.
The analysis of the gravity data along with measured can be used to map the
thickness of the sedimentary layers.
These satellite altimeter data provide an important and definitive con-
firmation of the theory of plate tectonics. Indeed, almost everything appar-
ent in the marine gravity field was created by the formation and motion of
the plates. The Indian Ocean Triple junction (27 deg S latitude, 70 deg E
longitude) is a textbook example of seafloor spreading. Spreading ridges are
characterized by an orthogonal pattern of ridges and transform faults. The
scar produced in the active transform valley is carried by seafloor spreading
out onto older seafloor leaving evidence of the past plate motions. At this
Indian Ocean site, three spreading ridges intersect forming a triple junction
as described by plate tectonic theory. The theory predicts that the ridges
would intersect at 120° angles if the three ridges were spreading at exactly
the same rate. In this case, one can measure the intersection angles and
infer the relative spreading rates of each ridge.
Plates are created at spreading ridges and destroyed (subducted) at
the deep ocean trenches. All of the major ocean trenches are evident in
the gravity map as linear troughs. The deep ocean basins away from the
trenches are characterized by fracture zone gravity signatures inherited at
the spreading ridge axis. This pattern is sometimes overprinted by linear
volcanic chains which are believed to be formed as the plate moves over a
stationary mantle plume. The hot plume head melts the mantle rocks which
erupt on the surface as a hot spot. Because all of these major features are
evident in the gravity maps, the geologic history of the ocean basins can
now be established in great detail.
The global gravity grids reveal all volcanoes on the seafloor greater
than about 1000 m tall. Approximately 1/2 of these volcanoes were not
charted previously. One of the more important aspects of these new data
will be to locate all of these volcanoes and identify spatial patterns that
may help determine how they formed. Many volcanoes appear in chains,
perhaps associated with mantle plumes, there are many more that do not
fit this simple model. Moreover, numerous undersea volcanoes are long
linear ridges with aspect ratios of 20 or more. These features suggest that
the plates are not exactly ridged as predicted by the simple plate tectonic
theory. Using these data we are exploring the internal deformations of the
plates, especially outboard of trenches where the forces generated by the
slab-pull force of the subducted plates is greatest.
All of the major petroleum exploration companies use satellite altim-
eter gravity data from Geosat and ERS-1 to locate offshore sedimentary
basins in remote areas. This information is combined with other recon-
naissance survey information to determine where to collect or purchase
multi-channel seismic survey data. Currently, the regions of most intense
exploration interest are the continental shelves of Australia and the former
Soviet Union ; recently companies have expressed interest in the Caspian
Sea. Developments in offshore drilling technology now make it economical
to recover oil from continental slope areas in water once thought prohibi-
tively deep.
While we are not directly involved in this activity, we fill data requests
from many companies including UNOCAL. Dr. Mark Odegard of UNOCAL
Inc. says “We routinely use satellite gravity data in any exploration effort in
the oceans outside of the Gulf of Mexico. We consider the current data
quality to be better than the standard regional type of survey that was run in
the previous twenty five years or so. . . . If the conventional gravity data were
collected over the continental shelves of the World, where we have interest
in exploration, the cost by my estimate, would be in the range of $200- $400
million dollars, maybe more. This obviously will not be done, but we are
beginning to collect high-resolution (shipboard) data over selected targets
outside the US The other companies that use the satellite data, that I know
of, are : Exxon, Mobil, and Texaco. UNOCAL has been a recognized leader
in potential fields in the oil industry, so we have probably been quicker to
utilize the data than many companies. I would suspect BP, Total, and AGIP
are foreign companies that probably utilize the data.”
There are numerous other scientific applications that cannot be
described in a short report. One of the traditional uses of marine grav-
ity measurements is to estimate the thickness of the elastic portion of the
tectonic plates. When a volcano forms on the ocean floor it provides a
large downward load on the plate causing it to deform. This deformation is
appears in the gravity field as a donut-shaped gravity low surrounding the
gravity high associated with the volcano itself. By measuring the amplitude
and width of the gravity low and relating this to the size of the volcano as
measured my a ship with an echo sounder, one can establish the thickness
and strength of the elastic plate. The new satellite-derived gravity data ena-
ble researchers to perform this type of analysis everywhere in the oceans.
Thus scientists can now probe the outermost part of the earth using these
and other methods.
A Alkalinity, 359–360
ALOHA, 187
Absorption, 386–387
Along track scanning radiometer, 22
Abyssal hills, 14
Altimeter, 26–27
Accelerometer, 330, 351
Antarctica, 156
Accuracy assessment, 239
Apparent optical properties, 379
Acoustic communication model, 100, 110
Arch, 9
Acoustic communication, 127–128
Argo float, 340, 341
Acoustic current meters, 328–329, 348
Array of attenuator, 258
Acoustic Doppler current meter profiler, 349
Ascending pass, 52
Acoustic Doppler current profiler, 116–117,
ASIMET, 360–362
Atlantic Ocean, 410
Acoustic tomography, 111–112, 115
Atmospheric correction problem, 392–394
Acoustic wave, 126–127
Attenuator, 258
Active remote sensing, 49, 69
Automatic identification system, 295, 308
Adaptive channel equalization, 145–146
Autonomous undersea vehicles, 100, 190
Adaptive sampling, 198
Autonomous underwater vehicle networks, 127
ADCP, 116–117, 329, 349–350
Autopilot, 297–299
Address, 206
AUV control using sound, 101
Aerial photography, 3–4, 215
AUVs, 198, 375
Aerial videography, 215
Agriculture, 5
Air cleaner, 279 B
Air inlet temperature sensor, 279 Backscattering, 388–390
Air to air after cooler, 279 Bacteria, 384
Airgun, 120 Base station, 168
Air-sea interaction meteorology, 360–362 Beach, 11
AIS work, 289, 308, 309–310 BEAM, 244
FDMA, 186 Hard classifiers, 236
Ferry box, 354 Headland, 11
Fiber optic cable, 134 Heat flux, 361
Fiber optics, 397–398 HF Radar, 356–357
Fire detector, 302 High pressure fuel pump, 279
Firefighting equipment, 302 High resolution, 217
Floating structure, 267 Highest tides, 410
Floats, 339–341 Histograms, 233–234
Flooding, 14 Hurricanes, 14
Fluorescence, 382–383 Hydraulically damped gravity corer,
Forestry, 5–6 366–367
Forward problem, 390–391 Hydrology, 6
Fouling, 177 Hydrophone, 99, 326
Frequency shift keying, 144–145 Hyper spectral image, 213–214
FSK, 145 Hyper spectral remote sensing, 214
Fuel injector, 279 Hyperspectral classifiers, 237
Gas detection meters, 315–317 IDRISI, 246
Georeferencing, 229 IKONOS, 247
GEO, 152 ILWIS, 246
Geographical information system, 243 Image classification, 236
Geology, 6 Image enhancement, 230
Geometric correction, 233 Image restoration, 228
Geometric restoration, 230 Image transformation, 241–243
Geostationary orbit, 51 Image, 205
Geosynchronous satellites, 300 Imaging radiometer, 23