Valorization of Algerian Sand For Photovoltaic App
Valorization of Algerian Sand For Photovoltaic App
Valorization of Algerian Sand For Photovoltaic App
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Special issue of the 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2015)
1. Introduction
Quartz is one of the most abundant compounds in the
Earth’s crust. It is a crystalline form of silica. Silica is
most generally found in nature as quartz, as well as in
various living organisms. In many parts of the world,
silica is the major constituent of sand. Silica is one of
the most complex and most abundant families of mate-
rials, existing in form of several minerals. It is the basic
mineral of sedimentary rocks which are formed by the
deposition of sand. It is also found in sand dunes.
Silicate minerals are the name given to a group of min-
erals composed of silicon and oxygen, the two most abun-
dant elements in the earth’s crust. Silica is found com- Fig. 1. Schematic of silica molecule.
monly in the crystalline state and rarely in the amor-
phous state. It is composed of one atom of silicon
and two atoms of oxygen resulting in the chemical for- Sand is considered as a clastic rock with a total absence
mula SiO2 [1]. of cement, whose size lies between 0.05 to 2 mm.
SiO2 forms a network solid crystal (tectosilicates) in Although these grains may be of any mineral compo-
which each silicon atom is bonded to four oxygen atoms. sition, the dominant component of sand is the mineral
It would, therefore, seem that the formula should be quartz, which is composed of silica (silicon dioxide). Sand
SiO4 , but each oxygen atom is bonded to another sili- can include other components like aluminium, sodium,
con atom as well [2]. calcium and potassium (feldspar minerals). Ferromag-
Therefor every silicon atom has four half-oxygen which nesian minerals are silicate minerals in which cations
means that silicon atom is bonded to two oxygen of iron and magnesium form essential chemical compo-
atoms Fig. 1. nents. The term is used to cover such minerals as the
Sand is a product of weathering processes, which olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and the micas biotite
causes the disintegration or decomposition of rock near and phlogopite.
the surface of the earth. For a particular source of sand to be suitable for in-
dustrial application, it must not only contain a very high
proportion of silica but it also should not contain more
than strictly limited amounts of certain metallic elements
∗ corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] such as iron, aluminium, titanium, etc.
134 S. Anas Boussaa et al.
Silica sand is also normally required to be well-sorted, cated in the vicinity of Chlef in the east, of Relizane in
i.e. to have grains of an approximately uniform size. In- the southeast, of Oran in the west, and of Mascara in the
dustrial uses of silica sand depend on its purity and phys- southwest. Mostaganem city is a littoral town. The cli-
ical characteristics. Some of the more important physical mate is semi-arid, mild in winter and slightly humid at
properties are: grain size and distribution, grain shape elevations greater than 500 m [4].
and sphericity. Silica sands have a large number of uses Our six sand (SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4, SM5 and SM6)
depending on their characteristics [3]: samples were collected in this city.
The stratigraphy of the site is presented in Fig. 3.
• Production of silicon and silicon carbide, produc-
tion of glass.
• Foundry sand, ceramics.
• Sandblasting and other abrasives
• Building products, filler and extender
• Pigments, hydraulic fracturing and propping in the
oil industry
• Ultra high silica products in the electronic and fiber
optic industries, fused silica, silicone products.
• Water filtration.
Algeria is a very large sunny country which makes it an Fig. 3. Schematic stratigraphic section of the Mosta-
ganem area [5].
important reservoir of solar energy. This solar radiation
can be converted to electricity using photovoltaic solar
panels. These are, mainly, manufactured of silicon cells, 2.2. X-ray fluorescence analysis
which are quite expensive. There are huge quantities of
Chemical composition of the six samples, in their oxide
quartz (SiO2 ), which is found in the sands although there
form, was determined by employing an Axios Panalytical
are no producers of silicon in Algeria.
X-ray fluorescence instrument in the department of ge-
To our knowledge, the amount of quartz, that has a
ology of the National Office of Research in Geology and
great economic importance, in the sand of Mostaganem
Mineralogy (ORGM, Boumerdes, Algeria)
has not been evaluated up to now. The main aim of
Samples were first milled in a laboratory disc mill to
this work is to evaluate several proprieties of the Mosta-
approximately 40 µm before pressing into pellets (approx.
ganem sand required for production of photovoltaic-grade
5 g of sample material) and analyzed.
2. Materials and methods 2.3. X-ray diffraction analysis
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) is a rapid analyti-
2.1. Geological setting cal technique primarily used for phase identification of a
Mostaganem is located in the in northwest Algeria. crystalline material and can provide information on unit
The area of the city is about 2.269 km2 . Its geographical cell dimensions.
coordinates are: latitude of 35◦ 550 5700 North, longitude Knowledge about crystallinity is highly relevant, as
of 0◦ 050 2100 East, Fig. 2. The city of Mostaganem is lo- a crystalline form is usually preferred in development.
In contrast to amorphous material, the crystal has well-
defined properties (melting point, solubility), parameters
that should be known in order to control the final prod-
uct. The result from an XRD analysis is a diffractogram
showing the intensity as a function of the diffraction
Our results of XRD analysis were obtained by means
of Siemens D500 analyzer in the Department of Materials
Science of the University of Biskra, Algeria.
After the XRF analysis, we conclude that our sand
is very rich in silica so that the concentration of other
minerals is almost the same. This is why the analysis
was carried out only for sample SM1. For the analysis,
sample SM1 was milled in a laboratory disc mill to ap-
Fig. 2. Location of Mostaganem in Algeria [5, 6]. proximately 63 µm.
Valorization of Algerian Sand for Photovoltaic Application 135
2.4. Infrared absorption spectroscopy in order of increasing opening size. The sieve with the
Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is one of the most inter- largest openings is on top and the one with the small-
esting ways to study materials. It can be used to obtain est openings is on the bottom. A pan placed beneath
the material structure without affecting its properties. the sieves catches material passing through the small-
Infrared spectroscopy exploits the fact that molecules est sieve. Coarse and fine aggregate usually are sieved
absorb light with specific frequencies that are charac- separately.
teristic of their structure. It is often used to identify There are various indices which can be measured using
structures because functional groups give rise to charac- this technique. In this work we have just measured the
teristic bands both in terms of intensity and frequency. concentration in several sieves.
Infrared spectroscopy is a simple and reliable technique The grain size analysis was carried out at the metal-
widely used in both organic and inorganic chemistry, in lurgy laboratory of the national company of the indus-
research and industry. trial vehicles (SNVI) in Rouiba (Algiers Algeria), using
Sample SM1 was first milled in a laboratory disc mill to mechanical sifter RETSCH-AS 200.
approximately 40 µm and then formed into a KBr-reach 2.6. Microscopy observations
pellet for spectroscopic examination using a Brucker
spectrometer in the laboratory of FTIR analysis of the In order to determinate the shape of the sand grain,
Research Center of semiconductors for Energetic Appli- scanning electron micrographs of the sand samples were
cation CRTSE, Algiers Algeria. obtained using JSM-5500LV/JSM-5500 in the Depart-
About 1.5 mg of carefully ground sand was mixed with ment of Materials Science of the University of Biskra,
100 mg of dried KBr powder and then the mixture was Algeria.
further ground using a mortar and pestle. The mixture Optical micrographs of the sand samples were obtained
was then pressed in a hydraulic press to make a pellet, using Nikon Eclipse E600 at the metallurgy laboratory of
which was subsequently used for recording of the FTIR the national company of the industrial vehicles (SNVI)
spectrum. in Rouiba (Algiers Algeria).
Chemical analysis of the content of Mostaganem sand [%].
3.2. X-ray diffraction analysis According to these results, we attest the absence of
other phases than quartz, which confirms the results
In order to determine the parameters and the struc- found by XRF.
ture of the crystal lattice of our sand samples, we have When we compare between the results found by the
used the X-ray diffraction which turns out to be the only XRD and those presented in the jcpds 46-1045 card
technique for the determination of these parameters. The (ASTM card), also shown in Table II, we certify that
XRD spectrum of Mostaganem sand is shown in Fig. 4. there is a very good similarity between the measured pa-
In Table II, we observe the appearance of all peaks re- rameters and those present in this card.
lated to the presence of alpha-quartz in our sand sample, The software used for data analysis and for the Ri-
confirming the high crystallinity. etveld refinement was HighScore Plus from PANalytical.
136 S. Anas Boussaa et al.
After the analysis of the obtained results, we notice has a high crystallinity. The crystallographic parame-
that in the size distribution of Mostaganem sand prevail ters were found to be as follows: hexagonal crystal sys-
grains in the class of 0.25 mm and 0.355 mm. These tem, space group P3 221, unit cell parameters: a = b =
classes represented almost 50 to 40% of the overall mass 4.9030 Å, c = 5.3999 Å. The FTIR spectrum of this sand
of the sand. indicates that the majority of chemical bonds were Si–O
In the particle size class of 0.18 mm we find almost 9%, bonds, with different kinds of vibrations. Especially the
while the concentration is insignificant in the remaining double absorption at 790 and 7798 cm−1 indicates that
sieves. the sand is in α-quartz phase.
The granulometric analysis shows that in the size dis-
3.5. The microscopy observations tribution of Mostaganem sand prevail grains with the size
of 0.25 mm and 0.355 mm.
3.5.1. Optical microscopy observation Using the optical microscopy and the scanning elec-
The micrographs at lower magnifications in Fig. 7 re- tron microscopy, we observed that the sand grains are
veal the presence of somewhat rounded, angular edged, rounded, angular edged, elongated and irregular.
elongated and irregular grains. After the study of several proprieties of the Mosta-
ganem sand, we conclude that this sand can be used in
photovoltaic applications by the reduction of silica with
carbon in an electric arc furnace [12] at temperatures
higher than 2000 ◦C in the hottest parts, by a reaction
that can be written ideally as:
SiO2 +2C=Si+2CO [13].
We confirm that Mostaganem silica can be used as the
raw material for production of silicon.
This work was completed thanks to the National Funds
of Research, DGRSDT/MESRS (Algeria) and to the in-
valuable assistance of Miss Abellache Dahbia, member
Fig. 7. Mostaganem sand micrograph. of the metallurgy laboratory of the national company of
the industrial vehicles (SNVI Rouiba), whom we wish to
3.5.2. Scanning electron microscopy observations thank.
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