1 - Lesson 1 - Usm Vision, Mission, 4 Fold Functions

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The University Mission, Vision, and Four Fold Functions

Use context clue skills to find the meaning of a word.
Internalize the vision, mission, and four fold functions
of the University.


The University Mission, Vision,

and Four Fold Functions

The University of Southern Mindanao (USM) is a premier land grant

university in Southern Philippines. Formerly known as the Mindanao Institute of
Technology (MIT), the USM was founded by the late Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay
Plang, a dedicated Muslim educator and philanthropist. Formally starting its
operations on October 1, 1954, the USM achieved its university status through P.D.
1312 on March 13, 1978
The University maintains an enviable track record of producing topnotchers
and passers of various board examinations. It has gained international reputation in
educating the youths that excel in skills competitions and in motivating its faculty
and staff to lead in various fields of research. Ever pioneering and adventurous,
USM will continue to provide educational leadership not only in the region but also
nationwide. Innovative, research-driven, flexible, relevant, and very entrepreneurial
—-that’s USM at the age of 50 and beyond. (https://www.usm.edu.ph/about-usm)

When it comes to picking which universities to apply to, what questions do
you usually ask yourself? Are you asking the right ones?



Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or
unusual word within a text. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the
word to which it refers or it may follow in the next sentence. As you read, look for
the clues to help you understand the meaning of unusual words that are used in the

EXAMPLE: The University maintains an enviable track record of producing
topnotchers and passers of various board examinations.

meaning: desirable


| Literatures of the Philippines 2

Key Words and Words and Phrases Definition Practice
Phrases in Context
Read each key word Read to see how the Write down what Practice using the
and rate it using this key word or phrase you think the word key words and
scale: can be used in a or phrase means. phrases by
① I don’t know this sentence. Then use a completing the
word or phrase at all.
dictionary to check following
② I’ve seen this
word or phrase
your definition. sentences. The
before. first is done for
③ Know this word you.
or phrase and use it.
Relevant The course One topic that
rel·e·vant curriculum has might be relevant
[ ˈre-lə-vənt] always offered to the study of 21st
adjective contemporary literature is
① ② ③
subjects relevant to spoken word
the needs of the tri- poetry.
people community.
accelerate Providing students You may
ac·cel·er·ate with an example of a accelerate your
[ ik-ˈse-lə-ˌrā t] specific style can learning of social
verb accelerate learning media slang terms
① ② ③
and allow them to by …
learn in a new way.
Tertiary Encyclopedias, Tertiary sources
ter·tia·ry abstracts, etc. that are most useful
[ ˈtər-shē-ˌer-ē] summarize the when …
adjective secondary literature
① ② ③
are called tertiary
consortium Google Android Many inventions
con·sor·tium comes from a nowadays are a
[ kən-ˈsȯ r-sh(ē-)əm] consortium of product of
noun companies who are consortium of …
① ② ③
collectively called
the Open Handset
collaborate Teams of scientists If we allow the
col·lab·o·rate in different parts of best and
[ kə-ˈla-bə-ˌrā t] the world can
brightest to
collaborate collaborate, we
① ② ③
will produce …

| Literatures of the Philippines 3


USM Vision,
Mission and
Quality and Fold
relevant education for its clientele rel·e·vant [ ˈre-lə-vənt] adjective,
to be globally competitive, culture-sensitive significant or appropriate to what is
Functions being done.
and morally responsive human resources for
sustainable development.


Help accelerate socio-economic development, ac·cel·er·ate [ ik-ˈse-lə-ˌrā t] verb, to

promote harmony among diverse communities speed up, increase
and improve quality of life through instruction,
research, extension, and resource generation in
Southern Philippines.


Instruction is provided for tertiary and advanced ter·tia·ry [ ˈtər-shē-ˌerē]
adjective, relating to higher
education levels which offer a variety of courses
and fields of specialization. In addition, the
University maintains laboratory schools for
elementary and high school for its teacher Note the Facts
education degrees.
What are the four fold
functions of the university?

RESEARCH __________________________________
To compliment institution, research comes as
another major function of the University.
Research activities are mostly carried out by __________________________________
its research arms: the University of Southern __________________________________

| Literatures of the Philippines 4

Mindanao Agricultural Research Center (USMARC)
and the Philippine Industrial Crops Research Institute Note the Facts
(PICRI). USMARC is the national research center for Enumerate the research
corn, sorghum, and fruit crops; the regional center for agencies that help carry out
rice and other cereals, livestock and farming systems, the research mandate of the
water resources, applied rural sociology, cutflowers, University.
and ornamental plants; and a cooperating station for
coconut and vegetable crops. PICRI, on the other hand, ________________________________
is the national research institute for rubber, fiber ________________________________
crops, coffee, spices, cacao, and other industrial crops. ________________________________
Attached to PICRI is the Philippine Rubber Testing ________________________________
Center (PRTC), a testing center for dried natural
rubber. USM also hosts two organized bodies which
do research and development activities: the Cotabato
Agricultural and Resources Research and Development
con·sor·tium [kən-
Consortium (CARRDEC), a research consortium of various ˈsȯ r-sh(ē )əm]
agencies in Central Mindanao and the Philippine Carabao noun, a group or
Center (PCC), a member of the national PCC network. association

Coordinated by the University’s Extension Office,
extension work is carried out by the different colleges and col·lab·o·rate [kə-ˈla-bə-
research units either on their own or in collaboration ˌrā t] verb, to cooperate
with an agency
with other government agencies as well as private
organizations. Provision of extension service takes the form
of trainings on various subject areas for different
clientele groups most of whom are farmers, technical
assistance to various sectors, social laboratory projects,
demonstration farms, consultancy services and public
education through personal contacts and the mass
media: radio, print, and video.

Effectively operated and managed, the University’s siz·able [ ˈsī-zə-bəl] adjective,
resource generation program generates a sizeable fairly large, considerable
income to augment the operating fund of the
University and to serve as laboratory for
horticulture, animal science, agronomy, and
agribusiness majors. Among its projects are: rice,
corn; buffalo, cattle and sheep; swine; poultry;
| Literatures of the Philippines 5
Reading Skills
durian, lanzones, mango, calamansi and other
citrus fruits, coconut, banana, marang, guyabano, Aside from the underlined
rambutan, and pineapple, to name some. USM is words, skim through the
noted for its OPV corn seeds and quality texts and circle the words or
grafted/budded seedlings of various fruit and phrases which are unfamiliar
plantation crops. to you. Try to give their
meanings based on how they
are used in the texts. Write
your answer on the space

Think and Reflect

Do you think the University of Southern Mindanao offers the kind of

higher education you are looking for? Explain.


| Literatures of the Philippines 6


Name: _________________________ Subject:____________________

Yr/Cr/Sec:_____________________ Date:_______________________


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who founded the University of Southern Mindanao?

A. Ferdinand E. Marcos
B. Bai Hadja Fatima Matabay Plang
C. Salipada K. Pendatun
D. Ramon F. Magsaysay
2. What was the former name of USM?
A. Mindanao Institute of Technology
B. Mindanao State University
C. University of Southern Philippines
D. University Laboratory School

3. Which of the following are the four fold functions of the University?
A. Instruction, Research, Extension, and Technology Transfer
B. Instruction, Research, Commerce, and Resource Generation
C. Instruction, Research, Community Building, and Extension
D. Instruction, Research, Extension, and Resource Generation

4. Which is NOT a mission of the University?

A. Help accelerate socio-economic development
B. Promote harmony among diverse communities
C. Alleviate poverty in the region
D. Counter the sustainable peace and development efforts in the region.

5. What do you think is the research focus of the University based on its research
arms and linkages?
A. Arts C. Agriculture
B. Education D. Business

| Literatures of the Philippines 7

Name:_________________________________ Subject:_______________________
Yr/Cr/Sec:____________________________ Date:__________________________


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “He was a great philanthropist, interested especially in the education of all

defectives, the feeble-minded, the blind, and the deaf.” What does philanthropist
A. benefactor C. donee
B. beneficiary D. mediator

2. Solar energy is one of the best clean, renewable and sustainable energy sources.
What does sustainable mean?
A. insupportable C. unreasonable
B. maintainable D. extreme

3. Filipino cuisine is extremely diverse owing to the culturally mixed history of the
country. What does diverse mean?
A. common C. uniform
B. related D. different

4. Many people look for support through alternative medicine to augment

orthodox medical practices. What does augment mean?
A. reduce C. supplement
B. contradict D. balance

5. Because of its rural setting, the town is a popular destination for those who
enjoy camping, hiking or mountain biking. What does rural mean?
A. provincial C. metropolitan
B. urbanized D. citified

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